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Trump cancels Israel visit after uproar over his comments


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The problem is our bad relations with the conservative government of Israel which persists in stealing the land of Palestinians and whose leader comes to the US to insult our president and meddle in our politics by supporting the partisan agenda of the Republicans.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

From the day he launched his candidacy, Trump’s campaign has been driven by one controversy after the next. There was his assertion that that Mexican government was sending its rapists and criminals across the border; his statement that Sen. John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured; his feud with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly; a series of factually inaccurate remarks; and the time he called Iowa voters stupid.

What a sad little man. How sick the entire Republican Party is represented by these divisive and reckless ideas.

“The world public opinion in America and in Europe and the Arab and Islamic world, and even in Israel, had announced Trump persona non grata,” said Hanan Ashrawi, a senior Palestinian official in the West Bank. She said his “culture of hatred” threatened the entire world.

Still, Donald J. Trump has his supporters. Certainly the NRA must be deeply thankful after the Cali slaughter. Donald J. Trump, American television personality, has successfully removed the American Citizens' overwhelming concern about gun regulation that delivered weapons of mass destruction to two deranged psychopaths shifting the public dialogue instead to his consistent line of bigotry.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Silly how so many think Trump is a racist. He is obnoxious but prove he's a racist. I think you can search a long while before you can convict.

You're right, he's not a racist, he's a bigot.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

The only people not to throw this vile man under a bus are those equally vile, hate filled bigots that before Trump's outburst dared not speak their racist minds.

But they're out in the light now.

And good people are going to see they get stepped on long after Trump's presidential bid is spattered into the toilet of history.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

They are no less important as citizens than any other candidates

Just less intelligent.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

can you prove that


a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

He's utterly intolerant of Mexicans and Muslims.

Proof = shown.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Once again, the liberal diatribe is, the GOP is of the same mind as Trump, even though, they all condemned his comments, even Cheney who isn't running for anything. ... And this is why he's rising in the polls.

Somewhere in there are two semi-coherent arguments. Too bad they're diametrically opposed. What the GOP establishment is trying to say is, "Hey, Donald - didn't you get the memo about dog whistles? Keep it down - some of us are trying to be traditionally divisive here!" while a large percentage of GOP voters are saying, "Screw the dog whistles!"

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Obama insulted Southerners by claiming they love to cling to their guns and religions, that was a clear insult at all people that were born or grew up in the South.

First of all, he said that about people in small towns in PA and the Midwest, but go ahead and throw in the South. Either way you'd hard pressed to say he's wrong. Whether you take it as an insult is up to you.

Or claiming that if he had a son, he would look like Trevon Martin, playing the race card and vilifying the police.

Again the first half is just simple truth. But he wasn't vilifying the police. He was criticizing a system that allows a young unarmed black kid to be shot dead without consequence, not even by law enforcement, but by some wannabe tough guy. He brought up race because Zimmerman (and what a gem he turned out to be since then) would've been in jail if he had shot an unarmed white kid. If you believe otherwise, you're lying to yourself.

Can you verify this?

Just listen to his words.

Then we can say equally, Obama hates Whites, we definetly know he hates the military and the police. I think he's equally a racist, all you have to do is look at everything he's said in the past that is so anti-white.

There's that false equivalency again... No, you really can't say that. As I've pointed out, you're clearly misinterpreting his words. You don't even get the simple facts straight, so I guess nuance is asking too much.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Other republicans have thrown him under the bus.

A little too late if you ask me. They were kissing his ass until they became the targets of his attacks. And now he's finally gone and upset a group that establishment Republicans won't stand by idly about. They were fine with his comments about Mexicans and women and even Muslims until it upset their good friend Israel, or Netanyahu to be exact.

I'm sure his mass of supporters will love him even more for finally sticking it to the Jews too though.

Trump definitely needs to start speaking more smart and precise if he truly wants to win.

If he did that, he would lose the only thing that makes him remotely appealing.

But the polls I have seen show that nearly half of the country agrees with his Muslim proposal, including a third of Democrats and even more Independents.

Popular opinions can be wrong. It takes a strong leader to recognize when they're wrong and not be swayed by them.

The hype, misinformation, ignorance, and out and out lies being circulated in an attempt to slam him by other candidates is only going to come back as the nail in their own coffin at the end of the day.

Trump is his own hype, misinformation, and ignorance machine. We don't have to make up lies about him.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Trump seems to be cast from the same metal as Ronald Reagan, i.e., with a very loose grip on reality.

He apparently admired Harrison Ford for 'the way he stood up for America' in Air Force One.

Ford's reply - Donald, it was a movie. It's not like this in real life. But - how would you know?


3 ( +4 / -1 )

"Obama insulted Southerners by claiming they love to cling to their guns and religions, that was a clear insult at all people that were born or grew up in the South."

Aw, these people need protecting from those big, nasty, bullying liberals? Are you claiming the people of the south generally don't cling to their weapons and religion? Is it full of atheists who despise the second amendment? That's certainly not what I encountered. My memories of living in Texas are Jesus, firearms and Jesus again.

Also, since when have you been so hung up on being PC and not insulting people? You certainly don't have a problem with generalisations ( "I keep forgetting, liberals always see things the way they want to instead of just dealing with facts. No surprise").

Given this can only be put down to a sudden conversion to not offending people, being PC and not generalising, why do you respect Trump's offensiveness, lack of political correctness and tendency to generalise?

It can't be hypocrisy. We all know you despise hypocrisy and valiantly and unbendingly call it out whenever you see it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I provided the definition of bigot. His comments fit that definition. If that's not proof, it's because you don't want to believe.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Marc Zell, co-chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel, said there was “none whatsoever” from his organization, which represents Republican supporters among the country’s large American expatriate community.

“He’s welcome to visit Israel, but I think it’s better that he didn’t come because his visit here would have been marred by a loud dissenting voice coming from all sectors of the population, including me,” Zell said.

Mr. Marc Zell obviously is unaware of the wild gyrations in the bigotry of Donald J. Trump, American television personality. Thankfully the GOP Shia-Tea has met its match in the common sense of Mr. Zell and the People of Israel.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Trump definitely needs to start speaking more smart and precise if he truly wants to win. But the polls I have seen show that nearly half of the country agrees with his Muslim proposal, including a third of Democrats and even more Independents. The hype, misinformation, ignorance, and out and out lies being circulated in an attempt to slam him by other candidates is only going to come back as the nail in their own coffin at the end of the day.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I agree and he will get this Jew's vote.

You heard about this, right?


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Liz: The hype, misinformation, ignorance, and out and out lies being circulated in an attempt to slam him

You mean the guy who tweeted lies about black people murdering whites? And lied about thousands and thousands of Muslims cheering in Jersey? Just wanted to make sure.

But the polls I have seen show that nearly half of the country agrees with his Muslim proposal, including a third of Democrats and even more Independents.

The same ones who believe his lies about black people murdering whites? And believed his lies about thousands and thousands of Muslims cheering in Jersey? Tell me about these fascinating polls.

And once again, just to be clear, this is the same guy who spread the lie that Obama wasn't born here? Tell me how about unfairly he's being treated.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Regrettable. Bibi and Donald really deserve one another.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

During times of economic upheaval, populations always gravitate towards fascism. Trump's loud rhetoric and hate-speech are highly reminiscent of people like Josef Goebbels and Adolf Hitler. Its a sad statement about America when Republican supporters favor Trump over all other candidates.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

does anyone really think they'll choose Trump?

Why, yes. Reince Preibus and many others in the Republican establishment think its a distinct possibility. And they are freaking out about it! They know that they kept its older, white, Southern, and/or rural base engaged by flattering the Christianists, capitulating to the NRA, by stoking its rabble/"Tea Party" wing, by nurturing and feeding its xenophobic racist wing, by whining about a supposedly liberal media, and by war-mongering against Muslim people.

They nurtured and caressed this tiger of rage, and they can't control it.

And now they act shocked, SHOCKED! that Trump is a thing that is real and about to consume them? Ha ha! Serves them right. They created this Frankenstein. They own it.

And I, and all other patriots, are lovin' it!!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You're right, he's not a racist, he's a bigot Bassfunk:Hmmmm, can you prove that or do you just want to excoriate the guy because you don't agree with his viewpoint?

Bassyfunk Are you kidding. He has proven it again and again. I think a Rollingstone article interviewed janitors in the 80s and 90s that worked in his casinos, and all of the black workers had to be moved to the back, out of sight, whenever he showed up. His OWN father was a member of the KKK, and was arrested when they were attempting to join a parade in New York and were prevented. His dad was SO upset about this.

At least the jews have wisen up a bit. Muslims today, Jews tomorrow. Trump will REMEMBER this transgression. Nothing is forgiven with this lunatic.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump"


1 ( +1 / -0 )

He's trying to stop legal Muslim immigration.

He said "temporarily" stop, not permanently. Until we get the warmongers out of DC, Syria and our personnel lives, everyone will suffer.

The establishment are so scared now they have sunk to putting up internet polls in Britain to TRY to tarnish trump. Pathetic, but it's fun to watch them panic.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Trump cancels Israel visit after uproar over his comments

Mazel tov!

**Increase the Peace! Paix pour tous!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

He's trying to stop legal Muslim immigration.

He said "temporarily" stop, not permanently. Until we get the warmongers out of DC, Syria and our personnel lives, everyone will suffer.

The establishment are so scared now they have sunk to putting up internet polls in Britain to TRY to tarnish trump. Pathetic, but it's fun to watch them panic.

The thing to keep in mind with Trump is that he leads the polls with regards to Republicans ONLY, and that lead actually consists of only 35% of Republicans polled. The reason 35% gets the "lead" is because there are still so many candidates running for the Republican nomination. As other candidates drop out and their voter base has to pick a new candidate to support, does anyone really think they'll choose Trump? I feel Trump will enter the Republican Convention with the same 35% or less depending on what asinine comment he makes next. So who will the other 65% (or more) of Republicans vote for in the Convention? The odds of Trump being the next President of the U.S. are virtually non-existent.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump is such a tool. First it was Hispanics, and then the Chinese, and then the Japanese, and now Muslims. Who is he going after next?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Fox "news" has been banging on about PC for the last few days. The right-wing trolls have their talking points ready to vomit up.

Lemmings was always the right comparison.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There is NO WAY you can tell or know how anyone thinks or feel based on the statements that they make.

It's a pretty ridiculous comment. If you cannot tell how they think or feel, then why would they ever say anything? The whole point of communication is to communicate how one thinks or feels.

If you had said there is no way you can tell if they are telling the truth about how they think or feel, then you may have a point. But in regards to the current topic, it wouldn't make sense - why would someone want to pretend they are a bigot?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

“In fact, I did a campaign ad for him, and he’s a good man, but I didn’t want to put him under pressure,”

'Cause the last thing tough talkin' Republicans want to do is make Netanuyahu fweeel bwad....

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Israel finally after 7 years might have a friend in the White House. - comments

Topically, Donald J. Trump's family's religious beliefs are wholly irrelevant in regard to his bombast. For those readers who have forgotten however, the brief presented below should quiet their cries that the White House is no longer a caring friend to the good and kindly People of Israel.

It is a fair hope that the People of Israel will recognize that criticism of President Obama is not fully cognizant of the reality represented by the financial support the American Taxpayer provides at the signature of the President.

The Obama Administration gave Israel $3.1 billion for Fiscal Year 2015 in direct bilateral military aid (also referred to as Foreign Military Financing or FMF). The U.S. government also gave $619.8 million for "joint" U.S.-Israel missile defense programs (designed to protect Israeli territory from potential outside threats), bringing total military aid to Israel to $3.7 billion per year. . . . Put another way, American taxpayers give Israel $10.2 million per day (in 2015).

Source: The Congressional Research Service's report "U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel," written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, dated June 10, 2015.

Donald J. Trump, the television personality, has used the Israeli People for another Republican political charade that last held their Congressional stage craft as a bully pulpit to denigrate the siting President.

Hopefully Citizens of both countries have tired of this GOP Shia-Tea wedge issue. Obviously the People of Israel have, and more wisely rejected the bigotry of Donald J. Trump, American television personality.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

MrBum: I sure did. Nothing wrong with it. Shalom

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Trump does not want to put pressure on Netanyahu, who is dealing with the same PC stupidity at home that we are. That is all there is to it.

All there is to it, huh? It couldn't possibly be the nearly 20% Muslim population in Israel, right? Or should they be deported from there too? It's not a PC stupidity problem we have. It's just plain old stupidity.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'm sure you didn't forget about that, right?

Sorry, forget about what?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

That's what you say, but can you prove to me he's a bigot or a racist.

He's already proven it with his bigoted statements against Muslims and Mexicans.

Can you verify this?

He already has.

If you don't agree, you must not have read the things he has said.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

PC stupidity at home that we are

What does PC mean? I know some who are pushing right wing agendas use the term 'PC' as a pejorative, which makes me wonder what it could mean to posters on this site. Does being PC mean you can't make hateful comments about a person because of their skin colour, the country they come from or religion, that you can't use the many ugly terms said to demean a person? Does being PC mean you can't make ugly comments about a person because of their physical disabilities? If someone’s in a wheelchair, for example, do you think it’s OK to belittle them?

Does PC mean ‘anyone whose views differ from mine’. Or does it mean you can’t come up with a reasoned argument so you’ll just call names.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It's a pejorative used to try to attack people when someone doesn't want to be called out for their ignorance or bigotry.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It's probably time to start treating Trump how he treats others with big fat lies. Bullshit lies that you can keep on repeating even knowing them to be false as Trump has repeatedly done.

Did you know the Trump family fortune really came from loot seized from the Nazi death camps?

Did you know Trump's father was personally involved in communism and the JFK assassination?

Did you know Donald J Trump financed the Oaklahoma bombings?

Perhaps if I keep repeating such nonsense it will make it true.

The Republican party is INSANE

0 ( +3 / -3 )

PC Stasi culture,

Could you elaborate on what you mean by PC? Does PC mean it's wrong to say nasty things about a person because of their race, national origin or religion? Does PC mean it's wrong to lump entire populations of people together, to not be able to see each population has a range of individuals (including liberals and conservatives)? Does it mean you can't say hurtful things about a person who has physical disability? Does PC mean you can't make hurtful and sexist comments?

If Trump could be half the man and great as Reagan was, I would vote for him in a second without the slightest hesitation!

Have you read about the US Marines who were slaughtered because of Reagan's decision to send them to Lebanon? How about Iran Contra-gate? No, the answer isn't Obama Benghazi.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Right wing trolls will never learn. That is what make them right wingers. And they love Trump, because they hate their party almost as much as they hate America.

Which is why Trump so so great. He's riding their hate and he's burning down the party. When, and hopefully, if Trump gets the nomination, and the Repbulicans lose the White House, and Congress!!!, they still won't learn.

But the Republican establishment will know better to never feed them again.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Get real! There is NO WAY you can tell or know how anyone thinks or feel based on the statements that they make.

There must be a new definition of 'real' that I don't know about.

The man (and I use the term loosely) talks like a bigot.

He acts like a bigot.

He looks like a duck.

If he isn't a bigot and it's all just an act to get the votes of the uneducated rabble, he deserves an Oscar.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Pride in Bigotry is poor Salesmanship, as Donald J. Trump, American television personality is finding out.

Too bad he's so smart as he repeats endlessly to remind his dim witted little racist rat pack of delusional reprobates.

But, as stated, some many times before, for their amusement, everyone needs a hero.

Exactly the technique of Donald J. Trump, American television personality, friend of the NRA. Repetition is also a poor substitute for content. But, we will always have each other.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Trump does not want to put pressure on Netanyahu, who is dealing with the same PC stupidity at home that we are. That is all there is to it.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )



That's what you say, but can you prove to me he's a bigot or a racist. Just saying that doesn't mean anything.

"He's utterly intolerant of Mexicans and Muslims."

Can you verify this? Then we can say equally, Obama hates Whites, we definetly know he hates the military and the police. I think he's equally a racist, all you have to do is look at everything he's said in the past that is so anti-white.

(Strangerland gave you the defintion of bigot and pointed to two examples of comments made by Trump, it's been verified!)

(Now you've changed the subject of your conversation with Stangerland to racism and used deflection as a means to change the focus from Trump to Obama, lol. Do you have proof that Obama hates the military, police and whites? Please share your examples.)

(Though I voted for Obama twice, I'm really not pleased with many of his actions, but I haven't heard anything from him that qualifies him as a racist.)

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


Unfortunately you just dislike Trump. Your definition is inaccurate.

He wants to stop illegal immigranation-not bigotry.

Keep out Non Muslim citizens (temporarily) because of the threat of ISIS getting into the mix-not bigotry.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

He said "temporarily" stop, not permanently.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Pretty much.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Trump has also seemed to questioned Israel's commitment to peace which could have played into the decision to postpone (not cancel) the visit. Netanyahu should have stayed out of the controversy. Trump's son in law is a religious Jew and Ivanka is a Jewish convert, Israel finally after 7 years might have a friend in the White House.

“I have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it,” Trump said, before explaining that his concerns predominantly reside with “one side in particular.” He then added:

A lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal — whether or not Israel's willing to sacrifice certain things. They may not be, and I understand that, and I'm OK with that. But then you're just not going to have a deal.


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Silly how so many think Trump is a racist. He is obnoxious but prove he's a racist. I think you can search a long while before you can convict.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Haha Did I call it or did I call it when I said that Trump abruptly abandons any business deal that doesn't go his way. This trip was just another "business deal" to him - one that was suppose to show how good he is at international relations. International Relations - 0, Donald Trump - (-1)

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The biggest point that Trump proves is the disgusting proclivity of power-hungry politicos to seek and require positions of authority and domination over real people.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Unfortunately you just dislike Trump.

Actually I liked Trump before he started to show himself for the bigot he is. I've read a couple of his books, and I watched every season of the Apprentice. If he had never started spouting off with his bigotry I'd probably still like him. He's a good businessman.

Your definition is inaccurate.

You should take it up with the dictionary that I copied and pasted it from then. In the meantime, I think I'll take the dictionary definition as being accurate, rather than your claim it's not.

He wants to stop illegal immigranation

He's trying to stop legal Muslim immigration.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

He's already proven it with his bigoted statements against Muslims and Mexicans.

Get real! There is NO WAY you can tell or know how anyone thinks or feel based on the statements that they make.

He already has.

How so?

If you don't agree, you must not have read the things he has said.

I say a lot of things about Obama, that doesn't mean, I'm a racist or bigot, NOT by a long shot.

Aw, these people need protecting from those big, nasty, bullying liberals? Are you claiming the people of the south generally don't cling to their weapons and religion?

Half of my family come from the South, a lot of them are liberals, many of them are Agnostic and and some have guns. I'm from Deep blue unicorn paisley California, where a lot of people, friends and family members have guns, including my sister who is religious, liberal Democrat, has a concealed license. Don't lump all Southerners into one monolithic group.

Is it full of atheists who despise the second amendment?

The way our country has been going whacked with the PC Stasi culture, I would say, YES.

That's certainly not what I encountered. My memories of living in Texas are Jesus, firearms and Jesus again.

Ever notice people don't mess with Texas and Texans usually and with a high Muslim community, that State rarely has problems. I wonder why.....

Also, since when have you been so hung up on being PC and not insulting people?

Since listening to constant liberal one-sided hypocrisy, which drives me nuts.

You certainly don't have a problem with generalisations ( "I keep forgetting, liberals always see things the way they want to instead of just dealing with facts. No surprise").

Pretty much.

Given this can only be put down to a sudden conversion to not offending people, being PC and not generalising, why do you respect Trump's offensiveness, lack of political correctness and tendency to generalise?

I respect Trump's directness, I don't think he has tact, but the man does speak what a lot of people are thinking and feeling, I can't down him for that. As I keep saying, I am not a Trump supporter and a lot of things he says is over the top, but generally speaking he is never concerned with political correctness and that is very real and very refreshing and that is why his polls keep rising. Doesn't matter liberal or conservative, Black or White, European or even Muslim, there are a lot of people all over the world that like what Trump said and believe and agree with every word, but would never come out and say it, I know progressives don't want to face up to that and that's ok, but the reality is, the man is unapologetic and is NOT afraid or fears political correctness and that's a great thing more than the actual message.

It can't be hypocrisy. We all know you despise hypocrisy and valiantly and unbendingly call it out whenever you see it.


First of all, he said that about people in small towns in PA and the Midwest, but go ahead and throw in the South. Either way you'd hard pressed to say he's wrong. Whether you take it as an insult is up to you.

And Trump denied of being a bigot and a racist and said, we should temporary shut the door on Muslims and refugees UNTIL we get this situation sorted out in regards to the people we should allow into our country. The process should be thorough and methodical and then with certainty allow them passage, regardless how long it takes.

Again the first half is just simple truth. But he wasn't vilifying the police. He was criticizing a system that allows a young unarmed black kid to be shot dead without consequence, not even by law enforcement, but by some wannabe tough guy.

What about Kate Steinle that was shot in San Francisco a few months ago, she wasn't Black. Where was Obama on that issue? Harry Reid wouldn't even sign a law after that that would punish or force sanctuary cities to comply with ICE. That's just one example or prejudicial and racial bias.

He brought up race because Zimmerman (and what a gem he turned out to be since then) would've been in jail if he had shot an unarmed white kid. If you believe otherwise, you're lying to yourself.

To even mention that Martin was innocent is a joke. The guy was a thug that brought on his own demise.

Just listen to his words.

I did. And?

There's that false equivalency again... No, you really can't say that. As I've pointed out, you're clearly misinterpreting his words. You don't even get the simple facts straight, so I guess nuance is asking too much.

Given the last 7 years how he and Eric Holder have played the race card, I don't think so. Not at all.

"He's utterly intolerant of Mexicans and Muslims."

ILLEGAL immigrants and RADICAL JIHADIST Islam, as is most country and most of the world. Everyone is intolerant of that, including myself. You need to look deeper into the statements.

Can you verify this? Then we can say equally, Obama hates Whites, we definetly know he hates the military and the police. I think he's equally a racist, all you have to do is look at everything he's said in the past that is so anti-white.

Has Obama taken hard, decisive action towards radical Islam? Has Obama given the police every and all necessary equipment to fight and keep the homeland safe? When has Obama condemned Black criminals on anything?

The reason why we are in the predicament we're in is Obama's inability to be a strong leader and define the enemy and to call radical terrorism for what it is. He has vilified the police to the point they can't stand him, the moral is low in the military, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I know a lot of cops, worked with many of them and have friends and some in my family are cops and I don't hear anything good about this president, nothing.

(Strangerland gave you the defintion of bigot and pointed to two examples of comments made by Trump, it's been verified!)


(Now you've changed the subject of your conversation with Stangerland to racism and used deflection as a means to change the focus from Trump to Obama, lol. Do you have proof that Obama hates the military, police and whites? Please share your examples.)

I talk to people all the time, also if you watch the news, you would see constantly police and military officials that complain all the time about this president, you see it everyday. There are tons of links that can be verified.

(Though I voted for Obama twice, I'm really not pleased with many of his actions, but I haven't heard anything from him that qualifies him as a racist.)

Ok, fair enough, but he definitely gives Blacks preferential treatment and Obama is definitely when it comes down to race.

Trump seems to be cast from the same metal as Ronald Reagan, i.e., with a very loose grip on reality.

If Trump could be half the man and great as Reagan was, I would vote for him in a second without the slightest hesitation!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

First it was Hispanics, and then the Chinese, and then the Japanese, and now Muslims.

Heh . . . & now everyone has gotten a slice of the pie. But some want "seconds". Sorry folks, the rest is for america herself.

Its the incumbent administration who want to destroy the country by letting "everyone" in.

Who is he going after next?

Ask that to the families of the San Bernardino victims who've been making funeral arrangements. When they should be planning for the holidays with their loved ones.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Trump has argued his vast experience brokering business deals qualifies him to negotiate with foreign leaders, and he has cited the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a prime example.

I agree and he will get this Jew's vote.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Could you elaborate on what you mean by PC? Does PC mean it's wrong to say nasty things about a person because of their race, national origin or religion?


Does PC mean it's wrong to lump entire populations of people together, to not be able to see each population has a range of individuals (including liberals and conservatives)?

If you can back it up and I mean, back it up! Anyone can throw accusations.

Does it mean you can't say hurtful things about a person who has physical disability? Does PC mean you can't make hurtful and sexist comments?

You shouldn't and Trump was wrong to do it, No question about it. But I am talking in generalities. The country has become too PC.

Have you read about the US Marines who were slaughtered because of Reagan's decision to send them to Lebanon? How about Iran Contra-gate? No, the answer isn't Obama Benghazi.

No, that would be Hillary.

Fox "news" has been banging on about PC for the last few days.

It's not just FNC, it's the entire country that is tired of the PC, but FNC calls it out, but you think they should tow the line and be silent about it.

The right-wing trolls have their talking points ready to vomit up.

You mean worse than Josh Earnest's talking points????

Lemmings was always the right comparison.

Libs should really know about that.

Right wing trolls will never learn. That is what make them right wingers.

So what's the excuse for Left-Wingers???

And they love Trump, because they hate their party almost as much as they hate America.

Ahhh, sorry, but they love America, they just hate the political establishment, compared to Liberals that want to fundamentally change the country into "Europe II" abolish the very system that made America great "Capitalism" and replace that with Bernie Sanders fantasy vision of a European FREE for all Socialist nightmare and anyone speaks out against it, they're ridiculed and chastised. Libs are the ones that hate America, because they want to change it, conservatives want to keep it's traditions and values.

Which is why Trump so so great. He's riding their hate and he's burning down the party.

True and you can make the argument, the Dems are riding on PC and Obama's inability and unwillingness to do anything about terrorism, the border, illegals. Which is why people are jumping more to the Trump camp.

When, and hopefully, if Trump gets the nomination, and the Repbulicans lose the White House, and Congress!!!, they still won't learn.

But what if they don't. Just remember, you libs were soon confident in 2010 with the House and last year with the Senate. Be careful what you wish for...be very, very careful.

But the Republican establishment will know better to never feed them again.

This is the problem with liberals and why people are tired of them, they feel a huge sense of entitlement and superiority and that is the very thing Ego, selfishness and pride will be their downfall ultimately. We've had that for 7 years and the people are more than tired, even if they don't like Trump. They are tired of liberal snobbiness. But Dems and liberals will never understand this because they are too self-absorbed in their own pride and feeling of being superior to anyone else.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

What a sad little man.

Actually, kinda tall...

How sick the entire Republican Party is represented by these divisive and reckless ideas.

Oh, just stop. Once again, the liberal diatribe is, the GOP is of the same mind as Trump, even though, they all condemned his comments, even Cheney who isn't running for anything. I keep forgetting, liberals always see things the way they want to instead of just dealing with facts. No surprise.

The only people not to throw this vile man under a bus are those equally vile, hate filled bigots that before Trump's outburst dared not speak their racist minds.

Buddy, you are sadly mistaken if you think only conservative people would be anti-Muslim. Trump is just direct and I give him credit for saying something that millions of Americans and Europeans for that matter will not and don't have the guts to say.

But they're out in the light now.

And this is why he's rising in the polls

And good people are going to see they get stepped on long after Trump's presidential bid is spattered into the toilet of history.

You mean like Obama's?

'Cause the last thing tough talkin' Republicans want to do is make Netanuyahu fweeel bwad.

No, but Israel does have a very high Muslim population living and working in Israel and that's all they need is to have civil unrest with all the other crap they have to deal with on a daily basis, so I understand why Israel would block Trump from coming even though they might totally agree with him.

Trump definitely needs to start speaking more smart and precise if he truly wants to win. But the polls I have seen show that nearly half of the country agrees with his Muslim proposal, including a third of Democrats and even more Independents. The hype, misinformation, ignorance, and out and out lies being circulated in an attempt to slam him by other candidates is only going to come back as the nail in their own coffin at the end of the day.

I agree, totally on point.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )


You still haven`t provided proof that he is a bigot.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Somewhere in there are two semi-coherent arguments.

That would depend on who would view the argument as semi-coherent.

Too bad they're diametrically opposed. What the GOP establishment is trying to say is, "Hey, Donald - didn't you get the memo about dog whistles? Keep it down - some of us are trying to be traditionally divisive here!" while a large percentage of GOP voters are saying, "Screw the dog whistles!"

Semi-coherent statement?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

You're right, he's not a racist, he's a bigot

Hmmmm, can you prove that or do you just want to excoriate the guy because you don't agree with his viewpoint?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

You mean the guy who tweeted lies about black people murdering whites? And lied about thousands and thousands of Muslims cheering in Jersey? Just wanted to make sure.

Obama insulted Southerners by claiming they love to cling to their guns and religions, that was a clear insult at all people that were born or grew up in the South. Or claiming that if he had a son, he would look like Trevon Martin, playing the race card and vilifying the police.

I'm sure you didn't forget about that, right?

And once again, just to be clear, this is the same guy who spread the lie that Obama wasn't born here? Tell me how about unfairly he's being treated.

On that part, I'm still wondering.....


That's what you say, but can you prove to me he's a bigot or a racist. Just saying that doesn't mean anything.

He's utterly intolerant of Mexicans and Muslims.

Can you verify this? Then we can say equally, Obama hates Whites, we definetly know he hates the military and the police. I think he's equally a racist, all you have to do is look at everything he's said in the past that is so anti-white.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

How sick the entire Republican Party is represented by these divisive and reckless ideas.

What are you talking about? Other republicans have thrown him under the bus. It's the Hunger Games.

Still, Donald J. Trump has his supporters. Certainly the NRA must be deeply thankful after the Cali slaughter.

I doubt that Mr. GOP Shia-tea (Ph.D) expert. More likely though, the godforsaken inhabitants of Raqa might be deeply thankful. Tashfeen Malik is a martyr.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

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