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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump, Carson defend seriousness of White House bids
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Bush left out his brother, AWOL's vacation record. "Bush's total for his two terms in office is 533 days, which includes 490 at the ranch and the rest at Kennebunkport. For comparison's sake, Bill Clinton's total is 174 days, and Reagan hit 390 (349 at his ranch and 41 in Palm Springs), according to Knoller."
Wow! Calling Doctor Freud, Calling Doctor Freud!
What a sick bunch. That GOP Shia Tea, weird, wild stuff. Are they all on Acid?
The best thing about tonight's debate was just about the only thing the candidates agreed on. The questions seemed to be encouraging nit-picking between the candidates. CNBC should stay out of politics and stick to business. And the candidates themselves ? Cruz offered tequila, pot, and a ride home. Jeb offered a big kiss. Once again, the most adult of the whole panel seemed to me to be Fiorina. IMHO, the winner was Rubio.
CNBC shouldn't run these. It was basically like some junior high debating society thing. most of them came across as petulant and thin skinned and, frankly, not that bright.
NO! Really?
It wasn't more like Greek Olympian Gods tilting at Windmills of Gossamer Ruby Strands in Golden Mists of Breaking Dawn?
We must have been watching two different shows.
Texas A&M Aggie
The CNBC moderators worked overtime in trying to get candidates to bash the others on the stage rather than asking them about real issues that concern U.S. voters.
Liberal "journalism" at its best . . . .
Examples please.
'Carson, a soft-spoken retired neurosurgeon, stuck to his low-key style and sought to explain his vague tax policy, which he has compared to tithing, in which families donate the same portion of their income to their church regardless of how much they make.'
Tithing....absolutely cracked.
Knowing that the 'independents' out there won't actually deal with the comparison to tithing, I'll predict a possible response to save them the time:
"What about Hillary's/Bernie's tax plans? ROFL! LOL! Benghazi...socialism...e-mails....libs....tyrants..etc...."
Not to mention his lengthy absence from the National Guard. Methinks Bush is toast - he needed a breakout and didn't get it. This debate had no winners.
Yes, of course, it was the media's problem, not the candidate's. No doubt a Faux fraudcaster (wait, didn't the right complain about their questions, too? Does that mean Faux is liberal? - whatever that means)
Thank you in advance for pre-empting a cut and paste assemblage of Karl Rove memes and chat speak that have zero meaning to anyone but the poster. :D
Haha spot on.
So the Taliban is gathering in Colorado this week to say how much they hate Democrats and to propose NO programs that will benefit the majority of Americans.
kc what's your point exactly? that we should EXPECT this kind of awful spectacle from people who are trying to lead the country?
If by 'expect', you mean that's the ideal that we should want to see, then no. If you mean 'expect' as in a high likelihood of seeing something because it's happened time and time again, then yes. They've proven themselves to be a pit of vipers over and over, so why would you expect anything else?
I watched this "debate", and I must say the one thing it demonstrated without a doubt was the "mainstream media" bias. Anybody who until now doubted that the US mainstream media are acting as the PR arm of the democrat party should watch this. It was entertaining too, because this time (finally) some of the republican candiates addressed this. I think Ted Cruz nailed it.
The media is the only thing keeping the GOP floating these days.
Their attitude is that they should present what both sides are saying and make no judgements. But some in the media are growing tired of repeating GOP talking points that they know are false. For Benghazi, the GOP says they have serious questions and that's the purpose of the investigation. But we all know it's partisan bullshit. And the media is getting tired of reporting around the truth and sticking to Republican talking points since they are in effect being used by the GOP.
Ted Cruz has been nothing but an annoying obstructionist. Even his GOP colleagues in the Senate find his tactics to be counterproductive. But when asked whether the methods he is so proud of can be called 'leadership', Cruz blames "the media".
Cruz is either nuts or a very dangerous opportunist. Or maybe both.
media bias? it's only republicans who complain about this. the media has never been impartial. you have fox/wsj and the democrats have nbc/nyt. what's the difference? and you think asking a candidate what he thinks of proposals made by other candidates is bias? geeze, why not let them all hold hands and sing kumbaya. people will def want to watch that.
Cruz is an opportunist. He helped to flame the Jade Helm flames. He voted to default on the debt when he knew there were enough votes to pass it, then used the vote to stab others in the back. Recently he's been going around saying that we are one Supreme Court justice away from having guns banned. He wants to force the Supreme Court to go through elections.
Lots of headline grabbing news but very little in terms of policy. When he hurts his party he's criticized, then he turns around and says that people hate him because he's not a Washington insider. He's also an Ivy League educated lawyer who presents himself as some kind of grassroots hero.
Maybe Bass is actually Cruz posting under a pseudonym.
Bush is toast, Rubio is probably the GOP's faintest chance but I doubt he'll get the nomination.
Trump is the perfect idiot to drive the Republican clown car off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings. Nobody could have predicted a more unintentionally hilarious line up than 2012 but there you go.
Funny how that works. Only black people complain about racial discrimination, only women complain about gender discrimination. I wonder why?
You are doing your best to side with any hate and silliness from the media towards the GOP. I`m not a fan myself, of both parties but it was a really stupid debate and the questions were silly. Is these the issues that concern America?
Where exactly?
I suppose you should just read your comments.
I dont understand Americans. They say that they think 75% of Washington suits are corrupt yet the media are constantly questioning Trump and Carsons seriousness. How are they any less serious than the Dems candidates? and how are they any worse?
@Superlib, You are completely wrong about the GOP candidates wanting to cut everything from people. Making inaccurate statements similar to the media printing partial statements from the candidates. Selective hearing?
I wrote them, I already know what they say, and I'll defend them (or admit they are wrong if they are shown to be). Interesting how you aren't actually able to provide an example though.
Trump: A bigot who is playing off people's fears, with silly goals that cannot be achieved (how exactly are you going to get Mexico to pay for a wall, and how exactly are you going to deport millions and millions of people?)
Carson: Unable to separate fact from fiction. Believes that the world is only 6000 years old.
So to answer your question, at least the democrats are keeping it in the realms of reality.
I have no idea how theyll do it. Thats why they are running. Americans have a lot to fear as the country is a hurting puppy. Has become a cesspool. I don`t think it is your problem to worry about how Mexico will pay or how they will sort out the illegals. How do you possibly have all the answers? You are only going off on them because the media spreads sound bites to make you believe such things. It is a liberal news world we live in, they want the ratings and the cash.
The realms of reality include what? Giveaways? No care for the debt? Letting the UN control your sovereignty? Horrible job situation? Open your eyes.
Are you joking? The same media that we just saw again playing Spanish Inquisition for the republican candidates? While fawning over the other party?
(I just watched the democrat debate for comparison, and the difference of the media attitude was astounding. )
The problem isn't 'how' Mexico will pay, the fact is they won't. And Trump hasn't pointed out how he would be able to get them to... because he doesn't have the answer for that.
As for the illegals, do you have any idea the amount of resources it would take to round up 11 million illegals (the lower end of the number) and deport them? The logistics make it impossible. Even if it were over 4 years, that would be around 3 million illegals per year, or around 10,000 per day. Where are you going to find the staff to find and round up 10,000 per day? How will the be transported? How will they be detained until transport can be arranged? And so on.
Sorry, but even if you cannot see that these things are not in the realm of reality, that doesn't change the fact that they are not.
My favorite so far was Rubio's answer to when it was pointed out that his tax scheme would give" nearly twice as much of a gain in after-tax income to the top 1 percent as to people in the middle of the income scale." Sure, math is hard, but seriously:
The question was the middle-end, not the lower end, and aside from the bottom 10% of taxpayers, not only will the top 1% make out with the greatest absolute increase but also the greatest percentage increase. And to think this lad graduated with $100,000 in debt. Education debt apparently does not buy what it should.
Republicans and arithmetic don't made good bedfellows Laguna.
Duh! Of course they are complaining, since it is directed against them. Why in the world would Hillary et al want to complain?
As Cruz put it so nicely in the debate:
"Let me say something at the outset," the Senator from Texas said. "The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media."
This is not a cage match. And you look at the questions -- Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math? John Kasich, will you insult two people over here? Marco Rubio, why don't you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues? "And Carl, I'm not finished yet. The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every thought and question from the media was, which of you is more handsome and why?
This Debate Illustrates Why We Can Not Trust The Media."
Spot on.
" I'm the only guy........ "
Who is you calling not that bright?
This is, in a nutshell, the Republican bubble. It gets reinforced day after day after day on talk radio and websites like Throw in God, immigration, and Benghazi and you pretty much can see everything Republicans have to offer. As a party they accomplish nothing and they are currently being held hostage by the fringe right.
That's when trickle-down swoops in and saves us all. Or revenues decrease and suddenly we have to cut all of the "freeloaders" off and naturally go after the illegals which is the "real" problem.
The date was a complete joke, as to why anyone would even think of going on CNBC thinking it wouldn't be a full on flipping circus was just off their rocker.
Like what Benghazi, or the attack on Christmas? Republicans do not deal with real issues like climate change and income inequality. They deal in fake issues brought up by fake news organizations like fox. Republlcans like Bush and Rubio only care what the rich folks who give them money tell them to care about. 90% of their funding comes from the billionaire class. Has nothing to do with US voters. In fact republicans suppress voting where they can, they hate democracy.
Where the Dems and Obama have repeatedly blocked the truth by eliminating thousands of damaging emails primarily dealing with THAT VERY issue. Christmas, where more and more places are not allowing the holiday or some schools asking children NOT to say Merry Christmas, yeah, I would call that an attack!
Ahhh, now the FOX complex syndrome is kicking in again? You libs just don't get it, FOX is not going anywhere, the more you progressives try to attack it, their numbers grow, the audience grows and Thank God for that. But I look at it as a blissful compliment to them, Kudos. 120 million and growing can't be wrong.
And Obama and Hillary care about Liberals, Democrats, Liberalism issues and ONLY that, so what is exactly your point?
So what is George Soros and the Hollyweird elite?
Ahh, that's why liberals use the New Black Panthers to block and force people to vote Dem and the libs freak out that the GOP wants to regulate voter fraud by making photo IDs and the libs object to that. I wonder why? ROFL No, we love democracy, but haven't had it for 7 years, but in 14 months the chains will be broken, God willing.
I see. Any evidence on that? How 'bout a snip of a shred? You're probably aware that emails are exchanged with a recipient, and if one side of a conversation were captured on a government server that was not among those turned over by Clinton, questions would be asked. Such questions have not been asked.
Many have commented on the many what can only be termed blatant lies flung about by numerous candidates during this debate (Trump lying about his H1B stance, Fiorina tossing out nonsense statistics right and left, Carson pretending he had no business relationship with that convicted "dietary supplement" maker, Mannatech, Rubio misrepresenting the results of his tax plan); as such, Bass is par for the GOP course.
Media your eyes and mind you will see it clearly. if you do not source your news from multiple outlets you may never see it.
CNN- moderators soft and easy on the candidates.
NBC- pitted them against each other and asked questions with substance.
No, no media bias.
Well, I wanted to watch it live but I couldn't, so I watched the most recent Dems debate. Then I watched the Reps debate. Both of them in FULL. It disgusts me that the MSM pigs have to parcel and spotlight what THEY think is important or funny or demeaning instead of just showing the full debate.
Having said that, I did see CNBC get off to a childish start with their questions which wasn't done to the Dems. After Cruz spoke up, things settled down. Both debates went OK, and certainly NOT what some have said here about the Reps.
The blowup at the end with Trump accusing CNBC of wanting a longer debate rings true, so the CNBC moderator lied to repair his ego. I agree with some, CNBC was not a good choice, the clowns couldn't even smell the coffee about the 2008 crises. Hell, even I knew it was coming.
The childish attacks here from both Dems and Reps are more representative of the REAL problem with my country. It seems the sides are so drawn that the mind closes down, windows shuttered, so any reasonable thinking never occurs.
If I was voting today between Sanders and Trump, Sanders would get my vote.
If between Trump and Hillary, Trump would get my vote.
Other than Trump or Sanders, I would not vote.
Lastly, the candidate I find to be the worst overall, slimy "say anything", insincere, and lies through their teeth, is Hillary R. Clinton. What did she say "lots of loose words flying around" did not even make sense.
90% of their funding comes from the billionaire class. So what is George Soros and the Hollyweird elite? Has nothing to do with US voters. In fact republicans suppress voting where they can, they hate democracy. Ahh, that's why liberals use the New Black Panthers to block and force people to vote Dem and the libs freak out that the GOP wants to regulate voter fraud by making photo IDs and the libs object to that. I wonder why? ROFL No, we love democracy, but haven't had it for 7 years, but in 14 months the chains will be broken, God willing.
what world do you live in Bass. what TV channels does Soros pay for? WHERE are those "liberal" TV shows? I just see an endless ocean of right-wingers from Meet the Press, Morning stupid Joe (the one with the dead intern in his closet), and endless others! And hollywood elite like Schwarzneggar and Stallone? Repugs are famous for voter suppression--now Alabama closed down all drivers license agencies in BLACK counties so that they can not GET those IDs, and Jeb BUSH went so far to disqualify actual votes by matching those names (no matter how common they were) with convicts, and when they didn't pan put so well, he used Texas's convict felon database to disqualify some more so his brother could win! And don't get me started on repug gerrymandering! AND REALLY? NEW black PANTHERS FORCING people to vote democrat? Are you talking about some blacks who were hanging out YEARS ago at one voter precinct and some white FOX viewers said "OH MY I AM SO SCARED! BLACK PEOPLE!" That incident? You watch too much fox which is worse than the soviet propaganda channel when it was in existence.
The Republican primaries look like a. Halloween party that has gotten out of hand.
Best moment of tonight's debate? When it ended.There was enough shame to go around tonight among those candidates as there was in every other debate they have done. They were reactionary over the most inane issues that had nothing to do with the issues facing the people but had everything to do with themselves and their political reputations and standing. They were undisciplined, ill prepared, again, and unprofessional, every one of them.
Inmates running the Asylum.
When your audience are not interested in facts and are simply braying for more red meat to be thrown in the Bubble to confirm their prejudices this is what you get. Like the talking Flower in Little shop of Horrors.
FEEEEEED me Seymour.
Texas A&M Aggie
Loved Carly taking Obama and Mrs. Bill Clinton to the woodshed by saying how both have done a grave in justice to all women in America.
But it was Cruz who was on fire last night. He hit it out of the ball park (a tip o' the hat to the WS that was broadcast at the same time) with his teachable moment of the liberal media by saying, "none of whom vote in the republican primary".
Bravo, Mr. Cruz. Well done.
The only problem with Cruz is that he is actually ineligible, not being American born. Ask for his birth certificate.
Strangerland, "natural born citizen" has yet to be defined by the Supremes, but I'd bet in this day and age they'd go with a more expansive interpretation - i.e., having at least one American parent. He has two major problems: the establishment abhors him, and so do a majority of Americans. I'd love to see him nominated, though, if only to give the Supremes a chance to finally definitely rule on that above question.
Texas A&M Aggie
Cruz also took an outstanding shot at the U.S. liberal media when he said:
"Last week, Hillary Clinton went before a committee she admitted she sent e-mails to her family saying, 'Hey, this attack in Benghazi was caused by Al Qaeda-like elements.' She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video.
The mainstream media is saying it was the greatest week in Hillary Clinton's campaign. It was the week she got exposed as a liar on Benghazi. But she has her super PAC helping her out - the American mainstream media."
Game, set and match to Ted Cruz. . . .
Well it was great for her insofar as she sat through the with hunt, where they didn't actually find a witch. But it's weird that they keep saying she won the democratic debate, when every metric out there shows Sanders winning.
What did you expect. They try, but....
I used to work for that network.
Being Bias is their name.
At least for another 14 more months
I thought Hillary looked liked that plant and Sanders looked like a Nutcracker.
At this point in the campaign, when people raise questions regarding the very seriousness of your bid, you have to acknowledge that you have credibility issues - unless you`re Trump or Carson, (or maybe any of the silly sixteen). When the entire Republican slate looks like it just got out of a Cooper Mini wearing face paint, wigs and round red noses it's about time to consider questioning the seriousness of the Republican party as a whole.
The very first post said it all.
CNBC rushed to World Series televising but did not forget to televise Hillary's comical evening show interview. Trump is not funny now that it had to yse her. Bush is donr. He is still on personal attack mood.
I think Toshiko san means, "Bush is done." If this is true, good. That's all we need is a charming Mexican First Lady.
Oh lord! the US-Mex border would then burst like a Pinata. All of them crossing and abusing core societal resources.
'Being Bias is their name.'
Interesting name.
You would think so, except that they did the same thing four years ago, and many people still take them seriously.
Right. Funny to remember that, this time four years ago, Herman Cain was leading the GOP pack.
. . . . Aww C'mon Laguna. The 2004 Edwards-Kerry run was the worst joke of all US politics. Either them or the incumbents.
' . . . Aww C'mon Laguna. The 2004 Edwards-Kerry run was the worst joke of all US politics. Either them or the incumbents.'
The exorcism-undergoing, Russian-viewing, Africa is a country-thinking, North/South Korea-confusing Sarah Palin? As comedians said, the stuff just writes itself.
Even Fox had to disown that one.
Never have I seen such a freak show in American presidential politics. The two leading freaks make me wonder about the people who have given them their leads. I am now convinced that a large segment of the American is either insane or practical jokers.
Wc, it was Kerry-Edwards. Remember "swiftboating," when the guy who evaded the Vietnam war attacked the guy who volunteered? And remember those delightful final four years of the Bush presidency - Katrina, financial meltdown, the bank bailouts, the massive budget deficit he bequeathed to Obama which has shrunk every year since? Yeah, I agree with you: that election was the worst joke of all US politics.
@Laguna. Cool beans. Ur right. It was Kerry-Edwards, not the other way around (a few too many "cervecas" 2-night). Btw, no pun intended on my prev post to ya'
No one can take any of these candidates seriously, they do not even take themselves seriously. The whole group of them are a barrel of has beens and misfits, or in the worse cases like Cruz, Carly and Rubio empty suit narcissists who would try to destroy democracy in the USA. I thought I would never say this but Bush junior is looking pretty good right now compared to the clown car we saw tonight. He was a total failure but at least he was stupid. Everyone knew that including him. These people do not know they are stupid.
Sideshow after sideshow.
Each has flat tax plan
Kayla Steen
there's something about carson that weirds me out. every time i see him on some show, i can't even understand what he's talking about. everything he says does't make sense. for a neurosurgeon he sure is stupid.
Wasn't Candy Crowly another example of media bias when she shut down Romney with false facts at the nominee debate just before the election?
No, no bias. It was protecting the president. She was being patriotic.
It seems we are wired differently, when most look in the clear daytime sky we see blue. When libs look into the sky they see rainbows. Oh and a free pot-o-gold waiting to give away......or will they?
Black Sabbath
Republicans think people asking them about their terrible policies represents "bias."
Lol...and NO still takes this president seriously, not even Vlad.
What's even funnier is that you have Bernie Sanders that thinks taxing the upper 1% will bring fairness and stability to the country, while giving everyone FREE stuff. Now that is hilarious!
If you don't know by now, then I can't help you.
Geez, how much time do you have?
Morning Joe? Are you serious? First of all, Joe is not a real conservative, so let's get that out of the way. I know Scarborough personally and I can tell you, he just clocks in to get a paycheck. They NEED a conservative at msnbc to at least, give the appearance that they are somewhat balanced, but everyone that's in the business and knows Joe will tell you, the man is not a true conservative.
Ok, so you just named 2 out of how many conservatives compared to liberals now? ROFL
If Democrats wouldn't cheat to allow ANYONE to vote, including illegals and the dead, there wouldn't be a need for that, having an ID will fix that and we can all breath a sigh of relief and then the Dems won't have to whine, everyone will be treated the same.
But it's ok for people like Lois Lerner destroying her emails and to get zero prison time for harassing conservatives, auditing them to block their contributions to conservative candidates just in time before the election or Hillary destroying her emails (what is up with you Dems destroying your mails?) to a situation where her policy got 4 people murdered and lied about the cause of it was due to a anti-muslim video when she mailed her own daughter and the Egyptian Libyan president and told them it was in fact a Jihadist attack. I don't here you guys complaining about that!
Gerrymandering? You mean, the very word that Dems invented?
Yup or were they standing there just eying White people because they just wanted them to notice their new combat boots?
No, you don't need to try and be a jokester this is what happened.
It scares you libs I know and that's a good thing, kudos.
But at least there is SOMETHING going on and the voters are interested, on the Dems side you guys have.....well, a socialist again, but at least he's honest and has a backbone and admits what he wants for the country, the other....a cackling woman that lies so much, so much that she believes her lies to be the truth. Good luck with that.
Actually, it was the moderators that were the buffoons, but anyway....
On that part, both parties don't realize how stupid they are.
I have to say the Democrats are most likely laughing at this Republican circus. I can't say the debate did anything to help them or the previous two for that matter. The highlights for me was when Carson was booed and how one of the host asked Jeb Bush about fantasy football.
OK, so what are your sources? I go to CNN, BBC, LA Times, Huffington Post, Fox News, and Breitbart. Daily.
I wouldn't criticize media because CNBC moderator was the one who gave questions. The candidates had no chance to discuss issues. Right now, speakers from many media are criticizing CNBC moderator.
It wouldn't have been a circus if the struggling CNBC had actual real moderators that knew what they were doing. This is the reason why NO one watches them and their ratings are in the toilet and after last nights performance it's just going to get worse for them.
That's because it wasn't a real debate to begin with, it was a stupid, stab in the back, gotcha debate.
BBC? 30 years ago, I would agree, but now???
In our area in USA, BBC is not a news channel. There are 3 CNN. several each of ABC, NBC, CBS mews channels. We even have news and TV production stations.
Just stop. No point anymore. It`s quite obvious that these posters slamming you are living in a world of the make believe. They have all the answers because their Dems can do no wrong.
It's not a matter of the democrats doing no wrong, it's a matter of the republicans doing so much wrong.
Trump is in Reno now. In south, Ron Paul's campaign office in Vegas and Clinton'd campaign office in Henderson are both crowded. There are other candidates' workers for fund raising. GOP might begin to unite to Select one that can beat Clinton. In such case, my guess is Ron because Jab is too busy in bashing Rubio. If Trump stops to nit picking, he might learn foreign and economic policy but I doubt. nevada people do not like Sanders socialism idea even though they haven't got idea whtr is socialism. To them, communism means billionaireswho spend money in Las Vegas.
They know that, the problem is, they just refuse to accept that their party has lost all ethics and what's funnier is on JT we have a lot of foreigners that want to opine and think they know all the answers that can help the US Or they know what's better for us. They are a joke and rightfully dismissed as being irrelevant. Having an opinion is one thing, but telling us what we should have or should be like is a bit laughable. I could care less what these people think of us or our country. As long as they cant vote in our elections, I'm quite content.
Both parties are bad, but like Rubio said the other day and nailed it, the liberal media is the biggest Super pac for the Democrats, I know that for a fact and they will allow any liberal politician get away with anything. This is why liberals and the DNC are totally out of control and all the denying won't change that fact.
"He was a total failure but at least he was stupid."
So stupid is a trait you admire?
Trump is going to create jobs and he loves Mexican immigrant to get job to them by bringing jobs back from China and Japan, then crowd cheered him loud after they heard Japan. Don't Worry Japanese folks. Illegals can not vote.
The illegals need to go. Ask the parents to prove their child is American and that THEY are American. That is one very low cost thing to do. Some will leave if they realize everything will be more difficult. Also, there is not need to give the supposedly American child of illegals any food stamps or WIC or other care free. Make them pay as any American must prove they are poor in order to get that free care. Use E-verify and other methods to screen them out. The farmers are getting rich and growing unnecessary crops like grapes for wine or almonds that are shipped to China. This problem is not that difficult. VOTE TRUMP!
Proven fact, economy grows nearly twice as fast when a Democrat is in the WH. Twice as fast. And since WW2 when the republicans have been in control the odds are 5 times higher the country would be in recession (out of 49 quarters of USA recession republicans were in power 41 of them). Facts. Republicans now only start horrible failed wars, bankrupt the government finances over and over again, they also drive down economic results. These are facts. Deal with them right wingers. Here is the source. Facts not the Fox News lie bubble.