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Trump claims millions voted illegally; divisions emerge over Romney for cabinet post


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Well Mr. 8 chins, if there are so many illegal votes it's time to recount the entire country. Also investigate foreign intervention. I am sure you will be all for that.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Donald Trump claimed without evidence

That the new clothes he's so exceedingly fond of wearing are beautiful, even enchanting. Hans Christian Andersen's story applies to this conman, the modern master of bait and switch. Only his cult members can't see he's (ewww - what a horrid sight to imagine.)

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Well, there is no proof that illegals voted widespread, but there "is" proof in States like California and Arizona that there were, but as to how big the turnout was, no one knows. Will we ever know fully, good question.

-22 ( +2 / -24 )

You can't keep him down for long.

Trash, glorious trash.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

Trump claims millions voted illegally

I guess DT has been reading the JT comments.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Meet the new Trump. Same as the old Chump. What an insecure man.

18 ( +18 / -0 )

Trump claims millions voted illegally;

maybe thats why he won...

12 ( +14 / -2 )

If it is so easy to vote illegally, in 4 years I'll go to the US and vote. Just to say that I did it. Anyway, Trump believes whatever he wants to believe, day by day or hour by hour.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

Well it seems Mr Trump is off to a flying start and hes not even president yet I guess my prediction of having 4 years of comedy gold might be true after all.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

The numbers are unknown, but voter fraud is no myth.


-8 ( +6 / -14 )

If it is so easy to vote illegally, in 4 years I'll go to the US and vote. Just to say that I did it. Anyway, Trump believes whatever he wants to believe, day by day or hour by hour.

It might work if you come from Mexico

-20 ( +2 / -22 )

Just when you think the guy has calmed down and started acting halfway normal... I want to like him, but he's making it hard.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The numbers are unknown, but voter fraud is no myth.

The numbers are known to be vanishingly small.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Who knows if people voted illegally or not? It is something that would be very difficult to prove I believe. Trump won the election, the election will be challenged, we will see what happens after that. I think Trump should keep his mouth shut on this issue. @Dan Lewis....yes he has calmed significantly actually....however.....as you said he can make it very hard to like him when he makes a claim such as he did (after winning the election). It is one reason I do not see him being fit for office....this type of knee jerk reaction.

I know many people do not like this but the way to put all this BS to rest would be the requirement to have ID to vote and for those that cannot afford it (for example if this is going to disenfranchise minorities) have the government issue them the ID for free. I was in the US for the past couple of weeks and there is not much of significance you can do there without some form of ID (including check into a hotel).

There is still a significant media bias against Trump (rightly or wrongly so). It is interesting that Jill Stein initiated the effort for the recount in this case and I wonder where the money came from to do it. The country is divided now to an extreme (to the point where electoral college members are getting death threats, etc.) however I think if the election is overturned it will probably divide the country beyond repair.

Not sure how Trump supporters will react if the election is over-turned. Clinton supporters rioted in some cities in the beginning but the shock is now over and this seems to have calmed.

Regardless...interesting times.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

If it is so easy to vote illegally, in 4 years I'll go to the US and vote

There are places (Maryland, Chicago, etc) where illegals can vote in municipal elections, so you can still come anytime to elect our school boards and city councils. :). On illegals, they or anyone of course can fraudulently fill out an absentee ballot. Which is also what Stein is alleging in Wisconsin -- that foreign hackers could have skewed the result by obtaining the state’s voter database and then filing bogus absentee ballots.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )



He may be right, but for the wrong reason.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

So Trump is whining again about the vote being rigged, while in turn complaining about Hillary taking steps to check if the vote was rigged.

Great president you guys (may have) chose(n) there America.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

The numbers are known to be vanishingly small.

Really? Source, please.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

There’s been no indication of widespread vote manipulation, illegal voting or hacking that materially affected the outcome one way or the other.

Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump claimed without evidence Sunday that “millions” voted illegally in the national election

Speaks volume, so since TRUMP, president in the US now do/will claim facts "without evidence", good luck with a man like this at the head of the country, soon, nobody will be able to make the difference between the truth and the lies.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Amazing thing, the Simpson's had two episodes showing Trump as president. One was back in 2000 "Bart to the Future" and the 2nd was most recent at 2015... can't remember the title. But one of the writers for the Simpson's said this, "The day that Trump becomes POTUS, is the day when American's have gone insane" which is why he threw out the idea because it was supposed to be ludicrous.

Sadly, it's a reality now, and yes folks... America is obviously filled with insane mentally unstable people.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

It is pretty depressing when you think the president elect is spreading unsubstantiated rumors about the opposition party. Someone is his inner circle needs to pull him aside, and quickly.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Trump is basing his assertion on a BS story from Infowars. It's pretty scary that the future POTUS is getting 'info' from nut job Alex Jones and advice from Steve Bannon of Breitbart. What's next, Sean Hannity as Minister of Truth?

5 ( +10 / -5 )

When I registered to vote online I had to enter my address and drivers' license number, which were verified against my tax records. Everyone has to go through this, meaning that any people who illegally register to vote or actually vote in a fraudulent way will dozens per election, not thousands, and certainly not millions.

Certainly we should do a recount in any debated state. This is to preserve our Republic. Note that if it looks like Trump might not win, he will once again start railing about intending to jail Hillary, mark my words.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Trump claims millions voted illegally

I guess DT has been reading the JT comments.

Pithy genius, Turbo. A masterpiece of self-deprecation.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

“I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” so basically he admits there are voting irregularities, so a recount is justified. Trump and his supporters have nothing to fear on a recount then since hes clearly convinced he won the popular vote and the election.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

The left just won't admit defeat. Me thinks all these lefty JT posters will be in for another surprise when the votes are re-calculated and shows he won MORE votes than previously thought. Whiners.

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

SenseNotSoCommon: Pithy genius, Turbo. A masterpiece of self-deprecation.

I know, right? Maybe I should ask for a position in the administration.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

The left just won't admit defeat.

And by his own admission, neither would Trump have, had he lost.

So the right has no place to whine about this, the left is just doing what Trump said he'd do.

Me thinks all these lefty JT posters will be in for another surprise when the votes are re-calculated and shows he won MORE votes than previously thought.

Me thinks all those righty JT posters will be in for another surprise when the votes are re-calculated and shows she won MORE votes that previously thought.

See how my baseless speculation negates yours?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Somebody want to tell me how an illegal can get to vote? And thus, of course, also get stuck on jury duty....

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Somebody want to tell me how an illegal can get to vote?

The process goes something like this:

1) Someone on the right doesn't like that Hillary won the popular vote by a YUUUUUGE margin. So they start to think of an idea that would actually make it look like Trump won the popular vote.

2) Said person realizes that if a significant number of voters weren't citizens, their votes wouldn't actually count. So they write up a fake article supported by fake numbers, supporting the idea that millions of votes were cast by non-citizens.

3) Other people on the right see this article, do zero fact checking, and start re-posting the contents of the original article on other sites.

4) Other right-wingers see these articles, do a quick google to see if the claims are true, and see there are lots of sites saying the same thing. They don't bother to check their confirmation bias, and believe that the votes were in fact cast by non-citizens.

5) These people then go out into the internet, and repeat the original claims on forums and news sites, claiming it as fact. Other people who believe the same thing as them, and hearing the same claims repeated over and over, they believe that the original case is fact.

6) The president elect, who spends his nights on Twitter, sees postings of this, and believes the claims must be true, and states it for the world to see.

All of a sudden, you have the appearance that millions of non-citizens voted.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

@dre hund

Believe it or not, but in the USA you don't need to prove citizenship to vote. In some cases, you can register without any ID at all.

Voter fraud comes up every election there. There have been numerous attempts to institute an official voter ID, but it never happens for some reason.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Democrats bus in voters to multiple districts, but the problem is that they can only get away with it in the coastal states they would win anyway with their welfare vote buying policies. In flyover country the state officials and the populace won't cooperate, they call this 'voter suppression"

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Peter Payne: When I registered to vote online I had to enter my address and drivers' license number, which were verified against my tax records. Everyone has to go through this, meaning that any people who illegally register to vote or actually vote in a fraudulent way will dozens per election, not thousands, and certainly not millions.

Non-citizens also have tax records, addresses, and drivers license numbers.

When states try to implement laws requiring voter registration applicants to provide proof of citizenship, the courts have rejected it based on a voter registration law signed by Bill Clinton in 1993 not having any such requirement.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Trump is just scared, naturally, like the right-wing posters are on here. If he thinks it's a scam, why not allow a recount just to be safe? Ah... then he might have to acknowledge that voting machines in the areas he won may well have been hacked, and the vote indeed rigged, but in his favor.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

The left just won't admit defeat.

And by his own admission, neither would Trump have, had he lost. So the right has no place to whine about this, the left is just doing what Trump said he'd do.

Trump just said that he would determine it at the time.

Clinton was "horrified" by this statement and went on to say: "Now that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair election. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election."

And she later also said that not accepting the outcome of an election would threaten America's democracy, and that the peaceful transition of power is one of the things that sets America apart…

And I am somewhat puzzled by the fact that Stein wants recounts only in states won by Trump, and not by those won by Clinton by narrower margins. Especially considering that while campaigning, Stein was saying that a vote for Clinton was a vote for nuclear war! Why is she trying to help Clinton?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Raw Beer: And I am somewhat puzzled by the fact that Stein wants recounts only in states won by Trump, and not by those won by Clinton by narrower margins. Especially considering that while campaigning, Stein was saying that a vote for Clinton was a vote for nuclear war! Why is she trying to help Clinton?

I was puzzled by that, too. Especially as Stein may have cost Hillary the election. Stein's totals added to Hillary's would have given Hillary the win in Michigan and Wisconsin (but not Pennsylvania). If Stein had been a stalking horse vs Trump I'd have suspected Hillary of backing her.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

And I am somewhat puzzled by the fact that Stein wants recounts only in states won by Trump, and not by those won by Clinton by narrower margins.

Now that's what we call hitting the nail on the head.

Reading more and more stories about the TRUE progressives being very angry about Jill's moves. Maybe she's been in the Dem Machine pocket all along, and Hillary's arrogance that she "couldn't lose" was the reason Jill stayed in the presidential campaign the whole way.

I think so. Jill Stein is NO Green, but just a Dem Machine trick.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

The man's ego is frighteningly fragile. Seriously terrifying. I had hoped that he would calm down a bit after having won - but instead, this is looking increasingly dangerous. One problem I suspect is the echo-chamber he is perpetually surrounded by compounded by the fear of those close to him of saying anything he (or his children) might find unpleasant; this has resulted in Trump being perpetually and savagely divorced from reality.

Most of the illegal aliens I know in California are terrified of crossing the street in the wrong way as they know a single misstep could get them deported. Voter fraud is a Federal crime; any illegal alien caught trying to vote would be in for a world of pain - and for what? The idea that any significant number of illegal aliens would vote is prima facie absurd; the fact that Trump has fallen for this fallacy is further proof of his unfitness for office.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Laguna: Most of the illegal aliens I know in California are terrified of crossing the street in the wrong way as they know a single misstep could get them deported. Voter fraud is a Federal crime; any illegal alien caught trying to vote would be in for a world of pain - and for what? The idea that any significant number of illegal aliens would vote is prima facie absurd; the fact that Trump has fallen for this fallacy is further proof of his unfitness for office.

Set your friends' minds at ease. They aren't even being arrested for being in the country illegally. Why would they be arrested for voting illegally? Do you think a state government with Democrats controlling both houses and the governorship and a federal executive under a Democratic president is going to bother wasting much money on that? If they budget anything at all they'll probably run out of budget after a few cases.

I have anecdotal evidence, too, that local illegal immigrants escape traffic tickets (including driving without a license) due to their status, for whatever reason. Except that it is not anecdotal because it was in news reports.

TBH, that might not be current (it was several years ago, before the state give-illegals-driver-licenses push in California), but apparently driving without insurance is not a problem, either (as of May 2016):


Here's a FAQ from the government of Darlington, WI, on all the ways local government is not allowed to enforce federal immigration law:


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Me thinks all those righty JT posters will be in for another surprise when the votes are re-calculated and shows she won MORE votes that previously thought.

Please stop plagiarizing my post's (several in fact) and come up with your own ideas and thoughts.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

So, Hillary's onboard with Jill Stein's fundraiser/recount. That's what happens when you don't cut the head off the snake.

Oh my...

RECOUNT BREAKING NEWS: Recount Not Possible In Pennsylvania. Hillary Can't Win with WI and MI


Trump Attacks Clinton Over Recount Nonsense


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Dre Hund:

" Somebody want to tell me how an illegal can get to vote? "

It has been explained on camera by Clinton party activists. Watch the Project Veritas videos.

Of course, if you get all your information from CNN only, you would not know that.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Turbo, it is not anecdotal. Look at the statistics: Deportations under the Obama administration - some 2.5 million people by 2015 - have exceeded the total number of all deportations of every administration in the 20th century combined. Also, the administration has particularly targeted felons - and illegal voting is a felony.


The fact-free zone that has imploded the entire American right seems to have concluded in the nascent Trump administration - which itself is a result of its supporters.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Hillary Clintons History of cheating in action again. This old tired dinosaur just won't give up. She lost the election so may as well humiliate herself too.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Laguna, I konw the Dems would like to grasp at any superlatives they can, but Obama is only continuing deportations at the same level they were at when George Bush left office. Bush's administration actually increased deportations year-over-year during his terms. According to the Economist's chart: http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/2014/02/blogs/graphic-detail/20140208_gdc296.png

As far as 'felons', Obama's administration targeting felons for deportation doesn't mean that they are targeting illegal voters for prosecution.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

...Obama is only continuing deportations at the same level they were at when George Bush left office.

Kinda ironic there, Turbo: Obama is set to have deported a greater amount of people than Bush by a number similar to that by which Clinton beat Trump in the popular vote.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Laguna: Kinda ironic there, Turbo: Obama is set to have deported a greater amount of people than Bush by a number similar to that by which Clinton beat Trump in the popular vote.

Two numbers with no relation ...

The graph doesn't lie ... a steady climb over the Bush years, a bumpy line over the Obama years, probably effectively flatlining if averaged, no change in pace since Bush's last year in office ...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

When all is said and done, Hillary will be the first female presidential candidate to have lost the election, twice. But, then again, she has a lot of experience being second, numerous times in fact.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Deportations under the Obama administration - some 2.5 million people by 2015 - have exceeded ...

I have seen this mentioned quite a bit, but I have also seen this "fact" explained as being due to the redefining of deportation to include those who are turned back at the border. I'm hoping someone could confirm this...

" Somebody want to tell me how an illegal can get to vote? "

It has been explained on camera by Clinton party activists. Watch the Project Veritas videos. Of course, if you get all your information from CNN only, you would not know that.

Yeah, surprising how little the MSM has been covering the Project Veritas videos.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Its the hardcore DEM states that dont require any ID and thats where most illegal entrants are. You are also automatically registered to vote when you renew or acquire a drivers license and illegals are allowed to get a license. Looks like the DEMS are the whiners afterall.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Trump supporters become unhinged.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


You can't keep him down for long. Trash, glorious trash.

If he is 'trash' it merely underlines the fact that he defeated something the US population believed was worse.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Really? Source, please.


Trump’s Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

Finally, Trump broadly claimed that “voter fraud is very, very common,” and he has called for poll watchers to look for people impersonating voters or voting numerous times. However, numerous academic studies and government inquiries have found in-person voter fraud to be rare.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Factcheck isn't credible. Same like snopes.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

SenseNotSoCommon: Pithy genius, Turbo. A masterpiece of self-deprecation.

I know, right? Maybe I should ask for a position in the administration.

Now there's a target-rich environment.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

All the more reason for recount

Trump could do the same if he had lost

2 ( +4 / -2 )

"You can't keep him down for long. Trash, glorious trash."

"If he is 'trash' it merely underlines the fact that he defeated something the US population believed was worse."

The majority of voters voted for Hillary Clinton. Trash voted for Trump and many others voted for Trump in spite of his trash.

He's still spouting trash whichever way you look at it.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Yeah, surprising how little the MSM has been covering the Project Veritas videos.

Why would they cover crap like that? They operate under a code of ethics. Reporting fake news is outside of that code.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Here's how it went down:

Trump won the electoral vote. Clinton lost the electoral vote and thus the election. No recount will change this.

Voter turnout, at 55%, was one of the lowest in modern history. Clinton lost because she could not motivate her base.

Trump's voter share was less than that of McCain or Romney.

Clinton won the popular vote by a higher margin than did Nixon or Carter, but she will not be president.

Voting by illegal immigrants was, as usual, insignificant.

That's the way it is. Those complaining about Jill Stein's recount would better worry about Trump's thin skin. Jill Stein will disappear; Trump will be president.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Trump supporters become unhinged.


3 ( +6 / -3 )

Voter turnout, at 55%, was one of the lowest in modern history. Clinton lost because she could not motivate her base.

Sounds OK but I'd disagree with the above statement. Hillary avoided campaigning in MI, WI, OH, and PA. I don't know if it was out of confidence or arrogance, but I'd say her base was motivated, but not the independents, which where she lost the votes.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Oh my...

Hey Jill Stein - You Want A Recount? Bring it on!


-5 ( +0 / -5 )


H.A. Good man is not a news source. He's not and investigative journalist. He's a failed sci-fi-writer-turned-video-blogger. Every piece of so-called "news" you've posted over the past 4 months has been from this Goodman hack. And he's not even good at his regularly scheduled rants. He sounds like someone coming down off of coke, and not the refreshing beverage variety.

Broaden your horizons and get a new news source.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Trump supporters become unhinged.


Yep. I keep bringing up how Hillary destroyed Trump by a YUUUUUUGE margin in the popular vote, and the alt-righters are starting to freak out about it. They don't like being reminded that their guy was not even remotely the choice of the voters, and only got in through a technicality.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The majority of voters voted for Hillary Clinton.

Ok, but she's not president and NEVER will be, so what's your point?

Trash voted for Trump and many others voted for Trump in spite of his trash.

That comment is another reason why so many voted for Trump. Now I wouldn't call the people voting for Hillary trash, but I will call them woefully blind resistant to hearing truth about the criminal.

He's still spouting trash whichever way you look at it.

But he's the kind of trash I'm happy about, he's the kind of trash that won't take any BS unlike the anointed one, he's the kind of trash that is waking up the Stack Market, he's the kind of trash that will finally get things done, so Kudos to all the trashy Trump supporters that voted for him and made history. ROFL?

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

This is so messed up. This is your President?


What a joke you've become USA

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I keep bringing up how Hillary destroyed Trump by a YUUUUUUGE margin in the popular vote

Percentage-wise, it was not a YUUUUUUGE margin. Not even a YUUUGE margin.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Rigged by the Putin and the Russians hacking the machines. No paper trails or access to the machines as they claim proprietary property and rig the machines also. Some places 15,000 more votes than registered voters. Trump is scared as he knows if the right skilled people get the machines they will catch the Hack and malware installed by teh Cronies of the Republican NEO-FASCIST ultra right wing racists of the USA and Russia. Only Paper and hand counted can be trusted the most. Power is ultimate corruption and corruption gives ultimate power. Donald Trump is the ANTI-CHRIST predicted by Nostradamus. Satan is here now TRUMP 666 is the future. May the human race survive as the rapture will unleashed to the extent of Nazi Germany in 1929.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

What a joke you've become USA

Naw, the joke started in 2008 when Obama was elected, good lord, what were they thinking? Smh.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Not yuuuge - but neither insignificant. Looks set to end at about the same margin by which GWB defeated Kerry back in 2004.


Some may remember GWB's comment after trouncing Kerry by same margin Trump has lost to Clinton:

I earned capital in this campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it.

It's a topsy-turvey world now in which nothing makes sense. A concern of mine is that certain groups desire to perpetuate this confusion, obfuscate reality, and erase the past, and a large portion of the population seems willing to go along.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"This is so messed up. This is your President?


What a joke you've become USA"

Or, in the words of a non-American: "I envy you Americans." This be the correct assessment.

Oh my...

Justice w/ Judge Jeanine | Nov 26, 2016 | The Road to Pres-Elect Trump's Victory; Election Recount


-8 ( +0 / -8 )

and only got in through a technicality.

The electoral vote is not a "technicality". You can do better than that please.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Trump fans are fighting hard to make their fake reality the truth for others. It makes them look unhinged.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Clinton fans are in for another bitter disappointment when the recount fails to steal the Electoral College from the president-elect.

Oh my...

Clinton joins recount effort that Trump calls a 'scam'


-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Am I reading Japantoday or USAToday?

(And sometimes wondering if not KKKToday).

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The recount will eventually open up the Hillarybots to a new round of mockery.

Good times ahead. . . .

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

The validity or otherwise of a claim of 'fact' is not determined by what 'side' you perceive anyone to be on, but by the evidence. A claim of fact with evidence to back it up is a fact; a claim of fact based on no evidence - such as the drivel coming out of Trump's mouth yet again - is BS.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

It is very unfortunate that such a "Great Country" like the U.S., things sure appear to be deteriorating very rapidly!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Validating that voting was accurate seems like a duty for every election to ensure the voting actually reflected the will of legal voters. If we don't check our work, how do we know which issues need to be addressed?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"It is very unfortunate that such a "Great Country" like the U.S., things sure appear to be deteriorating very rapidly!"

Exactly! That's why Donald Trump won the presidential election!

Gingrich: Recount mania is example of collapse of Dem Party


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Trump transition team vice-chairman Newt Gingrich:

“The President of the United States can’t randomly tweet without having somebody check it out. It makes you wonder about whatever else he’s doing. It undermines much more than a single tweet.”

Gingrich also stated he hadn’t seen any proof that there had been millions of illegal votes cast. PolitiFact has rated this claim by Trump as Pants on Fire.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

claimed without evidence

normal people call it lying.

The media need to stop reporting on anything he lies about and exercise the adult filter that he completely lacks.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I have no doubt many of the votes were indeed illegal

There are indeed voting irregularities (though who knows which way they voted) - all sides agree that always happens in every election

But this is a matter of scope - "millions" of problematic votes would be a big problem and thus need solid proof

Can't just bring up a big issue without solid evidence to back it up. Because if it's truly that big a problem, then it's gonna need a big fix ASAP - but ya can't just waste so much resources without something solid behind it

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Besides the DNC which openly admitted it was corrupt and a voting disaster. TRUMP must now fix the whole backward American voting system so individuals can verify and track their votes to make sure it is counted as "1" vote and not .9999 or less percent of a vote. Seems bizarre to many that they can order items (Amazon Prime same day delivery), pay taxes, etc with their phones/tablets but cannot vote and worse yet is the verification of said votes.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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