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Trump claims Obama had phones wiretapped; Obama denies it


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“No matter how much we hope and pray that this president will grow into one who respects and understands the Constitution, separation of powers, role of a free press, responsibilities as the leader of the free world, or demonstrates even the most basic regard for the truth, we must now accept that President Trump will never become that man.”

Leopards and spots; cue Al Wilson's song The Snake.

When his handlers have him read the scripts they've written for him from the teleprompter, he can sound somewhat reasonable - not necessarily believable, but at least reasonable. But then they turn their backs and the petulant boy with his Twitter toy reverts to tappping (sic) even more nonsense about the bad men under his bed. He's over 70: remember Reagan's last years?

20 ( +24 / -4 )

Yet another waste of time from our President's Twitter account.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

Saturday again. Daughter and son-in-law not around to check his meds?

24 ( +29 / -5 )

The president often tweets about reports he reads on blogs and conservative-leaning websites.

How presidential. He trusts Breitbart more than his intelligence agencies.

20 ( +24 / -4 )

Really trying to have himself declared unfit for the job isn't he?

19 ( +22 / -3 )

-41 ( +2 / -43 )

Obama should have just responded by saying " lies terrible terrible lies"

0 ( +5 / -5 )

-18 ( +6 / -24 )

Trump talked the good words from his man-mouth:

“I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words. I have the best, but there is no better word than stupid. Right? There is none, there is none. There’s no, there’s no, there’s no word like that."

Well said, Mr. President.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

@badNashi seems to be some truth

'Some truth' from Breitbart usually includes getting the date of publication right and spelling proper names correctly, not much more. Bannon has admitted he uses fake news to manipulate his rightwing followers. He and the Twitter-er in chief have learnt from PT Barnum, Kim, Putin and Goebbels.

Encore: Masha Gessen (Russian American journalist):

It’s not just that both Putin and Trump lie, it is that they lie in the same way and for the same purpose: blatantly, to assert power over truth itself.

Hannah Arendt The Origins of Totalitarianism:

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”

21 ( +25 / -4 )

Obama (Spokesperson)! Please don't respond (for a while) and let the crazy people on the Trump side (including Trump himself) keep digging the hole as far as it can go while he makes himself look even more stupid and crazy- THEN respond subtly and with vagueness- like you might have something to hide. You want to draw this out to make Trump look more and more crazy (and he is good at that). What is next with this clown?

13 ( +15 / -2 )

It looks like another one of Trump's wild goose hunts.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

for once Donald, just once - lets see the proof of this claim.... let me guess - the President who spends more times on conspiracy theories cant produce anything....

7 ( +9 / -2 )

His claim could backfire if it was a legal wiretap investigation that uncovered Russians coordinating with his campaign.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

BertieWoosterMAR. 05, 2017 - 07:38AM JST

It's quite possible.

The US has done this before:

Possible or not, where's the proof?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Bertie - although I think this is very unlikely - you brought up a good point. The U.S. has done this and has increased spying on not only foreign leaders but its own citizens.

I do not necessarily think this is likely but I find it perplexing you get down votes for merely showing an example of this occurring in the past and bringing up another point of view.

And again, Trump takes to Twitter which really makes him look idiotic. The Tweets are childish.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It's quite possible.

The US has done this before:

Yes, many, many times. I'm going with you, I am not ruling that possibility out.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

How does Trump know when it's time to tweet? His clock calls out to him. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Possible or not, where's the proof?

Because Obama said so, that means it didn't happen? I'll say this, I am not putting anything past this man. Maybe he didn't do it, but where is the proof that he didn't do it? So it comes down to what you want to believe. I'm on the fence on this one.

-28 ( +2 / -30 )

Where this is going is increasingly clear. Trump now knows that US security agents have been tracking him, and they wouldn't do so without some evidence. So he's created a preemptive strike: This is not a case of Trump colluding with a foreign power, it is a case of a vindictive Obama trying to delegitimize Trump's rule.

Trump has always been a rube. No fire has been revealed yet despite copious amounts of smoke, but Trump's tweets show him gasping for air in an increasingly suffocating environment. And this is the sixth week.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

We need some clarification if a warrant was even granted after the initial denial. But if FBI’s attorneys would go to the FISA court for that kind of request it would seem probable that they did so with the consent of higher ups (higher than field agents anyway).

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Because Obama said so, that means it didn't happen? I'll say this, I am not putting anything past this man. Maybe he didn't do it, but where is the proof that he didn't do it? So it comes down to what you want to believe. I'm on the fence on this one.

You're on the fence on this one? Boy, that's a shocker. Time and time you demand people criticizing Trump obvious ties to Russia for not giving proof, but that works both ways. Trump can claim he was wiretapped, but the onus is on him to prove it. Its not on me or Obama to prove he wasn't. So Bass, any proof for Trump's claims?

12 ( +15 / -3 )


-24 ( +0 / -24 )

Trump is starting to sound like North Korea's leader.....excessive paranoia.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Trump is starting to sound like North Korea's leader.....excessive paranoia.

With the Democrats swirling around like Vultures trying to take a piece from him, he should be.

You're on the fence on this one? Boy, that's a shocker.

Why because surprisingly, I don't believe in jumping the gun and getting out my pitchfork and torch?

Time and time you demand people criticizing Trump obvious ties to Russia for not giving proof, but that works both ways.

I get that, but if there were proof any collusion that was a conflict of interest to the Trump presidency that involved Russia to the point where it would have been a danger to National Security, there would have been an investigation and a special prosecutor appointed and that hasn't happened. It's not like what we found with the Podesta emails that clearly showed collusion and intent to lie and deceive the public, thank God for that revelation, we dodged a bullet with that woman.

Trump can claim he was wiretapped, but the onus is on him to prove it.

I agree. Trump might be right, he might be wrong.

Its not on me or Obama to prove he wasn't.

Well, I would never believe anything that came out of Obama's mouth, I learned that a very long time ago. So he says, he didn't order a wiretap and I say, maybe, maybe not, I will not put anything past this guy or his admin. that's all I'm saying.

-25 ( +1 / -26 )

Lizz, I think you're focusing on the wrong pony. There is a possibility that Obama directed security agencies to monitor the Trump campaign, but Trump has offered no proof and, really, that likelihood is very low.

The pony is Trump's tweet. Is he communicating to the public something he learned from a security briefing (which in itself would be inadvisable) or was he echoing a Brietbert article at 3:00 AM (more likely). Considering the gravity of his claim, if the latter is the case, no responsible adult could continue to support his position in office. He must go. Next up: President Pence.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

There is a possibility that Obama directed security agencies to monitor the Trump campaign, but Trump has offered no proof and, really, that likelihood is very low.

Trump is talking generally about the Obama administration most probably, not that the former president had wire taps placed without a warrant. The FBI/FISA/Trump Tower computer connection is what former Obama officials are also referencing in their responses.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

I get that, but if there were proof any collusion that was a conflict of interest to the Trump presidency that involved Russia to the point where it would have been a danger to National Security, there would have been an investigation and a special prosecutor appointed and that hasn't happened.

So, why won't Trump release gis tax returns? How do you know there isn't? Actually the FBI is still examining Trump. Both the Trump administration and Obama admin. were briefed by the FBI.

It's not like what we found with the Podesta emails that clearly showed collusion and intent to lie and deceive the public, thank God for that revelation, we dodged a bullet with that woman.

Why are we still talking about the Clinton and the hacked emails. My god the obsession is strange. Especially considering the outrage over poor Donald's leaky office.

I agree. Trump might be right, he might be wrong.

So, if opponents of Trump make a claim against Trump, the onus is them to prove it? And when Trump makes an accusation against an opponent, the onus is also on the opponent to prove the claim false?Yes Bass, very bipartisan of you.

Regardless of Russia etc., Trump is doing a very good job of painting himself into a corner. Its like he wants to be booted from office.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

we dodged a bullet with that woman.

No, Clinton is a sane person -people just hate her just like people hated Obama because they think he's not American and was born in Kenya. Wait for greencared amnesty by Donald. At least Obama didn't do that -so Mexican hating conservatives should appreciate Obama for not giving out all those greencards. It's Ronald Reagan all over again (times 3). And Donald Trump's wall can be dodged with ladders.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

So, why won't Trump release gis tax returns? How do you know there isn't? Actually the FBI is still examining Trump. Both the Trump administration and Obama admin. were briefed by the FBI.

Tax return? Jeez....I'm surprised you didn't mention Bush's name. But hey, a man needs to try, right?

Why are we still talking about the Clinton and the hacked emails. My god the obsession is strange. Especially considering the outrage over poor Donald's leaky office.

You're right, it was wrong from me, she's not president, thankfully! She's just a grandma now, I think she makes a great grandma, cute.

Regardless of Russia etc., Trump is doing a very good job of painting himself into a corner. Its like he wants to be booted from office.

No, it's more like the Dems are doing their utmost to do that and at their own peril.

-19 ( +2 / -21 )

The FBI/FISA/Trump Tower computer connection is what former Obama officials are also referencing in their responses.

I agree. FISA requires a lower threshold than other criminal investigations as its only used when a crime is anticipated to involve a foreign entity; it was originally designed to fight drug trafficking and money laundering.

If the FBI did target Trump using FISA, one might wonder why. That will at some point be clarified. Nonetheless, Trump's tweet has demonstrated his lack of fitness for office. It is time to consider procedures to remove him.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

she's not president, thankfully!

No, it would be good if she was. And why do Mexico hating Trump voters like Trump? Trump is probably going to grant millions of greencards, which Obama never did. All those freeloading Mexicans (and Trump says there are about 30 million of them- maybe more) are going to continue to get all those welfare benefits while stealing jobs from white people. Trump hates these Mexican deadbeats- then why isn't he implementing his massive deportation army like he promised (lots and lots of broken promises)

Wow, Trump thinks that Obama personally tapped his phones.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If the FBI did target Trump using FISA, one might wonder why.

Good question, many possibilities-like taking him down.

That will at some point be clarified. Nonetheless, Trump's tweet has demonstrated his lack of fitness for office. It is time to consider procedures to remove him.

I don't think so, I think he is as capable as anyone else, if not, more so, but the forces in the DNP are out in full force and ready to whatever is necessary to throw grenades and banana peels at every turn to delegitimize this president. Desperation is the Democratic way.

-21 ( +2 / -23 )

I think he is as capable as anyone else, if not, more so

No, he is not. Look at his broken promises. At the same time Trump's amnesty that will make Reagan's look like a joke is right around the corner. All those freeloading Mexicans are about to be granted citizenship and it's on Trump's watch.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

"Because Obama said so, that means it didn't happen? I'll say this, I am not putting anything past this man."

In the same spirit, I'm sure you are very suspicious of a man who sees crowds that aren't there, sees thousands of Muslims dancing on 7/11 and was a leader of the birther movement.

When it comes to fantastical claims, this man is in a league of his own.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

@bass4funk - It is interesting to read your posts. There are times when you post things where I can understand where you are coming from and I can even agree with your premise. On the other hand there are times I do not agree with your posts. I think on many things we disagree but I also am willing to see your point as well.

In this case I disagree with you. In spite of his outward actions, I also believe Trump is a capable man, however the complete lack of judgment he uses when using Twitter and some of the things he writes, are very troublesome, especially for the President of the U.S.

You are also correct stating Democrats are trying to derail his Presidency. The same argument can be made for Republicans, when they tried to derail Obama's presidency. Let's face it - both mainstream parties now suck.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

low, tried to get the focus out from russia and brought in obama. low

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Nonetheless, Trump's tweet has demonstrated his lack of fitness for office.

Trump needs to get that C/C+ on messaging he gave himself up to at least a B-, on that we can all probably agree.


-12 ( +1 / -13 )

The US has done this before:

Yes. They spy on everyone, all the time:

"The list indicates that NSA spying on Japanese conglomerates, government officials, ministries and senior advisers extends back at least as far as the first administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which lasted from September 2006 until September 2007. The telephone interception target list includes the switchboard for the Japanese Cabinet Office; the executive secretary to the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga; a line described as "Government VIP Line"; numerous officials within the Japanese Central Bank, including Governor Haruhiko Kuroda; the home phone number of at least one Central Bank official; numerous numbers within the Japanese Finance Ministry; the Japanese Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry Yoichi Miyazawa; the Natural Gas Division of Mitsubishi; and the Petroleum Division of Mitsui"


Interestingly, the NSA know exactly why Abe quit in 2006 because they had him bugged.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The "maybe, maybe not" position is a strong driver with fringe media and their followers. People more to the center follow the traditional position of "innocent until proven guilty" or at the very least, "prove it." The hard part is that we've never had a president who plays to the easily manipulated mind of the fringe to the extent that Trump does.

I'm guessing the right wing nutjob who shot up a pizza shop over Clinton's child sex ring started with the "maybe, maybe not" theory of reality. Obviously you can't defend the theory about Obama being born overseas without it. It becomes a habit forming coping mechanism that gets easier and easier to use over time and then you end up losing touch with the rest of society.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Trump did not offer any evidence or details, or say what prompted him to make the allegation.

And that's all we need to know - it's total BS.

It's hilarious though how members of the peanut gallery here were like, "No, we can't even investigate into Trump's connections with Russia because the intelligence agencies don't have absolute proof that it definitely happened, even if they have lots of supporting evidence that suggests it's worth looking into!" but then when Trump makes up a story without even a shred of corroboration these same people are like, "Seems legit."

It goes to show that the true believers here are complete and total propaganda mouthpieces. They don't decide what they think is true by information, they decide what they think is true by who says it. These are the people who will happily declare 2 + 2 = 5 if Big Brother tells them it needs to be 5.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

It wouldn't surprise me if it turns out to true

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

very sacred election process

"Sacred". lolololol

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Revenge of the losers! Our intelligence community has been politicised! Someone lied and if the wiretapping is proven true, the Republican party will be in control for the next 20 years. If Obama was involved, everything he and his cronies stood for will be wiped out forever. he chose the wrong candidate to sabotage.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

When it comes to fantastical claims, this man is in a league of his own.

I feel the same about the Democratic party and especially Shumer and Pelosi, it just doesn't get more....bizarre.

In this case I disagree with you. In spite of his outward actions, I also believe Trump is a capable man, however the complete lack of judgment he uses when using Twitter and some of the things he writes, are very troublesome, especially for the President of the U.S.

I won't entirely disagree with you on that, but as you said, him being a very capable man, there must be something that gave him a reason to make this accusation. All I'm saying is, I'm just going to take a wait and see approach, because it could be that Trump did make a very bad mistake or he's on to something much bigger and dealing with a former president that would love nothing more than to bring him down, but again, it's all speculative.

You are also correct stating Democrats are trying to derail his Presidency. The same argument can be made for Republicans, when they tried to derail Obama's presidency. Let's face it - both mainstream parties now suck.

Sure, I will admit that, but the difference is, Obama is going to be moving very close to Washington and Jarrett is moving near there as well, a bit odd. And now as a private citizen Obama can do a lot of fundraising, again, No problem with that, but so close proximity-wise, it's just all a bit ironic.

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

More ketchup on your shirts. Guard your valuables, America!

1 ( +3 / -2 )


"Imagine if u honestly uncovered a Watergate-level scandal abt yr own presidency, but then 30 min later got bored & started tweeting about TV"

Trump is apparently outraged by this thing he made up, but not as outraged as he is about Schwarzenegger's ratings on the Apprentice.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I am embarrassed for the US of A & I aint even a yank, this goofball needs to be FIRED!!! And pronto!!

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

So of COURSE President Trump has 100% factual PROOF that then President Obama wiretapped and bugged him.


I'll just wait to see it.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Trump's self-generated fake news in his world of paranoia.

Welcome to a new kind of tension all across the alien nation...

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Wait one week to evaluate why his now. Either he cores nt remember or create another story

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

bass4funkMAR. 05, 2017 - 10:54AM JST

I won't entirely disagree with you on that, but as you said, him being a very capable man, there must be something that gave him a reason to make this accusation.

I'm guessing paranoia, senility or a need to find a scapegoat for everything that's been going wrong.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Tax return? Jeez....I'm surprised you didn't mention Bush's name. But hey, a man needs to try, right?

Answer the question, Bass. I'm not talking about Bush, Obama, or Clinton. Why won't he release his tax returns? Combine that with half a dozen associates with apparent Russian connections, his praise of Putin, and his 180 turn around on Russia, as well as the FBI Dossier, it is certainly enough to make one wonder.

No, it's more like the Dems are doing their utmost to do that and at their own peril.

Riiightt... Trump loses the popular vote by close to 3 million votes, cowardly members of the GOP congress refuse to meet angry members of their electorate, and they're still hellbent on repealing ACA. at their own peril? Yeah right, time for a reality check; Trump is fundementally dishonest, and mentally incapable of leading the country.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Fake news, Donald, fake news.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

him being a very capable man, there must be something that gave him a reason to make this accusation.

Yes, and Trump once accused Obama of being Kenyan. Trump being a very capable must have had a reason for making that accusation. Donald Trump a very capable man. He's got the best judgement.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I feel the same about the Democratic party

Like what (other than Obama saying he was not born in kenya)?

If Trump released his tax returns there would be nothing illegal- just embarrassing.

If Obama was involved, everything he and his cronies stood for will be wiped out forever. he chose the wrong candidate to sabotage.

We are talking about Trump making these claims. The same man who ran on Obama being born in Kenya how his wall is going to be built (and Mexico paying for it)

6 ( +8 / -2 )

"When it comes to fantastical claims, this man is in a league of his own."

"I feel the same about the Democratic party and especially Shumer and Pelosi, it just doesn't get more....bizarre."

Give us fantastical claims from them at the bizarre level of Trump's birther crusade. Did they say Obama is a Muslim or the anti-Christ? Did they dance on rooftops on 7/11?

No deflections, no LMAOs. Concrete examples.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

JimizoMAR. 05, 2017 - 12:22PM JST

No deflections, no LMAOs. Concrete examples.

Wow, that's a tall order. Prepare to be disappointed.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

If Obama was involved, everything he and his cronies stood for will be wiped out forever. he chose the wrong candidate to sabotage.

Nah, there would be nothing wrong with Obama tapping Trump's phones. Perfectly reasonable.

I'm sure you guys will ask why, well come up with some lame excuse like the Republicans would use to explain it away, and that's why it's ok.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Rep. Ted Lieu from California is lighting up Twitter:

"Mr. President: If there was a wiretap at Trump Tower, that means a fed judge found probable cause of crime which means you are in deep shit,”

"Implication of Trump's #wiretap admission is that there is a serious counterintelligence/criminal investigation on him and/or his associates"

"Trump's explosive admission of #wiretap at Trump Tower means Congress must appoint special prosecutor to review what was learned from taps."

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Trump knows what is going on. If the FBI doesn't believe it he is clear.

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia


WASHINGTON — For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead — which they ultimately came to doubt — about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.

Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

The 25th Amendment may have to be invoked before we ever get to removing this lunatic for colluding with Russia to win the election. This is serious paranoid delusion territory, if he really believes it. And it's a brazen indication that's Trump is taking his cues from fringe talk shows, rather than actually using what few brain cells he has. In either case, this nutter is unfit to lead a nation of 300 million.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Republican Senator from Nebraska Ben Sasse, said "The president should explain what sort of wiretap it was and how he knows this. We are in the midst of a civilization-warping crisis of public trust, and the President's allegations today demand the thorough and dispassionate attention of serious patriots. A quest for the full truth, rather than knee-jerk partisanship, must be our guide if we are going to rebuild civic trust and health."

Hope Trump is enjoying his day of golf at Mar a Lago today (how many golf outings does that make? and why do they still call it the "Winter White House" in spring?), but I suspect he may feel a tad piqued. His game may end like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2aGo7hLJoE

6 ( +7 / -1 )

bass4funkMAR. 05, 2017 - 09:24AM JST

"Trump is starting to sound like North Korea's leader.....excessive paranoia."

With the Democrats swirling around like Vultures trying to take a piece from him, he should be.

He should be paranoid? That is to say, he should be irrationally leaping to the conclusion that he is surrounded by enemies even if it's not actually true? You really don't put a lot of thought into what you write, do you?

"You're on the fence on this one? Boy, that's a shocker."

Why because surprisingly, I don't believe in jumping the gun and getting out my pitchfork and torch?

Pity Trump doesn't feel the same way, otherwise he might have backed up his allegations with some hard evidence.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Dear everyone in the world,

please accept my apologies for the Idiot-in-Chief. Obviously, he is mentally unstable.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

For all the stupidity Trump has displayed, he got one thing absolutely correct when he said "I can stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone, and I would not lose a single vote". Good luck trying to convince Trump supporters that without proof this allegation of wire tapping is meaningless. They will forever believe that this happened. Their line of reasoning is the same as bass - "I'm not a partisan but the Dems and Libs suck and should be shipped off to outer space".

Trump is now a cult leader. I honestly think the FBI can reveal his connections to Putin tomorrow and nothing would change. All Trump will have to do is tweet at 3 in the morning that Obama's friends in the FBI leaked this, that its fake news, and that its not a big deal to have connections with Russia, and his supporters will lap it up.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Media reports on numerous Trump indiscretions - His supporters cry "Rubbish. I don't believe it. Where's the proof?"

Trump endlessly tweets stuff on his Twitter with no proof ever given - His supporters cry "it's probably true. I believe it. Where's your proof that it isn't?"

Hypocrisy at it's best.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

They are talking about an illegal wiretap. Why does the left automatically accept that Obama wouldn't do such a thing? yet there are examples of him doing so. Angela Merkel and James Rosen pop into mind. It doesn't mean that Trump was doing anything to support the wiretap, so that's why it was done illegally if it was done. I don't know if it was but I doubt Trump would say it with no evidence. Guess we will see what evidence he has first.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

So when is making baseless claims without ANY substantial proof or evidence ever gonna be challenged? And what would happen if the lunatic in chief decides that a particular country is planning to attack the US and he decides to order an invasion?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I'm guessing paranoia, senility or a need to find a scapegoat for everything that's been going wrong.

When you have the Democrats in full force trying their utmost to unseat the president, who could blame him?

Yes, and Trump once accused Obama of being Kenyan. Trump being a very capable must have had a reason for making that accusation. Donald Trump a very capable man. He's got the best judgement.

But then all those non-believers realized they were idiotic fools for thinking that. So Trump should be ok. Dems, keep chasing that tail!

Wow, that's a tall order. Prepare to be disappointed.

Haven't heard anything of substance from the left, still waiting, it's Sunday, take your time. ROFL!

He should be paranoid? That is to say, he should be irrationally leaping to the conclusion that he is surrounded by enemies even if it's not actually true?

You or I don't know that.

You really don't put a lot of thought into what you write, do you?

Back at you, homie.

Pity Trump doesn't feel the same way, otherwise he might have backed up his allegations with some hard evidence.

The same goes for the looney liberals that don't have a leg to stand on trying to pin Trump being a tool of the Russians. Need more bait?

The 25th Amendment may have to be invoked before we ever get to removing this lunatic for colluding with Russia to win the election.

Never going to happen, but what I do predict that will happen with greater certainty is that the Democratic Party is on the edge of becoming a fringe joke and a complete marginalized party. Good luck to them.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Has he shown evidence of his voter fraud claims? Has he shown evidence of Muslims cheering on 9/11? Has he shown evidence that his inauguration crowd in Washington was the biggest ever? Has he shown evidence that Obama's birth certificate is fake?

Have you ever heard of a Trump fan saying that since he hasn't shown evidence for any of those things then he was lying? Or are we still in hold mode for all of those?

And if presidents can order illegal wire taps, who do you think Trump is listening to? Pelosi? Schumer? Maybe all of Congress and his business rivals? Maybe, maybe not. We really don't know. We just don't have any evidence that he isn't doing that.

The good news is that his pretty little speech is long gone in the eyes of Americans right now.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Heh heh I can just picture the so-called President: "What do you mean I can't just order wire-taps!? Unacceptable! Sad."

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Typical Bass can't (or won't) answer a simple question. Deflect, deflect, deflect. If the facts aren't in your favor, just ignore them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Obama was the outgoing president who couldn't stand for te-election, how could he have benefit from those wiretaps. Riddle me this, riddle me that

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Trump is clearly hiding something and is building up a defense in case it comes out. Otherwise why all the obfuscation about meetings with Russians? If they were so innocuous, why not be upfront about it?

Then there's Trump's inconsistencies about his own relationship with Putin:

November, 2013--"I do have a relationship [with Putin]"

March, 2014--"You know, I was in Moscow a couple of months ago. I own the Miss Universe Pageant and they treated me so great. Putin even sent me a present, a beautiful present."

May, 2014--"I was in Russia, I was in Moscow recently and I spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer"

July 27, 2016--"I never met Putin -- I don't know who Putin is."

February 7, 2017--"I don’t know Putin, have no deals in Russia"

Why the flip flopping?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

"They are talking about an illegal wiretap. Why does the left automatically accept that Obama wouldn't do such a thing?"

If Trump had said he wouldn't put something like this past Obama, that's a judgement of character.

To say he did do this is a claim which requires evidence.

I'm sure you see the difference here. It isn't a pedantic point.

5 ( +6 / -1 )






-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Have you ever heard of a Trump fan saying that since he hasn't shown evidence for any of those things then he was lying? Or are we still in hold mode for all of those?

We don't know, but please, keep guessing.

And if presidents can order illegal wire taps, who do you think Trump is listening to? Pelosi? Schumer?

If at all. But he's already the president, so highy unlikely.

Maybe all of Congress and his business rivals? Maybe, maybe not. We really don't know. We just don't have any evidence that he isn't doing that.

Very true.

The good news is that his pretty little speech is long gone in the eyes of Americans right now.

Not for the ones that like the man.

Trump is clearly hiding something and is building up a defense in case it comes out. Otherwise why all the obfuscation about meetings with Russians? If they were so innocuous, why not be upfront about it?

Oh, stop, you don't know that. ROFL

To say he did do this is a claim which requires evidence.

I'm sure you see the difference here. It isn't a pedantic point.

I just see the usual liberal hypocrisy at play, what else is new?

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

The allegations may be related to anonymously sourced reports in British media and blogs, and on conservative-leaning U.S. websites, including Breitbart News.

OK, so Trump doesn't like anonymous sources, but he'd believe them if he read it on the internet

Anyways, he better be able to back up this serious allegation, and don't say he is in no position to look for evidence because it's the very Office that he occupies now. If it's true, then it shouldn't be difficult to provide that evidence - the Oval Office has all the records. Now it's up to him and him alone to provide that evidence since he's the one who made that serious allegation

Otherwise, he's either drunk or high when he sent that tweet

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"To say he did do this is a claim which requires evidence.

I'm sure you see the difference here. It isn't a pedantic point."

"I just see the usual liberal hypocrisy at play, what else is new?"

As you know, claims require evidence. For example, you didn't claim that Obama was going to cancel the 2016 election after declaring martial law, you merely asserted it was possible given the character of the man.

You had the integrity to merely assert it was possible, but didn't claim he was planning it.

Shouldn't the president of the US have integrity and a level of integrity higher than any poster here?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

bass4funk: "Yes, many, many times. I'm going with you, I am not ruling that possibility out."

Typical. When you have Trump with his hand in the cookie jar you guys will go so far as to ignore actual facts, dismiss proof, and believe alternative truths. But when Trump, as always, has ZERO proof? You believe it without question. Even PT Barnum's laughing at you from the dead.

"Haven't heard anything of substance from the left, still waiting"

Not the left that has to prove it. Should be easy enough for Trump to prove his accusations if they are fact, no? Trump's never proven a thing beyond his fan base being utter fools.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

As you know, claims require evidence.


Shouldn't the president of the US have integrity and a level of integrity higher than any poster here?

That depends on what your personal definition of integrity is.

Typical. When you have Trump with his hand in the cookie jar you guys will go so far as to ignore actual facts, dismiss proof, and believe alternative truths.

Now I know you're joking right? You just did NOT say that, right?

But when Trump, as always, has ZERO proof? You believe it without question. Even PT Barnum's laughing at you from the dead.

I never said that. Here we go with the absurd nutty far left interpretation of what was supposedly said.

Not the left that has to prove it.

Yeah, they do. If you are going to make outlandish accusations like that, they need to back it up, otherwise, they are just blowing smoke.

Trump's never proven a thing beyond his fan base being utter fools.

But he's in the White House, I'm happy, so if I'm a fool, I'm a happy fool.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Buffalo Springfield said it best: "Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep. It starts when you're always afraid ...."

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trump is the president I'm sure he has his own sources. It is just a matter of how many Obama people are still there to hide what happened from him. Even sources in the U.K. are saying they know about these illegal wiretaps so let's see what happens. The statement from Obama was really not in plain language and never really said that he didn't do it. Just talked about what shouldn't be done in certain circumstances rather than specifically saying what he did or didn't do.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

For what it's worth, apeman, two other lines from that song seem relevant:

"Singing songs and carrying signs, Mostly say, hooray for our side"

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Plus there is no actual evidence about any of the Russia things actually happening. Yet the media and Dems been talkijg about that since Hillary lost. Conversations were had but was there anything illegal that happened after those or as a result of those? No proof of it, even from these wiretaps. Yet Trump says something all these people want to stop talking about it in less than a day because no proof yet? That hasn't stopped the Russia talk. Maybe trump has the proof and was just waiting for Obama to deny it before he counterattacks? Let's see how it goes.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

If you read Trump's twitter offerings aloud in a Gollum voice they seem to make so much more sense

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trumpy and briebart posting fake news to distract us from the Russian story!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

of what was supposedly said.

He said Obama tapped his phones. He's crazy. This is the same man who says Obama was born in Kenya.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Plus there is no actual evidence about any of the Russia things actually happening.

I know that, you know that, but liberals don't have that kind of sense to figure that out.

Yet the media and Dems been talkijg about that since Hillary lost.

There is sadly NO cure for craziness.

Conversations were had but was there anything illegal that happened after those or as a result of those? No proof of it, even from these wiretaps. Yet Trump says something all these people want to stop talking about it in less than a day because no proof yet?

The Dems don't need proof, just angry baseless typical rhetoric.

That hasn't stopped the Russia talk. Maybe trump has the proof and was just waiting for Obama to deny it before he counterattacks? Let's see how it goes.


-12 ( +0 / -12 )

I wish the CIA, FBI, etc had actually wiretaped and investigated seriously the Donald and his gang of Russian spies long before the election. He would not be where he is now,

6 ( +6 / -0 )

@nishikat"He said Obama tapped his phones"

And it seems to be true ! Silly poor Obama....

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Cap your tweet habits, Don, and back up your allegations with proof, evidence, facts. Act like an adult

2 ( +4 / -2 )

"This is the same man who says Obama was born in Kenya."

Uh, no, nishikat, Trump said Obama was born in the United States. Check it out.




Lt. Col. Shaffer on wiretapping: This is Soviet behavior


-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Trump said Obama was borin in Kenya. Not in USA. Is this true?

Trump said Obama was a founder of IS and Hilary was a co-founder during his campaign. Is this true?


Now Trump is a POTUS and he tweeted Obama tapping his Trump Tower phone. He added Obama was so low! Is this true?

No other Presidents have ever hated and accused his predecessor since 1776. Trump is still not matured and cruel to Obama and Hilary.

Who is so low? Trump or Obama?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

No other Presidents have ever hated and accused his predecessor since 1776. Trump is still not matured and cruel to Obama and Hilary.

Apparently, you missed out on the subtle, yet blame game Obama did towards Bush and the vitriol was there and still now, if you play close attention.

Now Trump is a POTUS and he tweeted Obama tapping his Trump Tower phone. He added Obama was so low! Is this true?

I would never site the NYT, they openly said, they believe that this president is illegitimate which is outrageous for any news outlet to do or say something like that, but that's to be expected from that publication which is actively undermining the president to do what it can to bring him and his admin. down.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Everything Trump says seems to be followed by, '...but Trump offered no evidence or details', OR '....but Trump offered no specifics' etc. etc. How thick do his supporters have to be to not realize they are being completely fooled by a complete fool?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

So all the negative people here are you saying that the wiretapping never happened? There appears to be evidence that one was requested and denied in July then another was approved in October. So for me, was the initial reason given to do this a lie? Were more people involved than authorized? Once nothing was found related to its purpose did the wiretapping continue illegally anyway?

Those of you who seem to be claiming it never happened at all I think you are going to be disappointed to find that it did.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

So all the negative people here are you saying that the wiretapping never happened?

No. We're saying where is the proof? Time and time again Trump makes like outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Well, where's the proof? If you are going to make an accusation, give some proof. Its just a load bull until then.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There is proof all over the internet that the FISA warrants were requested and that the first one was denied and the second one was approved. Google trump fisa warrant and there are multiple media sources that confirm it. So that doesn't seem to be in question anymore. Because the outcome of the wiretapping showed nothing it makes people wonder if the initial reason was legitimate or not. So what reason was given, was it legitimate and who knew about and did it stop or continue after nothing was found seem to be the remaining questions.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

"Trump said Obama was a founder of IS and Hilary was a co-founder during his campaign. Is this true?"

Yeah, that's true, he said it because it's true.




Geraldo: Obama operatives planted landmines for Trump


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

No. We're saying where is the proof? Time and time again Trump makes like outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Well, where's the proof? If you are going to make an accusation, give some proof. Its just a load bull until then.

You know what, I am going to agree with you, if Trump indeed made these allegations up, then that was a huge mistake on his part, but to be fair, the same goes for the Dems and their constant obsession with Trump being allegedly some Russian stooge for the Kremlin, unless you can back up that Trump and his staff were knee deep in heavy involvement with the Russians, you can equally not this admin accountable and should not make blanket and baseless statements unless you can concretely tie Trump to any of these claims. Sure I believe the Russians had some hand in the election but to sway it for Trump to win? Swaying the people of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to that level? Come on now...

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

We're saying where is the proof?

The proof will be presented in court if there were agencies like the CIA or NSA that were involved which shouldn't have been whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in the 2016 election.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

bass4funk: "unless you can back up that Trump and his staff were knee deep in heavy involvement with the Russians"

So, why did Sessions recuse himself? Why is another former Trump aide now on record as admitting he lied about meeting Russian diplomats (then further lied)? How many is that now that have said they never did, then were later proven to have? five, I think it is?

"Sure I believe the Russians had some hand in the election"

Then you admit Trump is not the legitimate president. You're growing. Well done.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

When is Obama going to be arrested?




Obama's Slush Fund Quietly Funneled Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to Liberal Groups


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Well the Press Secretary just issued a release that adds this to the ongoing intelligence committee investigation of the supposed Russia activity. Trump requested they look into misuse of executive branch powers by politically motivated investigations. He said he will have no further comments until the investigation is complete. So there we go, turn it over to the investigators and let them prove it or not.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

So, why did Sessions recuse himself?

Gee, Smith, why do you think he did?

Why is another former Trump aide now on record as admitting he lied about meeting Russian diplomats (then further lied)?

He didn't lie, he misspoke, I don't know about you, but it happens to people.

How many is that now that have said they never did, then were later proven to have? five, I think it is?

Oh, stop, the same could be said about A LOT of people in the last admin, as well. Don't even go there.

Then you admit Trump is not the legitimate president.

No, I never said that, putting words in my mouth? If we go by your thought process, Obama should have been out of office 7 years ago. come on! Yeah, typical liberal thought process, I don't like your answers, so I will come up with my own narratives. "Oh, lord, why am I not surprised?"

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

So you could effectively say he dropped a bomb yesterday, offered no evidence, and now has a position where he will not comment.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

One day, I hope, the lefties will have a rude awakening realizing that Obama, Hillary, the neocon hedgemons and their MSM lackeys are the ones pushing the Russian narrative to keep the left "YOU" distracted from looking in the mirror and seeing the wicked Queen and the deep evil State that resides in our One Party system. Of course they are going to attack Trump, because Detente with Russia was/is not part of the neocon hegemony plan. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, the many terrible civil wars going on in Africa, lots and lots of more covert violence; yet the lefties and the MSM (even FOX) go on and on about Russia and Sessions and the past election????

C'MON! People! Can't you even realize when "the Big Lie" is being shoved at you?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

"One day, I hope, the lefties will have a rude awakening realizing that Obama, Hillary, the neocon hedgemons and their MSM lackeys are the ones pushing the Russian narrative to keep the left "YOU" distracted from looking in the mirror and seeing the wicked Queen and the deep evil State that resides in our One Party system. Of course they are going to attack Trump, because Detente with Russia was/is not part of the neocon hegemony plan. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, the many terrible civil wars going on in Africa, lots and lots of more covert violence; yet the lefties and the MSM (even FOX) go on and on about Russia and Sessions and the past election????

C'MON! People! Can't you even realize when "the Big Lie" is being shoved at you?"

Sigh. Is Loose Change still doing the rounds?

Do you have any opinion on Trump making claims without evidence?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Do you have any opinion on Trump making claims without evidence?

Waste of time. Screaming MSM banshees and the zombies that haplessly follow that scream? No thanks. Again, you don't feel a big lie in all this? I'd guess that you do.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Do you have any opinion on Trump making claims without evidence?

I think from the looks of it and just word came out that the White House is asking congress to investigate whether the Obama admin. abused its executive powers. Give the fact that a few years ago FNC reporter James Rosen was targeted unjustly by the IRS and the WH knew about it and would use that branch of government to heavily audit a journalist is very disturbing, NOT to mention showing that Obama and his minions COULD possibly have a hand in this as well. So I am not so sure that what Trump said was without merit. Again, let's take a wait and see what comes from all of this.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

"Again, you don't feel a big lie in all this? I'd guess that you do."

I see a person making claims without evidence.

The last time I was educated about assuming that there wasn't a grand conspiracy behind an event involving a UK MP, it turned out to be sub-tabloid gibberish.

I think I'll skip the second viewing of loose change and consider the idea of claiming something without evidence as wrong.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Again, you don't feel a big lie in all this? I'd guess that you do."

I'm open-minded, probably because I'm not partisan.

I see a person making claims without evidence.

Could be and I also see the previous president trying to undermine the incoming president

The last time I was educated about assuming that there wasn't a grand conspiracy behind an event involving a UK MP, it turned out to be sub-tabloid gibberish.

And your point?

I think I'll skip the second viewing of loose change and consider the idea of claiming something without evidence as wrong.

You can think whatever you like and I will be very, very suspicious of the last admin and their constant undermining attempts to bring this president down.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

bass4funk: "Gee, Smith, why do you think he did?"

Because he lied under oath and got caught red-handed. But I'm thinking your answer is different; imaginary 'facts', and the 'unfair, non Fox & Friends media', etc. He flat out lied, and now has had to recuse himself. Pretty obvious. That's why Trump is so outright furious -- it's an admittance of guilt, not that it was needed.

And as for Trump and the wire-tapping, I love how the weasel Spicer came out and stated that "Neither Trump nor the WH will comment further on the matter until Congress finishes up a probe in the matter". Haha. He knows Trump went overboard, and even his fellow Republicans don't know what the Man-child was raging about, and so, since there will be no probe due to the fact that Trump has NO evidence, he's set it up to blame the media for his own comments, and "won't comment further" on his blunder. Fortunately, this won't be let go, and his slander will hopefully land him a couple of lawsuits at least.

"I'm open-minded, probably because I'm not partisan."

You are hands down the most partisan person on anything involving the right-wing in US politics.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump claims Obama had phones wiretapped; Obama denies it

President Donald Trump on Saturday accused former President Barack Obama of having Trump Tower telephones “wire tapped” during last year’s election, a startling claim that Obama’s spokesman said was false.

Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said a “cardinal rule” of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered in any Justice Department investigations, which are supposed to be conducted free of political influence.

According to the article, Obama didn't deny it. Some former spokesmodel/lackey for Obama claimed that Obama had a policy against doing something like this. That's not the same thing.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Whether Trump was 'wrong' about the specifics remains to be seen. For what it is worth, the White House may not have personally ordered a wire tap, but did they give the greenlight for this material to be used outside legal boundaries ? Did Obama or any members of his senior team discuss how to take steps that would prevent Trump from taking the oath of office ? Was Obama ever informed his Intelligence Community had received information collected by foreign intelligence sources ? Ask different questions, and ask them under oath and most likely you will receive different answers.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

bass4funkMAR. 05, 2017 - 10:57PM JST

"Don't know what exactly? It's clearly hard for you to make sense but do try."

I do...

Really? I would never have guessed.

...but I think liberals are generally from my experience with them have a myopic one-sided point of view of everything and every issue.

Ho ho. Ever re-read any of your own comments?

bass4funkMAR. 06, 2017 - 12:15AM JST

So I am not so sure that what Trump said was without merit.

But what if it is without merit? That would leave a lot of people feeling and looking a bit stupid, wouldn't it?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Simon Foston - But what if it is without merit? That would leave a lot of people feeling and looking a bit stupid, wouldn't it?

But what if the charge does have merit? That could really leave a lot of people with hurt feelings, and quite possibly the same sad expression on their faces that many Democrats had when it became obvious that Hillary had lost her 2nd chance to become POTUS.

Why hasn't Obama himself denied this charge?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

At what point is Trump's accusations considered slander? Or are tweets considered libellous?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Spicer's statement:

"Reports concerning potentially politically motivated investigations immediately ahead of the 2016 election are very troubling"

And that's the seed. Potentially politically motivated investigations. If and when there are any comments about investigations then Trump fans can immediately respond with "those are (potentially) politically motivated investigations by Obama." You remember him. The black guy with the fake birth certificate.

Short term, Spicer will refuse to answer questions about where these "reports" came from. Heck, he could be talking about Trump's comments from yesterday, but he won't give information. He's already said they won't be commenting about it anymore. Long-term, Trump fans will continue to believe that Obama is potentially behind everything without a single shred of evidence linking him to anything.

It's actually a pretty good plan and straight of of Putin's playbook. You don't have to disprove anything, you just have to create a sliver of doubt and from there you can discredit the entire investigation. If I'm right then from this day forward the Trump fans here will claim that everything could be potentially politically motivated by Obama. Actually, they will drop "potentially" in 24 hours or less when enough moderates and liberals laugh at them.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Whichever side you're on you have to agree that this is becoming a circus....

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Dude. You were about the be President. Yes your communications where tapped.

Just like every other American's communications are tapped by the NSA. What, did you expect special treatment?

I kinda wonder what news was about to hit that he needed to tweet that so it didn't get much coverage.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Short term, Spicer will refuse to answer questions about where these "reports" came from.

Spicer isn't going to answer because he can't while there is a Dept of Justice investigation ongoing but considering that Trump met with the head of the NSA after the election and Comey is still in charge of the FBI it isn't going to be too difficult to deduce.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Its quite sad to think that trumpy could wake up tomorrow morning a 3am and tweet that obama stole his credit card and thousands of his followers would probably show up at obama's residence with signs calling for him to be arrested. It seems that gone are the days of logical reasoning and common sense.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Because he lied under oath and got caught red-handed. But I'm thinking your answer is different; imaginary 'facts', and the 'unfair, non Fox & Friends media', etc. He flat out lied, and now has had to recuse himself. Pretty obvious. That's why Trump is so outright furious -- it's an admittance of guilt, not that it was needed.

So now you are his shrink? Sorry, you can believe that blindly I don't. I don't think that Trump's allegations is actually all that far fetched considering what the past admin. has done and what their capabilities were, I'll stay on the sides lines for this and see what happens.

And as for Trump and the wire-tapping, I love how the weasel Spicer came out and stated that "Neither Trump nor the WH will comment further on the matter until Congress finishes up a probe in the matter". Haha. He knows Trump went overboard, and even his fellow Republicans don't know what the Man-child was raging about, and so, since there will be no probe due to the fact that Trump has NO evidence, he's set it up to blame the media for his own comments, and "won't comment further" on his blunder. Fortunately, this won't be let go, and his slander will hopefully land him a couple of lawsuits at least.

Hmmm.....personally, I think your analysis is dead wrong, but it wouldn't be the first time.

You are hands down the most partisan person on anything involving the right-wing in US politics.

Sorry, but that is absolutely not true and shows that you are as usual typical in seeing things through a myopic lens. If I were partisan, I would without facts or merit condemn Trump and call you guys all kinds of names and say there is No way Trump is lying would lie, would never and can never make a mistake. That's not what I said and you know it. I said, I'm on the fence, you could be right, but you could be wrong, hardly partisan, please focus and put the emotion aside for a moment.

Its quite sad to think that trumpy could wake up tomorrow morning a 3am and tweet that obama stole his credit card and thousands of his followers would probably show up at obama's residence with signs calling for him to be arrested. It seems that gone are the days of logical reasoning and common sense.

Given the history of the past admin. I wouldn't put it past them, not that far fetched, I mean, Lois Lerner, IRS scandal. Eric Holder's fast and furious Hillary....Oh, boy, were do we begin....and Obama stupidly said, his admin. doesn't have a smidgen of corruption, the Wikileaks, yeah, I'm not so sure Trump is totally off on this, that possibly the former president could be actively working behind the scenes to throw landmines under this admin. is sad, not to mention dirty.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

bass4funkMAR. 06, 2017 - 07:37AM JST

"You are hands down the most partisan person on anything involving the right-wing in US politics."

Sorry, but that is absolutely not true and shows that you are as usual typical in seeing things through a myopic lens. If I were partisan, I would without facts or merit condemn Trump and call you guys all kinds of names and say there is No way Trump is lying would lie, would never and can never make a mistake.

You would condemn Trump AND say there is no way he would lie? And you don't call people names? Ha ha. There's hardly a day goes by when you aren't here ranting about liberals and Democrats, throwing insults around and adding LOLs or ROFLs so everyone knows how "funny" you are.

arrestpaulMAR. 06, 2017 - 01:16AM JST

Simon Foston - But what if it is without merit? That would leave a lot of people feeling and looking a bit stupid, wouldn't it?

But what if the charge does have merit?

How likely do you think that's looking at the moment?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Obama was a manipulator. He can say anything and people would believe him. All the lefties on here seem to condone Obama`s every action.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


Why hasn't Obama himself denied this charge?

Because these aren't "charges." They are bull-shite trolling, at best. If I asked you when you stopped beating your wife and children, would you feel compelled to reply with an answer?

The POTUS does not possess the power or the authority to issue or execute wiretaps in any capacity. Period.

It is PAINFULLY obvious that Trump issued these tweets for two reasons:

1) He is trying to slow the gradually increasing momentum building against his administration for what seems very much to be inappropriate . . . if not illegal . . . contact with the Russian government throughout the election.

2) He is expressing his pathological narcissism in full by trying to redirect the narrative back to him. It's always about him. Best plans. Biggest wins. Most done. Richest. Smartest. Most successful - The man is a walking billboard of superlatives. At the end of the day, it's deep-rooted insecurity that drives The OCI in all that he says and does. He's unfit for the office of POTUS in every way imaginable.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

All the lefties on here seem to condone Obama`s every action.

What action? There's nothing to show Obama did anything worth condemning here. Just another Trump rambling.

And if it did turn out he did tap Trump's place, well maybe we should do the Republican thing and just find some way to excuse it, the same way that Republicans have entirely excused Pence for using a non-official mail server.

That's the whole reason Trump started this twitting - to deflect attention away from Pence and Sessions. And it's working.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Liz: "Spicer isn't going to answer because he can't while there is a Dept of Justice investigation ongoing but considering that Trump met with the head of the NSA after the election and Comey is still in charge of the FBI it isn't going to be too difficult to deduce."

I thought the WH was against unnamed sources... you know, just before the secret meeting where people demanded to remain anonymous.

Bass4funk: you call people names in practically every post! How many times do you say "you lefties", and how many times have you called Clinton "grandma " on this thread alone. You have the denial down, that's for sure.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Spicer isn't going to answer because he can't while there is a Dept of Justice investigation ongoing

That didn't stop Trump from commenting in the first place. Very irresponsible.

I feel for Obama, in that he spent eight years trying to repair the image of the country after eight years of Bush, and Trump has managed to not only destroy all that good will in less than two months, he's actually managed to make the country look worse than Bush did. In two months. An amazing feat.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What action? There's nothing to show Obama did anything worth condemning here. Just another Trump rambling.

I'm not saying that, but I'm not discounting it either, I'm not saying Trump is right on this, but I'm not saying he's wrong either. You don't believe Trump and I'm highly suspicious of Obama and his minions, so let's just see where it goes, I'm going to be very cautious about this one.

you call people names in practically every post! How many times do you say "you lefties",

"Lefties" is not a derogatory term. I personally attack anyone using derogatory, ad hominem terms. Democrats and liberals as a whole, but individually, No.

and how many times have you called Clinton "grandma " on this thread alone. You have the denial down, that's for sure.

Clinton, or any political figure is different and I don't need to get disgustingly nasty about it. Hillary is a grandmother, is she not? Therefore, your argument is completely baseless.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I think the lesson here is that Trump is becoming more predictable; the probe of Sessions conducting treasonous secret meetings with Russia is underway so Trump is trying to distract from it, therefore the allegations against Sessions must be more serious than first thought.

The key thing here is to completely ignore Trump's smoke and mirrors tweets and rants, and instead focus on what else is happening at the time and never let up the pressure on that instead. In this case, double down on Sessions and purge the traitor

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It seems that gone are the days of logical reasoning and common sense.

Indeed... frightening !

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Simon Foston - How likely do you think that's looking at the moment?

There should be a prompt, and proper, investigation to settle the issue. What exists today is a whole lot of "yes he did" and "no he didn't". Neither are very convincing arguments.

LFRAgain - Because these aren't "charges." They are bull-shite trolling, at best.

Then you should not object to a prompt, and proper, investigation in order to actually settle the issue. Key phrase - actually settle the issue. There is no reason that Obama can't speak for himself. The use of surrogates doesn't actually settle the issue.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The real point of all this is to cut off any escape route that Obama and The Clintons will try to use when the Trump administration starts to go after them over their corruption and schemes against the interests of the American people. It is going to be fun watching them eat each other trying to cop a deal.

The Lefts tears are delicious but their desperation is absolutely divine.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

1) He is trying to slow the gradually increasing momentum building against his administration for what seems very much to be inappropriate . . . if not illegal . . . contact with the Russian government throughout the election.

And the delusional left conspiracy continues.....

2) He is expressing his pathological narcissism in full by trying to redirect the narrative back to him. It's always about him.

Oh, please! Obama was the same, always about him and always about his legacy, that's why he said, during the last election, "I may not be on the ballad, but my legacy is" sheer pathological narcissism.

Best plans. Biggest wins. Most done. Richest. Smartest. Most successful - The man is a walking billboard of superlatives. At the end of the day, it's deep-rooted insecurity that drives The OCI in all that he says and does. He's unfit for the office of POTUS in every way imaginable.

Millions of Americans thought the same about Obama and yet, he still did 8 years, even though it was extremely painful, so nothing new here.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Obama was the same, always about him and always about his legacy, that's why he said, during the last election, "I may not be on the ballad, but my legacy is" sheer pathological narcissism.

The "I know you are, but what am I?" defense really sort of lost its efficacy in 4th grade elementary.

Millions of Americans thought the same about Obama and yet, he still did 8 years, even though it was extremely painful, so nothing new here.

Obama won the popular vote in his first term by 9.5 million votes. He won his second term by more than 4.9 million votes. This "pain" you speak of would seem to be relatively limited.

Meanwhile, Trump, won the election but lost the popular vote by 2.8 million ballots. He has the support of fewer than 27% of eligible voters. That's not a particularly huge mandate.

Your effort to qualify Trump as being like Obama in any way, shape, or form is more than a bit silly. Outside of followers of fringe, racist trash like Breitbart and InfoWars, and less discerning consumers of Fox News when it decided to become a political mouthpiece for conservatives, not many Americans actually bought into the politically motivated narrative that U.S. Senator-State Senator-author-activist-lawyer-Harvard Law graduate-U.S. citizen Barrack Obama was unqualified for the presidency.

Oh, and you're deflecting again.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

arrestpaulMAR. 07, 2017 - 02:08AM JST

Simon Foston - How likely do you think that's looking at the moment?

There should be a prompt, and proper, investigation to settle the issue.

Right, but that doesn't answer my question.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It's part of "The Art of the Deal."

When things aren't going your way, deflect by making outrageous claims or demands. That is the thing about a Big Lie; if repeated often enough and loud enough, some people will start to believe it, no matter what it is.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Well things are going Trump's way now.

Wikileaks reports the CIA has hacking tools that can use the fingerprints common from Russia appear in any hack. There goes the Russian hacking narrative. Even if they did it, there is enough reasonable doubt now that it was the CIA instead. Dems were ok with Trump classified info being leaked so they cant reject to this leaked classified info. Also reported that TVs and phones can be hacked quite easily and conversations listened to and recorded.

Main Obama administration players in the Russia investigation (FBI/CIA/NSA) invited to public hearing in Congress on 3/20 to testify about what they know. Lying to Congress is huge risk so they might have to be truthful this time. All FISA court requests confirmed to be signed by Attorney General. So if there was one, Obama AG approved it. Same Obama AG who supports violence now and said blood needs to run in the street.

Wikileaks also says cars can be remotely controlled, putting new doubt into the Michael Hastings accident case. (had info on Hillary/Dems and CIA misconduct, died suddenly next day in one car accident)

Khizr Kham looking more and more like he is lying that he cant travel out of the country due to his travel privileges being reviewed as part of Muslim ban? huh?

Time to move on to healthcare and tax reform, Russia stuff and travel ban stuff all done now.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

If they want to keep pressing the Russia false narrative it will only lead deeper into the well of Obama/ Clinton's war on the American people.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Wikileaks reports the CIA has hacking tools that can use the fingerprints common from Russia appear in any hack.

(...face-palming self now...)

Since "fake" has been misappropriated shamelessly of late, let's call little tidbit this for what it is: false, bogus, counterfeit, phony, sham, made-up, make-believe, fictitious, false, and (my favorite go-to) horse puckey.

The Wikileaks release indicated that the CIA had built up a library of hacking techniques taken from Russian and other sources, and NOT that they had learned how to mimic Russian hacking signatures.

But thanks for making it clear to everyone here that you are perfectly comfortable with not only believing every fringe, whack-job rumor you run across, but are also okay with trafficking these lies yourself. Your opinions henceforth will be filed accordingly.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Pundits on the right, pundits on the left. It's not even a matter of who to believe. It's what's the ulterior motive for each. Do we hold each public figure to the same standard? This is politics. It's meant to smell.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


a section titled “Umbrage” that details the CIA’s ability to impersonate cyber-attack techniques used by Russia and other nation states. In theory, that means the agency could have faked digital forensic fingerprints to make the Russians look guiltyof hacking the Democratic National Committee.

So did I misread this? I that is what I said in my post above. Wired magazine is fake news now?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

a section titled “Umbrage”

Wired is a respectable publication, so I stand corrected for dismissing your post outright based on an assumption you would subscribe to untrustworthy news sources.

Allow me to deflect for a bit....

Why would I suspect you of being willing to ascribe to fringe wackiness? Maybe it was the part in your post where you ascribe a specific political personality and identity to intelligence organizations that are by design apolitical, or where you twisted Loretta Lynch's speech about Americans being willing to suffer violence, not commit it, in pursuit of justice and civil liberty, or the part where you linked a Wikileaks speculation that cars can be remotely controlled to the death of reporter Michael Hastings, or the part where you bring up Khizr Kham for no other apparent reason than to sh%$-talk a man who dared criticize Trump.

Maybe those are the parts where I was left with the impression that you were living on a steady diet of loopty-doo. Hmm...

There. Deflection is done.

Back to the point then. The Wired article makes an opinion-based speculation. Speculation does not the truth make. Alternatively, knowing how to create the unique "fingerprints" of rival intelligence apparatuses seems like a forgone conclusion for any organization in the business of combatting them.

The article mentions the following:

As in a murder trial where a dirty cop could plant a weapon to frame an innocent person, intelligence agencies could plant evidence to mislead the US public...

Yeah, sure they could. And it's an incredibly damning and unnerving hypothetical. At least until one realizes that such a scenario is without question the exception rather than the rule. Dirty cops and corrupt spies certainly make for entertaining television and film, but the reality is far more mundane, I'm afraid to tell you.

Elaborate, convoluted CIA efforts on behalf of Obama to undermine Trump that produce the collateral damage of sinking the very campaign of a Democratic candidate almost guaranteed to continue his administration's work? Occam's Razor springs immediately to mind here.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This guy is great. Typical Regressive Leftist.

Wild rumor about Trump = "No, problem".

Speculation from a reputed source that goes against his Liberal narrative = "You're a whack job!"

Enjoy the continued losing of every point you may want to bring up from now until 2020.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This guy is great. Typical Regressive Leftist.

This from the guy prattling on about (ahem) "Obama/ Clinton's war on the American people."

Enjoy the continued losing of every point you may want to bring up from now until 2020.

Oh, the electorate is going to win points again and again against Trump and his pack of jackals. And it won't have to wait until 2020 to repair the damage he's doing. But keep plugging away about remote control cars and counter-counter-counter espionage plots. Makes it easier for the grownups in the room to focus on the important things. :)

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Well, I would never believe anything that came out of Obama's mouth, I learned that a very long time ago. So he says, he didn't order a wiretap and I say, maybe, maybe not, I will not put anything past this guy or his admin. that's all I'm saying.

You're funny, so you're telling us, you believe more of what comes out of Trumps mouth than Obama!? You are joking right?

Trump false statements > 33% Obama false statements > 12%

http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/ http://www.politifact.com/personalities/barack-obama/


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Obama did not deny it. This is a fake news story and a perfect example of how writers make the news and don't report it.

A "spokesman" for Obama said that there was a "cardinal rule" of non-interference and the White House didn't issue orders to do it.

That is not denying that it didn't happen. All telephone calls in Soviet America are now recorded and that is by law after Obama expanded the program began by the Bush adminsitration (who also lied about it). So, he didn't order it, he authorized other people to order it.

These are alll sleazy lawyers Creating the narratives of who is saying what. Words matter.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump needs an "outrageous claim" to deflect from Russian scandal and this is it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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