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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump, Clinton move closer to election showdown
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In Pennsylvania, nearly 4 in 10 GOP voters said they would be excited by Trump becoming president, while the ideas scares a quarter of those who cast ballots in the state’s Republican primary.
2.5 voters in ten are scared of Trump, 4 in ten are bigots. No surprise there. Sounds about right.
Yeah but if the MSM shows you a Trump speech where he calls Mexicans rapists, aren't you just being told what to think by the MSM?
aren't you just being told what to think by the MSM? - comments
This assumes Trumpers think.
Go Trump!!!
Hillary will lose.
Hillary will CRUSH the Empty Suit in the debates while he's calling her a "loser."
Probably be a bit difficult from a Federal prison, but we'll see.
Trump could have Hillary in tears on a one on one.
kc and super aer quite insulting to millions of people. The rapists Trump referred to were raping the young girls illegally crossing the border. Of course you can twist his words like the MSM does to believe Trump believes all Mexicans are rapists, we'll keep on hating, cause I don't.
Black Sabbath
Mmillennials really, really dislike Trump.
61% of them would vote for Hillary Clinton, compared to only 25% for Trump. Even young Republicans can't tolerate him: Only 17% have a favorable opinion, compared to 74% unfavorable. That net -57% unfavorable would be far and away the worst for any GOP candidate since such data were first collected in the 1970s.
Put another way, Hillary Clinton's "problems" with younger voters disappear the moment Trump is nominated.
I read the transcript of his speech on the Mexicans, unlike most people. Trump never said he was referring only to rapists, his comments referred to Mexicans as rapists.
The "MSM" didn't need to twist his words, they were disgusting in and of themselves with no twisting.
Go Bernie! Neither Clinton nor Trump, both beloved by the mainstream media.
Trump is no racist. How in the 21st century could he be with the success he has. It's impossible. If you read alternative news site you will have read at that time rape was rampant with the young girls. Yes, the MSM has twisted the whole story to feed you their desire. Works well too!
I agree with you, except for the 'no racist' part.
What? What a failure in logic. There have been plenty of 'successful' racists in the past.
They haven't needed to twist anything. His own words show him for the racist he is.
Hillary will CRUSH the Empty Suit in the debates while he's calling her a "loser." - comments
Considering that Trump is currently facing fraud charges in New York as a result of stealing from the elderly at his "Trump University", it is very likely Trump will be debating from Rikers Island.
I love Trump. He says things the way they are.
Truth hurts doesn't it people?!
Go Trump go, rub it in boy!
StrangerlandAPR. 27, 2016 - 09:15AM JST His own words show him for the racist he is.
"Racist', the bogey word of the 21st century. Everybody is racist. It's human nature to prefer your own kind over others. And it's not a white privilege despite what the dishonest liberal media would have you believe. Blacks are racist, whites are racist and Asians are racist. It's a fact and it will never change so get with the program.
Ahh, so instead of decrying Trump's racism, now we're changing tack to "well, everyone is racist, so it's ok that he is racist".
This is the guy who wants to be leader of the most powerful country in the world.
Clinton won Maryland. Trump won three states. All Cruz doing is his one of specialty, talk like he works for trash magazines on Trump. He hasn't learned talking politics yet. News now says Trump won four states.
Delaware Trump and Clinton.
Trump sweeps all five states. it says.CT, PA, RI. He is in NY Trump Tower and seems awfully quiet. when Cruz is barking all day long.
Trump's legacy of failure still to be written . . .
"Not long after, the states of Maryland and New York forced the company to drop the word “university” from its name. It’s now known as the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, though it no longer accepts students. Meanwhile, the New York Attorney General has a $40 million fraud case still pending against the company. Trump may be called as a witness this spring in a separate class-action lawsuit brought by dissatisfied customers who say promises of mentoring and access to capital didn’t pan out." - "A "fake university" comes back to haunt Donald"
The GOP/Tea can debate the degree of racism Trump has promoted but the New York court will prosecute Trump on a $40 million dollar fraud charge.
Another line in Trump's resume for the Oval Office: bigot, racist, felon sounds like the kind of candidate the GOP/Tea has been identified with since Trump announced his candidacy by attacking the Citizens of Mexico who are supposed to be building Trump's wall on their tax dollars.
Another fraud Trump will be tried for in the court of public opinion.
@kc -- "Trump will be tried for in the court of public opinion."
Isn't that what's happening now? And he seems to be winning! At least the "court of public opinion" has certainly put him far ahead in delegates at this point!
@kc -- "Trump will be tried for in the court of public opinion."
Isn't that what's happening now? - comments
Actually, Trump is running against Ted Cruz, a universally recognized idiot for his shut down of the Government to the tune of 24 Billion in lost GDP and specifically Two Billion cost to the American taxpayer.
The GOP/Tea will drop Trump in the waste basket along with his racist followers.
Black Sabbath
Clinton's victory lap speech is full-on general election stuff.
"We Democrats believe (all the stuff that's, y'know, sane).. Not the other side."
Crowd loves it.
Winning the republicans. Remember, they are the only one's who have been able to vote for or against him until now.
Sanders won RIght now Clinton speech. Next Trump.Very soon Calif. Both of them are treated as winners toward election. Both will have enough delegates?
Black Sabbath
Something important:
Clinton finally mentioned getting money out of politics. A first.
Obviously a reaching out towards Sanders' supporters like me.
I think it possible if not probable that getting that front and center in the Democratic coalition will be Sanders' price for party unity.
IOW, Sanders' "revolution" appears to have won. For now.
Wow. They even used pepper spray. Looks like the young hispanic haters are no more classier than Rakeem Jones. What is it with those people? Showing up at Trump rallies and causing trouble all the time.
Those are the people who will be voting for Hilary. Wish they'd keep it classy.
Just wait until November. We will see popular public opinion. I'll give you a won't be HC.
This comment is ironic on so many levels.
Sanders won R I. Correctiooon. Hillary do ggd in cities. Hillary said she will try to implement Sanders plan. So, she might ask Elizabeth Warren in her cabinet?
However ironic, you wouldn't see your average (R) voter at a Sanders rally. Flipping the middle finger at everyone, cursing or using pepper spray on his supporters. We just "don't " go there .
Black Sabbath
And here comes the now Republican frontrunner:
The people will be the biggest losers regardless of who wins.
Black Sabbath
Trump rambles along. Casual, "great" "I love_____." "Its gonna be something special."
Stream of consciousness. Like Palin,
Well, at least he speaks in grammatical sentences. A bit.
Nah, the just curse large groups of minorities from afar.
Not me. The young bernie fans are in their higher ed yrs. or are post grads. Very educated group, minorities and whites in that crowd too.
Anyways cursing from afar in the privacy of your own living room is one thing. Going out and pepper spraying Trump supporters, shows how classy the young hispanic Hilary votes are.
As for the Black community supporting Hilary, lets also hope they're a lot more classier than Rakeem Jones. The heckler who got sucker-punched by a Trump supporter, but deserved it.
The future of the US looks great.
One thing is certain, the self proclaimed ' biggest democracy on earth' would have to relinquish the title should they prevent Trump from competing next year.
What a mess! The GOP thought he was a joke and let him take part in the race, i mean 'their' race, and now he's about to win they are screaming 'this man's a monster'! Amateur hour. If he isnt allowed to compete next year selling the democracy concept to third world cou tries will become much harder...
Pretty scary that one can paint a whole country as made of rapist, if we combine this to the torture advocate, his red face when screaming his hate, reminds me some other time, minus the arm raised.
I so enjoy reading all the liberals on here whining! Suck it up! Go Trump!
Wc, you might want to read articles before posting them. This was not a "Trump rally," it was a gathering of pro- and anti-Trump people outside of Anaheim City Hall as the City Council was set to vote on a measure that would condemn Trump.
Perhaps you would suggest that only Trumpeters should be allowed present at such events. Also note that the pepper spraying came from both sides. And while you disparage Hispanics and blacks, what about that white woman from Laguna Niguel? What was she doing at what was an internal City of Anaheim issue? You won't comment on that, but you certainly would if a bevy of real Anaheim residents showed up at a Laguna Niguel City Council meeting.
Let's keep to the facts, shall we?
Probably be a bit difficult from a Federal prison, but we'll see. what you mean Trump being audited by the IRS, if he makes the white house in time he should be safe!?
FYI goldorak,
The election is this November.
They are choosing the leader of their own party. They can set whatever rules they want, as the leader of their party has no political power whatsoever from becoming the leader of that power. The power comes from the democratic election after the leader is chosen, which is democratic, even if it does have its troubles.
@stranger you are obviously technically correct, but the point i was trying to make was more moral and ethical. The vast majority of voters who backed Trump expect they will be listened to and that 'their' candidate will represent 'their' party. If the party elite does not listen to their voters I doubt they will be listened to a second time by the same voters at (yes fizzbit) November's election.
I have no idea how, or even if as I think its too late now, the GOP can resolve this without having egg on the face and lose the little credibility they may still have. Am pretty sure they would lose a big chunk of Trump voters should they deny him the right to represent them. A majority of their voters have rallied, for wrong or right reasons, behind the candidate they see as anti establishment. It would be suicidal imo to ignore those voters and impose, undemocratically, 'their' candidate. I think their only chance is actually to swallow their pride and help create a 'presidential' Trump.
My guess is there will be an independent put into the debates. The establishment will never have a one on one with trump and Hillary because they know he would obliterate her.
Oh I don't think the Republicans are too concerned with morals and ethics.
when Trump is wining, the liberals cry and call others names, insults...oh, that's what sore losers do. But Liberals take it up a level by acting violent. Trump said "some Mexicans are rapists". Liberals changed it to "all...".
(and here comes the unlikes...)
Brian Wheway
I would not trust DT with a 6 piece jigsaw, let allown letting him run the country!
"Clinton’s advisers are eager for the Vermont senator to tone down his attacks on the former secretary of state."
Tell you what, Hillary, call off your paid trolls. Stop spamming Bernie Facebook sites with child pornography just before voting day. And how about knocking off those "Berry Bro" lies. How about supporting universal health care. How about stop being a sock puppet for Wall Street. And, oh yes, how about telling your toxic husband to shut up.
Frederic Bastiat
Oh, the Trump haters are so entertaining!
Actually, you're the one changing it. I read the transcripts. He didn't say 'some'. You are guilty of that which you are accusing.
Actually he said that Mexicans were rapists, but some were nice people. Just like how Republicans are racist, but some are nice people. I'm sure Trump supporters here have no problem with that language.
If Clinton favors Wall Street that means she's really Republican. The Republican party is the pro business party after all.
And why do people keep beating up on Clinton for just one embassy attack. Under GWB there were something like almost 40. What cherry picking. She's the best choice for president. Less embassy attacks than under the previous administration.
"Oh, the Trump haters are so entertaining!" Yes, it's so entertaining to think how much money you could make investing in his businesses. Or how you could get a good job if you go to his university.
Once again, it was so nice to see Cruz kicked to the curb.
There are more primary in western states in USA. Biggest stake is in Calif. Speculation is that Trump and Clinton will win west. No matter how Kasich explains he created Ohio to top industrial state in USA, Californian People can not think Ohio is the richest state in USA.
A liar vs a lunatic - feels about right.
Wish he had to common sense to stay in the gutter. Maybe he's hoping FOX News will anoint him the candidate and proceed to do the dirty on the Democratic candidate, giving him an unobstructed shot at the presidency.
I think many people are voting Trump because they want this process to come to an end. = How much more whining from Cruz, and the sloppy eating of Kasich can people take? Then you have the RNC scamming/scheme-ing/openly colluding.
-I think Cruz (RNC choice) is in a downward trend higher than Rubio at this point = most likely will get 3rd place from now on -even in Indiana.
Donald J Trump will deserve the Nobel Peace Prize next year.
That is to say once he has utterly destroyed the insane Republican party. Don't forget, it's not just about Donald losing, it's who he sweeps out with him when he is buried in November.
The Thing of Beauty continues.....
Yep! Just saw this pop up on my facebook. It's from Michael Berry:
Even the Koch brothers (spit) have said they will support Clinton over the insane Party inmates.
Trump's inner circle have stated to GOP elders (on record via AP) that it is all an act. Yet his pea-brained followers continue to think the billionaire elitist is a man of the people.
"It's morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money." - W. C. Fields
And boy are the Red Caps suckers. Heh.
ghoneim mohamed
What happens with Trump never ever happens before,what the hell all this has to do with democracy?!Why dont they just let American choose what they want freely without this war and terrorism?!I wonder sometimes if there is something called democracy,when i see war against Trump,A mere terrorism and dirty games.
Crooked Hillary vs. Bent Donald: what a contest.
The thing is - it may be! Or, if he changes tack, that may be an act. If he changes tack and does it convincingly enough to seem like that could be the real him, how can you trust someone like that with the presidency - he will come of authentic both as a racist/bigot, and as sane person, which essentially means no one will know which one is the real him, or even if either are the real him. As I've said all along - Trump says what he thinks the current listener wants to hear.
ghoneim, that "war" is an internecine GOP struggle; it has nothing to do with democracy or Democrats. Trump will very likely be nominated much to the pleasure of Democrats. In November the American people will speak - up and down the ticket.
The bigger question is what happens to the GOP the day after. This is a good read on the eve of GOP's destruction.
I don't think he can try and pass himself off as a moderate now Stranger. The moderates aren't insane and presumably even the tiny-minded rubes that support him will probably get pissed when he starts supporting the LGBT community or pro-choice issues.
The number one reason most of these idiots support Trump is because he's made them feel as though it's ok to be racist, bigoted misogynist again. But America has moved on. It truly is a Thing of Beauty :D
"A telltale sign that Trump does not actually know what it feels like to be in the military is his denigration of POWs. Last July at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, Trump said of Arizona senator and former Vietnam POW John McCain: “He’s not a war hero. He’s not a war hero because he was captured. I don’t like people who were captured.”
source: Donald Trump's Disrespect For The Military Is Appalling – And Unprecedented
Trump will face the reality of an American veteran community who sees him for what he is, a fraud and liar, if the New York court doesn't send him up for fraud in their $40 million damges suit against "Trump University".
Worst? The community of bigots who parade their Trump Thumper racism and ignorance at every loyalty rally. What a sad band of racists led by Donald J. Trump, bigot in chief of the GOP/Tea.
Whatever. The main point is that hispanics pepper sprayed Trump supporters. For what? Because they're white? Because they voted for Trump?
Anaheim used to be a nice city nestled on OC . . . . but the overflow of low lifes from Buena Park and Santa Ana have obviously tarnished Anaheim's image.
Remember when the KKK got clobbered in Aneheim recently? Yeah, they deserved it. But obiously Aneheim is a rock n' roll city if ur white.
As a left-winger Canadian, if it's up to a race between Hillary and Trump... sigh go Trump.
Hillary Clinton has never seen a war she didn't like. Sure, a few years later when she needs the progressives' votes she bemoans the war, but when has she ever opposed a war when it counted? She was for the Iraq war, she was a major influence in the American intervention in Libya and if it was just about her, the US would have been in Syria to topple Assad... and helping Al-Qaeda.
Donald Trump, for all his boasting, doesn't seem eager to embark on military adventures across the world. As a businessman, I think he sees more value in negotiating than in confronting. Especially with Russia, I think he could stop the meaningless confrontation with the Russians who are not the West's enemies anymore (though the Cold Warriors in Washington don't seem to have gotten the memo). I think he would be much better for the world than Hillary.
Plus, Trump would throw a wrench in the entire neoliberal attempt to deprive countries of national sovereignty through trade deals. So that's a big plus. Hillary on the other hand is bought and paid for by the big banks and has obviously no compulsion about lying to get elected. Before Bernie became a danger, she was running as a center-right moderate, when he got strong, she suddenly rediscovered her progressive roots.
Oh, please, Wc. Did you even read the article, or do facts not matter to you?
Of course violence is deplorable in most any situation, but while which side instigated it is not clear, that both sides were guilty of it is. And:
Unless you have more info than the two articles we have linked to, I see zero evidence to back up your claim. In fact, I see it as the same sort of knee-jerk racism prevalent among Trump supporters. Trump the other day complained about hostility from a judge involved in his Trump University lawsuit because "he happens to be Spanish" - okay, Spanish, Hispanic, whatever. The point is that Trump and many of his followers clearly divide Americans into clear groups based on their ancestry. Do you wanna wear that shoe?
It's not necessary to provide links for "common knowledge." Everybody knows the Blacks and Hispanics are the culprits trying to incite trouble at Trump rallies.
Everyone knows Trump supporters "don't go there."
Yes. I will. But, Obama and that whole "vote for Change" thing - change america- is just as bad. Its up to the voters to choose a side. He screwed up everyones thinking by trying to make the US like other countries.
. . . . Look at the Sanders supporters who want "free higher education." NOT. Everyone must pay. No "free" stuff. No free rides.
"The people will be the biggest losers regardless who wins." -trouble
Yep let the truth be told! Trump vs Clinton and none will be getting my vote.
A lack of vote means that your opinion becomes irrelevant. You have chosen to leave it up to those who care to vote.
Wow. I agree too. I hate people who complain, but do not vote. Even "I" voted for McCain & later Romney . . . what the hell else was I supposed to do??
Trump's delegation count increased. So is Hillary's. Pretty soon Trump wick talk his foreign policy. We can learn more about him. I think Cruz Nd Kasich is done. Trump started talk now and he is not yelling at all.
"And frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she'd get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she's got going is the women's card. And the beautiful thing is women don't like her, OK?" Donald Trump said during his speech.
Stick the fork in the bigot.
Todd Topolski
Hillary will be easy to defeat. America has now suffered over 9 years of Democrat party control, 7 under Obama, filled with Democrat recessions, the rise of terrorist nations and insanity caused by Obama and Hillary like open slave trade. Hillary has promised to continue the Obama incompetence. Mix that in with the abject corruption and felonies Clinton herself has done and continues to do, the Republicans basically just need to be moderately united in prosecuting Clinton in the media and trump has proven his ability to use media. No one has to invent or exxagerate Hillary crimes and corruption, the real unexagerated truth about Hillary is enough to sink her.
I listened his speech. I think he recruited old analysts from their retirement to be his foreign policy teacher. Allt of cold war and Tragan stories. Sounded isolationism based on xenophobia. Some idea is good if China is attacking. militarily ,, though.
Cruz doubles down on failure leaving Trump in free fall.
The 'Canadian Bush' announced his running mate, Carly Fiorina.
Cruz is well known for costing American Taxpayers Two Billion when his lone wolf filibuster resulted in a Two Billion Dollar cost to Americans and damaged the GDP at a loss of Twenty-Four Billion in Cruz's Government shutdown.
Fiorina, who Trump called 'horse-face', in the debates, laid off 30,000 workers when her disaster at HP rocked the tech company in an ugly proxy battle led by a Hewllit family member.
Cruz now leaves Trump as the sole hope for the GOP/Tea to implode at Cleveland, Ohio when Trump Thumpers riot as the GOP/Tea will reject the billionaire bigot as un-electable.
Reviewing Fiorina's failure in the primaries pales by comparison with the disgust investors held for the bitter and unpleasant one time CEO.
"The stock is up a bit on the fact that nobody liked Carly's leadership all that much," said Robert Cihra, an analyst with Fulcrum Global Partners. "The Street had lost all faith in her and the market's hope is that anyone will be better."
source: Fiorina Out, HP Stock Soars
This is a monumental election. This is probably the first time in recent years where both fronrunners are hated by their respected parties. Personally, I won't vote for either. I don't believe in choosing the lesser of two evils. Clinton, a neoliberal corporate shill who is so sketchy that scandal might as well be her middle name, or Trump, an authoritarian goofball with no solid policy position besides building a wall and practically perfecting Muslims. No siree bob. I'll be writing in a name on my ballot.
"If a man continually blusters, if he lacks civility, a big stick will not save him from trouble," he said. "In private life there are few beings more obnoxious than the man who is always loudly boasting, and if the boaster is not prepared to back up his words, his position becomes absolutely contemptible."— Theodore Roosevelt, President
Trump matches Teddy's warning to a T.
Cruz will announce Fiorina as his VP choice. It's a gaslighter's match made in heaven. He can talk about how "poll after poll" shows him beating Clinton and she can follow it up with her bogus Planned Parenthood claims.
Meanwhile Hillay will recklessly handle USA secrets to a far further degree than others were charged in the past who were forced to resign for lesser breaches.
Trump said all women hate Hillary and she uses women card,
Cruz appointed Filling and disappointed people who joined him to become his running mate. Well, now he does not need Kasich.
Sanders hasn't give up. He said he is not running to disrupt Hillary. He could meet nicely with Harry Reid. Not campaign but some issues.. Sanders is more concerned on issues than collecting delegate counts?
Trump vs. Clinton will make an entertaining series of debates. It should be interesting. Hillary might win in a general election but Trump's going to drag her through the mud in the process.
Republicans have been trying to drag Hillary through the mod for a few years now. 46 Benghazi inquiries that lead nowhere anyone? Trump isn't going to be able to bring up anything that hasn't been brought up and cast aside a million times yet.
She's going to attempt to drag him through the mud in response. Whether or not she has any more success than him is questionable though - he seems to be able to keep mud off himself pretty good.
The end result is that a significant portion of the country is going to hate whichever candidate ends up becoming president.
Which is why everyone should be pushing for Bernie.
Even Clinton seems to capture nomination, Harry Reid visited Sanders to hear Sanders' agenda in detail.
In his campaign kickoff on Tuesday, Donald Trump blasted cheap Chinese goods — but he has no problem putting his name on them and selling them.
The day after his tirade, the Trump Store inside the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York boasted an array of imported goods, including teddy bears and T-shirts from China alongside products from Haiti, Nicaragua and Lesotho.
Trump mentioned China two-dozen times in the opener to his 2016 presidential bid, accusing that country and Mexico of putting Americans out of work.
source: Donald Trump Sells Chinese Goods Despite Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs
Trump, Clinton move closer to election showdown? Really. Trump the fraud thinks Americans are so stupid he lies to them while opening a campaign of last June. Sick
CNBC displayed enlarged picture of Cruz's Canadian father with LHO. It might be phony.
ghoneim mohamed
Stupid Republican front runners,why didnt they support Trump from very beginning and backing him,instead of this shameful war against him,even though they failed- as expected-to introduce themselves as alternatives.Am sure they will keep fighting Trump more fierce than Hillary,just because of jealousy,he did what they all failed to do.