Japan Today

Trump slams his 'naive' intelligence services; says they should go back to school

By Sebastian Smith

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Lol! He's the guy who appointed the folks to lead the services, so in effect, and while I am quite sure he does not see the irony in it all, is that it is all a reflection on his "intelligence!"

22 ( +25 / -3 )

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through a Presidency, Cadet Bonespurs.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

Trump, Pompeo, Bolton and now Abrams, it looks more like a war cabinet, full of NEOCON right wing warmongering lackys. They want a war with Iran edged on by Israel, plus the attempted coup in Venezuela, America is not looking so good now on the world stage. This week it ignored the UN charter regarding intervention in Venezuela, makes up its own rules as it goes along, with Trump thinking more like a dictator. The mentality of Trump has to be questioned he seems more deranged than the leaders of the countries he accuses.

17 ( +19 / -2 )

Trump supporters must feel secure that this functional genius on so many issues is protecting them.

Those close to him who called him an idiot and a moron are just haters and losers or the fake news media misreported what they said. Footage of his idiotic gibberish when asked about foreign affairs was probably doctored by Don Lemon or someone like that to make him look bad.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

Says THEY should go back to school ?

Well, that there is some real projection, It should be Dotard Donny going back to school.... no, wait Kindergarten would be better.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

It was hardly the first time Trump has openly criticized his own intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

Trump continues his attacks on US systems.

Trump, Pompeo, Bolton and now Abrams, it looks more like a war cabinet, full of NEOCON right wing warmongering lackys

Exactly. Trump's doing what Jeb!-backers wanted. No wonder he's been compared to Jeb!.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Brennan and Clapper still have their fingers all in this.

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

I mean come on they were talking about “climate change” as a threat from the intelligence services. Plus already setting up the 2020 election interference narrative for when Trump wins again.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

This orange man is beyond hypocritical and ignorant.

if anyone needs to go back to school it’s the orange kindergartener( no offense to kindergarteners)

9 ( +11 / -2 )

the self centered arrogance of this man is astounding.... what do Trump and his acolytes stand to gain by a harder line on Iran? That is the question that needs to be asked.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

''It's no secret that a Liar won't believe anyone else'

_U2/The Fly.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Hmmm. Who to believe - the intel chiefs or the traitor who has lied at least 8000 times during his presidency?

9 ( +13 / -4 )

America's No. 1 enemy is not Iran but China. China's state controlled efficient system is threatening the status of America.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

@blacklab they were talking about “climate change” as a threat from the intelligence services.

Thanks for bringing that up. It's good that those in the intelligence services also support the findings of the majority of the world's scientists.

Trump, as you know, has sided with the global oil industry nabobs, their scientists, Russia, the world's banking communities and other ruling class members around the globe fearful that their wealth and power got from oil will be lessened if alternatives are more fully implemented,

10 ( +12 / -2 )

No one is going to believe Trump over the intelligence agencies. He's just wasting everyone's time.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Everybody is wrong here. Trump certainly is with respect to Iran, which poses no direct or indirect threat to the US. (Its so-called ally on the Arabian Peninsula, however, is another story.)

But the intelligence services are also incorrect. (This would also not be the first time they have been proven incorrect. Remember Iraq? Or Panama? Grenada? Vietnam? Or Mosaddegh’s Iran? Overstatement of the Soviet Union’s capabilities in the 1980s?) How is the DPRK a threat and a major one at that? Its arsenal is clearly defensive. Even if it were to attack, Kim and his military advisors know that their country (and the ROK collaterally) will be effectively destroyed forever. They are violent, but not mad.

As for Russia, that is another overstated threat. With the US boasting overwhelming nuclear, technological, strategic, troop, and morale advantages, Putin would have to be suicidal to engage in aggressive action against the US. There is a threat, unfortunately, in Syria where US and Russian soldiers regularly scrape against each other. If something were to ignite into more serious fighting, that could prove very troubling for the civilians of those respective countries. (To say nothing of the Syrians who have already endured though the proxy war battlefield their country has been turned into. Why are we in Syria again?)

Supposing if Russia skewed the election, there are still several questions about that matter left unanswered. Considering that the US has levied more sanctions against Russia than during the Obama administration, is currently engaged in a nascent arms race, and has seen the diplomatic relations between both countries fall to levels not seen since the days of Brezhnev and Carter, what did Russia gain for its alleged tampering? Did they also rig it so two of the most unpopular presidential candidates in history would face off against each other, thus inspiring wide voter apathy? None of this makes sense.

Finally, as has been pointed out by many others, why does the US have carte blanche to interfere in the elections and domestic affairs of treaty allies and foes alike? Why is it somehow out-of-bounds when the favor is returned to it?

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

No one is going to believe Trump over the intelligence agencies. He's just wasting everyone's time.

Wait until later today on JT when youtube videos (how many of which are sponsored by Qanon, Russia, Bannon etal?) are posted claiming Trump has greater-than-Kim (see below) abilities, and that those even questioning Trump are being controlled by evil forces including the deep state led by the likes of Loki, Dr. Doom, and hillaryobama clones.


8 ( +11 / -3 )

It's clear we have a Maniac running our country.  What happens if tonight, the Director of National Intelligence tells Trump the Russians are moving formations onto the border with Ukraine, and it's a prelude to an invasion - what"s Donnie going to do - call his mentor Vlad and ask him if it's true?

What if the DNI tells him that they have indications and warning, and have assessed that China will launch a strike against Taiwan in the next 24 hours - is he going to go back to sleep?

More worrying are the thousands of cyber threats that our intel agencies track every day.

It's as if Putin is talking and Donnie's mouth is moving - what better way for Putin to get what he wants than to discredit our agencies that track him and his regime, as they attack our country and our allies. 

Putin came from the KGB - do you think he'd use these words to describe the Russian intel services?

Trump is more than "a danger to the republic" - he's a mortal danger...

6 ( +8 / -2 )

@Nicolás Palacios

Nice comment but it’s not just about military threats, it’s threats to the US & friends hegemony and the petrodollar (economic war), oh and that central bankster mafia as well.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Is this Trump making a sales pitch for his latest fake scam 'University'?

9 ( +12 / -3 )

[I]t’s not just about military threats, it’s threats to the US & friends hegemony and the petrodollar (economic war), oh and that central bankster mafia as well.


-2 ( +5 / -7 )

In a few days we will find out that Trump has got his "information" on Iran from a movie or TV show. Just as he appears to have based his human trafficking story on the movie Sicario.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

The orange Golem is being schooled himself on Iran 101, but by whom? He has just learned how to find the country on a map and discovered that big bully Iran is "next to" little Israel and is hell-bent on developing its nuclear capability, so now it's time for Donny Dotard to do his homework and take to the world stage and strut his stuff as an expert on Iran who knows more than anyone else. What a schmo for POTUS!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Trump’s slow-building war on intelligence began at a very young age. Over the years, attack after attack on the idea of intelligence took its toll and now the battle is almost won. Trump is nearly void of any intelligence.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Trump's base should be pretty happy. Pretty sure they thrive off Trump telling people smarter than Trump and themselves that they are stupid.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Never thought I’d see the day, the lefts hatred of Trump have turned them into war mongers, supporting the very intelligent agencies that have been pushing for more and more wars and interventions.

Or, to put it another way

How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb

”Gentlemen, this is the war room, you can’t fight in here”

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Sanders said 'God' wanted 'Donald Trump' to be President.

I guess that settles it, since Sanders has a direct communication with 'God' we should all just accept our new 'King'. Whatever qualifications the intelligence chiefs have they are not God's chosen ones.

We can knock off most of the 7 deadly sins otherwise Donald wouldn't be the chosen one.

I guess God sets the bar pretty low these days.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

If Trump can get people to stop believing the intelligence agencies, then we'll be forced to get all of our intelligence news from Trump himself.

Imagine that.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

There economy is now crashing, which is the only thing holding them back. Be careful of Iran. Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!

Ha ha! "There economy....go back to school!" Oh, the irony.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Spy School?  Time to bring in James Bond to help.  Or Johnny English.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I just don't know what to say any more. Except I wish I had enough money to primary Trump. Although I might be too coherent for his cohort to vote for.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Silver spoon man, trained experienced intelligence operatives, that's a fight he shouldn't pick.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

History shows that Hitler didn't listen to his Intel and lost the war. No fan of Hitler or Donny, but are we heading in the same direction as past history? My hope is someone in the US Government has the common sense to make the right choices.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

@Nicolás Palacios Good post. Nice to see some sensible comments here among all the Pavlovian hysteria.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Someone who starts a conversation with an insult, then expects to be taken seriously. Ha What kind of thinking is that? A bully maybe, hmmm sounds familiar.

I didn't insult you. You seem to be confusing me with another poster.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Trumpers:  The Intel agencies failed on their assessment of Iraq in 2003 - they're incompetent, blundering, ineffective, can't be trusted....

Donald Trump has declared bankruptcy six times...

Trumpers:  Best businessman ever, genius, master of the deal, no one smarter...

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through a Presidency, Cadet Bonespurs.

The President doesn't drink.

Anyway, the only thing that I can think of is that Trump wants to bring the troops home and doesn't want any part of going back and dealing with wars where we can't change the ways and lives of the people. As long as he keeps a contingency force and doesn't do what Obama did, then it would make perfect sense why he opposes the Generals.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Donald Trump has declared bankruptcy six times...

Restructured and made even more money.

Trumpers:  Best businessman ever, genius, master of the deal, no one smarter...

If he were in the gutter, I would get your sarcasm, but since he's not....

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

When the President makes the unhinged go wild, then he must be doing something right.

These "intelligence services" participated in the $1.8 billion hostage payoff to Iran which went ostensibly to fund terrorism and have providing wrong "intelligence" of epic proportions - from the Pearl Harbor attack, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Tet Offensive, the Iraq War, 9/11.

Fact: John Brennan's admittance that he voted for Communist Party leader Gus Hall for president in 1976. Imagine, a commie sympathizer leading the CIA. Should have been DQ'd.

Fact: Most of the Obama "intelligence" holdovers are deep state operatives, working in treason against the interests of the U.S.A.

"Back to school" is putting it mildly! They should be scrubbed, cleansed and lose their pensions!

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The President doesn't drink.

No, but it does appear he may be a bit of a speed junky:

He also called the President a “speed freak” and said he took the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug Adderall to help him read cue cards while filming Celebrity Apprentice.

“He can’t read, so he gets really nervous,” Mr Casler said.

“So he gets nervous and he crushes up these pills. That’s why he’s sniffing when you see him in debates, and when you see him reading.


5 ( +7 / -2 )

Restructured and made even more money.

That conclusion is not supported by any evidence.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

That conclusion is not supported by any evidence.

Judging that he still has his own building, casino, property, fortune, golf courses, even the one where he threw out Mueller, the fact he donates his salary every year, his plane, helicopter....yup, that's bit more evidence then needed.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

These "intelligence services" participated in the $1.8 billion hostage payoff to Iran which went ostensibly to fund terrorism and have providing wrong "intelligence" of epic proportions - from the Pearl Harbor attack, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Tet Offensive, the Iraq War, 9/11.

Wow, we're getting as deep into the conspiracy theories as the righties ever get on JT!

Unfortunately for you, your entire theory on the money and the reasons it was paid are entirely wrong.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Trumpers: The Intel agencies failed on their assessment of Iraq in 2003 - they're incompetent, blundering, ineffective, can't be trusted....

Donald Trump has declared bankruptcy six times...

Trumpers:  Best businessman ever, genius, master of the deal, no one smarter...

Restructured and made even more money.

You mean after he ran them into the ground - you don't declare bankruptcy if your business is successful..

If he were in the gutter, I would get your sarcasm, but since he's not....

Well, I've always thought Donnie was in the gutter; both literally and figuratively...just look who he pals around with; Manafort, Stone, Cohen, Putin...

But to your point, no, he isn't, but the workers at all the locations that went bankrupt are...wonder if any of them were illegal immigrants like the workers at Mar-A-Lago and the golf course... 

And you missed the point on the hypocrisy...intentional?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Judging that he still has his own building, casino, property, fortune, golf courses, even the one where he threw out Mueller, the fact he donates his salary every year, his plane, helicopter....yup, that's bit more evidence then needed.

Someone doesn't know how business works...lol

Being rich and driving multiple companies into bankruptcy are two completely different things...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

When the President makes the unhinged go wild, then he must be doing something right.

Like Ann Coulter....

These "intelligence services" participated in the $1.8 billion hostage payoff to Iran which went ostensibly to fund terrorism and have providing wrong "intelligence" of epic proportions - from the Pearl Harbor attack, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Tet Offensive, the Iraq War, 9/11.

Far right fairy tales scripted in Moscow...

Fact: John Brennan's admittance that he voted for Communist Party leader Gus Hall for president in 1976. Imagine, a commie sympathizer leading the CIA. Should have been DQ'd.

And admitted it and said he was wrong..

Fact: Most of the Obama "intelligence" holdovers are deep state operatives, working in treason against the interests of the U.S.A.

Could come right out of Putin's mouth...

"Back to school" is putting it mildly! They should be scrubbed, cleansed and lose their pensions!

Like our military, they should be treated with respect and honored for keeping the myriad of threats away from our country - but Trumpers don't care about that, the only thing they honor is the Russian flag...

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I'm not surprised. Trump knows more about science, the earth, weather, military, money, walls, Hillary, Russia, and technology that anybody. Pure genius. They should just fire the entire government, Trump and his kids can do it. His knowledge of English grammar is terrible though.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

You mean after he ran them into the ground - you don't declare bankruptcy if your business is successful..

But he still has it. he used the bankruptcy laws as intended, that's what they are there for.

Well, I've always thought Donnie was in the gutter; both literally and figuratively...just look who he pals around with; Manafort, Stone, Cohen, Putin...

I understand, I feel the same about the Democrats, especially this colorful bunch of clowns.

But to your point, no, he isn't, but the workers at all the locations that went bankrupt are...wonder if any of them were illegal immigrants like the workers at Mar-A-Lago and the golf course... 

And you missed the point on the hypocrisy...intentional?

No, he is, I disagree. You can't be at all or nearly get to where he's at if you didn't have money.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

No, he is, I disagree. You can't be at all or nearly get to where he's at if you didn't have money.

You can if someone gives you millions and millions of dollars.

The problem here is that none of us know his finances as a result of his unwillingness to be open and truthful with the American people. So you can try to pretend he has money all you want, the fact is, none of us know if he has money or not. He may be leveraged beyond his worth, in which case he's worth less than zero. None of us know, so any claims that he has money are purely wishful thinking, and not based in any actual evidence.

AKA, the unicornverse.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

It doesn't matter anyways, Trump is done. Even Stone said Meuller's case against him was going to end badly for Trump. Just waiting for the curtains to go up now.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Yesterday you were on about how you had to disagree with Trump this time, going against the experts. But today you are for it. What made you switch?

I didn’t.

Trump is done.

You guys been saying for 3 years....yawn.....

Even Stone said Meuller's case against him was going to end badly for Trump. Just waiting for the curtains to go up now.

Stone says a lot of things when the day is long. ROFL!

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Stone says a lot of things when the day is long. ROFL!

This just shows how nervous you are about your bubby Trump.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

So Bass, where do you really stand? Is it ok for Trump to go against the intelligence, oppose generals, and scientists? Or should he do more to listen?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Looks like when Trump called off his meeting with Putin at G20, he didnt really call it off.

Instead of an official meeting, with written minutes , he made it a private meeting without an interpreter.

So there is no record of why the meeting was required and what was discussed !

Question is why doesn't Trump have these secret meetings with any of the friendly countries?

And why only Putin?

Why does he ensure that the Russian intelligence know more than the American one?

The Trumpets are bothered about the intelligence chiefs' voting patterns 40 years ago, but are not worried that their current leader is committing treason right under their noses.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I don’t hear any Trump fans saying they take his opinion over our intelligence agencies. Lots of other things, but not that.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


These are great question that we deserve answers to.

Trump fans like Bass will continue to call your questions irrelevant and the topics of Trump's secret meetings with Putin a "Non Issue" because they know deep down that he's committed treason, collusion, whatever they wanna call it. Its a never ending battle of bringing up Obama and Hillary with them. No interest in the evil that Trump is creating now.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

You already know my answer. Look at it please.

Ah, I get it. On Wednesday you get to disagree with Trump on one issue, but you have to agree with him the next day on the same thing?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

SchopenhauerToday 07:56 am JST

America's No. 1 enemy is not Iran but China.

Trump is the No. 1 enemy of the USA with his twit tweets and actions.

He has done more harm to USA relations externally and internally.

If he is not the anti-christ then he is taking orders from him. The end of the world is suppose to start in the middle east and he is making the M.E. more unstable.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Ah, I get it. On Wednesday you get to disagree with Trump on one issue, but you have to agree with him the next day on the same thing?

No, I said what I said on Wednesday, nothing more, nothing less.

-19 ( +0 / -19 )

If he is not the anti-christ then he is taking orders from him. The end of the world is suppose to start in the middle east and he is making the M.E. more unstable.

I agree. Sarah Sanders doesn't though lolololol.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

bass4funk: "I never lie."

Neither does Roger Stone, or Trump. In fact, no one who agrees with Trump has ever, or will never, lie, and certainly they know far more than all of their intelligence committees, and are stable geniuses.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Trump knows more about science, the earth, weather, military, money, walls, Hillary, Russia, and technology that anybody. Pure genius

Trump always reminds of the idea that a person isn’t educated until he or she gets some idea of the extent of how much there is to know. In other words, how ignorant we all are. Trump is too arrogant and ignorant to know he is ignorant.

With Trump, it is like equating the knowledge that Iraq has huge oil reserves with knowledge about the mating habits of the spotted bush warbler. He says things like ‘who knew?’ or ‘very few people know’ about things almost anyone with a passing interest in the news would know.

I think Trump supporters know this and can’t take his opinion over people who know stuff.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Its not just Trump, its also the people that made this maniac their President, and the other so-called Western Powers that continue to appease the US and follow them into a never ending list of wars - the US is at war with the world, including its spineless allies.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Ah, I get it. On Wednesday you get to disagree with Trump on one issue, but you have to agree with him the next day on the same thing?

No, I said what I said on Wednesday, nothing more, nothing less.

Did the wind direction change in the California-Fukuoka-Texas area?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Brennan and Clapper still have their fingers all in this.

Quick! Make up a conspiracy theory to explain Trump's incompetence!

In other news, this remind you of anyone? The bass is superb at 3:06:


3 ( +5 / -2 )

As long as he keeps a contingency force and doesn't do what Obama did, then it would make perfect sense why he opposes the Generals.

Obama couldn't leave troops in Iraq because the Bush II admin agreed to a deadline with Iraq. You guys excorciate Obama for not ending our involvement in Afghanistan and excorciate him for ending our involvement in Iraq. Which is it?

Judging that he still has his own building, casino, property, fortune, golf courses, even the one where he threw out Mueller, the fact he donates his salary every year, his plane, helicopter....yup, that's bit more evidence then needed.

Trump would be richer if he had simply held the property he inherited instead of trying to be a businessperson. That demonstrates conclusively how poor of a businessperson he is.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Neither does Roger Stone, or Trump. In fact, no one who agrees with Trump has ever, or will never, lie,

Yes, in the Democrats never lie, they never ever lie, it’s never happened in history and it’s virtually impossible. ROFL!

and certainly they know far more than all of their intelligence committees, and are stable geniuses.

Obama thought he was. I mean, who could forget great moments like this one...


-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Obama couldn't leave troops in Iraq because the Bush II admin agreed to a deadline with Iraq. You guys excorciate Obama for not ending our involvement in Afghanistan and excorciate him for ending our involvement in Iraq. Which is it?

Sorry, Obama could have left a small contingency force there, he didn’t, he didn’t even establish a SOFA agreement, thus paved a way for the birth of ISIS. One of his finest moments of many. The man himself said that the real wars in Afghanistan and wanted to go there and push voices into that region, not another finer moment I would say.

Trump would be richer if he had simply held the property he inherited instead of trying to be a businessperson. That demonstrates conclusively how poor of a businessperson he is.

Just on his interests alone he never has to work again, he has more money than any of us can imagine, either way he’s set. Good on him.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )


You sound like a fish out of water. "Trump should listen more to intelligence" to " Trump is right, he should ignore his intelligence experts" to "Obama was wrong, he should have listened to intelligence experts" to "Trump is rich, good job".

6 ( +9 / -3 )

You sound like a fish out of water.


"Obama was wrong, he should have listened to intelligence experts"

I wholeheartedly agree/

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Wow, we're getting as deep into the conspiracy theories as the righties ever get on JT!

Unfortunately for you, your entire theory on the money and the reasons it was paid are entirely wrong.

Conspiracy theory?

$1.8 billion airlifted secretly in the dead of the night to the mullahs of Iran, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism who cries out "Death to America" at every opportunity? Why not a bank to bank transfer? That last president would have been condemned as treasonous if he were anything near being a Republican.

The political hatred of the unhinged is so severe, they can't think straight.

Unfortunately, Trump will be president until 2024, then President Pence!

Ten more years of broken mirrors for you!

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

You mean after he ran them into the ground - you don't declare bankruptcy if your business is successful..

But he still has it. he used the bankruptcy laws as intended, that's what they are there for.

Yep, intended to bail out the Top 1% when they're incompetent and run their businesses into the ground, screwing the little guy.  That's Trump career in a nutshell...

Well, I've always thought Donnie was in the gutter; both literally and figuratively...just look who he pals around with; Manafort, Stone, Cohen, Putin...

I understand, I feel the same about the Democrats, especially this colorful bunch of clowns.

Donnie - "Wimpy", Stone - "Queenie", Manafort - "Ostrich Suit", Cohen - "Bullet-man", Putin - "Master"...

But to your point, no, he isn't, but the workers at all the locations that went bankrupt are...wonder if any of them were illegal immigrants like the workers at Mar-A-Lago and the golf course... 

And you missed the point on the hypocrisy...intentional?

No, he is, I disagree. You can't be at all or nearly get to where he's at if you didn't have money.

You can if you cheat, steal, swindle, and hire illegal immigrants...what's the wall for if Donnie is employing illegal immigrants?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Fact: Most of the Obama "intelligence" holdovers are deep state operatives, working in treason against the interests of the U.S.A.

I have nothing of substance. Quick! Make up a conspiracy theory!!!

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Sorry, Obama could have left a small contingency force there, he didn’t, he didn’t even establish a SOFA agreement

Bush II signed a SOFA that requires all troops out of Iraq. Be sorry all you want, but Obama could not have left troops in Iraq unless he had defied the host government.

Just on his interests alone he never has to work again, he has more money than any of us can imagine, either way he’s set. Good on him.

Nobody is disagreeing that he's set for life; that wasn't even the argument until you were show. To be utterly incorrect about Trump beibvca good businessperson. ROFL! Smh. Kudos! Oh my . . . HAR!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Conspiracy theory?

Yes, big time - been debunked too... 

$1.8 billion airlifted secretly in the dead of the night to the mullahs of Iran, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism who cries out "Death to America" at every opportunity? Why not a bank to bank transfer? That last president would have been condemned as treasonous if he were anything near being a Republican.

That was part of the agreement, and was their money being held in the US due to sanctions - and Trump's DNI just told Congress Iran was abiding by the deal - the one that Donnie pulled out off, letting Iran continue their nuclear development.  The guy is a flat danger to the republic - just like Gen Kelly said. 

The political hatred of the unhinged is so severe, they can't think straight.

May want to tell Coulter, Dobbs, Cernovich, and all the other conservatives humiliating "Wimpy"... 

Unfortunately, Trump will be president until 2024, then President Pence!

I don't know about Pence, think he'll be back in rural Indiana as pastor of a church with a flock of 10.  Donnie might be President  - of Cell Block 13...

Ten more years of broken mirrors for you!

Trumpers are Wiccan?  What will the evangelicals say...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

“Trump slams his ‘naive’ intelligence ...”

How’s that for an admission?!

Wait, Gotta read on ... “services”.

Sorry. Thought this might be the expected bombshell.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Conspiracy theory?

$1.8 billion airlifted secretly in the dead of the night to the mullahs of Iran, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism who cries out "Death to America" at every opportunity? Why not a bank to bank transfer?

Yes, we understand you have believed this conspiracy theory.

Unfortunately for you, the rest of us bother to fact check.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Trump is an ignoramus, a moron, and a liar. So what does that tell us about anybody who believes or defends anything he says over serious professionals who are the opposite of those things and give their honest and learned opinion?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It is difficult to comment on the intelligence community without having all the facts and know and understand exactly what is going on. Hopefully as the President, Trump has the access and does have the facts and was able to see the community from within and without from all perspectives.

There are times when those of us viewing the "trending" from an "outside the country" perspective as we are, have made some rather sound and meaningful comments and opinions supported by meaningful data and facts which proved to be much more relevant and true than what the intelligence community "professed" to have known and analyzed. Such view we have expressed in fact came to be true in some cases.

Therefore, any organization or institution must always review and view itself from within and without, with the right attitude and perspective.

Here Trump may have pushed the button that will "force" them to "prove" themselves better than Trump... which in effect is a benefit for the nation...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Here Trump may have pushed the button that will "force" them to "prove" themselves better than Trump... which in effect is a benefit for the nation...

I'm not so sure they need to prove themselves anymore on certain things. Just to name a few, global warming, ISIS not being defeated, Putin peeing on Trump, Illegal Immigrants coming through POE rather than wall-less borders.

Unless you are suggest that irreparable damage is needed to prove him wrong and benefit the nation.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Hopefully as the President, Trump has the access and does have the facts and was able to see the community from within and without from all perspectives.

I'm sure he has the access, but I seriously doubt he has all the facts. Nothing he has done, ever, has shown him to be diligent about making sure he knows what he is talking about before talking about it.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Meh. But if Dems don’t agree with a government agency it’s just that they are so much smarter. Border patrol says they need a wall. But liberals who never been to the border simply know better because of their superior intelligence and moral authority.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Nothing he has done, ever, has shown him to be diligent about making sure he knows what he is talking about before talking about it.

Exactly. For example, making the call to pull out of the middle east without talking to anybody beforehand. Which then led to back peddling on plans told to the world, ISIS attacks, etc etc etc. And here we are, again. Trump's presidency is less and less about America and more about him leaving his legacy, thumbprint, in the history books every day. He could care less if NK is still building nukes. If it looks like he made headway to creating a peaceful relationship, that's good enough for him. He doesn't care if the wall won't work, its "TRUMP WALL". Good enough for him. He's the guy who thinks he knows more about ISIS than ISIS does. In other words, he's a complete twat and the people that worship him are nut jobs. At least the GOP is starting to get real, and put him in his place.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Meh. But if Dems don’t agree with a government agency it’s just that they are so much smarter. Border patrol says they need a wall. But liberals who never been to the border simply know better because of their superior intelligence and moral authority.

Again, "alternative facts". CBP supports some sort of structuring (fence, wall, etc.) in certain locations, especially areas that see more violence, but not a "great wall of Trump". In other words, they support the maintenance of fences already built, with maybe the addition of a few similar barriers. They even state on their website that the wall is not what stops illegal immigrants from coming through.

This is just another poor argument of "the dems do it, so why can't we?". It's like saying, "you are wrong, and so am I". It doesn't work in developing your defense.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I find it sweeter than a watermelon Jolly Rancher out of the wrapper that all the Dems in here are criticizing the President for criticizing the current intel community. How dare he do such thing?

Meanwhile back in February 2011.

U.S. intelligence agencies drew firce criticism from the Oval Office and President Obama that they failed to warn of revolts in Egypt and the downfall of an American ally in Tunisia.

President Obama sent word to National Intelligence Director James Clapper that he was "disappointed with the intelligence community"

Note: Continued to do so through is entire Presidency and Iran was in the conversation many times.

I can here Obama now. Are we up to speed on Iran Mr. Clapper?

Do we hypocrite much?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Border patrol says they need a wall.

I don't think that's correct. I certainly never heard it, and I'm not finding any stories that support the claim. Only individual border patroler's opinions, not an official statement from the Border Patrol.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I can here Obama now. Are we up to speed on Iran Mr. Clapper?

Do we hypocrite much?

I'm not sure you read the thread but, we aren't arguing the choices made by Obama. And if we were, whose to say some of us wouldn't have disagreed with him as well? Again, what you are saying is hypocritical in itself. That it was wrong for Obama to do it, but not Trump. That is what you are saying, is it not?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I find it sweeter than a watermelon Jolly Rancher out of the wrapper that all the Dems in here are criticizing the President for criticizing the current intel community. How dare he do such thing?

Meanwhile back in February 2011.

The difference is that when the intelligence agencies were criticized in 2011, it was for bad actions they are taken. Trump isn't liking that they don't treat him like a deity. Hardly comparable.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

On the other hand, maybe Trump does know a lot more about Russia than the U.S. government.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I find it sweeter than a watermelon Jolly Rancher out of the wrapper that all the Dems in here are criticizing the President for criticizing the current intel community. How dare he do such thing?

Given your metaphor, we can see why you are a Stone supporter...

Meanwhile back in February 2011.

U.S. intelligence agencies drew firce criticism from the Oval Office and President Obama that they failed to warn of revolts in Egypt and the downfall of an American ally in Tunisia.

President Obama sent word to National Intelligence Director James Clapper that he was "disappointed with the intelligence community"

Note: Continued to do so through is entire Presidency and Iran was in the conversation many times.

Do you think we are going to believe anything you post here without fact checking it first - this is all bunk - the source of this info was an "unnamed White House official" and when asked formally;

At the White House Friday, spokesman Robert Gibbs was asked several times about the quality of the intelligence and denied that Obama was disappointed with it.


I can here Obama now. Are we up to speed on Iran Mr. Clapper?

Do we hypocrite much?

Do you post far-right fairy tales much - don't answer, we already know...

Stick to the article - "Wimpy" thinks he's smarter than trained professionals with 30 years experience.  Moron...

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Clearly readers here commented that the current President had no right to be critical of the intel community. That he lacks in the ability to surmise the current situation. That he is a stupid man. One even called him a drunkard.

Here are few that caught my eye.

self-centered arrogance of this man is astounding.

Trump is an ignoramus, a moron, and a liar. 

Trump is nearly void of any intelligence.

if he is not the anti-christ then he is taking orders from him

And my all-time favorite from our most fierce critic of this President.

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through a Presidency, Cadet Bonespurs.

However, Deadforgood. I will give you this. Obama would never use such colorful language and demeaning language like Trump did. Which goes to show you he is so unqualified to be President. My point was to bring to light. That a Democratic President as well had been critical about the intel community in the past. The same could have been said about Obama in the above comments I pasted and copied. Is it right to say such things about any President? No. In -(my)- opinion- which does not matter much anyways. I am but one vote in the great scheme of things. Just one reader here. One voice.

Obama was always being critical about the intel community during his tenure as President. If we are to justify the billions spent on hi-tech satellites an operatives working in this intelligence field that are clearly drawing criticisms from two different Presidents. Then how do we fix it? If Democarts are going to knock Republicans. And go on with the shredding a Republican President and the bashing becuase he is being critical of the intel agencies and community for getting it wrong. I am going to remind Democrats.

Remember when?


0 ( +2 / -2 )


I think people are commenting on Trump's lack of intelligence because he has demonstrated it numerous times...not just his questioning and belittling of his own team of intelligence operatives.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Obama was always being critical about the intel community during his tenure as President. If we are to justify the billions spent on hi-tech satellites an operatives working in this intelligence field that are clearly drawing criticisms from two different Presidents. The how do we fix it? If Democarts are going to knock Republicans. And go on with a Republican President bashing becuase he is being critical of the intel agencies and community for getting it wrong. I am going to remind Democrats. Remember when? https://www.sfgate.com/world/article/Obama-criticizes-spy-agencies-for-not-seeing-2477011.php

And you cut and pasted only selected portions of the article - so do you think anyone on this site that's not a loyal Trumper is going to believe anything you say?

And I feel slighted that you didn't include my insult of Trump, so one more for your list....

He's a draft-dodging, white supremacist loving, swindler, chizzler, coward, and pervert - have a few more but I'll leave it at that...

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Readers, enough of this nonsense. If you can't post as mature adults, then please don't post anything.

The spit is over National Intelligence claims that ISIS was still alive and kicking and that NK is still building Nukes, and Iran was not. Trump doesn't believe them. Out of curiosity, who do you guys believe and why? National Intelligence/CIA or Trump?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

My point was to bring to light. That a Democratic President as well has been critical about the intel community in the past. The same could have been said about Obama in the above comments I pasted and copied.

Only by a totally partisan person with no grounding in reality.

In the article you link to, Obama is reported to have said he was "disappointed with the intelligence community" for what was a clear failure to predict the Tunisian uprising. He also said that he expected to be " provided with relevant, timely and accurate intelligence assessments" from the intelligence agencies.

I don't recall Obama "always being critical about the intel community during his tenure as President." And certainly not in the kind of crass, uneducated, arrogant language used by Trump.

Trump meanwhile blurts out that the intelligence agencies are naive and in need of schooling - after, let's not forget, stating in public and on the international stage that he believed the self-serving claims of Russia over the findings of his own US Intelligence.

A case of the pot calling not the kettle, but the well-polished silver teapot, black.

Trump is an embarrassment.

3 ( +6 / -3 )


For the record. I firmly think Stone is guilty.

I think the whole lot of them are. There are some bad apples in the party for sure.

It is a well-known fact Obama at times was unhappy with Clappers performance. Obama blamed the intel community for underestimating and dropping the ball on ISIS.

How can this not be disputed? Those working in intel are human. Sometimes the mass amount of information coming in can get confusing. Mistakes will be made.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


I think people are commenting on Trump's lack of intelligence because he has demonstrated it numerous times.

Couldn’t agree with you more. If you have followed my comments in the past. You will see that this President was not my Republican choice and I find him brash and borderline unstable. As well a down right poor public speaker.

But the fact is. I want my party to work with Democrats. LET ME REPEATE. I AM NO TRUMPSTER or what ever your calling them. I am Republican sitting this one out waiting for a viable candidate that I can trust and put my heart into.

I am not going to get into insulting others either.  I do not do that.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Well this is great question.

This is the type of question elected officials should be asking.

Out of curiosity, who do you guys believe and why? National Intelligence/CIA or Trump?

Honestly, without being in the loop. I do not know. I do not know if I am even qualified if given an opportunity to see what this president is seeing. To determine who is right and who is wrong? Man honestly that is a tough one. Thats is a matter of good and solid judgement. But judging from Iran’s past. I think the President may have a valid point. Intel may need to take another look at Iran. Trump saw something he did not like from someone in his staff.

But I despise his drama and antics. Getting so old. Go back to school. Come on seriously? Ugh. My neck cringes hearing him speak. It is not easy for some us Pubs ya know.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

 I want my party to work with Democrats. LET ME REPEATE. I AM NO TRUMPSTER or what ever your calling them. I am Republican sitting this one out waiting for a viable candidate that I can trust and put my heart into.

I agree with you, and I wish the two could get along but I don't see it happening with Trump as president. Of course the main issue being the wall and the literal divide between Americans. He built the crisis, created an image of a wall between America and Mexico that was marketed towards his base. He's not going to let it go, and Pelosi isn't going to hand it to him either...

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I tottaly agree that US intelligence is not so intelligent... But why took Trump two years to figure this out?...

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


Sadly so right you are man. /woman?

Stalemate on going. Hate and divide ongoing. Readers here angry, ongoing. The wall ongoing.


Really over it.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Honestly, without being in the loop. I do not know. I do not know if I am even qualified if given an opportunity to see what this president is seeing. To determine who is right and who is wrong? Man honestly that is a tough one. Thats is a matter of good and solid judgement. But judging from Iran’s past. I think the President may have a valid point. Intel may need to take another look at Iran. Trump saw something he did not like from someone in his staff.

I don't really know what conversation was had between Coats and Trump, but it would seem like Coats didn't agree with Trump getting so cozy with Putin and that's where this began, allegedly.

I'd still take my gut instinct that a team of intelligence operatives would be more on top of things than Trump. How is he judging their intel? Is he watching Fox etc and using that as his grounding? Or is he getting intel from somebody else that we don't know about and not sharing that with the American government? If his source of intel is wrong as he claims, how does he know?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Trump's a private businessman all his life - this is not his or his circle of friends' area of expertise

Would ya ask a non-expert on matters that's not his/her discipline? Would ya ask a medical doctor about the status of your IT security? How would he know!

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Or is he getting intel from somebody else that we don't know about and not sharing that with the

American government? 

I think the brunt of the intel on Iran is coming from Israel. But I could be wrong. But at the end of day all the data being shared and studied must be evaluated properly. This is where Mattis was so key and McMaster excelled. So, whoever he is listing to now? I really think he better get a second and third fourth fifth opinion. But volleying insults at these people like some lacking division in a company as a hawkish CEO. Not cool. So not cool.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Thanks man!

Good on you! You may get what you want. Trump is wreaking havoc on my party’s identity and what we stand

for. At the end of the day. My vote will be casted for what I feel is the good of the country.

Not voting is the real crime.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Trummps finished.

I never really approved of his mannerisms, approach and blatant populist blah-blah, but I conceded he was elected by the US democratic process.

But now he's just gone way over the edge. His thoughts, expressions and tactics of the past coupla months show a person in considerable decline.

He's attacked his friends from day one, but now he's just burning all his bridges.

To ridicule intelligent people as lacking in intelligence and stating they should go back to school, coming from Trump whose never read a book in his adult life and has the concentration span of a child, really nails his own coffin.

He'll never crawl back from this. Wishful thinkers, will wish otherwise, but this time it's way too late. Bye, Bye.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

For the record. I firmly think Stone is guilty.

I think the whole lot of them are. There are some bad apples in the party for sure.

It is a well-known fact Obama at times was unhappy with Clappers performance. Obama blamed the intel community for underestimating and dropping the ball on ISIS.

How can this not be disputed? Those working in intel are human. Sometimes the mass amount of information coming in can get confusing. Mistakes will be made.

Good comments - and if I insulted you, I apologize. Trump tends to bring out the worst in me - most people in my opinion but let's leave partisanship aside.

During my 27 year military career, I worked closely with our intel agencies and specialists - I continue to do so today in a civilian capacity. The number of threats they follow each day would boggle your mine - they range from minor protests near US Embassies, to plots to conduct mass causality attacks all over the world. Then we have our current competitors/adversaries; Russia, China, nKorea, etc. The number of cyber threats is 10 times that.

Every one I worked with was an absolute professional who understood one minor mistake on their part could jeopardize thousands of lives. Tough job.

They have been wrong - just like our military made mistakes at My Lai and Abu Gharib. But we don't generalize and stigmatize the entire military for those mistakes - same for our intel agencies. I've found Trump and Trump's supporters tend to do this, when it's in their interest. They do the opposite when it's not.

So these comments, and his previous derogatory comments regarding our intel agencies, really offends me.

I think they should offend all patriotic Americans.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I don't really know what conversation was had between Coats and Trump, but it would seem like Coats didn't agree with Trump getting so cozy with Putin and that's where this began, allegedly. 


I'd still take my gut instinct that a team of intelligence operatives would be more on top of things than Trump. How is he judging their intel? Is he watching Fox etc and using that as his grounding? Or is he getting intel from somebody else that we don't know about and not sharing that with the American government? If his source of intel is wrong as he claims, how does he know?

I won’t second guess what Trump said because it’s a wasted of time to understand why a person does or say the things they do. As I’ve said before, I’m not a shrink, having said that, Trump is allowed to have his opinion, but as with Obama, Trump should listen more, so on this one, I do think the President stepped in it.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Good comments - and if I insulted you, I apologize. Trump tends to bring out the worst in me - most people in my opinion but let's leave partisanship aside.

I feel the same about Democrats, but in all honesty there is room for both parties to come together and for them to work on bipartisan issues.

 They have been wrong - just like our military made mistakes at My Lai and Abu Gharib. But we don't generalize and stigmatize the entire military for those mistakes - same for our intel agencies. I've found Trump and Trump's supporters tend to do this, when it's in their interest. They do the opposite when it's not.

I don’t believe that for a second, we are all pragmatic, but given the fact that the media as well as the Democrats are out to destroy this man, the message is always mistrusted, especially when it involves CNN, msnbc, WP and NYT.

So these comments, and his previous derogatory comments regarding our intel agencies, really offends me.

I think they should offend all patriotic Americans.

You get offended and I understand, we all can get offended for different reasons, but I think the temperature needs to be turned down a lot. Even if I don’t agree with Democrats on pretty much anything, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have a serious dialogue. Trump is not perfect, he’s made some mistakes, but the Democrats can’t toot their horns either. I think the divide is getting worse and if both sides don’t figure out a way to come together and listen to one another and the two parties slip to the extreme, I do believe we will eventually have another civil war and that would destroy the country. Cooler heads need to prevail all of us, including the President, wouldn’t hurt him to listen to the people that know better on these particular issues.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I think they should offend all patriotic Americans.

Highly amusing, responses to this thread. As Mark Twain once quipped, "The reports of my death are exaggerated." 

President Trump will finish his term and likely be re-elected. The left doesn't have a worthy national candidate and seem to exalt those who pander to the unhinged left, which unfortunately won't win the electoral college.

What is patently false is the assumption that those of us who vehemently disagree that the America we love be "fundamentally transformed" by the previous POTUS radical adherent of Alinsky, who utterly failed but definitely ruined the economy and exacerbated partisan politics - and his would be successor - the perennial money-grabbing loser, are not "patriots".

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Clearly readers here commented that the current President had no right to be critical of the intel community.

Try again. Trump has every right to criticize whomever or whatever he wants, we aren't disputing this. We are disputing his credibility because he has demonstrated many times that he shoots off at the mouth in a firing from the hip manner.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

No, putin did not get 20% of our uranium. Mature adults don't intentionally push debunked conspiracies

Yes, it’s true and if you want to talk about conspiracy theories, there’s enough of them in Washington to go floating around all day and if you look at this president and you look at how irresponsible the media has been, it’s very hard to know who is telling the truth, in this particular situation, now I will go out on a limb here, the president does stretch the truth every now and then, not as bad as the media, but still...and for him to outright reject The intel claims, seems very odd, even for him.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

 Trump saw something he did not like from someone in his staff

He could have just as easily seen something he did not like from Fox "News."

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Pelosi said she “rejects your facts” about the border when Homeland Security told her what is going on there. But that’s cool right? Cause they are obviously wrong and Nancy has a PhD in border security right?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Oh so who said “ISIS is the junior varsity” and not a Threat? Was this from the intelligence committee or his own uninformed opinion?

 We are disputing his credibility because he has demonstrated many times that he shoots off at the mouth in a firing from the hip manner.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Credit where credit is due - Trump has guts to challenge the intel agencies.

These same intelligence agencies:

-Advocated for continued US involvement in Syria

-Argue that ISIS has not been substantially defeated (as justification for involvement in Syria)

-Argue that Iran is not a threat despite public knowledge that they're buying missiles from Russia

-Argue that Iran is not a threat despite public knowledge that they're still enriching uranium

-Argue that Iran is not a threat despite public knowledge that they're fighting us in Syria via Hezbollah proxies

-Argue that North Korea IS a threat despite Kim Jong Un's continued non-threatening behavior

-Argued that Russia is a major military threat and that we should fight them in Ukraine (2014) and Syria

-Advocated to send US troops to Venezuela

-Opposed sending US troops to put razor wire on the border ahead of the November caravan

-Oppose currently sending US troops to build the wall

-Are dead silent on China's continued theft of corporate and defense technology, the stuff they're supposed to protect

These are the kind of people that start wars and get a lot of brave young servicemen and women killed and maimed for life. Who's side would you take? These guys'? Or Trump's?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

We are disputing his credibility because he has demonstrated many times that he shoots off at the mouth in a firing from the hip manner.

Peccadilloes, my friend. You may not like his in-your-face style as a first-time politician, but he's been elected President fair and square, and he's been quite effective. Everyone admits we did not elect a saint.

Compare that with the opposition: open-borders, anti-ICE, anti-police, pro-illegal immigration, pro late-term abortion, pro-Antifa, socialized medicine without a plan on how to pay for it, blatantly using government agencies against political opponents, horribly anti-American in essence - the list goes on and on. We aren't going to be duped.

Perhaps you should argue on the issues.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Miyam - "...Everyone admits we did not elect a saint...."

No they don't. eg Huckabee-Sanders said yesterday that it was God's plan for Trump to be president. As do millions of others. lol.

Miyam - "...Compare that with the opposition: open-borders, anti-ICE, anti-police, pro-illegal immigration, pro late-term abortion, pro-Antifa, socialized medicine without a plan on how to pay for it, blatantly using government agencies against political opponents, horribly anti-American in essence - the list goes on and on. ...."

Any facts to back up such commments. I know they are repeated ad nauseum, but that doesn't make fake claims the truth. Such nonsensical fear-mongering comments are usually the last ground before capitulation. Why don't you discuss the issues you brought up in detail, so as to add to the debate.

Miyam - "...We aren't going to be duped..."

Sorry - but you already have been, by a discredited parody of a leader that the conservative electorate will not support in the next eleection, guaranteed - except for the dupees.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Field intelligence is mostly about forming connections and gaining the trust and respect of informants, or if need be, instilling fear into them.

Cool hacking montages, spies in fancy suits and crystal clear satellite photos are the stuff of movies.

Any intelligence agency has finite resources and in the case of a democracy, public opinion is the most valuable resource that controls the flow of material/human resources. The CIA is not an omnipresent eye in the sky with a finger in every pie. To gain any useful information, agents need to have a clear agenda and objective and know exactly what they are looking for and for what purpose.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump has guts to challenge the intel agencies.


Donald Trump has backtracked on his suggestion that American intelligence chiefs should "go back to school" after they contradicted his stance on Iran and North Korea.

(News Quote)

WEAK!!! Trump is a "wimp" and Ann Coulter has confirmed this

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Judging that he still has his own building, casino, property, fortune, golf courses, even the one where he threw out Mueller, the fact he donates his salary every year, his plane, helicopter....yup, that's bit more evidence then needed.

and yet he wont release his tax returns, as Trump personally stated hes the master of debt, if you take all the debt away from his assets then many would be surprised how wealthy Trump really is, its hightly unlikely to be anywhere near what Trump claims.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


Apology absolutely fully accepted and thank you. For the record I have served as well in the USMC. I may not have dealt in intel. I ran an aviation re-supply chain for aviation and armament at the commissioned level. But that is for another day.

Putting politics aside for a moment. Has anyone thanked you for keeping us safe in our beds at night in Japan? Well I am now. We may disagree on may issues and stories here. But I will not insult you or your intelligence. You have every right to view your opinions to us readers. And I will read all. And I will scoff. I will laugh. I will get angry. I will agree and disagree. But I try to keep it professional. All commenting here come from different and diverse backgrounds and that’s what makes Democracy and freedom of speech so great! One thing the USMC instilled in me. It was always be faithful. Always have an open mind and over come and adapt. Always listen to others.

I wake up everyday with that mind set still.

Semper Fi.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

browny1Today 09:13 am JST

Any facts to back up such commments. I know they are repeated ad nauseum, but that doesn't make fake claims the truth. Such nonsensical fear-mongering comments are usually the last ground before capitulation. Why don't you discuss the issues you brought up in detail, so as to add to the debate.

I doubt you're a low-information voter, but perhaps you should read the news and not just limit yourself to opinionated, one-sided pseudo-news reporting at hard-left outlets.

Here's a tidbit of real news making national headlines:


Democrats are furious at former Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz for announcing that he may launch an independent campaign for president. They fear he will split the anti-Trump opposition and help reelect the president. But what angers them, even more, is that Schultz is calling Democrats out for how radical their party has become.

When Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., recently floated her new wealth tax, Schultz called it "ridiculous." When Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said we should "eliminate" private health insurance, Schultz said, "That's not American." When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., proposed a 70 percent marginal tax rate, Schultz dismissed it, saying "I don't think we want a 70 percent income tax in America." Indeed, Schultz has ripped the entire Democratic socialist agenda, declaring "Free Medicare-for-all, government-paid free college for all -- first of all, there's no free. I mean nothing is free."

No wonder Democrats are fuming. Instead of debating Republicans, they may spend the next two years fighting a liberal independent who is slamming their far-left policies.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Miyam - thanks for your response.

Yes I agree. Some of the Dems look like they're going to be at each others throats for a while. Could be a media-minus for them if they don't get it right.

But from my limited observations - many / most democrat supporters don't care for the extremes you've postulated. They're ordinary middle-of-the-road folks who feel differently to many causes than the Trumpites do. They are not molotov throwing, criminal loving, 70% tax red loving versions of the antichrist. Jeeez - some even believe in God.

This was more what I was referring to in your original comments. Cherry picking controversial terms and implying Dems support all of them like - open borders (yeah a free for all), anti-ICE (yeah a free for all), anti-police (yeah a free for all), pro-antifa (yeah a free for all) etc etc.

My lovely Democrat friend (read strongly anti-trump) from Houston Texas, who works fulltime in hospice care with the dying, has 3 young kids and helps her husband with their delivery business, said to me last year that the extremism that is being fuelled by the far right and played to ordinary folks as a way to freedom is alienating the majority. Compared to the Ex-Right the Ex-Left is way, way a minority. But she says Trump et al play it up like the end of the world is coming so you better follow me - or else. And if you don't follow me, that can only mean you're a criminal loving commie or the like.

I feel sorry for my friend and her family and all the other ordinary decent folks, but 'm glad I'm not there trying to eke out an existence with a hard right evangelical agenda banging on my brain everyday.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

One year, eleven months, and America's experiment with putting an idiot in the White House will be over.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The intelligence community has a record of being incredibly wrong time and time again. Predicted that the USSR would last forever because they spent so much. Respecting security officials sounds like an instant disaster since all they want is more money and more power with less oversight and less accountable with every failure and corrupt practices.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

He should go back to elementary school to learn the basics; especially learning history and geography. BTW - Trump. Where's Nambia?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

What I want to know is who has President nincompoop's ear? He's very opinionated and thinks he knows best. Why? Where is he getting his non fake news and real facts from ? Is it Mossad, Fox news, the Kremlin or North Korea? Maybe it's all of them? Why isn't he being called out for the traitor he is to freedom and democracy? with the power he has he could be making the USA and the world a safer, happier place to live. Instead, he chooses to promote division, hatred and rivalry. He's a dangerous, belligerent fool.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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