Japan Today

Trump postpones nationwide immigration enforcement sweep


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imagine that! First he stops the strike on Iran, and now stops deporting Illegals. Trump is a real hoot these days. He is all talk, no action.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

 "Ice (sic) will apprehend have already been ordered to be deported..."

Gotta love how a society built on the rule of law gets bogged down by trying to exercise the rule of law. What's the issue? Most other countries (except ones in Western Europe) do this all the time. Japan certainly does it!

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday said

something he'll flip-flop on the next day, or claim he never said. Nothing Trump says can be trusted by anyone outside those in the shrinking base of his hardest core true believers. (Where was his father born? How many attended his inauguration? etc. etc. etc.)

Trump's the most dishonest president in modern history. He's pushing 11,000 pinocchios since taking office. And most in his base seem to think that's acceptable.

Trump is the most inarticulate president in modern history. Great leaders are great communicators. Trump is neither.

What's probably even worse is Trump continues to show he has only the most rudimentary understanding of not just world affairs, but also of domestic affairs throughout the US. I guess that makes sense when he's never actually worked with or spent any time at all (except at his paid-by-the-taxpayer's rallies) with those not in his class.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

The senior actuary of the Social Security Administration estimated that, in 2010, illegal immigrants working on borrowed or forged Social Security numbers, contributed over $10 billion into the Social Security Trust Fund, of which they will never see a dime. And that this amount has likely increased since. 

If you're over 65 and receiving Social Security, you should thank those illegal immigrants that are helping fund your retirement. 

Irony abounds . . .So, illegal immigrants have paid more taxes than the Trump family does.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

@CrazyJoe: I guess you have never went to and ER in the US. I'm sure for every dollar illegals pay in SS taxes, they take $10 in free medical care at ER's in the US.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

I was really touched by CrazyJoes comment that illegals had contributed $10 billion to SS. I mean, that's $30 for every man, woman and child in America. $30! Now I don't want my retirement to be made too comfortable so I donated my $30 to an elderly Guatemalan woman who was on the bus next to me. She looked at me like I was crazy and when I explained why I was doing it she smiled and laughed. Everyone's day is a little better now.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Will we have to hide these people in our attics while ICE knocks on doors? Sounds chillingly familiar.

These raids are useless. Pulls police resources away from where they are needed. ICE should be concentrating on the violent criminals, not peaceful families. I'm glad some PD's are digging their heels in to say no.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

It's all theater. Amp it up, then volume down. Make orange man look compassionate and reasonable. Always look at it from the perspective of feeding his ego and his personal interest then things begin to look a little clearer.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

imagine that! First he stops the strike on Iran,

Which was a very smart, reasonable and rational thing to do.

and now stops deporting Illegals.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask the obstructionists Democrats if they can come up with a binding immigration legislation that passes both chambers of Congress and if not, then the deportations will start. I don’t think that position is unreasonable at all.

Trump is a real hoot these days. He is all talk, no action.

So it would have been better to start another war? Also now he can deport illegals more easily now than ever, but why not at least make one last effort and see if the Democrats want real legislation? Something that could fix our out of control open borders. The Dems have been incognito on this issue for years and now since they won’t do anything the President finally can’t should and will, if the Dems don’t want it, pass a real legislation to fix this broken problem. So yeah, he’s all talk now, the Democrats won’t budge, watch the action that will ensue.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

“The senior actuary of the Social Security Administration estimated that, in 2010, illegal immigrants working on borrowed or forged Social Security numbers, contributed over $10 billion into the Social Security Trust Fund, of which they will never see a dime. And that this amount has likely increased since. 

If you're over 65 and receiving Social Security, you should thank those illegal immigrants that are helping fund your retirement. 

Yes, all praise this wonderful system of modern slavery, which allows you cheap fruit and vegetables, and on top of it all, funds your retirement! Amazing system, isn’t it? Dirt poor people taken advantage of, made to work for piece rates that are far less than minimum wage (and paying by piece rate discourages food and water breaks, time resting is money lost), while the employers give each worker a false Social Security numbers so their ledgers look good. Labor boards across the nation ignore the abuse (don’t think they don’t know about the black market in dormant SSNs, and all the false numbers out there)

People should be against illegal immigration for this alone...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Oh no - this gives the illegals more time to flee to Canada.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Trump's the only cool head in Washington these days.

In what world does a guy who screeching until he whips up a problem, threatens to "fix" the problem with drastic action, and then dies a screeching 180 and doesn't carry out the threatened action qualify as having a cool head?

This behavior is emotional and erratic. It seems the stress is getting to Donny. Could his recent swings be a reaction to his health trumps poll numbers?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Which was a very smart, reasonable and rational thing to do.

See my post immediately above explaining how Donn/ actions are not reasonable or rational.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask the obstructionists Democrats if they can come up with a binding immigration legislation that passes both chambers of Congress and if not, then the deportations will start. I don’t think that position is unreasonable at all.

Hilarious that you keep blaming democrats for republicans being weak in immigration. Why didn't the republicans pass immigration reform for the two years they controlled Congress and the Presidency? Republicans demonstrated they were for open borders when they killed the Gang of 8 immigration bill in 2013. ?When you reply, try to remember what that bill proposed so you don't inaccurately claim the bill didn't end chain migration, etc.)

So it would have been better to start another war?

No. Nobody is claiming that. We are ridiculing people for congratulating Donny on not exacerbating the situation he created.

Also now he can deport illegals more easily now than ever, but why not at least make one last effort and see if the Democrats want real legislation? Something that could fix our out of control open borders. The Dems have been incognito on this issue for years and now since they won’t do anything the President finally can’t should and will, if the Dems don’t want it, pass a real legislation to fix this broken problem. So yeah, he’s all talk now, the Democrats won’t budge, watch the action that will ensue.

Again, blaming democrats for republicans killing immigration reform in 2013 and for republicans doing nothing for the two years they controlled Congress and the Presidency. Stunning willful blindness.

7 ( +9 / -2 )


Oh no - this gives the illegals more time to flee to Canada.

Flee to Canada? Great idea. Justin will know just what to do.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

See my post immediately above explaining how Donn/ actions are not reasonable or rational.

Hmmmm...I totally disagree. But regardless either way, the Dems would have complained, so I’m just glad, he doesn’t give a rats.....about these people and does what he needs to do. They’re not the President and all the gutter sniping won’t change that.

Hilarious that you keep blaming democrats for republicans being weak in immigration.

No, it really isn’t, the Demi’s haven’t done anything and STILL up to this very moment they haven’t done anything, but save the argument because next week we shall see now the President has the full authority to send these illegals back or will the Democrats come together and put down something in stone. Their choice and that clock is running.

Republicans demonstrated they were for open borders when they killed the Gang of 8 immigration bill in 2013.

No, they did not, there was no way any of the Republicans were going to put their signatures on a bill that didn’t cover any of the provisions that would completely stop the flow of illegal immigration.

During George W. Bush’s presidency the push for bipartisan immigration reform was defeated by a conservative revolt against amnesty for unauthorized immigrants. In 2013 another bipartisan effort failed, with the bill passing the Senate but never coming up for a vote in the House. Since then polarization around the issue has only increased—a phenomenon not limited to the United States but also echoed in developed countries around the world. Last year’s immigration agenda in Congress illustrates the difficulty. Three immigration bills went to the House floor following a discharge petition threat by moderate Republicans advocating to resolve the status of DACA recipients. Two were straightforward fixes for DACA (one from each party). The third was a sweeping, hard-line overhaul of the immigration system sponsored by Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) that lacked anything to entice Democrats. None of these three bills passed the House

When you reply, try to remember what that bill proposed so you don't inaccurately claim the bill didn't end chain migration, etc.)

Here’s the thing that liberals just don’t understand, the Democrats would have never stopped the flow of chain migration, why would they? Open borders and illegals is paramount to having victory in getting the WH.

No. Nobody is claiming that.

Good, then there is nothing more that needs to be said on the matter.


-8 ( +2 / -10 )

I guess some would love to see blood on Trump’s hands. Too much Hollywood. Rambo style. Maybe Hillary would’ve given them more action. Go Trump!

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I guess some would love to see blood on Trump’s hands. Too much Hollywood. Rambo style. Maybe Hillary would’ve given them more action. Go Trump!

I most definitely agree. I don’t think it’s a bad idea for the President to hold ff and to give the Democrats one last chance, I think that’s more than fair and if not, then he should start the process of deportation of these illegals.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

all the liberals conveniently ignoring that Pelosi called and asked for this. So ok get to work on the legislative side.

Two weeks no problem as the court had already ordered these people deported.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

These people have deportation orders from a court. Why do liberals not respect the laws and the justice system?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Reagan gave out 3M green cards due to his dementia

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Obama was better at immigration than Trump. Numbers prove it. Also Reagan was the one who opened up the floodgates with amnesty. Why did he do that? Was it his Alzheimer's? Even with the Trump wall they will still use ladders and shovels. Immigrants are making Trump look stupid. This ain't the Dems.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

imagine that! First he stops the strike on Iran, and now stops deporting Illegals. Trump is a real hoot these days. He is all talk, no action.

You would think the anti-Trumpers would be happy with this, but nooooooo! Imagine that!

I'm unhappy with this, I want these illegals out yesterday! Hey, it's only for two weeks.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Trump's the only cool head in Washington these days.

so says hes work with the Dems/senate but if he doesnt get his ways then hell force deportations..

cool head indeed. LMFAO

Trumps desperate to get some of his signature policies past the house senate as he know forcing the issue will just be held up in the courts with legal action, with no guarantee the courts will side with him. he so deperately wants legislation to pass before the elections so he can crow how good he is and how right. legal action unlikely to be settled before the elections. Trump is as transperant as he is a fool

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Even with the Trump wall they will still use ladders and shovels

I'd love to see nishikat try to clamber over the wall with a ladder or dig a tunnel under it! Hee hee!

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Which was a very smart, reasonable and rational thing to do.

yet Iran continues to weaponize Uranium, sanctions don't work on NK and most certainly won't work on Iran, what next for Trump airstrikes!? Iran has far more resources and porous borders than NK

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@nishikat--it is poor form to postulate about Reagans mental state because that cheapens other humanitarian gestures such as paying 1.6 billion to the Japanese American internment camp victims. Regan was a hardass as CA governor but became more congenial in his later years, maybe because of his near assassination.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Agreed and his Alzheimer's. But for some reason the Trump people keep blaming the Dems for taking advantage of Reagan's willingness to greenlight the 3M amnesty. They say the Dems agreed to build a Trump type wall 30 years ago but it doesn't exist even today. We do need to tone down the age a bit when it comes to presidents. Notice how Trump obsesses with the words "Hillary" and "Wall" (which can be defeated with ladders and shovels) over and over on Twitter? Some psychiatrists believe it might be due to Trump's mental decline. It's not good for the country. Especially he wants to reverse everything Obama did just because he hates Obama

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I'd love to see nishikat try to clamber over the wall with a ladder

dont even need to do that, there are heavy lift drones that can carry over 100kg. already used by the cartels to shuttle drugs, easily converted to shuttle humans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIqClzb4sOA

$20billion wall circumvented by $5000 drone LOL

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Trump people don't have a concept of technology. They just think in terms of brick and coal. That's another word Trump always tweets: "coal".

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

imagine that! First he stops the strike on Iran, and now stops deporting Illegals. Trump is a real hoot these days. He is all talk, no action.

I'm actually suprised how many people on this board support deportation and war with Iran as evident by the likes the comment got. Or is it only because Trump made these moves that people are bashing them?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

there are heavy lift drones that can carry over 100kg. already used by the cartels to shuttle drugs, easily converted to shuttle humans

$20billion wall circumvented by $5000 drone LOL

Oh! Well, then, might as well follow Beto's advice and tear down what barriers we do have!

Actually, wtfjapan, the drones are never gonna carry even .1% of all the illegals coming in now, so there goes that argument. We are gonna get illegal immigration under control without your help.

there are heavy lift drones that can carry over 100kg. already used by the cartels to shuttle drugs, easily converted to shuttle humans

$20billion wall circumvented by $5000 drone LOL

Oh! Well, then, might as well follow Beto's advice and tear down what barriers we do have!

Actually, wtfjapan, the drones are never gonna carry even .1% of all the illegals coming in now, so there goes that argument. We are gonna get illegal immigration under control without your help.

darknuts: I'm actually suprised how many people on this board support deportation and war with Iran

I support deportation of illegals, but not war with Iran. Makes sense, right?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

bass: In 2013 another bipartisan effort failed, with the bill passing the Senate but never coming up for a vote in the House. 

Excellent. You're learning. The bill passed the Senate 68-32. It had to votes to pass the House but Boehner refused to vote on it to placate the hardliners. Having it pass, which it would have, would have created a revolt by the far right. You can thank the politics and bickering in your own party for that one.

Democrats also voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and Obama deported more in his first few years than Trump has. It was a huge issue for the far left who dubbed him "Deporter in Chief" and protested at some of his appearances. I'm guessing stuff like that never reached the bubble.

So get your facts right. Just because we don't support tearing families apart and a stupid vanity wall doesn't mean we do nothing about the issue. We just don't support really dumb or inhumane ways to tackle the problem.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Actually, wtfjapan, the drones are never gonna carry even .1% of all the illegals coming in now, so there goes that argument.

Ladders will

$20billion wall circumvented by $5000 drone

No, it's a $100B wall circumvented by a $10 ladder

3 ( +5 / -2 )

If you're over 65 and receiving Social Security, you should thank those illegal immigrants that are helping fund your retirement.  Irony abounds . . .So, illegal immigrants have paid more taxes than the Trump family does.

Actually, Social Security funds contributed using invalid cards don't go to retired beneficiaries. That money goes to what's called the Earnings Suspense File (ESF). See https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2006/02/ss_secret_stash.html

0 ( +0 / -0 )

sanctions don't work on NK and most certainly won't work on Iran

How many NK missiles flown over Japan since Nov 2017 again?

And there's a lot of unrest among young Iranians as the sanctions bite deep. Iran's economy is in shambles due to the sanctions.

No, it's a $100B wall circumvented by a $10 ladder

Sure, nishikat, they're all gonna clamber over the wall on that $10 ladder! Whatever you say!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Ok 100$ ladder sorry

3 ( +3 / -0 )

How many NK missiles flown over Japan since Nov 2017 again?

How many times more missiles flew over Japan during the first year of Trump's presidency as compared to the eight years previous? I think it was three or four times as many in that one year as compared to the previous eight in total.

And now Trump has made concessions to Un's demands, and given him propaganda material, strengthening Un's position.

What a complete and abject failure of North Korean policy.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The bill passed the Senate 68-32. It had to votes to pass the House but Boehner refused to vote on it to placate the hardliners.

Because the bill didn’t go far enough.

In terms of a conference report, a source familiar with Boehner's thinking explained to The Hill that it was unclear if both chambers will move comprehensive immigration reform bills that could be considered by a conference committee, let alone whether House and Senate conferees could agree on a compromise of such proposals.

Boehner is skeptical that Senate Democrats will agree to tough border security measures needed for GOP support on any comprehensive bill, sources in the meeting said.

Democrats also voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and Obama deported more in his first few years than Trump has.

But here is the problem...

In 2006, for instance, then-Senator Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer all voted to strengthen border security, including fencing to keep people out. It happened in 2006, and again in 2013. Indeed, Democrats at time seemed pretty tough on illegal immigration, a phrase they won't even use today. In 2013, the bill was $46 billion, and included 700 miles of fencing.

*Indeed, Democrats at the time seemed pretty tough on illegal immigration, a phrase they won't even use today. They see a tide of potential new Democratic voters, so now they soft-pedal their former vocal opposition to illegal immigration.*

In other words, we’d rather have the country suffer, wreck it, let everyone in, make the average American suffer all because we hate this President. Seems smart to me as well as the Democrats killing their chances at getting the WH in 2020.

So get your facts right.

As always, Democrats need to get theirs, but we shall see next week if the Dems really want to do something or if Trump will just go it alone. I’m for it.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Because the bill didn’t go far enough.

It went far enough that it could have passed the House had Boehner put it to a vote. Instead, rightists in the Republican Party preferred open borders.

As always, Democrats need to get theirs, but we shall see next week if the Dems really want to do something or if Trump will just go it alone. I’m for it.

Yeah, let's wait until next week and watch Donny do another screeching 180 and you follow suit.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

including fencing....

....which can be easily defeated by ladders. Trump is failing on immigration because the migrants are walking all over him on his watch. Border crossings are all time high under Trump. Also, don't forget Reagan's amnesty.

a phrase they won't even use today

And why is Trump? He is failing at it. Look at the numbers. Much higher than Obama's in terms of illegal crossings. Much much higher.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It went far enough that it could have passed the House had Boehner put it to a vote.

That was never the issue, the Democrats on their end would have never enforced any of the provisions and we all know why.

Instead, rightists in the Republican Party preferred open borders.

No, they didn’t prefer to be tricked as they were before.

A key part of deliberations inside the Gang of Eight focused on the question of trust. Republicans felt burned by the 1986 immigration reform bill, which called for the government to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants and also institute new border security measures. The amnesty happened but the security did not, leading to an even greater number of people crossing illegally into the United States from Mexico. So many years later, when the Gang of Eight was negotiated, Republicans insisted that security measures actually be implemented and in place before an amnesty, or legalization, or path to citizenship, was granted.


Yeah, let's wait until next week and watch Donny do another screeching 180 and you follow suit

....Depends on what the Dems do.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

He is putting off his plans with Immigration round up and Iran on hold because he caught another assault case. What a surprise! Not!

Trump’s Response to the Latest Sexual Assault Allegation Leveled Against Him Was Hollow and Callous


Though Trump claimed never to have met Carroll, her account of the rape, as excerpted in New York Magazine, includes a photo of the two together.

And the lies have already started from Dump! LOL!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

That was never the issue, the Democrats on their end would have never enforced any of the provisions and we all know why.

So, you're now admitting the bill went far enough but it was the Dems who couldn't be trusted to enforce the provisions despite record numbers of deportations under Obama. The evidence simply does not support this weird narrative you keep trying to push.

No, they didn’t prefer to be tricked as they were before.

Love your pivot from the bill was insufficient to Dems could be trusted to implement it. Hilarious.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

That was never the issue

Numbers don't lie. Trump is in the WH and crossings are at record levels. You can blame the dems all you want but it's Trump's broken promise to stop illegal crossings. Never were those numbers that high under Obama. Trump is weak with immigration and the numbers prove it. Worse than Reagan's 3M amnesty.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

it was the Dems who couldn't be trusted to enforce the provisions despite record numbers of deportations under Obama. The evidence simply does not support this weird narrative you keep trying to push.

Secretly deporting illegals and enforcing and building adequate border security are two totally different things.

Love your pivot

No pivot, dear sir and none needed.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

He is putting off his plans with Immigration round up and Iran on hold because he caught another assault case. What a surprise! Not!

Ahhh, form someone he met almost 40 years ago at a party, who’s story has more holes than Swiss cheese. Look, I do respect liberals for being inventive ans trying so hard, but in a month, we won’t even be talking about this, actually, we will be laughing at this yet another feeble ans failed attempt at trying to get this President.

Trump’s Response to the Latest Sexual Assault Allegation Leveled Against Him Was Hollow and Callous

At this point, I agree.

And the lies have already started from Dump! LOL

Or from her.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

You are free to disagree with the bill. But you can’t deny that it included provisions that you are saying Democrats never agreed to. The bill shows that they did.

I said, provisions the Dems never had any intentions of enforcing that was the Achilles heel.

Then why not say that? You clearly said the Democrats refused to support these things,

Because they really didn’t.

I so now you are saying they weren’t serious.

I never changed that position.

This entire situation could have been avoided had you educated yourself.

Actually, it’s the other way around and we all know why

Tell us why.

I already did numerous times

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

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