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Trump denounces Streep as 'overrated Clinton flunky'


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Trump keeps it classy.

22 ( +25 / -3 )

One thing Trump better get used to, and his advisers should impress this upon him, is that as president, like any leader, he is going to get lampooned by cartoonists, by comedians on TV shows like "Saturday Night Live," be the butt of jokes on the late night variety shows, be made fun of on blogs and so on. He may not like it but it comes with the job.

24 ( +26 / -2 )

Though I dont consider Hollywoods opinion any better than the average joe Trumps name calling was low and tasteless and not fitting the station of President.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Ok. So has he released a statement about the hacking briefing or is he too tied up with his next Twitter battle?

18 ( +21 / -3 )

Trump certainly tore a Streep of her.

-23 ( +5 / -28 )

Grow up, Trump.

26 ( +30 / -4 )

After watching the beat down Bush took from Hollywood, I guess Trump learned some stuff. Honeybadgers gotta hit back hard cause progressives got no shame.

-25 ( +6 / -31 )

Her statement is powerful because it shows the world what empathy and compassion for others looks like. She is full of grace, intelligence and talent but most of all, she helps us all to feel the pain and the joy of others. Long live Meryl Streep.

32 ( +39 / -7 )

One of the many reasons Trump probably likes Putin is most Russian media outlets are state owned or controlled so Russia's variation of lese majeste effectively limits what can be said about Putin and his oligarchs. Look for Trump to try to take a similar approach with the US press.

Bullies like Trump can give it out but can't take it. He's a spoiled class brat who grew up getting daddy to protect him and then as an adult used daddy's money to buy a platoon of lawyers for protection - from himself and anyone who challenged him.

He's following in the age old traditions the elite class have always had.

22 ( +27 / -5 )

Trump certainly tore a Streep of her.

And then Kellyanne tore off a couple more.

-21 ( +5 / -26 )

I love the idea of a president presenting his ideas and opinions directly to the public. This way he can be unfiltered by layers of the press and other gatekeepers. Refreshing! Love it! BTW who is Streep? I’ve heard the name and watched a number of movies where she was in the credits but can’t recall her for being either talented or eye candy.

-34 ( +3 / -37 )

It's sad to see the lows the US has sunk to.

27 ( +28 / -1 )

People's worst instingts came to power.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

I think that Streeps diatribe is indicative of the butthurt that Hollywood is feeling over the election - Let's face it, they pulled out all the stops to use their popularity and inferred influence to push the election towards Hillary and the Democrats....

Regardless of feelings about Trump or Hillary I continue to be disgusted at the feeling of power and self entitlement that these Hollywood talentos feel in "telling" their fans how to vote in the election and then crying on Facebook because in the end when they came to the abrupt realization their power over the "average" American citizen was less than they felt...

Is this any different from anyone else - Russia or other foreign powers ( hacking aside ) - from trying to have an influence on the election ?

Trump is as Trump does... lets get over that and settle into learning to deal with what comes next - - TIME TO MOVE ON HOLLYWOOD - YOU LOST....

-28 ( +7 / -35 )

No press conferences, no real policies, just gets into Twitter spats in the wee hours... This man is insane !

19 ( +25 / -6 )

Is Trump Muppet really daft enough to think we will like his tweet over Streep's eloquent speech (eloquent means nice Trump - in case you are reading)?

Frankly speaking. Trump is a moron. Not to be hard on morons. But nothing he says or tweets is of any meaningful consequence.

He has four years of resistance by most Americans to look forward to. His tiny feeble ego is going to be under constant attack. The only comfort I get from this is that he will be too busy responding to Twitter to do that much damage.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

“For the 100th time, I never ‘mocked’ a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him ‘groveling’ when he totally changed a 16-year-old story that he had written in order to make me look bad,” Trump said in a series of tweets.

Totally agreed. Look at the video and you can see what he was mimicking. It was not a handicap.

-26 ( +1 / -27 )

Trump spends more time on attacking people on Twitter than on forming any real policy. Be real worried America. This man rather spend his time to think of ways to attack the press, the handicapped, gays, lesbians, racial minorities, and foreigners in general. It is no wonder why there has been an upsurge in enrollment in hate groups like the KKK.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

“The election is over. She lost,” Conway told Fox News."

No Kellyanne Conway, "she" didn't lose. The whole country lost. And by the way, you are as repulsive as your boss.

19 ( +23 / -4 )

I wish these celebrities would just keep their darn opinions to themselves, they may be able to entertain but they know little else. Leo thinks he experienced global warming because a chinook blew in, Jane Fonda flies from California where crude industry produces 31 grams of CO2 per megajoule to Canada to protest against oil production that creates 18 grams of CO2 per megajoule; endless idiots.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

Is this any different from anyone else - Russia or other foreign powers ( hacking aside ) - from trying to have an influence on the election ?

Americans exercising their First Amendment rights, Fred. Perhaps you'd prefer China?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

"I wish these celebrities would just keep their darn opinions to themselves,..."

So they aren't entitled to share their opinions? Why must they keep it to themselves?

12 ( +16 / -4 )

He really is the most complete and utter jackass. And as for this:

“For the 100th time, I never ‘mocked’ a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him ‘groveling’ when he totally changed a 16-year-old story that he had written in order to make me look bad,”

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Grow up, Trump.

No, grow up and get over yourself, Hollyweird, these people, as if anyone gives a darn what these people think.

No press conferences, no real policies,

Oh, so you want Trump to babble on and on and on and put you to sleep at every lecture or conference the way Obama has been doing? The people that are insane are the people that makes these movies and think they speak out for All Americans, Hollyweird needs to shut up and do what they do best make movies and the actors that make crappy ones should work harder on improving their skills and make better movies that the best advice for them and leave politics out of this as if Streep matters.

One of the many reasons Trump probably likes Putin is most Russian media outlets are state owned or controlled so Russia's variation of lese majeste effectively limits what can be said about Putin and his oligarchs. Look for Trump to try to take a similar approach with the US press.

I don't think he would do an Obama. Remember when Obama tried to bring back the "fairness doctrine?" which was the worst thing back in the day to stifle any editorial freedom and restraint of journalists? Don't go there, Obama wanted a Stalinist controlled media a few years back, yes, it was primarily targeted at mostly conservative news outlets, but nonetheless, he was trying to get that passed.

Bullies like Trump can give it out but can't take it. He's a spoiled class brat who grew up getting daddy to protect him and then as an adult used daddy's money to buy a platoon of lawyers for protection - from himself and anyone who challenged him.

What's wrong with being spoiled? The media is has spoiled the president and Hillary with so much love, devotion and support to the point where they would lie passionately if that is what it takes to put her in the WH and make her look good in any light. So what's the difference?

He's following in the age old traditions the elite class have always had.

He is part of the elite, but so is Obama, Hillary, Bush, the Kennedy's (especially them)

-24 ( +5 / -29 )

I’ve heard the name and watched a number of movies where she was in the credits but can’t recall her for being either talented or eye candy.

She's got three academy awards, and was nominated an additional 16 times. Maybe you don't recall her talent, but obviously the rest of the world does.

Look at the video and you can see what he was mimicking. It was not a handicap.

Really? Did you actually watch the video? Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNXgjnBpxGI

I wish these celebrities would just keep their darn opinions to themselves

I'm glad they don't, as unlike us, a bunch of hacks posting on a foreign news site, they have a voice that actually reaches the world.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

Shameful. Embarrassed.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Sent earlier message prematurely. Regarding this:

“For the 100th time, I never ‘mocked’ a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him ‘groveling’ when he totally changed a 16-year-old story that he had written in order to make me look bad,”

Does he think nobody in the world has access to the internet? Does he think we don't know that he indeed was mocking that journalist's disability, when we have all seen the evidence with our own eyes? Trump has no experience in his life of interacting with anybody other than Yes-men/women. That is why he is floundering so badly now. Heaven help us.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Like it or not Mr. Trump will be President for FOUR Years No matter who likes it.Mr. Obama had two terms & that's been More than enough.

-21 ( +3 / -24 )

Total pretentious speech by a person who while talented has not been relevant in some time. Want to talk about the cause of disabled people but ignore what happened last week in Chicago to pull up something from 2015? Wants to badmouth Trump but Roman Polanski gets a standing ovation from her? The guy who cant even enter the USA or he will be imprisoned?

Its why Hillary and the Dems lost, people are tired of being told how to think. People are tired of being belittled and looked at as uncultured because they prefer football and MMA to the latest crap award winning Hollywood movie that no average person has even seen or enjoyed. How is it courageous to speak what people in the room want to hear like she did? Its called pandering, a specialty that she obviously learned from her friend Hillary.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Its why Hillary and the Dems lost, people are tired of being told how to think.

No, Hillary lost because the electoral college didn't vote for her. People voted for her, with 3 million more votes for Trump.

People are tired of being belittled and looked at as uncultured because they prefer football and MMA to the latest crap award winning Hollywood movie that no average person has even seen or enjoyed.

I'm not sure why you think this is a political thing - many of us MMA and sports fans are liberal. Why would liking sports be split between political divisions? It's a really weird claim.

Anyways, the surest way to know that Streep's comments had an impact is by the amount of outrage shown by Trump and the right.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

These are gonna be some exciting 4 years ahead..

2 ( +4 / -2 )

What the 1%-er Hollyweird crowd doesn't grasp is that they do not represent those of us living in the flyover states who voted for against their elitist candidate who promised Americans four more years of Obama failed government, and couldn't waste her time campaigning vigorously in the "Blue Wall" states because east coast pollsters and her alt left media Super Pac assured her she had a "99.98 percent" of victory on Election Day.

Let the liberal loons keep stamping their feet and hugging their therapy dogs. It is a strategy that has worked really well for them so far. Their efforts will result in more lost seats at all levels of government in '18 and another four years for President (elect) Trump in 2020. . . .

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

“For the 100th time, I never ‘mocked’ a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him ‘groveling’ when he totally changed a 16-year-old story that he had written in order to make me look bad,” Trump said in a series of tweets.

Liar. Trump is a bald-faced liar without a shred of integrity.

I didn't like Streeps comment about football, and I know a number of very well-educated, successful folks who enjoy MMA, although it's not my bag. But everything else she said. Spot on.

Trump's very first instinct in the face of dissenting opinion is to insult, belittle, and humiliate. Not to counter argue, mind you. The very first instinct is to attack. This is the lesson our children are learning from a man who used this kind of immature behavior to ostensibly win the highest political office in the land *(with no small amount of help from nebulous, unnamed parties whose names might possibly rhyme with Tootin').

Disrespect does invite disrespect.

Violence does incite violence

And when the powerful use their position to bully others, nothing good can come from it.

Note that Trump choose not to use his 144 characters to address these points, but rather chose to validate her concerns by staying true to character: Insults, bullying, puerile attempts at humiliation.

We will soon have a man-child for president.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Stranger: That video just shows Trump, and not the reporter. Very one sided.

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

No, Hillary lost because the electoral college didn't vote for her. People voted for her, with 3 million more votes for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that and thank God, California and New York can't dictate who can be president for the rest of the country. 11 more days.

Anyways, the surest way to know that Streep's comments had an impact is by the amount of outrage shown by Trump and the right.

It's not that the right is outraged, most on the right think its funny that the left and Hollywood really care what they think. Let them talk, there's nothing they can do. They can take it, but the outcome won't change. LMAO!

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

People who voted for Trump are the ones tired of being told what to think. At least some of the Trump vote wasnt for him but against Hollywood and the so called elites. If Hollywood and the media would have not acted like that, fewer people would have turned out to vote for Trump. So their attitudes and words caused enough pissed off people to vote against their candidate that they actually lost.

The MMA and football comment was not political in nature as both liberals and conservatives enjoy that. It was a backhanded remark that people who voted for Trump have no culture and are dumb/racists/anti foreigner rednecks per the stereotype Hollywood and the media want to push. It was also pompous she said that martial arts in not arts (unlike the wonderful, diverse, artistic stuff that she and her Hollywood friends make).

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

People who voted for Trump are the ones tired of being told what to think. At least some of the Trump vote wasnt for him but against Hollywood and the so called elites. If Hollywood and the media would have not acted like that, fewer people would have turned out to vote for Trump. So their attitudes and words caused enough pissed off people to vote against their candidate that they actually lost.

Very good point.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

I was gonna come in here and make some comments about that LOSER Donald Trump, but I just remembered I have to get my plans ready for work tomorrow:

"Head... shoulders, knees and toes..."

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Theissue is not whether she is overrated or not but that "why should we care what an actress thinks about politics". also, she is a Clinton acolyte.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

What the 1%-er Hollyweird crowd doesn't grasp is that they do not represent those of us living in the flyover states who voted for against their elitist candidate who promised Americans four more years of Obama failed government

Lucky you guys have a system that is weighted in your favor and biased against the majority of the people then!

Stranger: That video just shows Trump, and not the reporter.

You mean this guy: http://dailyentertainmentnews.com/wpgo/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Serge-Kovaleski-Donald-Trump.png

I think that image clearly shows both sides.

Keep telling yourself that

Of course I will. I'm not going to suddenly start lying to myself.

It's not that the right is outraged

Are you not reading this thread?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

You know what, Blacklabel? I actually agree with you entirely about how far off the mark Streep was with the football/MMA comment. It was snobbish, arrogant, and dismissive of huge swaths of the American public, liberal and conservative alike. Comments like those in particular don't help the conversation.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

“Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick ‘em all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts,” she said, holding back tears.

That's a pretty ignorant and elitist comment right there Ms Streep. Perso I could live happily without Hollywood. As for entertainment, it's not limited to 'Hollywood' and sports. Many/most movies aren't Hollywood related anyway. And those of us who do watch sports also read, exercise, watch docos, go out to concerts/exhibitions etc and enjoy many more activities more fulfilling than watching Hollywood movies.

Again I think that's exactly this type of elitist, simplistic comments which have sent Trump to the white house. A quality left/demo would have beaten a guy like Trump, even in the us. Both sides deserve each other.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

What the 1%-er Hollyweird crowd doesn't grasp is that they do not represent those of us living in the flyover states who voted for against their elitist candidate

Those salt-of-the-earth common people in the flyover states who voted for the non-elite flyover boy Donald "Duane" Trump are represented by wholesome entertainers like Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Gene Simmons, Mike Tyson, Dennis Rodman, and Hulk Hogan.

I'll take Meryl Streep. She's had a lifetime contributing to film. She has not demeaned her art or her audience. She has been a positive influence in American life. What she spoke about was the potential effects that role models have on society, and given the recent election and the enormous impact Trump's tweets and rallies have had on the national consciousness, her words were entirely apropos.

And Trump's were not.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

seriously what type of child bit**es everytime somebody says something bad about them. Hes just got to suck it up and ignore them. The more he retaliates the more he's going to be fodder for the comedians , media etc. Not that im complaining. LOL

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Keep telling yourself that and thank God California and New York can't dictate who can be president for the rest of the country,

So true, Bass. Consider:

-- There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
 President (elect) Trump won 3,084 of them. Mrs. 
Clinton won 57.

-- There are 62 counties in New York State.
 President (elect) Trump won 46 of them. 
Mrs. Clinton won 16.

-- Five counties encompass NYC: 
Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens.
 Mrs. Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than President (elect) Trump.

-- Mrs. Clinton won 4 of these counties.
 President (elect) Trump won Richmond.

-- Therefore, these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

-- These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

-- The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those that encompass a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Finally, the EC count: 304 - 228. President (elect) Trump wound up getting 57 percent of the vote. Not only was Mrs. Clinton shellacked, but also President (elect) Trump received a mandate from the American voters.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Why does the worlds most powerful person have to defend himself against an over the hill bad actor?

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

It's ludicrous to think that the will of the people should be ignored in a democracy? News to me. I thought that was the point of a democracy.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

After watching the beat down Bush took from Hollywood, and rightly so he lost with the unpopular vote, (Gore won more) started a war that still rages today and left office as one of the lowest approval ratings of any president. Looks like history may be repeating itself.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Seventy years old, overweight, red-faced, overwrought and tetchy.


10 ( +11 / -1 )

She has been a positive influence in American life.

Remember when she flew to Baton Rouge and handed out provisions to the flood victims living there on her own dime last summer?

Me neither.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Trump denounces Streep as 'overrated Clinton flunky'

That about sums it up. She actually thinks that the ultra-rich like her in Hollywood are the real oppressed in America. I wonder how many speeches Streep has made to Goldman Sachs?

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Lucky you guys have a system that is weighted in your favor and biased against the majority of the people then!

Luck? Has nothing to do with luck, that's always been our system, had it been the other way around and Trumped would have whined and carried on, oh, we know what the Dems would say, just like when Obama won, he said to the Republicans, "elections have consequences, I am the president, I won, you lost." and he was absolutely right for once.

Of course I will. I'm not going to suddenly start lying to myself.

No wonder liberals like California so much, they can be and believe whatever they want, that's why so many people want to become actors, they can create an illusion about something that doesn't exist. Hollywood thinks they are the embodiment of what the truth is and I think they are the most out of touch people. So on the 20th when Trump is sworn in, hopefully, they can stop lying to themselves and face the truth that for the next 8 years, president Trump is here to stay.

Those salt-of-the-earth common people in the flyover states who voted for the non-elite flyover boy Donald "Duane" Trump are represented by wholesome entertainers like Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Gene Simmons, Mike Tyson, Dennis Rodman, and Hulk Hogan.

Thank God for that, at least people with some sense.

Liar. Trump is a bald-faced liar without a shred of integrity.

Then you really must've hated Hillary! Yikes!

I didn't like Streeps comment about football, and I know a number of very well-educated, successful folks who enjoy MMA, although it's not my bag. But everything else she said. Spot on.

That depends if you share that point of view.

Trump's very first instinct in the face of dissenting opinion is to insult, belittle, and humiliate. Not to counter argue, mind you. The very first instinct is to attack.

He's been acting pretty presidential to me lately. Where is he attacking someone or belittling someone recently?

This is the lesson our children are learning from a man who used this kind of immature behavior to ostensibly win the highest political office in the land *(with no small amount of help from nebulous, unnamed parties whose names might possibly rhyme with Tootin').

Disrespect does invite disrespect.

The left should always remember that.

Violence does incite violence

The left should seriously remember that!

And when the powerful use their position to bully others, nothing good can come from it.

As Hillary has found out.

Note that Trump choose not to use his 144 characters to address these points, but rather chose to validate her concerns by staying true to character: Insults, bullying, puerile attempts at humiliation.

True, but have you ever listened to the tirades of Harry Reid, the folks on CNN and msnbc? I'm not even going to get into the low down shenanigans that the Hollywood left dive in.

We will soon have a man-child for president.

I thought we already have an outgoing one?

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

The 67-year-old fought to control her emotions

She's an actress. She can cry or show any other emotion on cue.

To really show her disdain for the incoming President, she should have offered to refund the cost of all tickets that were purchased by Trump supporters to see her movies..

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

I'd be embarrassed if he was my President. I'm already kind of embarrassed as a human because of him.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I wonder how many speeches Streep has made to Goldman Sachs?

Aka the Trump cabinet.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

I'd be embarrassed if he was my President. I'm already kind of embarrassed as a human because of him.

I feel the same about the current commander in chief.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Silly, Trump taking the bait of that elitist actor. Yet, he can't help himself, so we'll just be resigned to this sort of stuff for a while. Still, there's something refreshingly honest about his thin skin after all those smooth talking politicians have had their way with us for so long.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

had it been the other way around and Trumped would have whined and carried on, oh, we know what the Dems would say

No, we don't, as such a situation has never happened. Now if you can show some sort of equivalent situation where the democrats had done such a thing, then you may have a point. But as of right now, you are speculating based on what you are saying, without any evidence as to whether what you are saying is correct. And since Democrats and Republicans are fundamentally different, trying to determine the behavior of one party based on the behavior of the other, is an extremely flawed type of logic.

To really show her disdain for the incoming President, she should have offered to refund the cost of all tickets that were purchased by Trump supporters to see her movies..

Why would she do that? First off, there is absolutely no equivalent, and second, it's not like she was the one who received the ticket sales to be able to refund them.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


Seventy years old, overweight, red-faced, overwrought and tetchy.


She's only 67. It says so in the article!

She is a bit overweight, but shouldn't be too harsh on her, we'll all get there one day, if we're lucky. Weight gets distributed to odd places.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

When a private citizen who could possibly be the greatest actress in the world gives her opinion at an Awards ceremony maybe Trumplett should stop and think about it before running to twitter, but no, he calls her "over-rated" and a "flunky" then says "for the 100th time" I didn't...(add any of a thousand answers) you know he's a loser and an idiot.

He's the President-elect, there are going to be a lot of people giving opinions about his Presidency (the Republicans did it to Obama for 8 years) if he has to take time out of his job to defend himself to each one by calling names he's not going have much time to be President...oh wait, that's what he has Pence for...

commanteer - the last thing you want a leader of any country to be is thin skinned, and if you find it refreshing then your an idiot too...

6 ( +9 / -3 )

No, we don't, as such a situation has never happened.

Spare me, when have Dems ever been sympathetic or even diplomatic when it comes to the concerns of conservatives on ANY level?!

Now if you can show some sort of equivalent situation where the democrats had done such a thing, then you may have a point.

From Obama's 3nd term win. The flunked Iran deal, the Cuban deal, getting pompous and over confident during the election cycle as if Hillary WOULD BE without a doubt coronated just a few examples.

And since Democrats and Republicans are fundamentally different, trying to determine the behavior of one party based on the behavior of the other, is an extremely flawed type of logic.

What? Oh, LMAO. but you can determine that?

Why would she do that? First off, there is absolutely no equivalent, and second, it's not like she was the one who received the ticket sales to be able to refund them.

Streep should worry about her falling career and leave rest of us alone. IF we want her opinion, we can watch the The View! Gaaawd!!!

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Spare me, when have Dems ever been sympathetic or even diplomatic when it comes to the concerns of conservatives on ANY level?!

What does that have to do with your baseless claim that democrats would be acting the same as republicans in the same situation?

If you want to argue my point, put together an argument, rather than coming up with some emotional rhetoric. Find a roughly equivalent situation that would indicate that democrats would be reacting the same way that Republicans are.

From Obama's 3nd term win.

What specifically? Please draw the equivalency, as it's not inherent from the few words you are providing.

The flunked Iran deal

Again, how does this equate to the republicans winning the election even when getting less votes?

the Cuban deal Again, how does this equate to the republicans winning the election even when getting less votes?

getting pompous and over confident during the election cycle as if Hillary WOULD BE without a doubt coronated just a few examples.

Again, how does this equate to the republicans winning the election even when getting less votes?

but you can determine that?

No, I can't. Which is why I only claim that republicans would do X, when I have a rough equivalent to X that they have previously done. I don't just make random accusations without and basis in fact.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Are you guys going to be like this for the next 4 years?

US politics is like reality TV these days.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Are you guys going to be like this for the next 4 years?

I think we're already about 10 years in, so probably.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I wish these celebrities would just keep their darn opinions to themselves, they may be able to entertain but they know little else.

Amen to that. Especially the reality TV stars who spend most of their time on Twitter pushing pet theories about Obama being Kenyan or the Chinese creating a climate change hoax to hurt America. Great as entertainment, but they don't actually know anything about the world that would be useful in the (god forbid) off chance that one of them became President or something.

Oh wait....

8 ( +9 / -1 )

What does that have to do with your baseless claim that democrats would be acting the same as republicans in the same situation?

Baseless? All we need to do is look at the last 8 years to see the failures of this president and the Democratic party in general or are you saying they hold majorities everywhere? When Dems are in power, it's always our way and no concessions, when conservatives do it, they are obstructionists and bla, bla, bla whatever can be squeezed in their narrative.

Again, how does this equate to the republicans winning the election even when getting less votes? Again, how does this equate to the republicans winning the election even when getting less votes?

A lot, a whole lot and thanks for making my point as to why the Dems are in the positions they are in now or are you at an advantage on anything besides Global change?

I don't just make random accusations without and basis in fact.

Uh-huh, Strange, sure you don't. LMAO!

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

I guess this is the level of dignity, judgement and self-restraint that we have to look forward to for the next 4 years. God forbid a foreign head of state gets under his thin skin, he might throw a nuclear hissy fit.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

She has been a positive influence in American life.

Remember when she flew to Baton Rouge and handed out provisions to the flood victims living there on her own dime last summer?

Me neither.

What a cretinous retort. Streep's no-hairshirt, no-ashes donations are a point of record.

Did Meryl Streep fraudulently crash a children's AIDS charity event, taking center stage, despite not donating a cent?


8 ( +8 / -0 )

strangerland, Very good points. but not many people can read, accept, and absorb the wordings from smarties. sad but in reality there are many of those people including trump.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

It was mentioned by someone earlier in the conversation, but this is what started this whole mess, in my opinion.

——- quote —-

October 25, 2010

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor gave President Obama a list of modest proposals for the bill. Obama said he would consider the GOP ideas, but told the assembled Republicans that "elections have consequences" and "I won."

—- end quote—-

So now that Trump is president he gets to pick who he wants and do what he wants, same as Obama. Lets hope the results of this freedom to do as he wants are much better than Obama.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Bass "Oh, so you want Trump to babble on and on and on and put you to skeep..."

Admit it, the Buffon is not even capable of speaking for five minutes, without veering off topic, and 'bigging' himself up.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

@bass When Dems are in power, it's always

Black-white, night-day, evil-good, zero-one, libs-conservatives, Democrats-Republicans. Ideologues live in such a very limited world. The notions of colors, spectrums, ranges, continua, nuance and gradation must seem alien to them.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


5 of Meryl Streep’s Dumbest Political Comments - 9 Jan 2017

One. Trump supporters attending political rallies are “driven to the worst possibilities by the bloodlust in a crowd.”

Two. Streep puts on a wig, makeup and fat suit to mock Trump during a play

Three. Streep compares Hillary Clinton’s “grit and grace” to that of Continental Army soldier Deborah Sampson, who was wounded fighting while disguised as a man during the Revolutionary War.

Four. The Alar Scare

Five. Streep uses discredited propaganda to claim Walt Disney was a racist, sexist anti-Semite

Hypocrisy Bonus: Streep gives standing ovation to convicted child rapist Roman Polanski at the 2003 Oscars

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Streep has 3 academy awards. Academy awards ceremonies seem to be functions where select Hollyweirdites get together to give each other trophies based SJW creds or whatever. Meanwhile, they hope the gormless masses will tune in to the drivel so they can sell some adverts. In any case, it seems likely Cecil B DeMille would be quite upset that an award in his name went to such an undeserving bovine and would doubtless object to her SJW nonsense.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Oops! Apparently she IS "overrated"!

She has more Academy Award nominations than any other actor.

But she ranks at only 94 in a list of actors by lifetime gross receipts.


AP ‘Fact Checks’ Trump Tweet About Meryl Streep Being Overrated - 9 Jan 2017


-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Donald Trump is pathetic.

His response totally fails to deal with her points, resorting to lame knee-jerk ad hominem attempts to dismiss because of who she is.

Note that all posts in his defence in this board follow the same pattern.


That video just shows Trump, and not the reporter

It shows Trump mimicking a disabled person like a high school bully


She actually thinks that the ultra-rich like her in Hollywood are the real oppressed in America

She clearly doesn't; in her speech she acknowledged how privileged they all are.

I wonder how many speeches Streep has made to Goldman Sachs?

Well then why don't you find out and tell us. I'm betting the answer is zero, if that's wrong i'd be interested to know.



Sure sign of someone who's just had their internet non-argument dismantled

14 ( +14 / -0 )

Black-white, night-day, evil-good, zero-one, libs-conservatives, Democrats-Republicans. Ideologues live in such a very limited world. The notions of colors, spectrums, ranges, continua, nuance and gradation must seem alien to them.

Wow! I thought liberals view everything from myopic POV when it comes to race and politics! Well, I have seen the light!

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

bass4funkJAN. 10, 2017 - 01:31PM JST

All we need to do is look at the last 8 years to see the failures of this president and the Democratic party ..

I hear this false claim again and again by republican supporters - Obama was far from perfect but he has done an incredible job to turn the US around after the disastrous Bush era - we have had the greatest increase in job numbers and wages. Unemployment is way down and the US economy is booming compared to the rest of the world. But that get's ignored by Dumpf supporters.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

On the Hollywood theme: it's Back to the Future: 1950s values, and Biff in the White House.

What could possibly go wrong?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Baseless? All we need to do is look at the last 8 years to see the failures of this president and the Democratic party in general

But that's not what we're talking about. Once again, being called out for being wrong, you try to pretend we're talking about something else.

Your claim was:

had it been the other way around and Trumped would have whined and carried on, oh, we know what the Dems would say

And as I pointed out, we don't know that because you haven't provided any examples to show that the democrats would behave as the Republicans are doing.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Trump fans are pretty emotional right now. Streep kind of messed them up. Donald, too.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

Trump fans are pretty emotional right now

Buyer's remorse.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

“For the 100th time, I never ‘mocked’ a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him ‘groveling’ when he totally changed a 16-year-old story that he had written in order to make me look bad,”

BS! That was one of the most sickening moments in history for someone seeking office -- worse, in my opinion -- than the leaked tape of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women (and now he literally CAN get away with it!). Streep was bang on, and I think this has got Republicans pretty upset because they KNOW she is right and there is no defending Trump on this, but they are wired to deny, so they are going nuts.

Their answer to EVERYTHING now, including flat out facts, presented with video and quotations, that it is lies by biased media (to the media, I might add).

9 ( +9 / -0 )

“For the 100th time, I never ‘mocked’ a disabled reporter

Here's how Russia Today, a source trusted by both Russian and US reactionary rightists who support Trump, and a publication that's part of the global media empire reportedly owned by the Russian leader himself (may be hard to prove because Putin's financial holdings are even more secretive than Trump's), reported the event:


1 ( +1 / -0 )

I know I am not emotional about anything. Facts are that President Trump will be in charge soon, so all the whining and complaining from the other side means nothing. Just passing the time watching all the achievements and job growth that the man is completing before he even officially has the job. Hoping that is a good sign for the future.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )


Donald Trump is pathetic.

His response totally fails to deal with her points, resorting to lame knee-jerk ad hominem attempts to dismiss because of who she is.

Your comment is spot on. If Trump were an adult, he'd acknowledge his mistake (because it was definitely wrong), and sincerely apologize. I've never seen him own up to anything though, whether it be mistakes or lies. Here he counters accusations of bullying with more bullying.

Note that all posts in his defence in this board follow the same pattern.

Right again. When we hear stories about bullying in Japanese schools, almost everyone that posts here agrees and asks questions like how can we expect better from schoolyard bullies when they see rampant bullying in adult Japanese culture? Well guess what? The US elected a bully as president.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Some random guy to Trump on Twitter:

If 157 awards as an actress makes Meryl Streep "overrated" what does 6 bankruptcies make you as a businessman?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Its a perfect distillation of the Trollumping M.O.:

Streep called out Trump for what he did.

Trump reacts by attacking who Streep is.

Extra trollumping points for using "overrated". It's not just that Streep is a bad person according to Trump, but as Trump imagines himself to be the sole arbiter of a human's moral worth, if you like her or what she did your opinion is somehow wrong.

America isn't divided between left and right. It's divided between people who think actions matter, and people who think your moral worth is decided by who you are to begin with. No wonder the bigots and neo-Nazis love Trump.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Meryl Streep commenting on politics? Give me a break. Another self-important limousine leftist snob using her platform to engage in a deep dose of virtue signalling. It costs her nothing to safely play amateur political pundit.

This kind of finger-waving from the coasal elites is WHY Trump won the election. If celebrity endorsements and speeches had any value, then Clinton would be on her way to the White House.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

AttilathehungryJAN. 10, 2017 - 04:20PM JST Meryl Streep commenting on politics? Give me a break. Another self-important limousine leftist snob using her platform to engage in a deep dose of virtue signalling.

Thank you very, very much for perfectly demonstrating my point. When Trump speaks his mind, he's a "a straight talker". When Streep did the exact same thing, she's a "self-important limousine leftist snob" because she's an actress, and being an actress makes her inherently of no moral value under this paradigm.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

It's ironic that so many posters decry Meryl Streep for speaking out on politics, after they themselves spend days on JT speaking out on politics.

I suspect that their anger is based on the content of what she is saying, not that she says it.

On a related note, do the left-wing posters here ever say that right-wing celebrities should stop talking about politics when they speak out? I don't ever remember seeing it, but I accept that we may also be guilty of it at times.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

How's the star-studded inauguration coming on, Donald?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Im not mad about what Meryl Streep said, she can have her own opinion on whatever she wants. It was just very self serving for Hollywood types, came off as pompous and preachy, and for no reason ridiculed a large segment of the population who may have supported her in her chosen career. Any Hollywood types have an opinion on what happened in Chicago last week instead of going back to something else from 2015?

You dont like Trump, we get it. Do you Hollywood people want the whole country to fail just so you can say told you so? Grow up and support the person who won the election and stop trying to weaken him before he even starts the job.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

SenseNotSoCommon: I can only imagine! What's more, his speech is going to be NOTHING about what he will do, only about how great he is, how everyone great loves him, and the rest will be what Twitter would look like without a word limit. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he avoids the media for his inauguration and suggests it be done by Twitter. Then he'll decry the media for printing it.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Another self-important limousine leftist snob using her platform to engage in a deep dose of virtue signalling

So you prefer self-important limousine-rightist snobs using their platform to engage in a deep dose of lack-of-virtue signalling like Trump then?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Why does someone have to be a so called star for their opinion to matter?

Anyone who supports Trump or even agrees to think about performing at the inauguration is immediately attacked or demeaned as not a star. Having a bunch of stars there means nothing, and I prefer they dont come. This is about the PEOPLE, as Trump said. They dont need Beyonce and Jay Z and Madonna and Bon Jovi to get people to show up like Hillary did.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

if ever there were an example of the most disgusting abuse of power, an example of what i do not ever want my kids to be like, it's trump

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Do you Hollywood people want the whole country to fail just so you can say told you so?

It seems that the obstructionism of the right (as compared to opposition) would indicate that's exactly what they wanted.

I hope no people on the left feel the same way. But criticizing the president-elect for things he has said does not indicate that one wants the country to fail, it simply points out the president-elect's failings.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

"On a related note, do the left-wing posters here ever say that right-wing celebrities should stop talking about politics when they speak out? I don't ever remember seeing it, but I accept that we may also be guilty of it at times."

I remember Ted Nugent for grabbing his crotch on stage at a Trump rally. I don't remember anyone saying he didn't have the right to communicate his feelings at the level of a Trump audience.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

So lets publicly point out every perceived failing of the man, make up a couple extra and then shout it on TV and in public every day for 2 months before he even starts the job. Have to make sure the whole world and all the enemies of the USA know allllll his laundry and potential weaknesses.

Yeah thats really gonna help him to be successful and start out in a position of strength and support. Come on.....

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

I hear this false claim again and again by republican supporters - Obama was far from perfect

Wait! As long as you can acknowledge that at least, I'm cool.

but he has done an incredible job to turn the US around after the disastrous Bush era - we have had the greatest increase in job numbers and wages.

So that's why Blacks are committing so many crimes, have the highest unemployment, highest incarceration rate of any minority. How is Chicago doing, how is Philly? All the sanctuary cities have some of the highest crimes like LA for example, what about the misrepresentation of the labor force where the Dems so arbitrarily forget to factor in the retiring baby boomers, the millennials that can't find jobs and moved back at home or the people that have given up altogether of finding a job because there's no jobs in the private sector. Yeah, he's done a swell job. Give me a break! LMAO!

BS! That was one of the most sickening moments in history for someone seeking office -- worse, in my opinion --

Can't be worse than Hillary! No way!!!

than the leaked tape of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women (and now he literally CAN get away with it!).

So it's his fault more women came out to vote for him, that means, they really didn't care or at the very least forgave him and still thought he was a better choice. But the way, none of those Podesta tapes bother you, not even a little bit of what Hillary did and the lies she told?

Streep was bang on, and I think this has got Republicans pretty upset because they KNOW she is right and there is no defending Trump on this, but they are wired to deny, so they are going nuts.

Actually, Streep wasn't spot on anything and I don't know any conservative that's mad at Streep, but a lot of us are rolling our eyes and feeling deep pity for the left. To me, it's funny. I think only liberals care what the Hollweird ilk think. Besides, why would I watch a bunch of rich snobbish actors handing out awards to themselves just for being.....themselves.... It's all a scam and I have better things to worry about than to worry what Streep or Eva Longoria thinks.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

I remember Ted Nugent for grabbing his crotch on stage at a Trump rally. I don't remember anyone saying he didn't have the right to communicate his feelings at the level of a Trump audience.>

yeah and how many times did Jay Z rap the n word and he and Beyonce demean women on stage for Hillary and for Obama?

Oh but Ted Nugent doesnt count anyway because he isnt a star....(30 million albums sold says otherwise, he at least WAS a star. Same as Meryl Streep WAS.)

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

I wish these celebrities would just keep their darn opinions to themselves,

People have the right to speak their opinions; it's called the First Amendment.

No, grow up and get over yourself, Hollyweird, these people, as if anyone gives a darn what these people think.

To Bass4funk: Well obviously Trump cares a lot, since he immediately tweets replies to it.

At least some of the Trump vote wasnt for him but against Hollywood and the so called elites.

That shows just how idiotic Trump supporters are. They voted to go against the elite, and forget that Trump received a large portion of his fortune from his father.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

BlacklabelJAN. 10, 2017 - 05:05PM JST and for no reason ridiculed a large segment of the population who may have supported her in her chosen career.

When exactly did Streep ridicule you?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Why does someone have to be a so called star for their opinion to matter?

It doesn't, but the reverse question is, why does a star's opinion not matter?

Anyone who supports Trump or even agrees to think about performing at the inauguration is immediately attacked or demeaned as not a star.

Where have the people been attacked or demeaned for not being stars? Do you have some quotes? I'm under the impression that people are pointing out how Trump is so disliked he can't even get any quality stars, not that the people he does get are not stars.

So lets publicly point out every perceived failing of the man, make up a couple extra and then shout it on TV and in public every day for 2 months before he even starts the job. Have to make sure the whole world and all the enemies of the USA know allllll his laundry and potential weaknesses.

You elect a fool, and people are going to point out how he is a fool. If you don't want people pointing out how your president is a fool, then you shouldn't elect a fool.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

One observation from all of his tweets, is that Trump really has a limited vocabulary. He overuses the word 'overrated' a lot. He also repeats himself and says things like "He is bad ... He is so bad." I know a lot of junior high-schoolers with a wider vocabulary than he has. Seems to me that he is the one who is 'overrated'.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

"Actually, Streep wasn't spot on anything and I don't know any conservative that's mad at Streep"

I think hissy-fit Trump for one is a bit angry but maybe you don't regard him as a conservative.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Streep = Class Trump =Brass

3 ( +4 / -1 )

peterlJAN. 10, 2017 - 05:31PM JST That shows just how idiotic Trump supporters are. They voted to go against the elite, and forget that Trump received a large portion of his fortune from his father.

You have to wonder just how out of touch with reality a person can be to rail against elites and then turn around and vote for a man with a gilded living room.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I see no one here had picked Streep's points apart. They went on jag's about "the elite." What part of her opening remarks about the diversity of people in film making do you disagree with? Most of these people formed value systems based on how they lived their first 2-3 decades before they starting work in the industry. What are the argument points that you disagree with?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Deflection and obfuscation are the pavlovian go-to defenses for Bass, Serrano, Turbostat, and many of the other less prolific but no less intransigent bit players of the so-called Libertarian/conservative bent here at JT.

Their support of Trump is irreconcilable with how truly horrific a human being he actually is and they physically and mentally are just unable to formulate a coherent response to valid criticism because they've gone all in and see no way to save face as Trump,goes back on campaign promise after promise after promise. You can be sure buyer's remorse is in full effect, but their utter shock and embarrassment won't let them acknowledge much less give voice to it. So they tell themselves again and again how great Trump is -- or will be, once he starts meeting some of his campaign pledges.

Which he won't.

Thank god, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, Amaterasu, or whatever deity you hold dear.

Meanwhile, the tweets, the "backlash" against Streep, the nonsense here: all classic examples of the kind of lashing out one would expect from someone called out for bad behavior that can't possibly be defended or justified. It's a defense mechanism and it's obvious. Its also no accident that it's behavior usually reserved for children.

What makes Trump so irredeemably obscene is how he got to where he is. Everything he is and everything he says is one-hundred percent theater and pretense. He's a conman, a fake, a pedestrian snake oil salesman with the requisite flashy suit and car. He is a complete facade from top to bottom, front to back.

But that's not what makes him so horrific. The worst part about Trump is that he looked at all the possible types of candidate he could be for the "little guy" and chose the littlest guy he could be. The racism, misogyny, mockery of Muslims, veterans, and the disabled that were mainstays of his rallies -- all of this was a conscious choice, roles taken on intentionally and methodically in order to garner the support and approval of a very specific subset of Americans. Well, maybe not the woman-objectifying misogynist part. That facet is genuine, I think. But he actively and knowingly chose to be the other things that deep down, he probably is not, and that deep down he knows are offensive to the core of any mature, informed, decent human being. Knowing how wrong they were, he chose to become this populist monstrosity anyway.

And why? To score a win. That's it. That's all there is to it. There's no special message, no profound connection or empathy or understanding with disenfranchised Americans, no late night epiphany that brought him to a Zen-like oneness with Joe the Plumber. Rather, Trump intentionally adopted as obscene a political persona as one can imagine for the sole purpose of stoking enough fear and loathing among the general populace to propel him "bigly" towards the greatest ego trip he could imagine, the presidency.

And he probably really does think the Russians had no hand in tipping the election his way. To do so would be an admission of not being the best, and his tremendous but fragile ego couldn't possibly handle that. So he remains in denial, along with his supporters who suffer from that same debilitating fears that have locked Trump into a job I doubt sincerely he ever really even wanted.

Ladies and gentle, the next president of the United States, Donald "The Fragile Fraud" Trump.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Don't think Trump is better or worse than any other but he's entertaining, more so than streep. BTW mean while back in the real world ...................

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Trump keeps it classy

The right man for the job; the face of the USA.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I think it's good the way Trump throws it back at people.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

"overrated Clinton flunky"

That just about sums up Streep.

Oh my...

Kurtz: Meryl Streep goes shockingly off-script:


-12 ( +1 / -13 )

I think it's good the way Trump throws it back at people.

Yeah man, very dignified. Like a monkey flinging feces at zoo.

Other than the whole "nuclear code" and trade war" possibility, the next next four years will absolutely hilarious.

The idiocy of Donald Trump is unending joke, writing its own new material on a daily basis. The closest thing I've ever seen to perpetual motion machine.

I can't wait for the first Whitehouse Press Correspondence Dinner.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Can't be worse than Hillary! No way!!!

Hillary would not be making the ridiculous promise of building a solid concrete 2,000 mile x 50 foot wall. Also, whatever happened to the Muslim registry and/or ban Trump said he was going to make?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

What part of her opening remarks about the diversity of people in film making do you disagree with?

There is diversity but Hollywood and the press are some of the richest, most privileged people in American society. When the powerful use their position to bully others, and to incite violence and disrespect we all lose...

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

When the powerful use their position to bully others, and to incite violence and disrespect we all lose...

We welcome our new overlord, President Trump!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

For the righties, there really isn't an acceptable time to protest is there?

Right! Black people riot: "They're animals"

Black people kneel for the anthem: "They're traitors"

Poor people protest: "They're bums"

Rich people protest: "They're over privileged"

I'd like to hear from the right who is allowed to protest, and under which conditions they are allowed to protest.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

People have the right to speak their opinions; it's called the First Amendment.

And we can call them all deranged loons, which is also protected under the "First Amendment."

That shows just how idiotic Trump supporters are.

That was one of the main comments that cost Hillary the election to insult half of the US population, excluding the Ultra-Unicorn smart people of the great State of California.

They voted to go against the elite, and forget that Trump received a large portion of his fortune from his father.

Ok and Hillary got her from making deals with shady leaders and dictators that could give a darn about Human rights. But the people didn't fall for that either, another dent in her battleship.

Deflection and obfuscation are the pavlovian go-to defenses for Bass, Serrano, Turbostat, and many of the other less prolific but no less intransigent bit players of the so-called Libertarian/conservative bent here at JT.

No, it's just the left can't stand the truth being served to them, nothing more.

Their support of Trump is irreconcilable with how truly horrific a human being he actually is and they physically and mentally are just unable to formulate a coherent response to valid criticism because they've gone all in and see no way to save face as Trump,goes back on campaign promise after promise after promise.

I can't speak for all, but I think most of us do not think Trump is perfect, but compared to what we have been dealing with for the last 8 years, Trump is indeed a breath of much needed fresh air.

You can be sure buyer's remorse is in full effect, but their utter shock and embarrassment won't let them acknowledge much less give voice to it. So they tell themselves again and again how great Trump is -- or will be, once he starts meeting some of his campaign pledges.

He's not even sworn in yet, give it a year, I know libs think 8 years have already passed, but the reality is, it's just long to wait for the left, so they start the smear campaign before pistol is fired. Typical.

Which he won't.

Because....you say so?

Meanwhile, the tweets, the "backlash" against Streep, the nonsense here: all classic examples of the kind of lashing out one would expect from someone called out for bad behavior that can't possibly be defended or justified. It's a defense mechanism and it's obvious. Its also no accident that it's behavior usually reserved for children.

You mean like the way Obama lashed out at Fox News because they called Obama out so many times, in other words, you are trying to say, both men are thin-skinned. Obama doesn't do tweets, he just goes on Talk shows and talks trash about the people he's angry with.

What makes Trump so irredeemably obscene is how he got to where he is. Everything he is and everything he says is one-hundred percent theater and pretense. He's a conman, a fake, a pedestrian snake oil salesman with the requisite flashy suit and car. He is a complete facade from top to bottom, front to back.

The racism, misogyny, mockery of Muslims, veterans, and the disabled that were mainstays of his rallies

Did you feel the same when those Black youths beat and tortured that White mentally challenged kid? I didn't hear anyone on the left get equally as outraged and by the way, how is Obama handling Chicago and Baltimore, the Black crime is off the charts Black on Black crime specifically, are you not outraged at Obama's lack of nonintervention when it comes to dealing with the Black community and what's wrong with defining and calling radical Islam for what it is? Liberals can't distinguish or understand the definition of the word "Radical?" I hope you are not insinuating that race relations are the best they can be since Obama took office? Please don't.

-- all of this was a conscious choice, roles taken on intentionally and methodically in order to garner the support and approval of a very specific subset of Americans. Well, maybe not the woman-objectifying misogynist part. That facet is genuine, I think. But he actively and knowingly chose to be the other things that deep down, he probably is not, and that deep down he knows are offensive to the core of any mature, informed, decent human being. Knowing how wrong they were, he chose to become this populist monstrosity anyway.

No, I think more women could see, he's at least honest and vile though it was what he did, they chose to forgive and give the man a chance, that's what you would call rational thinking.

And why? To score a win. That's it. That's all there is to it.

LFR, Trump didn't win by himself, if you are so disgusted and discouraged about Trump, oh, how will all of you get past 8 years? Please tell me. I worry.

And he probably really does think the Russians had no hand in tipping the election his way.

No, I think Trump is smart for NOT taking the liberal bait at saying what the left WANTS him to say, even if there isn't a shred of evidence as to how deep their involvement was. In doing so would give the Dems a leg room to pounce on Trump declaring him a illegitimate candidate and he's not going for that trap to say what the left wants to and good on him.

Ladies and gentle, the next president of the United States, Donald "The Fragile Fraud" Trump.

Thank God for that! At least now we can have a president with a pair!

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Now, if you are talking about Streep, you are sorely mistaken. In no way did she incite others to violence. Good grief.

The industry she works for certainly does, as much if not more than professional wrestling or the martial arts.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

When a private citizen who could possibly be the greatest actress in the world

Oh, do spare me, my lil' Carolee. She is neither. And there are plenty of great actresses who can barely make ends meet.

commanteer - the last thing you want a leader of any country to be is thin skinned, and if you find it refreshing then your an idiot too

And the claws come out. I do believe you are mocking and disrespecting me. What would your precious Meryl have to say about that?

When I get upvotes at JT these days, I start to think I must be wrong.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

"That shows just how idiotic Trump supporters are."

"That was one of the main comments that cost Hillary the election to insult half of the US population"

Trump can't spell and his supporters can't do basic maths.

Ah well, at least the GOP are the party of science....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The industry she works for certainly does, as much if not more than professional wrestling or the martial arts.

Oh, it does? lol Link please.

No, I think more women could see, he's at least honest and vile though it was what he did, they chose to forgive and give the man a chance, that's what you would call rational thinking.

Yeah man, he's honest. At least when he's not being sarcastic. Or just joking. Regardless, women overwhelmingly voted for Clinton. They did not forgive, nor did they want to give him a chance.

I didn't hear anyone on the left get equally as outraged and by the way,

How does one quantify "equally outraged." I don't think anyone here defended their barbaric actions. One of the few times when both the lefties and the righties rally on JT. But condemnation is not enough for you, so how exactly should we lefties have reacted?

And the numbers say otherwise, bass.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

When I get upvotes at JT these days, I start to think I must be wrong.

Scary, but I totally agree.

Trump can't spell and his supporters can't do basic maths.

Obama couldn't even tell the difference between a Corpse and the Marine Corps and who could forget that without his trusty teleprompter, the president is in a complete zone.

Ah well, at least the GOP are the party of science....

And the DNP are the party with ZERO agenda, but hey, they always have "Global warming."

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

So what? And when poor folks protest the refrain is, "get a job you bums!"

What is wrong is calling these rich and powerful demographics the most disenfranchised groups in America.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Hollywood and the press are some of the richest, most privileged people in American society.

As opposed to Trump's down-at-heel cabinet of paupers?

When the powerful use their position to bully others, and to incite violence and disrespect we all lose...

Feeling bullied by Hollywood? Oh, poor little Snowflake!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

What is wrong is calling these rich and powerful demographics the most disenfranchised groups in America.

Did I say that, Lizz? Did I say they were disenfranchised? Your ADD is getting the best of you yet again.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

America's enemies are already trying to decide how they can make Trump's temper tantrums work for them.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Oh my...

Kellyanne Conway weighs in on Meryl Streep:


-7 ( +1 / -8 )


There is diversity but Hollywood and the press are some of the richest, most privileged people in American society. When the powerful use their position to bully others, and to incite violence and disrespect we all lose...

Seriously? You have a problem with their wealth? And Trump? His cabinet picks?

Not all rich people are bad, but I can tell you definitively what's wrong with Trump and the people he surrounds himself with. What exactly has Streep done wrong?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

America's enemies are already trying to decide how they can make Trump's temper tantrums work for them.

It's going to be difficult. He's not Obama. He's not going to fall for that crap.

In a thread where we're literally talking about Trump not being able to restrain himself from sending nasty tweets because someone said something bad about him, you're trying to claim that he's not going to fall for it. All the evidence points to the contrary. All of it.

You're right, he's not Obama. Obama is way too classy for that. The guy just went through eight years of people badmouthing him, and not a single tweet.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Oh, my...

Trump said this in 2015 in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter when asked about his favourite actresses. This is from Independent:

“Julia Roberts is terrific, and many others. Meryl Streep is excellent; she’s a fine person, too,” Trump told THR."

Looks like another addition to his description of the electoral college as a "disaster for democracy" file.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Once again Trump's own comments come back to contradict himself!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

"Trump said this in 2015 in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter when asked about his favourite actresses. This is from Independent: “... Meryl Streep is excellent; she’s a fine person, too,” Trump told THR."

Yeah, that was before she went off on him.

Oh my...



-9 ( +1 / -10 )

"Once again Trump's own comments come back to contradict himself!"

I can think of two possible things:

A) After revisiting movies from Streep's long and distinguished career in the last year or so, Trump decided he was wrong in his initial judgement of one of the most decorated actresses in history. I can't work out the poor judgement of her character.

B) He pulled his smacked arse face and lashed out on Twitter with an impossibly childish and contradictory screech.

Does anybody have a C? I'm stuck.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

A) After revisiting movies from Streep's long and distinguished career in the last year or so, Trump decided he was wrong in his initial judgement of one of the most decorated actresses in history.

True, but that doesn't mean, you have to like her movies. George Clooney is supposed to be some great actor as well, I think he sucks and don't get me started on Charlie Sheen.

I can't work out the poor judgement of her character.

I could!

B) He pulled his smacked arse face and lashed out on Twitter with an impossibly childish and contradictory screech.

Rightfully so.

Does anybody have a C? I'm stuck.

How about "S"?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

"A) After revisiting movies from Streep's long and distinguished career in the last year or so, Trump decided he was wrong in his initial judgement of one of the most decorated actresses in history."

"True, but that doesn't mean, you have to like her movies. George Clooney is supposed to be some great actor as well, I think he sucks and don't get me started on Charlie Sheen."

What in the name of Benghazi are you ROFLing about? It was Trump who described her as "excellent" in the first place.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

No, but it doesn't make him less than a man either. But why should he let the media talk and spew lies about him constantly?

Well, it would be all fine and dandy if Trump actually tweeted his so-called 'side of the story'. Unfortunately, all he tweets is infantile name-calling using a limited vocabulary with words like 'overrated', 'sucks', 'bad', and 'not good'. Every single president that has come before him has been lampooned in the media, and yet they all had the thick skin to withstand it all.

Trump won't have a problem identifying or calling out the enemy for what and who they are.

Yeah, but unfortunately, Trump has called out all Muslims, Hispanics, Asians, gays, lesbians, the disabled and women as the enemy. The only people he seems to deem as friends are the Russians.

I smell hypocrite soup brewing.

It's the smell made by all those Trump sheep who say they're voting for Trump because they hate the elitists. Or maybe it's made by all those sheep who said that the voting would only be considered rigged if Trump lost, but since he won, it was fair. Or maybe it was the smell coming from the loony right who spewed lie after lie about Obama taking away their guns, yet the truth is, they still have them. Yet, they don't bat an eye when Trump threatens to do away with the First Amendment.

Only when it no longer benefits Donald Bucks. Sure didn't have a problem with illegals when they worked for him.

How many times did this happen, who was the source? Can you verify this?


This is one source of many, which states for a fact that Trump had about 150 undocumented Polish workers working for him to build his Trump Tower. Some of them worked without full pay. Trump's response was simply, "I didn't do anything wrong. I wouldn't do anything different."


According to this article, Trump had some foreign models working for his agency, illegally. Trump may not like illegals, but as long as they're beautiful girls, then they're OK? Smells like hypocrisy to me.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It was Trump who described her as "excellent" in the first place.

And then she talked smack, so what you are trying to say is, Trump should just allow her to troll on and cast aspersions, ridicule him and not expect him to say or respond to any unjust verbal attacks? Put it like this, if she did it to his face, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but behind his back where he can't defend himself is cowardly and good on him for responding and firing back at her, he should. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

You tell 'em Donny Boy

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Trump is a "4 time Bankrupt Gangster" and should be prevented from seeking the Presidency!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

should be prevented from seeking the Presidency!

A little late for that, he already sought, and attained.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Oh my..

Meryl Streep Attacks Trump At The Golden Globes About Disabled Man But It Was A Lie :


-6 ( +2 / -8 )

FDT is jealous -- he can only wish he had even 1/3 as many accomplishments as Meryl Streep.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Or do is a real man contingent on which party ideological line you fall on?

As you are arguably the most partisan poster here, this is a rather odd way to start a post.

No, but it doesn't make him less than a man either.

Never said anything about his manhood. Really not interested. But it is absolutely immature and, stupid, to continuously go off on these twitter rants. Especially when you are too lazy to spell check and fact check.

why should he let the media talk and spew lies about him constantly?

Oh, what lies? Go ahead and name them. Donald Trump built is whole campaign upon the nastiest, hate fueled vitriol imaginable. Do you disagree? Do you really think to mock a fellow candidate's spouse's appearance on twitter is becoming of the office of POTUS. No BHO, obfuscation, is that okay? Is Pussy grabbing okay?

Yeah, well, whatever excuses you make for Obama's unwillingness to define the enemy, we have 11 more days to go and deal with his denial and after that,

its not an excuse, and uber liberal GWB had the same policy.

Trump won't have a problem identifying or calling out the enemy for what and who they are.

Yes. And them murdering their families. Killing women and kids. I'm sure that won't radicalize anyone. Nope.

but when a conservative tells a joke

Trump is no conservative, durr.. The difference is that Trump never sticks to anything. Maybe he's being sarcastic. But not that sarcastic. Who knows? Maybe it depends on his mood?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Late night TV takes a few shots at Trump:


Colbert: Trump is too busy fighting ISIS and creating jobs to pick a fight with a celebrity. Just kidding.

Meyers: The all-time queen of American drama was criticized.....by Meryl Streep.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

LFRAgain: You can be sure buyer's remorse is in full effect, but their utter shock and embarrassment won't let them acknowledge much less give voice to it.

You appear to be projecting here.

Can't imagine a universe in which someone might actually choose Trump over the scandal-plagued Hillary and not feel any remorse at all? Has the liberal MSM been that successful in their campaign to mold the public thought?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

No buyers remorse here. The way the liberals and Hollywood and the media are still acting just confirms I made the right choice. Of course Trump said nice things about Meryl Streep in 2015, but she has attacked him now. I have liked a lot of people until they decided to trash talk me or betray me, then it was a different story.

Remember when the losing side was making such a big deal out of Trump refusing to say he would accept the results? Seems a such a long time ago....good thing Hollywood and the media have decided that wasnt really important or necessary after all once they lost.

Oh and as far as the disabled issue, why are 95% of disabled people in movies played by non disabled people? Clean up your own house first....?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

No one can hear Trump sycophants anymore over the laughter

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Not one time did I hear the MSM say anything remotely nice about Trump or the good things he's done in the past.

Well, that's because he hasn't done anything good in his past. If he did, then it would be reported. Duh. You can try to deny it all you want, the fact is, that he has discriminated in the past, he has hired illegals to work for him in the past (as I've attached proof of this), and he has on record, changed and fabricated facts, and backtracked every step of the way.

Supporters of Trump are as predictable as he is, they will defend him for every action he does, whether it be right or wrong. They will also simply say "Oh, but he doesn't get a fair shake" or "But, but other people do it too". So if a guy walks into a store and shoots a ton of people, then does it give Trump the right to do it too? I'm pretty sure the KKK, Fascists, and sheep that support him would have you believe so.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Trump should just allow her to troll on and cast aspersions, ridicule him and not expect him to say or respond to any unjust verbal attacks

She didn't ridicule him. She criticised him for ridiculing someone else like a schoolyard bully instead of acting like a 70-year old man and presidential candidate (as he was at the time)

She didn't make an unjust verbal attack. She made an eloquent and perfectly just criticism of his bullyboy behaviour

if she did it to his face... but behind his back where he can't defend himself is cowardly

You are well aware of course that that's exactly how Trump mocked the reporter; not criticised, but imitated and mocked, behind his back where he couldn't defend himself, like a cowardly bully. Your double standards and hypocrisy are breathtaking, and you're the one whining on about hypocrisy all up and down the board. Such mendacity is worthy of Trump himself.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Really? Did you actually watch the video? Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNXgjnBpxGI

You are well aware of course that that's exactly how Trump mocked the reporter; not criticised, but imitated and mocked, behind his back

He made the same movements describing Ted Cruz, and a general. He made the same movements in 'CNN - Melania and Don Trump - First Primetime Interview Together Since Their Lavish Jan. 22 Wedding' (included at second link below). That was in 2005!

Evidently the WaPo tried to blow this up to a scandal to distract from the immediate issue of their failed fact checking. After they said they fact-checked Trump on his claim that people were celebrating the 9/11 crashes, Trump described their own (disabled) reporter's article relating the same. WaPo then changed narrative to 'Trump mocks our disabled reporter' to distract from their failed fack-check.


Media Exposed: Donald Trump Did NOT Make Fun of a Disabled Reporter


Trump did NOT mock a reporter's disability. He makes funny expressions all the time

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

She didn't ridicule him. She criticised him for ridiculing someone else like a schoolyard bully instead of acting like a 70-year old man and presidential candidate (as he was at the time)

I understand, but why didn't she use her platform to criticize and also condemn the Black youths that beat up, cut and tormented a mentally challenged person. Why be selective and outraged just because it's Trump? Age has nothing to do with it and if you think so, then Streep should have asked to speak directly to Trump and voice her opinion, Kanye did (was actually surprised by that)

She didn't make an unjust verbal attack. She made an eloquent and perfectly just criticism of his bullyboy behaviour

So then do it to his face so that he can respond. When people watch the Golden Globes or the Academy Awards or anything of that nature, we just want to enjoy and watch what people were, what are these people being nominated for, but NOT to hear how they feel about a political issue, save it! We can listen to the politicians all day for that, why listen to a bunch of ill-informed celebs that don't have any real idea about the issues that are on the minds of most Americans. These people are so out of touch. As if Streep or the Kardashians can understand the average American hardship.

You are well aware of course that that's exactly how Trump mocked the reporter; not criticised, but imitated and mocked, behind his back where he couldn't defend himself, like a cowardly bully.

He repeatedly said, he didn't mock him per say, about his handicap, he just mocked him for what he wrote about him And even if he mocked him and that would be wrong of course, two wrongs don't make a right.

Your double standards and hypocrisy are breathtaking,

I don't have double standards, but go on, please....

and you're the one whining on about hypocrisy all up and down the board. Such mendacity is worthy of Trump himself.

I'm not whining, I could care less, I think it's funny that the left are making this such a big issue. Streep means nothing to the average American, she has made some good movies, but that's about it, most people other than watching her movies don't know anything about her. The woman is totally irrelevant.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Haha, sure. Keep digging, Turbo.

What failed fact check, by the way? Trump did lie that he saw:

"New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering"

"There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down.”


This is a matter of record.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I'm not whining, I could care less, I think it's funny that the left are making this such a big issue.

Trump seems to want to make an issue out of it by tweeting, and then taking ten minutes to finish his tweet with a retweet. Trump seems to want to make an issue out of many things, but the real important issues America has to deal with.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Yoshitsune: Haha, sure. Keep digging, Turbo.

Trump may have conflated thousands celebrating around the world with the reports of those celebrating in New Jersey.

But WaPo's fact checker said NO celebrating in New Jersey. He didn't contend there weren't 'thousands', his fact check said he looked and they could find NO reports. He apparently didn't bother to read the WaPo's own archives. Major burn for the WaPo when they get burned trying to burn Trump with four Pinocchios!

When their fact-check reporter (not the disabled reporter) tried to dispute a fact-the-fact-check-checker who busted him on twitter, the fact-check-checker kept winning and the reporter stopped posting:


Washington Post’s Fact Checker Doesn’t Read the Washington Post [Updated][Updated Again] - November 22, 2015 ...

... the Washington Post’s fact checker, Glenn Kessler. He addressed Trump’s claim here, and, calling it “outrageous,” awarded it four Pinocchios. ...

(WaPo): Trump says that he saw this with his own eyes on television and that it was well covered. But an extensive examination of news clips from that period turns up nothing. There were some reports of celebrations overseas, in Muslim countries, but nothing that we can find involving the Arab populations of New Jersey.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

To be fair, I don't think Trump fans support the mocking of disabled people. I can't imagine many here would do it and they'd probably give their kid a smack in the back of the head if they saw them doing it.

There's just something Trump does for them, something where they feel some kind of intense threat when Trump is criticized as if they are defending themselves. They know he mocked a disabled person, they know they don't support it, but they become extremely emotional when Trump is criticized, even to the point where they will act against their own morals and often against their own self interests.

As long as Trump supporters need Trump emotionally, this will continue. We shouldn't be looking at this as typical politics but more like PTSD.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

SuperLib: They know he mocked a disabled person ..

In the absence of any attempt by you to support the claim that he did, or to counter the evidence showing he didn't and that WaPo tried to frame him, I guess you're relying on appeal to the authority of WaPo, who have both the inclination to try to blame Trump for whatever they can and, in this case, the much stronger motive to distract the public from their own failed attempt at fact-checking.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

SuperLib: As long as Trump supporters need Trump emotionally, this will continue

I think SuperLib makes a great point. Thank you, kind stranger.

Oh, wait....

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Bullies like Trump can give it out but can't take it. He's a spoiled class brat who grew up getting daddy to protect him and then as an adult used daddy's money to buy a platoon of lawyers for protection - from himself and anyone who challenged him.

He's following in the age old traditions the elite class have always had.

Spot on. And his dumb supporters believed he was the anti-establishment ticket. Laughable.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

bass4funkJAN. 11, 2017 - 12:19AM JST Trump should just allow her to troll on

Yeah, that word doesn't mean what you think it does.

Streep didn't troll. Not everyone agrees on what exactly trolling is, but deception and misrepresentation motivated by a desire to make opponents angry are inherent parts of the meaning. Streep did none of that. She expressed her sincere opinion of what is happening to America based on factual observation, and her prime example case is one we can all observe on video. She did it not to make Trump supporters mad, but to call on her allies in Hollywood to work together to defend against our deceptive and abusive President-elect. You may not like what she said, but that doesn't make it trolling just because you don't like it.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Why be selective and outraged just because it's Trump?

Because he's the president-elect and should be held to a higher standard than a group of low-life thugs and criminals?

He repeatedly said, he didn't mock him per say (sic), about his handicap, he just mocked him for what he wrote about him

Then he repeatedly lied. The video of him doing what he repeatedly said he didn't do is freely available on the Internet. If Trump seriously believes that what he did in that video is not totally unacceptable behaviour in an adult, never mind in the so-called leader of the so-called free world, then he is not fit to be allowed out without supervision, let alone put in charge of a country.

4 ( +7 / -3 )


House Republican Whip Eric Cantor gave President Obama a list of modest proposals for the bill. Obama said he would consider the GOP ideas, but told the assembled Republicans that "elections have consequences" and "I won."

Exactly! That's my take away from the Obama years. I won, so the rest of the nation can stuff it! I am afraid that Trump will try to make deals with the Dems. I hope that on at least the most politically polarizing things he will just pick up his pen and phone and tell Dems election has consequences and they lost. For me, the next 4 years should be payback for the far Left. Make them suffer as much as Obama has made conservatives suffer. But not for no good reason. My hope is that after getting their just deserts the Left will decide that the Federal government is not the place to settle our disputes. That they can take their fights back to the states as California is doing so that more people can get the government they want and not get it jammed down their throats by some all powerful Executive with a pen in DC.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I'd hope Mr. Trump has better things to do. Or ... perhaps we need all the famous haters to post a different negative comment about him every 15 minutes. That way, he won't have time to screw anything up since he'll be tweeting more hatred in his own defense.

Saw a snippet of Ms. Streep's speech - liked her points.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


The video of Trump spasmodically jerking and stuttering with his right hand clenched up to his chest in an impersonation of Washington Post reporter Serge Kovaleski's congenital condition arthrogryposis ismwidely available and committed to eternity on the Internet.

This intentional and grotesque mockery of Mr. Kovaleski was in direct response to the reporter calling Trump out on his completely bulls$!# claim that "thousands" of people were cheering the fall of the World Trade Center on 9|11 from New Jersey. Kovaleski wrote the article Trump used to support this imbecilic claim, a claim that more than a few imbeciles here still believe. Kovaleski wrote'the article the Trump inaccurately cited to defend his comments, FFS.

How dare you sit there and try to pretend it never happened or recharacterize the incident as something it very clearly was not.

You and Trump may have an aversion to the truth, but the rest of us do not. Elected or not, Trump will never be able to casually walk away from the vulgar piece of fecal matter that he was through the primaries and well into this week. Never.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

LFRAgain: How dare you sit there and try to pretend it never happened or recharacterize the incident as something it very clearly was not.

So, you didn't read the links I posted, to the article or to the youtube vids countering those claims.

Here's another one, from Piers Morgan:


Sorry, Meryl but that hypocritical anti-Trump rant was easily the worst performance of your career (apart from that time you gave a child rapist a standing ovation) - 9 January 2017

... Second, Trump has always furiously denied – and has again today on Twitter - he was mocking the reporter’s disability and a Conservative website produced video evidence of numerous other instances where he made the exact same gesture to fully able-bodied people when attacking them. (See here and decide for yourself) ...

The link "See here" points to:


So did Trump REALLY mock reporter's disability? Videos suggest that The Donald has a default impression for EVERYONE he mimics - 15 September 2016

Donald Trump was accused in November last year of mocking a disabled reporter - but videos of his other speeches suggest that he performs the same impression for whoever he mocks. ...

A video from October 2015 has Trump ...

Another clip, taken at the same rally Trump mocked Kovaleski, ...

And in a clip from February this year, Trump mocks Ted Cruz ...

The site also hosted an even earlier clip, from a 2005 Larry King interview, ...

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Because he's the president-elect and should be held to a higher standard than a group of low-life thugs and criminals?

You could ask the same of the media and Hollywood as well, in fact, I think we should hold anyone to a higher standard after they graduated high school to a higher standard.

Then he repeatedly lied. The video of him doing what he repeatedly said he didn't do is freely available on the Internet.

Other videos show Trump mocking people and moving his hands, I have seen 5 others, so how can you unequivocally make that assertion and beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump was indeed making fun of a handicapped person?

If Trump seriously believes that what he did in that video is not totally unacceptable behaviour in an adult, never mind in the so-called leader of the so-called free world, then he is not fit to be allowed out without supervision, let alone put in charge of a country.

Thankfully, we don't have to worry about that happening.

The video of Trump spasmodically jerking and stuttering with his right hand clenched up to his chest in an impersonation of Washington Post reporter Serge Kovaleski's congenital condition arthrogryposis ismwidely available and committed to eternity on the Internet.

I'm trying to find any comment of you being outraged when those Black kids roughed up that mentally challenged person, cursed him and brutalized him. Did that act equally outrage you as well. Perfectly legitimate question or do these thugs get a pass?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Trump has fleeced the whole lot of his sheeple. They think that he is a straight-shooter and will be a strong-handed president who won't take crap from anyone. Well, he won't if you don't agree with him. He doesn't care one bit if you're a genocidal leader (e.g. Putin), as long as you scratch his back, and say nice things about him. He'll even be nice to foreigners, women, and gays and lesbians, as long as they don't speak the truth and just follow what he says. Once you state your mind, then "WHAM!", he'll tweet you to death. It's worrisome that he thinks of Meryl Streep as being more dangerous than Mr. Putin himself.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Video of Trump all over the internet imitating and mocking disabled reporter. Trump fan and fans claimed it never happened.


1 ( +4 / -3 )

Obama did a whole lot of I will do whatever I want to do because I won type things. Executive actions that would have never passed Congress and were against the will of the people. Inviting convicted criminals, BLM, rappers who demean women, minorities and LGBT people to come hang out with him at the White House. Muslim leaders of groups of dubious merit who dont denounce terrorism when it happens. Incessant pricey vacations for the whole family, refusing to stop golfing during national and world crises, etc. Just total do whatever I want attitude.

As much as I would like to see Trump do the same thing because he CAN, I hope he doesnt. It serves no purpose for America. I hope to see the attacks/lies from the liberals just stop so the man can focus on the job at hand instead of having to defend himself on Twitter all the time.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I think we're already about 10 years in, so probably. sorry youll need to go back further with the live coverage of the Bush invasion of Iraq and the Gulf War. Republicans basically invented the reality show that is now US politics

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Obama did a whole lot of I will do whatever I want to do because I won type things. Executive actions

Obama does something every president before him has done. Republican verdict? Obama is evil.


2 ( +5 / -3 )

Obama does something every president before him has done. Republican verdict? Obama is evil.>

It was just the arrogance with which he did it. When people tried to work with him or tell him some of these things werent a good idea, he just said I won and you have to live with it. Doing mic drops and all these childish things he though was cool.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Hollywood didn't hold Obama responsible for the massive wars he led in Afghanistan and Syria?

Bush starts a war in Afghanistan. Republicans claim Obama led it. Post-truth©

Obama doesn't go to war in Syria as Republicans demanded. Republicans criticize Obama for starting war. Post-truth©

It was just the arrogance with which he did it.

Obama does something every president before him has done. But Obama did it 'with arrogance'. Post-truth©

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Its not post truth, just THE truth. He and others like him and Hillary are the reason we have to deal with PRESIDENT Trump. Do you think anyone reallllly wanted that? Our hand was forced.

Why do you think I (and a few others) here been saying here that Trump was going to win since summer while most of you just laughed at us and downvoted us. I described months ago how the arrogance and the secret Trump supporters who didnt want to deal with the ridicule and abuse would be making him the president. How celebrities and the media telling regular Americans what to do and how to think wasnt going to work out as well. How we are not dumb enough to think that Obama and his wife really supported Hillary, that she was truthful about anything or that Sanders was even treated fairly.

We arent dumb and saw this all coming a mile away while Hollywood and the media still somehow shocked. Now we are stuck with Trump so I am hoping he can do what he said he will. Truth.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Republicans are just too wrapped in Trump emotionally. Admitting his mistakes would be personally devastating at this point.

Trump mocked a disabled person. It's irrelevant if a handful of anonymous internet posters try to create a false narrative or distract from the issue. It's not the first or last time they will fall on Trump's sword for him, and we certainly don't need their approval to claim the obvious.

Let them stay in the prison and cheer the orange haired manchild. It's all they have.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Why do you think I (and a few others) here been saying here that Trump was going to win since summer while most of you just laughed at us and downvoted us.

I clearly left open the possibility of him winning all along. And I don't downvote anyone, I only upvote.


Now we are stuck with Trump so I am hoping he can do what he said he will.

On that I can agree with you.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Bush starts a war in Afghanistan. Republicans claim Obama led it. Post-truth©

Liberal rationality again, so if Obama led a so called great economy Hillary would have won or at the very least, the economy now is in great hands with Trump because Obama supposedly did a great job, so we don't need to worry about anything, Dems relax. Trump's got this!

Obama doesn't go to war in Syria as Republicans demanded.

So since Obama has been president, the troops just hitched a plane on their own and offered to go to war.....ahem become ground supervisors in Syria? More and more......military special f...I mean, advisors are going to the region to help guide these people.

Republicans criticize Obama for starting war.

No, we criticize him for starting it and expanding it and not enforcing his infamous "Assad Red Line" and allowing Russia to get a foothold in the region, but because it's Obama, it's ok, had Trump allowed Putin to get deep into Syria like that, you guys would have skinned the man alive and let's not forget, who's watch ISIS started on and now Trump has to deal with Obama's war, his mess up with Russia and Putin. That's Obama in a nutshell. Tonight is his last speech, his day is fast approaching.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

so if Obama led a so called great economy Hillary would have won or at the very least, the economy now is in great hands with Trump because Obama supposedly did a great job, so we don't need to worry about anything

No, it's just the right can't stand the truth being served to them, nothing more.

So since Obama has been president, the troops just hitched a plane on their own and offered to go to war.....ahem become ground supervisors in Syria? More and more......military special f...I mean, advisors are going to the region to help guide these people.

Because....you say so?

No, we criticize him for starting it and expanding it and not enforcing his infamous "Assad Red Line" and allowing Russia to get a foothold in the region, but because it's Obama, it's ok, had Trump allowed Putin to get deep into Syria like that, you guys would have skinned the man alive and let's not forget, who's watch ISIS started on and now Trump has to deal with Obama's war, his mess up with Russia and Putin.

Wow! I thought republicans view everything from myopic POV when it comes to war and politics! Well, I have seen the light!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

No, it's just the right can't stand the truth being served to them, nothing more.

That would be the left, because if they did, they wouldn't be whining and carrying on, but go ahead, unless Jesus himself can come from the heavens to call it all off, Trump will sail smoothly into the WHite House. Oh, how I would loooove to be in the limo with Obama and Trump. Lol

Because....you say so?

Me!!? Good heavens, No! The Pentagon and many of his senior advisors.

Wow! I thought republicans view everything from myopic POV when it comes to war and politics!

Not really, they're more methodical and shrewd and more depth engaged and see the reality for what it is in the ME.

Well, I have seen the light!

Amen, finally.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

who's watch ISIS started on

That would be George W Bush's watch. They started out as Al Qaida in Iraq under Bush, and on his watch broke ties to Al Qaida and morphed into ISI (Islamic State of Iraq) and morphed into IS when the Syrian Civil war happened (because they couldn't decide whether to be ISIS or ISIL)

3 ( +5 / -2 )

That would be the left, because if they did, they wouldn't be whining and carrying on, but go ahead, unless Jesus himself can come from the heavens to call it all off, Trump will sail smoothly into the WHite House. Oh, how I would loooove to be in the limo with Obama and Trump. Lol

Of course, as long as you have a Republican president in the WH with the power of having a pen and being stubborn, nothing will get done, EVER.

Me!!? Good heavens, No! The Pentagon and many of his senior advisors.

Keep telling yourself that.

Not really, they're more methodical and shrewd and more depth engaged and see the reality for what it is in the ME.

I think the right is just scared because it's coming to fruition, finally.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

bass4funk: "unless Jesus himself can come from the heavens to call it all off,"

If Jesus himself came from the heavens you guys would bar him from entering based on his ethnic background, if you didn't shoot him flat out.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Black people riot: "They're animals"

Black people kneel for the anthem: "They're traitors"

Poor people protest: "They're bums"

Rich people protest: "They're over privileged"

I'd like to hear from the right who is allowed to protest, and under which conditions they are allowed to protest.

Not a single comment from the right on what the approved conditions are on protest, and to whom they apply.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Yoshitsune:. You can keep on digging, but there's nowhere to go.

There's a difference between proving your case and getting the other person to admit they are wrong. The former you can accomplish, the latter you cannot. Turbo is not required in any way to admit defeat. He could think of a new conspiracy theory on the spot if he wanted to. It's completely up to him.

Prove your case, then move on.

6 ( +7 / -1 )


Trump may have conflated thousands celebrating around the world with the reports of those celebrating in New Jersey

No, he flat out lied that he personally saw thousands in New Jersey. I've quoted it verbatim. You can keep on digging, but there's nowhere to go.

In the absence of any attempt by you to support the claim that he did, or to counter the evidence showing he didn't

The evidence that he did is the video we've all seen of him doing it. Your 'evidence' that he didn't isn't 'evidence' of anything, it's pathetic attempts to explain away the video of him doing it.


That's my take away from the Obama years. I won, so the rest of the nation can stuff it!

Obama made clear attempts at bipartisanship; his efforts were rejected by the Republicans who chose obstructionism.

I note you didn't reply to my last post addressed to you; your silence speaks volumes.


just calling out liberal hypocrisy once again

Well now, you didn't reply to my last post addressed to you in which I called out your own hypocrisy; silence speaks volumes, so I invite you once again to respond: you rail against Streep for "ridiculing" (actually, criticising) Trump "where he can't defend himself" because it's "cowardly"; yet you defend Trump to the hilt for ridiculing people from his podium where they can't defend themselves, like the coward that he is. Your hypocrisy is blatant and there for all to see; seeing as you seem to hate hypocrisy so much, I wonder how might try to explain that for us?

Hollywood didn't hold Obama responsible for the massive wars he led in Afghanistan and Syria?

Nice try; those two countries were invaded in 2001 and 2003, preceding the Obama presidency by years, as you are well aware.

allowing himself to be pushed around by Putin

Putin hates Obama precisely because he could not push him around; he loves Trump because he knows he can play him like a fiddle.

let's not forget, who's watch ISIS started on

Indeed. ISIS started on George W's watch, as a direct result of the Republican hawks' illegal invasion of Iraq. Again, nice try but this sort of mendacity is debunked by a cursory glance at the dates.

@all of the above posters

Why are you guys going so blue in the face over this one? I thought the appeal of DJT was that he says what he thinks, doesn't care about being PC, and that this is refreshing? So why go to such lengths to defend him and play down his offensiveness?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Black people riot: "They're animals"

Black people kneel for the anthem: "They're traitors"

Poor people protest: "They're bums"

Rich people protest: "They're over privileged"

I'd like to hear from the right who is allowed to protest, and under which conditions they are allowed to protest.

Still silence from the right on what the approved forms of protest are, and who is on the approved list of protestors.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Black people riot: "They're animals"

Not only Black people, ANYONE that riots is an animal! A rioter has NO color, just being spoiled inconsiderate and selfish idiots.

Black people kneel for the anthem: "They're traitors"

Again, if you don't want to follow the team, uphold the game, dishonor your country, go right ahead, but you do not have the right to screw up everyone else's game, people that aren't even involved in controversy. Why as a fan or essentially as a PAYING customer do I need to be subjected to YOUR personal opinion. Quit the team or get your **** together! If you feel like the way you do, do it off the field and leave the rest of us alone that want to watch the game peacefully.

Poor people protest: "They're bums"

Get rid of all the sanctuary cities, problem solved. Guliani did and brought the crime down and NY became a cleaner and safer place, look at it now, look at LA or SF? These cities look a giant homeless park. Disgusting!

Rich people protest: "They're over privileged"

Oh, you already know my opinion about the Hollyweird left. They have more money, but NO one cares what they have to say, except their fans.

I'd like to hear from the right who is allowed to protest, and under which conditions they are allowed to protest.

Anyone has the right to protest as long as they do it with the permit and in orderly fashion and don't try to disrupt the rest of the society like attacking the police were spraying them with urine and feces food at them or causing trouble. If they can't abide by these rules then they shouldn't be allowed to protest

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Anyone has the right to protest as long as they do it with the permit and in orderly fashion

The guy at the football game did it in an orderly fashion. The right called him a non-patriot.

Meryl streep protested in an orderly fashion. The right called her over-privileged.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The guy at the football game did it in an orderly fashion.

By disrupting the game? He needs to be fired and not have his contract renewed, let's hope.

The right called him a non-patriot.

He doesn't even know his own history about civil rights and leaders, the guys is a complete joke.

Meryl streep protested in an orderly fashion.

But she couldn't tell Trump to his face and why didn't she bring up the White boy that was brutally beaten and attacked by the Black kids, why didn't she talk about Kate Steinle that was murdered by an illegal alien? She could have used her pulpit to bring awareness to those issues in an orderly and FAIR fashion? No wonder they need Fallon to help boost the ratings, otherwise, No one would watch it. Thanks to Fallon they were able to get a lot of libs to watch.

The right called her over-privileged.

By all accounts, she most definitely is.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

By disrupting the game? He needs to be fired and not have his contract renewed, let's hope.

Verdict: Peaceful protest not on approved methods of protest.

But she couldn't tell Trump to his face and why didn't she bring up the White boy that was brutally beaten and attacked by the Black kids, why didn't she talk about Kate Steinle that was murdered by an illegal alien? She could have used her pulpit to bring awareness to those issues in an orderly and FAIR fashion? No wonder they need Fallon to help boost the ratings, otherwise, No one would watch it. Thanks to Fallon they were able to get a lot of libs to watch.

Verdict: Celebrities not on approved list of protestors.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Peaceful, after the game, with his teammates, during practice, not a problem, when customers are paying to see them play, get your butt on the field or don't play at all, but don't take my time away from me when I pay big money to see you play, I don't care about your personal convictions, put that on hold until after the game.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Your continuing silence in response to my last two posts addressed to you is noted and speaks volumes.

disrupting the game?

He didn't disrupt the game.

she couldn't tell Trump to his face

Once again, how are you so worked up about this yet defending Trump to the hilt for ridiculing, mocking and attacking people from the lofty safety of his podium? "Hypocrisy, hypocrisy", you cry, while engaging in it.

why didn't she bring up...

Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout? Fact is that those people are not going to be the president, and have rightly been arrested and charged for their behaviour.

By all accounts, she most definitely is

She herself acknowledged her position of privilege within the text of her speech. Attacking her over her privileged position in no way constitutes a counter-argument to any points she made; ad hominem and irrelevant, straight out of the DJT playbook.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Peaceful, after the game, with his teammates, during practice, not a problem, when customers are paying to see them play, get your butt on the field or don't play at all, but don't take my time away from me when I pay big money to see you play, I don't care about your personal convictions, put that on hold until after the game.

Verdict: Approved time and location for protest: When no one is around and no one can see.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Your continuing silence in response to my last two posts addressed to you is noted and speaks volumes.

What are you talking about? I haven't been silence on anything. Try again, please.

He didn't disrupt the game.


It says that Kaepernick’s protest has “threatened our harmonious working relationship” with the 49ers. About 70 officers from the Santa Clara Police Department patrol Levi’s Stadium when the 49ers play there.

As Kaepernick's racial injustice protest hits the road, a country begins to talk Read more “If the 49ers organization fails to take action to stop this type of inappropriate behavior it could result in police officers choosing not to work at your facilities,” the letter reads. “The board of directors of the Santa Clara Police Officer’s Association has a duty to protect its members and work to make all of their working environments free of harassing behavior.”

It says that Kaepernick’s protest has “threatened our harmonious working relationship” with the 49ers. About 70 officers from the Santa Clara Police Department patrol Levi’s Stadium when the 49ers play there.

That kind of action would be considered disruptive.

As Kaepernick's racial injustice protest hits the road, a country begins to talk Read more “If the 49ers organization fails to take action to stop this type of inappropriate behavior it could result in police officers choosing not to work at your facilities,” the letter reads. “The board of directors of the Santa Clara Police Officer’s Association has a duty to protect its members and work to make all of their working environments free of harassing behavior.”

That kind of action would be considered as being disruptive.

Once again, how are you so worked up about this yet defending Trump to the hilt for ridiculing, mocking and attacking people from the lofty safety of his podium? "Hypocrisy, hypocrisy", you cry, while engaging in it.

How am I engaging, I just call it out for what it is. So Trump allegedly mocking a journalist is more important than a young handicapped boy that gets beaten up, mocked and brutalized by 4 black thugs is not as important trump mocking someone. Ok, so we now allow selective response to take over.

Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout? Fact is that those people are not going to be the president, and have rightly been arrested and charged for their behaviour.

I see, but why use the awards make a protest. The majority of Americans aren't interested in what Streep has to say or what she thinks, because her saying what she said will do what?

She herself acknowledged her position of privilege within the text of her speech. Attacking her over her privileged position in no way constitutes a counter-argument to any points she made; ad hominem and irrelevant, straight out of the DJT playbook.

Wow! I wish all liberals would that kind if insight and abide by your last statement. If Streep can attack Trump, then Trump has every right to respond and attack her back just as hard as she did him.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Video: Meryl Streep Defends Child Rapist Roman Polanski "I am Really Sorry That He is In Jail"



I guess in Hollywood-land it's ok to drug and rape a 13-year-old, as long as you're an award-winning director who conforms to the party line.

Yoshitsune: What failed fact check, by the way? Trump did lie that he saw: "New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering"

Quoted out of context. Trump's full quote:

Failed fact check: "(WaPo): Trump says that he saw this with his own eyes on television and that it was well covered. But an extensive examination of news clips from that period turns up nothing. There were some reports of celebrations overseas, in Muslim countries, but nothing that we can find involving the Arab populations of New Jersey except for unconfirmed reports."

More journalists supporting the counter-check, publicly, below. Unlike WaPo, who even doubt their own contemporary story on the celebrations, these journos actually found the people reporting the incidents.


Trump 100% Vindicated: CBS Reports ‘Swarm’ On Rooftops Celebrating 9/11 - 2 Dec 2015


... In his lying fact check, Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler writes, “There is absolutely no evidence of the celebration cited by Trump.” Except, of course, for all the proof listed here and a contemporaneous report in his own left-wing newspaper. A report, I should add, that Kessler did not include his initial fact check. ...


... While I stand by my original assertion that Trump was likely exaggerating domestic reports or conflating international reports when he made those claims, ... the interview that became the basis for so-called “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler’s piece at the leftwing Washington Post. While the article has since been heavily edited and updated since Kessler first wrote it, the four Pinocchios he assigned Trump still stand. ...


EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say - December 21, 2015


... Now, Former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernard Kerik has vindicated Trump in his claims, noting that there were many post-9/11 celebrations by NYC-area Muslims. ...



Jersey City 9/11 Celebration Report CBS

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Trump said he saw thousands and thousands of people celebrating in New Jersey. That he said that is a matter of record. None of your links demonstrate that he wasn't lying his behind off.

"Some Jersey City Muslims" is a very different claim from "thousands and thousands".

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yoshitsune: Trump said he saw thousands and thousands of people celebrating in New Jersey. That he said that is a matter of record. None of your links demonstrate that he wasn't lying his behind off. "Some Jersey City Muslims" is a very different claim from "thousands and thousands".

I, in a previous post, and some author I linked to just above, said maybe he conflated the media images of the large celebrations in the Middle East with the smaller celebrations in New Jersey. Look up the meanings of 'conflate' and "lying his behind off" if you don't know what they mean.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Trump said he saw thousands and thousands of people celebrating in New Jersey.

When Obama leaves thousands of people will be cheering in the streets in 11 days for sure.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

maybe he conflated the media images of the large celebrations in the Middle East with the smaller celebrations in New Jersey

So you agree that he was wrong to claim that there were thousands and thousands of people cheering in New Jersey. To claim that once could be a result of conflation (read: confusion). To keep repeating the same claim, to refuse to retract it when its inacurracy has been pointed out to him, is surely lying his behind off.

Please note that none of your links give any support to the claim of 'thousands and thousands' of people celebrating in New Jersey. And providing multiple links to the same video does not constitute 'more journalists supporting' anything.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

cleo: ....

I guess you don't understand 'conflate' either. I already discussed this.

Also, where do you get "multiple links to the same video" from? There are multiple videos and articles from different news outlets, from 2001, describing the celebrating. There are also multiple contemporary articles and videos showing the celebrating overseas. Thus the 'conflate'.

The problem with the media's intended narrative is there are also multiple links from 2015 showing news outlets trying to say there was NO celebrating in New Jersey, saying this so they could get a ding in on Trump. More outlets started digging and it turns out their contention that 'there were no reports of celebrations in NJ' was not true. Then some of them tried to say "well, the cops didn't file reports". Then others including cops said "Well, if there was no arrest, it wouldn't be unusual that no report was file." The outlets ignored the media reports at the time made by their own journalists in their own archives.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I guess you don't understand 'conflate' either.

conflate |kənˈflāt| verb [with object] combine (two or more texts, ideas, etc.) into one: the urban crisis conflates a number of different economic and social issues.

I understand what conflate means. I wonder if you do.

where do you get "multiple links to the same video" from?

Your YouTube link brings up the exact same video as your first breitbart link.

None of your other links support the claim of 'thousands and thousands'. Quite the opposite, in fact. To quote from your peoplespundit link ; Then, well, what is this report referring to, exactly? Sure, it isn’t “thousands and thousands,”

All this 'maybe not thousands and thousands but that doesn't mean it didn't happen, right?' non-logic is like me claiming the sun exploded yesterday: when it's pointed out that in fact obviously the sun didn't explode, I insist that I'm right; there was a minor sunspot, and that's only different from the sun exploding in a matter of degree and anyone disagreeing with me is ignoring the facts and conspiring in a cover-up.

Face it, Trump was wrong to claim that he saw 'thousands and thousands' of people celebrating in New Jersey. Maybe he was mistaken, maybe he was confused, maybe he was conflating different accounts from elsewhere, maybe he was out-and-out lying. Bottom line, he was wrong. And anyone trying to prove him right, is also wrong.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

cleo: I understand what conflate means.

Then why do you keep repeating "thousands and thousands" at me after I posted "Trump may have conflated thousands celebrating around the world with the reports of those celebrating in New Jersey. "?

ts: where do you get "multiple links to the same video" from?

cleo: Your YouTube link brings up the exact same video as your first breitbart link.

How does posting a youtube link, a link to a Breitbart article that, in addition to other text and links, includes the youtube link, and links to other videos and articles match your claim of "posting multiple links to the same video" in "(cleo): providing multiple links to the same video does not constitute 'more journalists supporting' anything."?

cleo: Face it, Trump was wrong to claim that he saw 'thousands and thousands' of people celebrating in New Jersey. Maybe he was mistaken, maybe he was confused, maybe he was conflating different accounts from elsewhere, maybe he was out-and-out lying. Bottom line, he was wrong. And anyone trying to prove him right, is also wrong.

Please show where I 'tried to prove him right' in saying 'thousands and thousands of people in New Jersey'. It'd be interesting if you could show ANYONE described by "(cleo) anyone trying to prove him right, is also wrong". There's billions of people in the world so I'm not saying you can't find one, but you probably are not thinking of a real person, just impressions of such from media and others trying to cast blame on Trump.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I am not an English speaker but I just wanted to defend Meryl Streep.

you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts,” she said

Some says her comment is against MMA, because she thinks MMA is not artistic. But I think That's a wrong interpretation. She was talking about "genre" or "category", and MMA is classified as "Sports" not "Arts". THat's what she meant.. I think. What do you think?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Trump says he saw thousands of Muslims in NJ on TV celebrating the fall of the twin towers. No one is able to produce even a single video. Trump supporters claim it still happened.


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Liberalism is a mental illness.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Only hundreds can be proven.


The wall is a good idea. Just like you have a door on your house.

Streep went on the stage and repeated a lie. Trump hit her hard. Good for him.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Only hundreds can be proven.

Then prove it - show the videos that show these Muslims celebrating.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I think Americans are starting to show buyer's remorse towards The Chump. His silliness was cute for awhile, but has quickly become obnoxious. His constant tweeting amounts to digging himself into a hole, deeper and deeper. Soon he will have dug himself into a hole so deep that no one bothers to look for him.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think Americans are starting to show buyer's remorse towards The Chump.

I think it's the opposite, I think his supporters are very happy with him, now for the Hillary supporters and the Trump haters, they do, but in all seriousness, who cares?

His silliness was cute for awhile, but has quickly become obnoxious. His constant tweeting amounts to digging himself into a hole, deeper and deeper.

That's what the press wants, but I doubt they will get what they wish. But they will get a very good tongue lashing from Trump and good on him for holding their feet to the fire.

Soon he will have dug himself into a hole so deep that no one bothers to look for him.

Uh-huh...sure! ROFL

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

why do you keep repeating "thousands and thousands" at me

Because that is what is at issue. No one afaik is saying that no one at all celebrated 9/11. Trump is on record saying he saw thousands and thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey. And he was either very, very confused (do we want someone who can't get basic facts straight running a country stuffed to overflowing with military capacity and nukes?) or he was out and out lying (do we want a bare-faced (and inept) liar in that position?)

So you're not trying to prove him right. You're admitting he was wrong. Great. Let's move on.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Strangerland - Video of Trump all over the internet imitating and mocking disabled reporter. Trump fan and fans claimed it never happened.

I've seen both videos on YouTube.

One shows Trump demonstrating the same motions while he discusses SEVERAL DIFFERENT people. All of those people, except for one, are "NOT" disabled. The second only shows Trump's motions while he's discussing the disabled reporter.

I say that the object of the second video is take Trump's usual motions and display them out of context. Deliberately taking Trump's motions out of context. The second video is clearly fake news.

People can look at both videos and make up their own minds about what is happening.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

cleo: No one afaik is saying that no one at all celebrated 9/11.

Yes, they are. The "fact-checkers" are claiming the claims of celebrations in NJ were unfounded. But even NJ.com tracked down persons reporting such, after initially criticizing Trump. As far as "thousands", you could have read my posts more carefully before spending a few posts criticizing something I already explained. As far as Trump, it was right around 9/11, and the media were showing both the vids of celebrations in the Middle East and reporting on the NJ celebrations, in the same news flood (weren't all the stations broadcasting 9/11 news and only 9/11 news 24 hrs a day at that time)?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The problem with your theory turbo is that no one has been able to produce any of these videos trump claimed exist. That's because no such videos exist.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

How full of their self importance these people are. Her an actor at a best and fairest awards.Wrong place wrong time for a political speech when you are celebrating an the best and fair at a industry awards night, which has nothing to do with politics. Yes I agree with her triad on todays politics, but at the correct event. like a political rally. How about a speech about how good the industry is at paying overrated actors or something about her life long trade which has nothing to do with Governance. She is now just an other over pay actor that will not enter politic but love to hear her own voice leading the cause.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I guess hundreds celebrating just isn`t enough for the Trump haters.


Take a look and you`ll find some.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Not only is Streep an overrated Clinton flunky, but a self-important, arrogant, spiteful one at that, and a liar as well. Doesn't anybody remember her promise that she was going to "move to Canada" if Trump won the election? She never did and apparently has no intention of doing so. The arrogance of those overrated, overpaid celebrities is only exceeded by the foolishness of her "fans" who would pay attention to her hateful opinions.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


I must say I'm very impressed with how you've twisted the debate away from Streep and Trump to your anti-Muslim narrative, and it was impressive how you had all those links lined up and ready to go. Very good work.

But you have utterly failed to demonstrate that Trump wasn't lying about 9 11. Did he conflate what he saw in the ME with what he saw in NJ? Perhaps; if he did so intentionally then he's a liar, and if he did so by mistake he's a complete moron. Neither is a good thing in a president.


Bafflingly my reply to you was removed for being impolite. It didn't contain any offensive or impolite language at all, but perhaps an idiom I used was misconstrued so I'm reposting with that switched for an alternative phrase. I hope it passes the mods because I want to know your response:

I haven't been silence on anything

You were silent on my post until called out. Thank you for at least attempting to address it, though the attempt merely highlights what a hole you've dug yourself into over Streep & Trump.

It says that Kaepernick’s protest has “threatened our harmonious working relationship” with the 49ers

But not that he disrupted the game.

How am I engaging, I just call it out for what it is.

I clearly explained how you were engaging in hypocrisy. You are calling Streep a coward for 'attacking' (actually, criticising) Trump in a situation where "he cant defend himself", yet you are defending Trump for mocking someone in a situation where they couldn't defend themselves. That is hypocritical and has nothing to do with your attempted response of:

So Trump allegedly mocking a journalist is more important than a young handicapped boy that gets beaten up, mocked and brutalized by 4 black thugs is not as important trump mocking someone

...which is both a straw man argument and an irrelevant piece of obfuscation to dodge explaining your hypocrisy over Streep & Trump.

So I ask you again, how do you explain your hypocritical attack on Streep for her words from the stage but your defence of Trump for his mockery from the podium? You've run rings around yourself on this one I'm afraid, Bass.

I see, but why use the awards make a protest

Why use Twitter or the political podium to attack people?

If Streep can attack Trump, then Trump has every right to respond and attack her back just as hard as she did him

She criticised him for something he did. His response was an ad hominem attack on who she is. There is a difference. Attacking her privileged position in no way constitutes a counter-argument to any point she made, it merely highlights the lack of a counter-argument by Trump or yourself or any of his other defenders on this board.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yoshitsune: @stat, I must say I'm very impressed with how you've twisted the debate away from Streep and Trump to your anti-Muslim narrative,

It's Streep that's repeating a claim that makes discussion of the claim fair game under an article about her, and it's the fake news outlets repeating related claims that make exposure of those claims fair game as well. Probably lots of people had the same takeaway from the broadcasts immediately after 9/11, not just Trump, as they appear to have been broadcast around the same time.

So 'twisting the debate away' is your false decoration on it.

And as far as it being anti-Muslim, that's also your decoration on it. It's not an anti-Muslim narrative. It's an anti-fake-news narrative.

As for Streep, it's been over a year since the Trump's speech she's complaining about. Did she really nurse a grudge all that time, or was this the best talking point she (or she and the Dems) could scrape up to attempt to denigrate Trump with?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Take a look and you`ll find some.

Ok, I just spent about 10 minutes googling, doing history queries in google news, and looking through YouTube, and I didn't find a single video showing Muslims in NJ celebrating after the twin towers went down.

My verdict: such videos don't exist.

Doesn't anybody remember her promise that she was going to "move to Canada" if Trump won the election?

I don't remember her promising that she would do that. But I know some people said they would. So I just spent a few minutes googling in order to see if it was true, and I could find no quote of her saying anything of the like. So I think that you are 'remembering' wrong.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


it's the fake news outlets repeating related claims

So stop linking to Breitbart, the prime example of a peddler in fake news and mendacity.

It's an anti-fake-news narrative

...in which you defend Trump's spreading of fake news? Some "anti-fake news narrative" that is. Trump was spreading falsehoods about (quote) "thousands and thousands of people" celebrating in New Jersey. If your agenda is "anti-fake news", why do you defend rather than condemn Trump's mendacious spreading of falsehoods?

You are utterly busted on this, in a deep hole of your own digging with not a leg to stand on.

Did she really nurse a grudge all that time

She explicitly stated that she was talking about what was, for her, the most shocking moment of the year.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

You were silent on my post until called out.

I really wasn't, but go on....

Thank you for at least attempting to address it, though the attempt merely highlights what a hole you've dug yourself into over Streep & Trump.

I didn't dig any hole, I was just saying that Streep is a selective hypocrite, if she wants to use the guy Trump allegedly made fun of for her own personal distance for Trump, I have a fundamental problem with that. What was final straw, Trump or him mocking this guy because he's handicapped? What about other handicap people that are harassed? Don't hear her saying or making speeches about that.

But not that he disrupted the game.

It says that Kaepernick’s protest has “threatened our harmonious working relationship” with the 49ers. About 70 officers from the Santa Clara Police Department patrol Levi’s Stadium when the 49ers play there

That's just as bad, now your causing trouble, do it on your own time, not when I pay money to come see you do your job.

yet you are defending Trump for mocking someone in a situation where they couldn't defend themselves. That is hypocritical and has nothing to do with your attempted response of

No, I'm not defending anyone, I'm saying Streep is a hypocrite, a selective hypocrite and if she has such distain for Trump, go meet with him and tell him directly if she feels that confident and is so sure of herself. I don't have a problem with what she said, but how she did it in a room of other liberals and she just wanted to vent and bash the man. If she's that passionate, set up a mett No with him and talk it out.

...which is both a straw man argument and an irrelevant piece of obfuscation to dodge explaining your hypocrisy over Streep & Trump.

So what you are saying is, it's ok to be selective, Streep has more clout than some nameless kid that we don't know anything about. No, the left, especially the spoiled Hollywood left pick their battles carefully and methodically.

So I ask you again, how do you explain your hypocritical attack on Streep for her words from the stage but your defence of Trump for his mockery from the podium? You've run rings around yourself on this one I'm afraid, Bass.

I just did, please scroll up.

Why use Twitter or the political podium to attack people?

So he should just allow the press, the overwhelming liberal press to write whatever they want and run with any story that will sell and boost their ratings?? You saw with this inflated Russian fabricated story and this is the main reason why he tweets and I don't blame him.

She criticised him for something he did.


His response was an ad hominem attack on who she is. There is a difference. Attacking her privileged position in no way constitutes a counter-argument to any point she made, it merely highlights the lack of a counter-argument by Trump or yourself or any of his other defenders on this board.

Serves her right, she's a grown woman, she can attack Trump and the has to be quiet? Obama tried to take down Fox a few years ago, that blew up in her face and No, the left just hate to have confrontations with people that won't tolerate their BS

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I didn't dig any hole, I was just saying that Streep is a selective hypocrite, if she wants to use the guy Trump allegedly made fun of for her own personal distance for Trump, I have a fundamental problem with that. What was final straw, Trump or him mocking this guy because he's handicapped? What about other handicap people that are harassed? Don't hear her saying or making speeches about that.

Verdict: Protest is only allowed to happen if it protests every incident that has happened everywhere to everyone. No other protest is allowed.

It says that Kaepernick’s protest has “threatened our harmonious working relationship” with the 49ers. About 70 officers from the Santa Clara Police Department patrol Levi’s Stadium when the 49ers play there

Verdict: Protest is only allowed if all people present for the protest agree with the protestor.

So he should just allow the press, the overwhelming liberal press to write whatever they want and run with any story that will sell and boost their ratings??

Verdict: People are only allowed to write news stories for Trump, if Trump agrees with them, regardless of the truth of the story.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Turbo I remember the exact clip your talking about NJ islam follows cheering after WT bomb not the 9/11 but it was show in new reels at the time of 9/11 it a old clip from 98 mix in with 9/11 footage. So you where not seeing things.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Nowhere in that big block of text have you addressed my point; you are attacking Streep for criticising Trump from a platform where he couldn't defend himself, but when Trump attacks someone from a platform where they can't defend themselves you defend him against criticism.

You have no answer to this; it's blatant bias on clear display.

I was just saying that Streep is a selective hypocrite

And I note that you select not to criticise Trump for using his platform to attack people, while you select to attack Streep for using her platform to criticise Trump. And you're calling her a selective hypocrite?!

It says that Kaepernick’s protest has “threatened our harmonious working relationship” with the 49ers

Indeed. That's exactly my point; it does not say that he disrupted the game, which was your original demonstrably false claim.

this is the main reason why he tweets and I don't blame him.

Good, I think you've answered your own original question about why she used an award speech to criticise a politician. Because that is the platform available to her, just as the bully pulpit and Twitter are Trump's platforms. Note I never said he shouldn't be able to do so; I was employing a rhetorical device to get you to answer your own question, which you have now done.

this inflated Russian fabricated story

Which Trump last night acknowledged was in fact true; when asked last night who did the hack, he responded "I think it was Russia". Direct quote.

she can attack Trump and the has to be quiet

Straw man. I did not say he has to be quiet. I very clearly said something quite different - that his ad hominem attack on Streep utterly fails to address or counter the points she raised. You have no sound response to that, hence the straw man argument.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

you are attacking Streep for criticising Trump from a platform where he couldn't defend himself, but when Trump attacks someone from a platform where they can't defend themselves you defend him against criticism.

I will submit to you, in situation if that happens, two wrongs don't make a right, "if" that is indeed the case.

You have no answer to this; it's blatant bias on clear display.

I did answer, but for some odd reason, you're glossing over it.

And I note that you select not to criticise Trump for using his platform to attack people, while you select to attack Streep for using her platform to criticise Trump. And you're calling her a selective hypocrite?!

Personally, I don't think Trump should give Streep the time of day and just completely ignore the woman, she's insignificant and not worth his time, let her ramble on, No one except for the other Hollyweird elites are paying attention that just want to see who won what or what was the person wearing.

Indeed. That's exactly my point; it does not say that he disrupted the game, which was your original demonstrably false claim.

Causing controversy like that is being disruptive, do. at home, go in a corner, write a letter, if I'm paying money, get your behind on the field and play ball! I could care less what your sensitive passionate side is telling you.

Because that is the platform available to her, just as the bully pulpit and Twitter are Trump's platforms. Note I never said he shouldn't be able to do so; I was employing a rhetorical device to get you to answer your own question, which you have now done.

Hmmm...ok, she made her grand little pathetic speech and now what? As Trump said, she's overrated and in 9 days he'll be president and the beautiful thing about this is, she can sulk all she wants, Inauguration Day is around the corner. So Streep can be stressed for the next 8 years as the rest of Hollywood, good!

Which Trump last night acknowledged was in fact true; when asked last night who did the hack, he responded "I think it was Russia". Direct quote.

So now what? Should we lock Trump up, should he be hung, drawn and quartered? Oh, what on Earth should we do now?

I very clearly said something quite different - that his ad hominem attack on Streep utterly fails to address or counter the points she raised. You have no sound response to that, hence the straw man argument.

I do and it doesn't matter. She said, her peace and Trump said his and if either don't like it, too bad. Because No matter what vile vitriol she and the Hollyweird ilk spew, it's not going to change anything. Next Saturday can't come soon enough. Lol

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I will submit to you, in situation if that happens, two wrongs don't make a right

So quit attacking her for using her platform and defending him for using his (and a note here: I'm not criticising him for using his platform to make points, I'm criticising him for the nature of the points made i.e. personal bullying, ad hominem attacks, lies and disinformation)

"if" that is indeed the case

There is no "if" about it. There is a video of him attacking the reporter in question, plus all the videos of him attacking a whole bunch of other people from his bully pulpit. No "if" whatsoever.

I did answer, but for some odd reason, you're glossing over it

No, I'm just refusing to accept dodging as an answer.

I don't think Trump should give Streep the time of day and just completely ignore the woman

That clearly would have been a far, far better way for him to have dealt with it. You can see that and I can see that, but the man himself either could not or is emotionally incapable of doing it, and so it's become a huge talking point instead. Think that one over.

if I'm paying money, get your behind on the field and play ball!

He didn't not get on the field, did he? There was no disruption to the game; your belated widening of your point to make it vague and general doesn't mask the original false claim you made. I'd just stop digging if I were you.

So now what? Should we lock Trump up, should he be hung, drawn and quartered? Oh, what on Earth should we do now?

You should probably be asking yourself if this man as president is really such a good idea. Once you get over your schadenfreude and glee at the Democrat loss, you're going to have to deal with the Trump presidency and all the absurdity, corruption, mendacity, BS, and foreign meddling that's coming with it. You should be concerned, if you're able to think about it objectively.

No matter what vile vitriol she and the Hollyweird ilk spew

Haha, "vile vitriol, spew"... an amusing spin on her actually quite eloquently phrased points.

So Streep can be stressed for the next 8 years as the rest of Hollywood, good!... Next Saturday can't come soon enough. Lol

What, no ROFL or LMAO? Just an Lol? My only surprise here is that it took you this long to resort to the schadenfreude you so often indulge yourself in. Another thing you need to realise about next Saturday is that after that you're going to have to come up with something more substantive than the schadenfreude and "I hate Obama and Hillary" lines that constitute your entire input to these discussions.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So quit attacking her for using her platform and defending him for using his (and a note here: I'm not criticising him for using his platform to make points, I'm criticising him for the nature of the points made i.e. personal bullying, ad hominem attacks, lies and disinformation)

Then you really must hate the MSM! Good, me too! That's why I was glad when he excoriated that journalist from CNN.

There is no "if" about it. There is a video of him attacking the reporter in question, plus all the videos of him attacking a whole bunch of other people from his bully pulpit. No "if" whatsoever.

Well, that's YOUR opinion, I have a different one and I still believe that Trump mocks pretty much everyone and NOT just this one individual because of his handicap.

No, I'm just refusing to accept dodging as an answer.

That's your prerogative.

That clearly would have been a far, far better way for him to have dealt with it. You can see that and I can see that, but the man himself either could not or is emotionally incapable of doing it, and so it's become a huge talking point instead. Think that one over.

No, I would have done the same and good on him, hope he does it again if they get in his face like that.

He didn't not get on the field, did he? There was no disruption to the game; your belated widening of your point to make it vague and general doesn't mask the original false claim you made. I'd just stop digging if I were you.

I have a different opinion, when I pay money, I don't care about your political personal stance, it's bothering me and most other people that paid to see a good game, if he can't be a team player, they should suspend him or renege his contract. Off the field, I might support him. Don't bring other people into your emotional political outburst.

What, no ROFL or LMAO? Just an Lol? My only surprise here is that it took you this long to resort to the schadenfreude you so often indulge yourself in.

Which I am doing this very moment.

Another thing you need to realise about next Saturday is that after that you're going to have to come up with something more substantive than the schadenfreude and "I hate Obama and Hillary" lines that constitute your entire input to these discussions.

At this point, the only thing I care is to see Obama wave goodbye for the final time. Schadenfreude.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yoshitsune: @stat: "it's the fake news outlets repeating related claims"

So stop linking to Breitbart, the prime example of a peddler in fake news and mendacity.

Ad hominem, no proof. They regularly fact-check the MSM, and the MSM fails. That you don't agree with what they say doesn't make them mendacious.

ts: It's an anti-fake-news narrative

yoshitsune: ...in which you defend Trump's spreading of fake news? Some "anti-fake news narrative" that is. Trump was spreading falsehoods about (quote) "thousands and thousands of people" celebrating in New Jersey. If your agenda is "anti-fake news", why do you defend rather than condemn Trump's mendacious spreading of falsehoods?

I repeatedly posted my answer to that. Why are you repeatedly asking the question?

ts: As for Streep, it's been over a year since the Trump's speech she's complaining about. Did she really nurse a grudge all that time, or was this the best talking point she (or she and the Dems) could scrape up to attempt to denigrate Trump with?

yoshitsune: She explicitly stated that she was talking about what was, for her, the most shocking moment of the year.

The event she's complaining about was more than a year ago, Nov. 2015. There was ANOTHER Golden Globes award ceremony in between then, and now. She's just dredging for incidents to complain about, and it's interesting that was the strongest one she found. I guess it plays well with her audience, though. They're pretty uncritical, when observing the right people. Still can't understand why she'd lead a standing ovation for Polanski.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Then you really must hate the MSM! Good, me too!

I don't consider it to be a single entity. But no I don't like the outlets I think you're probably referring to with that convenient label.

I still believe that Trump mocks pretty much everyone and NOT just this one individual because of his handicap

Ok, but the point you've shot yourself in the foot over is that he does this fro, his bully pulpit where they can't defend themselves; by your own logic, cowardly. Yet you give a free pass and support while whining about Streeps attack on him when he couldn't defend himself. The very definition of "selective hypocrisy".

And now then, what fun. You've just utterly contradicted yourself in the space of 2 posts. You've said the complete opposite not 2 hours apart:

No, I would have done the same and good on him, hope he does it again if they get in his face like that.

Personally, I don't think Trump should give Streep the time of day and just completely ignore the woman, she's insignificant and not worth his time, let her ramble on

Hopeless. you've just defeated your own argument with a blatant self-contradiction worthy of DJT himself.

I have a different opinion, when I pay money, I don't care about your political personal stance, it's bothering me and most other people that paid to see a good game

Irrelevant to the fact you started with a false claim.

As for your schadenfreude, its wasted on me. I'm not a Democrat or an American. But you really are going to need something more substantive, and very soon.


That you don't agree with what they say doesn't make them mendacious

Straw man. What makes Breitbart mendacious is its constant spreading of falsehoods and misrepresentations. Last week they posted a fake story about a group of Muslims setting fire to a church in Germany chanting Alluh Akbar. Completely made up; German police say no such thing happene in Germany last week. That's what makes them mendacious. And the Obama birth certificate stuff, and the "3 million illegal votes" BS, and Pizzagate. This garbage is what fake news actually means, so if your agenda is anti-fake news you need to be turning your sights on Breitbart. But you won't. Busted.

Why are you repeatedly asking the question?

Because your answers were bunk. Trump told a direct lie that he personally saw thousands and thousands of people celebrating in New Jersey. If your agenda is anti-fake news, you should be condemning this. But you won't. Busted.

The event she's complaining about was more than a year ago, Nov. 2015


0 ( +0 / -0 )

yoshitsune: @stat Straw man. What makes Breitbart mendacious is its constant spreading of falsehoods and misrepresentations. ...

yoshitsune : Last week they posted a fake story about a group of Muslims setting fire to a church in Germany chanting Alluh Akbar. Completely made up; German police say no such thing happene in Germany last week. ...

Breitbart refuted the claims that the story was false: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/01/08/fake-news-fake-news-media-sow-division-with-dishonest-attack-on-breitbarts-allahu-akbar-church-fire-story/#disqus_thread - "Fake ‘Fake News’: Media Sow Division with Dishonest Attack on Breitbart’s ‘Allahu Akbar’ Church Fire Story" - 8 Jan 2017

yoshitsune: And the Obama birth certificate stuff ...

Googling "breitbart birthers" immediately shows Breitbart articles refuting that claim, here is the first hit: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/11/21/fake-news-new-york-times-joseph-goldstein-falsely-claims-breitbart-birther/

... and the "3 million illegal votes" BS, and Pizzagate.

Googled some more ... Breitbart reported on an organization's claim of "3 million illegal votes". They didn't pass judgment on it. Should they not cover that story? Are you saying they shouldn't cover news that doesn't agree with you?

Googling "site:breitbart.com pizzagate" shows 192 hits, on the first two pages of hits we see a couple of articles deriding pizzagate as 'bogus' and 'phony', etc., and other articles reporting the pizzagate gunman, but nothing promoting pizzagate as true.

So where are you getting your information about Breitbart from? Blogs and tweets from HuffPo writers? Shouldn't you search "site:breitbart.com" yourself before making these claims?

Because your answers were bunk. Trump told a direct lie that he personally saw thousands and thousands of people celebrating in New Jersey.

I am pretty sure you actually know what a lie is. Your statement that "Trump told a direct lie" is actually a lie itself, where his statements, as we've gone over and over in this thread, may not be a lie.

yoshitsune: Irrelevant.

It's not irrelevant when Streep makes a speech at a nationally-covered event claiming she was shocked by an event that consisted of a few seconds of video recorded over a year ago.

Is she still "literally shaking"? Every few days hiding in her room weeping, reliving the terrible event of the day she viewed Trump's shocker on her telly? Are icons of the left non-criticizable?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Yoshitsune - She criticised him for something he did. His response was an ad hominem attack on who she is. There is a difference. Attacking her privileged position in no way constitutes a counter-argument to any point she made, it merely highlights the lack of a counter-argument by Trump or yourself or any of his other defenders on this board.

Play-actor Streep chose to attack Trump. Her choice. Trump counter-punched. His choice. How dare Trump defend himself from someone who chose to use a fake news story to attack Trump, and draw attention to herself.

Maybe Streep didn't see the video's of Trump using the exact same hand motions when he was discussing many non-handicapped people? Maybe a movie director, or a script writer, didn't supply the play-actor Streep with all of the information she needed to fully prepare for her latest role?

If Streep can attack Trump, then Trump has every right to respond and attack her back just as hard as she did him

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I don't consider it to be a single entity. But no I don't like the outlets

Great! At least we can agree on something.

Ok, but the point you've shot yourself in the foot over is that he does this fro, his bully pulpit where they can't defend themselves; by your own logic, cowardly. Yet you give a free pass and support while whining about Streeps attack on him when he couldn't defend himself. The very definition of "selective hypocrisy".

Not at all, you just fail to see that, he has every right to respond appropriately and if Streep is that naive and wants to pick a fight with the president elect and in particular Trump, expect some verbal pushback. The hypocrisy of that is, Streep and Hollywood are just a bunch of sour grapes that are huddling and need cuddling because Hillary (Thank God) didn't win and there won't be a coronation. Life is good.

And now then, what fun. You've just utterly contradicted yourself in the space of 2 posts. You've said the complete opposite not 2 hours apart:

Actually, I didn't, but please continue....


Exactly! The very definition of Hollywood. pretty much summed that up in ONE word.

As for your schadenfreude, its wasted on me. I'm not a Democrat or an American.

I know, so you really don't have to worry, we will be ok, we've done a good job taking care of ourselves and the entire world and we'll be ok going into this, but thanks and I'm very appreciative for your concern.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Mr. Obama had two terms & that's been More than enough. and if he was allowed more Im sure Trump wouldnt be the next POTUS

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Bass @arrestpaul

Trump has every right to respond and attack her back

you just fail to see that, he has every right to respond appropriately

Those are either intentional straw man arguments, or you gents have simply failed to grasp the point. I'm not saying and have not said he has no right to defend himself. I'm saying that his ad hominem attack is a complete failure of a defence. Attacking her for who she is (or blathering on about how good or not she is at her job) in no way refutes anything she said (although clearly it plays well to a base who don't care about logic)

I didn't, but please continue

You quite clearly did contradict yourself. You gave a statement saying Trump should have ignored Streep and another that he was right to attack her.


Breitbart refuted the claims that the story was false

No, Breitbart reported that a mob set fire to a church. What actually happened was a firework set fire to a church, and in a completely separate incident a mob gathered and did very little. Breitbart's report was a mendacious conflation of two unrelated events. Their "refutation" gives zero evidence whatsoever for their original claim that the mob started the fire, but merely focuses on whether the mob were migrants or Muslims, which is totally irrelevant to the fakeness of their original report. Nice try Breitbart but jog on.

Breitbart reported on an organization's claim of "3 million illegal votes"

"An organisation"? And what organisation was that? It was one guy tweeting with zero evidence; in reporting it as though true or even remotely credible, Breitbart was generating fake news. Likewise the birther claims; Breitbart may or may not have generated any claims, but continuously reporting a non-story for which there is zero evidence, is itself fake news.

nothing promoting pizzagate as true


They didn't pass judgment on it. Should they not cover that story? Are you saying they shouldn't cover news that doesn't agree with you?

The exact same goes for Trumpian "fake news" attacks on "the MSM". Whether an outlet reports a story should be determined by whether they have evidence that there is a story; Breitbart just reports stuff which is totally bogus.

So again, if your agenda is "anti-fake news" you're not doing a very good job.

Is she still "literally shaking"?


0 ( +1 / -1 )

yoshitsune: Their "refutation" gives zero evidence whatsoever for their original claim that the mob started the fire,

Not true. Breitbart, at the link I provided you: "A video uploaded to the RN live blog of the night clearly shows a large mob of people recklessly releasing fireworks at buildings and each other. "

yoshitsune: "An organisation"? And what organisation was that? It was one guy tweeting with zero evidence;

Not true. True The Vote is an organization. I don't know if the guy you're referring to is part of the organization or not. "True The Vote, About Us": https://truethevote.org/aboutus - "As the nation’s largest nonpartisan, voters’ rights and election integrity organization, ..." And Breitbart's article: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/11/28/illegal-voters-true-the-vote-supports-trumps-claim/ "... True the Vote, an organization founded to stop voter fraud, has backed President-elect Donald J. Trump’s statement Sunday that “millions of people” had voted illegally. ... 'True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) voters’ rights organization' ..."

ts: nothing promoting pizzagate as true

yoshitsune: https://mobile.twitter.com/AndrewBreitbart/status/33636278100561920

You said Breitbart News ... pizzagate", not "Andrew Breitbart ... pizzagate".

And Andrew Breitbart died in 2012. He was referring to "John Podesta ... ACORN" not "John Podesta ... pizzagate". Pizzagate broke in 2016, well after Breitbart's death.

Ref: http://hotair.com/archives/2016/12/05/about-that-andrew-breitbart-tweet-about-podesta-and-underage-sex-slaves/?fb_comment_id=1182851128466842_1182913475127274 - "About that Podesta ‘underage sex-slaves’ Tweet from Andrew Breitbart - Dec. 5, 2016 ... Anyone who knew Andrew well and worked closely in his sphere and knew what he would talk and Tweet about with regard to “underage sex slave(s)” and John Podesta, knows exactly what he is referring to: ACORN"

According to the link, Andrew Breitbart was referring to Podesta covering for ACORN after they were busted giving advice on how to get away with pimping underage sex workers in a James O'Keefe sting.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

...which was the genesis for Pizzagate. Yes, it really 'broke' in 2016 when that moron went 'self-investigating' with his gun, but it was years in the making and Breitbart played its part (along with many others, chiefly of course the nuts on 4chan and Reddit). But Bannon and Breitbart know very well what buttons they're pushing.

Not true. Breitbart, at the link I provided you: "A video uploaded to the RN live blog of the night clearly shows a large mob of people recklessly releasing fireworks at buildings and each other.

Okay... so one more step now... did the video show that the mob set fire to a church while chanting Allu Akbar as reported by Breitbart? No, it didn't, because they didn't. Breitbart made that up. Fake news, which you are trying to spread. Busted.

True the Vote offer no evidence whatsoever for 3 million illegal votes. Absolutely none. Not on their website, not in the Breitbart report. Furthermore, the True the Vote statement you refer to was released after Trump made his claim and was therefore not the genesis for his claim. His original claim and Breitbart's promulgation of it stems from one guy (some Greg Phillips) making evidence-free tweets, as I know you are well aware because we discussed it at the time.


You're going to oh-so-predictably make an ad hominem attack against Snopes as an organisation rather than deal with the content; but what you actually need to deal with is the complete and total lack of factual evidence that 3 million voted illegally. There isn't any because it didn't happen. Fake news, and you are trying to spread it. Busted.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

yoshitsune: ...which was the genesis for Pizzagate. Yes, it really 'broke' in 2016 when that moron went 'self-investigating' with his gun, but it was years in the making and Breitbart played its part (along with many others, chiefly of course the nuts on 4chan and Reddit). But Bannon and Breitbart know very well what buttons they're pushing.

Except Breitbart died four years before pizzagate, his comment re Podesta was about ACORN (as described in the link I provided), Breitbart News' coverage of pizzagate is limited to a few articles calling pizzagate 'phony', and you've provided no evidence whatsoever that they pushed it or that Andrew Breitbart's comment started pizzagate.

yoshitsune: His original claim and Breitbart's promulgation of it stems from one guy (some Greg Phillips) making evidence-free tweets, as I know you are well aware because we discussed it at the time.

We discussed it and I said something like 'who is this Greg Phillips and why are you using his tweets as a red herring to argue your point? The news is coming from True the Vote, here's the link.' And also I debunked the snopes link you just posted, IIRC. You can refer to that discussion.

yoshitsune: ... Okay... so one more step now... did the video show that the mob set fire to a church while chanting Allu Akbar as reported by Breitbart? No, it didn't, because they didn't. Breitbart made that up. Fake news, which you are trying to spread. Busted.

Breitbart sets out in detail why the attempts to brand their article 'fake' are fake in themselves, including the point you are attempting to bring up. Ignoring their answer and just repeating your claim doesn't prove your claim.

So you're backing off your claim that True the Vote is not an organization? And your claim that Breitbart are birthers? But still want to claim, without providing any evidence other than your own statements of fact, that BBN pushed pizzagate and faked a story about a church in Germany, even after both those claims are debunked?

You should just admit you've been consuming and forwarding fake news, and reveal the fake news outlets, with links to your proofs. Was it HuffPo, WaPo, NYT, or a combination pushing this stuff?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The CEO of Snopes.com, the fact-checking website that was recently named as one of Facebook’s “fake news” arbiters, has been accused in divorce proceedings of appropriating company funds which he allegedly spent on expensive holidays and prostitutes. It was announced last week that Snopes would be helping Facebook to determine and label “fake news” with the help of ABC News and Politifact. The Daily Mail reports that the CEO of Snopes, David Mikkelson, is currently embroiled in a vicious legal battle with his former wife and Snopes co-founder Barbara Mikkelson. The couple divorced sometime around 2014, but legal proceedings have continued between the couple. Barbara has claimed that her former husband embezzled money from the company. Court documents obtained by the Daily Mail state that Barbara accused David of “raiding the corporate business Bardav bank account for his personal use and attorney fees.” Barbara also claims that David embezzled $98,000 over four years, which “he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired.” Barbara claims that David spent $10,000 from their business accounts between April and June of 2016 to fund an expensive 24-day holiday for

= The conduct of Snopes and their management is very questionable at best.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The conduct of the snopes owner is as relevant to the work they do, as Trump's supposed perversions are to the presidency he is about to preside over. That is to say not at all. I don't care if Trump has done anything perverted (as long as it was not sexual assault), as it has no relevancy to how he will preside. Same as Clinton's indiscretions had nothing to do with the quality of his presidency. If Snopes work is bad, then pull apart the conclusions they make. Whether or not the owner slept with prostitutes has nothing to do with that.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

I'm not saying and have not said he has no right to defend himself.

Great, now that wasn't so hard now was it?

You quite clearly did contradict yourself. You gave a statement saying Trump should have ignored Streep and another that he was right to attack her.

Meaning, he should ignore Streep, who the heck does she think she is, he shouldn't be bother by that nonsense and if she attacks him, he can and has the right to respond, I would as well. She said what she said and he said what he had to say, it's done and both need to move on. Trump is going to be president next week and Hollyweird needs to seriously get over itself. No one really cares what Streisand or Streep or DiCapario thinks.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The gloves are off. Now it's getting good!

1 ( +1 / -0 )


now that wasn't so hard now was it?

Obviously, as I never said it. Straw man arguments get you exactly nowhere.

No one really cares what Streisand or Streep or DiCapario thinks

You appear to care rather a lot; you're still whining about it.


Except Breitbart died four years before pizzagate, his comment re Podesta was about ACORN

No Podesta hysteria, no Pizzagate self-investigators. The latter evolved from the former.

We discussed it and I said something like 'who is this Greg Phillips

That's exactly the point. He's a random guy who invented the 3 million claim based on zero evidence, which was picked up by Trump and went viral thanks to confirmation bias.

The news is coming from True the Vote

Post-truth right there. Trump's claim precedes True the Vote's response to his claim, so that doesn't work. Furthermore True the Vote give zero evidence for anything. Furthermore True the Vote didn't make the 3 million claim, Trump appears to have got it from this Greg Phillips. There is still no evidence for this 3 million claim, and you still haven't given any, and you aren't going to be able to because it's clearly bunk.

And also I debunked the snopes link you just posted

You totally failed to do so, producing zero evidence and no sound logical demonstrations.

Breitbart sets out in detail why the attempts to brand their article 'fake' are fake in themselves, including the point you are attempting to bring up. Ignoring their answer and just repeating your claim doesn't prove your claim.

Breitbart headline: NYE in Dortmund: 1000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Church Alight

Dortmund Police: that didn't happen.

The very definition of fake news.

So you're backing off your claim that True the Vote is not an organization?

A very odd straw man; I made no such claim. I merely pointed out that the 3 million claim came from an individual, not from True the Vote. The 3 million claim didn't come from them.

And your claim that Breitbart are birthers?

They printed a picture of Harambe the gorilla under 'Birther Bait and Switch'.

You should just admit you've been consuming and forwarding fake news

I've been forwarding fake news? Haha. News to me; I haven't been forwarding any news at all, fake or otherwise. I've simply been demonstrating that you have. That's some marvellously mendacious cheek there pal, I like it. Where have I have forwarded anything? Meanwhile you link to Breitbart dozens of times per day; do they pay you for backlinks or something?

Was it HuffPo, WaPo, NYT, or a combination pushing this stuff?

Pushing what stuff? you think the NYT is pushing your lack of an argument? What are you even talking about? The falsehood of the Breitbart NYE article was shown by the Dortmund Police; are the Dortmund Police fake news too?

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Had a lot of respect for Meryl Streep prior to that speech. Why stoop to such a low level? Pity.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Obviously, as I never said it. Straw man arguments get you exactly nowhere.

I never do. I hate them!

You appear to care rather a lot; you're still whining about it.

I don't. I passed the toddler stage a long time ago.

Had a lot of respect for Meryl Streep prior to that speech. Why stoop to such a low level? Pity.

Actually, you should be saying, why did Hollywood stoop so low?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Actually, you should be saying, why did Hollywood stoop so low?

There's a reason Hollywood is reacting the way it is.

You just don't like that reason.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There's a reason Hollywood is reacting the way it is.

Strange, I worked in Hollywood for so many years, I have such a distain for these people, always have. They are so out of touch with the mainstream people. Most people could care less what these nut jobs think, even many of their fans often think they interject themselves too much in politics and about issues they know absolutely nothing about.

You just don't like that reason.

It's NOT about like, I could care less what any of these people think, even the few I know and had a chance to have a few conversations with. The more they bitch and moan, the happier I get because with all their money and all their star power and clout, they can't do anything and that's the best part of all of this

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Most people could care less what these nut jobs think

You say that, and yet when someone like Streep or Deniro say something bad about Trump, his supporters go crazy. If they didn't care, there wouldn't be news about what they say, and Trump supporters wouldn't even comment on it, because they wouldn't care.

So it's quite clear that most people do in fact care what they think.

I could care less what any of these people thin

It's quite clear you do, or you wouldn't even bother talking about them.

And I notice you altogether avoided the reason that Hollywood acts the way it does.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Just another Hollywood ivory tower princess. Sliding with the grain is very easy, and very far from anything courageous. That would have been impressive.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

bass4funkJAN. 17, 2017 - 07:39AM JST There's a reason Hollywood is reacting the way it is. Strange, I worked in Hollywood for so many years, I have such a disdain for these people, always have. They are so out of touch with the mainstream people. Most people could care less what these nut jobs think, even many of their fans often think they interject themselves too much in politics and about issues they know absolutely nothing about. You just don't like that reason. It's NOT about like, I could care less what any of these people think, even the few I know and had a chance to have a few conversations with. The more they bitch and moan, the happier I get because with all their money and all their star power and clout, they can't do anything and that's the best part of all of this

Well the only thing your comment proves is that you are talking from a position of hate. They are in facts citizens who have the right to "interject". Nutjobs? Pfft far from it. Considering their wealth and achievements they've been doing a great job. It's no easy task to reach the plateau they are currently at. That plateau is still on American soil so anything they have to say is relevant.

Come to think of it. The only one here I see "moaning and bitchin" is you. Makes me question your gender. You've clearly defined yourself as a hater which discredits anything intelligent you could possibly offer to this conversation. Honest, intelligent debate is a welcome thing but that's also not your goal. Nobody wants cold broccoli. Trump is passing around just that with his distasteful tweets. It's sad that you didn't get a "warm and fuzzy" back in grade school.

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You say that, and yet when someone like Streep or Deniro say something bad about Trump, his supporters go crazy.

Hey, I don't go crazy, I'm just saying, if these loons hate Trump so much and that's their right and they want to put their anger, fears and frustration to light, have a sit down, try something constructive. They should know by know picking a fight with Trump is not the smartest thing to do.

If they didn't care, there wouldn't be news about what they say, and Trump supporters wouldn't even comment on it, because they wouldn't care.

Ok, good point, then the left need to take it in equally as well. They call out Trump and Trump fires back, I'm good with it.

So it's quite clear that most people do in fact care what they think.

Yeah, but not at the level libs do. They take caring and their whining to a whole new level.

And I notice you altogether avoided the reason that Hollywood acts the way it does.

Again, I know Hollywood, my feelings about these people are as low as it can get, probably lower than a snakes belly.

Well the only thing your comment proves is that you are talking from a position of hate.

So, you have a deep love for Trump then?

They are in facts citizens who have the right to "interject". Nutjobs? Pfft far from it. Considering their wealth and achievements they've been doing a great job.

That would be a personal opinion.

It's no easy task to reach the plateau they are currently at. That plateau is still on American soil so anything they have to say is relevant.

I have met many of these people, worked around some of them and I can tell you for a fact, most are so out of touch with reality. It's amazing.

Come to think of it. The only one here I see "moaning and bitchin" is you.

Typical Partisan left response. Because if you can put that aside, we can flip it around and I can say the same thing about the left complaining about Trump.

Makes me question your gender. You've clearly defined yourself as a hater which discredits anything intelligent you could possibly offer to this conversation.

I'm not a hater, never been and I don't care what color, race or religion you are. I just don't like liberal hypocrisy and yes, I call out hypocrisy in the right as well, but from the left, it's far more abundant.

Honest, intelligent debate is a welcome thing but that's also not your goal.

I'm sorry, but how would you know what MY personal goals are??

Nobody wants cold broccoli. Trump is passing around just that with his distasteful tweets. It's sad that you didn't get a "warm and fuzzy" back in grade school.

Well, I feel the same about Obama and ego that he had over the last 8 years that messed up the country. Only 4 more days to go. Excited!

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