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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump cuts off U.S. payments to WHO during virus pandemic
Because in the middle of epidemic you stop all funding to the WHO.... Yeah there are questions that need to be answered from the WHO but do it after we fix the problem.... I just dont get what goes through Trump's head.
Good. Promises made promises kept.
the countries that are in good positions now such as Taiwan ignored the WHO propaganda that only benefited China.
other countries can fund the WHO all they like. We will use that money to fund the reopening of our country and ecomony.
Let China pay for it!!
It's 100% personal with Trump - always. Something annoyed him with the WHO, so he took his ball and petulantly stalked home. What a pitiful figure. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for him.
Bruce Chatwin
The WHO has had problems for years.
The current head of the WHO seems to have been chosen based on what continent he hails from (and a truckload of bought votes) rather than any ability to lead.
This is nothing new to the WHO which has been racked by scandals since its inception.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus's appointment of former Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador is a good example of the ineptitude of the WHO and its leadership.
That said, by halting its already delinquent funding payments to the WHO the US is further reducing its stature and respect in the world. What countries will fill the void? Probably China.
Hate him or love him, when he says he's going to do something, he'll do it.
He has no soul.
I wish he would for once be honest and say "I don't care how many die just as long as I don't get blamed".
The timing is counterproductive, in frankness an act of petulance pique.
President Trump statement and behaviour at Monday’s Whitehouse press briefing is an excruciating experience to behold, a modern-day King Canute vainly holding back the tides.
Presidents Trump lack of any previous experience of political office coupled with a unfathomable self-conceited belief in one’s own ego is frightening, in these times that requires World Leaders to be patient and calm.
I do believe this cutting off U.S. payments to the World Health Organization, is a precursor to a ruthless agenda that intends to hold the Government of China to account.
Good decision. The WHO, along with the Chinese government, covered up what was going on.
Our tax money is better spent on our own people.
I just dont get what goes through Trump's head.
He has common sense.
Martin Blank
"the countries that are in good positions now such as Taiwan ignored the WHO propaganda"
Taiwan is in good shape because they were hyper vigilant from the start and are a tiny (4x SMALL than Florida) with only 25M people. It's a very modern country with excellent healthcare.
"WHO propaganda"...please...
Chip Star
"And the World – WHO – World Health got it wrong," the president told reporters at the White House last week. "I mean, they got it very wrong. In many ways, they were wrong. They also minimized the threat very strongly and – not good."
So eloquent, even in writing. It’s hard to contain my pride in and thankfulness to this master of words.
As I feared, he's getting worse. He's looking for any measure of control over anything now as things spiral out around him.
Can we cut off funding to Trump for doing the same in the US?
In like respect, Congress should defund the executive branch.
Raw Beer
Taiwan did well because they did not believe the Chinese lies and propaganda. WHO applauded everything China did, and those who listened paid dearly.
Yes including doing the exact opposite of what the WHO dictated as far as China interactions.
Taiwan actually informed the WHO in December about human to human transmissions. Were ignored for propaganda.
oh and by the way NY City is a small place with 1/4th the population of Taiwan. In a modern country with excellent healthcare.
Why doesn’t everyone who isn’t a US taxpayer head to the nearest exit on this one.
If you are happy with the service provided in this crisis and if you want your county to use your money to fund the WHO, please do.
we have decided to use our money for our response and for our people who are sick and/or jobless. Our money, our presidents choice how to use it.
Under the stewardship of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the WHO failed to adequately assess the coming pandemic, believed Chinese lies knowingly or not-the WHO failed!
Martin Blank
Sorry Blackwell but as the WHO is an international organization, we all can voice our displeasure.
Of course the USA can renege on its international obligations...wouldn't be the first time...and you do have so, so many sick, jobless and poor.
The Avenger
I've got to say, cutting WHO funding in the middle of the worst global pandemic in 100 years is a freak'n brilliant move Donald. Just brilliant.
Martin Blank
"oh and by the way NY City is a small place with 1/4th the population of Taiwan. In a modern country with excellent healthcare."
But the didn't do anything until it was too late...unlike Taiwan...a nation with a good, strong centralized government built for the betterment of its citizens...
Which is it? Mr. I alone can fix it or Mr. I don't take responsibility
The total authoritarian fool needs to take it down a notch.
WHO is a shameful, compromised organization that should be disbanded and replaced at the end of the pandemic. Endorsing the restart of "wet markets" in China, because they "support and sustain the local citizens" was a disgraceful decision and shows that WHO is a paid puppet of China.
As for the USA, its breathtaking that they would not have had some pandemic experts in the country to guide the response to the early stages of the pandemic, rather than rely 100% on WHO. The USA really blew it.
Martin Blank
"I've got to say, cutting WHO funding in the middle of the worst global pandemic in 100 years is a freak'n brilliant move Donald. Just brilliant."
Luckily he didn't close or fire the people in the USA that were responsible for pandemics...oh wait that's right, he did...
Thank God and good on them.
This is just a temporary stopping of payments. Trump needs something to distract from his own failures and the WHO will be the flavor of the week. Look for some cosmetic changes, then a resumption of aid.
Trump has to feel like he can control something. He's coming to terms that "he alone" cannot order the opening of the US as he lacks the power. He's not handling the situation well. In fact, he seems to be freaking out.
"I've got to say, cutting WHO funding in the middle of the worst global pandemic in 100 years is a freak'n brilliant move Donald. Just brilliant."
You must have missed these -
World Health Organization praises China, denies Taiwan's existence
WHO chief praises, covers for China
What does the US get from supporting WHO?
Martin Blank
You are using YouTube links to FOX news opinion pieces as your "proof" then...
Today Trump "authorized" states to make their own plans to open up their own states as they see fit. He doesn't have the power to say yes or no either way, but found a way to pretend it's his decision to let them act on their own.
So, along with Trump, I also authorize states to open up according to their own plans.
A simpler option and a compromise would be for Director-General is Tedros Adhanom resigned immediately. Tedros Adhanom postion is untenable.
Then President Trump reconsiders his position and hold off his intended investigation until this pandemic is under control.
Great news! Im glad the focus is now on reopening the country.
CNN is sad and very negative, as expected.
"US may have to endure social distancing until 2022 if no vaccine is quickly found, scientists predict"
"Even in the event of apparent elimination, SARS-CoV-2 surveillance should be maintained since a resurgence in contagion could be possible as late as 2024."
Strange that your position would be that the President of the United States, most powerful country in the world, doesnt "control" anything.
Yet, you cry every day as he makes decisions and implements policies you dont like. All by himself, as the man in control.
You also blame him personally for every single thing. If he doesnt "control" anything, then nothing can be his fault either.
The man who throws a tantrum when his avalanche of failings are pointed out to him is quick to blame others for his own. He is nothing more than a petulant child that never grew up.
We wont be paying them retroactively, so its pretty permanent. I wouldnt be so sure that this is temporary. Unless the Dems in Congress can pass a bill demanding the USA pay the WHO or if they successfully impeach Trump next time. Im sure Joe would pay the WHO on behalf of his homies in China. Another reason not to elect good ole Joe.
Who is "we"? Because the head of the American Medical Association thinks it's a terrible idea, and the vast majority of health professionnals, and of americans, probably think so too.
This is a medical problem and you apparently choose to trust politicians over doctors. Well... If you get sick, (and I do not wish that you do), be coherent and please don't go to a hospital. Go to your local republican representative's house to ask him to cure you.
Business as usual. Deflect, Deny, and Blame!
More attempts to deflect blame for his poor performance.
What is this the seventh target so far? Still nothing is sticking?
That Pres. Obama endorsement must have really cut deep!
No one here seems to be able to actually analyze, critique and criticize the WHO. The facts of what they said, the facts of what they did/didnt do,their motivations behind it, and who was hurt for following their guidance and who prospered that didnt follow it.
Everything just Trump Trump Trump.
Trump is right, on this.
China pays next to nothing to the WHO and has responsibility for 2 major virus outbreaks. Why was the US paying more than the assessed amount for years? That doesn't make sense.
He didn’t, he threw it right back in China’s face.
Not what the markets are saying nor the polls.
Obama endorsed Hillary as well.
Not really though. 28% of the time, at best.
American taxpayers. Which most of you here are not.
Strange you mention politicians as they are the ones most likely to support continuing to pay the WHO. Especially now that Trump has made his position known, Dems tripping over themselves to line up on the opposite side.
Doctors know the WHO said no human to human transmissions, even after Taiwan told them in December there were, But Taiwan doesnt exist to the WHO, you know? So the WHO just pretended they didnt hear anything. Remember they hung up the phone on them that time?
I know, I wish Trump would stop making everything about himself too. That's what you get when you put an imbecilic narcissist in charge, everything becomes about him.
Corrupt as the WHO may be, I don't the think the savings from this will be spent on the health of the American people.
If you get out of the bubble, you would realize how foolish that statement is.
whats wrong with the markets or the polls? please expound on this.
But incompetent Donnie was not running the country while poorly managing a pandemic at the time.
Toasted Heretic
Pot, kettle, black.
Last week, Trump blasted the WHO for being “China-centric” and alleging that it had “criticized” his ban on travel from China as the COVID-19 outbreak was spreading from the city of Wuhan.
Ironic, given his family business interests there. And all bigly ironic, given his praise from China in January.
China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus," Trump tweeted on January 24, "The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"
Gas lighting and misinformation.
Read and you will find out!
Like all global organizations (and doctors as well, I might add), the WHO is not immune to pressure, lobbyism and corruption, yes. Can it be criticized? Of course. But that does not mean that it isn't a helpful group whose purpose is saving people's lives and bases the majority of it's decisions on scienctific facts. Pointing out some of their errors is dishonest if you do not, at the same time, also provide us a list of everything they did good in the past 72 years.
For example:
"The WHO has played a leading role in several public health achievements, most notably the eradication of smallpox, the near-eradication of polio, and the development of an Ebola vaccine."
So yeah, they did ostracize Taiwan after being pressured by China, but on the other hand... they helped eradicate smallpox.
Ignored the virus for blatantly political reasons, endangering the entire country - and resulting in over 25K deaths so far...
Has a major meltdown during his Lounge Act press conference and claims he has "total authority" - does that remind anyone of the word "totalitarian"?
Now keeps up his responsibility deflection and dodging by defunding the WHO...
Trump: I have authority to do anything but I'm responsible for nothing...
We elected a clown and a buffoon - and we now know that can have deadly results...
I wonder if the US citizens will still vote for him after this tantrum..
Toasted Heretic
Indeed. We can, on a personal level, boycott as many American products as possible, in the meantime.
Get him where it hurts most - the pockets.
But will it be criticized, here, by a bunch of non Americans throwing out opinions as to how the American President chooses to spend American money.
Uh, nope. Just more orangemanbad and no critical analysis of the WHO. bunch of excuse making because they eradicated smallpox in 1979 or something.
WHO didnt critizice the China travel ban, they supported it according to Politico. Here is the WHO message of "support":
"While WHO did call such travel bans “ineffective in most situations” at the time, the group did acknowledge that they could buy countries time to "to initiate and implement effective preparedness measures.”
I wonder when people will ever stop trying to rewrite history.
I hate Trump but this is his first correct decision.
He should go further and prosecute Tedros as a war criminal.
Disease doesn't spread by human contact.
World travel should not be stopped. (Trump is wrong to close travel with China)
China doing a great job (whilst covering up and persecuting the person who tried to get the news out)
Not a world emergency
Then later not a pandemic
And now even WHO still saying masks NOT necessary and disease does NOT spread from asymptomatic or non symptomatic carriers! Both these ideas are universally accepted as blatantly WRONG
Martin Blank
Fixed it for you...
"I wonder when Trump will ever stop trying to rewrite history."
How good is WHO
New report that they back China in the reopening of their wet markets!
Martin Blank
"New report"
I’ve never been in a bubble and no, it’s not foolish, you really don’t want uncertainty in the market and Trump pushing to re-open certain sectors of it is a very good thing, we need that absolutely.
Irrelevant! You don't have much of a response for the undefendable!
Google says otherwise. We can easily find the media reports and the public statements dated at the time. Compare those to what the media/the WHO is trying to falsely say was said "back then".
As an American, I doubt ever. Start with how 'good' the Pilgrims were, according to your school textbooks. And the list of American 'goodness-es' grows from there. Lots of perspectives on how to look at history. As it should be.
Please provide evidence!
Martin Blank
22 January
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” -Trump
Not needed in social media posts. Sadly. That's why the alt right in the US and 'abroad' use social media, where most Americans get news, to flame and troll. Throw some wack data on the wall in a social media post and some wack will take it as gospel. And parrot it on.
That won’t happen, unlike China’s we make better products.
That’s why Trump is not funding them anymore.
Martin Blank
25 February
“CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus” and “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away. They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
How's that vaccine coming Blacklabel? Guess there was no need as it was under-control 90 days ago...
Graham DeShazo
Why doesn’t everyone who isn’t a US taxpayer head to the nearest exit on this one.“
By all means you first.
Why do so many Americans buy Japanese, German and Korean cars? Where are the electronics and communication devices Americans use made? Are Trump's clothes made in China better than what Americans can make?
Just so you cant but Trump Trump Trump this one too
"Australia’s prime minister has described as “unfathomable” the World Health Organization’s support for the reopening of markets where live animals are butchered in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the coronavirus pandemic.
“We need to protect the world against potential sources of outbreaks of these types of viruses. It’s happened too many times. I’m totally puzzled by this decision,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Nine Network television on Tuesday. “I think that’s unfathomable, frankly.”
Graham DeShazo
The WHO has its own issues to answer for, but cutting funding to shift blame for his own utter incompetence, which is going to harm the poorest nations and create a reservoir for the virus, is not only sociopathic, it’s counter productive.
except that I am both an American and a taxpayer to America (and Japan), sure.
Bruce Chatwin
Under the stewardship of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the WHO failed to adequately assess the coming pandemic, believed Chinese lies knowingly or not-the WHO failed!
True. This failure by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the WHO is almost equal to Trump's ignoring all the warnings he got on COVID-19.
If WHO becomes dysfunctional due to the shortage of its operating costs, thus resulting in a further global outbreak of the coronavirus, will Trump say he has nothing to do with it?.
It's often said the current outbreak was partly caused by the Trump administration's antagonistic approach to China and CDCs (See the Apr. 14 Asahi Shimbun:. "CDC, the world's strongest disease control organization, fails; behind is Trump’s "America first " policy.
Hope chickens won't come home to roost.
then my comment doesnt apply to you, as I stated.
Someone else posted it above
Alfie Noakes
As does my father, a long time resident of Florida. Is it possible for residents to sue the US government for criminal negligence?
Martin Blank
"Someone else posted it above"
So Trump being also wrong makes everything that WHO did right?
And when Trump dis something right banning travel from China the WHO strongly criticised him.
Ever heard of two wrong do not make a right?
WHO is a criminal organisation just as Trump is an incompetent president but he is right not to fund them. Let their masters in China do that,
Great, welcome to the club "your father."
Hope he gets his "Trump bucks" check soon. Its America, you can likely sue for anything you like.
Oh no, this WHO thing isnt political at ALL (head of UN attack, followed by 2 Democrats attack)
God, I hope your not putting those countries in the same category as China when it comes to quality.
Designed in the US Assembled in China which is why we need to bring manufacturing back, good opportunity for Trump right there to push made in America, less dependance on China. Better for us and the world to say, “bye” to these people.
Here is another link
first time agreed with trump. since WHO not doing their job. why wasted tax payer money?
lots of unemployed and homeless people in us needed help.
The Avenger
I cannot WAIT to vote the GOP and Trump out this November! Wisconsin was just the appetizer. The main course is gonna be brutal. Stock up on depends, GOP.
The UN should move its headquarters to a nation that is appreciative and deserving. We are not worthy.
Alfie Noakes
It was a rhetorical question but thanks for the answer. I'll bear it in mind if he dies as a result of Trump's criminal incompetence.
Talk about failing basic duties and needing to be held accountable, Trump has failed as a President, as a father, and as a human being in general, and he will most certainly be held accountable. This is but another reason, and more proof. And once again, Trump's decisions are going to kill a lot of people. Anyone who supports him is helping to not only kill people through this, but also hide his own crimes in doing nothing but play the market on this to begin with.
bass4funk: "good opportunity for Trump right there to push made in America, less dependance on China."
Maybe he can ask his daughter to lead the way, but I doubt he'll do anything he pimps when it comes to practice. But you don't believe he or his family should be included in what you say, right, bass? He and his family are the "Absolute power (back-up)".
I did criticize it, and I can do it again. Their balancing act between criticizing and cajoling China is sad and counter-productive, and they should have gotten their act together months ago on this subject. But see, the thing is... You don't really care about Taiwan or China, do you? You're just looking for any excuse to defend an indefensible decision.
And you making light of that fact just shows how ignorant, or insensitive, you are. Eradicating smallpox saved literally millions of lives throughout the world. Like eradicating polio did. Or helping create cures for dozens of other diseases, big or small. I will say that again : the WHO saved and will save millions of lives.
So, to sum up, on the one hand, the WHO saves millions of lives, and on the other, they made some errors in their communication and decisions about Taiwan and China.
And you choose to punish them for the latter by ignoring the former.
If only you were so intransigent with your elected leader...
Martin Blank
"Here is another link"
No. that is a news site. You said REPORT. Where is the REPORT?
Since most are in a funk about this:
What has the WHO done to help? Other than front, protect, and lie for China. Even putting lives in Taiwan at risk by refusing all communication with Taiwan. If the WHO has done such a great job surely pointing out their "great work" won't be difficult.
Martin Blank
You were saying?
"What has Trump done to help? Other than front, protect, and lie for himself and the GOP. Even putting lives in states at risk by refusing all communication with professionals. If Trump has done such a great job surely pointing out his "great work" won't be difficult."
Projected dead is over 50K now...still climbing...
I expect that the Prime Minister of Australia must have seen it before he made his comment in the news.
He has much better access to such reports than I do.
Joe Blow
Good; the WHO has become China's puppet organization for spreading CCP propganda.
Joe Blow
OK Martin, got it Orange Man bad REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Now tell me the great work the WHO has done as I asked.
I agree. How about communist China? They seem to be very appreciative of the UN...
Bruce Chatwin
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the WHO
Trump and the Republicans
Different names and labels, same old complete and utter Charlie Foxtrot.
The libs (media, government, liberals in general) flip flop more than freshly caught fish. If you actually keep your receipts you'll realise this. They've been behind from the word go and change constantly for one reason and one reason only - they hate Trump.
Apart from eradicating smallpox and polio and creating a vaccine for the ebola virus, which I've mentioned, the WHO has also:
Vaccinated millions of children around the world against yellow fever, measles and other diseases
Provided essential health care services in many war-torn countries
Helped contain and stop the outbreaks of chikungunya, cholera, hendra, lassa fever, Marburg virus disease, monkeypox, SARS, MERS, zika virus, the plague, Rift Valley fever...
Created the IHR to strengthen the global health security by prociding essential training and guidelines in all countriesAnd so on.
You really find a wealth of information if you actually look for it, you know.
and all that previous excellent work has been paid for in the past. thanks!
What are they doing now?
They exist to basically prevent worldwide pandemics. That already happened because of their incompetence and politicized decision to protect China at all costs. Cant China make up the funding difference as thanks?
What can they do that the USA cant do by itself now? We couldnt prevent the pandemic, thats their role and why they exist. they failed. Now that we have it, we have to handle it.
Trump has met his match with the virus. He can't make it go away, can't insult it, bankrupt it, threaten it, fire it. He can't put tariffs on it or tweet childish statements to get revenge on it. He makes empty statements like opening the country by Easter as if he actually had the ability to do that. The virus ignored him and kept on growing.
He can't control the states and the cities and it's driving him crazy. He can't control the economy. He can't control the press rightfully asking questions about what he was doing at the beginning of the crisis.
It's going to get a lot worse and we are going to see even more childish behavior.
Some countries are doing OK with it (relatively speaking). Japan is fighting it better than the US. Even China is doing better (now). Also, Trump needs to implement a system to pay for the healthcare costs since Americans are afraid to go to the hospital. What is he going to do about it. the WHO promotes a strong public healthcare system and Trump has failed with that. Stay safe in Japan with their government healthcare that TrumpCare does not have.
WHO can not make mask, useless! do not need those BIG mouths. what there are doing with the money!!
Finding a vaccine for the Corona virus.
Prevent and/or contain the next, and worse, pandemic.
The WHO can only provide guidelines, advice and cures. If some world leaders decide not to act on those guidelines, sorry, but it's not really the WHO's fault. Back on Jaunuary 30th, they clearly stated no travel restrictions were needed (at that date, based on the information they had at the time), BUT they also said : "Countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoV infection."
Did the president prepare for ANY of those things back in February?
Interesting how the WHO has been given little coverage, as well as the initial Chinese CCP cover up.
Im learning allot from foreigners who actually live in China, not from MSM and Trump haters
Partially - mostly here...
You just described every Trump press conference since he got rid of Pence for acting too Presidential...I mean, who said he "wasn't responsible"...
If your President wants to be "totally in charge", then he has to be "totally responsible"...
And Trump declared travel restrictions were needed
So the WHO is right? Actually your not telling the whole story about what they did.
Seems your saints in the WHO were not being forthcoming during the early days of this.
You people got it all backwards. Trump is not a medical professional, the WHO are.
Or maybe the Prime Minister of Australia got the wrong end of the stick about something. One of those scam emails, perhaps. Or confusing places that sell fresh produce with places that sell illegal and possibly infectious wild animals.
Far from there being any report of the WHO backing the reopening of the kind of markets the new coronavirus started from, other reputable sources are reporting the opposite.
The World Health Organisation is urging countries across the world to close “dangerous” wet markets (one day ago)
Invalid CSRF
And he did implement travel restrictions from February 2nd. And now the US had the most cases and deaths of Corona virus in the whole world.
So would you say that the restrictions worked?
Martin Blank
Here you go.
Well, let's see here: China did not allow the CDC access to China, the WHO ignored Taiwan (because of China), the WHO parroted pretty much every line the CCP gave it to say and - sad to say for most non-Americans on this board - the U.S. has footed the biggest portion of the WHO budget for pretty much it entire existence. Yes, that sounds like Yankee boasting. But, apparently, it is more effective to buy votes directly (ala China) than to fund an agency. Since Tedros isn't going anywhere (thanks to China), what is the U.S. to do? 'Cooperate' with the WHO and its 'Chinese characterstics'? What good has that done to date? The WHO is not independent and quite honestly has failed in its mission.
Martin Blank
"They exist to basically prevent worldwide pandemics. "
What a moron...
Have to admit that TrumpCare is a failure, unlike other country's health insurance systems.
No, compared to other countries. Trump failed there. Even China has a better survival record with CV now. Trump is a joke.
All the Trump supporters here trying to deflect blame to the WHO...pathetic...
And the great unanswered question; why did Trump ignore the warnings from his intel agencies in Dec and Jan? And then ignore Navarro when he wrote TWO letters outlining the scale of death and dire impact on the economy the virus would have unless Trump acted? Then we have the Red Dawn e-mails that show multiple medical experts were screaming to the administration that this was going to be a pandemic.
Did Trump stand-up a task force? Did he consult with his CDC experts? Did he check on the national stockpile of PPE and ventilators?
Nope, he went out to do his campaign rallies in five states...packing the Trump supporters into those seats side-by-side...
And when he came back he played golf...
This will go down as the greatest failure of a US President in history...
True, even if you factor in the possible number of cases and deaths hidden by the Chinese government. Which country has seen itself out of a lockdown now and slowly getting back to business? And which country is seeing very little change in an ever-growing number of infections and death, with no end in sight, and with an immature, uneducated, petty-minded man-child at the helm?
Trump is still trying to find someone to blame for his incompetence.
Trump thinks they are morons because they don't promote Hydroxychloroquine. It is stupid not to save lives with it according to Trumps. It is a magic bullet, so how come the WHO is so slow on Hydroxychloroquine?
And please, not again, with these high-definition, close up photos.
keep on moving those goalposts.
Yesterday it was that he didnt do any restrictions (by that media lady in the press conference whose husband is coincidentally a lobbyist for China).
Now its that the restrictions were made but didnt work.
Keep on moving down the road. Next it will be that the social distancing and shutdowns didnt work and were unnecessary. Sweden not doing so bad, right?
Taxpayers taxes have been wasted on the war industry that does nothing but kill people, governments are struggling to save lifes and almost all have been exposed for neglecting healthcare and invested on war machines that are completely useless fighting this tiny virus. Imagine how mask, hazmat suit, respirator that one F35 can buy and the number of lifes that could have been saved.
If there is one thing this virus has taught us, we have misplaced our priorities spending on killer machines rather than on life saving.
One ljttle virus has shown that we are no match for nature.
yeah he did. It was unnecessary according to Dems and also not "diverse" enough.
Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration's lack of diversity | Analysis
The Orange Brat will try anything to deflect blame from his atrocious performance.
No trump you screwed up bad and are going to be raked over the coals.
Looking forward to the next meltdown with the press. Maybe it will be the meltdown as it sure is comin'.
just the earliest ones. there are many more.
January 3: CDC Director Robert Redfield sent an email to the director of the Chinese CDC, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus.
January 5: CDC Director Redfield sent another email to the Chinese CDC Director, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak,
January 6: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel notice for Wuhan, China due to the spreading coronavirus.
January 7: The CDC established a coronavirus incident management system to better share and respond to information about the virus.
January 11: The CDC issued a Level I travel health notice for Wuhan, China.
January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles.
he isnt. Fauci said he agreed to it the first time it was brought up.
Hung Nguyen
Trump said the U.S. will continue to engage with the WHO in pursuit of “meaningful reforms.”
Trump's message cannot be clearer. It looks as if Trump would want to see Tedros resign. It is not a bad demand when Tedros was too slow to announce the outbreak pandemic when it first spread around the world in last January.
Meanwhile, Trump should also resign for his mishandling the outbreak when he had plenty of time to prepare. Instead of doing nothing and presuming the COVID was just a kind of flu, he should instruct the US industry to produce ventilators, sanitiser, and other medical essentials not only for the US but also for exporting these to the rest of the world.
What is the WHO doing now?
Well they mishandled the 2009 Swine Flu epidemic.
When Miyazaki prefecture reported Bird Flu cases from chicken brought in from Chinese live poultry dealers in late 2009 Margaret Chen the head of the WHO at the time refused to report it internationally. Gov. Higashikokubaru had to go through international media to report it. Preventing more Chinese infected birds being sold.
Allowed known ineffective vaccines for cholera to be used in Haiti in 2010 causing an epidemic. Their excuse: Well we saw it as no other alternative.
in 2014 during the Ebola epidemic did not report the early cases originating in Nigeria due to pressure from China. Caused the epidemic to spread far out of Nigeria.
Oh yeah, I've looked in to it beyond the propaganda on their web welcome page. So should you.
Then Trump should fire him. What is he waiting for? Fauci is a bad doctor and there is a lot of chatter that Trump should fire him.
Yes we do and that is why the US is failing with CV. Even China is doing better than the US (now) and the biggest reason is TrumpCare. That is proof. How (exactly with details please) is Trump going to improve on failed TrumpCare? What is he going to do from January (again, the CV will not wait for Trump term II)
Where was the task force?
In the room being "non diverse "where the media took their picture in the last week of January.
more like the liberal media narratives are on overdrive cause its not going well for them. I only have to post a lot when a lot of misinformation is being put out. Except that, I wouldnt have to post at all. As an proud American, who looks forward to the reopening of my country.
One of these is objective the other is subjective. A pandemic exists that is now obvious and was announced. The other part is quite debatable and your opinion, likely politically tinged.
This is definitely some BS communication, the US had stopped the payments to the WHO a while ago already.
The US roughly contributes with 100M USD per year, it is due on Jan 1st of each year.
2019 only 18M had been paid. 2020 nothing had been paid.
Its so awesome to see the Trump supporters vigorously arguing that dropping the ball during the early phase of the Covid-19 outbreak is an unforgivable outrage on this article, then vigorously arguing that dropping the ball during the early phase of the Covid-19 outbreak is totally understandable and even laudable on every article that doesn't require an excuse to justify Trump's decision to defund the WHO.
(Sorry) NOW doing better
I am confused by the numbers in the article, did I miss something ?