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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump attacks Sessions; suggests DOJ hurt GOP in midterms
By Catherine Lucey WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
David Varnes
So many things wrong with this, factually.
First, that he would try to shift this to "Obama-era investigations" when one of the investigations in question didn't even BEGIN until 2017, and the one against Hunter didn't swing into gear until after the 2016 elections.
The simple fact is that Trump is dishonorable. He thinks everything is about 'winning.' Not the law. Not the Constitution of the United States. And certainly not honor.
The man knows nothing of honor.
This is just example #3247 of this. And the closer the Republican party hews to his dishonorable actions and dishonorable conduct, the closer the party comes to approaching the point of no return, and speeding its irrelevancy. For Trump will not, and cannot, remain in power forever.
Then again, I doubt Trump very much cares what happens to anyone but him.
It’s always someone else’s fault:-/
Trump is the biggest problem for the GOP.
Trump is getting worse! Now he is just blatantly saying justice should not be served, because it will affect the upcoming election!
The same people who cheered Trump's pre-election boast that he would cut down corruption in Washington will no doubt be along any moment to explain why POUTUS explicitly calling for the politicization of DOJ investigations is a good thing.
Of course Trump blames others for the consequences of his own actions. He doesn't know the meaning of taking responsibility for what one does! And the piper has been coming to collect, and Trump doesn't want to pay... b-b-because!
The biggest problem to the GOP is Sessions. Hope he picked up a few boxes and bubble wrap at Home Depot.
What? Such garbage! Justice should be served, but not One sided and not overlooking crimes it happened only on one side as well as being silent on injustices and allowing corrupt cop only look at alleged crimes on the right and ignoring alleged crimes on the left.
So it’s not the fault of the congressmen who commmitted the crimes, but the fault of the justice department for not covering them up?
Trumpistanian logic.
So the justice department run by Jeff Sessions, one of the most vocal early supporters of Trump, is now part of some conspiracy to overlook crimes on the left and just go after those on the right? How shocking.
After all that has happened to protect any and all Dems, I would like to see the author’s face as they wrote this:
So is your argument that Trump shouldn’t be prosecuted because in your eyes they haven’t done enough to the Democrats?
Another example of Trump taking our country, the leader of the free world, and turning it into some kind of banana republic, or more accurately Russia in the era of Putin. Protect your cronies and henchmen, no matter what the outrage or crime. Prosecute your political opponents on "trumped" up charges. Meanwhile Republicans in Congress wring their hands but do nothing as GOD (Great Orange Dictator) shreds the Constitution and makes us the laughing stock of the world. Guardians of Putin (GOP) indeed.
Hunter, a real gentlemen, goes on Fox News and immediately throws all the blame to his wife - she was the one who used campaign money to illegally pay for family vacations, school tuition and dental work, fast food and movie tickets. Yes, your $20 contribution went to pay for his daughter to straighten her teeth.
Collins phones his son from the White House garden to dump his stock as he just found out a drug it was making had failed in tests - insider training at its best.
More examples of the disgusting swamp creatures that infect Trump-world - all following the example of their beloved Dear Leader.
Republicans have to make a clear choice. Either you are always on the side of law and order (as you always claim to be), or you are not.
Suggesting that people should not be prosecuted for legitimate crimes because of politics makes it amply clear you are on the side of law and order only when it suits you. In the normal world, we call it "blatant hypocrist", a.k.a., Trump republicans.
Seeing that the entire administration, the House and the Senate are majority Republicans, I would suggest that you find a different tree to bark up. Unless, of course, you are privy to some major criminal conduct on the left or by the Democrats which you can produce evidence for to the FBI and DoJ.
Put it another way, what does it say about the right that the Republican administration's DoJ can only find evidence of criminal behavior and wrongdoing on the right and not much on the left.
Occam's razor says the simplest explanation is the most likely to be correct. In this case, the simplest explanation is that there is more criminal conduct on the right than on the left at the moment.
Trump is in such a panic state these days. He must finally be realizing that trouble is coming !
This idea that politics is a game to be won is the most troubling one I think.
It includes forcing people to pick a side.
I hope the election of Trump has been a wake up call for all people to -think- before they vote, and not decide based on which 'team' they like, rather which policies benefit them and their fellow countryman.
What does it say about the DoJ that it can only find evidence of criminal behavior and wrongdoing on the right and not much on the left?
Nothing about politics is simple. Using your interpretation of Occam's razor, the Watergate break in would have been seen as a simple theft by common burglars, all of the people arrested by Hitler and Stalin were in fact guilty, etc. One has to be extremely naive to believe that criminal behavior is confined to one party or another. If anything, it is the party in favor of more powerful government that generally engages in more criminal behavior (as more power enables more corruption).
The USA has been a banana republic for some time. Most people haven't noticed and don't care as long as the politicians they are fans of are in office.
The US needs to get rid of it CRIMINAL in Chief & soon...……..this idiot has gone way way off the deep end, sheer lunacy at this point.
Now he seems determined to incite internal violence in the US & it IS becoming a power keg, scary stuff!
Entirely confined to one party or another? Definitely not. But you're not only naive but objectively wrong to believe all things are equal on both sides.
The crazy thing about this is the possibility of SMEAGLE ...I mean sessions growing a spine and flipping on trump to save himself.
that would be an interesting turn of events in this saga of “as the toxic wasteland burns”
Uncle Trump can fire the chief of D.O.J. at anytime like what he done to Mr.Tillerson! Good for his nation!
It's not "his" nation.
"He has previously pressed Sessions to investigate his perceived enemies and has accused Sessions of failing to take control of the Justice Department. "
His enemies in the Deep State are real, and I want to know how much cheese Jeff has eaten under his desk.
"Still, Sessions has made clear to associates that he has no intention of leaving his job voluntarily despite Trump's constant criticism."
So the man insists on staying in the job without actually doing it. Incredible...
"Hope he picked up a few boxes and bubble wrap at Home Depot."
He's gone after the mid-terms if he doesn't resign before then.
Your made-up bogey men aren't real
He is just plain stupid.
By indicting the two now, JD ensures they'll step aside (one already has) and other Republicans will slip in and win their GOP-based districts. It's not rocket science.
Instead, he had to tweet a statement on blatant manipulation of DOJ issues - exactly an area he's under investigation for. He's not just criminal; he's an idiot.
He really is digging his ditch now. Attacks the press, pouts and sulks when he won't get that ego-enhancing parade he wanted, he isn't invited to the funerals of Barbara, McCain, Neil, Aretha because he's so ILL-MANNERED. He bellyaches about Google not having 'favorable' headlines about him, IOW not enhancing his personality cult - well he keeps on blubbering like the fool he is! He bashes NFL players, he lambasts Sessions, FBI, DOJ and he cries when Omarosa puts her book out. When Stormy Daniels revealed their affair and his fetish for being spanked, then he veheminately demands the Nat'l Guard deploys to the Mexico border and he pouts when some states say no, so he kidnaps thousands of Hispanic children and cages them in concentration camps with murals adorned with his smug face. He keeps emphasizing that there's 'no collusion' yet what does his Surrender Summit with Putin tell us? If he were innocent he'd not be so hyper and paranoid but everything he says and does only points out to his crimes and guilt and failure.
Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said it best:
You know you're in trouble when senators from your own party in such powerful positions rebuke you so.
bass4funk: "The biggest problem to the GOP is Sessions."
Wow, you sure are a parrot of the orange man in the pic, pointing out the size of his brain.
"What? Such garbage! Justice should be served"
You're right. Trump should be locked up for treason, for the rest of his short life. Now his lawyer, a man you adored, Giuliani, is saying they are going to block the results of Mueller's report. Guess they are pretty scared.
First link: 7 out of 10 convicted felons are registered Democrats.
Yet in the political sphere, all those Dem politicians so loved by convicted felons are clean as a whistle? When Democrats get elected to office, they clean up their act?
Let's go back to Occam. A simpler explanation is that Democratic politicians are more inclined to abuse the courts and police agencies to advance their political ends. That's a better bet for them than leaving it to Democracy. And that's why they are so dangerous to democracy.
Here's another link:
Republican presidencies have 91 times the convictions of Democratic presidencies. That really is remarkable. It's remarkable in the way dictators run for election and get 99.9% of the vote. It's remarkable the way discriminated-against minorities might have an extraordinarily high conviction rate. It's too remarkable to be taken at face value by anyone with a working brain.
To believe this represents justice is to believe that there are nearly 100 crooked Republicans for every crooked Democrat. And to believe that means to abandon reason to a kind of unthinking religious fervor.
It's always good to know there are still sane republicans out there.
Trying to glean anything valuable from the data you provided is an exercise in ilogic.
It's the same data the Trump haters provide here day in and day out. "Look at all those guilty pleas and convictions. Why, they must be witches after all!"
Uh, OK. But we're talking about politicians.
Again, not all but it seems like more than the GOP.
Are you implying that convicted felons who register as Democrats eventually run and get elected into office? In what reality?
Forget trying to apply Occam to everything and simply look at the facts.
What is corruption in the political sphere? It's predominantly the influence of money from special interests. Both parties take that money, but the GOP takes more. That's just fact. There's also a growing faction of vocal Democrats that want money out politics. Where is that faction on the GOP side?
Trump was supposed to be the GOP's outsider that was going to "clean up the swamp," but he immediately stacked his cabinet with special-interest henchmen. That's not to mention the increasingly strong likelihood that he took money from the likes of Russia and the Saudis in the past. Do you actually think they expect nothing in return?
Just follow the money.
Just to make sure we're all on the same page, Trump wants to fire Sessions so he can get someone who will help end the investigation into Trump, right?
Well, he wants to fire Sessions because Sessions isn't ending the investigation into Trump. It can be assumed that he wants someone that would replace Sessions with someone who will end the investigation.
I'm not implying that. But if I were, it is already possible. One can become a senator even while they are still serving a prison term. Is the US a great country or what?
Not a fact. The official PAC and large donor stats for the past year show that Democratic senate candidates received almost twice and much as did the Republican candidates. The average donation amount was also about double. And the presidential election? Super PACS donated 204 million to Clinton, only 79 million to Trump. Again, not surprising, since large corporations love regulation that keeps competitors at bay.
So yes, by all means, follow the money. Let's start with that half-million dollar speech Clinton gave in Russia, and the huge donations to the Clinton Foundation made by the Saudis.
Now that's a link, thanks for that. It's unfortunate that you're trying to use it as evidence for an argument opposite of the point the link was making. If you think those convictions are miscarriages of justice, find actual evidence of that.
And don't forget that the lack of Democrat convictions is not due to a lack of trying on the Republicans' part. The GOP has made it a lifelong goal to take down the Clintons, for example. They've failed so far, despite most members of law enforcement being conservative. If there is a deep state, they're not exactly working for liberal policies.
Guess again. Though I mean liberal in the current misuse of the term to mean oppressive, leftist and reactionary.
One doesn't need evidence to indicate something is wrong when one of two more or less identical groups of people get prosecuted 100 times more than the other. The stats are damning enough by themselves. That people would actually take them at face value shows how low the level of discourse has become.
I doubt many are actually getting the votes to win, regardless of party, so I don't see the point in mentioning this.
Are you forgetting that the Republican super PACs blew their funds across like a dozen candidates during the primaries?
Large corporations love regulations... I don't even know what to say to this. Talk about naive.
I'm no fan of the Clintons. That said, she's still better than Trump. I support the Bernie-wing of Democrats that wants money out of politics. You didn't answer who in the GOP is actually fighting for that yet.
So you mean meaningless unsupported talking points?
Of course you need evidence... Come on.
So we're clear, you think that Democratic politicians manipulate the courts and law enforcement... in order to lock up Democratic voters to the extent that 7/10 felons are registered Democratic Party members? Have I got that right?
Trump has a history of surrounding himself with corrupt individuals.
This seems to sum him up pretty well.
Trump's a joke... not a funny joke, but more like the Joker in Batman - deranged, scary, off his face mental!
Simon Foston
commanteerToday 12:08 pm JST
Could that be because registered Republicans can afford better defence lawyers?
President Swamp reveals his true nature in all its awfulness once again! The man truly hates America and everything it stands for.
The trembling is increasing as the End is coming closer and closer...
Haaa Nemui
Living the recent thumbing of the nose by Nike.
Haaa Nemui
That should read "loving"
If you think that, then the last 8 years was an out of control zoo.
Oh, the hot summer....
The left wants to regulate everything, wants to destroy the 2nd amendment, the left wants to force us not to use straws or tax us into oblivion and they have the nerve to talk about Trump shredding the constitution? Wow!
Not so long ago I remember a gentleman by the name of John Edwards who did something a bit similar....
I remember when William Jefferson hid $90,000 in his fridge and left danced and made 1000 excuses which were actually funnier. Look these guys screwed up, but it is awfully odd that this would come out almost simultaneously, especially to strong contenders and hunter doing very well in my once beautiful socialist, Marxist State.
"Your made-up bogey men aren't real"
Yes, they are. Americans, fed up with the status quo/Deep State/globalists, voted for real change ( outside of California where Hillary had a 4 million vote plurality, lol ). Sessions is the Deep State insurance policy. He wants to go after marijuana instead of Hillary. Trump's biggest hiring mistake. At least he didn't pick Romney for Sec.of State, Tillerson was better, lol, but wish he would have picked Pompeo in the first place.
"The trembling is increasing as the End is coming closer and closer..."
Six and a half more years of winning to go, and the pace will pick up significantly after the Red Wave in Nov.
Well, then the left doesn’t believe in none of it???! Hallelujah! Liberals are finally turning conservative!
He killed someone? Good look with that fantasy lame charge.
Why not? Two can play that game. Sucks, don’t it?
" regulations that keep competitors at bay."
You are naive to think otherwise. Or maybe you just haven't thought it through. Costly regulations are a write off for large and established companies, but can be costly enough to break any new competitor in the same industry. Most large corporations turn to lawyers, lawsuits and regulations to keep market share after they run out of ideas.
I give you Rand Paul to match your Bernie. But you are naive to think that there is any movement at all to get money out of politics, especially in Bernie's case. Look at all these "civil servants" who enter the service as humble beginners and exit as multi-millionaires. Either they all have an amazing talent for investment or, most likely, they are helped by those they help in turn.
If you really want money out of politics, you need to shrink the government and give them less power to sell themselves. Bernie wants a larger government, which simply means a worse economy for normal people and more luxury and corruption at the top. Stop worshipping these hustlers. Nice little old men can be con men, too.
Another stat I picked up for you, "8 percent of the overall population and 33 percent of the African-American male population." No other "free" country would make 8% of its citizens into felons. But more importantly, look where that leaves you. What can you say about that 33% population that is consistent with what you are saying about Republicans? 100 times conviction rate of one population over another is simply a perversion of justice on its face.
I keep forgetting the left are horrible when it comes to math, they think a heavy regulations, zero investments, higher taxes and a 2.2 GDP equals a flourishing economy.
“After” all his skeletons came out...well, what he did was far more demented than what Hunter did.
Judging by the cancellations and low audience attendances in thst industry, it’s understandable.
Me and another 120 million. Guess we are all drinking too much of that liberal moonshine. Lol
It’s great. The left has discovered their fondness for John McCain and even the evil GW Bush. just cause he passed some candy to Michelle Obama and implied non niceties at Trump.
Even Sessions getting some love from the left now. All is well and according to plan.
You must have been confused when Trump started putting tariffs on everything. After all, they are taxes and regulations. You obviously found a way to clap and smile your way through that betrayal though.
Aah, the weak-minded are easy prey for shirtless Youtubers in basements.
An exaggeration, as usual. But better than trillion dollar deficits...last time we had a balanced budget was during Clinton's tenure. Tea Party? Tea Party?
I'd say vodka, straight from the Kremlin...
When they do right, they get praised, when they don't they get criticized. We understand this is unfathomable to Trump worshipers who must always kneel and prostrate themselves before the Great Orange Dictator (GOD).
Sessions gets no love, he's still a Trumpite.
Says Putin...