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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.Trump faces first test in Iowa
DES MOINES, Iowa©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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That is very true - for the Republicans. Their party has to attract a largely evangelist electorate, which both leads to outlying results and causes the candidates to do all sorts of nutty things. Cruz has gone full Armageddon, implying that a vote for him is a vote for Christ and that the very existential fabric of America depends on this vote. Still, many evangelists seem to support the twice-divorced, objectively amoral Trump, indicating that their deep faith is secondary to their xenophobia. Democrats, with an electorate more mainstream - economy, education, environment - don't face the same conundrum, so the results tend to have greater weight - look at how Obama totally blindsided Clinton back in '08.
Then its onto New Hampshire, another lily-white state, but this time, the GOP has to deal with fringe-nut "free citizens" and libertarians, while again, the Dems enjoy a conventional electorate.
That the nomination process kicks off with two states which so little resemble modern America is unfortunate, but more so for the GOP than for the Dems.
In fact, Trump has built precious few of his own buildings; he vastly more often flips existing properties. Even most buildings emblazoned with the "Trump" name are not owned by him; it's simply a licensing deal. And let's not get into the multiple times he's declared a project insolvent and stiffed on his obligations.
Black Sabbath
Its a good showing for Sanders regardless. But optics require a win, as part of the story.
IMO, the Democratic establishment has been poo pooing Sanders from the get go. Each step of the way, the specifics of the story may change, but the theme is the same: Sanders ain't it. First, it was he's fringe. Then, he can't do this or cant do that. Now, its he can't win the general. So, even though winning by .5% or loosing by .5% don't mean that much (see above post on Iowa overplayed), as far as countering the establishments story, there is a big difference.
If Sanders wins tonight, he will show the rest of Democrats in America that we Lib Dems are a good chunk of the Democratic base. And that will make it that much easier for others vote Sanders.
Sanders, of course, has a lot of work to do to reach Latino and Black voters. He is underperforming a bit with Latinos, and a lot with Blacks. If he tacks to the Left, and includes racial injustice as a central part of his message, you will see him embraced.
As I've said before, I like both Sanders and Clinton. Regardless of what happens tonight, and the rest of the primary, I think Sanders has done my party and America a great service by brining economic inequality to the fore-front and correcting it more about what it means to be a Democrat.
Trump lost. He was humble in defeat, but that massive ego is most certainly bruised. Let the self-destruction begin.
Black Sabbath
For those who don't know:
Iowa importance is overstated. Recall Presidential candidate Santorum running against Obama. Well, he won iowa in 2012. In fact, since 1972, the on the Republican side, the winner of Iowa won just about half of the nominations. IOW, spotty at best.
See, IoWA, more rural and much more white than the rest of the nation. The conservatives are much more conservative than the rest of America, and so too are the liberals. IOW, it is NOT representative of the viability of a national candidate. Further, I Iowa, is a caucus state. For those of you who do not know what that means, see here:
Glad that's clear! Its kind of un=representative in the same way the electoral college is.
You can win the popular vote but lose the caucus. Strangely, the Republican caucus is more direct and democratic than the Democratic, which is much more indirect.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, American democracy is confusing and overly complicated. And way too long.
There's no 100% definitive proof that he's a racist or hater, but look at the policy proposals that have gained him his following. Walls to keep murdering/rapist Mexicans out, all out bans on Muslim immigrants, etc. Besides being overly simplistic and unrealistic, these things play on and encourage the hate that's already present in America. His only other ideas are vague promises that anyone can make about making America great again.
But let's be real, a lot of his comments are at least vaguely racist / misogynist, which again scores him points with particular segments of America.
On that note, I wonder what percentage of the materials used in making his buildings is American. Note that it may be 100% for all I know. But I'd like to know the actual number.
And he's one of the most sane. Shows that the party isn't interested in sanity.
Black Sabbath
Itt’s 63% reporting, and things are very tight indeed: Clinton 50.7, Sanders 48.7.
Republicans are at 41% reporting: Cruz 29, Trump 26, Rubio 20
If anything resembling the current GOP results holds, then both Cruz and Rubio will come out looking good: Cruz, because he won despite recent polls showing him sagging, and Rubio, because he surged into a clear third place. The biggest loser in the perceptions game? Donald Trump.
Trump uses hate to motivate. Obama used hope to motivate. Both may have tapped into the anger of the people, but the motivational tactics are polar opposites. One evokes fear, the other evokes, well, hope.
Black Sabbath
Dem side: 50.4 Clinton, 49.0 Sanders, 78% reporting.
Sanders picking up 2/3 of new caucus goers. CLinton 1/3.
Not as many new caucus goers as Obama brought out in 2008. That is not good news for Team Dem.
Black Sabbath
BTW, Kinda important:
The GOP “results” being reported all night (and that everyone focuses on) are really just a straw poll. After votes are counted, only then does each precinct site pick delegates to the county conventions. Typically, only the hardest-core caucus-goers stick around for that part of the night, which is why Ron Paul was able to win most of Iowa’s delegates even though he came in third place.
I bet that Cruz’s supporters are much more likely to participate in the delegation selection process than Trump’s.
So Cruz could come out even stronger in the end.
@bass, both father and son Trump were in the landlord business. There is testimony that dad refused to rent to black tenants. Woody Guthrie rented from Trump in the 1950s and couldn't locate any black people out of 1800 units, which he complained about in his journal. Considering son merely continued dad's business, the apple can't have rolled too far from the tree.
“Tonight is so important: this is the beginning of taking our country back,” said Trump.
Who took what from whom, and who is getting "their" country back? What nonsense.
The real shame is that Hillary is so polarizing (whether deserving or not) that if she does become President, we will continue to experience huge division between the sides. Her demonization of Republicans would come back to haunt her in spades. It could make the Obama and Bush years look mild. We need a fresh face on the scene. I'm at the point where I don't care who it is, just not someone who is coming into the position with enough baggage to fill a cruise ship.
Well, I can only remember 3 things from his campaign, 1) he hates Mexican 2) he hates Muslim 3) He want to raise another China great wall around the US.
And he's using it to motivate.
Thank you for your example of how he is using it to motivate.
No it wasn't.
Yes, the fact that Trump outsourced his manufacturing to other countries - which is one of the major malaise's in America right now, is hard truth. Thank you for agreeing with me.
Yes it does.
I think Trump probably doesn't have a chance either. He's basically got everyone he's going to get. The law of diminishing returns and all that. He's gotten out their and created a stir, and found a bunch of people. But anyone who is likely to be swayed by his outrageous antics already would have been. And he's only got 40% of the democrats, which isn't nearly enough to take the country.
The Tea Party first started the "I Want MY Country BACK!" as a tactic to shutdown public discussion of healthcare in America. Tea operatives would simply shout their disruption to frighten or threaten participants in town halls and public meetings.
Trump is just harnessing that old horse again, just as he claimed ownership of Reagan's "Make America Great Again".
Still, as a fair question of this tactic, "Who took what from whom, and who is getting "their" country back?", is still unanswered because it is nonsense and Trump is selling this nonsense as purpose. That's nonsense. That's Trump.
Black Sabbath
Turnout on both sides across the states higher than expected. That will favor Sander. Its gonna be a long night. Currently:
Democratic: CLinton 49, Sanders 46, with 36% of the precincts reporting. Good news for Sanders, the college heavy and city precincts have not sent in their results. Sanders could win. Either way, its a good night for Sanders.
Republican: Trump 26, Cruz 25, Rubio 22. 25% reporting. Its gonna be a tight contest as well.
Good point, Serrano! He told the crowd of his brownshirt followers to beat the living daylights out of anyone that might have one. And when a protester dies from such a beating, he will bleat that he "didn't want him to die, but to be taught a lesson"--the usual reply from a mafia-based candidate. Yeah--you right-wingers. You are beating your way to your very FIRST FASCIST candidate, someone who truly represents your low values. Wonder how this will "all" turn out! I truly wish there was something "more meaningful thrown at him" than eggs or tomatoes, for the sake of millions who will die because of his insane aims and hate.
Perhaps from the corporate oligopoly and th 0.1%ers...
Black Sabbath
Cruz pulling away from Trump. With 50% reporting, it’s now 29-25-21 Cruz-Trump-Rubio
Got to hand it to Trump, the only candidate who could bring out internecine sniping in a supposed veterans rally. Santorum got on stage, refused to get near the Trump banner, and said he's supporting someone else for president. I'll bet that gave everyone the warm fuzzies.
Black Sabbath
The final Iowa poll average isn’t looking too good right now. It gave Trump a 31-24 lead on Cruz. The Dem poll average seems to have been a lot more accurate, with Clinton +3.
Hah! hah! Hah! So you want to go from a politician who takes money from corporations and oligarchs to a straight, up and bigoted, mean-spirited oligarch who doesn't give a tinkers dam about ethnic minorities and whose father was in the KKK, and a candidate who had all blacks banished to the back when he visited his casinos because he couldn't stand the sight of them. WAY TO GO, right-winger.
Black Sabbath
Tonight’s biggest loser so far? Conventional Wisdom. Supposedly, bigger turnout was going to be great for Trump. Right now, it looks terrific for Ted Cruz, who is on the verge of pulling off what would have to be considered an upset victory.
I will enjoy seeing Trump lose even if by a small margin just because he is such a blowhard. Still, Cruz isn't much, if any, better.
Right now the results are 28.3% Cruz and 25% Trump with 62% of the vote counted.
Sanders is close behind Clinton in terms of vote percentage, and both have won 15 delegates so far.
Black Sabbath
Some guy named O'Mally has suspended his campaign. I think he was running for President, in 2020.
(I like O'Malley, but I just couldn't resist)
Yeah, it was wrong and sad, but racism was alive and well in those days and Liberals weren't immune to it under any circumstances. It just tickles me when people want to make a correlation that because Trump's dad was a racist, so he must be one as well, Joeseph Kennedy was an extreme racist, but his kids weren't. Times have changed, not making any excuses for Trump, but to sit and call the man a racist and NOT knowing for sure. But when Hillary is criticized for being possibly guilty in this probe, every Clinton lover screams, we need to wait until we have concrete facts, but in Trump's case, it's as good as gold, we don't need facts, just accusations. Hypocrisy is a liberals favorite comfort word.
County-by-county Iowa Caucus results:
And he asked his crowd to "knock the heck out of them if they threw them. I promise to take care of your legal fees. "
Hopefully the results will be faster for the GOP since they actually have a secret ballot for the first time this year. Which if anything would seem to be a secret advantage for Trump if people don't have to voice their preference out loud in a normal caucus format. We should have a good idea which candidates will benefit once we get a good idea as to the turnout.
Trump is as responsible as anyone for the current malaise that the US is in - he's using overseas manufacturing just like so many other rich corporations.
You're right, Trump is the only candidate besides Sanders that hasn't received money from Wall Street / corporate interests and is therefore not beholden to them. Unfortunately, he also happens to be a moron. An entertaining and admittedly charismatic moron, but still a moron who uses hate to energize his base. I still have enough faith in the US and believe Trump has no chance in the general elections.
Comparing Trumps small clothes and accessories line to the huge amount of manufacturing of toys, cell phones, housewares, cars, weak. They don't call him a real estate and business mogul from his clothes line. Unless you're implying that Trump manufactures his buildings and golf courses overseas then has them shipped back to the States for construction.
Black Sabbath
Cruz wins Iowa. He has been polling a distant second in New Hampshire and South Carolina, but will this give him the boost he needs to crowd out other rivals to Trump?
About Trump: He seems to have just squeaked ahead of Rubio. So, Trump's self proclaimed "winner" will be attacked a lot in the next few days. That's the problem with braggarts.
Clinton now has 49.8% of the vote, Sanders 49.6%, with 90% reporting. But Sanders leads Clinton in terms of delegates, 21 for Sanders to Clinton's 19.
Right down to the wire.
Trump probably doesn't have a chance either.... And he's only got 40% of the democrats, which isn't nearly enough to take the country. "
Lessee... 40% of the Democrats, plus nearly 100% of the Republicans.. he might stand a chance!
Is Trumpoholics, as terrifyingly deadly a neurological disorder as Clintonitis ? Symptomatic respiratory goblets from one person can easily contaminate whole states and communities (Iowa) , USA public needs expert advice on treatment, causes and prevention. Think about the children!!
both father and son Trump were in the landlord business.
The racist associations of Trump's dad are well documented, but more relevant to the Gutherie complaint the Federal Housing Administration was built on overtly racist policies in the 1930s, '40s and '50s and he would likely have found any ghetto landlord morally objectionable for a similar reason.
"that the President must be born within the US." It doesn't say that verbatim.
"his security had warned him there might be protesters with tomatoes"
What about eggs?
Globalist elite that control both parties took it. They're the reason both parties push through free trade deals and support unlimited immigration to suppress working class wages. Globalists took the country from nationalists, and nationalists are getting their country back. Don't be a useful idiot.
Globalists took the country from nationalists, and nationalists are getting their country back.
Trump is certainly a pragmatist interested in advancing US economic growth....whatever boneheaded trade wars we would start he would care about growth. And he would try to do things that would get the country going again.which would be a refreshing change. But the vast majority of manufacturing jobs that have left in the last few decades have been because of technological innovation and productivity increases, so he also has a learning curve in terms of blaming the Chinese and Mexicans for our current malaise.
ghoneim mohamed
Trump has almost no chance even if will be nominated as republican presidency candidate.To win republican nomination is totally different from winning USA presidency election,this is different story,different calculations,and different power balance.Trump political fire works,and big flashes wont work on the ground,easy to say than do.Though in politics NEVER SAY NEVER.
Black Sabbath
49.8 to 49.6, Clinton up, with 93% reporting.
Ole fizzbit, and bassboy,
Dare you to read, or do you want to continue to keep your head in the sand?
Link 1: Link 2: Link 3:
Must be SO SAD to have a "candidate" that has such a sordid history with women and minorities and does not but fear-monger and war monger, not like Bernie Sanders, who I am beginning to think is the ONLY candidate that is not bought off and doesn't go around hate-mongering. Please spare me the routine that Trump isn't bought off because he is a billionaire. It just reinforces that he is DEFINITELY going to look out for the 1 percent. And if you are stupid enough to think that you are EVER going to join that club because of your HARD WORK, goes to show that this mentality (if you can call it that) is part of the problem with the US.
Ole Rat, I posted your same story above over two hours ago, and then you dare me to read it? LOL
I had to search for it myself. Did you DARE to read the comment that I posted from the black person who worked for Trump as well? Obviously not.
You are your own worst enemy, and looking like a fool.
For all the Trump bashing you do, you sure are quite comfortable throwing insults around.
Not an American, but following with some interest.
I hope Sanders dumps Clinton. She'd be more bad news for the global economy.
Saw Cruz quoting Ronald Reagan on TV this morning, something about the USA shining on a hill. Seemed lacking his own inspirational message. Like his tax policy, but doubt he will be president.
This caucus has proven that the GOP is falling apart with this latest election. You have Trump, someone who 90% of the GOP officials hate and see as a false-republican which is making the entire party look bad. On the other hand, you have Ted Cruz, which still has the small issue of not being born in the US; and therefore will have difficulty becoming president due to the Constitution stating that the President must be born within the US. (That's can be cleared up I'm sure; if it hasn't already been addressed by his campaign, I cannot recall at this moment in time.) Not only that though, but if Cruz gets the nomination over Trump, Teump will take his supporters and run as an independent, greatly weakening the Republican's grasp in the Electoral College and popular vote. We saw this with the OLD Republican Party after Teddy Roosevelt ran under the bull moose party; and inadvertently split the republican vote between himself and Taft; leading to a schism in the party that lead to the flip-flop in political party names, and the current political layout we see today.
The Republican Party cannot win this one; and it would be a miracle if the party itself doesn't have to reform after its brush in with Trump. Honestly, this will go down in the history books as the most laughable election this nation has seen in a very long time.
Try reading the "history" of Trump's racism instead of one's person's account, Fizzbit.
Sad, that you have to work so hard to "prove" that Trump isn't an unmitigated bigot. THOUSANDS of sites that refer to his distain of anyone who is not white.
He Bass... that makes you sound like, well, a socialist ;)
Oh, and go Hilary. :)
ghoneim mohamed
As i expected,Trump almost has no chance,i also expected the competition will be between Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders.Hillary will be defeated in Hampshire next week.The result in Iowa showed she she wont won,less than a half percent than Sanders who is supposed to be almost unknown few months ago,and taking into consideration,huge financial fund and resources,let alone support of Wall street lobby,media lobby,etc,shows the great change is coming.A beginning of a new era.I believe not only in States-as i said before-but worldwide.Angry young people,university and high schools students,and Liberals proved they can change not only States,but the world around. This what i love about States,a world leader of all great changes and innovation which inspire the whole world.Next week,in my opinion will be very crucial for Democrats,i hope Sanders and new wonderful American generation will Surprise us as they did today.All best of luck for Sanders.
"It's easier to hand out entitlements than to give people jobs." So the Republicans give out government jobs to people who need employment? That is the role of Republicans?
"I like Sanders too, in a way." Yes, I'm glad you and I agree that there should be a special health insurance mandate for catastrophic cases.
"You mean, keeping my hard earned money and not allowing you libs to turn me upside down and shake me down for every last cent?" Obama kept taxes low.
Brian Wheway
If DT got a job at Mc Donald's, how many stars would he be? 1 or 2?
"No mandates" What happens if a poor child has a genetic disease that costs 100s of thousands of dollars to treat but their parents never wanted to get health insurance- also the parents have zero savings to pay for the treatment? What is your idea?
"The main thing I care about is that Obama" Because you think he was born in Kenya?
Looking at this from Japan, I feel America has changed a lot these days. A socialist is so successful against Clinton while someone like Trump or Cruz get such major support. What's wrong with you Americans!
Chose either Clinton or Rubio.
Hey, the same thing was said, 7 years ago, so go figure....
For starters, the United States if America belongs to (yeah, u guessed it -Americans) and not illegal immigrants from Mexico & Central America, who come here illegally, and do whatever they please, criminal activity included. Then they march the streets chanting, "Si se puede!". . . What nonsense.
Sure it was. I know all too well, because I was doing a lot of coverage in the Belt way here people were excoriating Bush and screaming constantly how they want to take back their country, that's pretty much all I heard the 5 months I was there.
No, Obama is 110% responsible. If it weren't for Obama, we wouldn't have a Trump or possibly even a Sanders, but as a result of what a disastrous 7 years we just had and having a polarizing, ego centric president. The people have had enough with Washington and the elite and snobbish filth that is corrupting our country.
Sure, no doubt about it. But at least he cares about the country, is listening to the people and doesn't want a weak, pathetic and wussified America.
No it wasn't.
110% responsibility is a logical impossibility.
The good old 'well they did it too' excuse.
He's the reason used, not the cause itself.
And there it is. If Trump had good ideas, and wasn't using hate to motivate he'd be the best thing ever - dumping the establishment and giving the people a voice. But instead, he's as divisive as any candidate ever.
Cruz and Hillary eeked out victories in Iowa, keeping their chances alive! Rubio a strong third on the Republican side.
Brian Wheway
I think that I would rather have Ronald Mc Donald in the white house than DT, this guy is such an idiot.
David Howell
****I thought the US elections had already been fought and won on CNN.
No mandates absolutely not and I never said, I liked Sanders to be president. The main thing I care about is that Obama will be out of office soon, anything else is a side issue at this point.
Yes, and sadly, you can't change history on that.
I was being facetious, come on now, relax.....
Or how most people would call it the hard truth.
No, seriously caused.
But where is this proof that he is a racist or a hater? Just because you say rude and obnoxious things, doesn't necessarily make you a hater. But if you can find and prove that he is a card carrying racist, then you got my full apology.
Obama took the lead on that, running out of the gate from day one.
Bill had a sordid history with women and Dems love to keep everyone on the government dole. It's easier to hand out entitlements than to give people jobs. That's a huge reason why libs have a minority following, which is very, very sad.
So we should just take every **** up the shoot to be PC and to make the liberal base feel all warm and fuzzy?
I like Sanders too, in a way. So how would he fix America's woes besides robbing Paul to give to Peter, please care to explain. I hope you do know there aren't enough of the 1% to spread the wealth.
Maybe you are right, but so what? How can a socialist like Sanders fix the country, since he kinda doesn't have a lot of money to back him.
I've never known anyone to get a job from a poor person. By the way, how many poor people in corporations give other poor people jobs?
I'm not quite there yet, but working on it or should I be punished as well for my hard work, I have to share my wealth with others?
You mean, keeping my hard earned money and not allowing you libs to turn me upside down and shake me down for every last cent? Typical!
I was referring to both parties.
In Pelican Bay perhaps.
Sanders has about as much chance to be president as would Jeb Bush.
For anyone interested..well, except maybe for Blak Sabby. Close to real-time results in Iowa.
wow! Are you psychic? Any thoughts on the Super Bowl? I'd like to place a bet.
Trump made a mistake skipping the last debate. It's reported in NH he will fare better, anything can happen.
More interesting is the Clinton/Sanders. Sanders has a very good chance to take it from Hillary tonight. NH is his.
Why are democrats so violent planning the great tomato toss?
Out of them all, only Sanders doesn't "hate" anybody. All the GOP front runners are mudslingers just like Hillary.
Disagreeing with policies does not warrant hate. And I read it here everyday from the liberals here.
No it wasn't.
The hate was already there. He just spoke openly about it by criticizing the Mexicans and enhancing america's mistrust of islam.
Just like when Bush beat AL Gore and then later, won the white house a second time. That "hate" was already there, alive and well too, for all those democrat supporters.
I want fresh, new faces also. Clinton and Bush aren't them. Then for the rest of them only 3 are truly fresh faces owing no "favors" to the hidden influences of years past.
Thank you fizzbit for posting what the liberals will refuse to accept. Hillary's tangled web.
Lots of insults in there Rat,
anyway, here's one commenter from your webpage story about blacks moving to the back of the casino:
And next time, please provide a link or you'll just end up looking petulant.
Oops! :) I obviously didn't proofread that one.
Interesting that you say that. So to appeal to Democrats, you use hope, but to appeal to Republicans, you use fear. I actually think you are 100% correct on this (no sarcasm). And it really shows the difference in the two voter basis - optimism vs. pessimism.
Here's a hint:
Hillary Clinton's top five contributors, along with their generous donations, between 1999 and 2016.
Citigroup: $824,402
Goldman Sachs: $760,740
DLA Piper: $700,530
JP Morgan Chase: $696,496
Morgan Stanley: $636,564TOTAL: $3,618,732
What blindness
Thanks for the link Fizz. HA-HA . . . Paul Rand was only @ 4.3%.
Wow, what idiot n' this thread said that?. Trump is certainly staking a claim early on. This without even SHOWING UP to Iowa. Once again, thanks for the update FizzBit.
And why shouldn't he tap into that anger, it's perfectly ligtimate, Obama did, worked out well for him.
And how about the racist Katrina vanden Hevuel, from The Nation wrote a book titled "Taking Back America" In fact, Howard Dean, James Carville, Thom Hartman, Paul Begala and Chuck Shumer, Obama and Hillary Clinton have all said it in the past. I can dig up the quotes, but yes, indeed they have said it and it really bites me when liberals can say it, it's ok, but if conservatives say it, the connotation changes all of a sudden??
Of course it was.
Sure, I expect that from him and for over 50 years Trump has been a Democrat and now he claims to be a conservative? We shall see.
That's why my home state: California is in a financial mess. Thank you again, liberals for destroying once was a great place to live, one of the best in the world. Oh and by the way, Pfizer and Allergan are both leaving the States and moving their corporate HC overseas and why? Because of our out of control 40% corporate tax rate. Obama could have done something to change that as well and yet, he didn't. No one is surprised.
@the rat
How do you know Trump's father was in the KKK? Has nothing to do with Trump. JFK father was a outspoken and direct racist, so was Johnson, Wilson, FDR, a lot of liberals in fact, the klan was started by Democrats. Point is, in those days, you can definetly expect people to be racists, but that has nothing to do with now. Who cares if Trump's dad possibly was in the KKK?
But Trump is using that anger that people had from Obama's motivation to gain support, smart move.
Seriously, people do NOT utter that BS hope and change and the change they found was leaving the Dems.
Same thing, just different approaches to appeal to their perspective bases.
Ying and Yang
Oh, Most definetly.
That was a long time ago
Yeah, but can you prove it? That's the question.