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© 2020 AFPTrump heads to Florida as coronavirus cases surge
By Issam AHMED WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2020 AFP
Despite these numbers, Trump appears to be doubling down on his strategy of intensifying public meetings in order to stoke his base.
Zero concern for lives. Zero sense of responsibility. Zero sense of accountability. Zero sense of reality.
Republicans simply cannot be objective if they endorse this man to run the US. They wouldn't let people like this run their businesses in a pink fit, so why the country?
non party
Lets make it look like Trump is the one who made Corona virus .... Trump personally made it and secretly went to Wuhan China and put that inside the lab..... Trump disguised as a Chinese researcher , he did lots of make up to look like a Mongolian man. And it was so hard for him to secretly go out of the white house to China. He took commercial plane to travel to Wuhan. It was hard job for him to place the virus in the Lab and come back to white house with out any one notice...
Do you believe my story ..
And getting increasingly less 'great' in every way each day the Trump/barr regime remains in control.
Trump cares less than nada about the general population. His reign has been one in which the 'elite' have gained while the rest of the country have seen their cost of living and buying power decrease. And have lost jobs. And have gotten sicker.
The USA is at its lowest point in decades. Under Trump's watch. And he wants his followers to believe he is the victim. Poor, poor pitiful him.
The U.S. is by far the hardest-hit country in the world
We do more testing than anyone else. And this is only looking at cases. Our death rate from coronavirus is lower than many countries.
In the bottom photo Fauci be looking like "Oh noooooo! It's the end of the world!"
Republicans simply cannot be objective if they endorse this man ( Trump ) to run the US.
Democrats can't be sane if they endorse Biden to run the U.S.
"We do testing like nobody's ever done testing. And when we test, the more you test, the more cases you find,"
Again two more lies slip from his lips. The truth is HE has been tested like nobody's ever been tested. And the more he's tested, the more he's helping to spread the virus at his rallies and PR appearances. Maskless Trump's "Have test will travel" bravado only makes him into a super-spreader who seems hell-bent on keeping his "Appointment in Samarra".
I'm happy to criticise Trump all day long, but this is not true. Belgium is there worst hit county if you look at the data. By deaths per million there are still a number of countries worse that the US.
Once we tend out two micro states, the USA is has the seventh highest death rate in the world. So many countries means six.
And that leaves about 195 countries with lower death rates.
"We do testing like nobody's ever done testing. And when we test, the more you test, the more cases you find,"
Again two more lies slip from his lips
Yeah? Let's see the link showing what other countries have tested more people than the U.S.
I'll be waiting.
Other countries neither have the intention or the means to test as much as the USA.
It is simply a political attack on Trump. Imagine what the USA could achieve if democrats worked with him.
However, their political points scoring and venom knows no limits!
Forget about testing and thing about the death rate.
The rest rate in the USA is high.
I meant death rate
What exactly would you achieve by working with somebody who isn’t doing his job to begin with?
What does he need help with? Increasing his angry tweet output? Going to the golf course more often? Ignoring intelligence briefings? Giving his family and cronies more lucrative positions? Race baiting the nation?
For liberals....I can imagine....
Liberals don’t care, if they did there are so many ways they can reinvent the country to accommodate people safely, but these governs ans mayors want to keep the country locked up at least to after the election where they will all say, it’s safe now. Give me a break. Other countries can reopen safely, America is no different.
Damn those rich Liberal Silicone Valley Geeks! How dare they provide jobs and payroll to workers! How dare they hire and train people!
That’s an understatement.
Because Trump wouldn’t submit to the swamp, the msm, the mob, because he’s unapologetic about our history and culture, because he won’t stand for Orwellian lunacy, because he believes all lives matter? I guess so.
The U.S. has the highest number of covid deaths than any other country in the world.
How anyone, ANYONE can try and downplay that is appalling.
But especially the U.S. president. He is a ghoul.
Bob Fosse
Most people would take that as an opportunity to learn. Well, smart people would...
Anyway, he’s going to Florida and won’t wear a mask. Guess he doesn’t have a choice at this stage.
Democrats haven’t, so.....
Forget about testing and thing about the death rate.
Oh, sure, let's just forget about testing since we lost that argument, lolol
The rest rate in the USA is high.
11 countries, including Japan with all their masks have a higher death rate than the U.S.
Bob Fosse
Yeah but trump hasn’t, so...
He doesn’t have to, he’s President, don’t like it, come up with polices that you can run on, stop taxing people to the hilt, stop demonizing job creators and maybe you have a chance at the Presidency, if Democrats can learn that, they might have a chance, but being the socialists they are....
thanks Twitter:
A little perspective on coronavirus deaths by state.
New York has nearly TRIPLE the number of deaths (32,000) as Florida, Georgia, Texas and Arizona COMBINED (12,118) despite having BARELY OVER 1/4 the population of those states.
Any reporting that omits that is propaganda.
Bob Fosse
Yeah he does.
Alarming numbers of deaths in the US from Covid in the past 3 days.
In terms of per capital testing the US is at the 6th place, even behind Russia. So nothing to be proud of.
Because Pelosi says so?
A little more Perspective .
Yesterday, Florida had 11,400 new cases, Texas 9, 700, Georgia 4,400, Arizona 4, 400.
NY on the other hand , had 786!!!!
Go figure.
Bob Fosse
Hmmm Bass, you make a convincing argument. Let me take a few minutes to ponder my response...
Ok got it; because Obama did.
If lying was the way to beat this virus, trump and his followers would have beaten it long time ago.
Cases aren’t deaths.
all the people who died in NY before today still “count”.
The daily number of deaths in the US has more than doubled so far this month, more than 1200 over the past 24 hours. I am afraid you are going to have to find yet another bogus excuse for Trump doing nothing.
They must have completed his bunker at Mar-A-Lago....he's a "Caveman" in more ways than one...
He's waved the white flag at the virus - capitulated - given up...caved...
Just like when he received his draft notice, when he turned tail and ran to his doctor's office...
Trump's new nickname is the 'Mango Mortician" because his incompetence has put over 133K Americans into the ground - with the number growing each and every hour...
And there's another rally next week to add more to the tally...
You're absolutely right, Mr. Trump. I'm thinking of tens of thousands of mistakes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in November 2016. Unfortunately, we're all paying the price for that now.
It seems they forgot to post the caption to the picture at the top of the article....
"Mr President, Vladimir Putin said today that he will re-launch a major influence/disinformation campaign to help your election again as he did in 2016....he also said he was raising the bounty to the Taliban for killing US troops in Afghanistan..."
"What do you say to that?"
The U.S. is by far the hardest-hit country in the world, with more than 3.1 million confirmed infections and 133,000 dead
So, it looks like china’s little Biological Warfare Experiment has been a success, huh?
I wonder what they have in store for Phase II.
Putin is laughing his butt off at what's happening in the USA, his agent is succeeding in sabotaging the USA.
Toasted Heretic
Why is he doing this?
He hates America and its citizens. He knows his days of liberty are numbered and will sacrifice as many people as possible before justice is delivered.
Even if it is what you think it is, we need to judge leaders based on their responses to it.
This was a stress test of leadership.
We know the results.
You mean why is he endangering the lives of his followers again? It's because he doesn't care about their health, their families or their lives. He only values their votes.
This is the only logical conclusion to draw from a situation where the leader of a country organizes mass gatherings during a pandemic in areas where that pandemic is spreading out of control, all whilst encouraging those people not to take steps to try to minimize the spread. It's just insane.
Toasted Heretic
Hopefully not. Hopefully not everyone who contracts the virus will succumb to it.
But Trump is enabling the spread, by throwing caution to the wind, ignoring the dead and dying and focusing on an election, getting his criminal buddies out of jail, screeching about racist statues and trying to destroy an already weakened education system.
He could have set an example, but instead, he fed you lies, fake cures, and shown himself up to be the worst President in your country's relatively young history.
it’s factual not hopefully. They won’t cause they haven’t so far.
less than 1% of population even had to include asymptomatically. 99.96% of the population are still alive despite it.
Why can the protesters go out, but Trump supporters can’t?
No, he loves America, he didn’t create a cancel culture, try to dismantle the statues or fundamentally choose to change America, that was all done by Democrats. There isn’t anything that the Democrats like about their own country, so if the anarchist want to put them in they can do that, they can try at least, but these people are as anti-American as you can get. They hate the country and the citizens.
Everyone thought that in 2016 as well, everyone.