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© 2020 AFPTrump hopes for COVID-19 vaccine by end of year, 'maybe before'
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Toasted Heretic
How can he predict, again, with any certainty, that either the virus will go away or a vaccine will be found within a certain time frame?
Trump says a lot of stuff. Most of it is self-serving nonsense.
I hope for that too.
Does he have any basis behind that hope?
President Trump is an optimist. Negative pessimistic people dont get very far in life. Why shouldn't he hope and try for a cure before the end of the year?
David Varnes
I can hope for a billion yen to get dropped on my doorstep.
Doesn't mean I'm going to plan my financial future off of it.
Toasted Heretic
He predicted the virus would be gone by April.
How can anyone believe him? On anything?
Rick Bright has made some stark predictions from winter.
But I suppose some people prefer the optimistic angle, even if it has no basis in reality.
I hope Mr Bright is incorrect, but I tend to trust medical experts over proven purveyors of falsehoods.
David, do you think all he is doing is hoping? Get real.
I do not listen to him anymore as his statements are not based on science, research, or empirical data; they are just rantings of someone who is in way over his head.
What he should be doing is trying to unify the country which he could have done. Americans (I am one) certainly have issues but also have a large capacity for forgiveness in times of crisis.
I have issues with Bush but after 9/11 but he was able to rally even people that did not like him in the aftermath (the longer term is a different story). Trump has no such capacity.
The fact that he visited a factory in Pennsylvania without wearing a mask after people inside the White House tested positive for the virus showed selfishness and ignorance. Even Xi in China wore a mask when visiting factories.
I am not against Trump to the level of many people here but an objective view of things indicates the administration has lost any shred of credibility which it had.
"We're hoping to have a vaccine before the election." is what he's really saying.
Trump should be the first one in line for testing the vaccine!
René Pihlak
Trump does many hours of tweeting every day too, so, no, not just hoping.
Sounds like something out of Star Trek.
Beam me up, there is no intelligent life here I am afraid
David Varnes
I think he's honestly flummoxed and scared. For his entire adult life, Trump's been able to bamboozle, finagle, and schmooze his way out of everything that is an actual challenge to him. Even when he loses, he 'didn't lose,' because he can come up with some excuse.
This is his weak attempt to do that now. Because the virus doesn't care about his 'ratings' or his golf courses, or his reputation. The virus doesn't care about his bluster. He can't threaten to sue a virus. He can't threaten to withhold payment to a virus.
The virus doesn't care.
So now, Trump's faced with an opponent he can't buy off, bluster, bully, or threaten. And that scares the hell out of him. Because he knows he can't beat it.
So he's doing a true Hail Mary, pivoting to the circus sideshow and tossing up a prayer that the virus goes away quickly enough that he can bamboozle his followers once again.
Great to be an optimist, but as President he needs to talk with some degree of realism, and the opinion at the moment is that there is unlikely to be a vaccine before the end of the year.
It can't be bargained with.
It can't be reasoned with.
It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.
And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
Of course the president should continue to speak to the nation.
It's unfortunate, however, that Trump has never in his life had any credibility, and given the 125 - 18,000 (depending on perspective) lies he's told to date now has less than zero credibility.
He's a career conman who changes what he just said then denies he said it, even though it's been recorded. Then says he was being sarcastic. Or points to his latest squirrel to distract.
Making what he says even worse is his command of his dialect is so poor that he can be interpreted dozens of different ways. Unfit for office at any level.
"We are looking to get it by the end of the year if we can, maybe before,"
"We think we are going to have some very good results coming out very quickly,"
Maybe by the end of the year; maybe before; maybe after; maybe never; some very good results very quickly; some maybe not so bad results pretty soon; some OK results in a while; some results eventually.
All the usual Trump waffle with even less factual evidence to back it up. Trump has take the art of saying nothing of consequence to new heights - largely because he is a man of no consequence; an ignorant, self-serving buffoon who nevertheless was elevated to one of the most powerful positions on the planet and is catastrophically incapable of handling it.
I weep for the US.
I don't see it as sport. I don't see Trump and his faction of the global elite's ongoing attempts to undermine the principles the republic's based on to give greater authority to the executive as sport. I oppose authoritarianism and Trump and ilk's attempts to further impose their form of it on the US.
Trump said Obama should resign when two Americans died of Ebola.
Peter Neil
It's probably going to take a cocktail of several vaccines if possible at all.
A company in California claimed it is curable and they will have a cure in months. That is so laughable, since the company has burning cash for a decade and is desperate for money since they have only a couple of products on the market. But, the CEO is smart enough to know that if he tells Trump what he wants to hear, the company will get a few hundred million dollars next week and doesn't have to deliver a thing.
Hey President Trump! I can make a vaccine by September! Give me some money! I think you're a great leader, better than Julius Caesar! Call me! Send the money, and I may be able to make the vaccine by July 4th!
Your friend,
Peter Neil
@ peter ! You made my day! Your comment is
N. Knight
Trump's a moron
Hope is now a bad thing? Liberals ease up. Give peace a chance.
There are multiple vaccines in trials right now according to PBS-NOVA this week. One of them has a very short shelf-life if it isn't kept extremely cold - sub-100 degF cooled.
How effective any of the vaccines are for months or even a year is still unknown (not published).
There's a massive computer game online called "Folding At Home" where gamers try to create vaccines to fold into stable forms at different temperatures. Since these are simulations, they are just the initial seeds feed into testing.
There will be a vaccine this year, that is really not the question, but how effective it is, for how long and how safe it is for the world are harder questions. There will probably be 5 vaccines, so each will need to be evaluated. I'll wait until after the military is 100% vaccinated + 6 months (at least).
In short, while Trump isn't lying, the usefulness of these statements is pretty poor. He pontificates all the time without any facts. When there are facts, he'll screw those up so badly as to make it seem like a lie. He really shouldn't be allowed to manage a newspaper delivery route, much less have employees.
From what I've read, 18 months is about the quickest time for any early vaccine. That's breaking lots of existing rules.
Just until January 20th. After that, the US politicians need to get to work around preventing something like Trump happen ever again - both election AND in working with Congress. At least we stopped Bernie already. That is a WIN for the world too!
Well, I'm not sure Trump and his supporters would agree with that last statement. They know the only chance Trump has of turning around his failing re-election hopes is to somehow get the economy to recover from the smoking hole it is now - and as they have demonstrated by their "open up" terror campaign.
Here, take some hydroxychloroquine, or better yet, a Clorox/Drano tonic - it'll fix you right up....though you may die too...
They don't care if you get infected and die, they don't even care if their families members get sick and die. They only care about their Sainted Leader...
And they deny Trump-world is a cult...
Who died of the Spanish Flu this year?
Because it went away...
"We are looking to get it by the end of the year if we can, maybe before,"
"We think we are going to have some very good results coming out very quickly,"
"My administration is providing roughly $10 billion to support a medical research effort without parallel,"
"We are working together with many different countries, and again we have no ego," he said. "Whoever gets it, we think it is great, we are going to work with them and they're going to work with us. If we get it, we'll be working with them."
"Again, it is not solely vaccine based," he said. "Other things have never had a vaccine and they go away. So I don't want people to think this is all dependent on a vaccine, but a vaccine would be a tremendous thing."
I was never aware my B.S. detector could go off so many times in such a short article. And who has ever had to add this to a sentence, "and again we have no ego", that wasn't a snake? Pathetic.
What's even worse is that Joe Biden(he'll actually get my vote just to remove the moron) would return the U.S. to a sense of normalcy in politics. We really need that 3rd or 4th party option stat!
When a conservative says this, the irony is thicker than a gun, higher than a wall, and trustworthy as a Cheney unilateral attack war. And taken as a sarcastic lie. If they truly thought this, I'd be fine with them.
How quaint. And completely meaningless. But par for Trump supporter mentality.
When liberals say it, I think of a smoke filled room.
If liberals want to stay home and take a government check, that’s on them, but if people want to work in a very responsible and careful manner, let them.
Who still listens to Trump's pronouncements? Who still accepts the debased coinage of this counterfeit sovereign and the crack'd crown with no credibility? Trump sez,...blah, blah, blah...He's no Confucius, just confused and, unfortunately for the world, dazed by his own egregious mismanagement of the pandemic).
Again, Trump just says want he wants to be true, and then waits for other people (marks) to believe it. That's it. That's all he does. There's nothing else here based in any kind of reality.
Right, like taking weapons into a Subway, in protest. Smart, responsible conservative people, like that. It's definitely conservative tv for their children to view.
Peace is something you conservatives do get confused about, ubiquitously.
Raw Beer
That should give us some idea of the maturity level of their target audience.
...only if you are unhealthy. If you have a healthy immune system, the virus will simply
come and go.
False hope is and has always been.
The MAJORITY of the people didn’t do that and a lot of those people were liberals. Even liberals like guns in rural States, ask Harry Reid.
With liberals you can’t even watch can go online to get talking points.
If liberals truly believed in peace, they would respect the rights of people that want to work for a living an provide and put food on their tables for their families.
Yes, I don’t take or need government money, never have, never will.
After it killed an estimated 50 MILLION people across the world, yeah. About 3% of the world population at the time. Today that would mean 234 000 000 deaths across the world. That's what it takes for a pandemic to "go away".
They really weren't. Why would you say something as easily refutable as that? All those protests have been organized and funded by right-wing groups, why would any "liberal" be there?
They were because Wisconsin is not always a Red State and neither is Michigan.
Because liberal journalists want to bury that? Come on, go there and you’ll see it.
So that means, liberals or minorities or women are not allowed?
Because they’re human?
The universally respected Dr. Fauci said in January that there was no reason to fear this virus. He was wrong. He looked at new findings and corrected himself. That’s how science works. Trump used the hope. It doesn’t seem that everyone knows what that word means either.
Off yourself now, bro, and let the rest of us have your share of the oxygen.
If not for the stakes involved, I would find it amusing how he always says something big to get attention, then says something that immediately contradicts it and cancels it out.
So basically he isn’t promising anything at all. Got it.
NCIS Reruns
Trump, as usual, is pursuing his sole strategy, which is making sure he is constantly the center of attention. As shallow and lowbrow as it is, it seems to be working.
This statement makes no sense at all.
No, that means people carrying guns, holding Trump signs and wearing Trump hats are certainly not liberals.
Also, these protests have all been organized through right-wing groups on social media. Why would liberals be in those groups in the first place?
I think you're buying the right-wing media lie that those protests were grassroots and naturally occured. They really weren't natural at all. They were thought of and paid for by the right-wing and the alt-right.
I hope for that too. Does he have any basis behind that hope?
Yeah, we put men on the moon in 1969. It's possible we'll have a vaccine for the Wuhan virus in 2020.
That should give us some idea of the maturity level of their target audience.
Yeah, Star Trek fans are so immature. Especially compared to, say, Star Wars or Harry Potter fans.
Liars and con artists are also optimistic!
And inheriting 100 of millions of dollars from a slumlord father helps too!
Sure, why not? People are just worried that the president's disasterous handling of this situation will mean more loss of lives and livelihoods.
There is a reason that the president has been sued successfully for real estate deals and fake schools!
As with most liberal ones.
Many liberals are Trump supporters, many. Trust me, it’s not a crime.
No, I just refuse to listen to the left-wing media lies and one-sided spins.
....? That makes them republicans by definition.
So you choose to believe right-wing media lies and one-sided spins. Good for you then.
What? So that means, liberals supporting Sanders or Biden are by definition Socialists....huh....interesting...
So I’m supposed to instead believe left-wing media daily lies and one-sided spins?? Why on Earth would I ever do that? Lol
What are you even talking about now?
If many liberals are Trump supporters, and therefore on your side, why are you whining about liberals and the liberal media all day long?
if your an American you got a free check. check that box.
U.S. President Donald Trump Friday said he hoped a COVID-19 vaccine would be available by the end of the year, and announced he was appointing a former pharmaceutical executive to spearhead the effort.
Trump announced he would appoint Moncef Slaoui, the former head of GSK Vaccines, and four star army general Gustave Perna, to lead "Operation Warp Speed."
"My administration is providing roughly $10 billion to support a medical research effort without parallel," the president said, comparing the effort with the Manhattan Project during World War 2 that led to the development of nuclear weapons.
taking the lead and tackling this head on, just like in WW2 when faced with a fanatical enemy who would never surrender, he is assigning brilliant people to lead a project to defeat this thing. What do you suggest he do?
Send you more checks?
“Trump hopes for COVID-19 vaccine by end of year, 'maybe before'”
Yes, so do we all. (See how easy that is)
Toasted Heretic
Ironic after years of slating Obama's "hope".
So, let's be kind to the current PotUS.
Apart from all the lies, failed businesses, scams, intimidation of witnesses, of women and Scottish councillors... all those times he claimed that the virus was under control, was going away, would disappear miraculously, would be cured by various unproven and dangerous methods... the blaming of China, whilst ignoring the money that the US gave to the Wuhan lab, the closure of the NSC pandemic unit, the cutting of funding for public health programs, the muzzling of the CDC, the trashing of medical experts ... it's all down to hope and not incompetence and criminal behaviour?
You just said it, “the media.”
He tarnished the very word, sad.
Debunked so many times, but it has nothing to do with peace and way before he got into office.
So many of the experts got it wrong.
And rightfully so.
half-hearted jumper
Trump's on Dr Fauci has stated that we're at 12-18 months out from a vaccine. And that would be "at warp speed".
That's the thing tho': he's not "hoping". He's "campaigning".
Well... half of the truth. It "went away" because the population either developed immunity... or died. The cost of that was a bit shy of 700,000 deaths in the US, and 50 million world-wide. Surely we're not planning on that being "option A".
And that's just flat-out wrong. Disagree, that's fine... but not this.
Toasted Heretic
Please don't insult the memory of the participants who fought fascism in the second world war (the one you lot arrived late to after all that "America First" garbage).
Trump is not a wartime leader, he is a bigoted conman so out of his depth that he has the blood of 90 thousand Americans on his hands.
His ego is so fragile, that he won't confess to the inept handling of the pandemic, the dreaful inertia when faced with a serious problem that he was warned about. He even undermines his medical team, sends out mixed messages and cannot set a simple example by observing precautions.
It's his supporters who are fanatical. Chanting his name as America goes under.
Toasted Heretic
Not debunked.
Proved with evidence, links, citations,reports and video here on many, many occasions.
He is not an expert. He's a failed businessman who has spent decades ripping off people and bullying until he gets what he wants.
So, with that logic, we can blame the US for the 2009 outbreak which killed 12 thousand?
And of course, we can blame the US in part, then, for this pandemic, because the govt helped finance the Wuhan laboratory.
You say dont insult the memory of the participants then follow it up with saying we "arrived late due to American first garbage"? stay classy.
All over a President saying he hopes we have a vaccine for a worldwide pandemic? such a horrible, horrible statement to make?
Yes, so it makes no sense to talk generally about ‘liberals’.
Raw Beer
I would only consider vaccination if it has been demonstrated to be safer than becoming infected (for a healthy person).
Toasted Heretic
This is just gas lighting.
Every day here you confuse liberalism with socialism.
I find anti-vaccine types are often conspiracy theorists and find fault with the evidence of ‘bought and paid for’ scientists anyway.
I hope! And maybe! How can anyone listen to what this moron says.
To be fair, most of his own supporters don’t when it comes to serious matters like this virus. There were some who called health lines asking about injecting disinfectant, but thankfully medical professionals and the manufacturers of these products spoke out and helped to clear up Trump’s rancid brain fart.
He’s a decent troll and his supporters like that. You may as well talk to your cat for serious discussion on matters requiring knowledge.
Once again, the actual quote in the article is much more reasonable than then sensationalist headline says. But the Trump bashing must go on, and alas many low-info consumers never read beyond the headline.
Trump said: "It is not solely vaccine based. Other things have never had a vaccine and they go away. So I don't want people to think this is all dependent on a vaccine, but a vaccine would be a tremendous thing."
...which is reasonable, but of course not material for a bashing headline.
Like Democrats that think food will just miraculously appear on the table out of nowhere.
Which is common sense, but what’s even more disturbing is that people actually called in to verify Is ingesting these products is safe. Bizarre
Not at all, the man has an opinion as do the medical researches as to pertaining this virus and everyone is allowed to voice it.
So yes, I would love to see a vaccine someday soon and "hope" we get once by the end of the year or maybe before. I see nothing wrong with these comments from our President and fully support his efforts on behalf of all Americans and the world.
Good day.