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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump in hot water after suggestion that vets with PTSD are weak
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Trump's trademark technique of sweet-talking his audience by insulting some other group and then comparing his audience favorably to them backfires when he's confronted with a group that doesn't hate everyone else by default.
Black Sabbath
And Trump is such a tough guy.
Let's be honest here; Trump isn't fit to spit shine the shoes of the men and women of all backgrounds that serve and protect us in the military. Period.
Alistair Carnell
Draft-dodging chump has no room to talk.
What a dumb thing to say!!
In this case, I think it's just a bad choice of words. If he hadn't mentioned the part about being strong, the statement would have been ok:
“When you talk about the mental health problems — when people come back from war and combat, and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, you can handle it. But a lot of people can’t handle it,”
If this had been the statement, it would have been entirely reasonable.
So was it a bad choice of words, or the feeling that people with PTSD are weak? Hard to tell with Trump. Both are equally plausible.
Don't get too angry at him - why, he was recently awarded a purple heart!
Trump nails it again.
Trump was saying that saying that there are veterans who are able to adjust better than others, and those that struggle with PTSD need serious help...and even went on to call for more assistance with veterans’ mental health. Yes, the language may have been overly broad or simplistic but he clearly was not trying to belittle or condemn anyone.
“it’s one of the things that I think is least addressed” but also “one of the things that I hear the most about when I go around and talk to the veterans.”
“So we’re gonna have a very, very robust — very, very robust — level of performance having to do with mental health. We are losing so many great people that can be taken care of if they had proper care,” Trump continued. “You know, when you hear the 22 suicides a day — big part of your question — but when you hear the 22 suicides a day, that should never be. That should never be. So we’re gonna be addressing that very strongly, and the whole mental health issue is going to be a very important issue when I take over, and the VA is going to be fixed in so many ways, but that’s gonna be one of the ways we’re gonna help, and that’s in many respects going to be the No. 1 thing we have to do because I think it’s really been left behind.”
Gosh, I love these Trump apologists. Talk about a full-time job
I hope they're paying you.
One thing Trump is very good at...........Helping Hillary win the election!
Very laudable, Lizz. I'm sure patriotic Americans who pay federal taxes would be pleased to have their hard-earned contributions to the federal government allocated to such a worthy cause.
Trump says he doesn't drink, but he behaves as if he is permanently drunk. He has no attention span, no awareness of his surroundings, and most of all he just does not distinguish between fact and fiction. He says literally the first thing that comes into his head, or reacts to the last thing said to him, without a moment's thought. Luckily this is finally catching up with him, via the tax debacle, the fraudulent 'foundation', the fraudulent 'university', endless stream of racist and sexist remarks, and so on. This latest is just another example. Fear not, friends, we shall soon be rid of this clueless oaf.
Donald J. Trump, world famous motivational speaker on mental illness.
Simon Foston
LizzOCT. 04, 2016 - 09:04AM JST
Anyone running for office with half a brain would have left out that first bit and started with "...those that struggle with PTSD need serious help." The man just seems to have no idea what he's saying and how it's perceived.
So in Trump's world, pretty much anyone in the military is a coward and the true patriots are those who draft dodge, commit tax fraud, and get their wives to steal speeches? Sounds like a great America!
It really looks like Trump has just BS'ed his way through life and it is quite possible to do that if you are given a nice chunk of cash to start out with. Maybe that has given him some success in business, but in the long term such business people eventually lose because they treat too many others like sh*t. It sounds like he is already well on the way to losing any respect he had as a business person. He may also be regretting running at all because now he realizes that his shady past and dodgy business dealings are already catching up with him. The scrutiny on him is only going to increase and rightly so. It is impossible to think of a more unsuitable candidate for POTUS in the history of the United States.
How long was Trumps military service again?
Anyway, if you want to see how someone can't handle something, talk to Trump about the size of his hands.
Even if I give Trumph some reasonable doubt that it was a poor choice of words, he still comes across egotistical and arrogant A hole. His words could be responsible for more veterans suffering from PTSD deciding to take their lives because they don't measure up to the Donald.
Obama had a speech about PTSD that was inspirational and no way condescending to those suffering from PTSD. It was a call to veterans to seek treatment.
Trumph is just too tone deaf to lead the country. He needs to go back to his isolated golden throne where his way of life makes sense.
To quote John Oliver:
Donald J. Trump -- How is this still a thing?
He saves that for POWs and the parents of dead American Muslim soldiers.
The left wingers never have anything good to say about him so they just can`t be taken seriously. Another spin by the ALT left media.
Well, he never said "weak". But this MSM hit piece sure is. No one but Trump has made Veterans issues more important to their campaign. Keep up the BS lefties.
He suggested they were not strong and that they could not 'handle it'. Put together, I think it is fair to suggest that he meant 'weak'.
Considering how often Trump uses words, one would think he would be better at using them.
This is nothing compared to Clinton's suggestion that Julian Assange be droned.
Trump called for the summary execution of returned POW Bowe Bergdahl. Was that beneficial for his mental health?
If people would stop and think about what he actually said, he's just saying the obvious and wasn't critical of anyone who needed help.
But, congratulations to the Hillary PR machine.
After Benghazi, the absolutely disgraceful email affair, the scandalous Clinton Foundation conflict of interests, the State Depts mishandling of funds, the demonizing of the women Bill used and abused, etc etc etc, the Miss Universe fat thing didn't beat Trump, so they can use this to bash him and take attention off the fact that nobody goes to Hillary's rallies, and her criminal-like activities.
Probably Chelsea will leave her 10 million dollar pad, and fly by private jet and pretend to be outraged now, and stir up the people HIllary said lived in their mother's basement.
So many young people are just getting played by Hillary and the media, and don't realize it.
Most of them can't tell the difference between SNL and reality. (notice the airplay SNL gets on news sites now).
This is the most biased media coverage in history.
(even beats the time they were on Obama's side against HIllary)
The only difference?? Enough people are wising up and getting sick of the media. You can fool those who are still in college or just graduated recently and still brainwashed to believe everything CNN, MSNBC and SNL tells them, but those who have had time to think for themselves will still get out to vote.
Trump will win. Unless he's killed.
Hillary is in so much trouble that everyone else has to campaign for her.
Texas A&M Aggie
More from the juice box journalists in Mrs. Clinton's MSM Super Pac. For those of us who actually saw the event live on C-Span, it is clear that the ALT left U.S. media continues to operate as dog walkers for her. They took Mr. Trump’s words out of context in order to out right lie to the voters and military veterans. He is correct again that there are those who cannot cope when they return to the "world" after experiencing to horrors of armed conflict.
His point was the VA as it is currently run is a sham, and as president he plans to overhaul that agency. . . .
While I generally concur with the criticisms Trump gets for most of his outrageous or offensive statements, I dont really view this one as worthy of the same level of condemnation. When the full comment is read in the context it was given, it is apparent that he wasnt trying to belittle anyone.
Usually with his worst comments you can feel the contempt he is expressing for the object of the comment (like when he went after McCain), but in this case that is lacking. At worst its just a poor choice of words on his part.
I agree (and even posted so above).
One thing that I notice though, is that to the right, this kind of admittance that an attack is not justified is a weakness, and you never see them disagreeing with unjustified criticisms of Clinton. This is part of the problem with the right - they are way more concerned with being right, and winning every battle, than they are with getting the best outcome for the sake of the country.
Who knows how many ways his latest word salad can be understood. Arguably the most important job of a leader is to be a good communicator, something Trump clearly is not.
I have so many worries about a Trump presidency and primary among them is his saying - I know, maybe he didn't mean it, he was misunderstood, he's softened on the issue - that he wants to INCREASE THE MILITARY BUDGET.
If he could see the issue of combat related PTSD with any degree of clarity he'd see that combat related PTSD results from - sit down - combat. Why isn't he saying he'll do everything within his powers to reduce the size of the US military and that he will bring US troops home, actions which would reduce the likelihood of even more cases of PTSD and suicides related to it?
Does he really think the secondary level military schooling his daddy paid for qualifies him to lead the most frightening military the world has ever seen? Do his supporters actually trust him anywhere near the red button?
I think that is a bit of an oversimplification though, isn`t it? There are a lot of level headed people who identify as conservative who are perfectly capable of admitting flaws in their preferred candidate or recognizing that an attack on an opponent may be unjustified, etc.
Those are generally the type of conservatives who are repelled by Trump though, whose supporters generally seem to follow the pattern you describe (since Trump himself does). I would describe it as more of a Trump thing that a political right thing in general.
Where have these people been the past eight years?
Tex, any idea whose money he'd do that with? It certainly would not be his.
Well how did you think Trump would kill the families of terrorists? With Trump steaks? And I don't think 'suggestion' means what you think it means. Maybe you heard it in one of your videos?
“He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.” How 'bout them words?
Whew! Trump'll fix it. But before I sign off on any plan I'll need assurances that it will be the most best plan, the absolute most beautiful system I've ever seen, and it will be paid for by foreigners. Without that, Trump's offer is meaningless.
“And they see horror stories. They see events that you couldn’t see in a movie, nobody would believe it,” he added.
Journos drawing a long bow here vets with PTSD are weak DT didn't use the work "weak" and that's a pretty significant difference.
DT's statement & reasoning is pretty disjointed and incoherent, no need to extrapolate and sensationalize his comments.
Trump went so far as to propose a Russian cyberwar against the USA. That should be treason.
Lizz: "Trump was saying that saying that there are veterans who are able to adjust better than others, and those that struggle with PTSD need serious help"
Ever hear the expression, "Say what you mean"? Nope.... you guys are too busy making a career out of apologising for the inexcusable with your guy. There's no such thing as a "Trump Translator", so stop trying to excuse what he says and does and say it meant something else. He meant what he said -- or do you guys NOT like Trump because he "says it like it is" and is a "truth talker"?
Any military folks who vote for Trump are voting for two things, more stupid wars that are unwinnable and to be abandoned when you come back. That is for sure. Republicans spend defence money on planes that do not fly, you guys get screwed over cause after you have fought and been harmed you do not matter to them. Obama kept you out of wars and increased spending on vets, Bush put you into two stupid wars, one of his own choice, and let Walter Reed happen. Wise up uniforms, despite listening to Drugs Limbaugh everyday, you should be able to figure out who really cares about you. Check out this video by Biden to see who really cares. It is not Trump or republicans in general.
The man is a buffoon, pure and simple. Just what sort of person votes for a moron like this?
It's nice to have Trump's translators posting here to tell us what he meant to say. Your grasp of the finer nuances of utter babble is impressive.
Can we have the translation of what he meant to say about McCain being captured and tortured?
Thanks in advance.
He did not say those with PTSD are weak and it is true that some of the guys cant handle it. From the other comments he made before that he was "suggesting" that those people who cant handle it need help. Which can be provided by the Veterans Administrations if they would get their act together. Which I am sure President Trump will make happen.
Dre Hund
The goofy ways Trump puts sentences together is a sign of someone who han't had to think about the subjects before, let alone speak about them. He simply can't talk about anything sophisticated or complicated. One wonders about the long term planning of the republican party. What a Trump win I'll do for them. Not what Trump will do. Naturally, they'll pick the supreme court seat. I think a lot of republican offices are going to lose because of the party propping him up.
Fred Wallace
For all people that nitpick even the most ridiculous, this is the quote which in my opinion does not in anyway denigrate the veterans but tries highlight a huge problem as shown below
United States military veteran suicide[1][2] is an ongoing phenomenon regarding a reportedly high rate of suicide among U.S. military veterans, in comparison to the general public.[3] According to the most recent report published by the VA in 2016, which analyzed 55 million Veterans' records from 1979 to 2014, the current analysis indicates that an average of 20 Veterans a day die from suicide.
Elementary level politics aside, twenty people a day is scary!!
"He did not say those with PTSD are weak"
Another babble expert. Funny that these experts are all Trump supporters.
What is it about the GOP and candidates who struggle to produce coherent sentences? It's a good thing we have people with such exceptional skills to listen to people like Trump. Some even spotted the sarcasm in his Obama and IS quote. To laypeople it sounds like angry, uninformed and incoherent gibberish.
Heh, it kinda shows how insane Trump's fanboys are when they're hoping Julian Assange, enemy of the state and failed reality show host of all people, is going to save Dear Leader from his flame-out. We're talking about FOREIGN elements attempting to influence American elections with the support of Trump disciples. They are a disgrace.
Also, insulting those that have fought for their country is lower than low. Well done Mr Trump.
A vote for Trump is a vote for more stupid wars, massive debt. more welfare for the rich, less services for the other 99%, an economic collapse that will make the bush great recession look like nothing, 3rd world status of the USA and trump renaming the white house trump hotel. Also Putin may get a cabinet position. Vets will get screwed over.
It is amazing how the right wing types on JT twist themselves into knots to defend a sociopath loser. Someone who lies all the time and hates everyone who is not old, rich and white. They try but of course they fail to defend the Donald.
Trump.lost a billion dollars in one year. He is a loser. He is such a loser he will propel Clinton into the White House. Just like Bush, another huge loser, propelled the first black American into the White House. Thank you so much republicans for nominating your worst candidate. Really he is in all ways a reflection of his voters, the worst there is about the USA. A basket of deplorables as Clinton so rightly said.
It will take roughly (I said roughly, folks) 50m votes to be elected next month. I find it extremely disappointing, (Terrifying actually) that there are that many people ready to vote for this man's policies. 1/20/17 - "Madame President" ! GO HILLARY ! ! !
He just disqualified himself for president of the United States. Good bye, chump!
Seems to me he disqualified himself uncountable times before.
Those who do vote for the man's policies will have to deal with the consequences. It should be clear by now what the man stands for. Just a few things, all things that have been repeated in the media over and over again: He is a liar and a fraud. He does not believe in paying taxes, that is just a duty for the man in the street. He can't stand to be challenged, particularly by women. He talks about making America great again but so far has failed to present a clear outline on how to accomplish this. He will divide the nation, a nation of immigrants, by barring entry to people he despises, people he blames for the nation's ills while he himself is a perfect example of someone who is responsible for its ills: skirting duties of a citizen and spreading hate. Voting for this clown will surely seal your future and of your country.
Unpatriotic draft-dodging tax-evading liar. However, there are tens of millions ready to vote for him as commander-in chief. Mindboggling.
People here would rather vote for a woman who claimed she was shot at when she wasn't would make a better President? You'd rather a person shown by the FBI to be a liar and extremely careless and didn't know what a classified document was? That erased her servers and ....
and the list goes on, but is forgotten by young people with super short attention spans who just go to the lastest thing the media tries to put on Trump.
Hillary's like jiggling keys in front of a baby to get their attention off something else.
"To quote John Oliver:...."
And there's the problem. People get their political views from late night shows and SNL.
if I was a Trump supporter Id seriously have a huge migraine from all the excuses Id have to keep making in support of a guy who continually keeps saying shite that insults the exact people hes trying to get support from. I've got an idea lets just attack Clinton instead to try and divert some of the shite that keeps sticking to Trump. Hes like a blackhole for all things racist, insulting, chauvinistic, degrading, once its within his gravitational pull there is no escape
Fred Wallace
No fan boy here, simply an avid observer of the train wreck heading americas way. The revelation is coming!!
Hah! If Faux News went off the air for its criminal activity regarding sexual harassment the entire conservative world would collapse. It should be like a lobotomy for the right wing.
That is one of the key differences between liberals and conservatives. We think for ourselves and conservatives repeat what they are told by others. That is why it is easy to shoot them down, they basically follow a script. Exhibit A, Trump. He is a Faux New creation pure and simple. And now millions vote for a corrupt liar that wants to rip them off like he has all of customers and clients for decades. A con artist.
So you support Wikileaks attempts to influence the elections in the United States?
The Russians too ?
Crazy that in a country of 300+ million people, 1/6 of them decide who is president.
Scary. Don the Con could actually manage to con his way into that many votes.
"Hillary's like jiggling keys in front of a baby to get their attention off something else."
Watch one of Trump's rallies and comment on the mentality of his audience. Babies? It sounds more like someone took the swinging tyre out of the chimps' enclosure.
Wow, just... wow. Keep it coming Trump! You suck!
Testify! Amazing how many mentally disturbed 'muricans there are willing to support complete and utter destruction of our country.
Simon Foston
Fred WallaceOCT. 04, 2016 - 08:25PM JST
For Trump's sake it had better come before he heaps any more burning coals on his own head, i.e. very, very soon as it seems that just about every day brings a fresh, new, self-inflicted calamity.
Clinton info is like a drug to them and if Assange is the only pusher around then yes, they'll service the guy to get another fix if they have to. Just keep that sweet stuff pumping into their veins and watch their eyes roll back.
Again show me where he SAID that they were weak. He did not.
Is someone in this thread claiming that (I haven't looked back to see). The article only says he 'suggested' it, which, his wording did suggest it.
I saw what you did there. :-)
...and handicapped reporters, and opposing candidates enduring pneumonia.
"No matter how many divorces he's had, Trump always manages to find someone willing to marry him." There, I said something good about Trump so now you can take me seriously.
This is Trump! Of COURSE he never said "weak". His entire campaign has been stuffed full of innuendos and generalizations. Here's what he said while talking to a Retired American Warriors PAC, "and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people can’t handle it". Amazingly, he declared everyone in the meeting "strong" because they "can handle it". This leaves the obvious interpretation that those who could not "handle it" are not strong a.k.a. "weak".
Oh didn't you hear? Trump has explained that. He says it was a joke. So is Trump trying to become President of the U.S. or is he trying to become the opening act at the Comedy Club?
Fred Wallace
LOL are you kidding? I support the TRUTH!! Whether or not that affects the election is not my concern. The TRUTH must always prevail no matter the consequences!!
under the democrats. 22 us vets commit suicide everyday.
Clinton draft dodged as well. I guess a lot of people did back in the day.
So says a defender of the same people who demeaned John Kerry's service on the front lines in Vietnam. Those small boats were known among us Navy folks as some of the most dangerous duty at the time, and Kerry was awarded Silver and Bronze stars along with his Purple Hearts.
Again, these are the same people who demeaned John McCain's service for "getting captured," as well as a Gold Star family.
Can you find a Democrat who has done anything close to these atrocious things?
As a Trump supporter you'll have to excuse us for chortling at such a claim. What is it, a lie from Trump's mouth every 3 minutes and fifteen seconds as an overall ratio....
That foreign interests wish to influence a foreign election should be shocking and alarming to any patriot.
What they do when the drug supply runs out is my concern. That's no more than 35 days away....
Leave the veterans out of politics. Veterans are not tools of politicians.
Actually, the daily suicide rate of vets has sat pretty much at 20 to 20.5 since 2008 when Republican G.W. Bush was in office. I'm sure the increase to that level in 2008 had less to do with who was sitting in the White House and much more to do with how long the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had been dragging on.
Source: Page 23
True, but as far as I know Bill Clinton has never tried to divide veterans into "strong enough to resist PTSD" and "not strong enough". For all we know the people sitting in that meeting with Trump were administrative desk jockeys who never set foot in a war zone yet Trump declared them "strong".
Black Sabbath
Anyways, surprise! Republicans and conservatives will defend Trump even after this disgusting display by Don the Con.
No honor. No shame.
he never said this and veterans groups are not coming after him. bs as usual the clinton campaign has nothing on him and making stuff up. they lie about everything thats what they do best. americans know it and no matter how many paid propaganda post on this forum it will not change it. obviously this forum is full of shills
The guy you mean that threw his medals over the the fence of the White House and deserted his men? Are we talking about the same coward?
Ask Kerry what he did with that honor he got. Ask the men he served with what they think of Kerry.
McCain was a real hero. That much is true. He didn't throw his medals away or make a mockery of the US military.
When it comes to lies, Hillary has him beat by a mile.
I think it's equally shocking that Trump's words are distorted. Even the Sergeant that asked Trump the question about PTSD was angry that the media completely distorted his comments (why would he be surprised?) All of a sudden the anti-war liberals care so deeply about our veterans? Absolutely disgusting! Now because it's an election year, Dems are the saviors when they didn't care one iota of our elderly veterans or the VA hospital that has been for years neglected, even when Obama promised changes to the veterans affairs system. No shame, no honor libs, just the usual yapping.
Trump opened his pie hole and said something stupid. The media quoted him in full. Veterans groups were offended by Trump's words.
What does this have to do with 'liberals'?
That depends on who you ask, the majority of veterans weren't. It just infuriates me now that all of a sudden, the anti-war haters all of a sudden are so concerned about this issue as if they have always had compassion for them. libs sometimes are just sickening!
I have no idea of what you are referring to, but even if he did do what you said, that doesn't cancel out the fact that he served his country. Nothing would negate that, other than maybe treason. And if anyone has the right to make a political protest, it's someone who has put their country before their life - ie a veteran. Someone who has not taken that risk has very little right to criticize the political actions taken by said person. It's quite disgusting that you would even do so.
Whether or not the majority of veterans were or weren't has absolutely nothing to do with who you ask. It's entirely dependent upon one thing and one thing only - whether or not a majority of veterans were offended.
Once again you show that you don't realize that facts are not variable dependent upon opinion. Facts are facts, irrelevant of opinion.
So you're calling these veterans groups 'anti-war haters'?
Again, this has nothing to do with libs. Plenty of conservatives who were offended by Trump's comment as well.
Democratic president, but a Republican congress. And congress is the one who sets the environment for vets.
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 05, 2016 - 08:28AM JST
Donald Trump doesn't think so. "I like people who weren't captured." Isn't that what he said?
Remind us how Trump got that Purple Heart...? It gets quite interesting, actually - the man who gave it to him said afterwards it was a copy, not only did Trump produce his famous line:
"I always wanted to get a Purple Heart. This was much easier."
But also this:
That's not making a mockery of the U.S. military at all, is it?
Fred Wallace
LOL what?? Is that all you got @Strangerland?? The I guess the president is pretty much useless
Ahh, the good old 'curse the president no matter what he does' line of thought. He can either do something against congress through executive order, and have republicans screaming about loss of democracy, or leave congress to do their job, and have republicans screaming that he's useless.
You guys are all over the place.
Carefully re-read what you just typed, THINK about what you just typed, and then consider this... Someone who is "anti-war" - whether they be liberals or conservatives - is someone who cares deeply about the men and women who serve in our armed forces. Someone who is "pro-war" considers the men and women in our armed forces to be mere cannon fodder to be used to make a political point. So which one are you... "anti-war" or "pro-war"?
Not useless, but all the President can do is set POLICY. However, when it comes to funding programs, the President IS pretty much useless. The U.S. Congress is the one who is responsible for acting on that policy and funding the programs to make that policy happen. The governmental support our military veterans do (or do not) receive is determined by where Congress decides to allocate funds. The President - BY LAW - cannot fund a single thing with government money. The President could want 50% of the annual tax revenue coming in to be used for veteran's affairs, and nothing would happen unless Congress decides to do it.
This is basic elementary school U.S. Government-stuff people. It's what we teach the 8-year-olds in the elementary schools I work at.
Three veterans disagreeing with the premise, including the guy Trump was responding to ...