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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump insults more reporters; claims Acosta video wasn't altered
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Chip Star
More unhinged attacks on the press from Trump. It's clear little baby trump is upset at the Dems winning the House.
Soon, we'll have comservatives here throwing out the victim card on Trump's behalf with statements such as, "No other president had been treated this unfairly." They will literally be justifying the degradation of the First Amendment.
Good for Trump! He calls it like it is and he's not afraid to call a "spade" a spade. If the press doesn't like it, then that's their problem. Deal with it.
Haaa Nemui
Someone with the intelligence of a spade certainly knows a spade.
Chip Star
Nice. First, creepy porn lawyer. Now, creepy Acosta. That's quite mature and original.
Acosta wasn't mansplaining. You should research current slang more thoroughly before using it so you don't give away your country of origin so easily.
Chip Star
Why do you hate the Constitution?
If the shoe fits...
Acosta is a political hack masquerading as a reporter. You can have political differences, you have the right to ask questions, even loaded questions, I’ve done that, it you don’t have the right to be an antagonistic jerk, that’s why he’s in WH press limbo for the time being.
Chip Star
The shoe of lacking the intellectual trial capacity to meaningfully criticize does fit conservatives.
Everyone you disagree with is a political hack.
We have a poster doing this. ROFL! Har! Kuddos.
Highly doubtful. Oh my . . .
Nope. His credentials were revoked because Trump is butthurt about losing the House and hates the press. These actions are a direct assault on the First Amendment.
It took 16 years for Goldwater’s vision to be actualized by Reagan. It took only two years for Trump to turn the entire GOP into a nationalist cult. One wonders, though, when GOPers will realize that Trump has jumped the shark.
Yep...he's certainly giving his KKK and White Supremacist base all they are asking for...
And his supporters respond in kind...disgusting...
And this Impostor has defiled it since Day #1...
"I am omnipotent you must bow and genuflect in my presence..., just like I do before Putin...."
What a comment coming from a person who has shown zero respect for the position or office of the Presidency. LOL
David Varnes
Before anyone can treat the presidency with respect, the President himself needs to act in a respectable manner. People are always willing to cut a new guy some slack... but 2 years is more than enough.
Cadet Bonespurs has the respectability of a hoodlum from the South Bronx, except that he lacks courage, accountability, or any sense of morals.
Cue Nick Lowe's 'Cracking Up' for the real SlimE Shady
As Trump continues to unravel he reminds me of Bogart's Capt. Queeg in 'The Caine Mutiny'. Amusing picturing Trump's small hands clutching ball bearings.
Amusing until I realize Trump's the second most powerful man on the planet, a man commanding the world's largest military, a man carrying nuclear codes with him 24/7, a man who's asked about using nukes.
The birther who used racism to attack a president is saying we must respect the presidency..
and his brain warped supporters won't even see the hypocrisy.
Treat these tools the way they deserve to be treated. If you can’t see the disrespect in the question, then into the the tool box you go.
Question:. Phillip asked Trump whether he wanted Matt Whitaker, the newly-appointed acting attorney general, to rein in Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Answer:. "What a stupid question you asked," Trump replied. "What a stupid question and I watch you a lot and you ask a lot of stupid questions."
If a child talked like this we would scold them.
Alistair Carnell
A classic case of ‘Do as I say, not as I do’.
The media launched the attack on Trump relentlessly first so he retaliated. It's just one of him against a bunch of them. That's hardly fair. The media is the big bully. But anyways the irony is they hate him but that hatred was precisely what helped him won the election.
Insane Wayne
Gosh, you would think they would show how it was altered. Where are the before and after photos or the damaged pixels which show where something was changed.
Trump's the president, a servant of the US people, not a king. Trump and his GoTrumpers will be asking for lese majeste laws next.
Or maybe just expect Trump to do a Putin / Xi and have reporters they don't like dioxin-ated (sic) or disappeared.
Most of the press are narcissistic little babies. Trump is no angel but neither are they! CNN's Jim Acosta is a pundit that disguises himself as a reporter.
David Varnes
Except it has been shown, side by side, with the exact instances where things were sped up and then slowed down in other areas to keep the elapsed time of the clip identical. But please, let's toss out another one.
They are all idiots, the press know how to press Trump's buttons to get a headline and Trump falls for it and says stupid things.
Haaa Nemui
There is some truth to this but if he is asked a question it is in his own best interest and in the best interest of the public that he answer the question and not throw a tantrum. If he doesn't want to answer that's ok and he should simply say he is not going to answer, but it's not ok to be an insulting and arrogant jerk. He demands respect but he deserves none.
I'm no a fan of Acosta and he should have handed the microphone over when asked. He didn't assault anyone.
The young woman wasn't harmed in any way. That is clear from the video.
But when the POTUS says you are done, then you are done.
Here's the disconnect again. A Trump fan criticizing someone for being a selfish jerk. The psychology of it all is fascinating, ne?
Liberals are completely disconnected.
No, has nothing to do with being a fan, has everything to do with what the man is, there are a lot of reporters that think the same about him and are not sorry he’s gone, at least for the time being.
Trump again makes heros for the left (normal people). He should stop doing that, shouldn't he?
I don't care who the president is, if you are a White House reporter, you are expected to act like one.
You get handed the mic, you ask your question and you don't argue with the President. When he tells you that's enough, you shut up and hand the mic back. Acosta acted completely unprofessionally. Even if he did nothing to the intern trying to take the mic from him, he still does not belong in the White House press briefing room with behavior like that.
Trump has a bit of history with dodgy videos. He told his followers to check out a non-existent sex tape and also retweeted dodgy videos from UK racists who are now in jail. He is now openly lying about a video doctored by infowars, founded by his friend Alex Jones, and shared by a high ranking member of his staff.
But the real problem for his supporters is this news reporter asking a perfectly reasonable question.
This is complete and utter moral bankruptcy on the part of his supporters. Trump is corrosive to the character.
Well said and very true.
Trump is throwing back what they dish out to him......obviously they don't like it and are crying "foul".
Yet it's acceptable to criticize and demonize the President, but you can't criticize the press for their unfair, biased and vicious attacks on Trump and his policies.
The media (and the majority of JT posters here) never got over Hillary Clinton's humiliating defeat, which was a blow to the media's credibility as they predicted she would win overwhelmingly. As it turned out, they were wrong and that fact sticks in their craw. Instead of accepting Trump as President, they are demonizing him at every opportunity.
The press/newsmedia has been referred to as the "fourth branch of government". Problem is there are no checks and balances on them and nobody holds them accountable for irresponsible and biased reporting. Hence they are free to run amuck, attack anyone they disagree with or consider an enemy, and distort his statements, i.e., especially Trump and his policies.
Maybe he’s not.
No, it wasn’t the question, it was his conduct and the fact is, the President getting tired of Acosta, which he has the absolute constitutional right to shut down and he finally did. Good on him.
Actually, the press are the ones that are completely out of line and it doesn’t matter what the left say, or the cat calls they make, if the President wants to shut it down, he can shut it down.
It was wise to avoid my other examples of Trump’s behaviour with dodgy/non-existent videos. They are rancid trash.
Oh, he is lying about this video not being doctored. It clearly was.
Having the moral backbone to call the video out and Trump’s lies about it shows character.
We might see some today but clearly not from you.
Oh please, the main point is, Acosta overstepped his boundaries and is now thankfully gone.
Regardless of whether the video was sped up/'altered' and whether Acosta 'karate chopped' the intern or just slowly lowered his arm onto hers, he obviously made unwelcomed and easily avoidable physical contact. It's legally a battery so I don't see much point in parsing the video frame by frame. When someone reaches for their property (the microphone), you hand it back to them. It's really that simple.
But harm is not legally required. Even the softest touch can constitute assault/battery.
And again. Complete disconnet. Why would somoene use "behavior" to justify removal when Trump himself lives there? You know...because of his behavioral issues?
No one here is saying Trump didn't have the authority to do it, just that he looked petty and spiteful. And his outburst at Abby Phillip was disgraceful. There's nothing to respect about a grown man handling himself like that. Not in my world, at least.
Do you think Abby Phillip's question about whether Trump wants Matt Whitaker to rein in Mueller's investigation was "stupid"?
If so, it'll be hard to square that with what you and your cult leader have been howling for since early 2017: the AG to shut down the Mueller investigation.
I thought her question was entirely appropriate and entirely undeserving of being called stupid.
Oh yeah - clearly the video was manipulated. Did you see that bogus karate chop that nearly broke that young girls arm? Then there was Acosta screaming about how the girl sexually assaulted him by grabbing his arm a chest. What about the knife that Jim pulled on her and the attempt to slash the interns throat. Yes - that video was clearly doctored.
All I saw was an arrogant jerk talking head from a Left wing media organization being rude to the president of the United States, impeding the work of a young female intern while attempting to make the news about himself and behaving in the same clownish manner that he claims Trump engages in.
The mainstream media loves to dish out the insults, but can’t take it when Trump fires back. They created the hostile tone / atmosphere as soon as he announced his run for presidency. Reap what you sow.
The ‘but Trump acts like that’ excuse is getting old.
I don’t know about you, but I was taught to act like an adult no matter who I was speaking to. It’s a shame more people didn’t learn that lesson.
I don’t know it doesn’t matter, what matters is, is if Trump is comfortable with the AG that he has and with Jeff Session he wasn’t in there with the interim AG Whitaker he is.
No when is shutting the investigation down Thomas Rosa stain is still there, is she not? Give it a rest.
I didn't and that’s just we disagree on that
What the video unquestionably shows is that Acosta hit a woman who was simply doing her job.
Democrats, Hillary worshippers, and the usual biased media spokesmodels chose to ignore the MeToo movement, and continue to muddy the waters.
Alleged reporter Acosta chose to debate/harass/attack Trump at a WH press conference. Acosta already had his one, or two, questions. That's it. Now it's someone else's turn. But Acosta believes he's too important, and the rules do not apply to him. In order to prove his self-importance, Acosta then chose to hit a woman. And now he, and the usual suspects, will say anything to sidetrack any conversation about Acosta's videoed battery of a woman.
A despicable man.
Anyone with an eye and a brain can see that his people faked the video.
Chip Star
If you are the president, you are expected to act like it. You guys never bitch about Trump degrading the office but expect others to maintain decorum. Hilariously hypocritical.
Chip Star
Yet you guys love to use the "but X acted like that" excuse to defend Trump's repugnance.
Chip Star
Acosta was throwing back at Trump what Trump dishes out . . . obviously Trump didn't like it and cried "foul."
Conservative logic is like conservative honesty: non-existent.
@chip star
Please show me where I’ve made excuses for Trump. In fact, I believe I’ve said more than once I think he acts like a buffoon. But I don’t have to like Trump to call out an unprofessional reporter that doesn’t deserve his job.
But his behavior does not excuse someone else’s unprofessional behavior.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. If anyone wants to lower themselves to the same level, they deserve whatever happens to them.
Everybody knows Acosta is nothing but a showboat, yet the press corps defends him.
The media have been caught being untruthful about this president more than once, and no longer have any credibility. The term “fake news” is not false. It is accurate. If the information reported is not the truth, then it is false.
Journalists need to keep their feelings on the Opinion page – not the front page.
Yeah, but Acosta is out, so now he’s crying foul.
I think he handled himself better than I thought
If the guys a smart cookie, he should declare martial law. Then he could ban all media and even elections. Easy to do. War on terror or war on immigrants. Just one little signature.
Toasted Heretic
Sorry, what?
The investigation can and must continue and the reporters must dig ever deeper - that's their job.
Banning the press from the WH and using actual fakery to do so is disgusting and heralds the end of democracy (what little was left) in the US.
Thank goodness we have the media to expose and catalog Trump's countless lies. I especially enjoy it when they play 2 bits of video in which Trump says the exact opposite in the 2nd one of what he said in the 1st one! Keep 'em coming!
Chip Star
A lot of us are crying foul at Trump's constant attacks on the media. Conservatibes don't care about the Constitution or they would also be crying foul.
I'm not certain what this means because it's barely intelligible.
I agree, but they don’t have the right to be obnoxious and belligerent.
No, because he just got a timeout, not a permanent ban.
Funny, maybe if they wouldn’t attack and demonize everything he says or does he wouldn’t have to attack them, they care about the constitution, that’s why Acosta will be back soon, if he behaves himself and to put a finer point on that, when Obama was interrupted on the WH South Lawn by a Daily Caller reporter, I thought that was just as rude, doesn’t matter which President, if you are a jerk, you should get your pass taken temporary.
Toasted Heretic
You've clearly never been to a press conference, then.
Reporters have to get the quotes, the stories and (one hopes) the truth. This helps if you are a known face and have contacts and know how to work the room but if it's a free for all scrum and your subject is a notoriously bad-tempered liar, you have to give as good as you get.
There is still zero excuse, absolutely zero excuse, for the White House lying about what happened and using doctored footage.
Journalists are murdered throughout the world for doing their job, for getting too close to the truth and calling them "enemies of the people" and fabricating incidents like this contribute to the violence against them.
Chip Star
You know this because you're in contact with the WH?
Reporting on Trump's words and actions is not demonizing or attacking, it's reporting.
Yes, he is...
It was all about the question, and the President's childish reaction...
Dang straight - he can shut down freedom of the press, due process, birthright citizenship - he can shut down all our rights under the Constitution - then we can be more like Russia...
I understand the Cigarette Smoking Man was involved too...
And you can better believe Fox News is showing both sides - it's fair and balanced...
It's clear, he was attempting an armed invasion of the podium...
Yea, he always makes it about himself...uh, after further thought, strike that last statement....
A Trump supporter that recognizes rude, obnoxious and boorish behavior? I'm shocked, shocked....
Like on Jan 20th 2016...
Oh, more than you will know. But it doesn’t matter, you do have to have decorum and proper conduct, something Acosta know nothing about.
That’s your opinion, the intern wanted to retrieve the mic, Acosta in his rude self wouldn’t give it up, brushed her arm aside, got belligerent and he’s now in limbo and No amount of grandstanding by the left is going to change that, now if the President wants, he can allow him to have his pass back and come in, Acosta can’t make that happen, only Trump can.
Acosta wasn’t in any danger at all, more like an imbecile. No wonder his networks ratings are in the tank.
Did he get his credential pass back already??
That wasn’t reporting, that was a direct in your face challenge to the President and the man got ejected.
Andrew Crisp
Before any more anti Trump commenters post here you might want to watch this youtube video showing what really happened
Chip Star
You're the one making unsupported assertions that his ban is temporary.
It was a reporter doing his job.
Let me get this straight. It's completely acceptable for Trump to attack people and constantly act unpresidential, but it's not okay for anyone else to break decorum. This sure seems to be what conservatives are saying.
Chip Star
Another unsupported assertion that flies in the face of all the evidence.
Only Trump can break decorum. Got it. Very sophisticated.
Chip Star
A link to the guy that created the doctored video the WH pushed. A very credible source, if you engage in self-deception on a constant basis.
A simple question, is he banned or not? If so, then he needs to tone it down, this doesn’t happen to most reporters, the only other reporter that could be at times obnoxious in the past was Helen Thomas, other than that, most of these people are fine, even Anderson Cooper wouldn’t go that low.
No it wasn’t, I know how this game is played. All he had to do was ask a question and you could ask a loaded question that is equally OK, but you cannot get belligerent with the president of the United States and become combative and trying to challenge him, that’s what he lost and had he not done that he wouldn’t be in limbo right now.
I never said that, but if some of these people would back off, he wouldn’t be as combative and no matter what anyone says, he’s the President, he gets to decide who stays or who goes if they get out of control. If CNN doesn’t like it, they can always take this to court, that’s about the ONLY thing they can do at this point.
Sorry, but you don’t know the first thing about me, nothing.
Trump can tone it down a bit as well, but the man is not past Republican Presidents that allowed themselves to be human piñatas for the left, this President will always push back, that’s one reason why half of the country voted for him.
Readers, please stop bickering.
Jesus Christ what has happened to the Republican Party man? The comments left here by trump cultists are actually fascinating, and not in a good way. This is the best you can do Republicans? Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, orange moron. Great jump there
Chip Star
This is irrelevant to your assertion that Acosta's ban is temporary. Do you just not understand my question, or is it that you have no way to backup your assertion so you're obfuscating?
Sure you do.
So you agree that Trump breaking decorum is repugnant. Thanks.
You always say this, but seem to forget how much you talk about yourself in attempts to support your arguments with personal anecdotes.
A strengthened Senate and not that huge of a loss in the House, I call that very good
Chip Star
Looks like someone didn't know what they were talking about when they asserted Acosta's ban was temporary.
Interesting. I didn’t see him on the WH lawn, but his personal twitter feed is full whining.
"It wasn't doctored," the president said. "They gave a close-up view. That's not doctoring."
Exactly, exactly.
"Two late-night comics, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel, both said on their shows Thursday that Sanders should be fired for her action."
Yeah, it's no surprise those two think slowing down and highlighting something in a video is doctoring it.
"the press know how to press Trump's buttons to get a headline and Trump falls for it and says stupid things"
Heh, most of the time it's the exact opposite.
I have an idea, why doesn't Trump just shoot all of these reporters and just bring in the Fox sock puppets. I mean, in the end, this is what will probably happen sooner or later. And you know, the conservatives will CHEER this on, demanding their Dear Leader be "respected"--like they ever respected Obama.
Just a lot foresight of what is to come.
bass4funk: "Acosta is a political hack masquerading as a reporter. "
Ummm... this? coming from you, bass? Feel free to tell us what media outlet you work for, since you claim to be in the media. In any case, you're in no position to be calling people in the ACTUAL media "hacks", especially when you praise a man who stands behind doctored videos then claims the media who question him on the doctoring are "fake" and "rude" among worse name-calling. Your guy has become completely unhinged and is running scared.
Serrano: "Yeah, it's no surprise those two think slowing down and highlighting something in a video is doctoring it."
No surprise you got it completely wrong. They clearly said the WH doctored it by speeding it up to make it look more aggressive. Oops! But hey, don't take my word for it:
"A video expert had told The Associated Press that the video appeared doctored to speed up Acosta's arm movement and make his gesture more threatening"
Oh my!
I claim nothing and where I’m employed is irrelevant.
No, I can.
Well, he’s the President and he made it very clear he doesn’t want Acosta anywhere near him for the time being and who’s going to stop him? He has the power to do that and he did, so the only thing now is for Jim to behave himself, it doesn’t matter if the left doesn’t like it, the President calls the shots and he did and everyone including Acosta need to be patient until his timeout is over.
"What a stupid question you asked," Trump replied. "What a stupid question and I watch you a lot and you ask a lot of stupid questions."
Chip Star
Cold, unapologetic, undeniable. Brilliant.
But it's ok when Trump speaks like a child to people.
Long live his holiness, first of his name, Don the Con. May he rule over all forever.
It’s amazing how all Left wing media outlets are using the same phrase “doctored” in an attempt to defend Acosta who was caught accosting a young female intern. The video was in no way altered. What you see in the video is exactly what Acosta did. He initiated contact with the intern so he could continue to hog the mike and participate in a tit-for-tat argument with the president.
Trump loves being rude to biased media figures like Acosta. Conservatives who have put up with this crap for decades can’t get enough of it. Given that the media’s approval ratings are much lower than Trumps’, the blowback Acosta got for his rude behavior will always play well with the public. A very large segment of the general public loves to see the media get the same treatment they dish out to others they disagree with politically.
I don’t defend Trump’s clownish behavior because it is not befitting a president. But we know that already. What is new is the media’s willingness to play his game to their own detriment. Acosta was obviously instigating the conflict with Trump for the purposes of playing to CNNs predominantly Left wing viewership. Also Jim Acosta’s antics were a lot less about the news than about himself. He has become a minor celebrity on the Left and he knows it. He and CNN are making more money by being belligerent towards Trump. Journalism standards take a backseat to fame and fortune. The public are smart enough to see that.
"A video expert had told The Associated Press that the video appeared doctored to speed up Acosta's arm movement and make his gesture more threatening"
"Oh my!"
The "expert" is wrong. Oh my!
But why would you say that? You're speaking as if you are someone who won't stand for improper conduct. But as a Trump fan we've seen you not only support it, but cheer it on.
It's that disconnect that I was talking about before.
No he isn’t.
That’s right.
In Trump’s case it’s a little different, he say things that can be seen as odd, controversial, cold, rough, obnoxious, but that’s because as Americans we’ve heard the promises and sweet talk from every other President and in the end, they never keep their word until this President, I think that rough is exactly what we need to hear from this President. The same way a parent scolds their child if they do something wrong.
Acosta was that child that needed to be disciplined.
No disconnect. Just Explaining.
More “it’s fine when someone I like does it” blather.
Politicians and their supporters try to hide their real beliefs in order to get their views expressed through the dominant power of government. Robust free speech gives us a chance to find out what they really believe - and not what we think they believe. Going after someone on a personal level just because they have a different point of view is almost always unnecessary. The issues are bigger than each of us. This, by the way, gets to the reason why identity politics is so corrosive to society. It personalizes every political issue and makes compromise extremely difficult.
I’ve pushed the envelope here on occasion and have had my share of posts rejected. We are all human and at times get too caught up in things. Thankfully I haven’t been banned like some other media outlets do to conservatives.
In Trumps case you don’t have to wonder what he believes because he has no self- preservating political filter. Though I wish he was not impulsive the unintended benefit of his behavior has been the resulting exposure of the mainstream media. Jim Acosta is supposed to be a straight journalist. But instead of asking Trump a question to elicit an answer he asks questions loaded with his own opinions and suppositions - in this case his opposition to the presidents immigration policy. He then got his ego and emotions involved and tried to take over the press conference. Not only was he acting unprofessionally as a journalist but he then put his hand on an intern preventing her from doing her job. Not smart.
Why should POTUS deign to answer any question put forward by the press or anyone else for that matter?
POTUS is also entitled to an opinion on the question’s content too, is he not?
To answer or not and to give judgement is his prerogative also.
Why give in to hecklers?
President Trump answers a lot more truthfully than many politicians:past and present!
Chip Star
So improper conduct by Trump is okay, but nobody else. How consistent of you.
Chip Star
Bass: The evidence that Acosta's ban is temporary? You know, to support your assertion that it is.
You people get annoyed when we treat you wirh contempt, but then you say things that are only worthy of contempt.
How do you expect us to not point out your stupidity, when you clearly deny reality. This is something that has been proven in a frame by frame comparison. It’s not a grey area. But you people in your ridiculous dislplays of hyperpartisanship, rush to defend his holiness, first of his name, Don the Con, and expect us to be as stupid as you are to deny reality.
Grow up children. This is real. It’s not a game. Sick of contempt? Stop being contemptible.
Pure comedy here! THANKS. It is called a press conference, and this is the orange baboon's FIRST one, and in it, the "president" is supposed to answer questions, like why is the Russian mob financing you? Why did you have that golden shower when you KNEW the Russians were secretly videotaping you, and later on will blackmail you with it?" These kinds of dirty questions. Too surreal. I must be a cheap two-nickel matrix because we just NEVER had this kind of garbage with Obama, Clinton or Carter, you know.
Acosta started debating the President, wtf? He's not a journalist he's, an overgrown infant.
How? You had Kanye West in the white house
You, Mr. Clown, are the "president". It doesn't get any more disrespectful than that!
you don’t have the right to be an antagonistic jerk, that’s why he’s in WH press limbo for the time being
"you don’t have the right to be an antagonistic jerk, even if you do sit in the WH oval office", there fixed that for you
Why would anyone believe anything this worthless fascist scumbag says anymore - if they ever did? Trump is incapable of being truthful. Everyone should walk away from this jerk when he approaches. He's not even worth talking to!