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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump increasingly directing personal attacks against independent rival Robert F Kennedy Jr
By MEG KINNARD COLUMBIA, S.C.©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Trump needs to get some new material as his retreads are sounding one note and tired.
Imagine coming from a family with a patriarch who was a virulently racist NYC slumlord and whose progeny includes such stellar lights like Don Jr , Eric and Ivanka.
And calling the family of JFK and RFK a “a bunch of lunatics.”
There is a lot that is less than good in America, and Trump is aiming to destroy the good that is left.
Maybe Trump doesn't have a lock on the nutjob vote.
A few of these insults, Trump can speak from experience on. I imagine these two would get along well with one another.
On vote he should be worried about is the jury conviction vote
Has nothing to do with that, he’s just another political rival. If I ran against him, I would be a rival, so what do you do to your rival? You take them down as much as you can. Politics.
The issues don’t change that are effecting millions of Americans, so no need.
Most people don’t even dwell on that part, because people that lived in NY in those days know how bad it was.
In America you can do that, they do it to Trump all day, all day. Fair is fair now.
Quite the opposite, and this is why people are leaving the less good blue states and moving to red states to be happy, I did. Night and day difference. Freedom vs oppression, beef over vegan, gas over EV.
Trump has no class.
Heh, the right loved RFK when they thought he would take more votes away from Biden. There's a reason why suddenly they've switched to vitriol - the polls have started coming out.
Petty, petty man-child.
Good, the more the merrier. Go for it!
NCIS Reruns
"Personal attacks" pretty much describes Trump's political style. It's effective too, as it has most of the Republican party completely intimidated. To be denounced by Trump is basically a career killer. Look at ex-Congresspersons Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, to name two examples.
The Dems do the same thing as well, they hammer the crowd with intimidation and fear when it comes to certain issues, abortion is the one that Dems will mercilessly pound on, they will personally attack anyone that supports him, his policies or Republicans.
No one talks about these people. You don’t hear the left talking about Anthony Wiener or John Edward’s now these days do you? Politics is a dirty business.
Add another MAGA-flip to the ones on Ukraine aid and "killing babies" until the 15th week...
Trump was all for RFK Jr....until he wasn't...and it all boils down to MAGA-world loves the guy....
Obviously, they all virulently share his view that the COVID vaccine is poison and will kill and maim you - which is opposite Trump's view that "it's safe and it works"....
Then there's the crazy - the guy thinks half his brain has rotted away due to a worm infestation...which means he has about the same IQ level as the average MAGA-minion...
He has to be the leading VP candidate now that Noem has self-admitted to shooting her misbehaving dog...
Both politicians who were sunk by their sexual scandals...
If I were a Republican that would make me worried right now.
Nikki Haley may have to be his VP pick by virtue of the fact that she is consistently getting 20% of the primary vote, months after she dropped out. Trump can't be liking the idea of those votes not going to him, but also can't afford to let them go. He's going to have to suck it up and flip flop (again) on the Haley thing.
Politik Kills
A worm tried to eat his brain!!
I heard it died of starvation.
If that were the case Trump should have been panicking back in 2016
I don’t think he needs to go that far. As the election rolls on, a lot of these voters will decide if they want the nation to look like LA County or if they want it to look like Orange County. It’s just that simple.
Leftists propaganda..
Third parties do make a difference,ask Hilary about Jill Stein
It might just be time for a third party candidate to make a real impact on American politics. Hopefully not just by being a spoiler.
Maybe because among candidates for the POTUS only one seems to be compos mentis.
Trump-world is in a panic and denial...
Who do our MAGA-friends here agree with?
Trump when he says the vaccine is a "medical miracle, is safe, and frankly a lot of my supporters should take it"?
Or RFK Jr who says it is poison and "can make you sterile or kill you"?
It's pretty clear from the polls - MAGA-world is anti-vaccine and are switching their vote to the guy that isn't recommending they drink poison...
Kennedy's anti-vax conspiracies.
RFK Jr: How anti-vaccine misinformation has shaped his 'truth-teller' candidacy
If I were a Republican that would make me worried right now.
He was. That's why he paid hush money to Stormy Daniels.
Express sister
Where’s the Trump nickname for RFK? “Bobby Brain Worm” is right there!!
Heh, if you consumed media outside your far-right MAGA MSM bubble, you would know that Hope Hicks, Trump top aide, just testified under oath that Trump was panicking back in 2016.
RFK is an even bigger flip-flopper on abortion than Trump - who has himself flip-flopped more than all the sandals on Venice Beach.
I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with that.
Huh? What in the world are you ranting about? lol
Now with RFK that is a topic I wholeheartedly I agree with.
Bob Fosse
Maybe record a diss track.
This cannot happen with the current structure of the electoral system. A third party candidate will only ever be a spoiler.
Bob Fosse
Do you recommend they then leave those ‘red states’ to live to Japan? Or would that be unpatriotic?
lol ‘freedom vs oppression’ then dictate a lifestyle in the same sentence. What’s wrong with vegan or having a choice? Your hero musk would disagree with you about EV. Is he wrong?
Speaking of the Kennedys and lunacy, did Trump ever get to the bottom of his claim that lyin’ Ted’s father was in on the JFK assassination?
This news that RFK Jr is sucking votes from Trump wasn't the only bad news he had this week....
Stormy testified under oath that Trump said she "reminded him of his daughter" before they had their one-night stand...
MTG and 11 other Repubs gave him the finger and voted to knife Mike Johnson...
He has another spastic fit at a rally and says the US is inundated with "illegal ad-li-the-ins"....
We find out he had a $750 million payoff to Wiesselberg not to testify against him...
The IRS says he may owe up to $100 million in back taxes for illegal write-downs of his properties...
His leading VP contender admits to shooting her puppy for growling at her...
The judge in the Stormy case, who MAGA-world alleges is anti-Trump, scolds his lawyers for failing to make objections during her testimony - proving he's impartial and they're incompetent...
22% of Repub voters in Indiana reject Trump and vote for Nikki Haley in this week's Indiana Repub primary...
And Melania is still MIA from his trial...
Poor Donald...ROFL...
OK, so you agree with RFK Jr the COVID vaccine is poison....
So who will you be voting for - the guy that agrees with you that it will kill you?
Or the guy that went on Fox News and encouraged all his supporters to get vaccinated?
Reproductive rights?
Didn't know beef wasn't available in California and New York.
Yes, in court it turns out that was a literal fake-news story, made up by Trump, and published by the National Enquirer at Trump's demand.
Remember, back in that 2016 election when he was calling everything fake news? With context, we now know why he thought everything was fake news...
Not sure what you’re talking about.
Has nothing to do with Patriotism, it has to do with quality of life.
Nothing, but don’t force me to eat what I don’t want to tell me that it’s better for me, so if you want to eat plant-based foods, go ahead and knock yourself out, just don’t try to convince me otherwise. In Texas, we give people options, you do you.
Musk can have any opinion he wants, not my business.
This poll must be fake. It's not favorable to our Lord 'n' Savior Donald J. Trump.
Because it's a cult.
Crime, border?
The way the plant-based community is having their vegan meltdowns you just wouldn’t know.
I’m saying it’s not for me. Glad I didn’t take.
So is the Democrat party and no one is banning them either so….
Crime, border?
Trump stole the right to body self autonomy from half the country. Abortion won the election already, we're just twiddling our fingers until the people are able to have their voice. The people know the Republicans want to remove rights, while Biden wants to enshrine them.
Trump is the pathetic a hiding fear or irritation.
Bobby gravel voice inspires both for MAGA.
That wasn't the question...
Will you be voting for the guy that agrees with you that the vaccine is poison?
Or the guy that went on Fox News and encouraged all his supporters like you to take the poison?
In California everyone is forced to eat plant-based food. It's a fact. There is no meat to be had.
As they should. Republicans want to reinstate the Comstock Act and shut down the sale of abortion pills that account for almost two-thirds of abortions. We're talking early stage abortions here.
MAGA grandma's may be okay with that, but most women are not.
You do wonder who is a better choice for conspiracy theorists. RFK is notorious for his selective reading of data and Trump doesn’t bother reading at all.
I get the feeling RFK is more genuine in his crackpottery while Trump is more a pathological liar who will latch on to any nonsense if he thinks it will get him votes.
RFK has to be the choice for the more dedicated and principled conspiracy theorist
Who is the cult leader of the "Democrat" Party? You know, the person to whom loyalty is a must.
No one said that. Drama skills not working. Relax.
As they should.
I’m glad! That’s the only thing the Dems can run on. They can’t run on anything else so if you think that’s the issue what most Americans care about you’re doing Trump and us a yuuge favors
Question, what’s wrong with birth control or how about adoption? Libs want to kill babies, but they think murderers and child rapists shouldn’t be put to death because the death penalty is immoral…go figure. Lol
MAGA grandma’s are worried about crime, illegals and the collapse of our cities, Dems don’t care. Look at LA what a cesspool of degradation and crime it’s fallen into, druggies, thugs roam the streets and Soros backed DA’s refuse to prosecute criminals. Yeah, I think that’s more of an issue than abortion to most people.
Your President
Most politicians will do this.
Not necessarily, not at all….
MAGA-silence....I guess it's difficult for them to admit they're voting for a guy that tells them to poison themselves...maybe because that's a self-admission they're in a radical cult...
Trump is projecting his fears of losing. He knows RFK. Jr. will siphon the Q Anon types who are no longer convinced by the Trump lies.
Not so sure…
Yeah, Biden has some serious problems to worry about…
He lies. All. The. Time.
Not like normal people (or “the left”).
It’s well documented.
seeing the least amount of plant-based food around, not that many.
For you
You can do whatever you want guy.
If we go by that then what you are essentially saying is, we just can’t vote or trust anyone.
Uhhh, I vehemently disagree on that one. ROFL!!!!
Let’s according to whom? The MSM?? The ones that said there was a Russian collusion delusion and it fell flat on their faces like a rotten poached egg? Plastic, you try so, so very hard. Lol
Texas has more than two hundred vegan and vegetarian restaurants and another 1,500 that serve vegan and vegetarian options.
I think it definitely was without a doubt.
Maybe for you. Maybe they’re just tired of the Washington elite and one tenet of being a conservative is to question and at times be skeptical of big government and it’s refreshing that there is a conservative that is not part of the collective, so you will definitely have people gravitate towards an individual like that.