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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.Trump keeping 'open mind' on pulling out of climate accord
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Without the Paris accord the "estimated" average world temperatures go up 3.9 degrees. With it they go up an "estimated" 3.7 degrees. With the accord global wealth is substantially reduced leaveing millions more in poverty, sick, and suffering early deaths. It's a no brainer, Pull Out!
What Trump is saying, America, is that he doesn't care as much about you as he does about his business interests. Which should be no surprise to anyone. Welcome to the Kleptocracy, ladies and gentlemen.
Round and round and round he goes, where he'll stop... simple, just follow HIS money.
He said that??? Where is the quote? Funny, I couldn't find it....
"Trump told the New York Times in an interview that he thinks there is “some connectivity” between human activity and global warming, despite previously describing climate change as a hoax."
I think he described it as a hoax concocted by the Chinese.
Did the Trump supporters here know this one was also just off-the-cuff garbage to get his whoopers whooping? Again, I can't remember them posting anything to that effect.
Trump and his top advisors picks are super cringe-worthy.
like how High Chancellor Palpatine wins the galactic elections and becomes the Emperor.
a cabinet full of Alt. Rights ultra conservatives.
Only liberals can come up with Star Wars fantasy analogies. LOL Why am I NOT surprised?
Obama had a cabinet of ultra-left progressive socialists and fascists and a bunch of young kids that had zero idea as to how the world operates.
Trump told the New York Times in an interview that he thinks there is “some connectivity” between human activity and global warming, despite previously describing climate change as a hoax."
Pence has also said there’s no question that the activities that take place in this country and in countries around the world have some impact on the environment and some impact on climate but doesn't subscribe to a radical climate change agenda.
Trump is keeping closed mind on landmark international accord to fight climate change. USA has not committed any treaty for reducing the mass toxic fuel. It is largely symbolic for setting the particular time frame for reducing the hole of ozone layer. If Trump will open more coal power stations, it will be first step of raping the environment. During his primaries, he said neighbouring nations are raping US economy and living standard. He is also raping climate change and health care problems with his narrow minded policy.
Many well off Chinese Billionaires wanted to migrate to western nations because the grasses there are greener. They can make tons of money more than western nations. They do not want to die with lung cancer for inhaling polluted air due to rapid industrialization. China is greener for introducing with renewable energy and climate friendly policy.
Of course there are many job losses because of energy policy and climate control action. Being billionaire and getting POTUS job will be no longer enjoyable if the air is so polluted to breath in.
Global temperature has been already raised due to Trump won the primaries and election. Trump is populist and polluted.
Yes, Wolfpack, I agree that it is a poor accord that probably does little or nothing to ameliorate our predicament. Probably better to negotiate something better, eh? Where I don't agree is that there is some connection between doing something and getting poorer and sicker. Spurring on new clean technology and reducing wastage and garbage and pollution seems to be a winner even without its potential arrest of global warming. It will also help solve some of the other huge environmental problems of which climate change is just the poster child. As it is, our "getting richer" mostly involves paying more to clean up the mess caused by previous "growth". It's unconsciously and unconscionably stupid. "No brainer" seems to be stuck in some kind of early Industrial Revolution or Soviet model of progress where wealth is measured by blackened skies.
That means he's not going to do it. So far he won't:
build wall, mass deport, cancel ObamaCare, arrest and jail Clinton, and many other things. What is next? Trump voter suckers!
I am just waiting for him to grant millions greencard amnesty like Reagan did.
He's doing his bit for the Climate Accord by spouting less hot air. what's the bet he turns out to be pragmatic and sensible on loads of stuff he mouthed off about to get elected.
Good grief, no matter what Trump says or does, liberals just don't like it, lol, they should be happy that Trump is going to keep us in suspense on pulling out of the climate accord, that's definitely better than definitely pulling out, right?
By the way, did the writers of the climate accord consult Mother Nature on this?
Trump says I like the mandate about ObamaCare. BYE BYE freedom. If he turns out to be an orange Obama then things will stay their course.
Simon Foston
SerranoNOV. 23, 2016 - 12:55PM JST
I'm surprised conservatives like it. He could well be on course to do absolutely none of the things he said he would do. Oh, and apparently the Republican in Congress want to roll back legislation on paying time-and-a-half for overtime for anyone getting less than $47,000, e.g. a lot of people who voted for Donald Trump.
Yep. People are talking about how the GOP gained the support from a larger number of blue collar workers and how much it helped them in this election. If the GOP wants to keep them, they will have to explain how actions like you mentioned, plus eliminating the minimum wage, plus tax cuts for their bosses, plus a host of other things will be good for them.
The air in LA hasn't looked like the air in Beijing in decades. Mr. Trump is a businessman and he was elected because the USA taxpayers are tired of paying the bill for pollution created by India and China. It isn't a pleasant thought for future generations' environment, but it is one of reason he was elected. When the air is clear in Beijing without the government closing factories for the photo op, then maybe the USA taxpayers will buy into the climate control treaties.
He has taken every position on every issue. He was recently a Democrat, now he is a Republican. What we can be sure of is that he is a scam artist, a misogynist, a racist, a liar, and a thoroughly dishonest and immoral person.
Brian Wheway
“how much it will cost our companies,” he said, the cost to humanity is far greater in the long run! stop making cars that only do 4-5 MPG stats a start, you can insist that cars have to achieve 20-30 MPG to car manufacturers, It looks like he's the typical snake type politician, he's doing a U turn quicker then a car on black ice in winter.
So no wall, keep Obamacare, all wrong about the Clinton's (they're actually "good people"!) so no jail/special prosecutor and now Mr Trump has an open mind about climate change...
Is there any campaign promises left to walk back?
Couple this With Trump's cabinet now filled with elites from the swamp, defense contractors and the omnipresent Goldman Sachs - I'm wondering if Trump's Depolorables will turn their well-documented rage on their Fuhrer .....
....or whether the time-honored Denial tactics will kick in. Something will have to give.
I think you might be underestimating the faith true believers (Eric Hoffer) have and also Trump's skills in marketing to rubes.
Remember, a yuuuge percent of his base is made up of gun bangers whose primary concern is their warm gun happiness. And if the Don can push for legalization of fully automatic weapons, all else will be forgiven and forgotten.
It's a post-truth era plus there are squirrels galore waiting to be pointed to.
Donald 'Softening on his Stance' Trump! He'd say anything to make the sale (and obviously has done just that!). Credit to him for knowing that so many people in the US would believe his BS.
Toranpu san is beginning to change his mind about a lot of things.
It is very dangeous for Trump who is commander in chief keep flip flopping almost every minutes. In fact Trump has dillusion for fact and fiction. He can not judge properly for climate change is real or not! He can not predict whether he should follow Obama climate control policy or not. He showed his true color for not totally dumping Obamacare.
Trump is real fraud for not honoring his election promises. Coal industry is open minded about no longer trusting Trump sugar coated words.
"Trump is real fraud for not honoring his election promises"
Um, the man doesn't take office for another 2 months.
I think we should be happy every time Trump does something contrary to his election promises. His promises are exactly what I didn't want him to do.
Keep on flip flopping Trumpie! The more the better.
I have no problem with Trump moderating his positions.
No he doesn't, you are correct. However, very single rallying cry to the crazy crowds that they loved walked-back two months before he's inaugurated.
Surely even YouTube has videos about Trump's post election staggering U-turns? Serrano?
Climate change. President Obama. The wall (fence). Obamacare. Investigating Clinton. Prosecuting Clinton. Jailing Clinton. Disavowing the Alt-Right.....heh.
To be fair, if he wasn't appointing a team of old white male bigots and racists (and sundry Mad Dogs) most of us might be a tad more reassured. Ah well, at least we get to mercilessly criticize the Trump faithful for their gullibility for the foreseeable future....
"Trump is real fraud for not honoring his election promises"
"Um, the man doesn't take office for another 2 months."
So, he made ridiculous statements to get elected, is now doing screeching u-turns on these ridiculous statements as president elect, but will eventually implement the ridiculous statements he made as a candidate when he becomes president?
Have I got that right?
If your head hurts trying to work out the minds of the deplorables, that'snormal. I predict that listening to the Trump faithful worm their way around this surprising set of U-turns will be like listening to Doctor Emmet Brown explaining a time paradox the third day into a meth smoking binge.
The fools that believe in the "Trickle on" theory... oops I meant "Trickle down" theory.... actually no. The first one is accurate.
And I'm not liberal, just environmentally conscious. But every environmentally protective person is liberal in the conservative mind. Can't win with folks living in a right or left world. Stuck in competitive sports mentality... us vs. them instead of "what is good for both the present and FUTURE of the country"
Theodore Roosevelt had it right in starting the preservation of natural areas. Are ignorant "rightists" intent on getting rid of that wisdom? Not to satiate the lust of industry that can lead us to the point of extinction because we poison the very environment and habitat we live in?
Poison the air, poison the water, poison ourselves. Here's a very real example for the "no to climate accord" folks. Look at China. A glaring example of lax regulations on industrial production. The Yangtze river... plus there is some issues in some fishing locations in South America where the fisherman are afraid to eat their catch due to toxins from an industrial spill.... As well as the current problem for the past decade+ of mercury in our seafood due to ...oh my, industrial waste.
The worst thing humanity can do is make our water supply undrinkable. Fracking for oil/gas uses TONs of water making a certain large percent of that water unusable ever again in the forseeable future. People can live without food as long as we have drinkable water... And it seems like we don't even want that.
"Toranpu san is beginning to change his mind about a lot of things."
He's not going to change his mind about not starting WW3, which was a very real possibility had that warmonger Hillary Above The Law Clinton got into office.
So why doesn't the world's Leftist propose a real plan to "save" mother earth? The answer of course is that they have no desire to actually do anything to reduce their comfortable lifestyles. The Paris Accord is but a mechanism to achieve what they always want - to control the choices of the deplorable and force them to live the way they believe they should. They should come up with a real plan that shows that they are serious. They are not willing to so there is no reason to take them seriously.
So what's the alternative GOP plan? I know you have gotten used to 8 years of producing no votable legislation, but you have the the White House and Congress now. Please don't send them the message that it's OK to continue the same practice. You are Republican and they will listen to you more than me so I'm counting on you to stand up to your leaders and demand policy.
And for heaven's sake, don't vote against your own self interests just because you think it will tick off Democrats. We all lose and the politicians win. Be a man.