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© Thomson Reuters 2019Trump lashes out at Sweden after rapper A$AP Rocky charged
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© Thomson Reuters 2019
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Trump needs to shift out of the gear he uses when addressing uneducated people at rallies. These people are not whooping idiots.
Try a different gear if you have one.
Not many facts here-it’s strange that one would not be charged with assault if there had actually been one.
Haaa Nemui
This reminds me of China demanding Canada release the Huawei exec.
This shows up the double standard that Trump operates with. You would have thought that the president of the U.S.A. would be pissed with A$AP for causing trouble that gives his country a bad name. Does he really think the process of the law should be ignored to protect an American citizen?
JJ Jetplane
He was continuously stalked and heckled by some random guys. His bodyguards issued several warnings and the guys began throwing stuff. After that, the fight ensued.
Looking at the video of the event, it is highly unlikely that A$AP caused the trouble. Much more likely the Afghani made up the bottle story. And before you praise the Swedish justice system too much, inform yourself about the weirdness going on there. (Remember, Assange was also supposed to be jailed for made-up claims.)
He will be treated absolutely fair. He will get his day in court, then if sentenced get to do time in one of the best prison systems worldwide. For good behaviour, his sentence will be reduced to one third. For Trump the Retard to ask for something else is funny, as so Swedes have a very bad image of him, he's not even funny..
BTW, Justin Bieber is Canadian, just saying.
Trump's approval ratings with blacks is 13%.
It does look like A$AP's group were hassled. But do you know that video wasn't altered? This is the era of malicious deep fakes, after all.
Who 'praised' it? Why do those pushing political agendas (for whom?) need to use exaggerations to make their points. My experiences with Sweden say I'll trust them. People from states where 'justice' is rigged to keep the state in power shouldn't project.
Seems to me he is treated fairly in accordance with the law of the land. If a foreign celebrity did the same thing in the US, would Americans agree to release him just like this ? I didn't think so.
Well, let's see;
We have a "national emergency" on the southern border...
sK just fired on some Russian planes that invaded its airspace...
nK just launched more ballistic missiles...
Iran has captured a British tanker....
And the most important issue this President has to tackle is Sweden's arrest of a US rapper...
Mr President, there are children in cages at the border - torn away from their parents for months - what are you doing about that?
Oh yea, playing golf and tweeting about a fellow entertainer...
Trump - what an incompetent moron....
You have a lot of Obama voters that voted for Trump. Michigan is not a red State. But I agree, A lot of Obama and Hillary supporters are uneducated, they did vote for him and Hillary.
Kind of an oxymoron there...
Naw, be as loud and as bombastic as you can get.
With Hispanics 30% so that compensates for that.
I’m talking about the Swedish government not being whooping idiots.
There is a moron in the White House but I don’t see where the oxymoron is.
"We do so much for Sweden but it doesn’t seem to work the other way around. Sweden should focus on its real crime problem!#FreeRocky," Trump wrote.
I'm glad I read this before work starts today. Be Grinning All Day.
So Trumpy helps the Swedes so much (why would they be helping a leftist socialist country?)
And pray tell what actually is the magnanimous help given?
And focus on their crime problem says the leader of the nation with crime levels resembling lawless states - eg gun homicides.
This guy justs gets better with the laughs.
Being loud, bombastic and not understanding what words mean reinforces the image the majority have of the alt right.
Yep that darn racist causing all kind of problems trying to get a black man out of jail. What a racist.
Let's see, Donnie is underwater with Hispanics, with Blacks, and overall has just a 46% approval rating with a 53% sad....
But let's have some good news - here's someplace where his approval rating is over 50%....
According to figures gathered between February and May of this year, 53 percent of Russians said they were confident in Trump's presidency,
There Donnie, I'm sure that makes you and your "bro" Vlad feel better....
Maybe you should run for office over there - I mean, you'd fit right in with Putin's other corrupt, criminal oligarchs...
What, you think this somehow clears him of all his other racially discriminatory behavior? Is that what you're trying to claim, that because he's doing this, it justifies his other behavior, and therefore his other behavior is not a problem?
OK, Sweden, a law-abiding member of the Western community arrests a US citizen, and Trump goes on a Twitter rampage...
North Korea kidnaps Otto Warmbier, tortures him for 18 months, then releases him while he is on his deathbed, to die in the US....and Trump goes to visit his "bro" and buddy Kimmie the Killer and gives him a big backslap and a hug...
This is what we get when we have our foreign policy conducted by "an idiot and a __moron, with the understanding of a fifth grader."..
There is another video showing the guy that got beat harassing Rocky and his guys with them repeatedly trying to diffuse the situation.
The question is what started the actual physical confrontation. Without knowing how it started, you can't say that either party deserved it.
Why is the president involved with this in the first place?!
What a moron!
Besides, isn't it hard to believe that a rapper is a victim of injustice in a country like Sweden? A$AP Rocky is probably responsible for what happened.
The first video released was him beating the guy up. ASAP released the video of the guys harassing them about headphones. We have no idea of what happened before the harassing video and in between. I do know though that in the U.S., he wouldn't be getting 2 years for assault but probably would settle for millions out of court. As a celebrity, he should have been smarter and let the hired bodyguard do his job.
Every good thing Trump does liberals just bring up something “bad” he did claiming it negates the good thing. It doesn’t. Each thing is judged on its own merits.
Haaa Nemui
Quite the contrast to "but liberals!!"
Got elected with 8%.
Yep, more Russians voted for Trump than African-Americans....
There aren't any good things....if he wants to do one good thing, he can resign...
That sounds like Stormy...
Oh Russians voted now? More ridiculous every day.
Toasted Heretic
Trump tells Americans to respect the US and its laws.
But seems to have a problem when an American doesn't respect other countries and their laws.
They did in 2011 as well.
Anyway, let’s see if Trump can get this kid out. Sweden is a nice country. Food not that great, but everything else, quite interesting.
Only in the weird world of CNN. I find it amazing that there is segment of the population that gobbles up the globalist propaganda, but there goes... it is Scott Adam's movie theater with split screen.
Toasted Heretic
You've previously said there was never any Russian influence in the US. What's with the backtracking?
Bwaaa haaa haaa haaa haaa. I love you, man. You are such a talented purveyor of nonsense.
No, I said, the liberals didn’t look under the carpet of their house.
Toasted Heretic
I don't know anything about housekeeping for liberals. Is it a thing?
Since they can’t pass any legislation, they can keep the chambers tidy.
Toasted Heretic
Good luck to rocky, who may or may not respect another country's laws but hey, it's all good publicity for the man in the White House.
This is why you don’t get in trouble when you’re abroad. Chris Steele.....
But again, lets see what this President can do.
All liberals care about unfairness to “people of color”.
But let Trump try to help one, they want him to stay locked up, fairness out the window.
Trump stays out of it, he’s an idiot, he does something to help....he’s an idiot. It’s safe to say, liberals don’t know what they want, therefore it would be very unwise to allow them to govern, too indecisive.
How was it racist?
Not if they want to keep the alliance we have.
Let guess, the Democrats know how to do their job?
That got us nowhere, we needed a a loud disruptive bombastic leader. I’m stoked. People are really tired of these career politicians. Trump definitely broke that mold and if people get angry then that means he’s doing a good job.
Unfairness as in systemic racism, not just help someone out of jail because he/she is a celebrity that happens to be "of color". Trump should respect the legal system of other countries.
Only in the weird world of Fox. I find it amazing that there is segment of the population that gobbles up the Kremlin's propaganda...
He's not trying to help a brother, he's trying to distract from Mueller showing he obstructed justice and lied...
BINGO! Someone has just had a flash of truth...
Disruptive? Well, his immorality has certainly disrupted his three marriages....
So now we have a bombastic leader who, according to those that work closely with him, is an "idiot, a _____moron, and has the understanding of a fifth grader"...
Sure, that's just what we need (says Putin)....
Oh, you haven't seen the new polls since the "send her back" incident. Trump is around 23% with Hispanics now.
But hey, 23% and 13%, that's pretty good for a non-racist guy. Maybe the African-American community is outraged at his stance on Iran.
To me it’s racist it I have to look at someone’s skin color then make a decision on their comment or actions. That’s what actual racists used to do.
So I don’t consider skin color, just the content of their character or the rigor of their argument or convictions.
We are to the point where any identity politics groups is exempt from criticism or scrutiny under “but racist!” I will never support that lack of honest evaluation of the issue or comment at hand.
Why do all liberals leave out the part where he continued to say ...and come back to show us how it’s done. if they are so great, go prove their ideas fix problems then come back and teach us.
Actual racists say leave “and don’t come back!”
Is it racist to tell your employees to refuse service to all black people?
They can’t ‘go back ‘; they’re already there. Again, ‘patriotic’ Americans telling us America is a totally broken and crime infested place.
No wonder they’re so vocal - they must hate being in their skins.
Interfering in the due legal process of a sovereign state and ally is a good thing? Suggesting Sweden doesn’t have a fair and reliable justice system, at the same time the US is rolling out federal executions, is a good thing?
Invalid CSRF
In 2019 yes. But you wouldn’t then be trying to disingenuously apply today’s standard to something in the past would you?
you still have confirmed blackface wearing racists in the Dem party in Virginia in 2019, let’s start there before we jump in your time machine to travel back in time.
A dumb idea or a bad policy by a “person of color” is still a dumb idea or a bad policy. It would be racist of me to judge their idea or policy any differently just because of the color of their skin. To judge on merit is the least racist thing you can do.
Rashida Tlaib demanded the deportation of Trump in 2015. Tlaib must be resorting to those "most reliable tactics in the racist playbook" you're talking about. Tlaib attacks Trump, Trump counter-punches, and the usual suspects, once again, demonstrate how deeply they are affected by TDS, and their "resist" movement.
And yet your team did that to Obama for eight years.
Yes yes, we know you dent it. Don’t waste the electricity to post. I accept that you deny my claim ever happened and that you guys obstructed literally every single thing he did on policy and not race. I accept you guys would like to frame it that way. But the rest of us saw it happen. And racism is kind of like love. Sometimes a little hard to define in words, but unmistakable when you see it with your eyes.
Oh, so please tell us, what was the reaction at the time to his actions? Have you checked? I wonder if a quick fact check would give us some indication of how society felt about his actions at the time...
Sorry, what? Today's standard? Trump was sued and lost based on the laws and standards of the time, which still exist today. It was called discrimination then and it's called discrimination now.
You are defending racist for being racist. Horrible.