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Trump looks to reassert himself after impeachment acquittal


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Trump is preparing for the next phase of his post-presidency life.

When he'll continue to get his Magastanian followers to contribute more money hoping their Trump can build an even stronger thugocracy, one where even more of the Qanon, Proud Boys, alt right militias of all sorts join forces to further attack the republic.

7 ( +19 / -12 )

Forget about Trump. America has to go on.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

We’re a big tent.”

Once again the 'big tent' meme. The R's are fully aware their country club/banker base is not large enough to win the White House in a fair election. They know for them to do so requires accepting Qanon, the Proud Boys and the dozens of other violent far right, white nationalist groups into their 'tent'.

The R's know their Trump is the hero of the extreme right. For decades the R's have had a platform based primarily on maintaining the wealth of the wealthiest and ensuring their 'demographic' limits the roles of 'the others'.

The R's continue to show they care first and foremost about themselves, little about the republic and the majority of US citizens.

10 ( +19 / -9 )

Republicans ought to weed out the deep state, swamp dwelling, disloyal, Chinese money taking, traitors in thier midst.

2024 must go to Trump so that the working class can enjoy record employment as they did until Covid hit.

-15 ( +11 / -26 )

Let’s be clear: there is no “Deep State” except in the addled minds of Trump’s cultist base.

And it is a cult, not a political party. This last cycle, they didn’t even have a platform beyond supporting trump. That is THE definition of a cult.

13 ( +24 / -11 )

Republicans ought to weed out the deep state, swamp dwelling, disloyal, Chinese money taking, traitors in thier midst.

LOL! You really think there’ll be anyone left? Not even your beloved Trump himself.

10 ( +20 / -10 )

The picture accompanying the headline really does sum it up nicely.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

Why so many are afraid of Trump? why he is still in the news as hot item? Why so many are shooting at him?? ha ha ha..

The dogs will bark... that is what dogs can do ... let the dogs to bark until it get tired..

Trump is so powerful and the fakes are afraid of him..

But TRUMP will be coming back with full force..

He will change this banana republic to a real one..

So that USA can stand against CHINA.

-7 ( +12 / -19 )

Were the lawyers celebrating because of a job well done ? Goofy could’ve represented Trump & still get a not guilty verdict

19 ( +22 / -3 )

Who's really degenerating the dialog, Trump... or the graffiti artists?

I’m going with the guy who incited a mob to commit insurrection against a legally elected co-equal branch of government.

Just off the top of my head, I’d say that’s who is “degenerating the dialogue.”

12 ( +19 / -7 )

efforts by Trump to support extreme candidates in next year's congressional primaries.

Let's hope so!

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Make America great again

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

The media will continue to disparage the 75 million Americans who don’t support leftism but that will backfire. Trump is a symptom not the cause.

-5 ( +11 / -16 )

Trump's acquittal smells eerily similar to when O.J. Simpson was. I can guarantee that Trump will not get away from the numerous suits being brought forward against him. The Georgia lawsuit of extortion is one that seems to have real legs because there is insurmountable proof of his liability in that case. He will go to jail in the end for something, just like O.J.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

I think it bears highlighting that the majority voted guilty and he lost the election by a very wide margin. There will be no more from him.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Who's really degenerating the dialog, Trump... or the graffiti artists?

One whipped up a crowd until they stormed the Capitol as a mob, resulting in multiple deaths.

The other sprayed some paint.

I think I know who is the degenerate.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

The lame Mar-a-Lago duck will never fly again. His impeached goose is cooked for good as he faces a lifetime of litigation for his high crimes and misdemeanors. And let's not forget his most heinous legacy: the 600,000+ who will not have gone away "like a miracle" by the summer.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Once again the 'big tent' meme. The R's are fully aware their country club/banker base is not large enough to win the White House in a fair election. They know for them to do so requires accepting Qanon, the Proud Boys and the dozens of other violent far right, white nationalist groups into their 'tent'.

But when they reach out to the extreme right, they also lose moderates. Trump will have lost millions of moderate votes since November. Not every Republican voter is a QAnon nutjob.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Mitch McConnell, Outmaneuvered Nancy and the Dems. by delaying the vote till Trump left office . It was a classic brilliant maneuver, the best this century.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

I think Trump's acquittal was of course shameful and cowardly, but I strongly disagree with the person or people who wrote this "Traitor" graffiti on Michael van der Veen driveway. As a principle, absolutely everyone deserves to have a lawyer, serial killers and nazis included. The right to a fair trial is one of the cornerstones of a democracy.

This graffiti should very much be in Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Lindsey Graham or of course Trump's driveway, but not this hapless lawyer. (Giuliani, on the other hand, deserves it very much)

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Sen. Lindsey Graham, who spoke with Trump on Saturday night, acknowledged that Trump is “mad at some folks,” but also “ready to move on and rebuild the Republican Party” and “excited about 2022."

Excuse me Graham, did you mean Trump vowed to rebuild the GOP or continue to dismantle it?

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Mitch McConnell, Outmaneuvered Nancy and the Dems. by delaying the vote till Trump left office . It was a classic brilliant maneuver, the best this century.

Yeah, the old Kentucky curmudgeon can play the Dems like a violin. They got bitten again because they just can't stop petting the snake. Still, as the arch-priest of hypocrisy, Mitch has assured his place in history as America's "Pontius Pilate".

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I don't think Trump needed to be impeached, but Republicans need to move on from him.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Excuse me Graham, did you mean Trump vowed to rebuild the GOP or continue to dismantle it?

Graham, like McConnell, Cruz and so many other shape shifting politicians has wet fingers in the air constantly checking constituent's moods. They'll bend and distort to keep their base. Like so many other pols, they have no life outside politics. For years they have been caught on video flip-flopping and lying. They are mini-mes of their Trump, the most dishonest, unethical politician in US history. Vote them out.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

"The lame Mar-a-Lago duck will never fly again. His impeached goose is cooked for good as he faces a lifetime of litigation for his high crimes and misdemeanors. And let's not forget his most heinous legacy: the 600,000+ who will not have gone away "like a miracle" by the summer."

I agree the most likely scenario is he fades into obscurity politically, but continues to fight in court for years.

A less likely possibilty is he continues to be some kind of political force, but splits the Republican party. That would be best because they deserve it for their cowardice and idiocy.

Very unlikely is that he rises again to any kind of position of power. He will certainly never be re elected IMO.

Why was he not re elected? One reason - he denied the pandemic was real because he thought it would hurt the economy and his re election chances. When it became clear to the whole world that we had big problem, instead of reversing course like others, he doubled down over and over again. Looking at the voting numbers, he was set to win if it had not been for the pandemic. In the end, it took one scourge to rid us of another.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

One thing all this business has proven is that "Divide and Rule" still works perfectly with large groups of Humans.

The big question for me is - who has profited most from all this? Follow that trail and you will find the people responsible for Trump's rise.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

So you are encouraging the Left to go after Republicans? 

Wait a second, are you implying someone's words have the power to encourage people to take action and go after another groupe of people??? Because you just said Trump was innocent, so that doesn't make sense.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Azabu: The media will continue to disparage the 75 million Americans who don’t support leftism but that will backfire. 

How would they know? A vast majority of conservatives get their news from Fox News and Fox News only. And it's not like the crazy Right like Newsmax or OANN are going to give a fair and balance view of the "liberal media." They only things Trump fans know about other media is what their own media tells them, not personal experience.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

The media will continue to disparage the 75 million Americans who don’t support leftism

The media will continue to show how said 75 millions prove themselves to be deplorables no doubt.

That said, after Trump's complete and utter failure of the past few months, the idea that the same number of Americans support him after he started an insurrection as before, is ridiculous. Look at Mitch McConnell as an example.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Trump is so powerful and the fakes are afraid of him..

Not particularly afraid of him. Just upset at the cultists celebrating the attack on the Capitol and the death of the cop. You know, the same people who claim they are the party of law and order. The same who claim blue lives matter.

Now, who's going to march to Mar a Lago and fight like hell, etc? Freedom of speech, Lol.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Seriously, though. What some forget, is thanks with freedom of speech, comes responsibility.

This is why 45 is poison. Never took responsibility, never apologized, and as always, people died.

That is why he is a losing, one term crooked bigot who cares more go publicity than the American people.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

That, not thanks

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Wow......repubs for the most part are something else.

Going forward I think this will become one of two things:

Hilariously stupid


Downright frightening!!!

Hope for the former, but may very well be the latter, the EXCITED States of America is in a real bad place, fingers crossed they come out of lunacy that we have witnessed since trump came on the scene!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Just look at the Trump supporters here celebrate - confirming to all what everyone already knows - MAGAworld is just the 21st century version of Jim Jones cult...

The trial showed the MAGA hoards in all their glory - assaulting police officers, destroying property, acting like a bunch of roving violent maniacs - all professing they were following the orders of their Sainted Leader...

The fact that Trump was tweeting "Mike Pence lacks courage" at the same time he and his family are running from the mob, and then the mob shouting "hang him" - has showed a majority of Republicans what you get for your loyalty to The Donald...

Trump is toast. A clear majority of the American people view him as a failure whose incompetence contributed to over 450K COVID deaths and an insurrectionist who incited an attack on our Capitol - something ISIS and Al Qaeda only dream about...

The 25% of the public still enraptured will continue to give him the adoration his insecurity craves - and send him money from their depleted bank accounts - which he'll use to pay his personal debts to Russian oligarchs and his lawyers at his upcoming tax/insurance fraud trial and Georgia phone call to illegally influence an election trial...and who knows how many more...

7 ( +9 / -2 )

The 25% of the public still enraptured will continue to give him the adoration his insecurity craves - and send him money from their depleted bank accounts - which he'll use to pay his personal debts to Russian oligarchs and his lawyers at his upcoming tax/insurance fraud trial and Georgia phone call to illegally influence an election trial...and who knows how many more...

Good. Hopefully they bankrupt themselves supporting their Dear Loser... I mean Leader.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

> Just look at the Trump supporters here celebrate - confirming to all what everyone already knows - MAGAworld is just the 21st century version of Jim Jones cult...

More like Maggots, feasting on the corpse of democracy and decency.

People deserve better than this banana republic. As do all who live in developing countries and rogue nations.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

So a leader who tried to overthrow democracy is still a darling for some people.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, who spoke with Trump on Saturday night, acknowledged that Trump is “mad at some folks,” but also “ready to move on and rebuild the Republican Party” and “excited about 2022."

If donald in prison is exciting for you, then great!!!

There's a good chance Lady Lindsey might join him there!!!

3 ( +8 / -5 )

McConnell on Impeachment: “Disgraceful Dereliction” Cannot Lead Senate to “Defy Our Own Constitutional Guardrails”


McConnell only political focus is the further of the Republican party.

Donald Trump future as any resurgent political force, in fact legacy, will be forever ingrained, intertwined from his refusal to gracefully accept the Biden/Harris ticket campaign successfully gained and won the confidence of the American people.

On Jan 6th, Donald Trump failure to stand down and desist, constituted a grave dereliction of duty.

Time to move on, there is a pandemic to deal with, plus a global economic crisis unfolding

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

ROFL, with all the evidence , donald's idiots were crying foul at a verified check against a recreated tweet.

Recreated because donald's been kicked out of twitter.

The real reason donald committed all those crimes, trying to force elected officials to overturn elections results, forcing them to find fraudulent votes, inciting insurrection, is because he is afraid of the prosecutions that are coming his way. All his crimes, crooked deals, frauds are getting exposed, because he brought the spotlight on himself.

Karma sure is a witch.......

7 ( +9 / -2 )

57 out of 100 Senators, 7 of them from his own party, voted that he is guilty of fomenting a violent overthrow of the government he swore an oath to defend and protect. That is a damning footnote in the history books, not that he cares.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

There's a good chance Lady Lindsey might join him there!!!

Can't stand the flip-flopping hypocrite but why call him Lady?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Isn't it hard to believe that Trump might run for president again after the treason he's committed? All thanks to the spineless republican senators who have their heads buried in the sand. This ain't your grandparents' republican party . . . that's for sure.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

All the negativity, but as defiant as the Democrats in their hatred for this man, his defiance is equally matched as there’s to pushback.



-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Can't stand the flip-flopping hypocrite but why call him Lady?

My apologies, a spineless coward like him doesn't deserve being called a Lady.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Readers, posts like this add nothing to the discussion. Please lift the level of your comments and refrain from bickering.

All the negativity, but as defiant as the Democrats in their hatred for this man, his defiance is equally matched as there’s to pushback.

45ists don't half talk a load of old pony sometimes.

Are Democrats supposed to love a man who brought the office of President into disgrace and tried to subvert democracy?

A man who described anti-Semites as "fine people"?

Who ordered his cultists to "stand back and stand by"?

A man who is responsible, not just for the deaths at the Capitol, but over 400 thousand Americans?

Is anyone supposed to be impressed by his followers and acolytes celebrating not being held accountable for what happened Jan 6th?

Why do his supporters hate America so much, one has to ask.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Azabu: The media will continue to disparage the 75 million Americans who don’t support leftism but that will backfire.

I think after the events of January 6th, that number is significantly reduced and is still 7 million less that voted for President Biden.

Going to be tough to run a campaign when he’s fighting multiple indictments.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The next time he's in the dock, he's going to be found guilty - and a felony conviction will put an end to his ability to keep running his re-election scam on the feeble-minded.

Hopefully he'll tear apart the GOP in the meantime.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

The next thing Trump will do is sit down and plan how to get more cash from his supporters.

Maybe he will run again. Maybe he won't. Maybe his analysts are telling him to tour the country a hundred times to sell his Chinese made merch.

Whatever he will do is what he decided will best squeeze the last dime from his followers.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The next thing Trump will do is sit down and plan how to get more cash from his supporters.

Like every other politician does. Goes with the territory of politics.

Maybe he will run again. Maybe he won't. Maybe his analysts are telling him to tour the country a hundred times to sell his Chinese made merch. 

I think Biden is the one that needs to worry about his relationship with China on a number of levels, he’s got enough on his plate now with them.

Whatever he will do is what he decided will best squeeze the last dime from his followers

Just like any other politician that runs, the Dems admittedly didn’t do too shabby this last election.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

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