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Trump makes case to GOP insiders amid chaotic protest scene


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"Donald Trump made his case to California’s Republican establishment . . . He rarely speaks to Republican establishment groups, and he rails against what he calls a rigged party system . . . "they’re going to be voting for me” — and not the party - article

The disgusting bigot cons the GOP/Tea bigots in California.

The would be Dictator tells the Republicans it's either him or rioting and slaughter from his racist band of malcontents.

Who will the bigots shoot first at Cleveland?

Police Officers, Firemen or Priests?

Trump demands the GOP/Tea cower before him or face slaughter at the Convention.

So ends the bigot's claim on Democratic process. Guns or Trump.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

996+172=1168 It seems the protesters ensured Trump will capture enough delegates.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Trump joked that as he crawled under a fence to get in, he “felt like I was crossing the border.”

Exactly. That's how bad it is in CA. These protesters are the worse, even having the nerve wave Mexico's flags. It's bad enough they damaged a marked police vehicle, paid for with CA tax dollars, something those illegals would know nothing about.

Keep it classy Hilary supporters.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

The would be Dictator tells the Republicans it's either him or rioting and slaughter from his racist band of malcontents.

Seriously, you're off your rocker. Rioting from Trump supporters? Last time I checked, Trump supporters weren't showing up to Bernie/Hillary rallies and trying to get them shut down. These anti-Trump people are literally acting like the Nazi brown-shirts whose purpose was to disrupt rival political group meetings. While Trump gets called a fascist, it's the leftist protestors who are actually acting the role:


Mind explaining how conduct like this is 'peaceful protesting'?

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

"Demonstrators swarmed outside the hotel near San Francisco airport, forcing Trump to crawl under a fence to enter the hotel where he met with local GOP power brokers and gave a lunchtime speech at the state party’s convention" - article

Obviously a staged event.

The GOP power brokers of California have never met anyone at the airport hotel in the article. The billionaires decided making Trump a custom fit conflict would help the bigots prove a case.

Instead, the whole show was a designed freakshow featuring Trump as King Kong and the California power brokers as Fay Wray. You know, Hollywood.

The billionaires club has secure landing pads and fortress estates, why meet Donald J. Trump at the airport? Donald has a very nice chopper, (remember Iowa?) and doesn't do anything unless it serves his plan to put Bigots First.

The idea that Police were "unavailable" to guide Trump to his meeting is laughable.

Somehow the Secret Service let Trump "crawl under a fence"? Total packaging of the corrupt GOP/Tea and their Bigot in Chief to spur hatred for Mexican Americans who fought and died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Disgusting.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I do not condone violence.

That said, don't mess with California.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Those liberals do have an incredible level of hate. So liberal in fact they want to supress free speach.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

They should try protesting in Mexico while waving the flag of the United States and see what happens.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

questions persist in the party — nationally and in California — about Trump’s electability

There is no question about Donald J. Trump's "electability".

Who will the bigots shoot first at Cleveland? Since the Convention is an open carry, firearms on the hip, event, the question remains serious. Either in the Convention Center or in the streets, Trump's Thumpers want blood and Trump has proved he supports violence at his loyalty rallies.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

"That label clearly applied to Trump’s Orange County rally Thursday night, which filled the Pacific Amphitheatre to its capacity"

Orange County Republicans. I hate Orange County Republicans.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump’s Orange County rally Thursday night, which filled the Pacific Amphitheatre to its capacity of about 8,000

What do 8,000 Trump supports have to offer America? Half a brain.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

"Stop Hate!" screamed the hateful mob.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Time for the wall Mr Trump

0 ( +3 / -3 )

There are many Republicans in Orange County. Dem,, then whenReagan became Republican,, they became republican. What Orange County Republican offered? Jobs, Angels games, Disneyland, Knot's bury Firm, too many. Free tuition public colleges and Univ.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The GOP/Tea finally has a hero to replace Reagan in California.

The GOP/Tea's hypocrisy is a clear today as when the Bush campaign robot-called thousands falsely attacking Senator John McCain for fathering a black child.

(NOTE: Senator John McCain, a five year POW, refused release from his captors multiple times until his comrades in arms were released with him. Trump disparaged McCain's heroism and sacrifice taunting; Trump didn't recognize POWs as heroes. Trump posed POWs were losers not worth Trump's admiration while Trump ran from service in Vietnam.)

GOP/Tea power brokers? Trump makes the GOP/Tea his bit*h.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

They should try protesting in Mexico while waving the flag of the United States and see what happens.

Bingo. (They'd be shot.)

Total packaging of the corrupt GOP/Tea and their Bigot in Chief to spur hatred for Mexican Americans who fought and died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Disgusting.

It's not disgusting. The mex-american servicemen and women enlisted into the armed forces on their own. The mex-americans who've proudly served the US is one thing, but the "illegals" protesting Trump in CA have really got some nerve.

. . . worse than that whole, "si se puede" movement. You see! We give them an inch & they take 2 yards.

I hate Orange County Republicans.

Why? Because they have beautiful houses, nice cars and good careers? Or that they "might" vote 4 Trump? Haters gona hate.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Trump is not Tea member. He is his own. He was not with anti Trump movement.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Trump is not Tea member

The Tea is a racist organization that has sabotaged Americans since their battle cry of "Take OUR Country Back" showed them for the racists they are. Trump isn't a Republican either.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

When Trump earlier this month said transgender people should be able to use whichever bathroom they choose, Cruz’s campaign released a statement saying Trump was “no different from politically correct leftist elites.”

Cruz is such a moron. Would pick Trump over him any day of the week.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The Tea is a racist organization that has sabotaged Americans

. . .and likewise, the illegal mexicans, radical muslims, anti-gun lobbyists, super liberals, pro gay / transgender folks have all been sabotaging america in their own sick little way.

But everyone (except Trump) are too PC to say anything.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Orange County Republicans. I hate Orange County Republicans.

+1 for the Blues Brothers drop.

“felt like I was crossing the border.”

Kinda funny too.

Nice one JT. Much better article than the last biased filled one. Straight journalism, let us straighten each other out, if possible. ;)

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

There should be no violence in protests. It undercuts your message and creates collateral damage for others who might support your policy positions but cannot support your tactics. It's counterproductive.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Were they protesting against freedom of speech?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Burlingame is an epi center of liberal democrats. Then why did Trump go there? He is calculating that the protester Anti Trump movement is actually helping him.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There should be no violence in protests. It undercuts your message and creates collateral damage for others who might support your policy positions but cannot support your tactics. It's counterproductive.

What'd you expect? illegals have no class. They even attacked a motorist who was pro Trump. Attacked in your own country by people who aren't even supposed to be in the United States of America in the 1st place.

. . . . . & some JT posters say the US-Mex border needs no wall. What outrage! (sheesh-)

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I think Cruz supporters are messing up Trump rallies.. Anyone has info?

I doubt DEM or Tea are involved. I doubt Trump is involved Tea or Stop Trump movement, kc. Do you have info of your Claim about connection of Trump and Tea party?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"Nice one JT. Much better article than the last biased filled one." - comments

Another application for Editor in Chief at Japan Today. Somehow the racists in the Tea Party think they know more than the (Copyright 2016) The Associated Press.

How stupid do Trump supporters think the world is?

Stupid enough to not know Trump's fantasy journey to California was a put up to stage another photo op for their Bigot in Chief?

The best part of being a Tea Party bigot is they have an ironclad reason to ignore the facts.

The facts don't support their obvious racism.

The international reader wonders 'what is the Tea thing'?

Quick, google Dick Armey and Tea Party and Racist reveals all.

Trump loves the dummies, they buy his Chinese made junk and lick Trump's iron boot.

What's not to like?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

something those illegals would know nothing about.

Where does it say anything in the article about 'illegals'?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Where does it say anything in the article about 'illegals'?

It doesn't. But if you knew anything at all about southern CA, you'd know there are lots of illegal mexicans. And its a problem.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

illegals have no class. They even attacked a motorist who was pro Trump.

And you know the 'they' who attacked a motorist were illegals because ...?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

"illegals have no class" - comments

They must be voting for Thump.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

And you know the 'they' who attacked a motorist were illegals because ...?

What difference does it make? illegals or anyone waving Mexico's flag at the Trump rally obviously want to commit senseless crime.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

"anyone waving Mexico's flag at the Trump rally obviously want to commit senseless crime" - comments

The crime of Free Speech?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

^speak what? This is our land, this is Mexican land speaking Spanish , we don't need white or "kill whitey"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwmhEw8LtP8

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"And you know the 'they' who attacked a motorist were illegals because ...?"

"What difference does it make?" - comments

Love confirmation of ignorance and racism fro the Tea Party.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

That protest was very hateful and the liberals supported it.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

"protest was very hateful" - comments

“There has to be unity in our party,” Trump said. - article

Trump continues his ludicris claims. Unity though Hate.

Very GOP/Tea of Mr. Trump. He's clearly trying to bind the Party together through threats of riot and slaughter at Cleveland, Ohio when his racists open fire on innocent and partiotic Americans to insure Trump is carried to the White House on rivers of blood.

The GOP/Tea can't manage the own house, how can Americans expect them to guide a nation?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Is he racist? His wife doesn't look like Caucasian.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

"His wife doesn't look like Caucasian." - comments

racism defined.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

A very violet, destructive and uncivilized bunch protesting free speech. The liberals must be proud. The mental capacity in those protesters sum up the democratic leaders. To imagine supporting a woman on under investigation with 2 dozen highly classified emails compromised.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Ant-Trump protesters initiated violence by pepper spraying mothers with their children, and others walking into a council meeting in Anaheim, CA. 4/26.


Ironic that the movement is holding up "stop the hate" signs.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Henri Houdre was thrilled to see Trump live. “We see him as that alpha kid in high school with the leather jacket and slicked-back hair who everybody wants to be,” - article

Yup. In the 1950s Trumps racism would have boss.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

American politics has become a circus. But the clowns are not funny anymore. In fact they are more akin to Chucky.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Looks like the Trump supports got their asses kicked by a bunch of illegal, transgender liberals. Now I think I understand the excitement Trump supporters feel for waterboarding. Feels pretty good seeing the white trash being kicked to the curb. Maybe some torture would be good.

Disagree with me if you want, but you're just being PC and owned by the MSM.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

SuperLibAPR. 30, 2016 - 02:15PM JST Looks like the Trump supports got their asses kicked by a bunch of illegal, transgender liberals.

Heheh you meanie. That made me chuckle :D

Some of these Trump supporters a so alternative it hurts.....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Trump called Hillary a criminal on national TV and he said that she should do real hard time behind bars in the federal penitentiary. Will he tell her that to her face during the debates? That will be interesting. How presidential of Trump.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Keep it classy Hilary supporters. you make it sound like protesters against Trump is organised by the Hilary camp. LOL no Trump has managed all by himself to alienate Mexicans and women with his hate and chauvinism

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@@kc now I lllearned your definition of racist. If Trump is racist, he would marry only Caucasian girl, this is why I doubt he is araxist.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Looks like the Trump supports got their asses kicked by a bunch of illegal, transgender liberals. Now I think I understand the excitement Trump supporters feel for waterboarding. Feels pretty good seeing the white trash being kicked to the curb. Maybe some torture would be good.

Disagree with me if you want, but you're just being PC and owned by the MSM."

Har! It makes you wonder if Trump's supporters have the balls to start the riots he predicted if their ringmaster gets his head kicked in by the clowns.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I think Mr Trump will send National Guard to neutralize those opposition protestors after he sworn in be the president of U.S.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Even comments HATE republicans. Terrible. Hate is extreem and from liberals....

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Hey liberal snowflakes, keep talking about Mr. Trump supposed "war on women" so lets talk about Bubba and Monica OR the rapist she defended who raped a 12 year old and almost beat to death. BTW, Hillary called the 12 year old a "mentally ill slut" (her words) during the trial. Nice. You want her to be President?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Indeed Tatanka.

I hear Hillary drinks the blood of handicapped children as part of devil worshiping ceremonies.

Well, the insane Republicans trumped up investigations are going nowhere. All three thousand of'em. It's probably just time to throw caution to the wind in the crazy allegations dept.!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"Hillary called the 12 year old a "mentally ill slut""

"You want her to be President?" So what? Worst case just words.

And even if true or NOT taken out of context then better than Dennis Hastert. He's going to jail for what......?????

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And even if true or NOT taken out of context then better than Dennis Hastert. He's going to jail for what......?????

Heh, the Hastert Rule. An extra Wide Stance™ in the boys room. Fear not, good old closeted Republicans will remain in Denial of their latent issues. Maybe they'll ban long-haired fella's from using the mens room or something. Just in case. Heh.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

And as she said "at this point what difference does it make" right Madverts. They only got her on tape yucking it up after getting a child rapist off the hook. If someone close to you was that victim your silence would be deafening because you liberals have to suck it up and keep your mouths shut because you perceive its time for a female president...

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Methinks you hard-core Republicans are sounding ever more desperate by the hour. Lawyers defend people. If you really want to make your case you're going to have to back it up a little more.

Look on the positive side. When Hillary wins in an electoral landslide against your man Trump, taking the Senate and possibly even the House, you'll have at the very least 4 whole years to further smear Mrs Clinton with spurious allegations.

Don't think she'll waste the first 2 years trying to reach out to the insane Party like an initially naive President Obama did. The Republican party is about to be decimated.

A thing of beauty it is....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"least 4 whole years to further smear Mrs Clinton with spurious allegations." Yes, that's why Clinton should be elected and Republicans should help put her in the WH. The Republicans need to torture someone otherwise they will be bored out of their minds in their laz-y-boys while watching the Price is Right

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"What difference does it make?" - comments Love confirmation of ignorance and racism fro the Tea Party.

You're obviously the ignorant one. "What difference does it make" an illegal mexican assaulting a Trump supporter or a mexican-american -they're both on the same page.

They just want to commit crimes on lawfully gathered Trump supporters.

What if Trump supporters assaulted illegals out in the open, on national TV? Huh? You wouldn't hear the end of it.

But yet, you defend thugs. Smashing cop cars . . . . good riddance.

Looks like the Trump supports got their asses kicked by a bunch of illegal, transgender liberals.

No they didn't. Protesting with violence and smashing up cop cars on national TV is stupid. What a zoo like Ferguson? Classy.

There should be no violence in protests. It undercuts your message and creates collateral damage for others who might support your policy positions but cannot support your tactics. It's counterproductive.

Its very counterproductive.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Cruz will avoid taxing by closing IRS, he says. No tax may sound good but people who will benefit best is rich people. Unless gov't has some kind of huge income to operate US budget,

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'm sure that would be great for the USA. The Republicans hate the IRS so much they want to shut them down. No tax collection yaay!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

CNBC is showing poll result of Democrat VP profile. Top recommendation ... African woman 96 % Seems media is expecting Hillary will win both primary and presidential election.

Hillary said she wants to work with Sanders and his supporters. Trump can not say like that to anyone.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Well that article says they found drugs in a truck trying to go through a border checkpoint.

Most people who have analyzed the wall say it's extremely expensive and wouldn't keep out much of anything. Then you have the yearly maintenance costs, etc. The fact is that everyone who looks at building a wall decides the same money could be much more effective spent elsewhere.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

you hard-core Republicans

Never been a hard core republican. Never even voted for one. Just goes to show how confused (MSM brain washing) and out of touch with the average american that you are, that could use such elaberate words.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I think Trump will gain total delegate count this is my guess. Name calling specialize you don't have to label me hardcore republican I am not. Just like. Fizz, I write my observation.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"I think Mr. Trump will send National Guard to neutralize those opposition protestors" - comments

Donald J. Trump praised the Chinese Government in their attack on protesters at Tiananmen.

Donald J. Trump praised his fans who beat innocent people at Trump's loyalty rallies, offering to pay the bigot brawlers' legal fees.

Donald J. Trump wants America to Hate Again. Will they?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Former governor who succeeded Arnold came out and he said he support Cruz. He screwed up C Alec public Jr college and Univ system. I was living in Newport Beach. Have five kids in Univ. So I sold one of small house and moved out Calif. I was not only one. We moved to cheapest housing price city. Not only us. Governor made sure Newport beach people can't afford USC, etc. So Irvine family created UCI and donated to area, I think they are still Republicans. Maybe they will support Trump?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Trump has spoken favorably about Planned Parenthood, which provides abortion services." - article

Clearly Trump has the GOP/Tea support on this. They love abortion and want everyone to have the right to consult and understand how to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Trump will make Panned Parenthood the model for womens' health care and force Congress to fully fund open access. Trump three wives likely agree.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Donald J. Trump wants America to Hate Again. Will they?

The only haters I've seen so far are the Trump protesters who are desperately trying to wreak havoc at the rallies. They want to silence him. Why? Let the guy run his campaign and freely speak.

As for the illegal immigrants in CA (ohh! & there are lots of them) they can go pound sand south bck' into Mexico if they don't like what Trump has to say at his rallies up and down the Golden State.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Cruz said he is against rapist but Trump has been supporting Mike Tyson who is in jail for three years for raping.

GOP members who support Cruz must be embarrassed now. His babysitter Carly will be busy to teach him not to create lies. Trump may be enjoying Cruz's lies will Trump polllls up and up.

Indiana big shots are discussing about trade defict and jobs.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"The unprecedented savagery of the 2016 GOP demolition derby nomination contest, the incessant name-calling, pandering, posturing and plotting, the talk of collusion and skullduggery by the party’s hopefuls damaged not only the presidential hopefuls but the very image of what it means to be a Republican."

source: Down-ballot GOP candidates fear Trump shipwreck

The voter has had enough of Trump. While some few in the GOP/Tea may massage numbers and talk about 'Making America Hate' the real wreckage is on the GOP/Tea as a whole. The Party of Prejudice has proven so incompetent that they cannot control their own primaries or form clear policies the resulting confusion and visceral repulsion is killing the brand, again.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Trump says he will pull out US troops from middle east.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"Trump says he will pull out US troops from middle east." - comments

"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is outlining a foreign policy in which the United States would put ground troops in the fight against Islamic State militants and demand money from Middle East countries supported by the U.S."

source: Trump says Mideast would pay for US troops, Sunday, 16 Aug 2015 | 11:10 AM ET

Anyone actually listening, including the GOP/Tea leadership at this staged meeting, knows Trump isn't saying anything of value or worth listening to.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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