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Trump nominated as Republican presidential candidate
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Congratulations Trump rest of the formalities will be completed by Nov. 2016 !
Black Sabbath
Senator Jeff Sessions, an early backer of Trump, placed the New York businessman’s name in nomination, calling him “a warrior and a winner.”
With all the doom and gloom, more like a worrier and a whiner.
Ahhh, Dems...gotta love them. Their moaning sounds like that old Sparks song "Angst in pants."
Trump's got that new campaign manager, Manafort, who claimed regarding Melania's plagiarism:
which is absolutely hilarious. He's implying that Hillary herself wrote or had someone insert those sentences into the speech. My God, if she's THAT good, we really do need her as president!
Anyway, heads are gonna roll. Wonder whose.
Okay, let's move on now Laguna. Your Messia also was proven to have plagiarized some years ago as Bass proved earlier.
Hillary as president! Will she have security clearance after her deliberate and reckless handling of sensative information? And Bill kanoodling with female staffers in a back room. Maybe he'll take them to the Oval Office when Hillary is out and about. Go Trump, Go Trump, GO TRUMP!!!
Douglas Macarthy
Go Trump,,,,,Clinton jail time
With Hillary it's move on and dismiss the facts, when it comes to Trump, we have to pay attention to the facts because facts matters when it comes to liberal desperations.
Party officials are hoping to use the convention to smooth out some of his rough edges and present him as a job creator and a strong hand to combat security threats at home and abroad.
The Fraud King, Donald J. Trump.
What does Trump know about combating security threats at home and abroad?
Oh, yeah! Trump's Daddy sent Donny to Military School at age 13 for uncontrollable outbursts of prejudiced and, well the records show very clearly.
So, a discipline problem Trump's Daddy disposes in the Military School and Donny who ran from the Draft and attacked Disabled Veterans at Trump Towers, is now, some how, 'a strong hand to combat security threats at home and abroad'?
Trump's a Dunce. The RNC is his puppet.
post script: That Manafort guy seems really scary. Is his family in concrete up by Donny's digs? You know, where really, really rich people live? Who use concrete live? Those People?
From the party leader......
Low to no standards if you ask knowledgable reasoning people. Unbelievable. GO TRUMP!
D Trump is going to be POTUS!
That is the main fact that we should focus on!
The unwavering dignity, grace, and integrity exhibited by the Obama family, even in the face of prejudice, hate, and obstructionism, will be sorely missed. I wish them much happiness in their post-White House lives. Happy to see the GOP can applaud sentiments originally articulated by Mrs. Obama.
--But it was alright, everything was alright, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.
Sorry, Mark - that whole plagiarism thing is so yesterday (though I'd hate to be the plebe responsible for it today - wonder if he did it on purpose, and hope he can swim in Lake Erie with concrete shoes).
Today, let's take up Douglas' suggestion and talk about this whole "Clinton for jail" meme that Republicans either find so hilarious or are so serious about as to let it creep into official speeches (even Trump has mentioned it) Seriously?! I mean, I understand how Bush and Cheney are reluctant to travel abroad, Interpol and all, but they're safe at home. The GOP is making the USA look like a banana republic (or Putin's Russia - but then, Trump) with this nonsense. Foolish and short-sighted - just as what sums up the entire GOP platform.
What a sad day in America.
Wait a minute! You are calling Trump a fraud? Seriously! So that would make Hillary what? A woman of strong ethics? LOL
Sheer will and determination, add to that having the ears of the Pentagon and the Generals.
So what, he is the elected nominee, No One cares what he did when he was 13 just like No One cares that Obama smoked weed and inhaled it.
Clinton was a draft dodger and he was a decent president.
Because of JT rules, I can't say what the DNC really are, so I will digress.
True. And the Dems are going to repeat the exact same mistake next week. Sad day, sad week, sad next four years no matter who wins in November.
"Melania Trump, a Slovenian-born jewelry designer and former model, talked about passing on to the next generation the value of hard work" - article
Oh! The 'hard' work?
What a fraud.
The RNC has one goal, re-weaponizing America.
Trump's on board. Death Ahead and The GOP-tea is steering the bus.
Trump knows when he can make a good buck.
?? parts of the fake speech were word for word copied. Amazing Trump thought no one would notice. Somehow he has missed the internet.
Anyway, what is going on is the final death spasms of the republican party. The fraud Trump is putting last nails is a party that has been dying for decades now. After the November landslide Trump will start his own party and the republicans will become a permanent minority party at the national level. Once the SCOTUS takes down the voter repression laws in republican states then that will be that. The old angry white party will just slowly die off.
No argument here. What does it mean when 58% of the voters are unhappy with both candidates?
Laguna, the Clinton foundation is under investigation also. You can't deny Hillary somehow evaded an indictment with the servers issue. To say the least, she puplic ally lied to you and the world saying she do nothing wrong. Comey made it clear. Wreckless and compromised US security. And the 30,000 lost emails likely contained what?
CrazyJoeJUL. 20, 2016 - 08:30AM JST The unwavering dignity, grace, and integrity exhibited by the Obama family, even in the face of prejudice, hate, and obstructionism, will be sorely missed. I wish them much happiness in their post-White House lives. Happy to see the GOP can applaud sentiments originally articulated by Mrs. Obama.
Prejudice, hate and obstructionism......c-mon man, can you do better then that? More like disatisfaction and refusal to negotiate. History will show the damage Obama has done and I say it without hate or prejudice. His policies are not forward thinking. His efforts left the black communities worse off. And his passiveness watched ISIS grow into a global network. I do like the commitment Obama has for his family, that it though.
Black Sabbath
Some may think marrying an old rich guy isn't quite kind of by the sweat of your brow/bootstraps most have in mind....
Oh! The 'hard' work?
Do Democrats even work?
Comey just let the biggest fraud a get out of jail walk out card.
And Thank God for that, it's long overdue!
Don't know if you've noticed it, but from Boston to Texas, San Bernardino, Orlando, Nice, Paris, Bangladesh, Belgium, Germany there's been a lot of death already in front of us. But if we can kick the Dems off the bus, we can stop a lot of it.
Yo, so does Hillary! ROFL
But Melania didn't mean to prepare a plagerized few sentences of her 10-15 minute speach. Kinda like Hillary had no ill intent in compromising the security of USA. I'll take Milania over Hillary any day of the week. Hillary is an angered woman. She also made claim her enemy is the Republicans. And she will work together with congress? She will accomplish what? Using her words, "it takes a village".
Turns out it's Hillary's fault that Meloma plagiarized the speech:
It's just so strange seeing so many Republicans with absolutely nothing to say about their convention which is currently taking center stage in America.
Do you think they like it?
Mark, she did not "somehow" evade indictment; she was not indicted for very specific reasons outlined in the FBI report submitted to the Attorney General and publicly commented on by the FBI director. You may not agree with the legal reasoning, but that is how the system works. A presidential nominee for a major American party whose supporters are baying so loudly for mobocracy that the candidate himself echoes the sentiments is dangerous and foolish and you should know this.
Dennis Bauer
Has the doomsday clock been adjusted?
Well, way to set a new low GOP. No qualifications beyond a demonstrated aptitude for divorce and bankruptcy. It is clear that the GOP would rather burn the place down than elect someone they consider a "liberal".
Thankfully when it comes to November, we are going to hand him his behind in a landslide defeat for Trump.
Two party system coming bacSeems zhollary vs Trump ín Nov is sure for voters.
And you neglected to mention the secret meeting Bill Clinton had with the the AG days before she concluded the outcome. Did Comey have a similar meeting that was not accidentally discovered just as Loretta Lynch had?
@Super, I replied earlier on your other post. Oh, I am an indipendant for over two decades. Back to the convention. It was a great honor Don Jr. Offered to toppling delegate count for his father standing with his siblings and giving an " I love you dad" plug in there. But maybe he is despised also like the rest of the Trumps from the MSM and the left.
Question should be, are the Dems seriously enthused by Hillary equally as they were for Obama.....I think we all know the answer.
It wasn't the system, it was put bluntly a Bill Clinton putting the screws to Lynch saying, Trump under NO circumstances can be president. Anyone thinks the meeting between them was about the small talk of grandchildren is out of this stratosphere! She took herself out of giving her an indictment and laid it all on James Comey and he wasn't going to have any part of it. If Hillary were truly innocent, he would't have gone on that devastating tirade about her motives and character and labeled her as a fraud, violated the law and a lair and now it's up to the people to make the determination if she is to be trusted or not.
It makes sense the Repubs would copy Obama's wife's speech, their secret obsession with the couple makes them look like a spurned ex-girlfriend weeping in the corner at a party. I'd actually be surprised if the Repubs didn't copy the Obamas
Penske Nievko
Both Clinton and Trump are horrible choices for America and I can't imagine a bright future with either one. Americans really shot themselves in the foot with this one. Vote Gary Johnson instead. He is a true viable third choice.
Don't know. But if Trump wins and people who make comments like this:
The RNC has one goal, re-weaponizing America. --And Thank God for that, it's long overdue!
Then we just might see another world war.
It makes sense the Repubs would copy Obama's wife's speech, their secret obsession with the couple makes them look like a spurned ex-girlfriend weeping in the corner at a party. I'd actually be surprised if the Repubs didn't copy the Obamas
So what do you make of Obama copying Bush's speech? Or how about Michelle's?
Michelle Obama: “…the world as it should be.” In 2008, the aspiring First Lady was accused by bloggers of lifting lines for her DNC speech from Saul Alinsky. Alinsky wrote, in Rules for Radicals (emphasis added): “The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be.” Michelle Obama said: “And Barack stood up that day, and he spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about ‘the world as it is‘ and ‘the world as it should be.'” (Perhaps Mr. Obama who left out the attribution.)
Does it makes sense when Democrats do it?
Or prevent one.
The US guys at the office say don't worry. The Electoral College would never elect someone like Trump.
We've beaten down the GOP to the point where they can't even stand to talk about or defend their own party. It's the middle of their convention and they're here peddling conspiracy theories about Clinton.
I think we broke them.
Governor Chris Christie is running a bully pulpit prosecution of Secretary Clinton. What difference the RNC Cleveland Convention than the daily FOXNews propaganda?
The facts kc, look into them. You will see truth. Christie lays out the past 7 years of Hillary and it is quite shameful.
But, the DNC and supporters go back to the head in sand pose.
Clutching at straws. Plus ça change...
post script: That Manafort guy seems really scary. Is his family in concrete up by Donny's digs? You know, where really, really rich people live? Who use concrete, live? Those People?
What we learn . . .
"Paul Manafort has a history of working for strong men."
"Over a 40-year career as a lobbyist and political consultant, Manafort and his firms have advised, in no particular order, a business group tied to Ferdinand Marcos, the dictator of the Philippines; Viktor Yanukovych, the ousted Ukrainian president and ally of Vladimir Putin; and Lynden Pindling, the former Bahamian prime minister who was accused of ties to drug traffickers."
Source: "From Ukraine To Trump Tower, Paul Manafort Unafraid To Take On Controversial Jobs"
Now he's working for Trump. Go figure.
A Thug working for Trump? Impossible. The Truth Will Out. Donald J. Trump.
Why defend the GOP? We know the party is broken, we just want to preserve conservative traditional values.
Like what? They really didn't say anything that we don't already know about Hillary,
No, the people broke the GOP and the Dems are propping up their corrupt party and willingly.
Governor Chris Christie is running a bully pulpit prosecution of Secretary Clinton. What difference the RNC Cleveland Convention than the daily FOXNews propaganda?
"GUILTY!" Ain't that the truth!
I like Gary Johnson, but I like Jill Stein better. Neither will be very viable unless they're allowed onto the debates, and the left and the right will fight hard to prevent that from happening.
Yes indeed, the truth will come out. Hillary is in hot water....just wait till the debates. Hillary will loose it or break down in tears. She may need sedation before the debate to keep her calm.
"we just want to preserve conservative traditional values." - comments
A Dictator like Trump should do just fine.
Jury, have reached a conclusions? GUILTY your honor. Hillar R. Clinton is guilty as charged!
I would vote for Johnson if both leading parties had equally terrible candidates. I'm a libertarian. Lees control and more freedoms. Hillary equals more control and less freedoms.
Why not? We already had a dictator for almost 8 years, so put the difference is, this one cares about the people and the nation, the current one cares about himself and his party.
Libertarians are for a little too much freedom. Gary Johnson's plan for dealing with climate change is allowing the free market to handle it. That's a little too hands off and puts a bit too much faith in the people, but at least he believes in man-made climate change.
True progressives like Jill Stein are for more control (and yes more taxes), but still a lot of freedom. Not having to worry about things like student loans and healthcare can be very freeing for your wallet, and freed wallets help the economy more than massive hoarding by the 1%.
I'd appreciate it if you could point out some specific examples when Trump has shown he "cares about the 'people' and the nation".
Also, please define 'the people'. For some reason I get the sense when you use that word you're referring to WASP's who share your politics.
You know, I assume, there are roughly 330 million US Americans. Trump represents roughly .01% of them, and given his narcissistic nature I believe he only cares about himself and his family, including of course his ex-wives.
Okay, we saw Trumps oldest and youngest adult children speak tonight. They both did a fantastic job. So, all you anti- Trumpers, where is the family disfunction? Wouldn't it be inevitable to see estrangement with such an evil man as told to you by the msm? His children adore him. That speaks volumes on his alleged temperament.
Listen to his speeches, look at the crowds, look at the energy. That's how you know and if Hillary can juice or muster a 1/3 of that, get her base enthused. Sure, both are also very unpopular, Trump pumps up and brings energy, Hillary brings.....
Your senses are wrong. Gosh, when will liberals leave race out of everything? careful with that opinionated analogy. in 1980 Carter looked like he was going to beat Reagan and then, Reagan won in a landslide. Democrats were stunned then, they were stunned in 2010 and 2014 as well. Be careful for what you wish for.
Simon Foston
LagunaJUL. 20, 2016 - 07:41AM JST
Someone has a fairly clear idea:
Not a very auspicious start, is it. I mean, if they can't handle something as simple as a convention speech without attracting plagiarism accusations I dread to think what'll happen when there's a real problem.
This thread is a whole lot of 'I know you are, but what about me'.
I watched an interview with Johnson recently, he came off quite well. Infinitely more qualified than Trump, with better morals and values. Hopefully he can split the Trump vote significantly.
Plan to talk about jobs, end up talking about ... Benghazi, Emails, etc.
And then put it on repeat x 10
Apart from Carson, who managed to talk about Lucifer. Mwhahaha. Comedy gold!
Yeah, now you liberals can understand a little of what that word really means, since we have been subjected to that for the last 8 years.
Already did that.
Yeah, that's what a lot of people said in 1979 about Carter and Reagan and look how that turned out?
And they didn't have the support Trump has. Neither of them came even close.
Hopefully not a Democrat.
Now we are told it was Michele who plaglarised. Melania had written this speech long ago for this purpose and it was stolen in 2008
Nemrut Dagi
The GOP is a train wreck.
None of their leading contenders were able to take down Trump so now theyre forced to endorse someone many if not most in their party loathe.
Always makes me smile (genuinely, i used to see myself as a libertarian till my late 20s) to read or hear ppl say ' i am a libertarian and will vote for such and such' considering libertarians for many decades were in essence against representation, elections, voting or any form of power. A libertarian US president is a nice oxymoron.
Have to say i know nothing about Gary Johnson but he sounds interesting and will def try to read more about him. In any case even a fake (or new) libertarian is prob better than Hillary or Trump.
I listened to Trump on the radio this morning and i thought he was particularly mediocre, even his natural energy & enthusiasm seem to have faded. Does he still believe in what he says? I never supported him but still expected better from him in terms of speaking ability.
Really looking forward to Trump's acceptance speech. Especially that part where he says "Can we do it? YES WE CAN!"
"We had MacPalin, we had the Mormon, we've got the undiagnosed mental patient, you can only wonder who will be put forward in 2020."
My prediction is a Klansman in the debate flanked by a man in a Napoleon costume and a stark naked man wailing about voices in his head.
And worst of all, Mike Huckerbee.
His wife, tho :D
I don't follow US politics much so I had no clue about his private life... That was until yesterday thou, when I saw the video of the speech she gave. That woman as the first lady must be one of of the biggest jokes (if he wins) in US politics.
Don't forget about that charmer, Ted Cruz
Mike L
I wonder what attracted her to millionaire Donald Trump?
Simon Foston
goldorakJUL. 20, 2016 - 01:06PM JST
Yes, genuinely and wholeheartedly. When he's talking about how fantastic he thinks he is. On other subjects I don't even think he knows what he's saying most of the time.
The end of the world as we know it
Uh-huh, I never said that, he was awful, of course not. Quite the opposite I lived through the long gas lines and the hostage crisis and that stupid sweater he wore. Only I really wouldn't expect nothing less of an answer like that from most liberals.
A lot of us feel the same about Hillary.
Ben Carson. Glad to see him! - the monotonous "Hillary for Jail" meme had played itself out: But how to one-up it? Ah: The Devil itself!
Trump's entire campaign has been like some junior high school clique fight about who likes whom and what is popular now, and it continues to the RNC convention. Person A doesn't like person B, but person C is important, so person A will attend to acknowledge person C without even mentioning (or, perhaps!, obliquely castigating person B), and it goes on like a mish-mash of playdough through the mixer until it comes out the color or excrement. And then Ben throws himself into the bloody mess.
So let's straighten out the players here: Alinsky, the subject of Clinton’s college thesis written in the 1960s, was a liberal community organizer who died in 1972. He mentioned Lucifer as an aside in one of his many books. Clinton + Alinsky = Lucifer worship = the demise of America. Got that?
Interestingly, few of the speakers so far have had anything good to say about Trump; instead, they bash Clinton. To put Ben's argument in perspective, Trump is better than Satan. You can agree or not, but at least it is an argument.
Meanwhile back in the jungle:
@Laguna I can't verify with any degree of certainty if this is correct, but the way Ben Carson's making connections back to Lucifer I have to think he's take his line of reasoning (plagiarizing?) from The Music Man:
Sioux Chef
You might want to look that word up again.
Reports have it that the plagiarized portions of Meliana's speech were added by her herself. Suspense! Will Trump fire her as he's done to two of his former wives? If so, will she marry Donald Trump, Jr., much closer to her in age? This convention continues to fascinate.
Now watch people's fear level rise out of the current gauge.
While many people in the US and some here commenting on JT engage in eye-gouging and threatening anyone critical of Trump with banishment, public service job-loss, discrimination, violence, war or just death, others combat it with satire and laughter.
So many people in countries around them cannot believe what is happening. Watching the rise of Trump and his loony plagiarist crowd, and failure for any constructive alternative to materialize, it is like watching the end of the world as we know it in slow motion.
It still blows my mind that a country with a pool of 300,000,000 plus people cannot come up with anyone to lead them better than sexagenarian Hillary and septuagenarian Trump through their prized democratic processes.
And the confirmations have just begun.
All those cowboy hats in a sea of red, white & blue. Go Republicans, Go! Go Trump! Go USA. Time to stand united - not divided.
Down w/HRC. Down with ISIS. Islamic Refugees out. Say NO to future illegal immigration & NO short cuts. In with more Republican voters. Out with obama's pc, falsehoods, more tolerance & "change". . . Wake up America. Go Trump! Republicans CANNOT be destroyed-
When the going gets tough Trump will be going...out the door I'll bet. He won't be able to handle the position and will walk out like a spoiled kid.
Another very interesting emotional exchange.
The "die is cast" as they say and the Republican Party must move on. The division within the party is still a problem not only for the GOP but for the entire nation.
The division was and still is primarily based upon "personality" and "personal interests" rather than substance. It is time for the GOP to come up with one or two meaningful and effective platforms that makes sense to the voters and push forward. Too many special interest and idealistic and divisive platform issues only will help to divide not only the GOP but also the entire nation and its voters.
I would suggest 1) the security of the nation and 2) the economy. Those two will include resolving racial, religious, immigration, policing, world wide terrorism, (which covers Benghazi and emails, borders, walls), etc. and the problems with energy, oil, gas, global warming, regulations, medical insurance, subsidies, special interests, etc. There is no need to get into too many special interest specifics that only "detract" and continue to divide the public. The voters can identify their own interests within the broad themes.
It will be nice if personalities and personal attacks will stop, but for sure they will continue. They are but a distraction, misinformation, misdirection, and overall meaningless rhetoric when compared to the true issues of what must be considered at the Federal levels. One such issue happens to be the selection of the members of the Supreme Court.
How do you expect to stand united and not divided with rhetoric like this?
Easy. Look at the madness and socialism HRC is selling. People on her side should wake up and jump on their own common-sense. Its simple. Step #1 secure our border & turn away Trojan Horses.
Do you understand what accumulation of power and fascism mean and what they look like? Their platforms always include as the first or second point controlling information in order " to make sure that only the truth is told to the people." Hillary is following in good steps. She recently announced “that in my first 30 days as President I will propose a constitutional amendment to change the 225-year-old First Amendment.”
WSJ: "The constitutional amendment Mrs. Clinton has in mind would have to rewrite James Madison. Dead white males may be out of progressive favor, but we suspect most Americans still trust Madison more than they do the boys at the Daily Kos."
Right now, the dictators look like Hillary Clinton and the democratic party.
I agree that issues such as immigration, border security, economic policies, and many other things that face our nation need to be discussed, but the inflammatory rhetoric on both sides must stop before any meaningful dialogue can be had.
To quote Walt Whitman, "Surely, whoever speaks to me in the right voice, him or her I shall follow."
"Trump’s Democratic rival, Clinton, was quick to respond, tweeting after the vote: “Donald Trump just became the Republican nominee. Chip in now to make sure he never steps foot in the Oval Office.”
She needs even more money, lol
"Trump trails Clinton in many opinion polls"
He's leading in swing states Pennsylvania and Fllorida and virtually tied in Ohio and other states.
"Chris Christie said on Tuesday that should Trump win the presidency, he would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to dismiss public workers."
I know Trump has businesses in Turkey and wonder if he's getting ideas from Erdogan. I did, however, read Erdogan wants Trump's name lifted from one of his many eponymous towers, though that, as I recall, was before the putative putsch.
At least he didn't win the nomination by fraud, like Hillary.
So what should they say? Vote for the same policies, allow more PC to run amok. Keep wages down, keep Blacks down? We're already deeply divided in a very bad way. The last 8 years was supposed to change that and it didn't.
I agree, so both sides should bury the hatchet, but there has been too much bad blood, don't know if a compromise can ever be reached.
I'm not sure if I have the answer for that, but I think part of the solution is in how we say things.
I think it can start by how we address things in places like these forums. Let's be better than the stupid and selfish politicians on both sides who are only in it for themselves and who have been playing us off of each other for too long.
I grew up in a family of Eisenhower Republicans. I think they would be absolutely appalled at the entire political situation today. I've only seen a little of what has been going on at the convention in Cleveland this week, but I will say I'm pretty sure my relatives are spinning in their graves at some of what has transpired. I will reserve judgment on the Democrats until after their convention, but to be honest, I'm not hopeful that any divide can be bridged at this point.
I got a kick out of the idea of cliches being plagiarized. Next Dems will be accusing Mr. Trump of plagiarizing Irving Berlin when he says "God Bless America."
bass4funk: "Ahhh, Dems...gotta love them"
I think the fact that these are your very first words, literally, on a thread about Trump being officially nominated as the GOP candidate for the presidency, speaks volumes about your fears and your posts in general. 'Whatabouthillaryobamathelibs' is alive and well.
Hope in his next speech he doesn't plagiarize too much, like his wife! Although, to be fair, his usual moronic. "They love me... I love them!" really only partially draws from Barney the dinosaur.
It's going to be fun to see how many Republicans do a 180 and suddenly support Donald out of fear for their jobs, for those in the GOP who have not already decided to support Hillary over their chosen candidate, I mean.
Kabuki - really? The FIRST Amendment? I understand that these amandmenty thingies are difficult to keep track of, but this is kind of important. Please link to some support.
Would somebody please pinch me hard and wake me up from this nightmare?
"During a roundtable discussion regarding the uniformly white leadership of the Republican party, six-term congressman Steve King of Iowa declared that white people have contributed more to the advancement of human civilization than any other “sub-group of people”
I think Trump has shifted the paradigm so violently it is really difficult for the legion of GOP nutters to get a headline. This is a 'politician' who mocked a person with a disability on stage. Just before the last election, a delerious GOP headbanger started roaring insanities from his isolation ward about women being unable to conceive from rape. I'm not even sure that would cause too much of a ripple post-Trump.
But fear not. Have faith. Never underestimate GOP lawmakers. I'm predicting an outburst so enormously insane, so magnificent in its stupidity and so impossible in its ignorance people will scarcely believe but they will not be able to deny.
This won't be a honk or a quack moment. This will be biblical.
Glad to see someone caught and removed -- "It was tough growing up as a young black woman in South Chicago" -- from Melania Trump's speech.
In all my years, I have not witnessed a more sullen, low-key, unenthusiastic, political convention, and I've seen them all since 1968. Half-hearted would be almost over-stating it. A snooze-fest. If they haven't done so already, the RNC should really try to get the Grim Reaper (from the Bill & Ted movie) on the speaker's list. He could stand a chance of livening things up, and would solidify the GOP's new image as the party of Death.
Still, I've got to hand it to the schedulers: Right after Chris Christie's on-air, lynch-mob trial of Hillary Clinton, who do we get? -- TIFFANY! -- which would kind of be like following up Ozzie Osborne's bat-beheading with Mylie Cyrus. You can't make this stuff up.
From the candidate of "law and order" we have a lynch mob. Oh, the irony.
yabits: "In all my years, I have not witnessed a more sullen, low-key, unenthusiastic, political convention, and I've seen them all since 1968. Half-hearted would be almost over-stating it. A snooze-fest."
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh, yabits, that was a real knee slapper! I guess it was all just too much common sense for you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
"In all my years, I have not witnessed a more sullen, low-key, unenthusiastic, political convention, and I've seen them all since 1968. Half-hearted would be almost over-stating it. A snooze-fest."
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh, yabits, that was a real knee slapper! I guess it was all just too much common sense for you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
What examples of common sense particularly grabbed you? Ben Carson gibbering about Lucifer?
When I watched Trump wife praising her husband with Mitchell Obama praising words for Obama, I have realized that new generation presidential nominees are less brainy than founding fathers of USA. Big talks and sweet words will not change the problems of USA.
Hilary Clinton is not the answer either.
Go Obama (for the third term)
One indicator was, as pointed out by many, all of the empty seats in the Quicken Loans Arena. (Was the Payday Loans Arena not available to them?)
Were I the music coordinator, I would have had the band strike up the Pixies "Where Is My Mind?" on Dr. Carson's entrance. Other choices: "Beautiful Dreamer," "If I Had a Hammer," and "Mack the Knife."
Carson has been a horrible surrogate for Trump. He's the guy who told a radio host in early April that Trump "has some major defects." Wow... "Major defects" could well describe Lucifer.
I believe the voting process is to select that individual best suited for the country as a whole in relation to the world; social, economic, political, and otherwise.
Definitely personality plays a role, but one cannot "read" and "assume" or "presume" a person's character or ability to perform and carry out the duty of the President based just upon the campaign rhetoric or campaign "posturing". (History has shown that campaign rhetoric and performance is NOT necessarily what one can expect when that individual is in office. That has been proven by our current President and his "Agendas for Change".) That is the reason why there are resumes or past history of that individual's abilities and actions which help the voters to read behind the campaign rhetoric and performance. Campaigning is in politics, a "performance" to get the attention of the voters for the votes to get elected.
In Trumps case as a businessman, he has his past record and by his performance and his open and direct campaign style taking up issues indicated his ability to take action. (The question here is that of responsibility and accountability.)
In the case of Clinton as a politician and an attorney has her past record and by her performance and her indirect campaign style taking up issues indicated her ability to talk her way in and out of issues. (The question here is also that of responsibility and accountability.)
The two has entirely different ways of communicating their attitudes, skills and abilities as well as their intentions.
Obviously, Clinton has more data and experience in politics and government. Trump has much more experience and expertise in business administration , management and operations. That was made evident in the $ money spent by each campaign so far. The very fact that Trump was able to get the media to follow him instead of Clinton, even if controversial and not politically correct, shows his communication skills. In any operation skillful communication is needed to get the cooperation of people and to coordinate action to get things done. Otherwise, one uses money to "communicate" (speak) by "buying" cooperation and coordination.
Clinton has the backing of the rich, wealthy and the powerful, the idealists, and those who depend on the government. (Here the question is why are those depending on the government supporting Clinton who represent the wealthy and powerful?) Trump has the backing of those who work, the pragmatists, and some of the wealthy and powerful. (Here the question is why are the rich and powerful in Republican Party also oppose Trump?)
The question that face us now is which of the two will best serve not just our personal interests and personal values, but our entire nation now and into the future?
Trump vs. Clinton debate (quoted from another source):
Trump: “Oh this woman is so crooked, crooked Hillary, I call her crooked Hillary, because for years, she has been involved in so many crooked things, you folks have no idea. No idea. She’s not fit to be President, because she’s so crooked. Not only that, but she has bad judgment, she has bad judgment. She was the worst Secretary of State this country ever had. You look at Benghazi, you look at Iraq and Syria, you look at ISIS and radical Islam. And yes we need to call it radical Islam, because how can we defeat them if we don’t call them radical Islam. The whole world is falling apart, because she was a disaster. A complete disaster. And what about the emails, the scandal, the email scandal, what about the emails. She probably shouldn’t even be standing here with me right now, she should be in prison. What about the emails.”
Clinton: “Well I don’t need to stand here and listen to all these false accusations, coming from a guy who has repeatedly insulted and degraded women, minorities, Muslims, Latinos, immigrants. Somebody who has divided this country, and has even called me a murderer. We need solid steady leadership, we don’t need loose cannons, we don’t need bluster, we need a positive and inclusive message for how to move America, and that’s what I bring.”
Trump: “This woman is such a liar, she’s so crooked this woman. And what about the emails, and the scandal, what about the emails.”
Clinton: “Well again, I don’t need to stand here and listen to these false allegations, the FBI is in the middle of their investigation, and they will conclude that I did nothing wrong, I did nothing that previous Secretaries of State didn’t do, and this all amounts to a big pile of nothing. I can assure the American people, I have always worked for you, and for the best interests of the United States, and I want to keep America moving forward with a positive message, that’s what we need.”
Trump. “Because the system is rigged, it’s so rigged, you folks wouldn’t believe how rigged it is. And what about Benghazi, folks, what about Benghazi.”
Clinton: “Well we’ve been over this many years ago, I sat for 11 hours testifying to the-”
“Trump “What about Benghazi, Hillary. What about it, it was a complete disaster.”
Clinton: “I spent 11 hours testifying before the US Senate and Congress, and yes, it was a tragedy, and we have taken steps to make sure the systemic failures that resulted in that tragedy never happen again. But it’s time to move on, folks. We need to move forward, and move forward with a positive vision for America.”
Trump: “This woman has been responsible for the worst foreign policy decisions ever, ever. She has bad judgment. How can we trust her judgment. Look at Iraq, look at Libya, it’s just a disaster. We need to make America great again, and we don’t do it with her in charge, that I can tell you.”
Clinton: “America has never stopped being great, America was always great. What we need to do is make America whole again, and we won’t do that, with the bluster and rhetoric and bad ideas that you’ve put forward throughout this campaign. And the American people know that.”
Trump: “The American people know how corrupt you are, and how crooked you are, and they know you will never make America great again, that I can tell you.”
Clinton: “Well so far, every poll so far shows me leading, and-”
Trump: “That’s because it’s crooked, the whole system is rigged. It’s a crooked, rigged system, that I can tell you”
Clinton: “The only thing crooked and rigged, has been the disaster that is Trump University. And what about-”
Trump: “Don’t even go there Hillary, don’t even go there.”
Clinton: “And what about your book, the Art Of The Deal.”
Trump: “It’s the best selling business book of all time.”
Clinton: “It ends at chapter 11.”
Trump: “I have a great company, I’m worth a fortune, I’ve done so great, and have been such a success, and we’re going to do the same for America, that I can tell you.”
Clinton: “Well let’s hope you don’t lead America the way of Trump Steaks.”
Trump : “They were great steaks, they were such great steaks, it’s just people were too dumb and incompetent to realize it.”
Clinton: “Or your various Casinos. How can you lose money owning Casinos.”
Trump : “Because I’m a businessman, I’m going to try things, and most of my ventures have been a huge success, you even come to my resorts, so don’t sit there and lie, you crooked lying woman.”
Clinton: “Well I won’t be coming to them, and I’m not coming to your next wedding either, that I can tell you.”
Trump: “Well I’m not giving you any more money for your foundation, and I’m not going to play golf with you anymore either, that I can tell you.”
I rather liked this one from Ben Carson: "I'm not politically correct. I hate political correctness because it's antithetical to the founding principles of this country."
Also this, from Chris Christie: "We know exactly what 4 years of Hillary Clinton will bring - all the failures of the Obama years but with less charm and more lies."
What was today's plagiarism?
In 2012 it was the clown car with revolving leaders each more strange than the next. This time through the racist positions of the republican party found its man to lead them, straight out of the KKK scripting (Trumps Dad was involved in the KKK). So the clown car is gone but its replaced by the hate mobile. Lying indirectly as Fox news and others did to manipulate the weak is now replaced by outright lying and hatred of others. And the posters above are proud to be a part of this. They have nothing other than their hatred of people of color and of course of HRC. Beyond the hatred and racism there is nothing. No ideas, no patriotism, no sense of right or wrong, no better human characteristics. Just hate and fear. It really is quite sad that people have become their worse selves and somehow think that is OK as long as their leader is more racist than them and more awful. This is the Hitler phenomenon occurring on a smaller scale in the USA. Trump is the new mini Hitler.
@Pulky2: It is old news. The one helped her speech is just her friend who just finished English major. But it seems one persohere lied the Speech writer sold with twôce money. Some people are looking for the person lied.
It's interesting, zurcronium, that these so-called conservatives have found a way to temporarily deflect its outward expression by accusing those who point it out of trying to enforce "political correctness." (As if to say, "If it wasn't for political correctness, we would express hatred and bigotry MORE openly and not expect any repercussions. We want Trump to remove these shackles that have kept us in check.")
In Trump, we have a man who OPENLY mocked a person with a physical disability. What could prompt a supposed adult to behave that way, outside of a total lack of decency? The more important observation is how that lack of decency has found millions who excuse it and cheer for more.
Pukey - bit of a false alarm when it turned out portions of Donald Trump Jr's speech which were suspiciously similar to others' turned out to be so because his speechwriter, F.H. Buckley, had written all of them - and a writer cannot plagiarize himself. That's what you get when daddy pays for your speechwriter and the guy suspects based on previous dealing that, when he submits his bill, he'll meet with objections such as "Your verbs wereweak. Sad! We will not pay you for your verbs." Might as well recycle the sh** out of what you've got.
By the way, does it appear to anyone else that the entire purpose of Donald's run is to set his son up for a future presidential bid? Scary.
Lol Laguna that actually reads like one of Trump's tweets.
Lemming Day - the Final Leap - seems far, far away yet it cometh. Fitting that head Lemming will have a meaty hairpiece as he leads the other furry rodents from the Ayslum, over the cliff and on into oblivion...
Black Sabbath
Ok. So I had some fun yesterday, but now the seriousness of matter needs to be addressed, even though I'd like to just go on mocking. Or, as Melania Trump would say:
"Yesterday. All my troubles seemed so far away. But now it looks as though they're here to stay."
Anyways, some thoughts:
First, the plagiarism did happen, and is a thing. "That he’s sloppy, erratic, in so many ways the opposite of the virtues he claims to embody. And, let’s not gloss over it, this is a depiction of a campaign—a campaign that nurtures white grievance and resentment—trying to profit off the work of a black woman, from an African American family that Trump and his supporters regularly belittle. The fact that the plagiarized text in question was about the value of hard work just makes matters worse."
Republican stonewalling and trying to change the subject to anything is only gonna play to the fanatic base, who are already in the bag. IOW: Trump ain't moving the needle.
In short: this is a political gaffe; as defined by not a meaningless mistake, but instead an egg-on-the-face, unforced stepping in it that, critically, reinforces a deal-breaking character flaw in a candidate. Think Rmoney and his 47% gaffe. It solidified the his unflattering image as a born with a silver spoon in his mouth, let-them-eat-cake, blood-sucking capitalist. Here, Trump comes off as a guy way in over his head. He's trying to re-invent the modern political campaign, and it looks like he's just wingin it. In a bad way.
Here's how he could have done it right:
The Donald is very well known as they guy who said "You're fired." That image, the Head Honcho, holding court and dispensing with underlings as he deems fit, is a winner for the authoritarian types. Y'know, the ones he praises as being "undereducated." The problem here with the Melania thing is no one seems to know who to hold responsible for the mix up. And its not, like, very hard to do a google search and prevent things like this. IOW: sloppy. And since no one seems to know who is responsible, The Donald cannot ride in on his white horse, point his finger and shout "You're FIRED!"
That would have been a masterful way to turn this to his advantage.
But he and his team don't get it. They think what worked for the primary -- attack, attack, attack -- will work in the general.
Which it won't. Because the Republican base does not represent the average American voter. The Republican base, as we've seen yesterday and two days ago, things Hillary is in League with Lucifer, and needs to be imprisoned.
Because they are, as we all know, insane.
Moreover, the Republican Party must be destroyed.
The Republican party will be destroyed my friend.
Barry Goldwater will be a lightweight compared to Trump's footnote in the Insane Party's obituary.
They're already lining up to jump. Roll on November...
Saw a Trump supporter/correspondent on TV trying to justify why tennis balls and lightbulbs were banned within a certain area of a Trump convention while AK47 assault rifles weren't. She said, Because people won't throw an AK47.
Lol, Trump's sure got some real dumb supporters out there.
If some thought the potential for danger has subsided from Trump's rabid fans the danger has only begun.
A trend towards unstable and mentally disturbed proclamations are coming from 'Trump Land'.
The RNC Delegate from West Virginia provides an excellent example of how dangerous the mentally unbalanced can be once inspired by dictatorial styled mind control.
A real danger, read on . . .
"Folk, a United Airlines pilot and a Republican member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, caused controversy with a tweet calling for Clinton to be publicly executed."
"On July 16, Folk wrote that Clinton "should be tried for treason, murder, and crimes against the US Constitution... then hung on the Mall in Washington, DC."
"His tweet, which has since been deleted, prompted United Airlines to suspend and investigate him. United Continental Holding Inc. tweeted Sunday that the company is "appalled by his threatening comments" and wrote that his tweet is not representative of it."
source: 'From Spankings to Executions, Violent Rhetoric Against Clinton Escalates'
What fears? It's actually the opposite. Personally, I feel very good because both Trump and Hillary are tied, great news for the GOP and bad news for Democrats.
Plagiarize? You mean like how Obama did as well?
If they do a 180 it's because they're finally waking up realizing that a Hilary term is a 3rd Obama term and that's not choking on a grape.
Al Baldasaro, a New Hampshire representative who serves on Trump's veterans' coalition and as a Trump delegate at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland
Wow, crazy Republicans. Their campaign is based on hate. Of course I could understand saying stuff like incompetent but to say Clinton should be shot. That's way out there. Go Trump!
Wow, you Conservatives want Clinton to actually be shot and killed.