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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump picks hard-liners for 3 key posts
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Well, at least the racism is no longer beneath the surface. And now we know where Trump's birtherism came from: his heart. Trump chooses a racist to run our Justice department. It's about time to stop giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Liberals would complain even if President-elect Trump chose Al Sharpton to run the Justice Department...
Simon Foston
Every one of them an aging white man, just like the rest of his picks. The anti-PC brigade have nothing to worry about there, then.
Yeah - I think that's kinda the whole point, actually. See, Trump has never been politically active, and his history has wavered between both parties, so it seems that, to prove his devotion to the "cause," he's coming down heavily on the conservative side.
In plainspeak: Trump has a daddy complex.
More wasted years, in the mould of the Bush II presidency, coming up. There is no vision here. It's the flailing arms of privilege and ignorance that is passing for action. God help us all.
Roles within the autocracy are being filled by CultofDon loyalists, which is fitting in this post-truthian era. The Don's wonders are already being manifested: He's saved THOUSANDS of US jobs BEFORE He's even taken office. Soon we'll read things like: He shot a 38-under par round that included no fewer than 11 holes in one; He never used a toilet; and of course there is no Internet.
After all, the man of whom similar things have been proclaimed had one of his DPRK news outlets recommend the Don months ago.
I wonder why that would be? Serendipity?
I am sure it has nothing to do with societal norms towards women and racial minorities ehich have historically precluded them from positions of power.
Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, also visited the Trump Tower and called the billionaire businessman “a true friend of Israel.”
That's a bit of a worry. I feel we are getting further from a two-state solution or anything remotely satisfying for Palestinians, and essentially peace in the region.
Personally I have no doubt that the Israeli-palestinian conflict feeds terrorist organizations like IS, especially in western europe with 2nd or 3rd generation migrants.
Hope Trump and his acolytes see that too.
If I recall correctly from Flynn's book he basically lays out the lines of cooperation between Iran, Russia, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, the PLO etc. Russia and Iran through Russian arms sales to Iran and technical aid Russian engineers have provided to one of Iran's reactors. He has clarified that the complete breakdown of order in the Middle lies at the feet of both Sunnis and Shias but that Iran is "on the march" and particularly dangerous because they have ballistic missiles and in several years they will have nuclear capability. That is just off the top of my head -- but it could be more his co-author speaking than him. Like Trump, Flynn also suggests that cooperation with Russia to defeat Islamism might be more prudent and economical than any Cold War remake. Too bad there won't be hearings on his appointment, they would certainly be instructive.
Dre Hund
Too bad about Mit Romney. He could have stood his ground instead of catering to the "party". By the way, do you see anything in his pics that are about jobs for the middle class? I don't. I only see hands in the till. The same ones that dipped into social security without asking us. Don't forget to keep trying to make us forget Franklyn Roosevelt's New Deal. I'll be curious as to how this admin. uses the new technology to disseminate information. I vote for letting the republican voters do the work in straightening out this crew's front axle, instead of the left. (Man, I should have invested my dough in spray tan....)
What happened to "drain the swamp"? Seems more like he took a dump in it the turned off the fan.
Predictably disappointing, just like Trump's handling of money in regards to Trump U. He is going to pay thousands of students 25 million for suckering them into sitting through lame real estate lectures. Here is a precedent showug Trump is for free education! I wanted to hear him on the stand talking about the meaning of 'hand picked' as in not the instrutors but the golden boogers from his own shnozz to make a unique graduation present.
Meanwhile Israeli media posits:
As I'd mentioned before, Trump is not draining the swamp; he's unpenning the gators. Big money to be made here if you're in the in, but take care - Trump just settled his "Trump University" lawsuit for $25 million to cover $40 million in claims, which means after expenses, plaintiffs will receive back quite less than half what they spent on the scam. But that was peanuts. He's after bigger fish now - and he's hunting in a pack, with his insatiable brood backing.
He is slowly but surely setting America back to an age where racism was common, the white man ruled America and about half of the population is ok with this... utterly shocking.
So is there no silver lining? Yes, it seems that maybe in about 10 or 20 years from now, because the contrast couldn't be starker, Obama will be viewed as one of the best to have ever served, while history will judge Trump as the worst by far, someone who, at least for 4 years, will have America relived its past.
I meant to type 'showing' and outrider was shooting for 'aging.' Bifocals, group aerobics and metamucil lunches don't sound so awful. Compensate by getting a badazz hand carved cane.
It seems that Trump and his administrative members would screw up and face deadlock of politics sooner or later. Trump is a businessman. Most people who supported Trump would be disappointed about failures because probably they can't organized better.
If Bannon meant that in a Star Wars fanboy kind of way, obsessing over the forceful vocals of James Earl Jones, then no prob. If he is actually a satanist in love with Chaney and Vader, then keep him away from gov't.
The prospect of listening to Jeff Sessions testifying 'I am not a racist' in the squeakiest Alabama country hick accent you've ever heard is just about good enough to make me get over Trump not showing at the Trump U trial (of course after claiming he would never settle.)
If the policies advocated by these appointees are implemented, anti-US attitudes will harden, and the risk of attacks on US interests worldwide and US soil will increase. As a leader, surrounding yourself with people who share your views, especially ethnocentric, nationalist or racist views, is a recipe for disaster - unless maybe you're running your local KKK chapter.
would a modern mixed race military directly support the actions of a backwards racist administration?
That's good. He's picking people with experience! Better than having a bunch of inexperienced millennials screwing everything up.
Pretty much.
Obama is almost gone, Hillary is gone, that's a start. Smith, it's been over a week. Both Obama and Clinton didn't get their cabinet together until 4 to 6 weeks later. It's all good.
"It's all good."
What are Bannon's good points? You continually have a go at those involved in trash leftist organisations like Daily Kos and I'd agree. Why doesn't the same hold true for trash rightist organisations like Breitbart?
Trash is trash no matter what side of the spectrum it's on. Bannon would lower the tone of any swamp.
Trump won the electoral vote (not the popular vote) through bigotry and lies. Even the two former Republican presidents denounced him. Now that he is president-elect he is paying the bigots off with cabinet posts. It is only going to get worse, unless the Electoral College does its moral and constitutional duty and finds Trump unfit for the presidency.
Simon Foston
bass4funkNOV. 19, 2016 - 10:25AM JST
What, there aren't any women or people of different ethnic backgrounds with experience? Or is it too "PC" to say something like that?
Congrats to each of the posters who supported The Party during the run-up to the election and who shared their beliefs about what they thought His Don-ship would do as a political ‘outsider’, as an ‘anti-establishment, anti-Wall Street, anti-DC insider smasher of the system’. But now that He has shown His true Republican colors these posters are changing their tunes. To them kudos are in order for being guided by R.W. Emerson’s “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds…”
Of course some might call it flip-flopping, others being hypocritical, but those who would say that are the sorts who aren’t true believers; they don’t understand the grip His Donship has on His cult members. Those who call flip-flop are yesterday’s sorts guided by reason; they will be left behind left in this post-truth era. What a Brave New World lies ahead!
Trump is delivering what the voters wanted: Strong law and order domestically; illegal immigrants who committed crimes have to be tried and deported, immigration to USA has to be proper & legal just like in many other sovereign nations. The existing laws have to be implemented across the board fairly and justly. Democrats politicizing immigration to build a demographic and citizenry to win votes is going to be stopped during his term. George Soros Open Society global agenda will be checked for a while. This wealthy speculator that benefitted from chaos and volatility and even attacking central banks' weaknesses may have to take a break. There will be vetting on people from certain nations that promote terrorism against USA. It's just plain common sense. The President determines the direction & implementation; that's what elections are about. Obama already had his days.
Trump Chooses and Options some Cabinet Members and Advisors: 3 Good, 1 Bad
( Hey 3 out of 4 ain't bad! )
Can we take it you hate Reagan for GATT, too?
Trump is not so experienced if he thinks that a 50ft x2000 mile concrete wall can be electrified. I can't wait for that farce. And don't forge the underground sensors.
Everyone is shocked by Toranpu's win but at least the yen is getting weaker which should help Japan's exports.
I think you meant what a minority of voters wanted. Right? Or perhaps you meant what a yuuuuge number of white people wanted.
Bass4funk: "That's good. He's picking people with experience!"
Hahahahaha! So now, "The Swamp" you and others were screaming about for weeks is now "the experienced" and a good thing! How quickly we go 180! It'd be even funnier if you weren't called on it ages ago.
Mr.jgb: "illegal immigrants who committed crimes have to be tried and deported"
Being illegal is technically a crime, and Trump's own wife is guilty of working illegally in the US when she came. He going to deport her?
The most successful nation and culture on earth getting back to what made it great. Good for them and good for the rest of us. I want to drink the tears of the regressive left right now.
Which is?
Andrew Crisp
Liberals are gonna complain regardless - DT has too much invested in the American economy to see America fail, America is getting over run by third world economic immigrants the US Government needs to make a stand, the ban on refugees from the Middle East and Africa needs to happen just have a look at where the terrorist attacks in Australia, Europe and Canada have come from, America needs to stop being the worlds police man its costing a fortune not too mention the wasted American lives its about time other countries put in with troops on the ground, the green fantasy of Solar and Wind farms is going to end in failure there needs to be a combined energy response based on reality that means good old reliable coal powering modern power plants - the leftist fantasy needs to end.
Fred Wallace
Wow. And the devastating effects this would have on the planet don't bother you at all?
That'll be next spring. Assuming she doesn't wangle an Everlasting Pardon out of Obama.
Watch the rhetoric developing here. Those who dare question the brash new orthodoxy are leftist.
Don't mention the hundred thousand-plus civilian lives lost. People will call you a leftie. And don't dare tell your new groper-in-chief, who wants to expand the military. What are all those warriors going to do, help old ladies across the street?
DT makes money when the economy fails. Did you not see his comments on the 2009 stock market crash?
That's something people don't realize - when the economy fails the money doesn't disappear, it just gets filtered upwards.
Jeff Sessions: finally an Attorney General who is going to do something about CRIMINAL illegal aliens...
Which is?
law and order
conservative values
In other words, the very antithesis of the failed regressive-left weaklings who just drove Trump into the White House
Put on your seatbelts. It looks like it's gonna be wild 4 years.
law and order
conservative values"
Ask conservative religious nutcases like Mike Pence about where freedom stops.
Jimizo - he's religious, but hardly a nutcase. All the controversies whipped up by the mainstream media during the campaign when you look at it, are much ado about nothing.
Jefferson Sessions
--called The NAACP and ALCU "un-American" & "Communist-inspired" for "trying to force civil rights down the throats of people"
--considered the Voting Rights Act a "piece of intrusive legislation"
Is it just a coincidence that Trump is choosing this racist for Attorney General? Say hello to more stop and frisk, minority disenfranchisement, and databasing of Muslim Americans.
Michael Flynn
--has called Islam an “ideology based on a religion,” rather than a religion in itself
--said "fear of Muslims is RATIONAL"
--like Trump, is a big fan of (dictator) Putin, which may explain why he and Trump openly called for the jailing of a political foe
Stephen Bannon (Trump's Karl Rove)
--proudly credits Breitbart for becoming the platform for the alt-right (and we all know what that means)
--has called liberal women "a bunch of dykes"
--under his leadership, Breitbart has published headlines such as “Hoist It High and Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims a Glorious Heritage”, “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy”, and “Gabby Giffords: The Gun Control Movement’s Human Shield”
--encourages grassroots Republicans to "turn on the hate"
--didn't want his kids going to school with Jews
--believes that having too many Asians as tech CEOs undermines American civic society
If there was any doubt left that Trump's 'movement' is mostly about white nationalism, it's gone now. This is just the beginning of the nightmare, people.
plasticmonkey - The oft-repeated lies about Bannon (most of which from his ex-wife during a divorce hearing) have already been de-bunked. Every Jewish writer at Breitbart have come out in his support - as has the Isreali ambassador to the United States.
as far as Flynn goes, is he wrong? In the wake of the sheer number of radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the past few years alone, is he wrong? Is it NOT rational to fear further attacks?
So the complaint of the PC brigade is now that he appoints people who disagree with Obamas policy? What the the heck to people think he was elected for?
And these hysterical accusations of "racism" so silly it is embarrassing. The label "racist" in the current polemical debate when lobbed from the PC people has come to mean "anybody who disagrees with me". Pathetic.
"Jimizo - he's religious, but hardly a nutcase."
Denying evolution and climate change while supporting gay conversion therapy is a religious nutcase in my book. Being unable to give a straight answer to the question of whether it's acceptable to fire someone because of their sexuality takes it into the sinister levels.
You don't strike me as someone who would support this kind of thing.
@Clam Every Jewish writer at Breitbart have come out in his support -
Are you referring to neo-cons?
Jimizo, you know as well as I do, that if you do a little research you'll see that the "gay conversion therapy" silliness was a lie. He was asking that federal AIDS money be redirected “toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behaviour"
An anti-HIV program helping gay men reduce or eliminate high-risk sexual activity may be naive, but it is a far cry from conversion therapy.
A little less Huffpost and Rachael Maddow.
Texas A&M Aggie
When Obama won in 2008 and some criticized his choices they were told: He won you lost, get over it.
President-elect Trump gets to pick his own team. If crybaby U.S. alt.-left liberals don't like it, they need to start winning elections. Good luck with that. . . .
PTownsend - you just supplied a link which describes the neoconservative movement.
This obviously has nothing to do with Jewish writers at Breitbart News supporting Bannon against charges he is anti-semitic.
You didn't seriously just learn this new word, hear that Brietbart News is neoconservative in its opinions, assume that it may be negative, and without any context or comment paste it onto your post hoping that it would make some sort of sense?
You didn't just do that, did you?
Allow me to repost this Promised Land postulation on the Rapture's conscientious objectors:
Doublethink (from '1984'):
"To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary"
@Clamza I'm fully aware of Breitbart's politics and neo-cons (the Bush invasions made neo-cons well known worldwide- unfortunately) and think both are negative. I sent the post too quickly. It was incomplete but thank you for attempting to fill in what I'd left out.
Sad, but it looks like Trump is going to ramp up neo-con-ism. Will he out-Bush the Bushes? With Bannon, he's got the media to trumpet his calls to war. What will the US be looking for during its next invasion? WMD? Oil and gas? Rare earth elements? Property to build hotels and golf courses on?
senseNotSoCommon - and where are these cases of "Trump-inspired anti-Semitism"?? You'd think an infamous NY businessman like Trump would have this revelation hanging over his head for years and years, but....nothing. Its almost as if it......wasn't reality...
Gotta love the regressive left. They single-handedly (figure of speech, calm down) lost a sure election for Clinton, and now are doubling down on their boorish behaviour of branding every single person not them a racist, sexist, homophobe, anti-semite, anti this, anti that, Hitler, et cetera, et cetera.....
For the next 4 years it's going to be hard to determine if people are really bigots or just get off on talking down to people.
Trump is going to put sanctions on Mexico- much more serious than Iran's sanctions. According to Trump, Mexico is worse than Iran. Trump wants Mexico to suffer badly. He hates Mexico. Japan is also on Trump's chopping block. He hates Japan because of Japanese cars and that Japanese people don't buy Chevys.
Well, not quite. Ben Shapiro was editor-at-large for four years at Breitbart and is severely critical of Bannon.
As for the Israeli ambassador, there is a real difference between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel and its regional policies. The American right, especially evangelical Christians, have a long and conflicted legacy of supporting Israel's disproportional power in the Middle East while at the same time harboring suspicions about the financial and cultural influence of Jews globally. In short, Israel is good because it supports America's geopolitical resource needs and, to a certain extent, evangelical Christians' end-times wishes. But Jews are different because they live closer to home. They are largely liberal, vote Democrat, are socially progressive and urban, and -- most importantly -- are not Christian.
That's how Breitbart, and Bannon, can be both pro-Israel and anti-Semitic at the same time. It's how its readership thinks.
And now the Republicans can take responsibility for all that happens in the next 4 years. (Not 50 like Bannon proclaims.)
Hopefully the rightists will not stifle opinions and Bannon and Trump will not shut down media outlets that question their decisions, and also won't close those outlets that compete with Bannon, Murdoch's and other alt right media empires.
A real concern of all Republicans, though, has to be Trump's health.
Simon Foston
clamenzaNOV. 19, 2016 - 06:04PM JST
Perhaps you could explain in specific detail the difference between "gay conversion therapy" and "assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behaviour." It's a bit unclear to me.
NSA Intelligence appointee Flynn has to become better at vetting what is and what isn't fake news.
He publicly tweeted a fake news before.
A lot of fake news going around.
Can't have NSA wasting resources going after ghosts.
plasticmonkey - Ben Shapiro is on record as saying while he doesn't like Bannon on a personal basis, he has no reason to believe he's an anti-Semite. The issue Shapiro has with Bannon is that he believes him to be a "European nationalist". On this point, I disagree. Bannon has simply refused to cow to the regressive left losers who see western values (the most successful, enlightened culture in human history) as totally evil.
Simon Foston - you need to read my comment again, you missed the entire message.
You've just repackaged angry white man chauvinism into something that appears noble. Give me a break. Nobody sees Western values as "totally evil". That you would think so reflects the deep-seeded feelings of emasculation among the Trumpsters. You feel strong because you got your bully boy in office, but ultimately you're on the losing end of human progress.
Haaretz (see previous post) isn't the only Israeli media source alluding to the phenomenon:
Here's an excerpt of the analysis of the Anti-Defamation League who, while not suggesting that the Trump campaign endorsed or supported the attacks, report
There's Donald Trump's obsession with Jon Stewart's original (Jewish) name:
(ADVISORY: you might just catch your hero being called ****face Von Clownstick)
Finally we have The Donald's crude stereotyping of the Republican Jewish Coalition, which might be excused (as ignorance) coming from a MidWest farmer, but a native New Yorker??
'Hard liners' simply means the same kind of leaders who run every East Asian country. Hard-line economic nationalists and cultural chauvinists who, we were constantly told, would eventually yield to enlightened internationalists totally comfortable with the idea that the nation state is doomed to wither and eventually disappear.
plasticmonkey - wrong. Trump is hardly my hero, but I'm overjoyed at the sea-change in the West towards sanity and western values.
SenseNotSoCommon - my god, if those damning examples of how horrible Trump is from
NYTimes (just released a statement acknowledging how wrong the Old Grey lady has been and promising to uphold sagging journalistic standards)
Jon Stewart (a comedian who has made his career reporting the fake news and mugging for the camera)
Salon - well, even the Huff Post would blush at their cuckory
It MUST be true!
"Put on your seatbelts. It looks like it's gonna be wild 4 years"
Probably a wild 8 years, then another wild 4 years with one of Trump's children to preside over and continue the prosperity.
"Jimizo, you know as well as I do, that if you do a little research you'll see that the "gay conversion therapy" silliness was a lie. He was asking that federal AIDS money be redirected “toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behaviour"
The only thing I know is that is the most meaningless thing I've read on JT. Please tell me what "seeking to change their sexual behaviour" means.
Anything to say about denying climate change and evolution? How about refusing to answer the question about firing somebody because of their sexuality?
Please try to be clear this time.
Dems think that enforcing the law as written is "hard-line". Hilarious!
And all of this agonizing screams of racism! racism! President Obama was a card carrying member of a hate-filled black nationalist church for 17 years and the guy that broke the back of the klan in Alabama is the hateful one?
Trump has been a clown but the blatant hypocrisy from the Left about racism is a classic case of projection. The Left is constantly demeaning poor white people whether they be men, Christian, older in age, high school educated or working class living in flyover country. These people used to be the core of the Democrat party and may have even voted for Obama in the previous two elections. Now they are deplorable and hated by their self-proclaimed betters. Hillary had Jay-Z yelling the n-word multiple times at one of her rallies a mere two weeks before the election and then she comes out on stage and gives him a big hug. You guys are just too much. If the Left wants to seek out and eliminate racism in America, they can start by looking in the mirror.
Trump's real estate company used to write "C" on the application of black (colored) people so they could auto decline them or steer them away from properties with white tenants.
Back in the 70's. You do know it's 2016 right?
Sorry, Fizz. No free passes. You can't untell the story.
Kuya 808
@Super Lib
Hillary's Democrat Party "used to" put on white sheets,lynch black people, burn their churches and homes, rape their women.
Also Hillary referred to blacks as Super-Predators.
Sorry, Super. No free passes. You can't untell the story.
Kuya, the Civil Rights movement championed by the Democrats in the 60s pushed the racists into the arms of the GOP where they have been ever since, unless you think today's KKK voted for Clinton.
Serrano, yes, I see that you responded. Are you concerned about Trump's past history of racism? Does the GOP get an unfair judgement on issues such as this?
Obama had the least amount of women or minorities as well.
So what's better, hiring someone for the job position based on color or gender or should we hire the best QUALIFIED person for the position. I think for liberals the optics is the most important thing, even if the person isn't suitable for the job. Quotas should never be part of a job consideration or qualification process.
I remember when Obama took about 4 weeks to get his cabinet together, I waited until the process was done before I put forth my opinionated objections. Liberals are hitting the ground running before he can even complete the process and it's been over almost 2 weeks, cool your spurs, dude. Knowing how Trump is, he'll drain that swamp, it might not be the way, the libs want it, but at this point, it doesn't really matter what they think anyway.
Interesting and what grip might that mean, less dependent on Washington, wanting to see heavy changes coming to the establishment? We all hope so.
Praise the heavens!
Kuya 808
The 1964 Equal Rights Act was passed with 82% Republican support in the Senate and 80% Republican support in the House. This compares to 69% Democrat support in the Senate and 63% in the House. Among those lawmakers that opposed the bill, the Democrats were the majority. And that was pretty much the case with every piece of civil rights legislation proposed from the time of reconstruction.
Why would "the racists" leave the party that for the last 100 years had championed segregation and the marginalization of blacks and then go to one that for the same period of time had fought against that very thing?The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were all Republican gigs and were all passed over strident Democrat opposition. The Civil Rights Act of 1957 and of 1960 were likewise pushed and passed by the Republicans with strong resistance by the Democrats. The first time that the Democrats came down on the same side as equality and civil rights was in 1964 and even then one out of three Democrats opposed it.
Jimizo - as I've already pointed out, Pence has some antiquated ideas about homosexuality, but do you think for a second he's going to single-handedly repeal all human rights? Thats melodramatic reasoning.
And I might remind you, Hillary Clinton was anti-gay marriage (and probably still is) until it wasn't politically damaging.
OK, Kuya. Today's KKK and white suptemicists must have voted and supported Clinton since they are most likely Democrats.
Time to move on?
Kuya 808
Well if they were true Democrats, then of course they voted for her.
Why? It's not like there's nothing to see here.
Then it's settled. The KKK and white supremacists are Democrats and voted for Clinton. And Obama.
Senator Robert Byrd was a Klansman and a congressman AND a Democrat. Look, this is a very stupid and losing argument from the left. Whether these White Supremacist groups supported Obama or not doesn't mean he shares their political views or is a carrying card memeber. Be careful, y'all just got your head handed to you and you guys still haven't learned anything yet? By the way, remember when Clinton was talking about Obama a few years ago and said, awhile back, this guy would be fetching our coffee for us. Take what you want from that.
He didn't just pop out these racist lines when Hillary wasn't around. She happened to not be around when he popped out this one.
Very confusing responses.
Are you referring to Clinton getting around 1,300,000 more votes than Trump? It seems clear the majority of Americans preferred her to Trump.
Curious, but why are you and the other rightists no longer saying it was rigged?
You have written several times that Trump should release his tax info, and I'm sure you still believe that. Don't you? I'm sure you like, like millions of others around the world, want to know which international 'financiers' he owes hundreds of millions to.
= "I don't like the responses"
Well I'm still unsure if some readers think the KKK and white supremacists are Democrats and voted for Clinton and Obama.
Oh my...
Muslim-American: I'm ready to fight radical Islam with Trump:
Sessions. Never min what he said in 1986 . He took responsibility of he said for too many years ,
(news source)
Next Trump is going to grant millions green card amnesty like Reagan did. Sorry Trump lovers. Ready for more disappointment?
No illegal alien hunters and no Muslim registry. Little by little. He's deceiving you!
And no wall! Naive Trump lovers think he is going to build a giant wall!
They don't seem to be particularly disappointed. So let's hope he starts to do a lot more leftist stuff, as they will be ok with it, and we should be too if he does good stuff.
Of course nobody but nobody wants to discuss the competence of these people. We all just assume that these ideologues can "do the job" just as well as the next guy.
But is this ever the case? Think about it. These blowhards have spent their careers being blowhards. Blaming others for failures. Taking credit for others' efforts. Getting zero done. I saw a lot of this in the Reagan administration, but it looks like Trump is already off the scale with the people he is picking.
I really admire boring bureaucrats and CEOs who just quietly get the job done. We need more of those. We already have enough social climbers and back stabbers making life into a huge drama. Let's stop the clownery. Seriously. The environment is so toxic that Mitt Romney can't be tolerated? Really? Chris Christie is out of the loop? Just can't fit in, huh?
Stepping back a little further for a better view, consider.... Romney and Christie did not have enough SUPPORT in the administration to find a place. To me that means that the whole team is already so much under someone's thumb that there is only one road into the castle, and that is through Trump and his family. Everybody ok with that?
And Trump has already said that conflicts of interest do not apply to the POTUS. OK. Everyone down with that? This ain't America, people. Follow the money. Who benefits?