Japan Today

Trump pleads not guilty to 34 criminal charges in New York

By Karen Freifeld, Jody Godoy and Luc Cohen

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WOW, they are going to ARREST ME

How did it feel, Don? You sound so sad.

13 ( +30 / -17 )

What parts of the criminal statutes of a jurisdiction do not apply to any specific individual resident of or otherwise connected to the jurisdiction? Right, none. And when the evidence is shown to bear out what he has already admitted doing... you know the refrain… Lock him up.

17 ( +26 / -9 )

Donald will go down (not just in history) as the worst ex-president!

The man got stuck in the swamp he created.

34 felony counts - people got busted for much less than this!

Rikers Island is waiting for a new "customer"!

10 ( +24 / -14 )

Not to be picky, but did he actually read the list of charges?

9 ( +15 / -6 )

How did it feel, Don? You sound so sad.

We should all be sad. Look at what the US has become.

Political witch hunt and Dem retribution against a former president. Its appalling yet you gloat.

-26 ( +16 / -42 )

You can read the indictment online. There was another $150,000 payment to another woman. The publisher of the National Inquirer collided with Trump to buy then kill the stories and publish derogatory stories about opponents. Multiple LLC’s to hide payments, billing the payoffs as tax exempt corporate legal expenses, on and on.

And the judge warned Trump that he would take action if Trump published more bat to the head of the DA like posts to social media. And he would be removed from the court for any outbursts.

This is still small stuff. The classified documents obstruction and election tampering cases are far more serious. It’s reported that there is much more damaging evidence recently in the documents crimes.

Those are not political cases, they are serious felonies. Anyone else would be in prison already. His days of delay and attack are ending.

27 ( +33 / -6 )

And remember, these 34 felony charges are the least serious of all the charges he's likely to face of all his upcoming cases.

The one weakness in Bragg's case is that all of the charges are felony charges, reliant on the false records being to cover up another crime, which sets a higher bar to secure a conviction. Surely if some were misdemeanour charges, this increases the chances of a conviction of some sort.

Much as I dislike Trump, I don't think that the payments to Daniels are 100% provable as being for electoral reasons. And if the jury can't be convinced that the law was broken in this case, the felony can't be proven.

Perhaps I'm more revealing my ignorance of the law, but I'm not sure that this is a slam dunk.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

It is logical for Trumped-up charges.

-16 ( +7 / -23 )

Political witch hunt and Dem retribution against a former president.

Nope. He's likely a crook and he's facing criminal charges brought against him without fear or favour based on real evidence, and after a grand jury has found probable cause for an indictment.

Many Republicans can easily understand this basic concept, however the Trump worshipping zealots who are incapable of being objective, obviously cannot comprehend it at all.

19 ( +26 / -7 )

a lawyer for Trump, told reporters after the arraignment, adding that Trump was frustrated, upset and angry about the charges....

Trump posted on social media: "Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse. Seems so SURREAL - WOW, they are going to ARREST ME. Can't believe this is happening in America."

Of course he cannot beleive it. HE IS NOT CAPABLE. The 2020 election clearly showed that: he could not believe what happened - his defeat. The man who has no sense of justice, the man who thinks that justice or election result can be bought like sex - this man cannot understand reality. He is all delusional. He is a sick man, very sick man.

He thinks he can do anything.

No Donald, you cannot.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

...this man cannot understand reality. He is all delusional. He is a sick man, very sick man.

He thinks he can do anything.

Yes. And weak minded people worship him for that.

21 ( +27 / -6 )

Hopefully not the last indictment.

18 ( +24 / -6 )

This whole debacle will only see his fan base grow even stronger. He’ll likely win the election in 2024.

-21 ( +16 / -37 )

This whole debacle will only see his fan base grow even stronger. He’ll likely win the election in 2024.

Right. Just like being impeached helped him win the 2020 elections..wait a minute...

18 ( +26 / -8 )

Tuesday to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, as prosecutors accused him of paying two women to suppress their accounts of sexual encounters with him.

34 charges and not a single misdemeanor.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

From his motorcade, Trump posted on social media: "Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse. Seems so SURREAL - WOW, they are going to ARREST ME. Can't believe this is happening in America."

What a stupid statement. People get arrested for their crimes every day in America.

16 ( +22 / -6 )

“WOW, they are going to ARREST ME”

Yeah because don’t forget, they’re not coming after him they’re coming after you.

I mean whoever heard of people getting arrested for crimes, in the US. That kind of thing only happens in third world countries.

Just you wait, it’s a slippery slope. From now the number of people arrested for illegally paying hush money to a porn star is going to skyrocket.

What he means is “wow they are going to arrest someone like me”

10 ( +16 / -6 )

Lots of people do not even know the charges,these were money laundering scheme to hide the true nature of the check,by structuring the check to hide the true identity,I spent most of weekend studying money laundering and bank fraud

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

The businessman-turned-politician has been a familiar figure for decades in New York, the city where he was raised, built his real estate business and became a celebrity.

Trump should have been jailed in the 80's with his billionaire real estate tax-avoiding compatriot Leona Helmsley.


It would have spared a lot of what has happened to American since.

Maybe in another timeline....

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Apparently, there were also payments to a Trump Tower doorman who claimed to have a story about a child he alleged the former president had out of wedlock.

Gets the popcorn out...

7 ( +12 / -5 )

34 counts. If even 1 of those is true, he's unfit for office.

Don't confuse federal charges and state charges. They are completely different courts, completely different prosecuting attorneys.

Attorneys and judges should be apolitical. I remember voting for judges without any political party denoted. In one state, they didn't list political parties on any election ballots until the last 10 yrs. It was a much nicer system and we voted based on the person, not their party. US political parties are a huge problem that needs to be solved. It is almost on the level as the CCP is a problem for Asia.

12 ( +19 / -7 )

How did it feel, Don? You sound so sad.

Well, of course not good, but he can at least smile 8 million raised in just 4 days that’s yuge!

-18 ( +11 / -29 )

""The judge set the next court hearing for Dec 4 and did not issue a gag order on any of the parties.""

For one glad to see him in a court room facing justice, smart move by the judge and the prosecution to slide it till Dec. and with NO GAG Order knowing trump he will dig his own hole so deep comes Dec. 4th he wont be able to see the daylight .

3 ( +9 / -6 )


How did it feel, Don? You sound so sad.

Well, of course not good, but he can at least smile 8 million raised in just 4 days that’s yuge!

I thought he was a multi-billionaire. Why does he need to raise funds? Unless, of course, he's a grifter.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

The judge set the next court hearing for Dec 4 and did not issue a gag order on any of the parties.

Some say the Democrats have been trying for years to nail Trump for something, now I see why it's been taking so long.

TobleroneToday  06:39 am JST

We should all be sad. Look at what the US has become.

That's what you get with a politicised judicial system.

Its appalling yet you gloat.

I suppose you applauded when Trump was acquitted in two Senate impeachment trials by what was basically a stacked jury.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )


Lots of people do not even know the charges,these were money laundering scheme to hide the true nature of the check,by structuring the check to hide the true identity,I spent most of weekend studying money laundering and bank fraud

There were no money laundering charges. They were all:


3 ( +7 / -4 )

Well, of course not good, but he can at least smile 8 million raised in just 4 days that’s yuge!

I thought there is a sucker born every minute was the mathematical theorem but Trump just made a new one .

Truly a big brain genius is he.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

As if Trump can get anything remotely approaching a fair

trial in New York!

-12 ( +10 / -22 )

Their is high probability that Trump will be convicted,they could care less about his supporters,they do not have a say in the verdict,it up to Trump,that want to gamble with his future,you fight the charges or plead guilty and throw yourself on the mercy of the court,that what every lawyer tell his client

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Some say the Democrats have been trying for years to nail Trump for something, now I see why it's been taking so long.

When you have nothing that would be the case in the US, not sure in the UK

That's what you get with a politicised judicial system.

No one told the Dems to do this. God gave man free will.

I suppose you applauded when Trump was acquitted in two Senate impeachment trials by what was basically a stacked jury.

Stacked jury? Interesting, now how on earth would you even know? You funny. Lol

-19 ( +6 / -25 )

but he can at least smile 8 million raised in just 4 days that’s yuge!

Fundamentalists will always beggar themselves (and do worse) to please their god.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

When you have nothing that would be the case in the US, not sure in the UK

Ah, but the DA found a lot of "nothing" to charge Trump with.

Stacked jury? Interesting, now how on earth would you even know? You funny. Lol

He was referring to the GOP led Senate. Thats how he would "know."

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Fundamentalists will always beggar themselves (and do worse) to please their god.

Still doesn’t change the fact that more money is coming in, thanks Dems.

Remember when people made fun of Obama being a community organizer?

Before he was in office.

At least he wasn't living his life as a tax cheat for 70 years.

Which has nothing to do as President

-17 ( +7 / -24 )

Yepthis is politically motivated, but the question is: should we care?…; it’s not about breaking laws (perhaps (somelaws were broken(?) but the reasonwhy he’s being indicted is because he’s Donald Trump), it’s about bringing Trump down because he’s still a threat not only to the Democrats but also to the country…; back in two thousand and sixteen, I sympathized with the people voting for him because he was anti-establishment but after all the lies, the way he handled the pandemic and January 6, how can you still support the guy…(?)…;

he’s not the change that the American people need…;

now if only we could see his mugshot (it wasn’t taken, I know, but)…; that image has the potential to be the most trafficked image of all time, the most famous mugshot in American history and one of the most defining images of the 21st century…; Democrats, Republicans and even people with no interest in politics will love that mugshot… but

Under New York State law, the authorities must take the fingerprints of anyone charged with a felony. But law enforcement officials have discretion over whether they take a mug shot.

Mug shots are meant to help the authorities identify a defendant and find them if they flee; in such instances, the photographs are distributed to law enforcement agencies and sometimes the media in order to help apprehend the fugitive.

But Mr. Trump is not considered a significant flight risk, and as he is a former president who hosted a widely popular reality television show after spending decades as a fixture of the tabloids, photographs of him are more than readily available.

Several officials also said there was concern that a mug shot of Mr. Trump, which would be provided to the New York Police Department and other agencies, would be leaked. That would be a violation of law and could prompt an investigation and a political firestorm.

Taking Mr. Trump’s mug shot would also be complicated for logistical reasons, one law enforcement official said. He is expected to surrender to the authorities at the Manhattan Criminal Courts Building. The official said that facility does not have the equipment necessary to take Mr. Trump’s mug shot.

That means doing so would require that he be taken to either the Police Department’s Central Booking facility or to the Manhattan Detention Complex, which would entail more movements for the former president. Mr. Trump’s surrender and arraignment has already been highly choreographed by the Secret Service, the Police Department and court security to reduce the possible security risk to Mr. Trump.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Posters that cheered on Trump's Suprme Court candidates because they were fellow extreme rightists, and call this effort political should post their whines on 4Chan or Gab.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

A misdemeanor hush money payment turned into a felony finance charged split 34 ways. It’s not only laughable, but beyond ridiculous and desperate.

lol Not split. 34 counts. 34 different ways Trump committed felonies. It wasn't just hush money payments.

Seriously, try harder if that’s all you got. Lol

You can disagree with OP if you want, but your "how would you know" comment missed the mark.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

people would(!) love that mugshot… but

1 ( +4 / -3 )

CBS news 5 hrs. ago reported that Mr. Trump is already attacking the Judge and his family, typical Trump Play Book .

7 ( +13 / -6 )

A misdemeanor hush money payment turned into a felony finance charged split 34 ways. It’s not only laughable, but beyond ridiculous and desperate.

Well, too bad. It’s happening anyway.

You can still hang onto your hopes that the statute of limitations has passed lol.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

And yet now hes a multi millionaire. Go figure.

Because he’s immensely popular. Someone can make millions from one best selling book. He has written 3. Go figure.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Trump is being indicted on criminal conspiracy charges. Criminal conspiracies like falsifying business records (criminal conspiracies = felonies and misdemeanors) are considered crimes in the state of New York. No one is above the law!

A DA of any state cannot and should not normalize criminal activity.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

bass4funkToday  08:10 am JST

You funny. Lol

No one could ever accuse you of that.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

The best thing for him would be to keep his big mouth shut.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Well, too bad. It’s happening anyway. 

Yup, Harry Reid said the same thing when he nuked the nuclear option in the Senate blocking the Republicans and confirming any Senate they wanted without their votes and that later helped Mitch and Trump to appoint over 300 conservative judges. So here we go again. The left never learn.

You can still hang onto your hopes that the statute of limitations has passed lol.

No, just should be interesting when the Republicans do the same to the Dems. They keep opening that door, thanks should be in order.

-11 ( +8 / -19 )

How humiliating.

9 ( +11 / -2 )


The best thing for him would be to keep his big mouth shut.

Yup. And we already know, that's not going to happen...

11 ( +13 / -2 )

You can still hang onto your hopes that the statute of limitations has passed lol.

No, just should be interesting when the Republicans do the same to the Dems. 

But you were so sure it’s just a misdemeanor past the statute of limitations, you said so many times.

Now it’s a revenge fantasy again? Just you wait grrr?

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Much as I dislike Trump, I don't think that the payments to Daniels are 100% provable as being for electoral reasons.

That’s irrelevant and not a crime.

It’s the laundering of payments as tax-deductible business expenses.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

No one could ever accuse you of that.

of Democrats failed liberal logic, can’t help it.

lol Not split. 34 counts. 34 different ways Trump committed felonies. It wasn't just hush money payments. 

Over a misdemeanor? Even the judge wouldn’t issue a gag order, I think he even knows this is all bogus.

You can disagree with OP if you want, but your "how would you know" comment missed the mark

I disagree.

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

Over a misdemeanor?

No. Felonies, Bass, felonies.

Even the judge wouldn’t issue a gag order, I think he even knows this is all bogus.

Would you like him to? It'd make it a whole lot harder for Trump to campaign off this.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

I don’t think many people change their minds with a sudden epiphany after reading the same “Yeah, but what about Z?” comments over and over.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Trump isn't being charged with a felony, he's being charged with Falsification of Business Records, 34 times, which is a misdemeanor in New York. Nobody in New York goes to jail for that as a first time offender. They're trying to change it to a felony in this one specific case. That's not how an adversarial trial system works. You can't just sort of invent a new criminal charge that's tailored to achieving a conviction against one specific person in one specific case. But that’s what they have done, what comes around goes around now the Republicans don’t have to hold back in the future.

No. Felonies, Bass, felonies.

Misdemeanors…I mean, uh, oh..felonies. ROFL

Would you like him to?


It'd make it a whole lot harder for Trump to campaign off this.

His kids could though.

-17 ( +5 / -22 )

What an underwhelming let down. 34 charges of the exact same thing that isn’t a a crime.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

“WOW, they are going to ARREST ME”

Can't wait to see that tweet three more times as the Special Counsel and the Georgia AG nail him for his classified steal and stash, the insurrection, and the phone call...

Well, of course not good, but he can at least smile 8 million raised in just 4 days that’s yuge!

Indeed...we now need to call him the Nigerian Prince of Mar-A-Lago...

MAGA-world - proving again that "there's one born every minute"...

6 ( +10 / -4 )

hes a killer! He did a “catch and kill” scheme! These type of payments are not illegal.

what nonsense.

-13 ( +6 / -19 )

TobleroneToday  08:09 am JST

As if Trump can get anything remotely approaching a fair

trial in New York!

LOL. Guess he should sneak out if the country hiding in a box and get asylum in Russia.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

The charges


9 ( +11 / -2 )

what comes around goes around now the Republicans don’t have to hold back in the future.

You said that after the first impeachment. Still waiting.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

You said that after the first impeachment. Still waiting.

They need the Senate and Presidency first. Relax, Dems don’t hold the moral high ground on who gets to be politically hounded, I’m saying now the left made it where we can do tit for tat politics.

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Saw the videos. Trump looked so defeated. Not like himself at all.

He'll be giving a speech soon. I'm sure playing the victim and asking for money will cheer the 'lil guy up.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

they will have to prove to a jury that Trump intended to break election law even though he is not criminally charged with doing so.

Bragg's office did not charge Trump with violating election laws.

They didn’t charge him with the “other crime” that supposedly makes the misdemeanors into felonies.

throw it out.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Trump uses every opportunity to scam for bucks.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Bass: I’m saying now the left made it where we can do tit for tat politics.

I'm glad that excites you. Hold onto it.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Saw the videos. Trump looked so defeated. Not like himself at all.

No, he was looking Bragg in the eyes staring him down, anyone would, can’t blame him for that.

He'll be giving a speech soon. I'm sure playing the victim and asking for money will cheer the 'lil guy up.

As any candidate would. Nothing new.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

He'll be giving a speech soon. I'm sure playing the victim and asking for money will cheer the 'lil guy up.

Donald, you are a victim! Please smile, again, I'll give you money! And, of course, you can use it any way you like, including paying off another Stormy.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

I'm glad that excites you. Hold onto it.

Not excited, but I am holding on to it.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

I read the indictment,and the indictment said Trump us multiple felonies,to falsify the record meaning money laundering

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

It'd make it a whole lot harder for Trump to campaign off this.

His kids could though.

Well 2 of them and let’s face it, what else are they going to do? Haven’t seen ivanka recently.

It’s always entertaining watching glassy eyed donjr flailing his arms around.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

No mugshot yet, but we can read something about how he feels from his body language. The few shots of him so far made available to the public show a serious to sullen mien while the photo heading the article seems to show the mask of a man-child who knows he's been caught with his hands in the cookie jar (Gotcha!), but still intends to brazen it out, confident in thrall to his self-delusion. The trial is unlikely to begin before December, which gives Trump's lawyers time to try and have the case against their client dismissed, or at least to have him not tried as an adult (lol).

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Glad to see Trump on TV again! Excitement everywhere.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

--Well, too bad. It’s happening anyway. 

Yup, Harry Reid said the same thing when he nuked the nuclear option in the Senate blocking the Republicans and confirming any Senate they wanted without their votes and that later helped Mitch and Trump to appoint over 300 conservative judges.

Harry Reid is irrelevant to this discussion.

You seem to have difficulty discerning the difference between the legislative branch of the federal government and a local prosecutor in NYC. You also seem confused by the difference between a singular person (Bragg) and an entire class of bogeymen ("the left" and "Dems").

If you think applauding a criminal because it raises your team's popularity is the way to go, you've got a pretty nihilistic vision for America.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Did anyone actually READ the counts? Essentially, it lists 34 entries they claim violate Title 175.10, which states....§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degreeA person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.There has to be intent to defraud 'someone'. There has to be 'intent' to either commit another crime or aid in the concealment of a crime. As far as I can see, no one was defrauded. It has already been stated that paying someone to not disclose an alleged affair is not a crime. And since all these are allegedly tied to the hush money payoffs, there really seems to be no 'there' there.The DOJ already said none of that could be proved so they declined to charge Trump. The Federal Election Commission already said none of that could be proven, so they declined to charge Trump.

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

Trump will prevail.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

34 “felonies”. Dems really do go overboard on everything. He can go to jail for like 136 years! Is that enough for all of you?

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Does anyone really think that any of this would be happening to Trump if he had retired to private life after leaving office two years ago?

Of course it wouldn't.

Anyone who doesn't see that this is politically motivated simply doesn't want to see it. But it's undeniable.

Meanwhile, a Republican guy who posted a sarcastic tweet about Hillary Clinton supporters texting in their votes is facing years in prison for "election interference" -- even though a Democrat woman posted a virtually identical tweet aimed at Trump supporters.

She, of course, is not facing any charges at all.

Equal justice no longer exists in America -- thanks to Democrat efforts to turn America into a one-party banana republic.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Excitement everywhere.

Not in the streets protesting. Sad.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Trump talking at his Mar-a-Lago club. Mistruths and half-truths.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

34 “felonies”. 

That's right. Not a single misdemeanor which is what was claimed.

Dems really do go overboard on everything. He can go to jail for like 136 years! Is that enough for all of you?

Ah, so we shouldn't try people for crimes if they're already going away for life? What? lol

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Did anyone actually READ the counts? Essentially, it lists 34 entries they claim violate Title 175.10, which states....§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree

Bass, you need to get this to 45s lawyers asap! You’ll leave Bragg dead in the water!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Bass4,you can prove anything with the right jury,the Election commission can only offer a civil remedy

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Not in the streets protesting. Sad.

thats cause Ray Epps is there keeping the peace, reply guy.

Trump talking at his Mar-a-Lago club. Mistruths and half-truths.

oh you watching?

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Harry Reid is irrelevant to this discussion.

Because you don’t like the narrative? Sorry.

You seem to have difficulty discerning the difference between the legislative branch of the federal government and a local prosecutor in NYC. You also seem confused by the difference between a singular person (Bragg) and an entire class of bogeymen ("the left" and "Dems").

No, I think Bragg does though.

If you think applauding a criminal

How? America is not China, in the US you are always innocent until proven guilty.

because it raises your team's popularity is the way to go, you've got a pretty nihilistic vision for America.

Bragg did that, thank you, sir!

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

No mugshot!? Then it is true: "nobody is above the law" ain't so (as everybody who sees the "Emperor's New Clothes" knows).

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The biggest circUS of the world !!.. LOL !!..

0 ( +3 / -3 )


judging from the downvotes to my previous post, it seems to me that some people wanna bury their heads in the sand…; guess what, I don’t like the orange clown but I’m not blind…; feels good to be “free”.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Arresting Trump is good for the USA, democracy and stifling the lying movement of conservative foolishness.

Trump and his followers do not critical think. The lies and limited information to create a narrative they believe is straight out of 1984, the novel, by Orwell.

Doublethink. Newspeak. 2+2=5. Thought police. It's all exactly what is going on with the lies that lead to a criminal being arrested, Trump. Of course, his cult is not interested in reading this book, they just assume burn it.

At least, though, he is not getting away with his dictatorial and gaslighting ways. He'll never be a false president, again. And his followers will either break away and wreak more havoc on the democracy of the USA, or just continue to whine and cry about everything they lie about.

They're not making America great. On the contrary, they are guiding insurrections and promoting ideals of being traitor toward the constitution, and the United States of America, as does their leader.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

The biggest circUS of the world !!.. LOL !!..

I might have to agree with you on this one.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

The judge set the next court date in December.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

All these business people that falsifying document,better come clean,wonder if they are next

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

The judge set the next court date in December.

We know, we all watch the news as well.

-12 ( +6 / -18 )

Worldwide publicity is the breath of life for Donald Trump. It doesn't matter whether the publicity is good or bad as long as he hits the headlines of world news every day of our calendar's 365 days. In fact Donald Trump prefers bad publicity. There has never been a creature like Donald Trump.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Wonderful speech. Laid out everything that non politics obsessed people need to know to decide how they feel about what is being done to him.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

Unbelievable becomes Believable under this admin. Fair Trial??? a Republican taken into Manhattan, the most liberal county in the country Given a judge who blatantly doesn't like him who threw his accountant into Rikers A District attorney got elected by promising to get this man Council to the DA's office that came from Biden's DOJ was a Biden nominee when he got into the Whitehouse and placed in the DOJ. A kangaroo court that is worse than you'd expect to see in Russia

-3 ( +8 / -11 )


keep up the good fight and putting out facts that the left refuse to hear or see. Kudos to you and your patience

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

And then this happens:

“Trump awarded nearly $122K in attorney fees from Stormy Daniels

The award came hours after Trump pleaded not guilty after being charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree”

now she owes him like half a million dollars from 3 lost cases. But she is a non biased witness and virtuous teller of truth?

riiiiiiight. Stormy taking you all for a ride just to make money to pay back Trump.

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

Trump awarded nearly $122K in attorney fees from Stormy Daniels

He'll be needing every penny of it to pay his legal fees. lol

now she owes him like half a million dollars from 3 lost cases. But she is a non biased witness and virtuous teller of truth?

lol Did she falsify Trump's business records?

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Michael Cohen with his "Mea Culpa" has made himself the public face of bringing justice to Trump's doorstep. Since serving his time for crimes committed at Trump's behest, he has consistently been the prime witness and thrust behind uncovering the litany of felonies his former boss has now been charged with, but when Cohen was put on trial, the "Elephant in the room" was AMI's chief exec and publisher of the "National Inquirer", David Pecker, a shadowy key player in the cover-up who was given "immunity" and became with "Individual-1" an egregious omission. It was inevitable that one day he would have to come out of the woodwork and we will see, when the trial is held, that a guilty verdict will be even more because of what Pecker did rather than Cohen.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

No. And neither did Trump, reply guy.

have until December to get this thrown out. There is no “other” crime to make expired misdemeanors into felonies.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

No. And neither did Trump, reply guy.

That's not true. He's been charged with falsifying those records.

have until December to get this thrown out. 

It's not getting thrown out. Better stock up on kleenex.

There is no “other” crime to make expired misdemeanors into felonies.

That you know of. Of course, there's also the Georgia grand jury.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Yeah, this is all about business records, not about Trump's porn star lover or his legal fixer. They didn't created false business records.

The good news is that Trump might get a boost for the GOP nominee. His rivals will be forced to defend him and that's not what they want to be doing. Adios DeSantis. We can thank Trump for that.

That leaves Biden to beat Trump again.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

I’m not going to fight Trump, I’m going to join him.

I’m creating a 501(c) tax exempt entity with a very patriotic name to raise funds for his defense in all of the forthcoming trials. I’ll contribute about 1% to Trump and pocket the other millions as management fees. It’s all legal.

T-shirts, hats, banners, tin coins, photos of him looking to the heavens with a halo on velvet like Jesus, or Elvis, door to door sales a trailer parks.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Trump should have kept it in his pants instead of cheating on his pregnant wife.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

there is already a signed legal document from Stormy claiming nothing happened between them.

She changed her mind about that when she saw another dollar sign opportunity.

if there is actually a jury, they will see that document.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

34 “felonies”. Dems really do go overboard on everything. He can go to jail for like 136 years! Is that enough for all of you?

No, after tallying up all the other crimes in the jurisdictions of Georgia and Washington waiting in the pipeline, we can expect Trump's jailtime to be grossed up, like his business records, to a whopping 500+ years. On top of all the actionable felonies nobody is talking about his violation of the oath of office which should earn the traitor a charge of treason (and we all know what punishment Trump would advocate for that crime).

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Who is his child born out of wedlock claimed by his Trump Tower doorman who Trump paid $30,000 to keep quiet?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

it was a false claim, the articles even said so.

Guess in your haste, you missed that part.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

I don't sense any fear or anxiety on Trump's face in the photo of him in the courtroom. Watching the livestream of him giving remarks, he doesn't seem any different than normal.

It must be so anticlimactic and disappointing to be a Democrat. Think about it. Joe Biden is not popular, his reputation was immediately railroaded by the Afghanistan withdrawal (an action I agreed with, but was handled disastrously), he failed to ram through the vaccine mandate, people are getting fatigued by Ukraine aid, crime rates are rising, race relations are horrible, the transgender movement has gone off the rails, and now there is massive inflation and failing banks on his watch. By 2024 America will be in a recession, and that all but guarantees Trump a new term in office.

I definitely agree with Liberals that Trump is usually an erratic clown, but at least he has three things under his belt: the creation of the US Space Force, the killing of the Islamic State leader Abu Bakr-Al Baghdadi, and a shift in policy on North Korea that was a step in the right direction after decades of failed policy from previous presidents. His administration was objectively superior to Biden's. The only reason he lost the election was because lots of Americans were dying from Covid-19 (or so we thought), but more Americans died from Covid under Biden anyway (by the numbers), and Covid no longer matters in the grand scheme of American politics.

Nothing is going to stop the decline of the US as a world power, and I think the divisions in American society may cause a breakup similar to that of the USSR. Trump cannot stop it, that is for sure, but America's radical Left has accelerated it more so than any other factor. When everybody views each other with suspicion because their neighbor might be a member of the other side and could potentially sabotage them, you no longer have a functioning country.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )


One of the alleged "crimes" that Trump committed -- in DA Alvin Bragg's own words -- is "suppressing negative information to help his chances of winning the 2016 election."


Every politician tries to suppress negative information about himself/herself in order to try to win an election.

Since when is this a crime?

Well, apparently, in the new Democrat Banana Republic of America, it's a crime now.

But only, of course, when Republicans do it.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

BlacklabelToday  10:29 am JST

it was a false claim, the articles even said so.

Guess in your haste, you missed that part.

Must have been watching CNN re-runs.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

there is already a signed legal document from Stormy claiming nothing happened between them.

What's that got to do with Trump falsifying his business documents?

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Who is his child born out of wedlock claimed by his Trump Tower doorman who Trump paid $30,000 to keep quiet?

Let me guess, this gossip floated around on “The View?”

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said at a news conference after the arraignment that the indictment did not specify what laws Trump broke because “the law does not so require.”

this sounds stupid.

he says he doesnt have to say what other additional crime magically turns the misdemeanors into felonies. \

Even CNN isnt buying that one.

CNN Senior Legal Analyst Elie Honig said that prosecutors will have to make their case that Trump committed felonies and not misdemeanors by showing that the falsified records were used to conceal another crime, which was not identified in the indictment.

“One of the complicated legal questions here is in order to bump that up from a misdemeanor to a felony you have to show that those records were falsified to commit some other crime, some second crime,” Honig said. “You heard the defense lawyers, I think, rightly, complaining about that.”

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

One of the alleged "crimes" that Trump committed -- in DA Alvin Bragg's own words -- is "suppressing negative information to help his chances of winning the 2016 election."

Anyone who doesn't see that this "case" against Trump is politically motivated, an act of Democrats weaponizing the legal system against political opponents like happens in tinpot dictatorships, is a stark-rank idiot.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Trump should have kept it in his pants instead of cheating on his pregnant wife.

No liberals are trying to be the voice of moral authority on ethics? ROFL

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Cards fanToday  10:35 am JST

What's that got to do with Trump falsifying his business documents?

If you were familiar with the case, you would be aware that the prosecutors are alleging Trump falsified busienss documents.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Yeah, this is all about business records, not about Trump's porn star lover or his legal fixer. They didn't created false business records.

What is he being charged with? Bragg says, I don’t have to tell you? What?

The good news is that Trump might get a boost for the GOP nominee.

Already happening.

His rivals will be forced to defend him and that's not what they want to be doing. Adios DeSantis. We can thank Trump for that. 

Ron is young, his time will come.

That leaves Biden to beat Trump again.

58% of Dems don’t support the guy, doubt it, now more than ever. Turley thinks in the end this case will be dismissed.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

What's that got to do with Trump falsifying his business documents?

yes, allegedly. 34 times of the same exact thing. allegedly.

What happened to all the corruption and tax fraud and money laundering and obstruction of justice! that was promised? walls closing in! right?

the charges are super underwhelming and can be thrown out en masse as they are all the same.

disprove one, all are disproven.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

He’s obviously receiving preferential treatment (no mug shot or cuffs, never saw a cell, already back home in Mar a Lago) out of deference to his status as a former president.

Need a tissue?

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Very noble of Donald to Drain The Swamp whilst he's actually in it.

Promises kept!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Love him or detest him, these legal proceedings will absolutely guarantee Trump has the GOP nomination. His popularity will surge. Whether he manages to get millions of swinging voters to vote for him next November is the question.

Slimy, sleazy little DeSantis now stands zero chance.

Ron is young, his time will come.

Pretty sure Americans can see past slimeballs. Little Ron is cooked.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

He can go to jail for like 136 years! Is that enough for all of you?


6 ( +8 / -2 )

Light the fires and kick the tires!

It's Trump day on JT....again

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Trump is done. No way can he win in a general election now.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Look at this…; lmao…;

Police officer lets door slam on Trump as he enters courthouse


As former President Donald Trump arrived at Manhattan Criminal Court on Tuesday, a police officer let the door close on the 45th president as he made his way to the courtroom.

There were two police officers who walked through double doors inside the courthouse ahead of Trump, with the first officer holding the door for the second officer behind him, then the second officer letting the door go for Trump to push the door open for himself. Doors are held open for current and former presidents.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Why no handcuffs on Donald? Special treatment for a criminal isn't American.

haha..can you imagine his grim look looking grimmer with being a common criminal, cuffed?

I'd have loved to have seen it.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Trump is done.

No, he’s not going to prison, so no, he’s not.

No way can he win in a general election now.

I beg to differ, he continues to rise in the polls, thanks Bragg, the man who the Dems tried to get 7-8 times and failed miserably l, this is not about Trump, he’s just in the way of the average American, the man is being used as an example for people to stand in line and to never vote for a populist president again, so with that challenges the establishment authority.

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

Trump needs a MALA hat: Make America Laugh Again.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

"We today uphold our solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law. No amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring American principle," Bragg told a news conference.

Lost my coffee on that one.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Trump: Oh, WOE is me! I got caught paying hush money to a porn star right before a presidential election, which I won by the way. WOE is me! It’s so unfair!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Biden has established a terrible precedent of using criminal law to take down political opponents.

I realize ignorance is a conservative thing. Biden is in the Executive branch of US government. This indictment on Trump is by the Judicial branch.

They're mutually exclusive, even though Trump did not think so, and tried to control Comey and the FBI.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Even CNN Trump haters saying it’s “not there” and “underwhelming”.

better luck next hunt, I guess?

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

I was so looking forward to seeing the MAGA T-shirt with Trump's mugshot and another one depicting him in gilded cuffs. Ah, well,...Georgia may not be so accommodating to Trump for his brazen attempt to defraud citizens of their votes, but then that would mean giving the "Grifter-in-Chief" another chance to scam his worshippers who with millions of their ilk see him as "the Anointed One" rather than the "Finger-Printed One" and will eagerly pay their hard-earned dollars to see him on the matching orange jumpsuit T-shirt when they hope he'll be inaugurated as 47, even from his jail cell.

4 ( +9 / -5 )


What's that got to do with Trump falsifying his business documents?

yes, allegedly. 34 times of the same exact thing. allegedly.

What happened to all the corruption and tax fraud and money laundering and obstruction of justice! that was promised? walls closing in! right?

The tax fraud is a different case brought by New York attorney general, Letitia James. You'll have to wait for that one.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I’m saying now the left made it where we can do tit for tat politics.

lmao weren’t you the guys saying “lock her up” when Clinton had never been charged with a crime?

It is funny, though. If Trump had never ran for President, he probably could have just flown under the radar and hosted his little game show forever. Too bad.

And he won’t win in 2024. He already lost to Joe Biden of all people. Biden barely even showed up in the campaign, gaffed like there was no tomorrow and he still kicked Trump’s ass up and down the street.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I was so looking forward to seeing the MAGA T-shirt with Trump's mugshot and another one depicting him in gilded cuffs.

How are you still surprised by this? After being lied to for several years during the Mueller investigation, hearing "Collusion collusion collusion, obstruction obstruction obstruction", people apparently have not learned their lesson yet. That is the harm of living in an echo chamber/fantasyland. I feel bad for these people.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Much as I dislike Trump, I don't think that the payments to Daniels are 100% provable as being for electoral reasons. And if the jury can't be convinced that the law was broken in this case, the felony can't be proven.

the Stormy Daniels is the least of Trumps worries,

May rape trial starts, 250million tax fraud trial starts in October, and were just getting started for special council Smith stolen document case and 2024 Georgia election interference case starts. doesn't matter how slippery a criminal think they are, the teflon always wear off eventually

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Even CNN Trump haters saying it’s “not there” and “underwhelming”.

NY AG Bragg is the least of Trumps worries.

CNN last I checked werent being sued for over 3 billion, for lies and defamation. Fox is. LOL

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I beg to differ, he continues to rise in the polls, thanks Bragg, the man who the Dems tried to get 7-8 times and failed miserably l,

he hasnt failed anything yet, just getting started Bragg is the least of Trumps worries.

you remember after those 2 impeachments, maga said 2020 would be a landslide, 2022 would be a red wave. yeah neither do I. LOL Trumps done, maga just havent come to terms with it yet

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Trump now speaking.

Non stop BS, deflection, straw men, conspiracy, and whataboutery.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

he hasnt failed anything yet, just getting started Bragg is the least of Trumps worries.

He can get started if he wants to, but they failed twice to impeach the president, he was acquitted, every thing they threw at this guy doesn’t stick as well. We are the same thing with Comey, with Mueller, with Pelosi, they all failed, Bragg is no different.

you remember after those 2 impeachments,

and acquittals, yes, I do.

Maga said 2020 would be a landslide, 2022 would be a red wave. yeah neither do I.

I do, we got the house, thank God.

LOL Trumps done, maga just havent come to terms with it yet

If that we’re true then there wouldn’t be a need to go after him like this, but the fact that they do destroys your irrational argument.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

If it is a witch hunt Tump should be tied to a plank and ducked in the Hudson River.

werent witches burnt at the stake?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Many South American leaders are even saying this makes the untied states look like a joke. The U.S would condemn any other country that tried to jail its political rivals. Very sad day for America!

According to Trump’s ideas, the 2016 and 2020 elections were too corrupt to be considered legitimate.

Trump regards the US as a banana republic.

He’s on the same page as these leaders. If you believe Trump, the reputation of the US as a serious democracy was trashed years ago.

His total disrespect for the US is sad. I think it’s a fine country.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Arresting political opponents? Putin and Xi approve! wink

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

The internet is flooded with mug shots of the orange convict.

Lock him up and MASA, Make America Safe Again.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

NY AG Bragg is the least of Trumps worries.

I agree.

CNN last I checked werent being sued for over 3 billion, for lies and defamation. Fox is. LOL

Well, they’ll pay it off if that’s the case and move on, while in the process beating them daily in the ratings.

According to Trump’s ideas, the 2016 and 2020 elections were too corrupt to be considered legitimate. 

More and more people are realizing that.

Trump regards the US as a banana republic.

It has become that indeed.

He’s on the same page as these leaders. If you believe Trump, the reputation of the US as a serious democracy was trashed years ago. 

Even more so now.

His total disrespect for the US is sad.

No, quite the opposite, the Dems are the ones that disrespect our nation.

I think it’s a fine country.

California was great until 1990 then the Dems came in, so it’s not the country, the the Democrats toxic progressive policies that have screwed the nation up.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

There just aren't enough Trump supporters left to get him into the White House. There are far too many never-Trumper Republicans and independents, and obviously Democrats that would prefer it if he just goes away.

The numbers just aren't there.

This circus is just beginning. Trump will be indicted again, possibly more than once. And court procedures require his attendance which limits his travel time to campaign. After a while people are going to get tired of his victim speeches as they contain no policy.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

For a bunch that hate Trump, they do everything they can to elevate him and make him more popular.

That's how you live rent free in your enemy's head.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

According to Trump’s ideas, the 2016 and 2020 elections were too corrupt to be considered legitimate. 

More and more people are realizing that

Fair enough, more and more people see Trump’s 2016 victory as illegitimate along with Biden’s victory in 2020.

You can of course back this up.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Why doesn't that MTG just shut up and stop inciting violence with her hateful sassymouth lip? She is an instigator herself with her endorsement and verbal support of the treasonous terrorist J6.

4 ( +8 / -4 )


3 ( +7 / -4 )

There just aren't enough Trump supporters left to get him into the White House.

Well, this witch hunt is helping him get there. Even John Bolton was deeply worried about that, he would know.

There are far too many never-Trumper Republicans and independents,

More independents are swinging his way when they compare the damage that Biden has done and they ask themselves, do I want 4 more years of this crap.

and obviously Democrats that would prefer it if he just goes away.

By any means necessary right? That’s real fear this guy installs in people, not a bad thing

The numbers just aren't there. 

$8 million raised in 48 hours, looking good

This circus is just beginning. Trump will be indicted again, possibly more than once. And court procedures require his attendance which limits his travel time to campaign. After a while people are going to get tired of his victim speeches as they contain no policy.

After the Dems had their fun and get their wittle temper tantrums over with, he’ll then proceed with the nomination and defeat Joe

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

For a bunch that hate Trump, they do everything they can to elevate him and make him more popular

Is he becoming more popular where it matters? Independent voters have a pretty low opinion of him. The overall opinion among the electorate is that this indictment is warranted from the polls I’ve seen.

He’s winding up his base and they are buying coffee cups but I’m not sure that counts for much.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

I watched his opening remarks today from Florida. Within a minute he was trying to convince people that the last election was stolen from him.

That's why he's going to lose. Americans want policy discussions, not listening to a spoiled brat crying that he's a victim with conspiracy theories.

He can't help himself, and that's good for Democrats.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

So the US has finally become a country that arrests opposition leaders. What's the word for that again?

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

*Why doesn't that MTG just shut up *

I feel the same about AOC, but we do have a 1st amendment right.

*and *stop inciting violence

She didn’t, stop! Where did she say that? Lol

with her hateful sassymouth lip? She is an instigator herself with her endorsement and verbal support of the treasonous terrorist J6.

No, she and millions of Americans see what this entire charade was and she’s going to speak out and she has that right. I don’t like AOC, but no one cares and the same goes for MTG. Turn the channel and you won’t need to get upset. I do when she’s on.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Is he becoming more popular where it matters?


Independent voters have a pretty low opinion of him.

That’s slowly changing.

The overall opinion among the electorate is that this indictment is warranted from the polls I’ve seen.

Depends on which polls we are talking about

He’s winding up his base and they are buying coffee cups but I’m not sure that counts for much.

Every little bit help.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Bass: No, they want to hear it all, that’s why they went.

Again, at some point, Trump will have to pivot to policy, something he's been unwilling to do so far.

He's not going to win the White House with whiny victimization speeches. Even you know that.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

There are far too many never-Trumper Republicans and independents, 

More independents are swinging his way

This is huge. I haven’t seen this. Can you point us towards a source?

An average of polls would be nice but I suppose an opinion piece from a rightwing website would be better than nothing.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

So the US has finally become a country that arrests opposition leaders. What's the word for that again?

Of course, Alfie, we leaders mustn't be held accountable. They're above the law.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

How can trumpster stand it, he's sitting next to a lawyer who is FEMALE and is of a race that he thinks is inferior.

If I were a 'woman of color' I wouldn't have anything to do with this hateful jerk. His own attitude and track record speaks for itself.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The overall opinion among the electorate is that this indictment is warranted from the polls I’ve seen. 

Depends on which polls we are talking about

Which poll or polls refute what I posted?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Again, at some point, Trump will have to pivot to policy, something he's been unwilling to do so far. 

He does and he already had a stellar record to work on, think you need to maybe listen more.

He's not going to win the White House with whiny victimization speeches.

Maybe not on the Dems side, but he absolutely should talk about what the left are doing to him.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

How many felonies? 34? Wow, that sure is a lot of crime! BE BEST (FELON)!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

This is huge. I haven’t seen this. Can you point us towards a source?

You can do your own research. If I can find it, you can as well.

An average of polls would be nice but I suppose an opinion piece from a rightwing website would be better than nothing.

So I should use a left-wing source? Hmmmm

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Well, this witch hunt is helping him get there. Even John Bolton was deeply worried about that, he would know.

Oh, your hero, John Bolton? Who you want to be President? Whose pro-war views you love? That guy?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

He does and he already had a stellar record to work on, think you need to maybe listen more.

So stellar, in fact, a recommend number of voters went to the polls to kick him out of office.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

SuperlibToday  01:15 pm JST

Bass: No, they want to hear it all, that’s why they went.

Again, at some point, Trump will have to pivot to policy, something he's been unwilling to do so far.

He's not going to win the White House with whiny victimization speeches. Even you know that.

He didn't the first time around. He sold the country and himself to Vladimir Putin to be Put In the WH.

And like fascists usually do, he victimizes himself and sasses off the mouth at everybody else for his insecure hateful feelings.

Germany had Hitler. He blamed Jews for everything.

Serbia/Montenegro had Milosevic. He blamed Muslims for everything.

The United States of America has had trump. He blames Hispanics for everything. As well as others.

See the parallel, see the picture?

7 ( +9 / -2 )


Today 12:09 pm JST

That is the harm of living in an echo chamber/fantasyland.

You presumably dismiss any views different from yours that you find in the media or online as a load of nonsense, right? So you will know all about living in echo chambers.

I feel bad for these people.

Why not just say "contempt" or "disdain"?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

*How can trumpster stand it, he's sitting next to a lawyer who is FEMALE and is of a race that he thinks is inferior. *

Now how on Earth would you know that? You are really digging today, huh..

*If I were a 'woman of color' I wouldn't have anything to do with this hateful jerk.*

But you’re not her and she might be thinking exactly that about the Democrats.

His own attitude and track record speaks for itself.

Yes, so much so that the left have to try and get him on a misdemeanor, I don’t want to laugh, but it’s too funny.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

*He didn't the first time around. He sold the country and himself to Vladimir Putin to be Put In the WH. *

No, he didn’t. We had peace for four years and not a single war.

And like fascists usually do, he victimizes himself and sasses off the mouth at everybody else for his insecure hateful feelings.

Fascists are the people that tried to tell you, you can’t vote for this person, you should vote for that person fascists try and tell you what to say, and how to say it, they force you to believe in something that maybe you don’t, you’re looking at the wrong party.

The United States of America has had trump. He blames Hispanics for everything.

Hmmm…is Mexico helping to stop the flow at the border is Honduras or Ecuador helping, did Pelosi help him to fund the wall? 

See the parallel, see the picture?

I see the Democrats reaching right now

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Oh, your hero, John Bolton? Who you want to be President?

Long, long time ago.

Whose pro-war views you love? That guy?

Agreed with at the time, that guy.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

During Trump's term, the Afghanistan war continued, and also with ISIS in Syria.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

If I were a 'woman of color' I wouldn't have **anything **to do with this hateful jerk.

> But you’re not her and she might be thinking exactly that about the Democrats.

I think his female lawyer is a Democrat.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

During Trump's term, the Afghanistan war continued, and also with ISIS in Syria.

No new ones, none started on his watch.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

I think his female lawyer is a Democrat.

Or an independent

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

The woman at the helm of Donald Trump’s criminal defense team is a registered Democrat and dogged litigator who once represented a New York state Senator who raided his own charity to buy Broadway tickets, sushi and a Bentley.

NY Post, if they are to be believed.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

This is huge. I haven’t seen this. Can you point us towards a source?

You can do your own research. If I can find it, you can as well

bass, please don’t waste our time like this.

It’s not how discussions are conducted. It’s bad faith.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

please don’t waste our time like this.

I’m not.

It’s not how discussions are conducted. It’s bad faith.

I feel the same, so we both agree on something.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Alfie Noakes

So the US has finally become a country that arrests opposition leaders. What's the word for that again?

Trump isn't an opposition leader. He's an unelected civilian.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

"Under New York state law, it is a felony to falsify business records with intent to defraud and intent to conceal another crime. That is exactly what this case is about - 34 false statements made to cover up other crimes," Bragg said.

Hey NY--I want my tax money back.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

please don’t waste our time like this.

I’m not.


To show good faith, please post links to sources showing independents swinging towards Trump and that the majority aren't in favour of this indictment.

I can't find them.


7 ( +12 / -5 )

JimizoToday  01:52 pm JST


To show good faith, please post links to sources showing independents swinging towards Trump and that the majority aren't in favour of this indictment.

I can't find them.

Because this is a matter for US voters.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

I can't find them. 

Keep looking, I found it, so can you.


-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Long, long time ago.

Ah yes, the ancient, pre-historic age of… uh, 2019.

5 ( +9 / -4 )


Because this is a matter for US voters.

Does not apply to this JT discussion board.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

--I can't find them. 

Keep looking, I found it, so can you.

I can't find any polls concluding that swing voters are moving toward Trump and that a majority of Americans think the indictments are wrong.

Either such polls are the sole domain of right wing dark web sites, or you are just making stuff up. I suspect the latter.

As another poster said, please don't waste people's time with your bad faith arguments.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

I can't find them. 

Keep looking, I found it, so can you.


I see, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.

3 ( +7 / -4 )


Because this is a matter for US voters

You frequently post that. Would you be happier on a forum exclusively for Americans?

6 ( +11 / -5 )

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