Japan Today

Trump proposes 'worldwide network' to counter CNN overseas


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1glennNov. 30 06:45 pm JSTThere is something very strange about watching Trump claiming to care about the truth.

He wants to 'create' your truth for you! He's got to go.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There is something very strange about watching Trump claiming to care about the truth.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Trump is quite correct in calling out CNN for its propganda. I watch this so-called news network occasionally, and I must say the North Korean news agency has nothing on these clowns. The over the top propagand is truly something to behold.

That some people here seem to actually take CNN seriously is astonishing.

That that, I don´t think creating some sort of CNN counterpart would be a solution. Rather, a good first step would be to write an internet bill of rights that forces the big tech operators of social media to stop their pro CNN censorship and behave like the platforms that they claim to be, instead of tryig to act as publlishers.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Feel sorry for the few decent guys like Fareed Zakaria who want to maintain an intelligent conversation cause the whole network has gone completely crazy.

I agree about Fareed. Nancy Grace is so self-absorbed. You should've seen her interviewing Paul McCartney. She gushed and acted like a teenager, and she irritated Paul in the process!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Will occasionally give CNN another chance to actually do NEWS by turning them on, but within 30 seconds or so its the same entitled 'deer in the headlights' morally superior President bashing that they do so well. Like 24/7. Obsessed much ?

Feel sorry for the few decent guys like Fareed Zakaria who want to maintain an intelligent conversation cause the whole network has gone completely crazy. CNN , you have become a joke. No wonder Trumps had enough. Actual dialog is impossible with an ideologue, and when you get a bunch of them together, run for the hills!

Keep screaming bloody murder though, as its all you know how to do.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Maybe the man-child can set up his own version of RT or CCTV.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

No one in Europe watches the news anyway

Eh? What fresh hell is this?

Actually, this is exactly why a Trump Truther Network will warm the cockles of some of the hearts and minds out there.

Just imagine the kind of journalists who will sell their souls for this gig. And the glorious vox pops! One can only dream of the rambling soliloquies by the biased and brainless.

The Earth is flat!

The Moon is made of cheese!

Elvis is alive, alive I tells ya!

... and many more.

I can't wait for it. As truth, the world over, merrily goes for a Burton - where else would be such a fitting place?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@harry_gatto re: NRATV

Regrettably such a propaganda network already exists - fortunately not on mainstream!

Nicely trolled and explained by John Oliver. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/03/john-oliver-nra-tv-review-last-week-tonight

2 ( +3 / -1 )

NorthernlifeNov. 27 03:03 pm JSTPoor little Donny having another tantrum.

JimizoNov. 27 05:23 pm JSTCNN doesn’t like you. The majority of the US electorate also dislike you. CNN is partisan nonsense, but they are more representative in that sense than your trash like the National Enquirer, infowars and Fox and Friends.

Get over it you spoiled brat.

No, Donny we ain't that stupid rerun again about yourself. We're watching MIAMI VICE tonight and that's that!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

sf2kToday  08:23 am JST

You must be the only one on the planet who would put Japan on the same list as Russia and China.

Since there is an actual law curtailing press freedoms in Japan, (the State Secrecy Law of 2014) this would be incorrect. 

LOL. As if Japan is the only country besides Russia and China that has such a thing. Putting Japan into the same class with known totalitarian states is ridiculous.

""Official Secrets Act" is a term used in Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore and the United Kingdom, and formerly in Canadaand New Zealand for legislation that provides for the protection of state secrets and official information, mainly related to national security."


"Since about 2015 the branches of the United States federal government have accused one another of creating secret law. Journalists, scholars, and anti-secrecy activists have also made similar allegations. Scholarly analysis has shown that secret law is present in all three branches"


6 ( +6 / -0 )

Of course, because they are actively trying to undermine and to takedown this president by using their status with the help of the media and their money and power

No, Trump just can't take it. Hollywood stars taking down a president? What a joke. It shows Trump is a complete failure. What has he accomplished? Really? My 401ks are down.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Another new section is the "Trump was right" section, exclusively for his eyes. When he said he could end birthright citizenship? Everyone knows he can't. Front page of Fox:. "Trump was right, he can change citizenship."

No, the left media ran with it. FNC brought it up for debate if the president is part of the executive branch has the power to do it by executive order or if there needs to be a vote by Congress nothing wrong with that debate.

White girl the victim of a crime by a black man? Front page. Near the top.

So in other words, because of race FNC should never report on it, that’s just so ridiculous.

They run distraction stories....so if a headline comes out about the Trump Foundation they will run headlines about The Clinton Foundation for a few days after.

 Every president has done that and every president will continue to do that, it’s a place in their favor, why not? I think it’s a good political tactic. 

They routinely mix opinion stories on with the regular news on the front page. Staright of of Brietbart.

They use a variety of news sources in one of the main sources comes from Stratfor which is by far one of the best geopolitical not political sides on the planet, if you want real news, full and unfettered and the truth, they are the new service that pretty much everyone uses including the Pentagon.

And the racism...my God. 

 Liberals will never give it up, because for them using the race card is the golden meal ticket for pretty much any subject in for any reason, it’s the liberal lifeline.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Fox really has changed, creeping more into the Breitbart form of news 

Not even close especially under their new management.

Lots of question marks to plant seeds:. Corruption? New boss takes over Democrat org. Illegal voters? 12 dead people found registered.

That has nothing to do with FNC, thr LA Times broke the story and you can’t get more liberal with the exception of the New York Times.

Lots of inappropriate, emotive words. Ocasio-Cortez is always "Lib darling Ocasio-Cortez." or "Liberal city Seattle (problem).". They tie in the word "liberal" to negative things in the headlines.

No different than deliverables and the little networks doing the exact same thing about the conservators.

These is something about Hollywood stars on the front page nearly every day. They are promoting them as the enemy. When you see bass talk about Hollywood weekly you can see the results. 

Of course, because they are actively trying to undermine and to takedown this president by using their status with the help of the media and their money and power Tama if they think the president is the enemy, then the president is allowed to think and say the same.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Who is going to finance all this? Maybe Rupert Murdoch? He's non American (originally) and he created FOX, Hannity, and Friends. Maybe Trump should make some deals with Rupert. What say you Trump people? Get a non-American to do the job.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It's a good idea.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Actions speak louder than propaganda.

Isn't VOA still a thing, though pretty much every administration since 1993 has tried to reduce funding. I suspect Trump doesn't like the "accurate and objective" part of the charter.

VOA will serve as a consistently reliable and authoritative source of news. VOA news will be accurate, objective, and comprehensive.

VOA will represent America, not any single segment of American society, and will therefore present a balanced and comprehensive projection of significant American thought and institutions.

VOA will present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively, and will also present responsible discussions and opinion on these policies.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What Trump wants already exists. The Onion makes videos

3 ( +5 / -2 )

You must be the only one on the planet who would put Japan on the same list as Russia and China.

Since there is an actual law curtailing press freedoms in Japan, (the State Secrecy Law of 2014) this would be incorrect. This is what journalists are supposed to do, or at least their editors. They fact check their statements. Your statement as a person is fine, people are wrong all the time. But it couldn't be printed or broadcast as a fact. You might not believe it to be true, but that's different than actual laws in place.

Other countries have higher broadcast standards than the USA. Fox News would be shut down. Maybe Trump wants a Dictators International News. Pravda America

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

CrickyNov. 27  02:43 pm JST

Oh god! Is it not so obvious what the plan is? Global domination of information based on the Russian/Chinese/Japanese model? 

You must be the only one on the planet who would put Japan on the same list as Russia and China.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

This Mussolini moron thinks he's a god. He just can't shut up - he's a Caligula of America.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

HonestDictator:. Fox still hasn't changed it's bias. The only thing I see on Fox is sensationalism. If they're not pro-Trumping, they're spouting weak sensationalist news like.

Fox really has changed, creeping more into the Breitbart form of news

Lots of question marks to plant seeds:. Corruption? New boss takes over Democrat org. Illegal voters? 12 dead people found registered.

Lots of inappropriate, emotive words. Ocasio-Cortez is always "Lib darling Ocasio-Cortez." or "Liberal city Seattle (problem).". They tie in the word "liberal" to negative things in the headlines.

These is something about Hollywood stars on the front page nearly every day. They are promoting them as the enemy. When you see bass talk about Hollywood weekly you can see the results.

Another new section is the "Trump was right" section, exclusively for his eyes. When he said he could end birthright citizenship? Everyone knows he can't. Front page of Fox:. "Trump was right, he can change citizenship."

White girl the victim of a crime by a black man? Front page. Near the top.

They run distraction stories....so if a headline comes out about the Trump Foundation they will run headlines about The Clinton Foundation for a few days after.

They also invented the "liberal hypocrisy" angle when Repubs get caught with their pants down. "Back in 1976 a Democrat said something once and there was no outrage so the real issue isn't what the Rep said yesterday but liberal hypocrisy.". We see it here a lot.

They routinely mix opinion stories on with the regular news on the front page. Staright of of Brietbart.

And the racism...my God. Spend a week on their comment section and you'll wonder why it's not branded as a hate speech site. Comments are rarely pulled and naked racism gets the top votes.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

U.S. President Donald Trump is raising the possibility of starting "our own Worldwide Network" to counter news spread internationally by CNN.

It sounds as if Trump is proposing an alternative network to CNNSUX. That would mean MORE competition in the news media market. OTOH, Trump might just be making a joke at CNNSUX expense. He knows that a message like this will cause the usual suspects to begin shaking, and frothing at the mouth.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Pure propaganda. Those people in camera shot behind Trump at his "Choose Fascism" rallies are all paid actors -- that is why they all behave (perform) like loonies.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I like Tucker, met the guy 15 years ago, smart as a whip

I meet Hannity all the time and we play golf together.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

CNN is quite well known in Japan.

Because CNN pays the networks to carry them, the same goes for the airports. They charge a lot of money, that’s why it’s so expensive and still it doesn’t pull in their ratings to number one.

I think Tucker Carlson’s cross-eyed gawk when someone is speaking could be seen as kawaii by some over here. Nutters in basements and Hannity are just unpleasant.

I like Tucker, met the guy 15 years ago, smart as a whip. Good man. My kind of guy and always on point.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Fox still hasn't changed it's bias"

CNN sure hasn't.

CNN is quite well known in Japan. My Japanese coworkers know it along with the BBC.

I think Tucker Carlson’s cross-eyed gawk when someone is speaking could be seen as kawaii by some over here. Nutters in basements and Hannity are just unpleasant.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Fox still hasn't changed it's bias. The only thing I see on Fox is sensationalism. If they're not pro-Trumping, they're spouting weak sensationalist news like.

Some people might think that, but all news outlets are driven by ratings so if FNC breaks daily viewer records for being more pro-Trump guess what, they will keep on covering the positive sides as much as a they can and the opposite is true for the Trump bashing media. They had less than good ratings always 2nd and 3rd place, but if they can be consistent in keeping a huge audience for hating Trump, they will continue to do the same as well.

It does seem to refute your claim that Europeans don’t watch news.

That is, if they really do.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

"Fox still hasn't changed it's bias"

CNN sure hasn't.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Well, in the UK, the BBC has quite a few news programmes. 

Good for them.

It does seem to refute your claim that Europeans don’t watch news.

Your claim that Europeans don’t watch news was absolutely preposterous. It was a totally inane post with no basis in reality at all and no redeeming features whatsoever.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Ministry of Truth

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Fox still hasn't changed it's bias. The only thing I see on Fox is sensationalism. If they're not pro-Trumping, they're spouting weak sensationalist news like.




And this is pretty much all they post when they are NOT pro-Trumping propaganda....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This country is strange. There are two parties but all the news networks are pro-democrats and anti-republicans. Fox only decided change its bias to the opposite side just a number of years ago if I recall correctly hence receiving recognition of standing out from the crowds and gained a following from the other population. One vs. all is hardly fair coverage. And really there is no integrity or minimal moral standard in reporting anymore. It would be foolish to rely on any of them for real news.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Fox ran stories asking about Obama's citizenship. You didn't hear him saying he was going to start his own network.

Why would he? He had CNN, msnbc already, way ahead of the game.

Thick skin. It helps.

So that’s why he and Anita Dunn tried to get the network off the air? All that think skin and it didn’t work an inch.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Hey trump the channel YOU want already exists, its called the Cartoon Network LOL!!!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Fox ran stories asking about Obama's citizenship. You didn't hear him saying he was going to start his own network.

Thick skin. It helps.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

But Trump quarreling with everybody, which other countries in the world would host his network

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Trump does ramble and have his tantrums but so does cnn..and others. Fewer people are into these media giants now. They’re not into reporting, they’re into being the center. That’s where the money is. Many people have ceased to care about the news. Fake news? No news. I don’t give the media the pleasure of playing with my emotions.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Not as good in my opinion.

And FOX is not good enough for Trump. If Trump makes Trump Network could he hire Hannity to run it? Because no all FOX News staff are for Trump. Trump Network has to be 100% for Trump and that he makes no mistakes. Also, the downturn in the market is fake news. The stock market is actually up 20% this year.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This is not exactly news. Even before the 2016 elections some observers suggested that Trump's real ulterior motive in running for the U.S. presidency was to establish his own media empire that would drain viewers away from Fox and other right-wing outlets.

If he's going to do it, he'd better get busy and launch the network sooner because once he's out of the White House, it's likely he'll spend the remaining years of his life fighting off prosecution and lawsuits.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Well, in the UK, the BBC has quite a few news programmes.

Good for them.

The other channels do too. I know some other countries in Europe make news programmes too. 

Not as good in my opinion.

Why they bother to do this must be baffling to you.

Not at all, just not my cup of espresso.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

If Fox News having its highest profile ‘journalist’ on stage with Trump while ripping into other biased outlets, and not being sanctioned for it, is ‘leaning conservative’, I’d hate to see your definition of biased. 

The only network on TV to offer both sides of the political spectrum. Does it lean slightly left, it does, but that’s ok, when I was coming up, there wasn’t a conservative network before the introduction of FNC other than CNN when they were still normal and had the show Crossfire with the only conservatives Bob Novak to spare with a liberal, that was about it until Ailes realized there was underrepresented market that was ignored for years and he launched the FNC and that network became a ratings giant, not only do they have conservatives, but they have liberals, libertarians, Republicans and Democrats.

Fox News is for less intelligent children

Hillary and Obama were quite often in the past on the network, so to your point....

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Let's all stop our day and read about President Baby complaining about how things aren't fair.

We really need to toughen that guy up.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Brilliant, Donald. The US Government approved news just needs a catchy name. Maybe something like "Voice of America."

3 ( +4 / -1 )

No one in Europe watches the news

Well, in the UK, the BBC has quite a few news programmes. The other channels do too. I know some other countries in Europe make news programmes too.

Why they bother to do this must be baffling to you.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Fox News remains the US’s most watched cable news network

And? What's the problem?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Despite doomy prognostications about the future of cable, Fox News remains the US’s most watched cable news network and highly profitable. In October, its daily audience topped rivals CNN and MSNBC combined with 2.8 million primetime viewers, according to Nielsen, the ratings agency


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Who in their right mind would pay to watch Trump's lies?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Ones that can thrive on smaller audiences

Alex Jones. He broke the story of PizzaGate. A real Trump Conservative news hero.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Its fairer to say it just leans conservative

If Fox News having its highest profile ‘journalist’ on stage with Trump while ripping into other biased outlets, and not being sanctioned for it, is ‘leaning conservative’, I’d hate to see your definition of biased.

CNN is for children. Fox News is for less intelligent children.

The Punch and Judy show TV media is garbage but the New York Times and the Washington Post are very good papers. We have a contributer here who works for the latter and he’s a paragon of non-partisanship, incisive ideas and crystal clear, literate prose.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Trump is a liar through and through, with regards to starting a new network it will only spill FAKE news.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

No one in Europe watches the news anyway and in the States CNN and msnbc keep firing and changing staff like musical chairs. Reading is better...

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

I remember just after that North Korean summit, Laura Ingraham was praising Trump as some God, it was so off the rails that it was compared to North Korean TV which seemed a bit more rational. And still--this Fox adoration is not enough? Come on conservative posters, just come out of the closet and say Trump is a god, and be cleansed.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Trump to hire fiction writes and label them news people. The only stories will be made up twisted versions of reality containing 5% truth and 95% bs. Fake news always looks real with 5% truth in it, but only to those sheep that follow Trumps every word as gospel.

Trump hides from and denies truth. Lies about himself, his imagined achievements and those strong enough to speak the real truth.

One year and 11 months more of this rubbish. Just one more thing to be fixed when hes gone.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

This hemorrhoid is the elected leader of the most powerful state apparatus in the history of humankind.

I need a drink.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

CNN is laughably unbalanced. Thats not saying Fox isnt a Trump cheer squad, it is up to a point. Ive seen rhem critical of Trump. Its fairer to say it just leans conservative and is generally pro Republican while CNN/MSNBC and pretty much most of the MSM leans Democrat.

That is the reality of the media landscape in America. Not a blance to be found anywhere which is why im perfectly happy to see other mediums flourish. Ones that can thrive on smaller audiences due to much lower costs and tgereby dont need to pander to either party.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Surely someone close to him has the balls to tell him that he makes a complete ass of himself almost every time he opens his mouth?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Trump News Channel - all Trump News, all Trump time, brought to you straight from Trump Tower...

Today's Trump lineup...

The Caravan from hell - armed gangsters, terrorists and extraterrestrials trying to invade our southern border.....

The Witch Hunt continues - Robert Mueller, an admitted Russian spy, Hillary lover, and suspect in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy conspires to pollute our democracy...and unfairly send Trump and his family to jail....

A new movie - the Orange midget and the porn star featuring Stormy Daniels and Do.....wait, strike that one...

Billy Graham Jr hosts a seminar with The Donald on honesty and remaining faithful in your marriage....

A special feature on David Duke, Trump supporter extraordinaire...

Infomercial: Have you bought your Trump shirts and ties yet - beautifully crafted, handmade in Shanghai...

Infomercial: Trump Timeshares in Moscow and St Petersberg, don't wait, they'll go quickly...

7 ( +10 / -3 )

CNN had no immediate comment about the new criticism by the president.

Likely because they were laughing so hard, they couldn't catch their breath.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Matt HartwellToday 04:14 pm JST

There is one key difference between CNN and Fox

CNN is losing ratings, Fox is gaining ratings.

The reason is quite simple: While Fox News is the only network delivering certain filtered, not being so careful with the truth, news for a certain audience expecting exactly that one sided view, CNN is competing with dozens of other networks that deliver balanced and reasonable information to the rest of the Americans and the world and therefore have to share the audience hence lower ratings.

Moreover CNN is not losing ratings as Fox News is not gaining, this varies from time to time, true is that the share of viewers of CNN is lower compared to Fox News because of the reason explained above.

I would imagine Fox News ratings drops by half if Trumpet News really started additionally to Fox News since the audience watching only this kind of news is a finite set.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

CNN is losing ratings, Fox is gaining ratings.

Then why is Trump complaining?

I hold out a lot of hope for Youtube as a news medium.

But they dropped conservative host Alex Jones

2 ( +3 / -1 )

CNN doesn’t like you. The majority of the US electorate also dislike you. CNN is partisan nonsense, but they are more representative in that sense than your trash like the National Enquirer, infowars and Fox and Friends.

Get over it you spoiled brat.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

To be considered worthy of having an article written about you or your actions/opinions you must have the following physical, ethnic and/or personality traits.

Guardian headline as we speak

Paul Manafort breached plea deal

Health effects of diesel 'cost European taxpayers billions'

Rare cancer linked to breast implant used by millions of women

May's Brexit deal sounds like a 'great deal for the EU', says Donald Trump

Ministers consider backing ‘Norway plus’ as Brexit plan B

Putin 'seriously concerned' after Ukraine votes to impose martial law

Six people found dead in mass killing at Japan tourist hotspot


Seems fairly routine stuff to me. You do get yourself all worked up over very little Matthew. What do you read?

11 ( +11 / -0 )

There is one key difference between CNN and Fox

> CNN is losing ratings, Fox is gaining ratings.

This is misleading. Fox has more viewers than CNN, but both are losing viewership as part of a broader trend away from cable news. CNN is losing more viewers quicker than Fox (which is losing them about the same rate as MSNBC), but its misleading to imply that Fox is on an upward trajectory. They are both going down.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I am all for posting other points of view and why not?

But - it is ridiculous that the President is actually calling for this when there are many more important issues to deal with

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think that we are witnessing the ascension of a new dictator my friends. Soon, he will establish a new censorship police and we will say good bye to the freedom of speech.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

trump derangement syndrome: "yes, i CAN see them! look at emperor trump's new clothes! don't they look wonderful?"

3 ( +6 / -3 )

That is pure satire. Well done. A comedy tour is calling.

I take it you don't read Fintan O' Toole or Paul Mason, then? They don't fit into your list of traits you posted. Evidently you're reading a rather different Grauniad to me.

I'd happily take apart (one by one), your criteria for being a journalist in that publication but frankly we haven't all day, and it would be veering off the Trumptastic topic at hand.

This is why Trump's Nonsense Network would be a marginal success. People want to believe their own inherent bias and murky ideas they've fermented for decades and Trump gives a voice to all that.

It wouldn't be news, though.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

There is one key difference between CNN and Fox

CNN is losing ratings, Fox is gaining ratings.

Not sure Trump has to do a great deal to get rid of CNN. Should just watch from the sidelines as it implodes. Even a lot of moderate liberals find CNN to be dreadfully biased, no more or less than Fox, but the difference is Fox is going ahead while CNN is faltering.

I think they are both in trouble long term, like all TV Networks based around news/journalism. I hold out a lot of hope for Youtube as a news medium. An awful lot of crap on Youtube, but also a vast amount of potential and as good ole Joe Rogan says, the days when 10 minute debates with people shouting over each other provided anything useful in terms of contribution to debate are long over. Long form is where it's at.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Back on topic, CNN getting some competition in the hotel... market

Have you never been in a hotel or something? I've never been in a hotel that had CNN and no competitor channels also available.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Back on topic, CNN getting some competition in the hotel/hospital waiting room/retirement home market (the only places where people watch CNN) wouldn’t hurt. Might keep CNN on its toes.

Average age of CNN viewer = 59 years old.

Average age of Fox News viewer = 66 years old.

Both lean geriatric, but Trump's favored network is clearly watched by an older demographic than CNN.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I quite like it

You would ;)

...but more for the exceptional articles and investigative journalism.

That is pure satire. Well done. A comedy tour is calling. The Guardian has an increasingly small pool of quality articles, mostly based around the environment, which is genuinely good and the odd one on economics. I don't bother with the sports section much and I fear to tread the waters of what the Guardian considers "culture".

To be considered worthy of having an article written about you or your actions/opinions you must have the following physical, ethnic and/or personality traits.

You MUST be female or at the very least, a "feminist ally"

You cannot possibly be heterosexual. That's too bog standard

Being white is also a no-no, unless your a white female feminist, but most CERTAINTY! not a white male

You must recognize white privilege and the patriarchy in every sentence during an interview.

Don't tell them your Christian. Better an atheist, or, for the ultimate kudos, Muslim.

You must hold extremely progressive views, but not just on one topic, ON ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.

If you tick all those boxes you might get a positive article written about you and your views, but if you don't, prepare to be slandered and/or called "far right"/"alt right" at pretty much every turn.

The Guardian is a sad, sad excuse for "journalism" except, like I say, for a few articles and a decreasing number as the years go by.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

@CJoe We already have “state TV” - Fox News.

Exactly. But the question is is it Trump setting policy for Fox to broadcast, or are the Fox talking mouths (and Rupert Murdoch) setting policy. I'm leaning to the latter, after all Trump's got golf games to play and his business empire to look after.

Make Orwell fiction again. 8645

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Trump Derangement Syndrome being displayed to full effect in here. People actually count the number of days Trump has been in office? Might need to get out more.

It's usually the case that any PotUS has his days numbered (so to speak) and reviewed on a regular basis. No derangement syndrome here.

CNN getting some competition in the hotel/hospital waiting room/retirement home market (the only places where people watch CNN) wouldn’t hurt.

Mocking old or infirm people isn't very clever. It's also a bit untrue, as CNN is seen by a wide demographic.

Nielsen estimates about 33% of CNN’s audience is viewers aged 25 to 54, the target demographic for cable news, compared with 22 of MSNBC and 21% for Fox News.


7 ( +8 / -1 )

I have the perfect name for it, Trumpet.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

CNN is moderate and rational compared to the rubbish the Guardian spews forth daily in their anti male, anti Western, pro womenz hard left socialist engineered agenda


In the UK, yer actual socialists see the Grauniad as a wet, Blairite liberal effort. Especially with their attempts to downplay Jeremy Corbyn's and Momentum's success. It's openly sneered at by both the right and the left.

I quite like it, but more for the exceptional articles and investigative journalism. Trump acolyte and UKIP ex-somebody, Nigel Farrage got a good bit of scrutiny the other day.

Still. Too many poorly written articles in the culture section. For people with a 20 second attention span, I'll warrant.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Hahaha... and since he's being literally laughed at overseas, as he did when he bragged about himself at the UN, he can pretend "I wanted them to laugh!" again.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

. Get out and vote if the regime allows it. People inherently have a right of choice.

woooh that's offencive.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

OMG! The sooner we can get rid of this autocratic buffoon, the better.

We already have “state TV” - Fox News. But that is not enough for him?!!

Not only is he a sociopathic narcissist, but it appears (based on his incoherent statements) that he is experiencing pre-dementia - at the VERY least.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

CNN might be the worst U.S broadcaster from Trumps perspective but i can think of a LOT worse when it comes to spreading the more ridiculous and nauseating thought bubbles of the far left. CNN is moderate and rational compared to the rubbish the Guardian spews forth daily in their anti male, anti Western, pro womenz hard left socialist engineered agenda. If he wants to do the world a favour, I suggest he pursues that lot rather than CNN

-21 ( +3 / -24 )

Trump Derangement Syndrome being displayed to full effect in here. People actually count the number of days Trump has been in office? Might need to get out more.

Back on topic, CNN getting some competition in the hotel/hospital waiting room/retirement home market (the only places where people watch CNN) wouldn’t hurt. Might keep CNN on its toes.

-19 ( +2 / -21 )

The president has complained about being in hotel rooms abroad and having no alternative to CNN.

Dude, you have a smartphone ! You can use it to go see any news website on the internet and read... Nevermind.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

This may be his delayed response to Alex Jones' Infowars getting banned from YouTube or something. Its very hard to tell what the mice in his head are telling him to say at any given moment.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Trump said he wanted a worldwide network "to show the World the way we really are. GREAT!"


maybe he was more thinking about UT - USA Today.

Who doesn't dream about his own TV ...

6 ( +6 / -0 )

So Trump wants his own version of Pravda Russia and/or Xinhua News China, propaganda mouth piece?

OMG, the US is spiraling down into a despot nation.

27 ( +28 / -1 )

Trump said he wanted a worldwide network "to show the World the way we really are. GREAT!"

The feeble minded fool has been gorging on North Korean pies and thinks the outside world is as gullible and stupid as his followers.

24 ( +26 / -2 )

Day 675 of incoherent ramblings and gibbering from the mouth-mind of Tweetledumb Donald. Lest we forget that he didn't elect himself. His supporters live among us.

24 ( +32 / -8 )

Trump said he wanted a worldwide network "to show the World the way we really are. GREAT!"


27 ( +28 / -1 )

Trump said he wanted a worldwide network "to show the World the way we really are. GREAT!"

I think most people already know the way (Trump's version and vision of) America really is.

VOA "will represent America, not any single segment of American society, and will therefore present a balanced and comprehensive projection of significant American thought and institutions."

I guess that's not enough for Trump. Too balanced. Must have more lies.

29 ( +32 / -3 )

The TFNN - Trump Fake News Network.

It will do excellent - in America.

33 ( +37 / -4 )

Oh god! Is it not so obvious what the plan is? Global domination of information based on the Russian/Chinese/Japanese model? This can't be a good thing. I'm sure it's backed by Russia, China, Japan as it players right into the Regimes hands. Ministry of Information must be leaping out of their pants to have so much control over peoples information. Get out and vote if the regime allows it. People inherently have a right of choice.

-9 ( +12 / -21 )

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