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Trump raises $170 million as he looks to future


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President Donald Trump has raised roughly $170 million since his Election Day defeat,

With Trump's Department of Justice appointee Barr saying there was NO ELECTION FRAUD, it's now Trump and cult v. the country. With assistance from anti-democracy, pro-authoritarian states and organizations around the globe pleased to see Trump continue to do even more damage to the US.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Tax on the gullible.

Trump and family are laughing their way to the bank.

28 ( +29 / -1 )

Barr's own words: “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,”

20 ( +21 / -1 )

$170 million? How's that saying go, something about a fool and their money?

30 ( +31 / -1 )

Future in jail

11 ( +14 / -3 )

The PAC is for advancing Trump's interests which is only The Unchosen One himself.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

A fool and his money...

13 ( +14 / -1 )

I'm sure Trump's loyal and super successful fans here are planning to donate at least $170 million each.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Scamming and grifting right to the bitter end. Wonder if any of that money can be used for his legal defense?

16 ( +17 / -1 )

The grifter-in-chief is setting up another scam that he and fellow far right conmen like Bannon (see Trump Wall scam) among others can use to bilk the most gullible in Trump's far right base.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

But I thought he was a billionaire...what gives?

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Looking forward to Trump’s meltdown after Barr’s statement.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

To all Trump supporters: please give generously. It won't change anything, but it amuses me.

But I have changed my mind totally on election fraud - it definitely happened. All Republican voters in Georgia should boycott the upcoming Senate elections in protest. Spread the word.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

That Donald Duck Jnr is just as deranged & annoying as his father. Talk about a spoilt privileged little brat who has been given everything on a silver spoon.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

Some reader comments from the Fox News article. The entire Trump nation has turned on Barr within a matter of hours.

"impeachment of Dem Barr now"

"Looks like Barr is part of the deep swamp."

"He should be tried for treason and jailed for life."

"I've been saying for many months that Barr is compromised"

"Barr is a swamp creature. "

17 ( +18 / -1 )

Maybe he can use some of that money to buy a bigger desk?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

On the outside, Trump puts on an act that he is angry and that the election was stolen from him.

On the inside, Trump is smirking and laughing all the way to the bank. His grift is complete. He has successfully and continues to successfully milk as much money as he can from this presidency. And it's sad that his flock are blind to his ambitions. I can guarantee that after he leaves office, he will rake in more money from giving speeches and writing books about his stolen election. Unless of course, he goes to prison, like he should.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

I guess Barr realized that he only has 50 days to find a new job.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

With Trump's Department of Justice appointee Barr saying there was NO ELECTION FRAUD,

The guy is a lawyer for goodness, not just any lawyer, the guy taught a lot of these crazy Dems that are in Congress now, a bunch of them were his students, which always makes me laugh that these people think that they can outsmart this guy, he cannot just say there was election fraud if there is no physical evidence, why would he do that? Besides he is not on Trump’s legal team, but he said that he personally thinks that there was fraud and he has said that numerous times. It would be different if you were representing Trump, he’s not. Now if you talk to people like Democrat law professor Jonathan Turley or Allan Dershowitz who are both Not Trump supporters, they also believe that fraud was committed.

it's now Trump and cult v. the country.

No, it’s Trump vs the Washington establishment swamp.

With assistance from anti-democracy, pro-authoritarian states and organizations around the globe pleased to see Trump continue to do even more damage to the US.

Damage? By making sure this kind of crap doesn’t happen to either side of the political process, then it’s the damage I pray for.

-26 ( +3 / -29 )

This just in- Barron Trump appointed head of the DOJ...

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Grifter in Chief. This is the only way this illiquid “billionaire” will ever come close to paying the $421 million coming due.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

After this election defeat, the GOP identity crisis is continually deepening and the only way to rebuild it is to get rid of Trump and his cult.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

bass4funkToday  08:33 am JST

Besides he is not on Trump’s legal team, but he said that he personally thinks that there was fraud...

Not keen on the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing unless the "innocent" party is someone you like, are you.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

With Trump's Department of Justice appointee Barr saying there was NO ELECTION FRAUD, it's now Trump and cult v. the country. 

The working class isn’t a cult.

-25 ( +1 / -26 )

What a disgusting little man.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

Not keen on the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing unless the "innocent" party is someone you like, are you

No, I Call for fairness across the board, that’s how it should be in the US, not sure how it is in Europe though.

-21 ( +3 / -24 )

bass4funkToday  09:02 am JST

No, I Call for fairness across the board

Do you, now. Yet you'll cheerfully accuse the Democrats of election fraud without sufficient evidence while asserting Trump's innocence of complicity with Russian election interference on the grounds of insufficient evidence? If you call for fairness across the board you'll agree that the Democrats are just as innocent as Trump, until proven otherwise.

...not sure how it is in Europe though.

I don't think anyone would expect you to be. Neither am I, but I'm pretty sure they don't have juries in political corruption or impeachment trials stacked with politicians from the accused's own parties.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

Trumpism: the grift that keeps grifting.

Lock him up! ( the only sure vaccine to protect America from Potus-47 in 2024)

12 ( +13 / -1 )

The working class isn’t a cult.

No, but Trumpism sure is.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

bass: Now if you talk to people like Democrat law professor Jonathan Turley or Allan Dershowitz who are both Not Trump supporters, they also believe that fraud was committed.

Dershowitz hasn't shown any support for the fraud allegations. He's given interviews to show Trump's legal options, and that's it. His words on a Fox News interview from last week:

"They (Trump) need to make wholesale constitutional arguments. And for that, they're going to need overwhelming evidence, and I haven't seen it."

Jonathan Turley has been saying things need to be investigated, but makes it clear he's not alleging fraud. He's just saying there's no reason not to investigate these things. In a November 9 article on his website he writes:

"I have expressed skepticism over the sweeping claims of fraud. There is no reason to presume fraud but also no reason to demand concessions before we look at these allegations."

No, it’s Trump vs the Washington establishment swamp.

This battle isn't happening in Washington. It's happening at the state level.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

A trump supporter and his money is easily parted!!!

16 ( +17 / -1 )

In a separate news the justice department is investigating a cash for presidential pardon criminal scheme.

Wonder who has the power to grant presidential pardon????

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Congratulations Trump supporters,

You just helped Donald pay back the $840 million in personal loans he owes to Putin and the oligarchs...

Good job - of making Russia great again...

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Trump should switch over to the televangelist channels and see if he can pick up more methods. He’s a good conman, but you are never too old to improve.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Trump appointed AG William Barr- no evidence of fraud.

On “paper” true, personally, not so much.

He's so close to the president and done all his biding since the beginning. It's all over Mr. Trump!

As did Holder to his wingman

Do you, now.


Yet you'll cheerfully accuse the Democrats of election fraud without sufficient evidence while asserting Trump's innocence of complicity with Russian election interference on the grounds of insufficient evidence?

for one reason there was no intentional evidence in the other reason was intent in motive and the Dems motive from the very beginning was to get this President and everything until now failed.

If you call for fairness across the board you'll agree that the Democrats are just as innocent as Trump, until proven otherwise.

Not innocent, I grew up in a Democrat swamp state, sorry not buying it. Now you got this guy Biden who has been a failure for 47 years and after the Democrats relentlessly try to persecute Trump on this political jihad, he comically says we all need to come together now? That’s not going to happen. ROFL.

I don't think anyone would expect you to be.

No, and I don’t think most Europeans understand our system as well

-22 ( +1 / -23 )

Dershowitz hasn't shown any support for the fraud allegations.

he sent on a few occasions that he believes that there was fraud.

Jonathan Turley has been saying things need to be investigated,

Yes, for the same reason as he also believes there were irregularities...or in plain English-fraud.

but also no reason to demand concessions before we look at these allegations."

Again, you made my point for me.

This battle isn't happening in Washington. It's happening at the state level.

Which is a connected part of the swamp, don’t split hairs now.

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

Dershowitz hasn't shown any support for the fraud allegations.

he sent on a few occasions that he believes that there was fraud.

Jonathan Turley has been saying things need to be investigated,

Yes, for the same reason as he also believes there were irregularities...or in plain English-fraud.

But Dershowitz and Turley are saying that in public - and they are not part of Trump's election legal team. Trump's lawyers in court are saying;

Giuliani: "This is not a fraud case"...

His Attorney in Pennsylvania: "There is no evidence of any fraud"...

His Attorney in Arizona: "We are not alleging fraud or anyone stealing the election"...

Explain that....

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Bass: he sent on a few occasions that he believes that there was fraud.

Nope, Dershowitz has not. He wrote an article on Election Day saying all elections will have some degree of errors, irregularities, and fraud, but that's just the system we have. He has not said he believes there was widespread fraud in this election.

On “paper” true, personally, not so much.

Nope, Barr has not said that. Before the election he said he didn't like mail in voting because of the potential for fraud, but he has not, in any capacity, said he believes fraud happened in this election. And Lord knows there's nothing that would stop him from saying it if he believed it.

Yes, for the same reason as he also believes there were irregularities...or in plain English-fraud.

What part of "I have expressed skepticism over the sweeping claims of fraud" and "there is no reason to presume fraud" did you not understand?

We're done here.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

But Dershowitz and Turley are saying that in public - and they are not part of Trump's election legal team. Trump's lawyers in court are saying

In a court of law, what are they supposed to say? They’re lawyers They’re not part of Democrats fabrication machine they follow the law and follow it legally, but that has nothing to do with what they think or what they feel and we have seen more than enough interviews on how they feel.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

But Dershowitz and Turley are saying that in public - and they are not part of Trump's election legal team. Trump's lawyers in court are saying

In a court of law, what are they supposed to say? They’re lawyers They’re not part of Democrats fabrication machine they follow the law and follow it legally, but that has nothing to do with what they think or what they feel and we have seen more than enough interviews on how they feel.

The question Trump supporters have been avoiding for a week is why is Trump saying "massive fraud" but all his lawyers under oath are saying "we are not alleging fraud"?

How do you win a case in court alleging fraud, when your lawyers admit there is no fraud?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

In a court of law, what are they supposed to say?

The truth. Because if they lie in court, they will be disbarred or prosecuted in the worst cases. Which is why all of them lie a lot in front of the press, but then unsurprisingly become honest in front of a judge -even a Trump-appointed one-.

This is why they all scream "FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD" during the press conferences, and then admit there's absolutely no fraud at all in court. Because they actually appreciate their jobs and don't want to be disbarred.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Rudy will make sure the $ 170 million is gone soon, both he and trump are high maintenance.

The GOP will be begging for cash in another few months.

I encourage all trump supporters to contribute liberally.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing idiots parting with their money!!!

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Golfer-in-chief...you're FIRED. In just over a month and a half he is just a bad memory.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

The question Trump supporters have been avoiding for a week is why is Trump saying "massive fraud"

Because we believe it not to mention there are over 280 witnesses with sworn affidavits which means that if their testimonies prove to be false they can land in Federal prison and yet, Dems seem uninterested in speaking to any of them. Hmmm.....

but all his lawyers under oath are saying "we are not alleging fraud"?

We already went through that.

The GOP will be begging for cash in another few months.

And Trump will raise it as he’s always done, got my checkbook ready.

I encourage all trump supporters to contribute liberally.

They will 13 House seats....yeah, Dems should focus on Biden, he’s got two years to put forth his radical socialist agenda through.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

The question Trump supporters have been avoiding for a week is why is Trump saying "massive fraud"

Because we believe it not to mention there are over 280 witnesses with sworn affidavits which means that if their testimonies prove to be false they can land in Federal prison and yet, Dems seem uninterested in speaking to any of them. Hmmm.....


but all his lawyers under oath are saying "we are not alleging fraud"?

We already went through that.

No we didn't. Why aren't Trump's attorneys presenting these sworn affidavits to prove their case? Why are Trump's lawyers all saying "no fraud"....


10 ( +11 / -1 )

bass4funkToday  11:08 am JST

for one reason...

I honestly can't be bothered to try to decipher any of the rest but it looks like the usual mishmash of evasion, deflection, non sequiturs and gibberish.

15 ( +16 / -1 )


4 ( +5 / -1 )

No we didn't.

We did, kindly scroll up..

I honestly can't be bothered

Then don’t, it’s all good. Lol

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

trump needs to pay a lot to his lawyers over the next few years, so the $ 170 million will not go far.

He is considering pre-emptive pardons for himself, his children, rudy amongst others.

No pre-emptive pardon will hold up in the courts, so there will a lot of money spent on lawyers.

I encourage all trump supporters to open their checkbooks and contribute in multiples of 100,000s.

Anything less and he will end up in prison with his coterie.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

None of them presented in a any court case. Trump has had more than 30 cases dismissed.

Yes, so then basically it really doesn’t matter to find out the truth or not or to question these people, if these people stayed and sworn to us that they have seen voter fraud or voting irregularities then the voices should be heard, if it were the opposite and we all know Democrats would demand to be heard and no Democrats would not just walk away. So don’t expect the GOP or Trump to do the same.

Cases dismissed by Trump elected Judges

Not all and of if the Dems throw road Blocks in order to make sure that this one of David’s do not see the light of day, then that’s what they going to make sure.

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

As long as this goose keeps laying golden eggs, this has-been president is going to steal as much money as he can. His loyal followers, much less richer than Trump is, are more than willing to throw their hard earned money at him.

Trump is smart in one way, which is that he knows how to steal legally.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

No we didn't.

We did, kindly scroll up..

Prove it and repeat it then....

Why aren't Trump's attorneys presenting these sworn affidavits to prove their case? Why are Trump's lawyers all saying "no fraud"....


9 ( +10 / -1 )

Trump raises $170 million

A golden flush.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Someone including Trump, must be found guilty of a crime before any pardon can be given. He'll be out of office.

No, he can indeed pardon himself if there are forces conspiring to bring him down or harm his family, that’s the grat. privilege of unlimited Presidential powers. Like he did with Flynn, I sure he’ll save the best for last.

Prove it and repeat it then....

Scroll up please.

If Trump wants his day in court he merely has to file a case along with real evidence he has stated he as.

Then all these liberal lawyers should allow all sworn affidavit testimonies to be heard, every single one of them.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

If trump pardons himself, it can easily be overturned in courts.

Dont think the entertainment is over just because trump got kicked out. The trials of trump, his brood and his band of criminals will be even more fun!!!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Prove it and repeat it then....

Scroll up please.

I did - it's not there - prove you answered it and repeat it here...

Why aren't Trump's attorneys presenting these sworn affidavits to prove their case? Why are Trump's lawyers all saying "no fraud"....


9 ( +10 / -1 )

I did -

No, sadly you did not, try scrolling again.

Why aren't Trump's attorneys presenting these sworn affidavits to prove their case?

Why won’t these Democrat lawyers hear these people out?

If trump pardons himself, it can easily be overturned in courts.

It can, but then you would have to have a valid reason and since the Democrats don’t other than a personal vendetta it probably won’t be overturned.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

It's funny his supporters ask for valid reason when trump's looney liars have flushed millions down the drain with their delusional lawsuits.

As trump is discovering court cases, based on delusions dont even get a court hearing!!!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Obviously, Trump and family will pocket the money and his supporters willingly put it there.

After January 20th, he and his family probably won't have to ask, his cult will send him money. For him, this post election begging for money and getting it is his first time he doesn't go into debt, first, before receiving money.

He's gotta be thinking, along with his ridiculous son's, that, 'hey, this is great! we can just go online and get paid, forever. It's easier than washing illegal cash through the oligarchs!'

He is in a worse type of debt of integrity and character, but his supporters are people who promote Trump's seediness, and admire his worst of the worst qualities he possesses.

A horror of a human being, 170,000,000 times over.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

he will rake in more money from giving speeches and writing books about his stolen election.

Writing books? You mean he will have to employ a ghost writer.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Am confused, I thought the guy was a billionaire.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

I don't feel sorry for the gullible tools. I can't wait for more of them to realize they threw their money in a cesspit and then will want it back.


Carry on folks.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Why does Trump want to stay in the WH so badly? It's unfortunate for his family who will be hated by non-Trumps wherever they go:

Ivanka Trump 'Not Wanted' posters appear across New York City

(News quote)

Nothing bad about Ivanka and she has to 100% appear to agree with her dad, otherwise she will be written out of Donald Trump's will. Her dad made her that way and Ivanka would be a much happier person if her dad never became president. Obviously the Trump kids wish their dad never became president

I guess they could hang out with the Oathkeepers and people like that, so they will have some company.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Why won’t these Democrat lawyers hear these people out?

strange that you don’t know. It’s the court judge who decides if a case is accepted or not based on the evidence presented. Nothing to do with any democrats.

Nor with lawyers.

The complaint here is that the people who know the law and are literally the arbitrators (aka judges) of it, aren't judging the law the way that Trump and his people want.

Wrap your head around how stupid you'd have to be to buy this as making any sense in the real world whatsoever.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

otherwise she will be written out of Donald Trump's will.

Just think of all that Soviet debt she could miss out on inheriting!

Ivanka Trump 'Not Wanted' posters appear across New York City


Poor girl, she needs a complete life reboot.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Why won’t these Democrat lawyers hear these people out?

You know the political party affiliation of dozens if not hundreds of lawyers defending the states, counties, and election boards against Trump's lawsuits?

Even for you that's pretty amazing heh.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

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