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Trump rips into media, not Clinton


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He's a showman. He needs the oxygen of publicity.

He can't expect his stupid shit to go unnoticed.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

“the disgusting and corrupt media

Expect his cult followers to add these words to their lexicon, joining others such as 'MSM', 'global elite', 'this is interesting' and a limited range of other pithy memes used to show their membership.

Curious that Trump cultists don't say 'show us your tax returns' and ask 'what's your relationship to the Russian oligarchs?'. I wonder why.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

For a tough guy, Trump sure whines a lot. Might be a good idea for the "disgusting media" to limit their coverage of him.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

Rampant mainstream media bias is what everyone is talking about. And it will play right into his hands. People know whats happening, if you don't see it you're either blind by ideology or plain stupid.

-25 ( +2 / -27 )

Mr. Townsend - I agree Trump is a whiner and has pretty much buried himself and the blame lays solely on his shoulders.

With respect to the "mainstream media" I would include both the left and right leaning media in that group (this would include Fox News). After all, 6 corporations control more than 90% of the media in the United States and I guess those 6 corporations (which includes NewsCorp) can be labeled the "MSM". A good article below on this (there have been several written on this topic)


Also I do think there is, in fact, a "global elite", which consists of both those that we would label conservatives and liberals. Is this so called "global elite" out to get Trump? Who knows?

How would I define global elite?

The publication The Nation had a very good article about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal and how this legislation would allow corporations a special process to bypass laws in countries in which they operate. I believe the global elite is favored by such legislation and this type of deal does in fact favor the global elite over the masses and are a part of the ongoing destruction of the middle class.

The Nation's article can be read here.


Trump has admittedly benefited from those he is complaining about (the media and the global elite). If he was elected it would be more of the same and there would be potentially disastrous consequences for the U.S.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Sounds like Trump is trying to blame the messenger.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Would it get reported if he had talked about Clinton ? Mike Pence did today, urging a Fed Probe into whether Clinton granted political favors to Foundation donors and somehow those posts never see the light of day (quite literally).

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

"Rampant mainstream media bias is what everyone is talking about. And it will play right into his hands"

He's behind in the polls because of his inane outbursts. Last week's mindless bark about Obama founding ISIS led to a bizarre claim his sarcasm was misunderstood. Incompetent, dishonest and completely unconvincing. You really don't need to spin this - the stupidity is in plain sight.

Clinton has been as dodgy and slimy as always but she's nowhere near Trump on the stupidshitometer.

What do you mean by play into his hands? People will realise that Trump isn't actually spouting mindless, half-baked drivel and it's only the partisan media saying he does?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

trump is simply a DUNCE plain & simple, HE creates ALL his own problems PERIOD.

We hear about all the Hillary crap, the SIMPLE FACTS are that trump sticks his feet into his every orifice CONSTANTLY & he SHOULD be called on it!!

The man is so beyond outrageous & its well into theatre of the amazingly absurd!!

6 ( +9 / -3 )

He is behind in the polls not even for what he says, but because the fact that he says these things proves that he is suffering from a personality disorder - narcissistic paranoia - which should disqualify him from any form of public office.

Commentators have lost count of the lies and distortions that he has come up with over the past few weeks - which he has then tried to pass off as "jokes" or claimed that his words have been misinterpreted. It is ridiculous that anyone, whatever their politics, can begin to take Trump's presidential bid seriously.

There are plenty of angles an opponent could use to legitimately criticise Hillary Clinton, but instead, ever the attention seeker, Trump's making himself look like a total idiot.

All Hillary has to do is shut up and let Trump keep talking himself out of the job. There cannot be enough voters in America prepared to ignore the warning signs which are so obviously evident here.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Noooo no no no no guys guys don't talk about Trump, don't question his judgment, let's talk about Clinton!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@SugarFreeGummyBears - I like the name - I think the media must talk about Trump and his obvious lack of judgment but I believe they must also talk about Clinton as well.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

There is no problem of the media not reporting Trump. He boasted that his free media publicity from the beginning has meant he didn't have to spend campaign money on TV commercials, in fact.

No, the problem with Trump is Trump. Plain and simple. Too many people including more and more Republicans are seeing through the shield of ridiculous nonsense and finding there is nothing behind it.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Gee, wasn't so long ago Trump was boasting of how he wouldn't need to buy advertising thanks to the very same media coverage he is now bashing. The coverage hasn't changed, and neither have his comments. The only difference is that the constituency grew from the GOP base to the general electorate, a majority of which finds his remarks distasteful and disqualifying. So now that he finds himself rapidly falling behind Clinton, he blames the press.

Looks like we have a new definition of chutzpah.

7 ( +7 / -0 )


It seems pretty clear the media loves twisting his words. I mean hillary even said directly Obama could be assassinated in 2008, lets not talk about that. Or she even got a pedophile off the hook when she was lawyer although it seemed she even questioned his innocence.

But most comments here have resorted to name calling. Perhaps we deserve Hillary.

-20 ( +0 / -20 )

It seems pretty clear the media loves twisting his words.

Please give some specific examples of where this has happened. What I mean is that you should provide the exact quote from Trump, then the media's reporting of said quote, and show how they differ.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

@Strangerland. I am not a Trump supporter and I think it is not necessary to twist his words or edit his quotes to prove he is not fit for the Presidency, but here is one example.


Not sure if this meets your metric but in my opinion Trump was mis-represented in this case.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

An example of where his words were NOT twisted was the '2nd Amendment' comment. He was talking about a situation where Clinton had already won the election and was appointing Supreme Court judges. About that, there was, 'Nothing you can do, folks', apparently. Then he made the comment about the '2nd Amendment folks'. Given that he was discussing a situation where the election was already lost, he could not have been suggesting that '2nd Amendment folks' go back in time and vote more fervently against Clinton in an election that had already been held, and lost. He clearly meant they should shoot her (or the judges) and there is no other way to interpret it. Trump himself and anyone else is a liar to suggest otherwise.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

I think Jeb Bush was supposed to win. Thank god us racist bigoted privileged white people werent that stupid. So now it's the elite establishment against the non elite establishment. The left are living in a dream world and taking the blue pill like an everyday vitamin. You closet warmongers are disgusting.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief

From the New York Times. Should be "game over" for Trump but WATCH his cult follwers explain it all away.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trump people here (and everywhere - there isn't much "range" among them - by any measure) play what they think is a smart game. Things are always 100% clear and true to them, and the rest of us are fools or part of that "grand conspiracy" just for not accepting whatever they say as the perfect truth.

Look at the excuses wrapped as comments here. Every single pro-Trump person says nothing more than "They're cheating!"

-"Rampant mainstream media bias is what everyone is talking about."

-"It seems pretty clear the media loves twisting his words." (debunked urban legends follow as "evidence," but murder only suggested.)

or "It's a conspiracy!"

-"So now it's the elite establishment against the non elite establishment." ("pot "declares us the "kettle" insult follows)

Only one pre-declaration of victory today, though: "And it will play right into his hands. People know whats [sic] happening, "

They got nothing - and they're gonna play it, by gosh!

Hillary may only turn out to be a moderately-good President (her past connections to Wall St. and her previously hawkish attitude are worrying), but there's a fair chance that she may be quite good as well. My expectations are moderate (not too low), and I'm very sure I won't be disappointed.

** I would ask the pro-Trump people here to provide us all with more details about the reasoning, and the sources it's based on. Only Lizz suggested one (Pence's, to me, ridiculous and boring speech, which was reported just as widely as it deserved - identically to similar speeches by our Mr. Kaine and certainly "quite literally" saw the "light of day.")

3 ( +4 / -1 )

We all know what the agenda of the media is and we all know their true intentions, they are in the tank for Hillary, wouldn't care if it's private, but as a journalist, this is just off the charts. Perhaps and hopefully, the media can focus on the real issue and real problem that is an imminent danger to National security and that's HRC.

-23 ( +0 / -23 )

**Thanks Bassfunky. There we go folks--it's all a CONSPIRACY to get poor ole Donald. Poor ole misunderstood Donald, the one guy who could not get a single bank loan from ANY US bank and so where did his money come from for the past ten years except from the Russian Mob? But watch Bassfunky turn that issue all around and spin it back on HRC. Watch! Break out the popcorn folks as the cult figures will defend any and ALL actions and words of their "dear leader."

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Not sure if this meets your metric but in my opinion Trump was mis-represented in this case.

Please show exactly how his words were twisted. I'm not seeing it.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Thanks Bassfunky. We now know its a conspiracy to get poor ole donald, the clown who could not get a loan from any US bank for the past ten years because of his bad credit. And where did all of his money come from then, but where else but the Russians. To support Trump is to support a Russian take over of the USA, but as the repigs have climbed into bed with the Red Chinese to get at and profit from that cheap commie labor, watch them sell out to the Russians. And watch Bassfunk rationalize it all away, along with his tax returns which we will never see, what did Katrina say, "showing tax returns is a novelty tradition"--priceless stuff for comedy writers.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

what if Trump keeps mum (for a while)? msm will find it difficult to deal with a mom !

0 ( +2 / -2 )

We all know what the agenda of the media is and we all know their true intentions, they are in the tank for Hillary, wouldn't care if it's private, but as a journalist, this is just off the charts.

If by all you mean, most of the minority, being the (delusional) republicans, and not the majority, being the democrats, then yes... i suppose that is indeed your misguided view.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Why did CNN leave out/edit what is in bold type? As stated there is enough ammunition against Trump to disqualify him. Not sure why the editing is necessary.

Reporter: Should there be a database system that tracks Muslims who are in this country?

Trump: There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases. We should have a lot of systems, and today you can do it. But right now we need to have a border, we have to have strength, we have to have a wall, and we cannot let what’s happening to this country happen any longer.

Reporter: Is that something your White House would like to implement?

Donald Trump: I would certainly implement that. Absolutely.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her — wherever."

And the perverted media deemed this interpretation to infer he was talking about menstruation. That was definately not were my mind was!

I've heard the word racist thrown around alot. I wasn't aware that Mexico or Islam was a race.

His 2nd ammendment comments were taken clearly out of context like many other examples.

Here is one more example of many I could give

"The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc."

And the media says he called the entirity of Mexican immigrants rapist etc.

Are you missing something here? This cannot be anymore blatantly bias.

On the Mexico issue alone, do you agree with Obama that unchecked, unvetted, unvaccinated migrants can come freely into the US and be immediatly given social benefits? The border guards give them a ride to nearby bus station and them a free bus ticket to wherever! I'm not exaggerating!

And Trump points this out, you all disagree to do nothing about it! Congratulations! You obey your media perfectly!

Trump is your last hope at sovereignty because nobody else has the stones to go against your controlled media!

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Going to enjoy watching him lose by a wide margin. Anyone who thought he might win is seriously deluded. He can blame everyone and everything else for his loss but it is the gullible GOP supporters who got him to where he is who are also to blame. At least he'll be able to enjoy the nice, long vacation he talked about recently! Sounds like he has finally crunched the numbers and worked out that he's going to lose big.

6 ( +8 / -2 )


"And the perverted media deemed this interpretation to infer he was talking about menstruation. That was definately not were my mind was!"

"I've heard the word racist thrown around alot. I wasn't aware that Mexico or Islam was a race."

"His 2nd ammendment comments were taken clearly out of context like many other examples. "

You gotta be putting us all on.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Jeffery, it's a big, tough world out there, and the more quickly you learn that and adjust your expectations and behavior to it, the better. The idea of some "MSM" with an endgame of political influence is a canard. Certainly, certain outlets have a culture skewed in a certain direction, but their main goal is to survive, which means making money, which in today's world means attracting clicks, so anything attention-worthy from any candidate will be published.

Hillary learned this long ago. In the '90s, she complained of that "vast right-wing conspiracy," but that was during her learning period. As I tell my kids, there is no reason to complain about things over which you have no control. Complaining about the media is like complaining about the weather. All one can do is to adapt. Clinton has done so by strict message discipline and curtailing interviews, because the very "MSM" Trump complains about would run equally quickly with any misstatement she might make.

Clinton does not ban media outlets from her events, as Trump does. That is simply vindictive and childish, as if not getting an invitation will make these outlets frendlier when every outlet is going to run the news anyway, whether learned directly or not. He's recently mused banning the New York Times. If he follows through, that in itself would be news, and not good for Trump. Clinton and Trump are roughly the same age and have been in the public eye roughly the same amount of time. That Trump seems not to have learned a scintilla during that time compared with Clinton is another brick in the wall of the argument that he lacks the character to be president.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Clinton does not ban media outlets from her events, as Trump does.

____________________________________________________ I don't know if they are banned but Hillary certainly doesn't take questions from reporters that she doesn't think she can control. And especially not after the Chris Wallace interview/ follow up news conference from a black or Hispanic reporter "short circuit" fiasco. And she most definitely screens attendees at her rallies, unlike Trump who lets everyone in that can pass security.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Poor sad moderator--doesn't like it when I point out the link between Trump and the Russians. Moderator, do get a life.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

CNN was always making free time for Trump just like a circus made time for a clown (Yes, Trump is a clown). So don't blame CNN. Also, there is FOX which has higher ratings than CNN. The media is more than fair. I mean look at all the media saying Obama was born in Kenya and he faked is college degree- still became president. The same goes for Trump. The media is more than on his side and they gave him a lot of free publicity. Covering Trump on CNN is akin to media coverage of an OJ Simpson or Michael Jackson criminal trial. People want to see what kind of crazy act Trump will make so the media fills this demand.

His 2nd ammendment comments were taken clearly out of context But there is always the .0001% who act on it and take it seriously like planned parenthood shooters (who are of the pro-choice people)

On the Mexico issue alone, do you agree with Obama that unchecked, unvetted, unvaccinated migrants can come freely into the US Reagan and his green card amnesty (millions of them). How is Trump Hispanic vote doing (and that of blacks)? Why is it that near zero percent black will vote for Trump?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

unlike Trump who lets everyone in that can pass security.

Except for the media he doesn't like you mean.

Please post the transcript and your interpretation.

Transcript: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-donald-trump-announces-his-presidential-candidacy/

Interpretation: No need for one. He says it all himself:

Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Gullibility is your excuse for a dirty mind?

Menstruation isn't dirty. It's something that 50% of the worlds population does regularly, and is a natural human function, one that is responsible for the existence of everyone on this planet, including you.

Please tell me, if he wasn't referring to menstruation, what did he mean by 'blood coming out of her wherever'?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Please tell me, if he wasn't referring to menstruation, what did he mean by 'blood coming out of her wherever'?

Because he said it in reference to a male reporter as well.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Because he said it in reference to a male reporter as well.

1) How is 'because...' a reply to a 'what did he mean by...' question? Because is an answer to a 'why' question.

2) You still haven't answered the question.

3) Link please.

4) What is the date of this supposed comment - if he said this comment after the one referring to whatsherface, then it's a cover to try to make it look like he wasn't talking about menstruation.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I believe the saying is, 'Give them enough rope and......'.

Trump 2016...decimating The House, Senate and White House in one fell swoop.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Trump having fun at rally: "Get that baby outta here!" ( mom was perfectly OK with it )

Media: "Trump throws baby out of rally"

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

And some, I assume, are good people. Then he is saying most are not good people- thus his claim of most being rapists and murderers is true.

As for Trump's tax returns- nothing illegal but probably embarrassments. Clinton's tax returns are all square with no scandals to report on that end.

Trump slammed Obama so much with his fake birth certificate and fake degree claims and Obama could win a third term if allowed. Obama is taking so much slamming from the FOX media and his approval is at a high. More proof that Trump cannot blame the media for his low ratings.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trump having fun at rally: "Get that baby outta here!" ( mom was perfectly OK with it )

Trump's actual comment:

“Actually, I was only kidding, you can get the baby out of here," the Republican nominee said to laughter and applause. "That’s all right. Don’t worry. I, I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I’m speaking. That’s OK. People don’t understand. That’s OK."

Link: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trump-kicks-out-baby-rally-226566

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Trump rips into media

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper tried to exploit the drama @RNC when Ted Cruz (near end of speech) did not endorse Trump. That was nothing compared to masses of Sander's loyalists who walked off the floor day 1 DNC.

The media in US went to sleep when all that chaos was occurring outside the DNC venue in Philadelphia streets. Why?

The media in the US didn't blast HRC when the Pulse shooter's dad was seen at her rally in FL. Heck, he had a good view too, those seats are hand picked by the campaign organizers. Anyways, he was there smiling in the background. What a sick joke.

. . . Yet, if (ooh lets say) D. Duke was spotted in a premier VIP seat @ a Trump rally, the liberal media would bust out the popcorn & make a Field Day out of it.

The media sells it & you live the role.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Get that baby outta here Even the fox news people say Trump's behavior is not presidential. Is that CNN's fault somehow? Or that of the NY Times? Again, who really wants to blame the media on Trump's low points (including near zero for blacks)?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The media sells it & you live the role.

Are you trying to say that you don't buy what the media says? You do realize that 90% of what you post are repeats of things said on Fox "News" right?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The media in the US didn't blast HRC when the Pulse shooter's dad was seen at her rally in FL. Why should they?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Are you trying to say that you don't buy what the media says? You do realize that 90% of what you post are repeats of things said on Fox "News" right?

Actually I watch FOX, CNN and various local news. I buy it, but not all of it. And in this US presidential election. . . you'd be a fool to think the media isn't favorable to HRC. On the other hand, Trump is a big mouth and draws lots of attention. Anyways, he won the (R) with his own cash and help from the media. HRC cannot say the same.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

“If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn’t put false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20 percent,”

Now there's a man who wants to blame someone else for his failures. He's running one of the most inept campaigns we've ever seen. His spokesperson just came out and said that Obama invaded Afghanistan. He throws out emotive statements daily and can't stay on topic with important issues. You don't need a conspiracy theory to explain why he's behind in the polls. Common sense will so just fine.

Wc626: Actually I watch FOX, CNN and various local news.

If you spend time at places like Fox News then you just don't have the credibility to claim media bias against others. I go to Fox News multiple times a day and on some days it's literally an anti-Hillary front page day. Add to that the machine that is right-wing talk radio and you have your own little personal mainstream media that is anything but fair (or rational for that matter).

To sit there in that atmosphere then claim that CNN has a bias against Trump is just you wasting everyone's time. Clean up your own mess first, then we'll talk.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

WC : Anyways, he won the (R) with his own cash and help from the media.

Another of your right wing media fallacies. Trump used campaign money to pay back his so-called expenses, in other words to finance his lavish lifestyle. Like they way you run a business into the ground and leave the banks holding the debt, paying yourself out handsomely.

Although I'm not sure the Russians will let Trump off on his debts quite so easily...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Media should just ignore him until he says something non-racist, inflammatory, or has any policy statements.

Trump supporters, it is to laugh that THIS is your representative. We're laughing at the USA

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trump supporters, it is to laugh that THIS is your representative. We're laughing at the USA

Laugh harder when HRC takes over. It's gona be a free-for-all. Many wonderful bridges. Not- but yes, they're laughing. . .

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

In my recent overseas trips, anyone talking American politics mentions Trump right away. Literally no one has mentioned Hillary to me.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Laugh harder when HRC takes over. It's gona be a free-for-all. Many wonderful bridges. Not- but yes, they're laughing. . ."

Trump's ineptitude, attention-seeking and downright stupidity is looking likely to deliver the rightists' nightmare to them - President Hillary Clinton.

Why aren't you people furious with this man. If I were you, I'd be furious.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Actually I watch FOX, CNN and various local news.

That's part of the problem - like someone saying they patronize various fast-food outlets and are still getting fat. TV news is to news what McDonalds is to cuisine. I'm surprised that any Republican - the putative party of individual responsibility - would get their news from TV. Every individual is responsible for curating their own news sources and evaluating veracity. This is easy to do in the age of the Internet, with a plethora of written reports linked to hard data or at least checkable. TV news is junk.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This guy was desperate for exposure and publicity when he first decided he wanted to run last year. Never in his wildest dreams did he think there'd be so many stupid people out there worshiping the hot air he breathes out. Now he's trying to do everything to make sure he loses without him actually having to pull out of the race - a bigger loss of face.


4 ( +6 / -2 )

Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave national emergency... Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real. Douglas MacArthur

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

John Oliver nailed it well during his Trump rant. That Trump is a brand, and people are voting for the brand, not the person. The person has shown that he can literally do anything, and the brand is not affected. It's really a triumph of branding, something USAers are presented with daily, but at the cost of an entire country due to a lack of any civic understanding or responsibility. It's really incredible. Idiocracy realized without the time travel.

Apparently USAers are upset with their government. But they elected them. Most are multi-millionaire Republicans because the Congress controls the budget, but apparently their abject hatred of a black president was more important than helping actual citizens.

And their news, just utter Faux Trash. Making sure all the problems are Obama's fault not the Republicans. Thanks Obama! the new catchphrase.

This train wreck was moving for a long time before Donald came along. It's not exactly going to be corrected with Clinton elected either. The train will keep moving until the news is reined in with laws of broadcasting standards. With laws on taxes from the wealthy to the not so wealthy. Higher minimum wages. Even a 100:1 limit on companies or a Basic Income.

We want USA to succeed but its worst nature is winning instead. Economic success under Obama aside, without addressing larger foundational issues the decline will continue.

I hope Clinton keeps borrowing from Sanders playbook if she hopes to stop that train

4 ( +4 / -0 )

@Fizzbit You seem to think Trump will be a radical departure from the world controlled by bankers and warmongers. I don't know if this is true. The problem is he's making the chances of this radical departure less like likely by the day.

This isn't because of the MSM.

It's because he can't stop saying stupid shit.

It looks like another 4 years of bankers and warmongers. You must be furious.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

It'll all be over in about 90 days. 1/20/17 - "Madame President"

4 ( +4 / -0 )

With a Democratic Senate and a House partially trimmed of gerrymandered Republicans, there's plenty of work (something that scares the Neo-Know-Nothings of the "Tea Party" more than atheists and Muslims combined!) to get done.

But, really, what of HRC's corruption could you wow us with? Breitbart lies? Hannity medical "reports"? "Before It's News" (which Trump actually used a graph from!!!) YouTube videos by truly ugly and demented nobodies?

Someone brought up the "child molester defender!" bit of BS here already, you know. Try another, if you try at all.

Have you got anything? Nothing at all real (that I don't know about), I'm more than sure.

Probably it would just be a rehashing of the same list of debunked nonsense the Republicans never tire of playing Chinese Whispers with.

Anyone who's read the US news has seen her vilified literally daily by Fox pseudo-news. The NYT and Washington Post are so "in her pocket" that they ran extensive exposes on several items (all turning out to be ramped-up nonsense.) After the failure of the Bengazi! hearings and the miserable who-cares of the trumped-up email scandal! people are tired of being lied to.

As Hillary gets airtime and presents her own case directly, even the mud that managed to stick will fall away.

The debates will see her at her best and strongest, and Trump at his weakest - if Trump doesn't flat-out chicken out (which would sink him literally everywhere.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The Tough Guy Party's standard response to losing: "They're mean! They're pickin' on us!"

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"It'll all be over in about 90 days. 1/20/17 - "Madame President"

Dream on.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear

I think you need to take a more nuanced view of how societies and political discourses are formed. It's not all top down. Individuals and communities both feed into and kick back against the (undoubtedly) powerful forces that seem indomitable.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Meanwhile this is interesting:

US election: Trump team 'must disclose pro-Russia ties'


It's about damned time. It's looking more and more each day like Team Trump are stooges for the Russian gangster Vlad Putin.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"1/20/17 - "Madame President"

"Dream on."

The bookies are offering 7/2 on Trump winning. Are you willing to put your money down?

They are also offering 6/1 on him being removed before November. I'd say that's a more enticing bet.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Actually I watch FOX, CNN and various local news. I buy it, but not all of it. And in this US presidential election. . . you'd be a fool to think the media isn't favorable to HRC. On the other hand, Trump is a big mouth and draws lots of attention. Anyways, he won the (R) with his own cash and help from the media. HRC cannot say the same.

Exactly and on point, the media is 110% on Hillary's side, I got a headache from all of this and most of it from how the media has been behaving, in 35 years, I have seen the media so openly in the tank for someone, if they would hit Hillary as hard as we hit Trump, we could get more insight to the criminal acts from what it looks like a very sly dealing with the DOJ, the media should be slamming her, Trump should be slamming her, she is just abut done on the grill and to be honest, Trump is missing THE golden opportunity to nail her to the wall. That comment he made about Obama creating ISIS, even I'm not buying it, yeah, he's in part reponsible not stopping their advance, ignored the advice of his senior generals, but creating them.... If anything, you might as well go to Clinton for squandering the opportunity to kill OBL when he had the chance, but that's an entirely different topic. Trump is just not a good speaker, both he and Hillary are horrible when it comes to trying to get their messages across and I do like Trump, I like his ideas, but how he implements them is an entirely different story. He needs to just be quiet when he gets attacked for 48-72 hours before responding and in the meantime, talk about jobs, the issues that Americans want to hear about. Stay away from Twitter ( that's his Achilles heel) and bite on that tongue and resist the urge to engage in a personal attack, that's playing right into her hands as well as the media.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

From Maverts' BBC link: "the "pro-[Russian President Vladimir] Putin policy stances adopted by Donald Trump".

Like Trump saying "Wouldn't it be great if we could get along with Russia?"

"The bookies are offering 7/2 on Trump winning. Are you willing to put your money down? They are also offering 6/1 on him being removed before November. "

Heh, the bookies should be offering 10/1 on Crooked Hillary being arrested before Nov.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

he won the (R) with his own cash and help from the media. HRC cannot say the same.

Oops. Correction here: he won with NO help frm media. Crooked Hillary can't say the same. Anyways, after her and (D) elites stabbed B Sanders in the back, she became the nominee. This was a full throttle green light "go" for the media to seal the deal. Gota luv American politics eh??

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Exactly and on point, the media is 110% on Hillary's side

Fox "News" is most definitely not on Hillary's side.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

SerranoAUG. 15, 2016 - 07:40PM JST From Maverts' BBC link: "the "pro-[Russian President Vladimir] Putin policy stances adopted by Donald Trump". Like Trump saying "Wouldn't it be great if we could get along with Russia?"

My sources are the BBC. Yours are "a YouTube uploader". Yeah....

Oh, and it's Madverts, please. I haven't changed my handle all these years unlike some so show a little respect please.

Trump "getting along with Russia" means what? Being in the pocket of Vladimir Putin due to his mountain of debt? Seriously I'm not even American and I'm disgusted by the fact that he could be a Putin stooge. It's tantamount to treason, have you Independent Republicans lost all sense of shame since Trump became your standard-bearer?

Manafort is clearly a Putin lackey.13 million dollar cash payments from Yanukavich sez it all. He's bent and he's quite possibly committed treason. And then there's Trump himself, refusing to release his tax returns and fueling any and all speculation. Does he pay zero taxes? Has he given zero to vets? Is he teetering on the brink of a real bankruptcy? Or is he Putin's biatch?

Heh, the bookies should be offering 10/1 on Crooked Hillary being arrested before Nov.

You just keep telling yourself that. The Russian allegations aren't going to go away these next few weeks, it's probably time to apply a second pair of ear mufflers and blinkers dude. Haven't seen you this far in Denial since your Iraq invasion turned to insanity.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

bass4funk: "Exactly and on point, the media is 110% on Hillary's side, I got a headache from all of this and most of it from how the media has been behaving, in 35 years, I have seen the media so openly in the tank for someone, if they would hit Hillary as hard as we hit Trump, we could get more insight to the criminal acts from what it looks like a very sly dealing with the DOJ, the media should be slamming her, Trump should be slamming her, she is just abut done on the grill and to be honest, Trump is missing THE golden opportunity to nail her to the wall."

First of all, that's one heck of a sentence for anyone who claims - a lot of times - to be an experienced journalist.

I request that you let us all in on some of the places you have worked - and your position there. Please don't think that any private information is being asked. or required. But I am not the only one who simply finds your claims to be difficult to believe.

You clearly have no idea of journalistic impartiality now, certainly. Us "Libs" are always in the wrong, minions or dupes working for this vast conspiracy. A vast conspiracy so powerful and ruthless that it somehow allows a Republican House and Senate, which have conducted endless (and entirely fruitless) investigations of every possibly odd occurrence during President Obama's tenure - and of course many more that have had no foundation at all. As well as allowing a right-wing media machine, led by the both ridiculous and execrable Fox "News," which runs any possible slur against every single Democrat while covering for every single Republican or conservative.

But that's probably just how clever these devils are, eh?

The nation would not survive a Trump-figureheaded Republican administration, but it seems more than just unlikely now that we will need to worry about such a horror.

Also, do you think Trump will release his taxes?

Even more germane, given this quote - "Trump is missing THE golden opportunity to nail her to the wall." - will he agree to the debates arranged and moderated by the CPD ("headed by Frank Fahrenkopf, a former head of the Republican National Committee, and former White House press secretary Michael D. McCurry." - wiki)?

If he doesn't, he may see a truly historic defeat, since Americans do not like cowards very much. If he does, I have more than every confidence the HRC will clean his clock in a historic manner.

Awaiting your reply. :)

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Fox News is neither for Hillary or Trump, the difference is they give both sides equal access, but Hillary is and has been dodging them for years, since FOX reaches a bigger audience, it would be better for her to prove or dispute any allegations against her, something that Trump does. What you say about Trump, he'll go anywhere and on any network. HIllary won't. Even fair minded liberals told her she should go on the hard hitting shows. She's had more than enough opportunities to make her case. She always went on Larry King, why? Because Larry will just let you talk and talk and talk and won't challenge anything. Sure, Hannity is a partisan conservative, he doesn't hide it, the same as Rachel Maddow is a partisan liberal, but avoiding these shows when you already have deep in the toilet untrustworthy numbers what do you expect? It's very simple, if you are innocent, you have nothing to hide! That goes for Hillary and her foundation secrets, her being dishonest and her lack of transparency, the same goes for Trump, he needs to show his taxes and divulge whatever documents are needed.


I do love that he speaks his mind, all in its proper context, let's focus for a moment. During the primaries, those outbursts were very helpful, now we are heading towards the general election and with all the smorgasbord of tantalizing tid bits on Hillary, he needs to attack her on the issues and stop wandering all over the place. That's my overall point. There is a time and place for Trump to be boasting, now is not the time. He needs to stop being so thin-skinned and bite his lip, because EVERY syllable he utters will be used against him in the most spiteful way.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

he needs to This confirms that Trump is losing because of what he is doing and not the media.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Democratic rival Hillary Clinton"

This is interesting: "Judge Jeanine: Now we know why Hillary used private email" ( Fox News, not the BBC )

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

have you Independent Republicans lost all sense of shame since Trump became your standard-bearer?

yeah, 9000 people showed up in Pennsylvania. You're brian is spinning in circles and not making any sense. The MSM will keep this ridiculous narrative going to hide the truth.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Fox News is neither for Hillary or Trump, the difference is they give both sides equal access, but Hillary is and has been dodging them for years, since FOX reaches a bigger audience, "

I doubt that many people agree with you on this. Fox news is a disgrace in every way.

" It's very simple, if you are innocent, you have nothing to hide!" As Sam Spade pointed out, everybody's got something to hide. Trump can show her up by releasing his tax returns, as promised. He won't, because likely Trump has more to hide than possible anyone else in the USA.

** I also note that you missed, or neglected, my request, repeated here:

"I request that you let us all in on some of the places you have worked - and your position there. Please don't think that any private information is being asked. or required. But I am not the only one who simply finds your claims to be difficult to believe."

I presume that you also are innocent and have nothing to hide. I am honestly interested.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Come on Serrano, do you honestly still think Trump is going to win??!

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Of course I do, but I was referring to the media, you are right, at the same time, Hillary should be held to the EXACT same scrutiny no matter how big or small.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Hillary should be held to the EXACT same scrutiny Sure and FBI checked her out and clean as a whistle.

but I was referring to the media .... he needs to attack her on the issues and stop wandering all over the place.

It's not a problem with the media. It's a problem with Trump. The FOX people even say Trump is not being presidential.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Heh, you guys are in meltdown."

This is interesting: "Media declare Trump 'meltdown' " ( Fox News )

Also this: "Can Donald Trump stay on message?" ( Fox News ) Both these women, Judge Jeanine and Katrina Pierson, are well spoken and don't lie, as opposed to the Clintons.

"Come on Serrano, do you honestly still think Trump is going to win??!"

I have to have hope that enough Americans will come to their senses and not elect the biggest liar and the most corrupt presidential candidate ever, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

He needs to stop being so thin-skinned and bite his lip, because EVERY syllable he utters will be used against him in the most spiteful way.

I agree. Mike Pence and Gingrich are going to get fed up with being the clean up crew before long, he owes it to them to be more disciplined if nothing else. The ad buys and policy speeches will help more than anything. He definitely need to start getting his message out unfiltered by the media to drive up Clinton's negatives.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

SerranoAUG. 15, 2016 - 10:13PM JST

I have to have hope that enough Americans will come to their senses and not elect the biggest liar and the most corrupt presidential candidate ever, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Let's see if Donald Trump releases his tax returns and how they both perform in the debates, assuming Trump takes part. Now that WILL be interesting.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

But Trump also uses the media to give him publicity without having to spend money on campaign ads.

So it goes both ways.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Simon, the debates will be interesting - in addition to the onslaught awaiting from Clinton when she figures he's exhausted his stupidity (should that ever happen). If Donny's whinging about the media now, he has no idea what awaits. Clinton has taken all the Republicans could throw at her for decades and has always only come back stronger. He's in for a world of hurt.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I think you need to take a more nuanced view of how societies and political discourses are formed. It's not all top down. Individuals and communities both feed into and kick back against the (undoubtedly) powerful forces that seem indomitable.

Possibly. But those were general MacArthurs words spoken more than 50 years ago. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see his words ring so true.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I'm not sure if it's a real presidential campaign or a SNL parody.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"During the primaries, those outbursts were very helpful, now we are heading towards the general election and with all the smorgasbord of tantalizing tid bits on Hillary, he needs to attack her on the issues and stop wandering all over the place."

I think what you're trying to say is knob-jokes, childish insults and general unpleasantness appeal to the GOP base but sound stupid to civilised people. Donald still hasn't leaned to put his teeth in and put a decent pair of trousers on before going to a restaurant.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Mike Pence and Gingrich are going to get fed up with being the clean up crew before long, he owes it to them to be more disciplined if nothing else.

But I thought that Trump doesn't owe anyone anything since he self-financed his campaign.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"Let's see if Donald Trump releases his tax returns and how they both perform in the debates, assuming Trump takes part."

Or, assuming Hillary takes part, assuming she doesn't get arrested.

"Simon, the debates will be interesting - in addition to the onslaught awaiting from Clinton"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Clinton's going to get crushed so badly in the first debate, she won't come back for a second crushing.

This is interesting:

"How Far Gone Is America? If Clinton Is Elected, We'll Find Out" ( Investor's Business Daily ) ( not Fox News! )

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

But those were general MacArthurs words spoken more than 50 years ago. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see his words ring so true.

Yes. Go back and read those words, and see how they apply to Donald Trump in spades. "Mexican rapists, Muslim terrorists pouring over our borders." "Only I can fix it." "Make America great again." The whole RNC convention in Cleveland was a giant FEAR-fest, with lots of flag-waving.

They complained when the DNC didn't show a sufficient number of flags at their convention.

Yes, it should not take a rocket scientist.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

have to have hope that enough Americans will come to their senses Some people say that about other people who don't believe in Jesus and that if they don't they themselves are corrupt.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump rips into media, not Clinton

Great legendary American icon, Clint Eastwood supports Trump. Says a lot . (screw D. Duke.) Why isn't the media pointing out the pros, but embracing the cons? America needs law & order. Enforcement of illegal immigration & saying NO to trojan horses.

Its not hate, it's responsibility. America for Americans first. No exceptions. Yeah-yea, Mmm~hmm. Go Trump, 2016. Go USA@ Rio Summer Games. "USA, USA, USA!" BLM, wear the shoe.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Great legendary American icon, Clint Eastwood supports Trump.

He supported Romney too. As amazing a director and legendary an actor he may be, he obviously isn't very intelligent when it comes to politics. He supported a complete moron... and Romney too. Or wait, is that supposed to be the other way around?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Mmm~hmm. Go Trump If you really want a businessman then how about Go Bill Gates. He would be much better than Trump as president.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yabits you're a great typical establishment tool

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

All else being equal, the Republicans would have a slight advantage in winning the White House this year. An analyst over at Sabato's Crystal Ball puts it thus: "the Time for Change Model predicts a narrow victory for Donald Trump — 51.4% of the major party vote to 48.6%."

[About that see here: http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/forecasting-the-2016-presidential-election-will-time-for-change-mean-time-for-trump/]


"Despite the excellent track record of the Time for Change model, there are good reasons to be skeptical about the 2016 forecast [for Trump]... Therefore, despite the prediction of the Time for Change model, Clinton should probably be considered a strong favorite to win the 2016 presidential election as suggested by the results of recent national and state polls."

You see the same point being made over and over by various election analysts and forecasters.

Namely, considering the election "fundamentals" the the Republican party should be favored to take the White House. but they ain't.

Because they nominated Trump.

Democratic activist and Daily Kos founder puts its this way:

" We are winning today, and winning big. Wear it proudly. Rub it in the GOP’s faces. They nominated Donald F****g Trump! Ha ha ha ha! So yeah, I don’t want to hear about how we need to pretend we are losing in order to motivate ourselves. The world doesn’t work that way. Leave the loser talk to Donald Trump, so that he and his godforsaken party get properly obliterated this November. "

0 ( +1 / -1 )

SerranoAUG. 15, 2016 - 11:38PM JST

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Clinton's going to get crushed so badly in the first debate, she won't come back for a second crushing.

If by "crushed so badly" you mean she's going to have to put up with a lot of cheap schoolboy insults and incoherent ranting, I suppose so, yes...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Wc626: "Great legendary American icon, Clint Eastwood supports Trump. Says a lot ."

Touting a celebrity endorsement as "saying a lot"!

You gotta be kidding us!

Mr. Eastwood made quite a few fine movies, but he also talked to an empty chair on national TV in a way that even the people who let me do it have never bragged about, or even mentioned.


Serrano: I eagerly await the debates, though Mr. Trump, knowing he cannot do other than end up looking both overmatched, unprepared, and probably ridiculous seems unlike to participate.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Let's see if Donald Trump releases his tax returns and how they both perform in the debates, assuming Trump takes part. Now that WILL be interesting.

I agree and I equally hop that Hillary will do the same with her speeches. I want unhindered and unabbreviated access to these records which should be available to the public.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

bass4funkAUG. 16, 2016 - 08:36AM JST

I agree and I equally hop that Hillary will do the same with her speeches.

Oh right, because if there's anything she's done that might damage her election prospects she's almost certainly talked about it in a speech. I mean, that's exactly what I would do if I were a "certified" (?!) felon running for political office.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I worked for over twelve years for NBC, two years Orange County register, did internship at CNN, tried with FOX, but at the time in 1997 they didn't have anything available. The point is, I have seen over the years how the media has been completely bias and tilting left, but this election is just waaaaaay off the charts. Again, you want to be fair, If Trump has to release his taxes and given the scrutiny of Hillary and how the people don't trust her, it is imperative of her to be as transparent as possible, therefore, she should make all transcripts available to put all of this to rest. to calm skeptics on both sides of the aisle, BOTH need and have to be transparent-equally.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

BOTH need and have to be transparent-equally.

And again, you are conflating unrelated issues. Releasing tax returns is something that all candidates do and have done. Releasing private transcripts of speeches is not.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Thank you.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I fully agree that Trump should release his tax returns. I felt the same about Obama's transcripts (I remember when Bush and Kerry both released theirs as it seemed to be a big deal). I also think Ms. Clinton should release her speech transcripts as well. I think the American public has a right to know as much about who they are electing to be their next President as possible.

I do not know if Trump's tax returns will reveal something awful, nor do I know what Obama's transcripts would reveal, and I also have no idea what Ms. Clinton's speeches say but I do believe the public has a right to know about who we are hiring.

I am not affiliated with a political party (thus cannot vote in primaries in the state I am registered) but I would like to know as much as possible about the candidates.

I liked Jim Webb, who ran as a Democrat. He always answered questions in a straight forward manner and always was quite open about how he felt about the issues and during one interview also expressed the fact that he had no issues with releasing transcripts, tax returns, etc. and believed in full transparency. Unfortunately he withdrew quite early in the process.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I never said, nor conflated anything, let's do this one more time. 1) Trump should release his tax records, that's what everyone wants to see and he should.

2) Hillary should release all of her transcripts of all of her speeches dealing with her foundation as well as her Goldman Sach speeches and records.

Uobjective, unbiased, transparent and honest.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

As long as you aren't saying that Trump should only show his tax returns if Hillary releases her speech transcripts, that's a fair enough stance.

I suspect that Trump knows he's going to get hit hard in the debates over his unwillingness to release his tax returns, but that he knows he will get hit even harder if he actually releases them. If he doesn't release them, some people will give him the benefit of the doubt. If he does release them, he'll be shown to be a fraud, and lose the confidence of everyone.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


One has nothing to do with the other, regardless, all politicians (Trump included and regardless) should unconditionally show and release their taxes, no excuses! But both as well should make their medical records and conditions (both of them) should be made public. I have always held that position since I could legally vote. On a side note, Hillary should make all of her speeches public, it's just simple as that. If Trump were not disclosing his private speeches to donors in the same manner, I'd be wanting answers and transparency immediately as well. This is not a partisan issue for me, and I want the media to be less partisan and equally as grilling to both candidates.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Well, it looks like Trump is a Repub after all! The standard Repuc tactic of weeping and whining seems to be too difficult to resist, even for a supposed straight talker like Trump. We should pity the eternal Repub victim, they have it tough in such a complex world

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Donald Trump represents core values of the GOP. I said that months ago, and it still applies.

What is really exciting Jaded old me these days is the question, "Are people going to keep falling for the same old schtick again?" I think Manafort got Trump to go all racist and really pull the level of discourse way way down. It looks like that has NOT worked, and Trump fired Manafort. OK. Do we get a reset? Maybe. But a reset to what?

OH! Blaming the media. Surprise surprise. And so I ask, "Are people going to fall for it?" Are people really going to believe that Trump has simply been misunderstood? This is Trump's Jimmy Swaggart moment. I predict that all thoughtful people are going to abandon ship, but the Sarah Palin / Rush Limbaugh fans are in too deep. They will stick with him to the bitter end. They will lose the election, and then take their army of sycophants and move along to other ventures. But who am I kidding. That is a best case scenario.

Get ready for a campaign managed by breitbart.

@bass4funk "I worked for over twelve years for NBC, two years Orange County register, did internship at CNN, tried with FOX, but at the time in 1997 they didn't have anything available. "

And now you post political commentary for free on a Japanese news site. Now I can see where your bitterness and bile come from. I am curious as to what you are pointing to here that you think qualifies you as a media expert. I don't think your two years at the OC Register are really cutting the mustard here. And Fox and CNN took a pass on you. But if you worked at the OC Register and lament that the media are getting too liberal, and if Fox rejected you, you might need to look at more "fringe" right wing employment, you know, doing tracts and conspiracy blogs. Have you considered a YouTube channel?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

A prize Steve Bannon quotes from 2014 (I truly dare any of the Trump people here to claim he's "mellowed" in any way!) It contains profanity, which I will of course edit myself.

“[The Republican] Leadership are all c----,” he wrote. “We should just go buck wild.”

“Let the grassroots turn on the hate because that’s the ONLY thing that will make them do their duty.”

What "duty" would that be, eh? Nothing that Lincoln or Teddy R. or Eisenhower or H.W. Bush would sanction, I'd say.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It's ok Donny. You just keep doing it like like you do. (says every Democrat ever)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

As reported recently Trump does not want to be President, this campaign started as a publicity stunt to try to get a better deal for his show The Apprentice but as with every business deal Trump does, he failed. He was fired by the show. So now that he has won the nomination due to the 14 million dolts that voted for him he is on to the next game and that is to have his own media outlet. That is the real reason he has brought on board Roger AIles, the sex criminal, and the new guy from Brietbart. He knows he is going to lose and he wants to lose. But he wants to turn his presidential run into a business, just like Palin did after McCain picked her out of nowhere to be the VP candidate. Trump does not attack Clinton but he does attack the media. Now you know why.

Trump is playing his voters as stooges just like he has played his investors over the years.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

For over 20 years the Media and the GOP have totally dug up any and all details of the Clinton's dirty laundry.... the only thing they have on her right now is the email issue....everything else is very old news. Now Donald on the other hand, he's fresh meat.... only recently has the fine toothed comb come out and now Donald is starting to become transparent. Suffer the consequences Donald.... when a dirty, underhanded, bigot, lying, cheating, bully runs for President... its gonna come out. He was so arrogant that he actually thought people were too stupid to find his dirt.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hillary doesn't have to do anything except turn up. It's the media plus Hollywood plus Bill and Barak plus Black Lives Matter plus Saturday Night Live plus the left wing educationalists who are doing their best to brainwash young people vs Trump, with a bit of Hillary now and then.

But he will still win.

There are still the debates. And even though the mediators will be biased and the crowd will be mostly sakura cheering for anything Clinton says and being hostile to Trump, the difference between that screeching lying woman with serious health problems, and Trump will be like night and day.

This will be the biggest upset in history.

The only problem is that there is a good chance of a major terrorist attacks before Trump gets in because the Islamic terrorists know its over if Trump gets in.

Hillary has basically given up holding rallies because nobody is interested in her. Its an embarrassment.

Oh....and the feminists and PR people who basically turn this into a "if you don't vote for Hillary you hate women and don't want to make history" election.

Trump will make America great again.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Trump will make America great again for white bigots

^ I made that a little more accurate for you.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Trump never wanted to win the Presidential campaign. It was all a ploy to raise his standings for the TV networks that had lost ratings in his previous shows like the Apprentice. He never knew he would get this far and now that he has he will be able to make more money after the election. All of these crazy comments and lies he makes are just to make sure he does not get elected. There is much more going on behind the scenes and as always the public gets easily duped into believing this game that Trump has created. Hilary Clinton will be winning for sure unless her confidential emails gaff becomes a bigger problem than Trump's problems though that is unlikely. If Trump was ever elected there would be a revolution unlike anything seen since the American Cival War that ended in 1865.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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