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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.Trump says Flynn should seek immunity in Russia probe
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FUN FACT: Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI, testified for 11 hours before Congress, and made countless public statements WITHOUT immunity.
As Trump and Flynn said themselves in 2016, if you haven't committed a crime you don't need immunity.
Here's the difference:
Absolutely nothing came of the Clinton team immunity agreements. The surrounding details were so minor ..... it made no difference.
Trump's criminal investigation is just beginning.....and the evidence of Flynn's involvement with Russian spies is overwhelming. My guess is that they will build a case around Flynn's Fifth Ammendment testimony under oath.
Get your popcorn ready! This is the worst crisis in any two month administration.
Yeah, it did, we got Wikileaks and she didn't get elected. Thank God for that!
If anyone should get immunity it should be Evelyn Farkas thanks to her, we now know that the Obama admin. did have a hand in at least intercepting conversations of Flynn and other in the Trump camp and having it leaked to outside sources.
Get your popcorn ready!
He tried to get US Senate immunity but Senate refused. So he and his attorney appealed to US Justice now. Beside Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Posts is writer all sort ooof related gossips.
This is a man who was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency? Shame on Obama for appointing him, but hats off to Obama for having him fired. Shame on Trump for appointing Flynn, a man known for creating alt facts and for being for sale to the highest bidder. Working for a despot like Erdogan?
Lock the traitor up! (I'm sure the Russians and rightists on this board who've used the term traitor to describe McCain and who joined Flynn in the cry to lock Hillary up will agree with me. Right?)
But how was Trump supposed to know that, it wasn't like Obama and Trump had a cozy relationship and Obama could confide in Trump, also Flynn was a big supporter of Trump and at the time very loyal and both had confidence in each other. The person at fault here is Flynn, neither Obama nor Trump have anything to do with Flynn's actions, Flynn is responsible for Flynn.
That would depend if Flynn did anything that was damaging enough to call for his incarceration.
Are you seriously suggesting the only way Trump could have known that Flynn was a weasel (mole?) was by having Obama tell him? Are you suggesting that Trump's team was so inept that they didn't lift a finger to find out what was common knowledge about Flynn? Flynn was pushed out the door - common knowledge. Flynn was a foreign agent. And no one on Trump's staff was aware of that?
Actually, given how Trump seems to have filled the swamp, you're probably right. Despots demand loyalty first. Principles are for peasants, as @sowrongo says.
I still don't think there will be a smoking gun linking Trump to Putin, but the investigation will probably shed some light on the type of people our President chose to help run the country, and that won't look good.
And to this day Trump and his fans have never given a reason for not responding to Putin's hacking, and that worries me. There's no logical explanation for our President to give a free pass on this. None whatsoever.
No, I am saying how was Trump supposed to know.
How should I know? Put you know right? You're on the Obama team, you read the reports?
After knowing now what we know about Evelyn Farkas, there is a lot we don't know, but one thing we do know is how slippery and slimy the left truly are. It's the same, the Obama admin. said emphatically there is no way their administration spied on Trump, well now it looks more and more that it's a big fat stinking lie.
Well, both sides play that coin.
Trump has said that he believes the Russians were behind the hack, so the question remains as to why he said he believes this while giving a free pass at the same time.
As for wild conspiracy theories, are you still an anti-vaxxer?
The relationship between Wikileaks and Anomious hackers are very much in each others camp, I assuming these hackers hire gun had prostitued themselves to Russia. What they are doing is exposing dealing with the Russian with only the negative evidences. I assume every potential government will positioning for influence for incoming Government with other world power. That just make sense. I bet a lot of positive evidence have been left out and the hackers only release protenial negitive evidence. Russia has always been USA boogie man. So just associating together causes doubt in the American society.
Maybe if, you know, he'd shown up at those intelligance briefings he claimed he was, like, too smart to need, he might have learned something? (Assuming he was smart enough to actually listen for once instead of telling us how smart he is.)
"You know, I'm, like, a smart person"
Trump's comments: "I think it was Russia" (not Russian entities)
Again, not Russian entities, Putin himself.
Trump said these things after receiving a security briefing, previous to which he had claimed that it wasn't the Russians, entities or otherwise.
It is so easy to understand who benefited from the hacking anyway...
Unless you have deep inside info re Russian’s spooks, you have no more ability than I to prove Russians were or were not involved in some way in the US elections. I have enough info from an array of media sources to convince me they were involved. No proof, but enough to lead me to believe they were. Any link you have that proves or shows in any way no Russian involvement would be appreciated. Use RT or any of the Putin media. It’s pretty obvious that many Russians and perhaps citizens from other countries have been paid to use social media and online sites like this one.
Russia is and has always been a totalitarian state. It’s long been known for having a police network fully able to pry into its citizen’s lives, something much easier to do when the state has control of the internet within the country, something easy for any state to do anywhere in the world with the internet. Russia’s a big country, but I find it really hard to believe that if any Russian was involved in the US elections someone within the Russian state at its highest levels, including the neo-tsar himself’, knew exactly who it was. Most likely because the highest levels sanctioned their involvement.
This is a sad commentary on Russia. The main way Russian talent is being used is to do something negative.
Comical response, comrade. Your reading skills are sorely lacking if you think I wrote anything even close to that. How much do you get paid for each post? Out of curiosity, did you get your job from one of those 'My cousin's neighbor's friend makes $2000. a week and doesn't leave home' or straight from Nashi?
"This Russian hacking thing is becoming comical, no wonder the general public is totally ignoring it."
How do you know the general public is totally ignoring it?
Surely a Trump supporter isn't trusting polls....
Simon Foston
Interesting how things can change in just six months, isn't it?
That doesn't make any sense. No one is going after Flynn for meeting a Russian. It's a known fact and there's been no prosecution. So he's not asking for immunity for something that's known and he hasn't been charged with, and never will be.
I've told you before, Russian propaganda is a lot different than Republican propaganda, which is why your attempts don't get much traction. Try something else and resubmit.
Paid Kremlin trolls still trying to peddle Russian hacking as a fantasy? #overpaid #underskilled
Sure, because it's the Democrats that have a real track record of jailing their political enemies. She knows the Republicans don't have those same fascist tendencies.
Last time I checked, CNN hadn't pulled the story; they'd blended it with other, similar scandals engulfing the Trump administration. There are so many, this saves headline space. How much fire is the to accompany this choking smoke? - No one knows yet! But is the smoke choking? - well, BB, how is the Trump administration going? Any legislative victories yet?
Serious people do care about this. The administration is clearly paralyzed, and apparent trends are not good. What we have is a caretaker government. The president is uninformed uninterested in becoming so. Talented staff has not been hired in sufficient number, and those that have are jumping ship. Play this down all you'd like. It is, however, no snoozer.
"FUN FACT: Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI, testified for 11 hours before Congress, and made countless public statements WITHOUT immunity. "
She has Teflon, Crazy.
Michael Flynn Seeks Immunity for FBI Testimony, Legacy Media Immediately Assumes Trump Culpability
Heh, you're "level headed"? I think not. You're a Russia Zealot as much as anyone is a Clinton Zealot. And Clinton has hardly even been mentioned in this thread. I think the majority of us are well done with her. I know for myself, I was always anyone but Trump, and she was the most likely 'anyone'.
These fake news leftists desperately clinging on with same BS Russia Russia Russia Shut up already!
Multiple Trump associates have been caught out with having relations with the Russians, and or having met with them during the campaign. This is fact, in the public record.
So your comment about 'fake news' makes me suspect that you believe 'fake news' to mean 'news you don't like', because even you must know that it's actually based on something in real life, and not actually fake, right?