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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump says he expects to be arrested on Tuesday; calls for protests
Trump is so sick he wants another January 6th event, and he seems to be calling out to some of his gang of thugs like the Proud Boys to bring their nastiness. He has claimed on his social media site 'big lies social' that he is clairvoyant, but if he is (doubtful) he would have known he lost the last election, unless he lied once again. Trump is the most dangerous man in the US, but Putin/Xi/Kim/the Ayatollah and other anti-west dictators love how he has further divided and weakened the US. They know he's a dictator appeaser and want him back in the White House, same with the US establishment who know Tump will try to lower their and his own taxes again, while helping Russia and China expand which would increase the wealth of those in the US and global establishment.
It is possible for him to be indicted and arrested. Step enough on the wrong toes... The problem is his wanna be dictator persona is showing. His "save 'murica" is more of a "Save ME!" plea. He believes his presence is more important than the USA he lives and makes money in.
Those that come to parrot Trump's lies better reach for the Adderall, this is about to get a little weird...
Beware the ALL CAPS mad man with his idiotic followers. If you are going to pay porn stars hush money don't lie about it in your financial statements.
LoveJapan,these are independent juries ,they act independent of the state under a judge supervision,they are not intimidated by Trump
You aren't an American, Trump. Americans swear an oath to The Constutution. You and your supporters swear an oath to you. Do not attack our instututions again.
It will he fun seeing him in handcuffs. Whatever happens after that, so be it.
Perfect distraction from bank closures and Biden collusion with CCP.
Haaa Nemui
Trump tantrums like this are a pretty big distraction that.
America, as a democracy, is dead. It's no different from China or Russian these days. Throw your political opponents in jail. At least in China and Russia, most citizens understand how corrupt their systems are. Americans are still grunting U-S-A, U-S-A and pumping their fists.
Be one of the best things to happen in the USA in decades! Just imagine a picture of Trump in cuffs, being led away in a cop care.
Sven Asai
Whatever you think about him, but I really would recommend waiting with arrest when he says he can end Ukraine war and further nuclear confrontation between the global blocks. But maybe that’s just the intention, to just taking him quickly out of the play, for not letting him to do that or at least that he can show a bit something into that direction.
Bob Fosse
The old ‘they’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you routine’ works on dummies every time.
No, he’s smart, he’s sees through this scheme and wants to cut the Dems to the quick.
He also knows that if he says anything, anything it’s like catnip for the left, guy loves to stir up the left, he’s done just that.
Here we go…
No, the most dangerous people are the Democrats, the establishment, the intelligence agencies and big tech.
If that were true, then why have the left been overly obsessed with this guy? How about allowing the political process to work itself out, what are the Dems afraid of?
Half the country does.
You either want people to work or you don’t.
No, Biden did that. These last two years he’s pushed the Saudis, the Russians and Chinese together, they took Trump’s call, they didn’t blow him off.
Democrats, exactly.
Sven - exactly what do you think Trump could do to convince the Russians to go back to Russia, pay reparations, return the stolen Ukrainians, and handle over their war criminals? Is it possible to you need to reset your expectations of what Trump is capable of?
Sven Asai
He also said that he would build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it. Why would you believe him when he lies all the time and sucks up to dictators. His way of ending the war would be to say, let all of Ukraine belong to Putin and walk away.
Bob Fosse
lol no. You’re kidding yourself.
Commanteer,you do not know anything about American or America system of government,these are individual citizen,that have been ask to administer justice under the supervision of a judge,they are ask to seek the truth ,under New York statutory law,this is not the Federal government,but a judicial district in Manhattan seeking the truth under statutory NY law Google Verdicto
If true, a second Trump Presidency is assured.
Indictments coming in against two oligarchs this week who like to accuse minorities of "racism" and whip up their aggrieved base who are actually suffering from the depredations of these same oligarchs.
The toothlessness of the legal proceedings against these oligarchs shows how the legal establishment is, in fact, in their pocket.
Trump doth protest too much and has whipped up the NY legal establishment to pull the trigger on an advantageous (for him) prosecution.
No, that’s why the Dems were worried and the entire social media chat line is filled with concerns on how they can coordinate and increase police presence, the few that are left that didn’t quit.
This is definitely helping him without a doubt.
Bob Fosse
I think everyone who commits a crime should be held accountable, not just those people I don’t like.
If he has done nothing wrong and has nothing to hide then you’ve nothing to worry about.
Especially with his new ‘coked up WWF wrestler’ lawyer. I like that guy, he’s funny.
There is also a chance that there is no indictment and this is just kayfabe so he can say that he and his supporters convinced them to back off and so he gets a win. I guess we will see next week.
Trump would look at his global investments and properties first, then see which side US /West or Russia/China/Ira/North Korea would benefit him most before deciding. Trump has long shown his disdain for the US and its institutions, recall he stiffed the US on taxes but paid taxes to China. Right now Trump t is probably looking at properties in Ukraine he could vulture up for cheap, maybe his pal Putin could help him.
I will mark that statement for the record books and hold you to your words.
Well, to be fair, it’s not about being worried, since 2015 the Dems have been using every single tactic to get this guy, every single one, by every possible way, even with the help of the Feds and social media all of it failed, now they’re going to try something new…again.
I must say the Trump haters are just as colorful as the China haters. I wonder if they are also equal in numbers. Thats why I keep coming back
"The establishment"... You do realize that the Republicans ARE the establishment?
Sounds rather paranoid, as you have ended up blaming both sides and everyone in between!
Bob Fosse
Some claimed impeachment would help him, that 1/6 would boost his support. Didn’t happen then and won’t happen now.
You’ve claimed countless times that he is untouchable and would never be arrested. So there’s that too.
Who the heck wouldn’t????
Wrong President
Not at all, he just despises the swamp and the entire Washington establishment on both sides.
The Russians downed our drone and the response is, we have better things to worry about? Really? We had a Chinese spy balloon sailing across the US for 7 days before the current president took action, why? I think if anyone got stiffed it was the entire nation for having an appeasement President.
Wrong President, definitely. Lol
Bass4,I am a Democrat , Trump is his own worst lawyer,he should hire a real one
No he is not. trump gave his allegiance to Putin and everything he has done and said points clearly to that.
He is not loyal to the US, the Constitution or our laws. And Jan. 6, 2021 was nothing short of treason. And now he's howling for it again. He's a paranoid shrieking criminal who knows his day of redemption is coming. He is NOT the god he thinks he is.
Peter Neil
He’s probably begging to be put in handcuffs for the perp walk. He’ll turn that into his official campaign poster.
OMG...the man has now really totally lost it. Before he was unfit in character to be POTUS. Now he's clearly mentally unfit.
I do not know why men love Trump,it abnormal,they love Trump more than Melania do,she do not defend Trump,and she his wife
Ooh, he loves to be spanked. Hmmm....
He's not a man. And he's not fit for anything, nothing at all. Totally deranged with narcissism, sick vices and megalomaniacal ego.
That’s interesting. I have never been to the US, but recently I have had the impression that crime has been on the rise in places like New York and Chicago.
As for New York, wasn’t getting tough on crime one of the campaign promises of the current Mayor?
There are a few other odd statements in this article that makes me cautious about it.
What a bunch of garbage. No, he did not, but he was right, wouldn't be wiser to have Russia as more of an acceptable ally than an adversary? I mean, since they do hold the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet. Yeah, we should really tick them off, Biden already did that to the Saudis and now you want to do that to the Russians?
No, it points out that Bob Mueller couldn't find anything that points to that. 500 witnesses and 500 hundred Dem lawyers couldn't establish that they tried and tried and they came up with nothing.
He is definitely loyal to the US, that is why he's a threat, and that's the reason why he resonates with most blue-collar workers, the armed forces, law enforcement, and the border patrol.
Don't even start that, you will lose on that argument all day, the left can't say jack about the Constitution, they value it only when it applies to their political narrative, other than that, they could care less.
Yeah, we now know a lot of it is not the way the Dems said how it all went down, especially now that we have seen the video and more to come...
I think it's the other way around, even Turley and Dershowitz, two Hilary Democrat supporter law professors were saying this will be a tough one and even if he is indicted, he can still run constitutionally, so go ahead.
No, the Dems think that they are. Probably better to allow the political process to work itself out and let the voters decide, that would be democracy in its purest form and not another taxpayer-funded political hit job.
Thanks. I needed that LOL.
Paranoid Trump.
All the women he grabbed by the " Pus" are finally catching up with him.
Haaa Nemui
Should be turned into a modern day “Boy who cried wolf” situation. Let the protestors come on Tuesday. Don’t arrest him on Tuesday. If it happens enough times, the protestors will get tired of showing up for nothing. Then arrest him.
Should be fun to see the mugshots, too.
Trump controlling his own narrative. Basically arrest him Tuesday or you got nothing.
let’s see what happens as this case is nonsense.
Mueller found everything,Barr obstructed the investigation ,even the judge that supervise the investigation,knew Trump was guilty Google Judge Amy Jackson Trump Innocent
The former Insurrectionist-in-Chief … doing what he does best.
I do agree with Elon of course.
if they are stupid enough to do this, 2024 is over and Trump will be back in the White House.
will also make a much more focused Trump in charge. Last time he was entirely too nice and gave too many people the benefit of the doubt.
Cant wait for the debates and rallies, they will be fire after this.
..Trump will be in the limelight like he always wants to be pre-2024. And sad to say he handles the spotlight well.
Only when he's holding a rally with a captive audience come to see their "leader", but not when he's deposited under oath: then he's his pathetic, inarticulate, tongue-tied, true self, taking the fifth and scowling with impotent rage. The Trump will be arrested on Tuesday, he predicts? This is the only Trump prediction I've ever been willing (and wanting) to believe, but calling out his stormtrumpers to "take back" "their" country is just a fantasy, perhaps fed by watching Imran Khan's supporters on TV. But Pakistan is not America. There will be no riots when he's booked and from then on it'll be all downhill for 45 as an avalanche of indictments follow Alvin Bragg's. After his arrest we can envision a future when Americans can join hands and sing, Trump-free at last, Trump-free at last!
Just another case of Trump sucking the oxygen out of the room with a single tweet to grab the media's attention.
The first of many indictments for this Loser - he might as well book his Rikers Island cell now.
We learned this week that in addition to his call to Raffensberger, he made another call to the Georgia House speaker begging for him to "find nonexistent votes".
What a sick, pitiful figure - hiding in the WH desperately calling fellow Repubs and encouraging them to violate the law and engage in an anti-democratic coup.
Now he's calling on his crazed, far-right radical supporters to once again shoot up FBI offices and assault 82 year old senior citizens with hammers.
He's a worse threat to our democracy and Constitution than Putin or Xi.
Trump urging his supporters to make another Jan 6 and overthrow the government.
Yes, he could still run for President and potentially even win the election while in a jail cell…; according to the US constitution, a convicted felon can run for President in the United States of America…; the US constitution does not prevent a felon from running for the office of the President…; we could be witnesses to one of the most extraordinary episodes in American history.
Bob Fosse
This is false no matter how many times you read it on social media.
Trump is just walking his crooked mile.
Yup, and it brilliantly worked and here we are.
Yes - Trump's campaign slogan was "Lock her up!, wasn't it. Something to do with government records or something...
Trump has already committed at least 3 more felonies
I'm a supporter and I heard nothing of the sort, this is exactly how left gossip starts, then the MSM picks it up, distorts the facts and it becomes a huge mess.
The one that should move forward first is the Georgia election interference. It's a federal crime and we have all listened to the phone conversation.
Everyone has been saying "the walls are closing in" on Trump for years, to which MAGA cultists says things like:
"ROFL, you've been saying that for six years - it'll never happen."
I guess the MAGA cult are going to have to come up with a new line.
I know that your statements are a rich goldmine of illogical non sequitur but isn't this an oxymoron?
can be interpreted as incitement given the former POTUS track record.
Blathering "left left left, woke, socialist" on every topic under the sun fits your definition of fact distortion better.
A supporter who lives in Japan.
That won't happen.
No, but we can think for ourselves.
Yeah, that narrative has been greatly and overwhelmingly debunked.
I would say the current President is, according to the polls and the direction of how the people feel at this present time.
This by the Democrat law Proffesor: Jonathan Turley
In this case, Trump reportedly paid Daniels $130,000 in the fall of 2016 to cut off or at least reduce any public scandal. The Southern District of New York’s U.S. Attorney’s office had no love lost for Trump, pursuing him and his associates in myriad investigations,
So they are doing this out of political and personal bias....not good....
but it ultimately rejected a prosecution based on the election law violations. It was not alone: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) chair also expressed doubts about the theory.
Prosecutors working under Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus Vance Jr.,also reportedly rejected the viability of using a New York law to effectively charge a federal offense.
More importantly, Bragg himself previously expressed doubts about the case, effectively shutting it down soon after he took office.
The two lead prosecutors, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned in protest. Pomerantz launched a very public campaign against Bragg’s decision, including commenting on a still-pending investigation.
But why? Once again the Dems are shooting up a tree and failing to see the falling bullets.
Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post.
Former President Donald Trump called for the termination of the Constitution to overturn the 2020 election and reinstate him to power Saturday in a continuation of his election denialism and pushing of fringe conspiracy theories.
According to Trump, there was mass fraud in 2016 and 2020.
Why won’t they be able to cheat again?
If you are hysterical and divorced from reality enough to believe Trump, I don’t see how you rule it out in 2024.
Bass4,the grand jury decide the ultimate fate of Trump charges,grand juries are not beholden to the DA,they under the supervision of a judge
Besides politics, geography, various social sciences add gravity, physics and metaphor as things which you clearly demonstrate little grasp for.
Trump, and I fear it will get worse following this, brings out the worst in the USA.
Trump is trying to shoot fish in a barrel but keeps missing.
He does not like the attention Desantis was getting over him.
The GOP, a party of law and order.
Far-right delusion - just like "Trump will win in a landslide".
Hannity, Carlson, and Ingraham don't think so - they think you're too weak to handle the truth, so they lie to you. Proof is in the e-mails.
More head-burying. They can't process the truth.
Enjoy the Tues perp frog-march.
Where are they going to protest? Hicksville Alabama?
But ultimately his crime is the same that sent his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to prison. Frankly, it was pretty scandalous that Trump wasn't arrested the first time around.
"In a later post that went beyond simply exhorting loyalists to protest about his legal peril, the 2024 presidential candidate directed his overarching ire in all capital letters at the Biden administration and raised the prospect of civil unrest: “IT’S TIME!!!” he wrote. “WE JUST CAN’T ALLOW THIS ANYMORE. THEY’RE KILLING OUR NATION AS WE SIT BACK & WATCH. WE MUST SAVE AMERICA!PROTEST, PROTEST, PROTEST!!!”"
My comment has nothing to do with the democrats.
How so?
He couldn't care less
Mine did.
7 years and misses
That goes for Trump and his voters.
Well, this tells you pretty much all you need to know.
Donald Trump has found an unlikely group of supporters — in China.
There was a deluge of support for Trump on Weibo after he said he may be arrested on Tuesday.
Trump-loving Chinese users urged him to fight the indictment, calling him a "comrade" and a "king."
I'm sure the support group in Russia is even larger.
When it comes to grabbing the media's attention, Trump is the Mother of Invention.
Bob Fosse
How to say “I got nothing” without actually saying “I got nothing”.
Predictably this is all a nothingburger, let’s talk about Biden and the Clintons and 45 is now guaranteed to win in a landslide.
It’s a good day for comedy fans.
I think the left is delusional, the country is falling apart and they only think about Trump. These people are the epitome of delusion.
As Turley and Dershowitz have been saying, good luck with that.
Yeah, nice try, keep grasping there.
Neither the left.
Trump calling for the overthrow of the government is paramount to treason and sedition.
@blacklabel - yet she also wrote the following:
Again, that is what Turley and Dershowitz are talking about.
Well, that is already happening.
The left did Give Greg Gutfeld a lot of material for next week, so you are right about that.
The strategy for some Trump fanatics is:
1) Denial
and when that fails
2) Whataboutery
It's utterly tedious and predictable.
Who? And so what?
Yeah, this is why the left get it wrong every single time.
Again, this is why the left get it wrong every single time. Lol
Trumps circus is in full swing. The big top is swelling with his gullible supporters and his wining is like a jet engine at liftoff.
For goodness sake lock him up and throw away the key. Time for America to move on from this garbage.
Stormy lost both court cases and her ex lawyer is in jail for extortion and fraud. And Cohen is convicted of lying. Not just to anyone but to Congress.
might wanna let this one go and sit this one out.
Yeah, you and that’s why people are turning off the news. CNN still don’t get it.
Well, let’s hope the MSM will now look at Joe more.
Again, you made my point of rather Turley and Dershowitz points.
Well, what’s worse is what we now know what all the Dems were hiding with the unreleased J6 video, feel much better now.
He never said that, another debunked and grossly taken out of context fallacy again. But I give you guys credit for tenacity.
MAGA gang on fire!!..
"Daniels sued in 2018, seeking to be released from an NDA she signed with Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, 11 days before the 2016 election. The lawsuit was dismissed as the agreement was deemed unenforceable."
"Trump’s lawyers said Daniels didn’t win the case and therefore wasn’t entitled to lawyer fees. But Judge Robert Broadbelt III disagreed in his ruling on Monday, which determined Daniels to be the “prevailing party” under California law. The ruling was posted online by Daniels’ lawyers. After her lawyer announced the decision, Daniels wrote on Twitter: “Yup. Another win.”
Nice try, Black, but you're not quite good enough at this.
And while Cohen was convicted of lying, he stupidly lied to protect Trump. He should have told the truth straight from the start and he and Trump could have served their time as cellmates.
You missed the 2 cases she lost where she still owes damages to Trump. Plus the case that Cohen lost.
guess they didn’t circulate those in the liberal bubble.
Your posts are becoming surreal. Or perhaps you are just reading off of Trump's twitter feed, which might explain it. I'm not sure how being arrested makes him a "boss". But it's not surprise that Trump likes his steak well done - I can't imagine him have a very sophisticated palate.
“Stormy Daniels must pay $300k to Donald Trump after losing defamation case appeal”
March 22, 2022, 1:36 PM
Has she paid yet or is she going to jail too?
Cohen you say?
“Trump, U.S. win dismissal of Michael Cohen lawsuit over alleged book retaliation”
Trump never pays his lawyers but will always pay his hair stylists.
Donald Trump Allegedly Took $70,000 In Tax Deductions For His Hair Care
He spent between $60,000 and $80,000 annually on hair care.
Wait, so when you were saying that she lost twice, implying there was no case here, you knew it was a defamation case?
I figured you didn't.
Bob Fosse
Yeah, but the right.
Yeah, but the right.
Yeah, but the right.
Hey, this is easy! I can see why you do it so much.
Bob Fosse
If it’s a crime charge him with it. As I keep saying, all crimes should be investigated.
In the meantime, you’ll just have to wait your turn and try to focus on today’s news.
watching too much Clinton News Network CNN trump call it for what it is disinformation news. CNN was anti-trump before he became president and they were rooting for Hillary. I remember watching all the rallies and debates
Trump expects to be arrested?
For what?! Treason? Fraud? Rape? Money laundering? Tax evasion? All of the above?
Is this really going to happen or is Trump trying to create some drama? And even if they try to bust Trump will Trump people fight for him like on January 6? Trump also called for his people to fight violently as he told Proud Boys to stand by
Must be the same court accusing Putin.
Including the one who spanked him! What an embarrassment, and paying her $XXX,XXX to shut up.
And stealing classified documents and obstructing justice are two more felony offenses.
Throw Trump and Putin into the same jail cell.
Dr Maybe
Democrats, exactly.
I'm truly fascinated to know how you've convinced yourself that "establishment" = Democrat. Are you seriously trying to say that there are no "establishment" Republicans?
This may be the first time I agree with Trump: He is sure to be arrested. There will likely be protests, even violence. Beyond that, I will make no predictions. Let Justice do its job.