Japan Today

Trump says reports Russia helped him in U.S. election are 'ridiculous'


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Everything anyone says about Trump is ridiculous.

6 ( +14 / -8 )

The President Elect has chosen to believe Russia over the CIA. Hello, Trump voters! Are you paying attention or are you more concerned that the country has become too PC and that we should lock her up and drain the swamp? WAKE UP!!!

11 ( +18 / -7 )

How dare they interfere with our elections, don't they realize that only we have that right to interfere with foreign elections? lol ps. the hypocritically funny part is that it's coming from the CIA

10 ( +15 / -5 )


Dec 11, 2016 ... One person with direct knowledge tells ABC News there is no doubt senior GOP officials were hacked, but that there is no evidence the RNC as an organization was seriously compromised. ...

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

The Republican president-elect’s dismissive comments were perhaps aimed at squashing doubts about whether he won the Nov 8 election fairly.

At the moment, it appears he won fairly. But that's not to say that his win wasn't propelled by the fact that the democratic emails were being released.

This is why he should have been condemning the email releases from the start. His win will forever have this asterisk beside it.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

What a surprise Trump doesn't want to believe it. If proof turns up and shows that those states with electronic voting systems that Trump won by tiny margins were hacked by Russia, things will get very interesting.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

@Bob Twou - Yes exactly. The U.S. has been responsible for messing with elections all over the globe for decades including getting dictators in place. The CIA has also been responsible for conducting massive global surveillance on foreign leaders and foreign civilians as well. This their job and what they are supposed to do however they seem to have stepped over the line.

Right now I understand the FBI and CIA are not in full agreement on this issue so it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Right now the accusations are all words and I think to make this type of accusation some evidence should be brought forward.

This is an important issue. I would prefer to see someone independent of the CIA and FBI (using intelligence gathered by both agencies) investigate this and have this done in a bi-partisan manner.

I am not a Trump supporter, however I am not upset the e-mails were released as they shed more light on how truly disgusting and corrupt the U.S. political system is (remember....Wikileaks released got started by going after the Bush administration and all the crap going oh there....and most people were cheering them on at that time). This level of corruption and how truly inbred the system is now is being displayed on Mr. Trump's cabinet appointments.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

How dare they interfere with our elections, don't they realize that only we have that right to interfere with foreign elections? lol ps. the hypocritically funny part is that it's coming from the CIA

Bob, the intelligence services and the Congress are not set to criticize Russia; they're adults who understand how the world works - that if you leave yourself vulnerable to an adversary, that adversary will exploit your vulnerability, and you then have only yourself to blame.

What's important is to clearly understand the vulnerabilities and devise countermeasures - that's all.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I think he needs to define "ridiculous." I can think of a lot of words to describe the finding, not one of them would be ridiculous. He might think they are totally wrong, but they are certainly not something to be ridiculed.

HIs use of ridiculous is more aimed at ... well... what exactly is he trying to say? There is NO WAY that could possibly be true? The idea of hacking to swing an election is unconscionable? But how could he even know that? He has said that he would hire people to "do cyber" but he admits that he knows less about it than a ten year old (his son). So he wants people to think that he is a knowledgeable authority and he is not a knowledgeable authority. And he wants to ridicule ideas and assertions formed by professionals.

That makes him more like a JapanToday commenter than a President-elect, if you ask me.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

He says he doesn't need intelligence briefings because he is a "smart person". It's not that kind of intelligence, you fool. And no, you are not a "smart person".

9 ( +12 / -3 )

If Trump actually shows up for the intelligence briefings, maybe he'd actually see what the CIA has, and no need to rely on faith believe or not believe

6 ( +8 / -2 )

He blamed Democrats for news reports on the intelligence findings and said he did not believe they came from the Central Intelligence Agency.

Well, not much you can do with someone who thinks that.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Right now I understand the FBI and CIA are not in full agreement on this issue. I would prefer to see someone independent of the CIA and FBI (using intelligence gathered by both agencies) investigate this and have this done in a bi-partisan manner.

Who saw that coming ? Hmmm....I doubt the CIA even has the technical capability to trace or analyze who hacked the DNC and Podesta emails or the means to investigate allegations that the Russian Government intervened in the election to help Trump. And whatever information the FBI does share with reporters or other agencies is going to be unusable in the event that a prosecution was pursued. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-looks-to-expand-its-cyber-espionage-capabilities/2015/02/23/a028e80c-b94d-11e4-9423-f3d0a1ec335c_story.html?utm_term=.010df66c7580
-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Everything negative they say about Trump is ridiculous.

-18 ( +5 / -23 )

And whatever information the FBI does share with reporters or other agencies is going to be unusable in the event that a prosecution was pursued.

Is that why the FBI shared what they have on Hillary Clinton

2 ( +3 / -1 )

These are the same US "intelligence" agencies who said Iraq WMD were a "slam dunk?"

Uh huh.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

If there is any actual, verifiable information, then it should be provided. Otherwise, it's no more reliable than National Enquirer or NYT/CNN Fake News.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Is that why the FBI shared what they have on Hillary Clinton

Did they intend for the case to ever be prosecuted ? And there are obviously hidden agendas at work here as well. All the CIA has is guilt by association which the FBI cannot do anything about because they are not an intelligence organization. FBI agents are charged with building cases and cannot simply gather up information at will for possible use later.
-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Frederic Bastiat: Otherwise, it's no more reliable than National Enquirer or NYT/CNN Fake News.


... former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said of the New York Times, “I think if you look back through their coverage of the Trump campaign and the Clinton campaign — to use your language and not mine —they had a fair amount of conspiratorial BS.” ... He continued, “Things that they would cover that just weren’t true. The best example was the woman who repudiated the entire article and said that they took what was a totally positive pro-Trump—’He was a nice man I enjoyed the date.’—and they turned it into Trump hitting on me, acting inappropriately. And she’s the one who held the press conference and said this is crazy. ..."

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

If there is any actual, verifiable information, then it should be provided.

The CIA story didnt even have first hand accounts from sources at the agency, it was all about briefings to members of Congress. This one is so obvious you dont even need Gingrich.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Everything negative they say about Trump is ridiculous.

Nailed it!

It's boring, too, all that difficult stuff.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

So it looks like Trump is saying that he does not believe the evidence given by the intelligence community pointing to Russia hacking and releasing the Dem's emails. And in other news, he believes millions of illegals voted for Clinton to give her the popular vote victory with no evidence whatsoever.

Not sure how to quantify that.

The fact is the intelligence community and Trump are going to have to find a way to live together because there's no way the government can continue to provide security otherwise. I don't know what they have to do, or who needs to step in, or who can step in, but it's absolutely crucial they find some way to work together to make good decisions.

bass4funk: Everything negative they say about Trump is ridiculous.

It's time to take a break from the usual partisan games. I've read your opinions for a long time, and I know for a fact you aren't comfortable with Trump's praise of Russia or even the chance that they are hacking American politicians. You probably suspect that by being silent you are helping Trump in some way, but you need to think more about the people other than Trump (such as yourself) who would be hurt by foreign hacking. Stand up for yourself. Stop taking the fall for Trump.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Frederic Bastiat: Otherwise, it's no more reliable than National Enquirer or NYT/CNN Fake News.


Haha I laughed at the irony of posting a Breitbart link in response to a comment about the national enqurier!

9 ( +12 / -3 )

These are the same US "intelligence" agencies who said Iraq WMD were a "slam dunk?"

Part of that "intelligence" came from he Defense Intelligence Agency that was built up by Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld into an "alternative" intelligence agency.

Now we have Flint being named the National Intelligence Director and he headed the DIA. Flint is as flaky as the rest of the Trump team. The CIA wasn't allowed to question the DIA's sources and were forced to accept the conclusions.

Still, the CIA missed a lot of other things since WMD, Russia invading Georgia, Russia invading the Ukraine (which Trump doesn't believe), the rise of ISIS.

Trump calls anything lies that questions him in any way. In doing so, he puts himself before the U.S. We should just call him President of Trump.

Putin has Trump's number and is playing him like a fiddle. He is playing the U.S.' own president against the country. This will turn into Putin's greatest success.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Where is the proof? If the intelligence agencies have proof then let's see it! Until then it is just a load of ol' bull!

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Where is the proof? If the intelligence agencies have proof then let's see it!

Which is pretty much what president Obama has asked for.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I am still waiting for the proof that Russia shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 .

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well, I'm just wondering about the thought process with some Trump supporters. They think it's ridiculous to think that Russia found ways to assist Trump's election win, but then they totally believe in pizzagate?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Here it comes ...


Democratic Congressman: Electors Should Consider ‘Foreign Interference’ Reports Before Casting Votes - 11 Dec 2016

"Democratic Congressman" ... like Hillary doesn't have her hands all over this line of attack ...

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Which is pretty much what president Obama has asked for.

The report will be completed before inauguration, and the report will be on intelligence already gathered since 2008. So, the report should be created from existing information and sources.

The question is how much will be declassified before Trump ignores it. In spite of the irrationality of Trump, Congress seems to be acting rationally, and they are taking this intelligence seriously.

Providing proof to the public will not happen because it will reveal sources and techniques. This is markedly different from a Trump (or Trump team) tweet or re-tweet of some alt-right conspiracy. The intelligence reports are not always correct since they are sometimes risk assessments based on the best available knowledge. Whereas, Trump's and his teams tweets are baseless conspiracies.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Whoops! If Trump was a sane, rational person, he could have just kept things low-key. But he can't do low-key. When he feels he's personally slighted, he can't help but double-down. He's ridiculously easy to play.

So he doubled-down on there being no Russian interference. He could have said there wasn't sufficient evidence but we'd keep looking while not putting a lot of effort into it. He could have expressed concern but waffled on details. He could have done a hundred different things. But he doubled-down. He declared these allegations lies.

Now if the allegations turn out to have any basis in reality, the American people have sufficient grounds for demanding the impeachment of Trump (or demanding the electoral college not support him in the miraculous event we get evidence before they convene). The man has no concept of plausible deniability.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Hillary Clinton spend $1.2 billion on her campaign and STILL LOST!

Oh my...

WIKILEAKS FBI NEWS: Trump’s FBI Probe Contradicts CIA. No Link Between Assange, Trump and Russia


-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Here it comes ...

<http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/because the gullible will swallow anything>

The coprophilia continues unabated

5 ( +6 / -1 )

So Trump casually dismisses the people whose sole job is it to protect America and work day and night to achieve that, and instead bends over for the dictator of the old Soviet enemy and invites them to act in his country with impunity? Would such a farcical and treasonous narrative even be believable in a B-level Hollywood fantasy?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

And whatever information the FBI does share with reporters or other agencies is going to be unusable in the event that a prosecution was pursued.

Is that why the FBI shared what they have on Hillary Clinton

Did they intend for the case to ever be prosecuted ?

Nobody had any problem about the FBI sharing information on the Hillary case - not the Republicans and certainly not Trump (and he wanted to prosecute her!)

Everything seems to be a Russian conspiracy these days.

Just like everything seems to be a Western conspiracy in Russia these days (including the widespread sports doping)

Both are paranoid

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Are there those on this forum of the opinion that Trump is a co-conspirator with the Kremlin?

Seriously folks......!

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Viking68: Providing proof to the public will not happen because it will reveal sources and techniques.

Up till Julian assage "disappeared" Wikileaks was able to provide proof of many sensitive issues without revealing their sources, as for techniques, we know they received hacked information but it was never revealed how. So there is NO excuse for with holding facts if they're legit.

Not that I believe everything Wikileaks posted is pure truth, but I have very little faith in what the CIA says as well. Just look at their track record for accurate & ethical practices.

None of us can say with factual certainty that Russia did or didn't hack the elections, at least not until proof is released to the public.

This is in no way an attempt to defend Trump but we should remember that the last time we all believed in what theses agencies said, we started a WAR in Iraq.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Without actual, verifiable evidence there's no reason to believe the unnamed "source(s)". Perhaps it's Alfred E Neuman.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Every day, we get more reminders of what a pitiful President Mr. Trump will be. What a disgrace.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

If any of the agencies have any actual, verifiable information , then why haven't they actually done anything about it already?

It's bs, that's why. Suck it up, buttercups.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

turbotsat: "Democratic Congressman" ... like Hillary doesn't have her hands all over this line of attack ...

And here comes HuffPo ...


The December 19 Electoral College Vote Must Be Postponed Until We Figure Out What's Going On With Russian Electoral Interference - 5 hours ago

And Politico, shooting from a different angle, that Trump is skipping intel briefings thus electors must reject him, with (entirely coincidentally!) Politico's article appearing within 8 hours of HuffPo's:


Trump Gives The Electoral College Reason To Reject Him During Fox News Interview - 13 hours ago

George Soros is worth 25 billions ... the Clintons are worth 500 millions, through their foundation ... could buy off a lot of news outlets, opinionators and electors with that kind of dough ... just have to be careful to choose the right (left) ones ... they (faithless electors) have already been promised free legal advice ...

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

And the Trumpeteer's/far rightists will keep up their fanatical belief in their almighty orange emperor who will fix all their woes until the bitter bitter end, even though any person with a sane brain can tell that having an arrogant, ignorant, self-aggrandizing, greedy, selfish, wealth businessman trying to lead our country into their ideal corrupt, corporate system of "government". It's bad enough trying to fix what we presently have as it is... and it's going to get worse. They won't realize it... until it's too late. And I would laugh and point out the error of their ways, if it weren't for the fact everyone will be taken down with them.

The lack of wisdom and common sense in that camp is astounding. Why do wise people call them deplorable? Because they are. If a person thinks and acts like a fool, they will be treated as fools. I'm soooooo tired of suffering fools.

The average US citizen (that has common sense), knows where we're heading as a country with the wrong people in charge.

Keep up your Trumpeteering... you're going to taste the bitter fruit it's going to yield depending on how far him and his cronies can go. Seemed like a good idea at the time.... until reality horse kicks you in the gut and you'll have to live with their choices and legislature.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

And before you get all excited about the mention of the Republican senators in the article, McCain and Graham, calling for investigations, note they are both Never Trumpers (in McCain's case, if not a Never Trumper, by Oct. he said he would not vote for Trump) ...


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The funny this is that the "hacked" information was all true. It is fun to see that rather than owning up to the dirt and tricks exposed in the emails, those exposed are instead diverting attention to the hacking. It's not much different than blaming the witness of a murder for turning over evidence about the murderer to the police.

Personally, I am glad that the emails were hacked, and that we got to know a little more about how nefarious Hillary and her staff were. I don't care if the information came from Russians or Martians, it is something that the people need to know. And if the hackers could get into Podesta's emails, could they have gotten into Hillary's home server? All of this is a good lesson for future candidates not to lie, obfuscate, or divert attention from their misdeeds.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Personally, I am glad that the emails were hacked, and that we got to know a little more about how nefarious Hillary and her staff were.

I am all for knowing how truthful the candidates are, but the emails weren't that damning as you make out to support these conspiracy and there were many fakes planted. Sure, the DNC chairwoman plotting against Bernie was disgusting, and she lost her job.

What was bad about the leaks was that the release was one sided and by being so aided the other side. In addition, there were fake emails included that pushed conspiracies.

So, the leaks were not useful and the released emails (and the release itself) was designed to cause damage. It is hard to say what the damage was though.

The future lesson is the same one learned by Sony after their big email leak, don't put private thoughts you don't want made public on emails. Politicians will continue to lie and obfuscate. It is their nature. The question is how will we find out about it without a free press.

Wikileaks does not provide sources. Submission is anonymous. Wikileaks tries to get the press to validate the emails before release, and that is the only proofing used if at all. Wikileaks is motivated to be relevant and will negligently (aside from the fact that their actions are in furtherance of a crime) disclose things that may not be truthful.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Personally, I am glad that the emails were hacked

Oh we are screwed as a society.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

viking68: ... and there were many fakes planted.

I didn't think even the Democrats tried to make that complaint, except Donna Brazile, and she basically has no credibility.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Here it comes ...


Heh, got any links to the national enquirer to support Breitbart's comments?

If any of the agencies have any actual, verifiable information , then why haven't they actually done anything about it already?

Because we don't live in TV.

the Clintons are worth 500 million

Not even close. I bet you got that number from Breitbart!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

To date, the democrats have blamed Mrs. Clinton's Election Day beat down on:

Anthony Wiener's iPhone;

FBI director James Comey;

The FOX News channel is shown in every airport and bar in America;

Fake news;

The Russians

Someday they may realize they lost in such a humiliating fashion last month because the DNC nominated such a flawed candidate that even PE Trump (with no previous political track record) could beat her. . . .

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

@Texas A: Libs will never get it. Hillary never had a clear message, only tried to demonize President-elect Trump calling him all sorts of names.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Take it from man who essentially wrote the NSA programs.


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Someday they may realize they lost in such a humiliating fashion last month because....

How is getting 2.7+ million votes more than Trump a humiliating defeat? It's a defeat no doubt, but only because of the messed up electoral college system, and the only thing that humiliates is the idea that America is a democracy. It doesn't humiliate the DNC whatsoever.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

But two leading U.S. Senate foreign policy voices from his own party expressed alarm on Sunday about the possibility of Moscow tipping the scales in favor of an American presidential candidate and promised to begin investigating immediately.

To my mind it's not about Trump's legitimacy. As far as I'm concerned, Trump won the election (don't panic trumpettes!) certainly not by a landslide, but he won. The serious issue is that a foreign power is/may be meddling in our electoral process. I can understand doubts about information that can't all be made public. I can't understand any objections to this being properly investigated by congress. Moscow certainly has the means, motives and is reckless enough to do so. It's hardly a stretch to think they would and did. In fact I'd be surprised if they didn't. Unless you're a Kremlin-bot, what intelligent objection could you possibly have to demanding this be fully investigated? An ostrich attitude serves no one.

As for those who are happy that the info "got out", who's to say it was all legit and not manipulated (some obviously was)? And what are you going to say when similar revelatory emails hacked or purportedly so from a Trump administration or RNC are released via Wikileaks? Are you going to believe those "revelations"?

Trump's dismissive attitude about this again puts the lie to his supposedly having the temperament of a qualified commander-in-chief.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

A senior U.S. intelligence official told Reuters that intelligence agencies had concluded with “high confidence” that not only did their Russian counterparts direct the hacking of Democratic Party organizations and leaders, but did so to undermine Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Curious how they can have "high confidence" of their 'intent'; good to see their special psychic power division they spend billions yearly producing results /s. Only if the other billions spent on DHS could prevent these hacking which they claim that they KNOW happens during election cycle which follows the same PATTERN.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

but then they totally believe in pizzagate?

and bring a whole new meaning to self-investigation

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think it's ridiculous too. Just ask the friggin NSA. They know.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )


You are so correct. Mrs. Bill Clinton had no plan of her own. Her strategy was to maintain the status quo. We taxpayers had enough of footing the bill of 8 years of failed foreign and domestic policies.

What's more, she actively advanced division in America on Sept. 9th when she gave her infamous "basket of deplorables" speech and then doubling down on her stupidity by calling Bernie Sanders voters people of live in their parents' basements. With the DNC's blessings, she was all about identity politics. In comparison, PE Trump pro offered unity and the voters in 30 of the 50 states responded to that message by handing the democrats a crushing defeat.

Obama and the democrats can come up with all the reasons they want as to reasons why they lost so badly, but the reality is they chose to support an extremely flawed candidate. . . .

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

"Every day, we get more reminders of what a pitiful President Mr. Trump will be. What a disgrace."

Oh my...

The role Trump played in the market’s climb higher


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

The fake news award goes to Obama's likely deputy State Secretary, walrus stand-in, and total nut John Bolton, who said

It is not at all clear to me just viewing this from the outside, that this hacking into the DNC and the RNC computers was not a false flag.

Ah. So John is suggesting that Obama hacked into both party's databases and yet only released material damaging to the candidate that would perpetuate his achievements. Great analysis there, John! Ha - just kidding: your idea doesn't even make sense on its own terms, and in a sane world, you'd stay in your usual corner at your "analyst" position at whatever corporation wants to curry favor with conservatives and put your dunce cap back on. Instead, you got lucky and are back on the government gravy train. You'll find yourself at home with fellow conspiracy theorists.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

"Every day, we get more reminders of what a pitiful President Mr. Trump will be. What a disgrace."

Oh my...

What's fueling the 'Trump Rally?'


-8 ( +0 / -8 )

My humble memory bring me back the last Presidential candidates debate. Trump fondly defended Russia cyber attack against US government websites. He even said that Putin has not any respect for Hilary Cliton. Cliton said Trump is the puppet of Russia. It has become the reality.

During second debate, Hilary again said President alone can order the nuclear missiles launch. If President Trump will say "Launch the nuclear war heads attached missiles", someone will execute his order within a few minutes. The biggest worry for Americans is direction of missiles. As Trump has shown his fondness and admiration for Putin, his loyalty is questionable.

Electing Trump as President is nothing different from playing Russia Rullette. If Americans will lose the unloseable nuke war, Trump will be solely accountable for that.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

How is getting 2.7+ million votes more than Trump a humiliating defeat? It's a defeat no doubt, but only because of the messed up electoral college system, and the only thing that humiliates is the idea that America is a democracy. It doesn't humiliate the DNC whatsoever.

You keep droning on about the popular vote Hillary won. Yes, she did, we all can acknowledge that, but it doesn't matter, it's irrelevant, it's wasted time debating it, that's not how we select a president, but it just tickles me that Dems don't have a problem at all with the Electoral College system when it works for them, but when a Democrat loses, they scream we have to get rid of it. Lol, will never happen.

To my mind it's not about Trump's legitimacy. As far as I'm concerned, Trump won the election (don't panic trumpettes!) certainly not by a landslide, but he won.

When you look at the map, it's a sea of red with specks of blue on the outside of it, I would call that a hands down flawless landslide victory.

So Trump casually dismisses the people whose sole job is it to protect America and work day and night to achieve that, and instead bends over for the dictator of the old Soviet enemy and invites them to act in his country with impunity? Would such a farcical and treasonous narrative even be believable in a B-level Hollywood fantasy?

When Obama made the deal with the Mullahs and tried to patch things up with Fidel, you didn't think his actions were treasonous? Many of us did.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

When you look at the map, it's a sea of red with specks of blue on the outside of it, I would call that a hands down flawless landslide victory.

Looking at the Earth from space, it's a huge blue ball ball of water with specks of land - but, of course, it is on those specks of land where humans live. Nice logic there, Bass.

More important is the swelling discontent with Trump's people and policy - not just from Dems but from his own party. He'll have difficulty getting many of his cabinet choices approved due to opposition from many in the GOP. And that "repeal and replace" of the ACA fiasco? - that is the cyanide pill the GOP has prepared for itself. Fun days ahead.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"the messed up electoral college system"

We have that so California doesn't decide what's best for the rest of the country, lol.

"Every day, we get more reminders of what a pitiful President Mr. Trump will be. What a disgrace."

Oh my...

Allen Questrom: Trump is putting optimism back into America


Putin Declares Russia Wants to Work with the US To Crush Terrorism


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

“He absolutely respects the intelligence community,” Conway said on CBS. “What he has said is laughable or ridiculous is that this was meant to elevate him to the presidency.”

Which kind of raises the question, what was it meant for, then?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Just ask the friggin NSA. They know.

"Head of NSA Is Concerned About Russia Hacking U.S. Elections"


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Remember when the camaigning began in the spring of 2015 and the liberals were saying said; "Yes, PLEASE let us have Donald Trump as the Republican candidate. There is nothing we would like better."?

Well, they got their wish, so I why they are not happy? Guess those must be tears of joy I see falling from their eyes. . . .

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

When you look at the map, it's a sea of red with specks of blue on the outside of it, I would call that a hands down flawless landslide victory.

Heh heh I imagine you would but we don't go by the pre-school coloring book system. We go by the Electoral College system. And by EC standards, sorry to tell you, it wasn't a landslide. Trump's victory ranks 46th out of 58 elections and that might even slide to 47th depending on how many faithless electors drop Trump. By comparison Obama 2008 victory ranked 32nd and 2012 victory ranked 37th. And of course Trump lost the popular vote.

Were we to use the pre-school coloring book system you'd use a cartogram that reflects population rather than space. Citizens vote not square miles.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Well, they got their wish, so I why they are not happy?

I'm regretting those words now. I had too much faith in America.

The lesson has been learnt, but it's not as bad as it seems, the voters actually overwhelmingly voted for other candidates. So my fairh in Americans was well placed, it was my faith that in American democracy that was misplaced.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"Head of NSA Is Concerned About Russia Hacking U.S. Elections

Yeah right. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Just to remind you, the American people voted for H I L L A R Y. She received M O R E V O T E S than Trump.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Obama and the democrats can come up with all the reasons they want as to reasons why they lost so badly

Lost so badly by getting nearly three million more votes? Something doesn't add up.

You keep droning on about the popular vote Hillary won.

I was pointing out the post-truthism in trying to call a loss in which she got millions of more votes 'humiliating' or 'so bad'. If there were no more post-truthism, there's no more need to point out the truth.

When you look at the map, it's a sea of red with specks of blue on the outside of it, I would call that a hands down flawless landslide victory.

If it were flawless, or a landslide, then why does it bother you so much when I point out how Trump was the lesser choice, the inferior choice, by more than 2.7 million votes?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

, I would call that a hands down flawless landslide victory.

Have to say that it's hilarious, and telling, that it's just the part "certainly not by a landslide" that irks you.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Russia intervened in the presidential election on his behalf through targeted hacking,

Personally, I find it hard to believe the Russians would have "hacked" DNC computers using IP addresses that would be easily traceable to their country. IP address spoofing or similar tactics would have been used to make it appear the hacking was done by someone using IP addresses that are assigned to another country. If they did use Russian IP addresses, I find it equally hard to believe DNC system administrators didn't detect the appearance of non-DNC IP addresses in the many website logs and analytical data that are available to them. Firewalls and authentication software could then have been used to block access to all non-DNC computers.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The report also buries the fact that the assessment finds these were :connections: to the government, whatever that means, not the government of Putin itself intervening to help Trump win the presidency.

....intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin “directing” the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks, a second senior U.S. official said. Those actors, according to the official, were “one step” removed from the Russian government, rather than government employees.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

This is the same administration that cooked public statements on Benghazi and that cooked intel on their success vs. ISIS. It's not surprising that the Democratic leadership of Congress and two NeverTrumper (and failed presidential candidate) Republican Senators would be pushing the Obama admin's narrative.

As it stands, the Obama administration's history of cooking the books in their favor, and the lack of any evidence presented so far, would tend to contradict their thesis. However, as they claim to have evidence already, it shouldn't be hard to finalize it by the inauguration.


ToshiYori: I find it equally hard to believe DNC system administrators didn't detect the appearance of non-DNC IP addresses in the many website logs and analytical data that are available to them. Firewalls and authentication software could then have been used to block access to all non-DNC computers.

They'd want to browse web pages outside the DNC computers, wouldn't they? Also, the quality of admins the DNC hired are probably not as bad as the 'admins' Hillary hired for her server(s), but probably not that good, either. Her initial server guy was hired because he worked on her previous campaign.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Lost so badly by getting nearly three million more votes? Something doesn't add up.

By the Electoral College system which is our system, oh, did she ever get a beatdown.

I was pointing out the post-truthism in trying to call a loss in which she got millions of more votes 'humiliating' or 'so bad'. If there were no more post-truthism, there's no more need to point out the truth.

But that doesn't matter and good luck trying to change it. If it EVER benefits the Democrats someday in the future, they don't want it to change as well.

If it were flawless, or a landslide, then why does it bother you so much when I point out how Trump was the lesser choice, the inferior choice, by more than 2.7 million votes?

It doesn't bother me at all, because Trump is president and I look like that fat cat in Alice in Wonderland with the biggest smile on my face. Kudos! 1/20/17 Welcome president Trump.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The Russian Reset didn't work out so well for Secretary of State Clinton.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

bass4funk in September, 2015:

Trump is just the GOP version of Obama, pure and simple. Hard on the BS, without any substance to back anything up, both love their inflated egos as well. With Obama we have socialism, with Trump it would be socialism-lite.

bass4funk today:

Trump is president and I look like that fat cat in Alice in Wonderland with the biggest smile on my face. Kudos! 1/20/17 Welcome president Trump.

Wow. Somebody sure had a road-to-Damascus conversion experience. Maybe someday you'll come around and proclaim Obama to be the greatest president in American history.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

By the Electoral College system which is our system, oh, did she ever get a beatdown.

But not by the will of the people. In a democracy.

Although one has to wonder, if the choice of the people is not chosen as the leader, is it really a democracy? It seems little better than China, another country where the will of the people is not related to the leader in power.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Strangerland: In a democracy. ... Although one has to wonder, if the choice of the people is not chosen as the leader, is it really a democracy?


0 ( +3 / -3 )

Maybe someday you'll come around and proclaim Obama to be the greatest president in American history.

Only if I suffer from mental impairment and severe emotional withdrawal syndrome.

Although one has to wonder, if the choice of the people is not chosen as the leader, is it really a democracy?

When you look at the sea of chuck steak, blood red across country, I would say so.

It seems little better than China, another country where the will of the people is not related to the leader in power.

If we go by the popular vote then it would because either party could monopolize the system and one party could constantly be in power forever, that's not democracy, that's an open door to a theocracy.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

So Trump casually dismisses the people whose sole job is it to protect America and work day and night to achieve that, and instead bends over for the dictator of the old Soviet enemy and invites them to act in his country with impunity? Would such a farcical and treasonous narrative even be believable in a B-level Hollywood fantasy?

When Obama made the deal with the Mullahs and tried to patch things up with Fidel, you didn't think his actions were treasonous? Many of us did.

Wait, are you saying that it's ok for Repubs to invite old Soviet enemies to act with impunity in the US and hack, undermine and humiliate the country at will, because Obama visited Cuba and restricted Iran's nuclear program? How does that make sense on any level, and as a supposed American, how could you possibly support such treacherous subversion? This pure contempt for America is disturbingly suspicious

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Only if I suffer from mental impairment and severe emotional withdrawal syndrome.

Are you speaking in acronyms again? Euphenisms?

one party could constantly be in power forever, that's not democracy, that's an open door to a theocracy.

You do know what a theocracy is, don't you?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

dcog9065DEC. 13, 2016 - 11:48AM JST

Wait, are you saying that it's ok for Repubs to invite old Soviet enemies to act with impunity in the US and hack, undermine and humiliate the country at will, because Obama visited Cuba and restricted Iran's nuclear program?

Welcome to the "Democrats and liberals = BAD, Republicans and conservatives = GOOD" mindset. Doesn't actually make a whole lot of sense in the real world, but very, very easy to understand. Just keep in mind, whatever Trump does must be okay, even if it would be treason for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, because he is now a "GOOD" guy. A majority of Americans appear to disagree, but there you have it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Oct 18, 2016 : Obama to Trump: 'Stop Whining' About a Rigged Election

... President Barack Obama blasts Donald Trump’s claims that the election will be “rigged” and that voter fraud will be rampant. “I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes,” the president said.


Dec 9, 2016 - Obama Orders Investigation Into Election-Related Hacking

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Hitlery won the popular votes in Lefty-Loony-Land where apparently many of butt-hurt JT posers hail, but again as evidenced by the results, Trump won the country. That means the vast majority of counties including over 200 that had twice voted for Obummer. He won the Electoral College, which is the only thing that matters in the Republic that the USA is, and not the simple Democracy that the losers are pining for. Get over it, buttercups. Better luck next time, if you can find a candidate that isn't thoroughly corrupt like Hillary.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Hillary won the popular votes in California and NYC, but again as evidenced by the results, Trump won the country. That means the vast majority of counties including over 200 that had twice voted for Obama. He won the Electoral College, which is the only thing that matters in the Republic that the USA is, and not the simple Democracy that the non-winners are pining for. Get over it, delicate ones. Better luck next time, if you can find a candidate that isn't thoroughly corrupt like Hillary.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

By the Electoral College system which is our system, oh, did she ever get a beatdown.

Actually, no. If Trump had say gotten 400 Electoral Votes he would start to be in landslide territory. As it is he isn't.

Wow. Somebody sure had a road-to-Damascus conversion experience.

Gotta love the fence sitters. Suddenly started loving Trump as soon as he saw which way the wind was blowing. ROFL as he would say.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

gcbelDEC. 13, 2016 - 05:04PM JST

"By the Electoral College system which is our system, oh, did she ever get a beatdown."

Actually, no. If Trump had say gotten 400 Electoral Votes he would start to be in landslide territory. As it is he isn't.

It's pointless explaining such things to people who only seem to want to ignore everything except that big chunk of red on the electoral college map - which of course doesn't show such things as the percentages of Florida and Texas voters who voted for Clinton (or, for that matter, Trump's 31% share of the California vote).

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It's pointless explaining such things to people who only seem to want to ignore everything except that big chunk of red on the electoral college map

It is pointless because our system used the electoral college system, so going by that, she lost big and No one told Hillary to NOT campaign in Wisconsin, No one told Hillary to call Trump voters deplorable and irredeemable, No one told Hillary to NOT have an economic message, No one told Hillary to support the banning of coal. No one told liberals to ignore these facts.

Actually, no. If Trump had say gotten 400 Electoral Votes he would start to be in landslide territory. As it is he isn't.


Yeah, I love the way liberals keep trying to tell themselves that. But as the saying goes, you're going to believe me or your lying eyes? Try again in 4 years with a clearer message, stop being so PC, think about all people, NOT only minorities, focus more on the working man, focus on punishing small businesses, success, keep the government out of peoples lives and maybe the Dems can win a few elections in the future, but only time will tell. Good luck.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

It is pointless because our system used the electoral college system, so going by that, she lost big

And in our system with fewer than 306 electoral votes, "going by that" it is just not a landslide... Sorry dude but you're still wrong and by your own metric. Ciao!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It's pointless explaining such things to people who only seem to want to ignore everything except that big chunk of red on the electoral college map

Actually it is pointless explaining that Trump won 30 of 50 states. Why does that matter? Because American is a union of States. The lack of understanding of America's system of government is shocking. I knew that the education system in America has been in decline in recent decades but did not realize how truly ignorant citizens have become - particularly the youngest voters. Trump won three-fifths of the states. That's not so much a landslide as a thorough thrashing.

The Left's boasting of Clinton's lead in the popular vote is not completely meaningless but pretty close to meaningless when one understands that America is not a direct democracy and when voter turnout is a mere 55%.

As for Russia...I say to Democrats:

"The 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back." -Barack Hussein Obama

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Hillary set a new record for least number of counties won by the (official) popular vote winner, on top of Obama's two consecutive low-mark records.


Nov. 27, 2016 - Donald Trump Won 2600 Counties Compared to Clinton's 500, Winning 83 Percent of the Geographic Nation

... Trump received his popular vote count while earning a victory in 83-85 percent of the counties within the United States. ... Barack Obama only won 22 percent of the counties in the United States with Clinton winning only, a most, 15 percent. ...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

And in our system with fewer than 306 electoral votes, "going by that" it is just not a landslide...

Yeah, right....the US looks like someone poured ketchup on that. Complete landslide.

Auf Wiedersehen.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Yeah, right....the US looks like someone poured ketchup on that. Complete landslide.

A complete landslide when he got nearly 3 million less votes?

I suppose you call a wintery day 'balmy warm' as well.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

What the ill informed leftists don't want to acknowledge is not only did PE Trump carried 30 of the 50 states, the republicans have a majority in the House, Senate, governorships and state legislative houses. That equals a total liberal beat down. . . .

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

What the ill informed leftists don't want to acknowledge is not only did PE Trump carried 30 of the 50 states, the republicans have a majority in the House, Senate, governorships and state legislative houses. That equals a total liberal beat down. . . .

Oh we acknowledge it. Trump and the Republicans won everything. By the rules of the game, they were the clear winners across the board.

And yet, still couldn't get a mandate from the majority of the people.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

WolfpackDEC. 14, 2016 - 08:44AM JST

The lack of understanding of America's system of government is shocking. I knew that the education system in America has been in decline in recent decades but did not realize how truly ignorant citizens have become - particularly the youngest voters.

A bit patronising of you to assume that they don't understand the system, isn't it? Perhaps they do understand the system, but think it's really stupid. No less a man than Donald Trump himself called it a "disaster," but... well, it gave him the result he wanted so now it's "genius."

StrangerlandDEC. 14, 2016 - 10:12AM JST

Oh we acknowledge it. Trump and the Republicans won everything. By the rules of the game, they were the clear winners across the board.

Yep, and they spend a lot of money on gerrymandering just to make absolutely sure.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

If it is indeed true ( that Russia had a hand in helping Trump to win ), then the US should just shut up, they are in no position to complain about it because they do the same thing ( and even worse ) to foreign governments.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Yeah, right....the US looks like someone poured ketchup on that.

Heh heh from the preschool coloring book to the McDonalds table standard. Fact is 306 EV's or less. Lost popular vote. Sorry, not a landslide by YOUR own standard. Toodles!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Just ask the friggin NSA. They know.

"Head of NSA Is Concerned About Russia Hacking U.S. Elections

Yeah right. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Hey ya asked - do not ask questions ya don't want answers to

2 ( +2 / -0 )

One of the people who is most overtly pushing the "Russia hacked us" line is Mike Morell, who deleted al-Qaeda from the Obama admin's "Benghazi talking points", and who now works for a company founded and directed by a Hillary aide.




And Nancy Pelosi's daughter, a California elector, is kindly stepping up for those electors still sitting on the fence, and demanding that the government brief electors on evidence of Russian hacking.

Never mind that most electors presumably lack the required security clearances, and that no one expects any elector in California, including the younger Pelosi, to cast their vote for Trump under any circumstances, California not being a proportional elector state.

It seems the Democrats may actually attempt a power grab. If they can swing around 35 electors they can grab the election for Hillary. It's Hillary's last chance and she's not known for giving up. We'll see in 5 days.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@mukashiyokattaDEC. "Just to remind you, the American people voted for H I L L A R Y."

LOL. She was unable to control her husband. Can you believe that she would be able to control the state ? Trump haters, think a bit how silly you're looking for the people of foreign countries in those accusations ? "Russians accused in helping Trump to win". What a load of crap !

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The media are starting to pick up on claims that Putin was personally involved in the hacking operations against the Democrats. I'm citing The Daily Telegraph here although I suppose certain people here won't believe anything less right-wing than Breitbart, The Rush Limbaugh Show or Der Volkischer Beobachter:


I suppose Trump will dismiss this as nonsense as well, after all Putin called him "brilliant" (or so he thinks) so he must be one of the good guys.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Since we know FDT is a LIAR, nothing he says can be believed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oooh, look at this.


You don't encourage a foreign country to intentionally interfere with your political opponents. You just don't DO IT. Because it may just give them other idea's that they haven't even thought about.

Trump is an ass. A complete and utter ass.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Perhaps, but he will be president of the United States shortly, and you will not be.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Donald Trump doesn't think it was Putin who helped him win, he says...

“They [the African-American community] didn’t come out to vote for Hillary, they didn’t come out. And that was the big… so thank you to the African-American community.”


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Does it matter if the report came from the CIA- The agency is a joke- all those intelligence agencies are a joke. In Bengazi, terrorists knew exactly where the CIA headquarters was- they knew for months. Those intelligence agencies best ability is in getting more funding. They wouldn't have a clue about hacking or stopping terrorists.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Does it matter if the report came from the CIA- The agency is a joke- all those intelligence agencies are a joke.

Yeah! America should get rid of the CIA, the FBI, Homeland security, all of them. It's not like the country has anything to worry about, right?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@cloa513 Yeah, because any American citizen can just walk into any other country with absolutely no contacts or connections whatsoever and find all the information they want to know in who knows what different language, or some other countries government files right? Those agencies have been around from before many of us were born... and because you're not able to look over their shoulder, you claim they're useless. Go ahead, get your passport and show up those agencies. Heck you might even uncover a smuggling operation from either a Russian, Chinese, Irish, or Italian crime syndicate! Just pure blind luck!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It was a Clinton insider who released the e-mails....trust me...I know a thing or two about traitors.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Trump may be the equivalent of a loud, drunk racist shouting whatever lies he thinks will go over well while denigrating and denouncing everyone who has 'done him wrong' (actually had a job where monitoring such people until they sobered up enough that they could get out of their urine soaked clothes and shower was the first part of the job) But in an election where $6 BILLION (at least, that total is only what people will admit to spending on things that are above board enough that they are safe to tell the IRS about, and doesn't include things like the money spent passing laws and regulations, then creating 'hit lists' of names of those likely to vote for the other guy, aimed at disenfranchising and discouraging entire communities of voters) was spent by domestic individuals and groups trying to sway the election one way or another via fake news, spun news, rumours, innuendo, 'dog whistles' (courting the racists, corrupt, venal, ruthless, and otherwise too unsavoury to officially try and attract) leaks, hacks, fear mongering, whisper campaigns, creating 'grass roots' organizations to order, etc, etc, etc we are supposed to believe that 'economic basket case' Russia could buy the American election? (And if you're going to claim that all that money cancels itself out, leaving whatever amount Russia spent unbalanced, then you're ignoring that there's a LOT of foreign nations, like the Gulf dictatorships and the Israeli regime, China, and the 'tax havens' who would have had a preferred President in mind, and a history of not letting things like American laws or their own scruples stand in the way of getting what they want)

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"Trump says reports Russia helped him in U.S. election are 'ridiculous'

WRONG! If President Obama says Putin was behind this evil scheme to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, then he was!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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