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© 2024 AFPTrump says he spoke with Zelenskyy; pledges to 'end the war'
By Robin LEGRAND WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2024 AFP
Trump was, and still is corrupt. The issue is, should in the worst version of our timeline Trump manages to become POTUS again, what will he ask for Zelensky to do to keep getting support from the orange one's administration?
Trump is already on the hook for favors from Putin... So how can such an act be balanced?
Trump's refusal to condemn Putin is shameful.
Trump will deliver.
Russia did not dare to invade any countries when Trump was in office.
Good to see the man pushing to end this mess, Zelenskyy knows Trump is going to turn off the $$$ spigot, not a lot of options for the guy to move on the board.
I agree.
Who knows whether Ukraine would have been able to better defend itself against the Russian invasion had Trump not withheld aid, but it's hard not to think Ukraine would not have needed so much financial assistance to defend its citizens and sovereignty had the Ukraine military been allowed to better prepare for war because of Trump's ego.
Though this article says Zelinsky said Trump called, any time I read "Trump said" I take what he claims to have said with a grain of salt because of all the times Trump has lied. Trump has a lifelong history of lying and distorting reality to suit his personal needs.
One of Trump's shambolic impeachments related to this failed state.
He'd be wise to steer a wide berth of that regime.
Russia will achieve the goals of the special military operation - which is a strategic defensive operation provoked by outside quarters.
Any settlement will reflect realities on the battlefront and Moscow's legitimate security questions relating to the bigger picture.
Funny. Trump will just tell Ukraine to surrender the entire Donbas to Russia. That will surely end the war.
Yes. He just set a perfect situation to make sure Russia has little to no opposition when they invade.
He also set the stage for a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
And one of the worst leader to handle the COVID crisis.
Trump inherited a good US economy and respect from the world, and he left the presidency with the US and the world in ruins.
Has he been writing "Love Letters" to Putin too? Gotta wonder if Kim is jealous about that.
That's total B.S. Russia invaded a peaceful neighbor without provocation, regardless of what the Kremlin-owned RT publishes. The world knows this. Saying different 500 times doesn't make it any more true.
Bob Fosse
He said yesterday he could end the war with one phone call.
Doesn’t seem to have worked.
He's not President yet.
God, help us.
Seems like if we have any heroes left. .
Zelenskyy is a man trying to save his people from being killed and pushed out and his land from being pummeled and pulverized and bombarded and blasted to dust grit rubble bones and bodies . .
if Hamas or even Israel had a Zelenskyy vying for them, what would Gaza look like right now?
ukraine has someone representing them, and we’ve turned our backs on him. We turned our backs on Ukraine drip feeding them with weak, old versions of our leftover, rehabilitated weapons when we guaranteed them
the USA has someone representing us and looks like we’re choosing the man found liable for sexual assault instead.
way to stick to our guns.
i can feel putin chuckling
Bob Fosse
Ok then.
45 has claimed repeatedly he will be President again and he will stop the war with one phone call.
So you have to believe with all certainty that the war will end at some point during the last week of January 2025. Right?
Willing to commit?
Or do you have any doubts?
If you want to call it that, ok, but we want a President that focuses on America and Americans first.
Sadly, that's not how the world sees it or the nation.
Even CNN knows it was a disaster the way he left.
You guys take everything literally, and I mean everything. Not helping the left.
Within the year, I do
Any future settlement will be more stringent than the terms offered just before that nonsensical thing in Switzerland. Moscow will not accept that land becoming a threat in the future.
That is how these things work.
To that end, we'd be looking at a ballpark figure of 6 or more Oblasts with a neutralist government in what is left over. Lifting of sanctions, release of frozen assets will also be required (with the stolen interest repaid with interest). ICC will be required to drop charges too.
If Trump has the power to stop the war with a single call, why hasn't he done so?
Bob Fosse
Within the year? That’s one long phone call.
So you don’t think he can end the war with a single phone call. Ok.
Thank you - we now have it on the record - Trump is for surrendering in Ukraine.
Kind'a puts a big dent in that "Never Surrender" and "Never Give Up" cheer, huh.
Trump is not president yet so he can't make the phone call. That may well occur on 1/20/25.
If Trump has the power and influence he can make the call now. BS
No, he can't.
Notice the article relates to Zelensky calling him and not vice versa.
Indeed - in MAGA-world there is no "taking things literally". Like;
"I'll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it".
"Life begins at conception, no exceptions".
There is one you can take literally - "Putin is a genius" - he won't cave on that one.
Trump's not ending anything except his dignity.
Last week Viktor Orban visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
You can just stop there as no one is in a mood to hand out sweets to the likes of Russia. Well maybe Trump, but he can only hand out from America's pile.
Yeah, those American baseball bats are dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. Moscow didn't do anything from 2014 except invade and lie. Ukraine's security concerns are as important as Moscow's.
Putin gets only what he pays for in Russian youth.
There were no realistic terms offered before Switzerland so I guess things remain the same?
That's a mighty fine wishlist. What do you think will be available on layaway?
Bob Fosse
So if 45 doesn’t mean it why does he keep saying it? Why is it one of his election pledges? Why is the woman in the photo holding that sign? Are you all being tricked?
Just admit it. It’s not that simple and is going to take a lot more than a phone call.
When he says he is going to do something “easiest thing in the world” it isn’t going to happen and you’re just going to backpedal again.
Scholar's take the long view, for instance that any hair out of place in Europe over the next four years will be attributable to certain ankle grabbing. And that will make a messy withdrawal from Afghanistan look oh so quaint.
Not according to half of the country and growing.
For once Barry is speaking the truth.
Orban or whoever may be welcome are welcome to visit a private residence in Florida.
Trump cannot enact foreign policy while he is not president - this should not be hard to understand.
Opining and setting out a vision, yes. Should people want to call him and talk about it, yes that is fine too (as happened here).
Important to keep in mind last year Zelensky extended an invite to Trump to visit Kyiv - which he promptly declined - for the precise reason the current foreign policy is not his remit.
Perhaps Trump really is a pacifist. After all, he didn't want to get drafted (5 times). Nobody knew he had flowers in his hair.
Viktor Orban and Donald Trump do not have the authority to negotiate peace. Trump charged Orban for the bottled Florida water.
Yes, if you make stuff up, you can claim Zelenskyy has surpassed Putin as the world's richest man.
People don't tend to surrender when they know their nation is in the right as Ukraine does.
I see you also believe Trump will have a come to Jesus moment and switch to supporting Ukraine. It could definitely happen.
He was the former President, he can TALK to anyone he damn well wants to.
Who said that?
When libs use the term surrender, I'm a bit confused, is that supposed to instill some emotional guilt or shame, it's not working if that is the attempt. Seriously, the left needs to stop talking like kids thinking calling conservative names is going to make us feel bad, it doesn't. Call it a surrender, I couldn't care less, I just care about the US.
Candidate and now official nominee for POTUS Trump has every right to set out how he will conduct policy.
Obviously, he cannot implement it until next January.
Reuters reported yesterday that Zelensky was trying to get in phone contact with Trump and not the other way around.
No doubt the 2IC or the power behind the throne - whichever way one sees it - Yermak was in on the call too.
Dems are running on: abortion is good and Trump is bad, that's it, nothing else.
Ok, and?
No, it applies to Dems getting burnt once more and nothing is sticking, once Biden beats Trump in all the polling I will apologize to you
Trump always relies on "cutting a deal" meaning yes he can end the Russian Iranian War. But by letting Putin keep what he's already taken. Ending war by rewarding aggression and violating international law.
In the event of a foreign invasion, how much land would the US be prepared to cede?
Bad news for kyiv regime..
But Russia will finish the job first, and end the war..
Of course he'll end it -- he'll stop all aid to Ukraine immediately and instead give it to Russia, and then declare Russia the winner of the war, just like his fan base, who love Russia more than their own country, want.
Viktor Orban and Donald Trump do not have the authority to negotiate peace.
Yes, he even talks to the devil.
If Trump is elected, ending the war in Ukraine within his first hundred days will not happen.
Important to keep in mind what JD Vance has said about the Ukraine issue.
But also, Tucker Carlson too - he was at the RNC and addressed it yesterday. On the first day he was seated in the VIP lounge a couple of seats down from the nominee. In fact, he was the first person to receive a handshake when said nominee ascended to that lounge on that dramatic day.
Tucker has used some very colorful language to describe the Ukraine conflict in general and Zelensky in particular.
Ok, and? You think Biden was being sincere? ROFL
Biden and Trump spoke after the assassination attempt. Biden even called him Donald.
When it comes to the assassination Joe and Donald are on the same team.
I hope so
Ahh, you'll get over it
JD Vance is ignorant about foreign policy. During the RNC, he inaccurately labeled the UK as the first Islamist country with nuclear weapons, when in fact it is Pakistan.
Yeah, if that is true, Biden should call for Kimberly Cheatle's resignation immediately. I mean, if he is really on one with Trump on this.
When it comes to the assassination Joe and Donald are on the same team.
It might happen after the final FBI/SS/State police/local police report is finished. Not before.
We know - you admitted it - its on record.
And admits to his own hypocrisy. "Never surrender" means "Sometimes Surrender".
Repubs won't.
So is Biden, but Vance is learning, these are not things a person cannot learn.
During the RNC, he inaccurately labeled the UK as the first Islamist country with nuclear weapons, when in fact it is Pakistan.
Rep. Hank Johnson said that if Guam is overpopulated it would tilt over. We all make mistakes.
lines on a map have often changed throughout history. one country sometimes owns land that another country had owned previously. It’s nothing rare or unusual.
This is what will be happening again to end all the unnecessary death and destruction
I see, ok
Call it what you will.
Yeah, they will, because it's what they are campaigning on. America first.
Again, that means nothing, she failed, that is just the fact, so if Biden is really solid with Trump on this, he will get this woman to resign, ASAP.
JD Vance is ignorant about foreign policy.
Perhaps his Islamophobia stems from his Catholic faith, or is it influenced by his wife's Hindu faith?
The UK is not even an Islamic country. 4 million Muslims. Same as the US.
Your treaty allies in Europe demand that you take a more civilized view than just "border's change (shrug)" and you will be defending them, regardless of your wishes.
Even Zelensky knows that the “muh existential threat to democracy” and “Russia Russia Russia/Putin’s puppet ” are false.
trump has him talking peace already:
Heck if I know.
Yeah, but we have the Second Amendment, so unlike the UK we don't have any social problems
It is the Russian invasion of Ukraine that has encouraged NATO to increase defense spending, not Trump.
I'm just telling you exactly how Ronald Reagan would have seen it: cowardice and surrender.
Zelenskyy needs every weapon he can get. He is not in a position to point out that the grossly obese has no clothes.
Ok, well then call it that.
If the left wants to think that it's a free country, go ahead.
But this is not 1980 Things were different back then. Look, call it a surrender, I am fine with that, really, but I want an American first President, so call me every adjective that you can find. Lol
How are his finances doing these days without a network? Would someone please pass the fired my assets for slander?
Important to observe that Kyiv is not a mutual treaty partner/ally to anyone and is not a NATO member. The silly agreements they've been pumping out don't amount to a hill of beans.
Moscow clearly has the initiative and Kyiv is slowly but surely crumbling, well on its way to failed state status. The upcoming winter campaign season and the power outages will make things more pear shaped.
You're right: the Soviet Union was less aggressive, less anti-American and more law abiding than Russia is today.
It's not me calling you that. It is history.
The January warcriming season didn't quite do it, but next year, surely!!! It's a long way to Kyiv.
Ok, and?
Good, let it be known, that we will get an American first President.
Trump plans to stop aid to Ukraine and try to force Ukraine to concede land that Russia demands as part of any ceasefire deal. Trump's so-called plan will fail because Russia has lost most of its offensive capability, and Ukraine can now and will defend itself (with European help).
The war will continue whatever Trump does until the either the Russian economy. And that won't happen unless sanctions are lifted, which Trump might do to appease his authortarian friends he admires so much.
It's the truth.
All Americans think that - you and they have admitted you want a surrender to Russia. Kyiv today, DC tomorrow.
it ain't Reagan's party anymore - MAGA thinks Reagan is a hated Globalist RINO.
Also important to note that by next year, this will be Donald Trump's war, no if's, ands, or buts.
So it means your claims that NATO isn't needed are patently false. Your intestinal fortitude has faltered, not Russia getting nicer or weaker.
Never Surrender your chequebook to Zelensky & Co.
Surely Trump won't make the same mistake everyone else made.
For us, yes.
Europe can and should do what it wants.
If you think so, ok...
You don't think for all Americans, and if I am wrong why are Biden's poll numbers down?
We think about what we like.
They can't do that constitutionally, if Trump did that to Biden going in the left would have a meltdown, so they will, they have no choice.
Taken out of context as usual.
The point is, the Biden admin can't just unilaterally decide what it wants to share with the next incoming President, they have to hand over all of the classified geopolitical intel, Unless they want to get a severe lashing from the Supreme Court. Not even worried about that.
When Trump was president Putin was planning his Ukraine invasion. What happened to intelligence?