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Trump seeks 'historic' 9% increase in U.S. military budget


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Got to gear up for the war he'll start to distract from his failing presidency. Let's not stop pointing out that our "depleted" military costs us as much annually as the next 9 largest militaries combined, and half of those are our allies! Meanwhile, our allies all have national health insurance, good education systems, and intact infrastructure.

14 ( +23 / -9 )

What CrazyJoe said.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

depleted military of the United States of America.”

In what concrete way is our military "depleted"?! We're still larger than several of our nearest rivals combined!

This from the man who just complained, "Who could have known that making a health care plan was so complicated?"

You're out of your element, Donnie. Shut the f*** up.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

A GOP administration talking dirty about a massive military. Fancy that.

There are some things even a political outsider must not go off-script on.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

“We’re going to start spending on infrastructure big”

Wow, four syllables!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

No. No! The guy is just paying back donors.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

It's the American economy he will be crippling, so it's up to sane Americans to protest.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I guess by 'swamp' he meant 'treasury', and he's draining it to fill up the military.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Didn't George Bush say the same thing 16 years ago? History repeating itself.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Got to gear up for the war he'll start to distract from his failing presidency.

Failing, it's been over a month, you make it like it's already been eight years. Relax, relax.... Of course, it's better to have a strong military, if you want to intimidate, protect the nation, our allies, you can't do it with the rag tag equipment we have now.

Let's not stop pointing out that our "depleted" military costs us as much annually as the next 9 largest militaries combined, and half of those are our allies! Meanwhile,

So then we can cut a lot of the unnecessary entitlements that we don't need.

our allies all have national health insurance, good education systems, and intact infrastructure.

Trump is trying to do a lot of those things, but remember, a lot of those countries have either No military or a very small military and then when something happens, who gets to always bail them out, we do and as far a education is concerned in the public sector as long as the Dems have their mits tied into the educational system, but hopefully now things will get better.

-22 ( +1 / -23 )

“We’re going to do more with less and make the government lean and accountable to the people,”

Why not do "more with less" with the military too? If you get sick, tough luck, but look at these nice shiny bombs.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Can't tell your players without the scorecard. On the far right, there is the House Freedom Caucus whose sole aim is to eliminate all social programs and thereby balance the budget. Right of center is the GOP Senate, which seems to think such extreme actions would not just be bad for the country but would cost them their jobs. In between is Paul Ryan, who is on a mission from God to reform the tax system (which incidentally necessitates eviscerating the ACA). None of these players were considering a huge Pentagon budget boost, but that is what the crazed pitcher, Trump, has chosen to throw. How will they field it?

Seriously: the odds facing disparate GOP goals in Congress were slim enough even before Trump weighed in. It would be humorous if the ramifications were not so dire. A cold welcome awaits Trump tomorrow for his first speech before congress, and the House will likely respond as Caddyshack's Judge Smails did to Spalding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuNJq_wI1ns

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Why not do "more with less" with the military too? If you get sick, tough luck, but look at these nice shiny bombs.

There's a lot that can be trimmed in many areas, we definitely need to drastically build up our military forces, but you can do that without forsaking healthcare, you guys on the left need to stop peddling Trump wants to take your healthcare away.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

He's going to create enough wars. He just thinks spending more and making the nation even stupider will somehow win them.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

you guys on the left need to stop peddling Trump wants to take your healthcare away.

Get your deflection and obfuscation straight, Bass. We're under no illusion here that the Orange-Coifed Imbecile is out to cut healthcare. In fact, he supported universal healthcare not too long ago. Everyone knows perfectly well it's the GOP that wants to gut healthcare. Pick any one of a number of Town Hall meetings over this past two weeks to see evidence of that.

Of course, it's much harder to see that now, now that Republican elected officials have gone into hiding from their own constituencies like the spineless, amoral, ass-kissing cowards they proved themselves to be in this past election.

The worm is turing and it's starting with those very same poor, uneducated, white Midwesteners the GOP claimed to care about when they realize how thoroughly they've been screwed by the GOP and the Orange-Coifed Imbecile.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Someone pointed out that the Pentagon baseline budget (i.e., not including Overseas Contingency Funds) has increased by 45% since 2001 in constant dollars. Whether you feel that money is being well-spent is your subjective opinion; this is just a fact.

Stan Collender at Forbes explains in more detail about how impossible Trump's budget request is (and by "impossible," he means "illegal").


7 ( +7 / -0 )

Sorry folks. Not a lovey dovey world out there.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Let's see what he's going to cut and decide if the military is worth +10%. Cutting NASA and the the EPA by 100% is only going to get him half of that.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

bass4funk "we definitely need to drastically build up our military forces"

Isn't US military budget already 3 times China's and 10 times Russia's ? Why this military obsession ?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Good thing Trump held back on choosing David Petraeus as his NSA director: he was among 120 former three- and four-star generals who wrote a letter to Trump saying that State Department funding is "critical to keeping America safe." Similarly, the military sees global warming and accompanying droughts as major threats towards world peace and stability.


Trump's plan seems like the GOP Congressional plan for healthcare: Why bother with preventive care when we've got triage? (Note: the former is both cheaper and vastly more effective.)

4 ( +4 / -0 )

He's going to create enough wars.

The man has been a strict anti-war guy since the mid 80's, how is he going to achieve this?

He just thinks spending more and making the nation even stupider will somehow win them.

Worked for Obama and almost worked for Hillary......almost.

Get your deflection and obfuscation straight, Bass.

Deflection, I'm not a liberal, don't worry, won't happen.

We're under no illusion here that the Orange-Coifed Imbecile is out to cut healthcare.

No, that's another BS Fake News propaganda that the left STILL keeps spinning.

In fact, he supported universal healthcare not too long ago. Everyone knows perfectly well it's the GOP that wants to gut healthcare. Pick any one of a number of Town Hall meetings over this past two weeks to see evidence of that.

I do hope he guts out all the unnecessary and costly provisions out, I do pray for that,

Of course, it's much harder to see that now, now that Republican elected officials have gone into hiding from their own constituencies like the spineless, amoral, ass-kissing cowards they proved themselves to be in this past election.

I'll give you this, they shouldn't be hiding, they should go toe to toe and debate them like Scott Walker and Mark Sanford did. No matter how much the scream, and whine, be the adult in the room of snot nosed babies and deal with these libs.

The worm is turing and it's starting with those very same poor, uneducated, white Midwesteners the GOP claimed to care about when they realize how thoroughly they've been screwed by the GOP and the Orange-Coifed Imbecile.

Yeah, it's not the worm it's almost 99% of these cry babies are libs that were perfectly and strategically organized and put in place by the group "Organization for America"...wait, that name sounds soooo familiar.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

So then we can cut a lot of the unnecessary entitlements that we don't need.

There's a lot that can be trimmed in many areas

I do hope he guts out all the unnecessary and costly provisions out, I do pray for that,

Why don't you actually name the 'entitlements' you want cut rather than just regurgitate talking points.

No money for education or healthcare but $54,000,000,000.00 for bombs?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

So then we can cut a lot of the unnecessary entitlements that we don't need.

Yes, we can also cut a lot of unnecessary GoP entitlements, e.g., tax breaks for rich individuals, mega banks, investment banks, oil companies, sugar producers, corn producers, hedge funds, etc. , and biggest of all the defense industry. That is not going to happen because of the typical GoP hypocrisy.

The GoP doesn't support entitlements or protection for working class people.

By the way, I understand the need to ensure combat readiness and a lot of money is needed to address that, but expanding the armed forces??? This will be just another payday for the defense industry.

What about the GoP's and Trump's illustrious health care plan? How is the GoP going to fund their vague plan, which only consists of irrational talking points?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Guns before butter. Well, it worked for the Prussians.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Of course, it's better to have a strong military, if you want to intimidate

Thank you. No more questions.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Yeah, another shrubbery! Meanwhile USA's infrastructure is collapsing and education is in the hands of those who wish to destroy it, along with government itself.

With any luck this will help California become an independent country so the conservatives can be left alone to their machinations.

I wonder if the USA will last the next year let alone four.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

When the USSR was no longer tenable it collapsed. USA must break off the loony tunes should it wish to live

3 ( +3 / -0 )

So, making "America great again" means top tech military and third world health care? With Trump in power we have 2 ways for America: Or Trump is kicked of before he completes his 1st year and we manage to catch up to where we were when Obama left or Trump manages to put America on the top list of the "Greatest fallen empires".

**A dumb man without power is danger to his own life. A dumb man with power is a danger to the humanity.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Republicans always seem so eager to get their country bogged down in multi-trillion dollar bloodbaths.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

We're under no illusion here that the Orange-Coifed Imbecile is out to cut healthcare. No, that's another BS Fake News propaganda that the left STILL keeps spinning.

No, it is part and parcel the GoP's plan. The GoP has catchy phrases like risk pooling, cutting medicare payments to the states to make the states pay, back credits that will never pay the costs of insurance. Although there are absolutely no details, just flashy commercials and one page websites, these catch phrases are suggestive of a massive loss in coverage for millions of Americans.

The only GoP plan is to deceive the public about the benefits of the ACA, e.g., they are still saying there are death panels in the plan for people over 70 years old. ACA is a plan is disliked by the GoP because it was passed by Obama.

ACA was a good start, and it has done what the free market has failed to do, reign in health care costs and get millions of people insurance. It just needs work to make it better, primarily the AVA needs a border less insurance marketplace to diversify risks and reduce insurance costs and more government oversight of the insurance industry. Yes, that last part sounds socialist, but health care is like a national infrastructure issue that needs government to run it.

The GoP will own any new plan. I expect a public revolt against the GoP if they destroy the ACA.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I expect a public revolt against the GoP if they destroy the ACA.

I agree. We have to keep in mind that a significant portion of the Orange-Coifed Imbecile's supporters weren't even aware that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were the same thing until after the election. Which is precisely how the GOP planned it.

The GOP, in their own inimitable style, played and preyed upon the ignorance of their constituency, working them up into a foamy-mouthed rage over Obamacare, while they secretly worked to disable and dismantle something these voters were very much in favor of.

It's the same cynical, mean-spirited asshattery that prompts so many "Conservatives" to gerrymander voter districts unto bedlam, to create capricious and wholly effed-up "voter ID" laws designed specifically to exploit of the relative lack of time and resources that defines the life of many poor minorities in the US, to say one thing and do the polar opposite in virtually all areas of public policy.

Yes, the revolt is coming, and it ain't gonna be pretty. That 2nd Amendment makes certain things possible for all Americans, not just the wealthier, fairer skinned "law and order" types.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Why not reduce by 9% the amount of waring they do instead. They do plenty they don't need to do.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

There's a lot that can be trimmed in many areas, we definitely need to drastically build up our military forces, but you can do that without forsaking healthcare, you guys on the left need to stop peddling Trump wants to take your healthcare away.

Trump can't take away what people don't have: 29 million Americans are still without health insurance. That $54 billion could be spent extending insurance to them, but Trump wants to waste it on bombs.

No country poses a serious threat to the US and there is no justification for a massive increase in "defence" spending. Meanwhile, US life expectancy is falling behind other first world countries. But hey, look at all the lovely bombs we've got. They ought to parade them through the streets like they do in China, Russia and North Korea so that people can see where their taxes are going (whilst their illnesses go untreated).

3 ( +4 / -1 )

McCain supports it

Remember when the US hastened the fall of the Cold War by trying to bankrupt the USSR with the so-called Star Wars project

Now who's trying to bankrupt who

Defense spending declined in the 1990s after the end of the Cold War and increased in the 2000s during the War on Terror:

Defense spending stood at 6.8% of GDP at the height of the Reagan defense buildup. But, beginning even before the breakup of the Soviet Union it began a decline, reaching below 6% in 1990, below 4% in 1996 and bottoming out at 3.5% of GDP in 2001, about half the level of 1985.

But 9/11, the terrorist attack on iconic US buildings in 2001, changed that, and defense spending began a substantial increase in two stages. First, it increased to 4.6% by 2005 for the invasion of Iraq, and then to 5.0% in 2008 for the the “surge” in Iraq.

Spending increased further to 5.7% in 2011 with the stepped up effort in Afghanistan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Of course, it's better to have a strong military, if you want to intimidate

Yes, that's the point. Intimidate and deterrence.

I agree. We have to keep in mind that a significant portion of the Orange-Coifed Imbecile's supporters weren't even aware that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were the same thing until after the election. Which is precisely how the GOP planned it.

But Emanuel and Gruber banking on the ignorance of American people wasn't planned? This is the reason why Democrats are as sneaky as weasels!


The GOP, in their own inimitable style, played and preyed upon the ignorance of their constituency, working them up into a foamy-mouthed rage over Obamacare, while they secretly worked to disable and dismantle something these voters were very much in favor of.

Obama said, you can keep your doctor, Obama said, you have endless choices, Obama said, your premiums would never go up, Obama said, the ACA is affordable, it's not. Lie after lie and finallly in November they found out what lying can cost you.

It's the same cynical, mean-spirited asshattery that prompts so many "Conservatives" to gerrymander voter districts unto bedlam, to create capricious and wholly effed-up "voter ID" laws designed specifically to exploit of the relative lack of time and resources that defines the life of many poor minorities in the US, to say one thing and do the polar opposite in virtually all areas of public policy.

It's equally as bad as Dems turning their heads, shrugging their shoulders when it comes to voter ID fraud in many States, if illegals can obtain drivers licences and be allowed to register to vote, even if they are illegal is equally as bad. So the Dems complain about one thing and ignore something that can potentially be beneficial to them? Shame on them.

Yes, the revolt is coming, and it ain't gonna be pretty. That 2nd Amendment makes certain things possible for all Americans, not just the wealthier, fairer skinned "law and order" types.

Actually, the way the Dems are acting that revolt might not be what you want. Be careful what you ask for. Remember, liberals are extremely bad when it comes to predictions.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

It's a 3% increase of what Obama wanted for 2018. I'm wondering, where was all the outrage from the lefties over the last 8 years?

From December 2015 - The most recent Obama budget proposed a 7.8 percent increase in the base Defense Department budget between 2015 and 2016

I hope some see how hypocritical this hysterical reaction is, especially considering how hegemonic Obama and Clinton has been.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

bass:. illegals can obtain drivers licences and be allowed to register to vote

Zombie lie. Of course illegals are not allowed to register to vote. It's just common sense.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump - make America broke again.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Oh, and by the way, the senate arms committee, both Reps and Dems, are in FULL agreement over this $58 bill increase.

So what's Pelosi talking about?

A $54 billion cut will do far-reaching and long-lasting damage to our ability to meet the needs of the American people and win the jobs of the future,” Pelosi said. “The president is surrendering America’s leadership in innovation, education, science and clean energy.”

What Pelosi?! Can we call this fake news?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Zombie lie. Of course illegals are not allowed to register to vote. It's just common sense.

Yes, and people are not supposed to commit murder as well, but it happens all the time.

Trump - make America broke again.

America was already broke and to get UN-broke, Trump's going to have to spend a lot of money, you probely won't start to see results until 2 years later, then things should gradually improve steadily, but if you think that fixing all of this would be free of charge, you are not dealing with the simple harsh reality.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

What's broke?

You're talking about what being broke here? US Economy? Jobs? Gas prices? You're deluded by the leftist media if think so. US just needs a build up to protect its trading partners.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Yes, and people are not supposed to commit murder as well, but it happens all the time.

The difference of course being that murder actually happens. This is provable by court cases where murders are tried, and plenitudes of news articles reporting on the actual crimes, and the court cases.

You know facts and evidence. Those things that don't exist in regards to fake voting.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Better to have a strong military and not need it than to need it and not have it. . . .

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Unless Trump brings back the draft as well I don't see how there will be enough fit and able suckers to line up

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Better to have a strong military and not need it than to need it and not have it

Go polish the pee shooter.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

America was already broke (sic) and to get UN-broke (sic), Trump's going to have to spend a lot of money, you probely (sic) won't start to see results until 2 years later, then things should gradually improve steadily, but if you think that fixing all of this would be free of charge, you are not dealing with the simple harsh reality.

Right--this sage advice is coming from someone who did nothing but complain for eight years after President Obama had to "spend a lot of money" (the stimulus) to get things back on track and pull the country back from falling into a complete depression after the Bush disaster. I find it interesting that the hyper-partisans on the right didn't bother waiting for 2 years to see the results for things to "gradually improve steadily," as well. However, my favorite part of the above quotation is the last part about how people should now be patient because fixing all of this (whatever "this" is) isn't going to be free of charge and if they don't accept it, they are "not dealing with the simple harsh reality." Sure, just like the author of this incredible piece of hypocrisy did eight years ago.

Wow--pot meet the kettle--once again.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Only US citizens can vote. Green cards, can't. Of cause illegal can't. Drivers licenses are not voting license. Large Medical Insurance companies suddenlreased add right after Trump announced quit Obamacare. Now he says Medicare ii's not cut. He had two small wars. Both failed. He is trying to ptove he is expert military chief. News channels are showinng his pretty aide sitting on a sofa diagonally showing her leg crossing to be interviewed. Blue shiny see through dress today.He toned down, but he shows tired face today.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

But Emanuel and Gruber banking on the ignorance of American people wasn't planned? This is the reason why Democrats are as sneaky as weasels!

Not even remotely in the same ballpark, much less the same sport. Someone making sarcastic, cynical political commentary on the low level of economic understanding many Americans inarguably possess is in no way comparable to Republicans going out of their way to rig voting districts and election laws to overwhelmingly favor them, or intentionally misleading their own constituents into believing one thing when in fact the truth is something entirely different.

By the way, you were deflecting again. Rather than actually defend against the point I made, you did your usual, tired, predictable, "Oh, that? Well what about this?" song and dance. Deflection.

Obama said, you can keep your doctor, Obama said, you have endless choices, Obama said, your premiums would never go up, Obama said, the ACA is affordable, it's not. Lie after lie and finallly in November they found out what lying can cost you.

One, you're deflecting again. I pointed out that the GOP relied directly on the ignorance of its own constituency in order to secure political power, and you responded with the equivalent of "Two wrongs make a right." Admission followed by deflection.

Two, Obama didn't go out of his way to lie to the American people. Mechanisms were put in place to prevent people from losing their favorite doctors. And the mechanisms weren't nearly enough, resulting in an estimated 2% of all insured losing their existing plans as their preferred policies became unable to meet the unrealistic demands of the new ACA grandfathering rules. Sure, you can try to make the argument all day that Obama knowingly intended to see these people bumped, but it's kind of hard to insinuate insidious intent for someone who tried to bring healthcare to America's most vulnerable citizens. I'll stack giving a damn about others up again the Birthers and idiots who still think to this day that Obama is a socialist/communist/radical Islam sympathizer against your shrill little, "He lied! He lied!" hissy fit any day of the week. The GOP knowingly and gleefully floated those little turds amongst their constituents and giggled as they gathered votes.

Three, Dems "found out what lying can cost" them? Really? Is that what the protests and angry Town Hall meetings in deep Red communities are telling you? You're grossly conflating facts. Voters across America were angry at Washington gridlock, corruption, Wall Street influence on our political process, being taken for granted by their elected officials. The ACA was only a small part of voter angst. Folks NOW are angry because the GOP is still trying to kill the ACA, despite the public overwhelmingly favoring its existence. But let's be honest. Liberals were angry about this for as long as the GOP was trying to hobble the ACA. So-called "conservative" Americans are pissed now because they finally realized -- far too late, IMO -- that the ACA, which they like, and Obamacare, which they were conditioned to hate through misinformation and slander, are one and the same. And they are gradually starting to understand that it was the GOP that duped them into enthusiastically supporting a candidate who would eventually attack something they valued, healthcare. The blowback is going to be epic.

It's equally as bad as Dems turning their heads, shrugging their shoulders when it comes to voter ID fraud in many States, if illegals can obtain drivers licences and be allowed to register to vote, even if they are illegal is equally as bad. So the Dems complain about one thing and ignore something that can potentially be beneficial to them? Shame on them.

Do me a favor. Type into your browser, "deflection definition." If there happens to be a photo of you next to the definition, that's probably no error.

For one, you're again throwing up a "well, look what YOU did" argument in a poor attempt to take the stink off of the wholly demonstrable point I made about the GOP pissing on democracy at every opportunity just to hold on to the reins of power. You essentially validate my points. Thanks for that.

Two, this voter fraud claim still gets tossed around with little more than anecdotal evidence and poorly conceived entrapment scams by those Project Veritas asshats. What's the phrase? "Put up or shut up." Where's the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud that somehow makes GOP malfeasance and election tampering okay? State election officials can't find it. The FEC can't find it. The DOJ can't find it. Or rather, fraud has been found, but nothing outside of statistically acceptable norms for a population of 65 million Mind you, this is while taking into account that fraudulent voters seem to come from all areas of the political spectrum. Chew on that for a bit, if you can. Meanwhile, the Orange-Coifed Imbecile, can't or won't produce any proof at all, despite lots of bluster and bombast to the contrary. So you'll forgive me if I decline to lend any credence to this latest attempt to deflect.

Actually, the way the Dems are acting that revolt might not be what you want. Be careful what you ask for. Remember, liberals are extremely bad when it comes to predictions.

You still don't get it, do you? You kept saying that Clinton was tone deaf throughout the campaign, unable to connect to the concerns and worries of real Americans. But here you are, a microcosm of the same tone deafness of a power-drunk GOP still dancing about and giggling like little children that they hold very close to all three branches, as if that's the end of the board game.

What you haven't realized is that it isn't just so-called liberals who are angry about the snow-job that was just perpetuated on the American people with this current joke of a president. So-called conservative voters too, the very ones that put Trump into office, the very ones that are now realizing the ACA and Obamacare are the very same thing being threatened by their elected representatives, and a cabinet packed with the very same rich a-holes Trump spent his campaign vilifying if they had any connection to Clinton, are the ones bringing much of the anger to these Town Hall meetings -- you know, the ones the representative are hiding from. It would be so easy to simply write all protesters off as "paid actors." But that's not what's happening. And the anger isn't going away. The GOP can go ahead and ignore that at its own peril.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think Trump's getting ready for an alien invasion. He learned about one coming from an intelligence briefing by Batman and Dr. Strangelove.

It's real. They're coming so 'Murica needs to save the planet by spending more than the entire rest of the world combined to fill the pockets of the war industry. Millions of 'Muricans standing in production lines making bombs and bullets.


Jose can you see, from the dawns early liiiiiiight... Hey. That's right. Mexico should pay for it!

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I suppose we can just print another 4 trill then, yeah?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Of course. It's only paper. ;)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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