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Trump sets hectic campaign pace as his party frets


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Trump has outworked Biden. He is winning Florida and Ohio at the moment. That is huge for Trump.

-22 ( +12 / -34 )

Vote him out, Lock him Up...and Make America Great Again!

As for all the Republicans who sold out their souls to become this conman's enablers, may their political careers be stained by their by the choices they made 2016-2020.

23 ( +33 / -10 )

Trump had bungled the pandemic response, alienated global allies and mistreated women.

Trump will go down in history as the worst ever American president.

His anti-American backers in the US and around the globe are pleased at the damage, perhaps permanent, he's done to the republic.

A lasting stain on Trump, his fellow R's, his fellow 'elite' and his followers in general will be the Supreme Court justices he nominated making decisions further undermining the rights of individuals and allowing big corporations to have even greater control.

19 ( +30 / -11 )

Trump is fighting for his political and legal life.

Many lawsuits are coming his way once he's out of office, and he'll not be protected by the presidency. It's easy to see why he's so desperate, right now, but he's going to lose and lose big.

And losing the WH will seem minor compared to what happens post presidency, when the IRS and justice system comes down hard on him, among the many legal problems coming his way.

He'll reap what he sowed with all the lies and reckless behavior while POTUS.

21 ( +29 / -8 )

Watsing his time courting Whites, when Blacks, Hispanics and Asian and other minorities will seal his fate

12 ( +20 / -8 )

4 more years!

-19 ( +11 / -30 )

A cornered rabid rat will do anything, people would do best to beware and be prepared.

11 ( +20 / -9 )

Makes you wonder was Trumps corona virus real, no records produced, a military hospital, doctors under gag orders. Maybe we should ask other corona virus sufferers if they think Trumps schedule is really attainable after only 3 days hospitalization. Trump is obese, probably has a heart condition , with over 215000 Americans dead, who probably had similar conditions, and we are lead to believe he is some sort of superman, give me a break.

9 ( +17 / -8 )

Trump will go down in history as the worst ever American president.

Considering there've been some terrible presidents, it's quite an underachievement of intelligence and character to be outright the worst president ever, of which Trump clearly is.

Trump outdistances the disgraced with lies and gaslighting of the people who lapped up his con man gig. It isn't even close as to how he has been the worst president in American history, for America, and ultimately useless as the instigator for the true and first time majority lack of respect America is finding from her allies.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

Martha, the virus produce psychosis in infected people, making them act erratic

3 ( +8 / -5 )

"He's been through COVID himself, he's going to talk directly to the American people on that debate stage about his experience,"

Yeah, Trump's going to blow his own trumpet and tell them all about how he, as "the Chosen One", was the only one who could do it and he's going to remind his mindlessly cheering audience how he kept his inauguration vow to protect the people and end (Obama's) "American carnage", not. But try as Trump will, after four years of mayhem most Americans have already had enough of his embarrassing shtick and have tuned out. Voters have now turned out by the millions to turn him out in November and in January turn him in (I pray).

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Humiliation! (In your best Mortal Kombat impression)

2 ( +6 / -4 )

IRS will hunt him down all over the earth, like other expats. You can't even renounce your citizenship if there's a bill to pay it'll still be due (as Boris Johnson found out).

3 ( +9 / -6 )

as he seeks to avert a potentially humiliating defeat at the ballot box in only 17 days.

I’ve heard this song before. Those poor folks on the left will be singing the blues again, especially after the same ole fake build up. In the words of the late great Fred Willard, they’ll be screaming.....

Wha’ Happen??!

invalid CSRF

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Superspreader farewell tour.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

I’ve heard this song before. Those poor folks on the left will be singing the blues again, especially after the same ole fake build up.

Did you hear this song both times that Obama won?

We can return to this, Fizzbit, in a few of weeks, after the election. Let's see who is singing the blues.

8 ( +12 / -4 )


Many lawsuits are coming his way once he's out of office, and he'll not be protected by the presidency.

Is this the reason why Trump keeps saying recently that he may have to leave the country if he loses? The question is "where?". May be Putin has already promised to protect him.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

The candidates held rival town hall events instead, with Biden drawing more viewers.

My favourite sentence in the article. trump was broadcast on 3 channels and still didn’t come close. But apparently some bewildered folk still believe in a MAGA landslide and 2016 all over again. Har!

Which non-extradition country could trump flee to?

9 ( +12 / -3 )

The last desperate act of a failing campaign and unhinged candidate...

He knows he is going to lose - he's just trying to stem the tide so the humiliation isn't so great...

Scamming and lying to his supporters - just as he's been doing since 2016 - and to everyone else all his life...

5 ( +9 / -4 )

And even Trump said in Georgia that "maybe I'll have to leave the country" if Biden wins 

Going to visit Snowden?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Trump will go down in history as the worst ever American president. 

Depends on whom you’re asking

His anti-American backers in the US and around the globe are pleased at the damage, perhaps permanent, he's done to the republic.

And yet, those Anti-Americans are endorsing Biden because they know given what we know now with his China connections want a President that’s compliant and capitulates.

A lasting stain on Trump, his fellow R's,

Not really, for once the Republicans are seen as to some degree taking a stand on Marxist radical policies and the dismantling of the US, so for their efforts on that they’ll be praised.

his fellow 'elite' and his followers in general will be the Supreme Court justices he nominated making decisions further undermining the rights of individuals and allowing big corporations to have even greater control

Yeah, it just sucks having a Constitutionalist and textualist on the bench, how awful! God save us from Democracy and the Constitution.

-17 ( +3 / -20 )

Honestly, I'll miss him if he loses. I want 4 more years of waking up and reading about what surprisingly absurd things he has said or done. Can't wait to hear him talk more about his great Covid-19 response over the next couple of weeks.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

describing him as vigorous and even athletic as the author used words like frenetic and hectic.

That’s the side effects of the medicines he’s taking to recover from the series of mini strokes he recently suffered.

Of course I have no evidence to support this but many people are saying it and I read it someplace.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Poor Donald - he was so hoping to rant and rave at his rallies about two fairy tales he been espousing for the last four years....how his campaign was "spied on", and all the "crimes" of the Obama administration....But this week we find out;

His own crony Barr came up with zero evidence of any spying....

Durham has nothing in terms of crimes....


So he is forced to flail the Hunter smear - authored in Russia with the help of Crazy Rudy and Dumspter Steve...

Pitiful and pathetic...or in other words, pure Trump....

5 ( +9 / -4 )

You know what I am looking forward to........

That is watching all the repubs disavowing trump after his loss, should make for some GREAT moments when they ALL start throwing him under the bus to try to save their sorry a$$es LOL. Will be interesting to see how certain JT posters react as well in times AFTER trump!!

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Back to reality, President Trump in 4 short years has brought unparalleled economic success to Americans of all race religion and creed, brought China to heel, orchestrated historic peace treaties in the Middle East and exploded leftist heads on a daily basis. Its been an absolute pleasure to watch.

A reality so real it only exists in the mind of trump supporters.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

A reality so real it only exists in the mind of trump supporters.

This is what pure rage has reduced the left to. Sneering at peace and prosperity.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

This is what pure rage has reduced the left to. Sneering at peace and prosperity.

Pure rage? No, just common sense and an understanding of reality.

If you see peace and prosperity you really are living in Lala land.

Its the people who say they take joy in watching “liberals heads exploding” and ‘owning the libs’ that have the rage my friend. The rest of the world see things for what they are and are very concerned.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

 Will be interesting to see how certain JT posters react as well in times AFTER trump!!

Hopefully they won't wage a 4 year-long temper tantrum and orgy of self-humiliation like so many of the usual suspects have done after Trump won.

If your hero Biden wins, (and I still don't think he will) Ill wish him well, then go back to my life undefined by him.

I could name at least a dozen JT posters whose very lives became defined by President Trump. They've lived with him in their heads for 4 long years.

Not healthy at all.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

I could name at least a dozen JT posters whose very lives became defined by President Trump. 

Everyone’s lives have been defined by trump. The majority not for the better. But not for much longer.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Hopefully they won't wage a 4 year-long temper tantrum and orgy of self-humiliation like so many of the usual suspects have done after Trump won.

Haven't seen any temper tantrums or humiliation. Have seen a lot of people buy into the cult of the man, defending his violent rhetoric, serial lying, racism, voter suppression and catastrophic "handling" of the pandemic.

He has reneged on Iran, the Paris Climate accords, he has flip flopped on every single issue and preened and pouted over perceived slights and genuine criticism.

His criminal activities could see him in legal troubles, after he leaves the WH in January. No wonder he's tweeting sickening bigotry and crazy theories. He's got nothing to lose in securing a second term.

I could name at least a dozen JT posters whose very lives became defined by President Trump. They've lived with him in their heads for 4 long years.

Good for you. That would be interesting, however, seeing as you've only been on JT since August.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

A reality so real it only exists in the mind of trump supporters.

This is what pure rage has reduced the left to. Sneering at peace and prosperity.

Except that after 4 years of Trump the US has neither.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

This is what pure rage has reduced the left to. Sneering at peace and prosperity.

There is no peace and prosperity for 220 thousand dead.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The candidates held rival town hall events instead, with Biden drawing more viewers.

This was a surprise, but I’d say Trump isn’t as entertaining as he was. Even the trash he retweets on Twitter isn’t as funny as it was. The ‘Biden for Resident’ trash wasn’t of the same quality as the old CNN memes, hitting Hillary with a golf ball and battling mini Mike/Darth Vader. His gags on stage and in debates have become a bit stale too and not a patch on knob jokes or lying about Tweeting about non-existent sex tapes. He can’t do the shock value material about throwing out all illegal immigrants as he failed to do it.

He’s actually become a bit boring and predictable.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

He has reneged on Iran, the Paris Climate accords

You make that sound like a bad thing...

Good for you. That would be interesting, however, seeing as you've only been on JT since August.

I figured things out after about a week.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

You make that sound like a bad thing...

It is a bad thing. Iran were sticking to the deal, but Trump upped the ante by threatening, intimidating and then pulling out - and agitating Iran, not to mention the assasination of Suilemani.

And overturning protections to the environment will result in calamity for all of us, and if not us, our descendants. What a legacy.

I figured things out after about a week.

Sure you did.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

There is no peace and prosperity for 220 thousand dead.

Bring it up w China and incompetent Governors like Cuomo. Trump saved thousands of lives by shutting all travel early on w China and Europe. People called him racist. Ill bet you did too.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

It is a bad thing. Iran were sticking to the deal, but Trump upped the ante by threatening, intimidating and then pulling out

He should have, we should have never made a deal with country we have no diplomatic relations with and if this treaty was so good then why didn’t Obama pass it to Congress? He didn’t, because he knew it was flawed and he knew it wouldn’t pass the Senate

and agitating Iran, not to mention the assasination of Suilemani.

Which was great!

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

I figured things out after about a week.

You figured out time travel after about a week?

McEnany said Trump would use the final debate to "talk about his great response to COVID."

He should avoid that topic like the virus that he himself failed to avoid. Even his supporters start staring off into the distance when talking about his 'great response'

6 ( +7 / -1 )

And overturning protections to the environment will result in calamity for all of us

And the reason why these rules and regulations are exactly the reason for destroying California


These crazy people are the reason people are taking their money, packing up and leaving, good for them, leave the madness.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Trump saved thousands of lives by shutting all travel early on w China 

That never happened. Thousands entered US from China throughout the ‘shutdown’, thousands.

He would have saved lives by not downplaying the virus.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Iran were sticking to the deal, but Trump upped the ante by threatening, intimidating and then pulling out - and agitating Iran, not to mention the assasination of Suilemani.

Yeah, unfortunately their part of the deal was to continue on with state-sponsored terrorism funded with pallets of cash courtesy of Barack Obama.

And overturning protections to the environment will result in calamity for all of us, and if not us, our descendants. What a legacy.

US carbon emissions have actually dropped, unlike the rest of the world. As for calamities, you'll excuse me while I look at the east coast which was supposed to be underwater today. Not a single soul w brains actually believes the climate alarmists anymore.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Trump saved thousands of lives by shutting all travel early on w China and Europe. People called him racist. Ill bet you did too.

The evidence of his racism has been posted here numerous times, it's well documented.

He killled thousands by lying about what he knew about the virus, he downplayed it, said it would be gone by April, then it would be gone when it gets hotter, he held superspreader events, he infected his followers with blatant disregard for social distancing, mask wearing and other preventitive measures.

Calling it the Chinese or Kung flu isn't going to fly.

He's finished.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Bring it up w China and incompetent Governors like Cuomo

Stop treating him like a baby. The buck stops at the top.

The blame China line is used to deflect from his failure. Some other leaders around the world dealt with Covid well and saw their stock rise as a result. Ardern in NZ absolutely thrashed the opposition based largely on her response to it.

The CCP clearly has a lot to answer for but you do see how transparent the ‘blame China’ line is, don’t you?

Look at Trump’s approval rating on Covid and how it sunk. The majority of the electorate are not buying it. Nor should they.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Which was great!

The guy who was a US ally in the fight against the Taliban, who fought alongside Kurds against ISIS?

That's why nobody should trust any US governments. They ditch (kill, go to war with) allies once it's politically expedient.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The guy who was a US ally in the fight against the Taliban, who fought alongside Kurds against ISIS?

Nah, the guy who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans and was planning another terrorist attack.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

The evidence of his racism has been posted here numerous times, it's well documented.

then give one clear example please

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

JimizoToday  11:23 am JST

"The candidates held rival town hall events instead, with Biden drawing more viewers."

This was a surprise, but I’d say Trump isn’t as entertaining as he was. 

Jokes inevitably get stale after a while.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Did you hear this song both times that Obama won?

Rather silly comment seeing how the song was never anti or negative, unlike with Trump where it’s always anti or negative. And also a no brainer running against McCain and Romney, both establishment Reps, who I would never vote for.

I voted for Obama in the 1st one. Do you always have such black-n-white perspectives?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Notice how the only ones blaming China for the virus are those whose countries entirely fouled up their Covid response leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of their citizens? The only thing they have left is to try to pretend that the leader of their nation has no responsibility for actually leading the country.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

then give one clear example please

Refusing to rent his properties to Black people. He pled guilty to that.

But it’s not like I think you’re going to drop your wilful delusion with that case in point. Anyone who is still asking for proof at this point will never admit it.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

unfortunately their part of the deal was to continue on with state-sponsored terrorism funded with pallets of cash courtesy of Barack Obama.

How do you work that out? Genuinely curious.

US carbon emissions have actually dropped

We expect US GHG emissions in 2020 will be 10%–11% lower than 2019. Restricted travel mobility has impacted the transport sector, which is responsible for the largest share of GHG nationwide, decreasing the consumption of motor gasoline by 24% in the second quarter of 2020 compared to 2019, year-over-year.


Not a single soul w brains actually believes the climate alarmists anymore.

National Geographic, NASA, David Attenborough and many more prominent experts and organizations are alarmist. Right.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Notice how the only ones blaming China for the virus are those whose countries entirely fouled up their Covid response leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of their citizens? 

Notice how the ones blaming Trump for the virus are those Dem leaders who entirely fouled up their Covid response leading to the deaths of thousands of their citizens.

Invalid CSRF

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Notice how the ones blaming Trump for the virus are those Dem leaders who entirely fouled up their Covid response leading to the deaths of thousands of their citizens.

Why do you need a President if he has no power or responsibility?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Refusing to rent his properties to Black people. He pled guilty to that.

Nope. Back in 1973! he and his father settled the case with ZERO admissions of guilt.

The case had nothing to do with racism. It was not renting to tenants who lacked the finances for upscale apartments. The only colour President Trump cares about is green.


-9 ( +0 / -9 )

and by the way, it was a Federal lawsuit that sued many companies around the country. The Trumps were just one of many.


-9 ( +0 / -9 )

And the reason why these rules and regulations are exactly the reason for destroying California


These crazy people are the reason people are taking their money, packing up and leaving, good for them, leave the madness.

Do you bother to read the stuff you provide links to?

Those ‘top ten environmental decisions’ that are according to you causing Californians to pack up and leave now all happened between the 1800s and the middle of the last century. More recent environmental rulings have tried to reverse their effects or at the least preserve what environment is left. Trump’s ‘profit at and price and st^ff the environment’ policies are threaten to further damage an already damaged environment.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

It is obvious the President is not loved by many. I get it. He is hard to like, given his personality and demeanour.

I have yet to find many who dispute his accomplishments though. Peace in the Middle East, elimination of ISIS, trade deals like USMCA, achieving energy independence, record high employment (especially for those minorities he supposedly hates), criminal justice reform, just off the top of my head. Ex-VP Biden has had more than 4 decades in Washington, access to power at the highest levels, and has nowhere near the list of accomplishments. Not to mention his health is actually and obviously declining.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

It will be interesting to see Trump in next weeks debate. Things could get pretty ugly if he starts to lose it.

I was surprised and happy that more people watched Biden last week. It gave him a bigger audience of Americans to speak to directly.

Repubs, if Biden wins it won't be so bad. He's a moderate, nothing like the far left in any way. He doesn't support the New Green Deal, defunding the police, eliminating the filibuster, etc. I doubt he will pack the courts.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Peace in the Middle East,

Not for the Palestinian people who have had their culture and freedoms eroded even further over the last 4 years.

elimination of ISIS,

ISIS have not been eliminated. It is still recruiting in places like Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Three years since Iraq declared victory over IS, sleeper cells continue to stage attacks across the country’s north. Meanwhile, the U.S.-led coalition has been carrying out a planned drawdown this year as Iraqi security forces take the lead in combat and air raids.

The Iraqi PM has said:

“In the end, we will still need cooperation and assistance at levels that today might not require direct and military support, and support on the ground,” al-Kadhimi said. He said the cooperation “will reflect the changing nature of terrorism’s threat,” including continued training and weapons support.


4 ( +4 / -0 )

Not for the Palestinian people who have had their culture and freedoms eroded even further over the last 4 years.

the fate of Palestinian people is held hostage by terrorists Hamas and Hezbollah. The good news is both they and Iran are being neutralized by ME peace.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

The evidence of his racism has been posted here numerous times, it's well documented.

Biden, calling blacks Predators, have y’all back in chains,

“if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”*

you can’t go by a 7-eleven without hearing a slight Indian accent

Obama is smart for a black man and talk well.

Eulogizing Robert Byrd, a former KKK grand Wizard

Not to mention his crime bill that disproportionately destroyed so many black lives

There is your racist who has said and written laws to hurt blacks.

He killled thousands by lying about what he knew about the virus,

He didn’t, the lockdown laws of these Democrat governors and mayors are the ones that are killing these people and that’s why they are leaving these States. Funny, how Cuomo and DeBlasio are silent about people dying in nursing homes that they recommended and said we’re safe.

Calling it the Chinese or Kung flu isn't going to fly.

It didn’t come from Turkey.

He's finished.

Liberals keep saying that just like in 2016

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

I wouldn't mind if Joe Biden (2008 version) was running and won. However, the current version, in the current political climate, is the problem. He is obviously not the man he once was. He has been influenced by the far left elements of his party and is not in control of either himself or his party.

ISIS is all but dead. There is no more Caliphate, as there was under the previous president (who referred to them as Junior Varsity). The Palestinians had numerous chances to make peace and refused. Now they are no longer a player. They irritated their Islamic brethren to the point that peace with Israel is preferable to yet more years with the kleptocracy in Gaza,

Notice you didn't dispute any of the genuine economic progress under President Trump... guess you concede those points thern.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

He has been influenced by the far left elements of his party

Influenced, yes. That’s part of being a good leader. But as someone left of center, he is almost exactly in line with myself, not the far left (whom I decry).

and is not in control of either himself or his party.

Heh, your guys sleepy joe narrative fell apart when Biden whooped trump at the debate. And your assertion that the leader of the party isn’t in control of the party is projection due to your guy being abandoned by so many of his party.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

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