Japan Today

Trump shakes up transition team, elevates Pence's role


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The campaign and the reality of having to actually do the job he was elected to are probably going to make Trump a very, very, gray-haired and fragile man over the course of the next four years, IF he continues to refuse to delegate authority to those around him.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Chris Christie, you are fired!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The entire article is discussing how Trump is delegating!

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Yeah, they should rewrite the 'sexually predatory comments' paragraph to reflect how Trump delegated the blame for that over to good old Billy Bush. Still amazed that Bush bragged about the existence of such a deplorable video to his new coworkers in Rio this summer. But of course the women of the Groping Ogre Party were still on board for Tramp.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

As expected, Trump will govern just as Bush did. Paul Ryan is calling policy shots now. All those who supported Trump in the hope that he would "drain the swamp" have been exposed as rubes. The swamp will always exist; the only question is the number of gators, and Trump is opening their pens and releasing them

7 ( +10 / -3 )

I thought the Trump kids were supposed to be running the Trump business, going forward, as it won't be in a blind trust like all previous other Presidents. How can they be assisting in government hires? Isn't this a huge conflict of interest?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

America, eh? Where even a billionaire can make president.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

As expected, Trump will govern just as Bush did. Paul Ryan is calling policy shots now. All those who supported Trump in the hope that he would "drain the swamp" have been exposed as rubes. The swamp will always exist; the only question is the number of gators, and Trump is opening their pens and releasing them

And the second half of Michael Moore's prediction starts to become reality.

I thought the Trump kids were supposed to be running the Trump business, going forward, as it won't be in a blind trust like all previous other Presidents. How can they be assisting in government hires? Isn't this a huge conflict of interest?

How else are they supposed to get richer?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

@Laguna The swamp will always exist;

The sludge drained from this swamp (and it's a reality DC is swampy in many ways and always has been) will just be used to create another one that's even deeper, darker and scarier. Control of the swamp has been taken over by one of the most voracious crocs of all time. And he's surrounding himself with lifelong swamp denizens like Gingrich.

Meet the new swamp, much worse than the old one.

Kudos to you, Laguna. You called it on Ryan running things long ago.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Sunshine is said to be the best disinfectant, and we're heading into the shadiest administration in modern American history. Fun fact! - that law passed under Obama that requires financial advisers to act in their clients' best fiduciary interest seems headed for repeal. This is because, as the gators say, it infringes on their freedom and they know what's best for you, anyway. Good times!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

@zzYuri:zChristy is waiting t be in jail now. BridgeGate scandal. Some thinks Giuliani will be Chief of Stuff and Gingrich wild be Secretary of State.

Many Bush era distinguished GOP elders will help new white house workers. No amateur.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

For Trump, who ran on a pledge to “drain the swamp” of Washington insiders, the team is strikingly heavy on those with long political resumes.

This must be the MSM talking, surely not their savior, their cult leader!? Impossible. Believe me, it`s hugely, bigly impossible.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"For Trump, who ran on a pledge to “drain the swamp” of Washington insiders, the team is strikingly heavy on those with long political resumes."

Surprise, surprise! But are we going to have the GOP on here screaming about draining it again? Nope.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

I remember Serrano with his throaty cries to drain the marsh? Surely some explanation will be in order.

That is like conservative favorite Sheriff David Clarke saying a week before the election that it is torches and picthforks time, now complaining about protestors. Hypocrites sure do turn on a dime.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

well, trump has just told us he'll keep parts of obama legislation and appears open to advice and consel from all quarters - including obama. meanwhile, the sore loser "progressives" are in rabid mode trying to find as much fault with him as they can.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

To be fair, it's hard to make wholesale changes. You need someone with experience to help you with transitions, but since you promised to lock out the insiders you are left with people who have a lot less experience. Trump's team will probably end up looking pretty familiar.

Kissinger wrote in his book On China that democracy takes about 20 years to take hold. You can overthrow the most violent government on earth but people will still want their mail to be delivered, their kids to have a school, a police force they can call. If you "throw the bums out" then basic services break down, people become demoralized, then they wonder if it was really worth it. And then slowly the bad elements slip in again because you need their help to have society function. Russia had a lot of positive change for a long time, but not enough of a sustained period where Putin couldn't swoop in and roll them back pretty quickly.

I'm more curious about what kind of relationship Trump will have with establishment Republicans. Trump has some bold plans about stimulus packages and a very expensive wall and Congressional Republicans will push back over the cost of it all. If they don't cooperate with each other then the GOP agenda stalls, if he does cooperate with them then his blue collar base will think he's just like every other Washington politician. He's going to have to walk a fine line.

On the other hand, Kasich came out and said when Trump's team called to talk about being the VP on the ticket, they offered him full control over all domestic and foreign policy, essentially making him the President behind the scenes. Pence most likely had the same offer so it's not surprising to see him leading the transition team now. Trump will probably be a figurehead while the establishment VP and establishment Congress work together.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Asked if he regretted his incendiary rhetoric on the campaign trail, Trump replied;

“No. I won,” Trump told the newspaper.

Straight from the Harry Reid school of politics. Priceless!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Just wait until Trump chooses his cabinet of far right wingers, all of them with super egos(Gingrich, Giuliani, etc.) Hopefully, the predicable infighting will amount to nothing and save us from these imbeciles.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Let's see, the deplorables HATE Hillary because she is a Washington insider.

Now Trump has loaded his administration with Washington insiders.

How long will it take them before they admit they were mistaken?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

outride: "well, trump has just told us he'll keep parts of obama legislation and appears open to advice and consel from all quarters - including obama. meanwhile, the sore loser "progressives" are in rabid mode trying to find as much fault with him as they can."

On the contrary -- Trump is no sudden and benevolent statesman, and people like yourself, bass4funk, and others spend the days after the election saying you "Hope people would feel horrible" and people who were upset "deserved it" and other stuff that really showed a lot of pettiness, but there was HIlary, Bernie, and the Dems saying they were willing to work with Trump (where you guys said you would approve of assassination if Hilary won). More than Trump, if anyone is finding fault with people it's the Trump supporters. I mean, who many times did you guys cut and paste "DRAIN THE SWAMP" only to have Trump filling it up against his campaign promises? THere is nothing wrong with asking about the hypocrisy because that is what it is. I haven't heard ONE of you say Drain the swamp since he started picking his choices. Why not?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

If I were fighting a culture war, Pence would be my choice for generalship. Christie is a Goerring. Pence is much more of a Goebbels kind of guy.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

He also said that he wants “a country that loves each other” but said he did not regret his incendiary rhetoric during the campaign.

“No. I won,” Trump told the newspaper.


Psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot. The psychopath can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, he lacks conscience and empathy, making him manipulative, volatile and often (but by no means always) criminal. He is an object of popular fascination and clinical anguish: adult psychopathy is largely impervious to treatment, though programs are in place to treat callous, unemotional youth in hopes of preventing them from maturing into psychopaths.

Or there's New York Military Academy.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/psychopathy https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decades-later-disagreement-over-young-trumps-military-academy-post/2016/01/09/907a67b2-b3e0-11e5-a842-0feb51d1d124_story.html

5 ( +6 / -1 )

This sounds more like taking a dump in the swamp rather than draining it.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Smith, wtf are you talking about? - " you guys said you would approve of assassination if hillary won." I NEVER said or inferred that. Some interesting articles in the NYTimes analyzing hillarys loss and putting much of the blame on the smug and superior way that libs and dems labelled anyone with concerns and doubts abt hillary as "racists" "bigots" "homophobic". etc. Sound familiar? It alienated huge numbers of people who are none of those things. W e saw it on this site and we continue to see it now. "You guys", if I can borrow your term, have learned absolutely nothing from the election result.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Trump said that he would be open to keeping Obamacare with adjustments.


4 ( +4 / -0 )

so Trumps basically surrounded himself with people he can trust and control, doesnt seem like there`s as many as hed hoped for.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trump said that he would be open to keeping Obamacare with adjustments.

Glad to hear that, but even hinting at keeping Obamacare is going to cause have his supporters up in arms.

It would be ironic if he turned out to be way more the president the left was looking for than the right was!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The entire article is discussing how Trump is delegating!

Actually no it isnt, it's about him needing to be educated on how to delegate authority and learn to trust other people to make decisions that he is not involved in himself.

Those around him say he’ll likely have to make adjustments in his leadership style, including more delegating..... Trump has chafed at that a bit, signaling willingness to relinquish some but not all personal control.

Trump is an old dog that needs to learn new tricks and right quick too!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

the sore loser "progressives" are in rabid mode trying to find as much fault with him as they can. faults of which there are many, if you cant see them or refuse to see them, then Im sorry you never will. Trump clearly said hed throw out Obamacare, now hes changed his mind and said it can stay with adjustments!? Seems like a typical broken promise to me. Lets wait and see if he can get that wall built , and if hell force Mexico to pay for it. If he does manage to do both , im guessing Mexico will make America pay for fighting the drug cartels by themselves.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Three of Trump's kids on the transition executive committee? Here we go......

3 ( +3 / -0 )

And the second half of Michael Moore's prediction starts to become reality.

Michael who?

How else are they supposed to get richer?

They could take pointers from Hillary, but.....I wouldn't advise it.

"For Trump, who ran on a pledge to “drain the swamp” of Washington insiders, the team is strikingly heavy on those with long political resumes."

He hasn't been sworn in yet. Look, I know you libs are hanging on a perch waiting like vultures for Trump's carcass to rot, but it won't.

Surprise, surprise! But are we going to have the GOP on here screaming about draining it again? Nope.

How does that crow taste, Smith?

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Michael who?

The Michael Moore you referenced on Nov 10th - 02:05AM JST:

I never liked Michael Moore, but he was so right this time around.

Looking more and Moore like the second half of his prediction may be coming true.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

In addition, three of Trump’s adult children — Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka — are on the transition executive committee, along >>with Jared Kushner, Ivanka’s husband.

And this is just the beginning, nepotism and plutocracy...one step more in the "Banana Republica" direction rather than being "Great Again", anyway we'll see...btw, when will the Great Mexican Wall of Shame construction start ? Shall we able to spot it also from space ?

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Ahhh, that guy. Is he still relevant?? LOL

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

America, eh? Where even a billionaire can make president.

Yeah, a billionaire can finance his/her own campaign and does not need to be financed (i.e., bribed) or supported by the enemies of the people (i.e., banks, Saudi Arabia, media...).

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Outrider: "Smith, wtf are you talking about?"

Supporters did, and others merely supported the idea of putting one's political opponents (Hillary) in jail if one won. But many literally said there would be "bloodshed" to "get their country back". So, again, contrast that with the immediate response by Democrats, who never said they would do any such thing, saying instead they would work together with Trump and the GOP. And here YOU are, in the very same breath as you gloat, suggesting Trump is wise and generous, 'unlike the Democrats who are just crying and angry', etc.

'. "You guys", if I can borrow your term...'

He says after: "meanwhile, the sore loser "progressives" are in rabid mode trying to find as much fault with him as they can."

But again, I ask you, while you guys were crying out "DRAIN THE SWAMP" in reference to Hillary and the Dems, where are your cries for the same with Trump? Why is it suddenly okay? Don't deflect, but, answer the question. When you guys complained and said, "I'm tired of the Clintons" (Again, DRAIN THE SWAMP) you have ZERO comment on Trump trying to turn the White House literally into a family business. Why aren't you up in arms that Trump is no longer going to repeal Obamacare? But don't worry too much, bud, they are actually not questions but rhetorical statements; you guys know full well of the hypocrisy you're engaged in, and you know you couldn't answer even if they were questions. So, go ahead and deflect again, my friend.

Pot meet Kettle, except for you it's pot meet pot in the mirror.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Ahhh, that guy. Is he still relevant?? LOL

Considering his predictions keep coming true, yep.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


the sore loser "progressives" are in rabid mode trying to find as much fault with him as they can

In what alternative reality? Obama, Sanders, Warren et al are in "rabid mode"? Far from it; they're trying to ensure a smooth transition and a successful US. For rabid mode, look at Trump in 2012 after Romney's defeat: "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty."

4 ( +5 / -1 )

You know, I think it was the second debate where Trump said he WOULD keep ACA, but with changes.

I am not going to go even one inch to saying Trump is a decent human being, or that you can trust what he says, but it is "possible" that Trump will move strongly moderate for the next... well... as long as two or three years. The right is going to be upset about that, but since when has Trump cared about what they think? He told them what they wanted to hear. He got elected. Let's not pretend he is locked into ANYTHING. Loose cannons are dangerous for a reason, people.

Be that as it may, if he is going to get support from Dems, he is going to have to back off on draconian craziness, at least at first. And trying to do too much too soon is the path to lame duckitude. Once he gets the lay of the land, he can do some sniping and lining his pockets and setting things up for his cronies and kids.

Now let's put a positive spin on it. He is 70 years old and beholden to nobody. He will make his mark on history for the good of the nation, uniting them and pointing to a brighter future.

And then he will line his pockets and set up his cronies and kids. That is how good demagogues do it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"In what alternative reality? Obama, Sanders, Warren et al are in "rabid mode"? Far from it; they're trying to ensure a smooth transition and a successful US. For rabid mode, look at Trump in 2012 after Romney's defeat: "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty."

Yep. I think that can be filed under Trump the inflammatory, trash-talking lout candidate.

He's going to be presidential from now on.....

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Considering his predictions keep coming true, yep.

Uh-huh..Moore is just depressed because No one watches his movies. Ok, most Americans don't, maybe you guys in Europe do.

He's going to be presidential from now on.....

And thank God for that!

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Moore is just depressed because No one watches his movies

Sure they do: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/people/chart/?view=Director&id=michaelmoore.htm&sort=rank&order=ASC&p=.htm

maybe you guys in Europe do.

I have no idea if Europeans watch his movies, but I don't see how his movies would be particularly relevant to Europeans. I'm pretty sure most of his ticket sales are from Americans.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Pence, the man who thinks he was put on this Earth to tell women what they can't and can't do with their wombs. To think he is in charge of anything is horrifying.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I have no idea if Europeans watch his movies, but I don't see how his movies would be particularly relevant to Europeans. I'm pretty sure most of his ticket sales are from Americans.

To globalists and anarchist, Oh, I definitely believe that.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

I tend to think that hyper religiosity (similar to Pence's) does affect one's analytical capabilities, reasoning and ultimately judgment that's why am sceptical about Pence.

Really think Ivanka will be an asset though. Hope dad realises she could well be his government's trump card. Plus many ppl on both sides love her so she is a massive PR + (am already an Ivanka bandwagon fan).

1 ( +1 / -0 )

In addition, three of Trump’s adult children — Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka — are on the transition executive committee, along with Jared Kushner, Ivanka’s husband. Kushner played a significant role in Trump’s campaign and was spotted at the White House Thursday meeting with President Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough.

Employing family members in public service is the real conflict of interest. Those Trump offsprings have never served in public office. They are inexperienced and unqualified for transition team.

USA has gone backward to medieval era. Conqueror of empire has started venegaful action.

Christie head will be chopped first in medieval era. In mordern days, he will lose his job and framed for crime he did not commit.Those women who ruined Emperor repuation will be servely punished with multi millions law suit without losing heads.Even Cliton will follow the cruel fate with indictment for keeping election promises

GOP contol legislative, executive and judisary branches. President, Congress, Senate, Attenoy General and Supreme Court have no opposition for balancing extreme measures. People Repubic of America has been florished with autocratic rule.

Trump should give up his job for Pence if he is not capable to perform his duties. If Pence is doing his duties and Trump is enjoying President salary and benefits, American people have been cheated like Bond university students.

Trump is self employed and has never worked for someone. He may be very slow learner.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yeah, a billionaire can finance his/her own campaign and does not need to be financed (i.e., bribed) or supported by the enemies of the people (i.e., banks, Saudi Arabia, media...). yeah and do you think they wont be wanting to get a profit on their investment, Trump wont be satisfied with just the Presidency, hes a businessman its all about making money, Hell be scheming as we speak on ways he can get his money back and more. Make no mistake Trump wont settle for just being POTUS unless there profit to be made.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Yeah, a billionaire can finance his/her own campaign and does not need to be financed (i.e., bribed) or supported by the enemies of the people (i.e., banks, Saudi Arabia, media...).

Nice justification, RawBeer. Let's just miss out the sordid representatives of the rich to represent us all and just get the rich themselves to represent us. Even better, let's doff our caps to hereditary millionaires. What could go wrong. I mean they will be fair and impartial, right?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Did I read somewhere that he is ACTUALLY putting Carson in the position of Education Minister?? hahaha... Oil Tycoon for minister of the interior, Pence for Domestic and International affairs... his cabinet reads like a list of the WORST possible choices you could ever choose for anything. I suppose Carson is going to demand there be velvet pictures of him and Jesus in the classrooms?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Maybe he'll replace himself as president! He likes firing and replacing people.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Don´t want to get into US political punditry, but I see too many neocon dinosaurs in that lineup. I hope Trump just does not get entangled in the stupidity of the political elite of both parties and simply sticks to sensible main points of his campaign: protect the border, put a lid on out-of-control globalism stop stupid meddling in the Middle East, and make peace with Russia. So far, he says the right things.

The cynic in me say that by the time he gets into office, the Deep State will have gotten to him..

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Did I read somewhere that he is ACTUALLY putting Carson in the position of Education Minister?? hahaha... Oil Tycoon for minister of the interior, Pence for Domestic and International affairs...

So who should he appoint? Who would you recommend?

his cabinet reads like a list of the WORST possible choices you could ever choose for anything. I suppose Carson is going to demand there be velvet pictures of him and Jesus in the classrooms?

Can't be worse than Hillary's, I meant, Obama's.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )


" "For Trump, who ran on a pledge to 'drain the swamp' of Washington insiders, the team is strikingly heavy on those with long political resumes." --- This must be the MSM talking, surely not their savior, their cult leader!? Impossible. Believe me, it`s hugely, bigly impossible. "

Well yes, this is the MSM, but the writer actually has a point here. I do hope this is not a bad omen. After 16 years of neocon and neolib warmongering, the world does not need more of that.


" Can't be worse than Hillary's "

Absolutely true. Nobody seems to have noticed that this woman actually de facto announced nuclear war with her idiotic "no fly zones", even in the presidential debate?? At least we all get to live another day.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"Did I read somewhere that he is ACTUALLY putting Carson in the position of Education Minister?? hahaha..."

Not a laughing matter. It's a disgrace that a religious lunatic who believes the world is 6,000 years old and the pyramids were grain storage facilities should even be mentioned in the same breath as education.

The stupid party should not try to make others stupid.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

bass4funk: "Can't be worse than Hillary's, I meant, Obama's."

Sorry, bass, but you can't blame HIllary for anything anymore, and even though I KNOW when Trump's endeavors all end up failures you'll pull out the time machine and blame Obama, then Bill Clinton, but you can't do that either. What happens now is completely on you guys: you've got the presidency, the house, and the senate. The rest of us can sit back and watch the circus commence, and just hope it doesn't have too much collateral damage outside your borders.

Who do I suggest? Pretty much anyone else besides his choices. Ben Carson is a HORRIBLE choice for Education Minister; a job that should require objectivity, not lunacy and delusions. The guy talks like he's permanently on drugs and the stuff that comes out of his mouth about God is nothing short of insanity. He's going to set education back decades. And an oil tycoon for interior? You can bet personal gain is on the forefront of his mind -- definitely not the environment. He'll roll back any trends towards more environmentally friendly fuel sources, wildlife preservation, and more. Wall Street Goldman Sachs idiots as well? I guess we can wait for another housing collapse, but at least the bailouts will be more direct.

And then there's the tool Giuliani, who should be in an old folks home, Gingerich, who should be likewise, and Trump's even floating the idea of bringing back the Dolt. What happened to "Drain the swamp"? Why are you guys avoding that question? And all the talk of family dynasties with the Clintons and what not, and suddenly Trump is putting his family in the WH -- why no complaints about that?

More proof that all the hypocritical complaints about Hillary were just that -- hypocrisy.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


" Sorry, bass, but you can't blame HIllary for anything anymore, "

Oh yes we can!

The Clinton supporters seem to have missed that Clinton also threatened "military action" against Russia, for alledgly hacking illegal e-mail server. She did. Watch the debate again.

Apart from the who odious mountain of other Clinton crimes, that alone should have disqualified her right there. I was flabbergasted that that outrage just seem to be washed over.

The ability of partisan zealots to be blind is amazing.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Sorry, bass, but you can't blame HIllary for anything anymore, and even though I KNOW when Trump's endeavors all end up failures you'll pull out the time machine and blame Obama, then Bill Clinton, but you can't do that either. What happens now is completely on you guys: you've got the presidency, the house, and the senate. The rest of us can sit back and watch the circus commence, and just hope it doesn't have too much collateral damage outside your borders.

First of all, Hillary has herself to blame for losing and Obama has to blame himself for getting his legacy destroyed, let's just get that out of the way. Second, Trump isn't even sworn in and the left is losing their minds already? Maybe that's another reason why the Democratic Party is a train wreck.

Who do I suggest? Pretty much anyone else besides his choices. Ben Carson is a HORRIBLE choice for Education Minister; a job that should require objectivity, not lunacy and delusions.


The guy talks like he's permanently on drugs and the stuff that comes out of his mouth about God is nothing short of insanity. He's going to set education back decades. And an oil tycoon for interior? You can bet personal gain is on the forefront of his mind -- definitely not the environment. He'll roll back any trends towards more environmentally friendly fuel sources, wildlife preservation, and more. Wall Street Goldman Sachs idiots as well? I guess we can wait for another housing collapse, but at least the bailouts will be more direct.

So you're saying Carson is an idiot because he wants to bring decorum, respect and uplift our educational system?

And then there's the tool Giuliani, who should be in an old folks home

Hillary is old, what's the difference?

, Gingrich, who should be likewise, and Trump's even floating the idea of bringing back the Dolt. What happened to "Drain the swamp"? Why are you guys avoding that question? And all the talk of family dynasties with the Clintons and what not, and suddenly Trump is putting his family in the WH -- why no complaints about that?

Yes, drain the swamp. Trump is an outsider, he needs someone with experience to help him grow or are you suggesting he should get someone with less experience? Maybe he should get Harry Reid and give him a position in his new cabinet? Once he has everything in place, he can then proceed to clean out Washington.

More proof that all the hypocritical complaints about Hillary were just that -- hypocrisy.

Smith, you didn't say anything, but sounding like every other liberal that didn't get their way during this election. Please, chill and relax, you guys are in the backseat, maybe Dems and libs and finally learn something, like how to govern or listen to the people for a change.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

"Who do I suggest? Pretty much anyone else besides his choices. Ben Carson is a HORRIBLE choice for Education Minister; a job that should require objectivity, not lunacy and delusions."


The education of children is extremely important in case you weren't aware of this. A delusional religious crackpot isn't a person who should be involved in this.

Didn't you want this delusional religious crackpot who thought Obama would declare martial law before November 8 for president?

3 ( +3 / -0 )


" Didn't you want this delusional religious crackpot who thought Obama would declare martial law before November 8 for president? "

You are not clear here. Who who thought Obama would declare martial law before November 8, and do you have a source for that claim?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Not a laughing matter.

It kind of is, Jimizo. As Trump is going to screw things up regardless, we might as well enjoy the view as he jumps the shark repeatedly.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


" As Trump is going to screw things up regardless "

So what precisely is he going to screw up? Nah, not really expecting an answer, we never get any from the the partisan zealots.

But lets see if there is not some common ground. The following celebrities have promised to leave the USA if Trump wins:

John Stewart, Lena Dunham, Al Sharpton, Amber Rose, Cher, Barbra Streisand, Miley Cyrus, Amy Schumer. (probably more...)

I think that would be a great improvement for the country they are leaving, and the problem of the country where they want to go.

What say you?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

So what precisely is he going to screw up?

WiiliB, a question offering a more concise would be, what is he not going to screw up? The man appears clueless. For example, he just stated that he approves of some statutes of the ACA - in particular, the ability of people with pre-existing conditions to gain coverage - but he seems to dim to understand that without the mandate (the most unpopular part of the law), there is zero chance that insurance companies will be able to cover these people. It will not happen. Everyone agrees with this. Yet he continues to prattle on with this nonsense.

Care to discuss the addition to the Navy fleet which the Navy has made quite clear it neither needs nor wants and cannot at any rate afford?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Michael who ?

I have mixed feelings about Michael Moore, but he did predict that Trump would win the election (and against his own hope too).

1 ( +1 / -0 )


" WiiliB, a question offering a more concise would be, what is he not going to screw up? The man appears clueless. For example, he just stated that he approves of some statutes of the ACA - in particular, the ability of people with pre-existing conditions to gain coverage "

So you think he is going screw up Obamacare? I disagree, but we shall see. Anyway, that is a far cry from "everything". Tone down on the polemic, a bit?

(By the way, the Dutch healthcare system, which is sort of an Obamacare version that works, does allow unlimited competition (which Obamacare does not), and has a simple pool rule to deal with pre-existing conditions. This looks like simply a technical problem, one that a businessman is more likely to solve than a community organizer or corrupt politician).

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

My feeling is that Trump will delegate much of the work to Pence and maybe Trump will stand down before the end of his four year term. If that happens the USA will end up being run by religious fanatics like Pence. Expect to see creationism back in the classroom, a ban on sex education and more crusades against countries like Iran.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

To all those "celebrities" who said they would move to Canada if Trump won: good luck. Canada has rather strict immigration policies, more than the US actually. You are welcome to apply and wait. And wait. And wait.

But why did they all want to come to Canada? What's wrong with moving to Mexico? They all just LOVE the millions of Mexicans who illegally enter the US, so why don't the Hollywood elites move there? Maybe Mexico isn'T good enough for them...... smacks of racism to me.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think that would be a great improvement for the country they are leaving, and the problem of the country where they want to go.

I think that they'd be good in the country they ended up in as well.

But since that is Canada, it's unlikely to happen. Canada is not easy to emigrate to.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think that would be a great improvement for the country they are leaving, and the problem of the country where they want to go.

I think that they'd be good in the country they ended up in as well.

But since that is Canada, it's unlikely to happen. Canada is not easy to emigrate to.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

bass4funkNOV. 12, 2016 - 04:16PM JST

Please, chill and relax, you guys are in the backseat, maybe Dems and libs and finally learn something, like how to govern or listen to the people for a change.

Right, seeing what not to do can sometimes be very informative.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


" But since that is Canada, it's unlikely to happen. Canada is not easy to emigrate to. "

Gee, I wonder why that is? Are you saying Canada is protecting its borders? But isn't that a horrible, racist thing to do? Funny thing I have not seen you protesting against Canadas terrible polcy...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

isn't that a horrible, racist thing to do?


Funny thing I have not seen you protesting against Canadas terrible polcy...

Because I haven't.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


The Clinton supporters seem to have missed that Clinton also threatened "military action" against Russia, for alledgly hacking illegal e-mail server. She did. Watch the debate again.

I'm not a Clinton supporter, nor an American. But that it is complete rubbish. If it's true, quote it verbatim. If you don't, we know it's not true.

The ability of partisan zealots to be blind is amazing

Indeed. Your posts provide an excellent example of that.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Gee, I wonder why that is? Are you saying Canada is protecting its borders? But isn't that a horrible, racist thing to do? Funny thing I have not seen you protesting against Canadas terrible polcy...

I could care less about Canada.

Right, seeing what not to do can sometimes be very informative.

Pretty much.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

President Mr.Trump is on a dangerous path for himself it seems. sorry. Americans need to know for what job they elect representatives.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

(By the way, the Dutch healthcare system, which is sort of an Obamacare version that works, does allow unlimited competition (which Obamacare does not), and has a simple pool rule to deal with pre-existing conditions. This looks like simply a technical problem, one that a businessman is more likely to solve than a community organizer or corrupt politician).

Two points, WilliB. First, I'm not sure what you mean when you suggest that the ACA does not allow "unlimited competition" - it relies on private insurance companies, and any company meeting insurance content criteria is able to compete. The criteria are important as a minimum standard must be set for insurance or it's not really insurance at all.

Second, the ACA is a vastly complicated law, and kinks were to be expected. The Dems had hoped for seven years that their GOP counterparts would cooperate to mitigate these flaws, but the problem was opening the law would have exposed it to the certainty that the GOP would eviscerate it (they had promised to do so in "root and branch" terms), so it has had to continue as is. To suggest that the flaws of the ACA exist due to the Obama administration and not due to GOP obstructionism is either very misinformed or very disingenuous. Likely the latter, I suspect, and more and more is to come, I fear, as the logical flaws in GOP policy and the incompetence of the Trump administration become apparent.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

For Trump, who ran on a pledge to “drain the swamp” of Washington insiders, the team is strikingly heavy on those with long political resumes.

Getting rid of politicians in Washington ? He is obviously talking about lobbyists who have built fortunes selling access. Gingrich and Sessions are the only real party establishment figures on that list and Gingrich is more like a volunteer to the campaign, not even a paid adviser.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


The education of children is extremely important in case you weren't aware of this. A delusional religious crackpot isn't a person who should be involved in this.

Yeah, the libs have done a great job. I'm watching them light up the cities, our youth of tomorrow. Didn't you want this delusional religious crackpot who thought Obama would declare martial law before November 8 for president?

Dude, give it up, the election is over, you guys are in the backseat now ROFL

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Pence will be a much better VP than Biden.

No, Trump Is Not Backpeddaling on the Affordable Care Act


WIKILEAKS 1-36 BREAKING NEWS: Lady Gaga and Hillary Clinton Blame Electoral College for Trump's Win


WIKILEAKS 1-36: Oprah Winfrey Blamed By Democrats For Expressing Hope About Trump Presidency


-7 ( +0 / -7 )

No, Trump Is Not Backpeddaling on the Affordable Care Act

So now Trump Conservatives say that ObamaCare is a good thing? Next they might say that Obama was a good president.

Pence will be a much better VP than Biden.

But Pence thinks the earth was created 2,300 years ago. Someone with that sense I can't believe they will be a good VP.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

It's sickening to think that people like Giuliani and Gingrich will have some large role in the upcoming government. Between them and Trump, they must have cheated on up to ten wives and had numerous affairs and what-not. The next time the Republican party preaches about family values, people should throw it back in their faces. Not do as I do, but do as I say.


Yes, it truly is frightening that u̶n̶c̶l̶e̶ ̶T̶ Ben Carson could be education minister. I really fear for education in USA. It's the world leader in science, but when kids are taught crap like the earth is 6,000 years old, and dinosaurs roamed the earth with man (funny how dinosaurs never figured in the bible), the country is going to go backwards. I've been to big scientific conferences in USA and it's amazing how many times I've seen religious nuts shouting out this crap outside the conferences. These people would still be living in mud huts without real scientific knowledge.

What's even more unbelievable is that you get people like Michelle Bachmann going on TV saying their prayers were answered and Trump was sent by God (funny how their prayers weren't answered in 2008). Talking of Bachmann, I also fear for the LGBT community. They're going to be vilified and treated like second-class citizens (well done to LGBT members who voted for Trump). Bachmann should first worry about her own husband's sexual tendencies.

ONE THING Trump was right about - the system and voting IS RIGGED! Clinton got voted by more people in the country than any other candidate, but because the electoral college favours the outbacks in central America, she still lost the presidency. But no, suddenly, there's no talk of the system being rigged, hey?

When Trump was elected, Obama acted the diplomatic guy he was and said he was going to work to make there's a smooth transition. But when he first came to office, people refused to work with him and have blocked him left, right and centre the past 8 years. And thus the Tea Party came along. Pure HYPOCRISY.

Actually this is karma for Trump. He never wanted to be president. And it's come back to bite him. He can't live in his own home now. Michael Moore got it all correct.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

"So now Trump Conservatives say that ObamaCare is a good thing? "

No, they are going to repeal it except for those two provisions which were also part of the previous Republican health care plan.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

except for those two provisions which were also part of the previous Republican health care plan.

What are those?

And can you trust a guy to be VP who believes the earth was created 2,300 years ago?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Smithinjapan wrote: "On the contrary -- Trump is no sudden and benevolent statesman, and people like yourself, bass4funk, and others spend the days after the election saying you "Hope people would feel horrible" and people who were upset "deserved it" and other stuff that really showed a lot of pettiness, but there was HIlary, Bernie, and the Dems saying they were willing to work with Trump (where you guys said you would approve of assassination if Hilary won). ........................................................................................................... "WHERE YOU GUYS SAID YOU WOULD APPROVE OF ASSASSINATION IF HILARY WON." Damn! This is dynamite, Smith. Can you give me some quotes with the names of these "guys"?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

No, they are going to repeal it except for those two provisions which were also part of the previous Republican health care plan. Serrano, that will not work. The individual mandate is the keystone - remove it, and the whole edifice comes down. Even Romney's Massachusettes' plan included the mandate (Google it - it's true).

Certain facts exist independently of what humans' may wish. You can ask for a plane with no wings, but if there is no device to provide lift, it will not get off the ground. Trump and his team are running smack into reality - or, more truthfully, they're confronting the reallity that they'll have to explain to their supporters that most everything they'd promised is unachievable. No problem; I'm sure their supporters will be fine with returning to GWB reduex.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"What are those?"

The two they're going to keep. Check it out.

"And can you trust a guy to be VP who believes the earth was created 2,300 years ago?"

Gosh, some people just aren't very tolerant of other people's religious beliefs.

I trust Pence way more than that Tim Kaine imbecile.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

By the time Trump realizes how the political system works, he'll wish Hillary had won the election!!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

By the time Trump realizes how the political system works, he'll wish Hillary had won the election!!

LMAO! I seriously doubt it.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


" I'm not a Clinton supporter, nor an American. But that it is complete rubbish. If it's true, quote it verbatim. If you don't, we know it's not true. " (about Clinton threatening war with Russia)

Go to Youtube and watch the 2nd debate. When pressed on her e-mail scandal, she said exactly that.


" No " (when asked if you find it terrible that Canada controls its borders).

So, you agree with Trump then, that border controls are necessary? In that case, great! Why did you not say that earlier?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"And can you trust a guy to be VP who believes the earth was created 2,300 years ago?" Gosh, some people just aren't very tolerant of other people's religious beliefs.

Serrano, that has got to be the most idiotic statement I've ever read on JT. Examples of how dangerous this way of thinking is are not even necessary. Religion should be respected, but (at least under American tradition to date), empirical-based thinking is the basis of government. Or would you like to change that?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The two they're going to keep. Check it out.

No, he said he is going to get rid of ObamaCare completely. He wants nothing to do with what Obama did. He wants to change is completely.

Gosh, some people just aren't very tolerant of other people's religious beliefs.

I am not tolerant of people who think the earth was created 2,300 years ago. Also, Pence believes in zombies. It's the truth. He really believes in zombies. You want a VP who believes in zombies?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

correct me if im wrong, but dont many of the worlds dictators surround themselves with close friends and relatives into key positions!?

2 ( +3 / -1 )


When pressed on her e-mail scandal, she said exactly that

So quote it verbatim here for all to see. You didn't, because you can't, because she did not threaten war.


Gosh, some people just aren't very tolerant of other people's religious beliefs

Indeed. Trump's vote-winning position of religious intolerance is clear evidence of that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

No, he said he is going to get rid of ObamaCare completely. He wants nothing to do with what Obama did. He wants to change is completely.

Thank God for that.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

No, they are going to repeal it except for those two provisions

No, they are going to get rid of it completely. The following post confirms it:

Thank God for that.

(responding to my comment of he said he is going to get rid of ObamaCare completely)

See? Trump wants to keep ZERO percent of Obamacare and replace it completely.

It proves that I am right that Trump wants to get rid of ObamaCare completely. He doesn't want to keep any of it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

No, he said he is going to get rid of ObamaCare completely. LOL yeah hell change it for Trumpcare, Trumpcare Doctor: sorry sir youve got cancer, heres an asprin, go home and sleep it off, thatll be $56,000, thanks

2 ( +3 / -1 )

For an "anti-establishment" guy like Trump, he sure is choosing established politicians in his cabinet. I just love the fact that America elected a known con-man as president.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Here is a secret to dealing with medical emergencies in the USA if you are visiting. Just don't pay for them. The hospitals will treat you until you are stable then come back to Japan for the rest of the care you need. But whatever you do don't pay for any medical emergency bills if you are visiting the USA. It's such a stupid billing system that it's not worth dealing with. What's funny is the Obama haters here trash ObamaCare but they love the universal medical care they get in Japan.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It proves that I am right that Trump wants to get rid of ObamaCare completely. He doesn't want to keep any of it.

Hope not.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Hope not.

What does this mean? You hope he doesn't trash it completely? It should be like Japan's universal system. Good for those old joints going bad. You can always rely on Japan's universal system for that.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"And can you trust a guy to be VP who believes the earth was created 2,300 years ago?" Gosh, some people just aren't very tolerant of other people's religious beliefs."

I just had visions of someone recommending an exorcism as treatment for epilepsy.

Make America stupid again.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I hope he trashes it completely

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Should he replace it with something like Japan has?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I just want universal healthcare. It can be Obamacare or Trumpcare or whatever you want. Something where you cannot be denied or dropped from coverage because you aren't profitable.

Some of the GOP are starting to realize that their first action might be to strip healthcare away from millions of Americans without giving them an alternative. The images will be congressional Republicans cheering juxtaposed with images of sick people losing their coverage. It's going to come across as cruel.

Let's see if our Republican leaders can come up with a credible alternative. They will be called on the lead and we will get a chance to see how they do.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I hope he trashes it completely

If he keeps it then it shows Obama is a great president and he was right all along. Racists just hated him because he was a black president and they wanted to believe he was born in Kenya like all of the Trump followers.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Trump has Trump Htel in Vegas. it is Casino hotel. He and his children do notbwatch business. Eyes in sky watches everywhere. They can help Trump.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Should he replace it with something like Japan has?

Preferably not.

Some of the GOP are starting to realize that their first action might be to strip healthcare away from millions of Americans without giving them an alternative. The images will be congressional Republicans cheering juxtaposed with images of sick people losing their coverage. It's going to come across as cruel.

They're not on suicide watch. They know full well of the ramifications if they did that. You have to dismantle in in incremental steps at the same time, come up with a alternative system.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Trump now invites any talented and experienced Republicans. Babe even invited Romney.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

they're not on suicide watch...you have to dismantle in incremental steps and at the same time come up with an alternative system

Donald Trumps declaration for his FIRST DAY in office.

Ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

So between now and his first day he's going to come up with an alternative to the ACA and how it's going to be rolled out? Haven't the GOP literally had years and years to come up with an alternative and offered nothing at all other than 'trash Obamacare!'?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Something where you cannot be denied or dropped from coverage because you aren't profitable.

______________________________________________ Republicans have had policy wonks working on this for five years. Pre-existing conditions are not a surprise to them. Donald Trump has already said he will handle this with High Risk Pools as in the past.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Preferably not.

Why not? Is Japan's medical system very bad?

come up with a alternative system.

And what is that, exactly?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Medicare ..... everything was free for anyone over 67 years old.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


No good. Those are bad Republican plans. Thousands in deductibles and only 50-100 thousand limit. Cancers and extreme trauma can cost in the multiple 100s of thousands- even up to a million. As I mentioned above if you go to the States and find yourself in an extreme medical emergency just don't pay (beyond what your travel insurance pays) and come back home. It's not worth dealing with the US's stupid medical payment system. And welcome back to Japan's universal (and unlimited if you need that much in a rare case) healthcare system.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yeah, a billionaire can finance his/her own campaign and does not need to be financed (i.e., bribed) or supported by the enemies of the people (i.e., banks, Saudi Arabia, media...). yeah and do you think they wont be wanting to get a profit on their investment, Trump wont be satisfied with just the Presidency, hes a businessman its all about making money,

Perhaps, but then again, if America becomes great again, his businesses will automatically do better. While Hillary was shown to have used her position to directly and massively enrich herself (selling state secrets, contracts,...).

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And what is that, exactly?

Ask Trump?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ask Trump?

Yes, he will preserve it. He said so on 60 Minutes.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

No good. Those are bad Republican plans.

To make it affordable, premiums would have to be subsidized.to some extent and costs contained across the board simultaneously. The problem in the past was that Insurance companies can determine what is and is not high risk and force them into the pool where the rates offered were obviously very expensive.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yes, he will preserve it. He said so on 60 Minutes

Not all of it, but some. Hey, aren't you happy he's president now or should I say, soon to be...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Not all of it, but some.

But that's bad since Trump voters wanted it 100% repealed. They hate Obama because they think he was born in Kenya and they 100% hate ObamaCare.

It doesn't matter so much to Americans just going back home to visit. Just refuse to pay for the exorbitant bill beyond any insurance you may have.

Hey, aren't you happy he's president now or should I say, soon to be...

When is he going to start building the wall? Because I want to buy stock in Werner Ladder Company. So, yes, I want him to build the wall so I can make money off ladder company dividends. People have always used ladders (and ropes) to get over walls.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

When is he going to start building the wall? Because I want to buy stock in Werner Ladder Company.

Be careful of the electrical grid above and and the underground sensors

So, yes, I want him to build the wall so I can make money off ladder company dividends. People have always used ladders (and ropes) to get over walls.

When Democrats were in charge that was easy, with the beefed up border, unless you are Invisible man or you can withstand being shocked, hit with a taser gun or hauled off to ICE, Let them try,

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Bill Murphy, right on. Now Im waiting for Smith to furnish us with thise details.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Be careful of the electrical grid above and and the underground sensors

Fiberglass ladders protect against electrocution. And sensors? Once the sense and the border patrol come they are gone. Mexicans are quick. Really quick. Then there are boats that can go around the wall.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Just curious... How would you rank America's health care system in the world compared to all other countries?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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