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© 2017 AFPTrump slams harassment accusers, attacks senator in crude tweet
By Jerome Cartillier WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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If agent orange says it didn’t happen then it didn’t happen right?
Trumpy would never do such things:-/
Just watch him tweet his way into another DISTRACTION!
Dango bong
yeah right. have you seen the job, stocks, unemployment and consumer confidence numbers lately? He is not going anywhere as long as he is getting Americans working and throwing out illegal criminals
It doesn't matter what direction you lean politically, we can all agree that this behavior is far beneath the office of the president of the United States of America.
Very valid point, just unfortunate that many trump supporters have no moral compass and have a double standard when it benefits them and their twisted ideology.
Yes, and healthcare costs keep going up. Trump can take credit for that too.
Public opinion has zero to do with a legal investigation. I'd mentioned yesterday that Trump would do himself a favor by acting contrite over his history with women but certainly wouldn't - and, well, this. A point about baiting and making enemies is that it may work if those baited remain a manageable fraction, but when you piss off a majority at multiple quarters, you'll find yourself embedded in eternal, time-consuming battle.
Get used to the breeze, Donald: it's just a whisper of the coming whirlwind you yourself have sown.
Maybe Trump supporters deal with waking up to the latest tweet like this:
“Smell that? You smell that? Trash, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of trash in the morning.’
That’s a perspective some men from countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran seem to have, as well as some men from ‘western’ societies. I think there will always be men who want to feel for whatever reason they’re superior to women. Hopefully they’ll remain a minority.
Is that what Nashi-bots are being told to write in their various social media posts? It must be difficult for the keyboard brigade members living under the dictates of a repressive kleptocracy to understand proper investigations in a democracy, albeit a very messy and rapidly fading one, take time. Show trials where the investigations and trials are completed the same day are more often found in countries like Russia, China and others run by authoritarian regimes.
Are you getting this from infowars, Fox ‘news’, Russia Today or some other rightist outlet?
Using terms like ‘witchhunt’ is only effective when trying to appeal to true believers and others incapable of critical thought, people whose depth of thought is limited to 7 or fewer word slogans. Which groups of people do you think might ‘giggle’ reading stories of sexual harassment? Or are you writing this because your employers told you to try to further the divides among Americans?
Ok, so let’s dig in and see if we can find ANYTHING SEXIST in his comments. Opps, we found a nugget, let’s use it. Forget he said the same thing about male colleagues as well, let’s turn the attack towards women and make it all about sexism. Another moonbat deranged liberal ploy. Yawn...Cheerios time.
Trump is desperately trash-tweeting his way around the whack-a-mole sex scandals that have surrounded him for decades, but gulping down diet sodas and zoning out for hours glued to Fox & Frendz trash TV will not magically make the truth disappear. Trump will soon meet his "High Noon" 'cos Mueller is saddling up to run this fake POTUS with no clothes out of town. Yipee!
Trump's fans don't care if he tweets crude things about women. They don't care if he molested or harassed women. They don't care he scammed regular Americans with his fake university. They don't care if he lies. They don't care if he retweets white supremacists and anti-Muslims. They don't care if he colluded with Russia or let them off the hook for meddling.
They just want revenge, and if you fit the profile of the type of American they want revenge on, they will overlook anything and everything for that quick mental masturbation of a revenge tweet.
Lawyer been using your phone again Donny?
I have no problem with witch hunts as long as they find some witches. And it seems like they found a whole coven of 'em in Trump's cave.
Dunno, two years 16 witch hunting lawyers and still.....looking for some KGB agent. Hmmmmm....
ClippetyClop prison
You attack Trump with nonsense he attacks you right back. That’s attractive to a lot of people who have been told you just have to take insults or false things people say about you.
Trump might be in trouble this time though. Thought I read somewhere in the Constitution that “crude”tweeting is an impeachable offense. Let’s set up a special counsel led by James Comey to investigate this serious matter.
We do, we just don’t jump to conclusions every time a person screams fire in the WH. This is why people are so turned off by the media, they don’t check their sources, they just get information, don’t verify it and then have to do a retraction, we had 3 alone last week. So let’s see the facts, evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and then pass judgement.
No, they care, but not because the media commands them to do so.
Oh, no, they care, but they know virtually every university is a scam, not just Trump U.
Also, there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that Trump is a racist since for the past 9 years, the left has beaten the race issue to a pulp, since they don’t have any policies of their own, except robbing Paul to give to Peter and being the party of entitlements, the only recourse they have is, play the race card, that’s so 2009.
Beg your pardon, the left doesn’t want revenge? They’re doing all this out of the kindness of their hearts??
Spare me. April 1st is still a few months away.
That's the most laughably idiotic claim you've made on this thread, and that's saying something.
Birth certificate, anyone?
I'm sorry, which income bracket has seen its wealth grow disproportionately over the past 25 years?
There you have it. CON-servatives cannot imagine anyone seeking justice without it being motivated by grievance or self interest. GOP, the party of nihilistic cynicism. Just ask Steve Bannon.
@Bass - "No, they care, but not because the media commands them to do so."
Haha! What absolute garbage. He admitted it. He literally admitted it. He apologized for it. Then he admitted that he admitted it. Then he tried to deny that it was him that admitted it. For the love of God man, try some critical thinking.
Seems to me that neither side can lay claim to having a "moral compass". Morality in American politics was left behind decades ago, and there is no turning back.
What we are seeing and reading today, is going to be the norm for the future, or at least as long as there is an internet and sns.
7 Years = 220,752,000 Seconds divide by 2, if you want to include "tocks"! lol!
With worse nonsense, trash and lies.
Most of the time he pumps out this garbage without provocation.
Is this how a statesman should act?
Seems by trump-logic
if you deny allegations that means it never occurred or ALL the accusers are liars.
this is the man who endorsed Roy Moore after all the allegations against him, but hey it was 40 years ago right?
so the accusers should just get over it huh?
Trump even tried to deny the audio of his Grab’em by the P ——y,must have been recorded by a FAKE microphone!
How can any self respecting human being continue to defend such a repulsive and downright unscrupulous individual.
He is always true to form. Like many a typical Twitter user.
Ok, He apologized, so now what?
Actually, it’s not. But it does say how greedy our school institutions have become. Give me one good reason why I should fork up $20,000 a year to any educational institution and to either be indoctrinated by progressive BS politics or have the possibility of not getting a job in the field I majored in. So essentially you can call it a rip-off.
Then that means asking the age and height of a person could be considered racist as well if we follow wise liberal logic.
Not the middle class.
I see, liberal illogical thought process at its best. Besides their restorative justice or income redistribution and throwing money into massive entitlements, and bank on either using the race card and the gender card, again, no wonder they lost over 1000 legislative seats. What do liberals have to offer? Smh
They should in my opinion.
Trump is such an idiot. He says that he doesn't know these women, but then he offers witnesses who are supposed to exculpate him. If he doesn't know them, how does he have witnesses.
Only, the witnesses themselves are nut jobs. One is a self-proclaimed sex trafficker of boys for UK parliament members. The other is a supposed witness at a beauty contest held several years before the contest in question.
If he does have witnesses, then he should know who these women are.
One of the women was a contestant on his show and interacted with Trump on TV.
Trump called another woman disparaging words after meeting her several years after he tried to grope her on a plane.
Love it.
Such a generalized statement applied to the public at large. No, the nashi-bots are turned off from the media because of all the bad press the "Precident" gets for being an idiot.
Sure, the news makes mistakes, but they make money on their reputation for being reliable sources of information. So, they retract or correct stories that prove incorrect to maintain their reputation.
On the other hand, Trump, his spokespersons, his information sources (including the majority of talking heads at Fox and Brietbart), and now the majority of his party and the nashi-bots blatantly lie and feel no compunction about lying and pointing finders at people who are trying to get the truth out.
Trump lies on average 6.5 times a day and has only retracted once over the birther farce, but he has since backtracked even on that one.
Welcome to the 21st Century.
Enjoy your stay, but leave your presuppositions about how things should work at home.
A government led by people engaging themselves in filthy conspiracy theories, asking people to check out fake sex tapes, retweeting dodgy videos from racist groups and today’s visit to the potty needed more windows to be opened.
This stinks. Any parent with a sliver of decency would discipline a teenager for this revolting garbage.
It is interesting watching interviews with Trump from 20-30 years ago. He was somewhat capable of participating in a conversation with another human being then. So despite all the evidence available today, it's not that he was always utterly brainless, but rather he became that way relatively recently. This probably explains why he himself doesn't know he's an idiot. In his own estimation, he still functions like a person of normal intellect.
Maybe he asked if anyone knows these accusers, I’m just sayin....
So if something did happen, it was litigated in the public of opinion arena last year and the people still voted for him. I’m sorry, but where do you guys want to take this again
If this allegedly did happen, how do you know they’re not lying? Both could be telling the truth, but both could be lying, there is no way you can prove either way, so do you want to give the President the presumption of innocence or do you want to do the typical liberal emotional outburst jump to conclusions and prepare a noose?
To put it extremely mildly.
Well, CBS, CNN, msnbc, Washington Post and the NYT completely failed in that effort. Let’s play ‘Taps’
If that’s true, there would be numerous retractions, there hasn’t been and they are watched closely, but nice try.
How do you calculate this? Where on earth do you come up with this equation? This is why Trump gets vindicated every time the left and the media starts talking unverified nonsense. Smh.
I read and don't swallow.
Then give the accused the benefit of a doubt before jumping into a river of piranhas.
Say what you want about American universities, but to equate them with Trump University is ludicrous. First of all, TU was not accredited as a university and violated NY state law by calling itself one. TU promised seminars taught by Trump, but Trump never showed. Trump said he personally hand-picked instructors, but he didn't (another lie). TU outsourced its curriculum planning to a company that designed materials for motivational speakers and timeshare rental operators, and included no techniques endorsed or checked by Donald Trump. TU was a bait-and-switch operation designed to rip people off. Trump ended up settling for $25 million in a class action lawsuit.
Yup, sounds like your typical university.
And I'll tell you one reason one might think about "forking up" money to go to university. Reputable universities (and there are many of them) give you valuable chances to develop critical thinking and writing skills.
You're being disingenuous and you know it. Trump went on about Obama's birth certificate for years because he wanted to troll the American public about Obama's ethnicity.
How anyone can take Trump's word over anybody else's is simply amazing. The man is scum.
He boasted about how he can get away with sexual assault, and now his cult followers insist his accusers are lying.
Dango bong
congrats you got your face on the news. now go away
and throwing out illegal criminals like the criminal of the last terror attack , who was a permanent resident of the US and from a country that was not on Trump banned list. The thing is when you antagonize a specific group of people hard enough, eventually some of those law abiding citizens become radicalized. Trumps policies are only going to make radicalization worse
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 11:48 am JST
Don't you even know what that expression means? You're saying we should accept Trump's version of events and forget all about it? Fat chance.
Well some people might think a settlement paid to the government for refusing to rent to black people is racist. What does the average Republican think?
Ok, get it, but how is paying $80,000 going to make me a success and why should I pay that much? How will paying that much benefit my life?
I’m not quibbling with you, it was a scam, I’m with you, but once again, I get all of it, but how is paying $80,000 going to make me a success and why should I pay that much? How will paying that much benefit my life? If don’t get a job and there are thousands that don’t, then all that money I paid for was for nothing, that’s a scam, because I didn’t get anything from it.
That doesn’t translate into money. And if that thinking is geared towards a political ideology then it is indoctrination.
That’s the lefts point, there is no proof Trump is a racist or implied race to be the driving force of that whole debacle.
Ok, that’s the haters perception, many of us felt the same about the previous president.
Ok, it was bad, but when I was a college student and worked in a few bars and there was a lot of talk that would put what Trump said to shame, not excusing it, but as men, how many times hanging out with the guys did we say things NO woman would appprve of? So to make it seem that Trump is the only man to ever utter disparaging remarks is a joke.
Sure, it's essentially the same, Stanford and Trump U.
How much did your university pay out?
So Trump is better when compared to drunk frat boys. At least you have that going for ya.
Not relevant to this discussion. Trump as a con artist and serial liar is.
Trump boasts about grabbing the cat and then he shirks away and says he doesn't sexually assault women. Then he says he wants to MARRY his daughter Ivanka and he gushes about her looks and figure, and his followers make up excuses for that too. Then there's those pictures Melania posed in. He's showing 2 faces like the Roman god Janus but he's not fooling anyone here. He's digging his own ditch.
In many ways they are.
You should be asking, how much did "I" put in! A total ripoff!
This does explain quite a lot
A load of fat gay men should take him to a hotel...then we should read his tweets.
Yes, the entire system is crap not just TU.
I remember drunken nonsense when I was a student. I’ve spent a lot of time in factories too where the language was also pretty industrial. There was talk of shenanigans after a night out but I never heard a person, drunk or sober, saying it’s okay to grab a woman by the genitals.
A teetotal man in his sixties saying this?
I am going to come clean here and say that I’ve said stuff like that, and much worse, when hanging out in private with my closest friends. Not much is off limits, and we’ll say stuff just to shock each other. And that’s what’s great about being such close friends, we can joke around without worrying that we’re going to offend each other. It’s not like we believe what we say - I’ve made jokes about necrophilia, which is absolutely disgusting as a real concept, yet can make for a good joke in the right company.
The ‘right company’ being the key words. I wouldn’t say these kind of things to my mom. I also wouldn’t say anything it to a reporter!
The fact is, Trump could have just been doing his version of locker room talk. If it was, then he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.
But he does have a significant number of accusers, and in that context, the possibility that he was speaking the truth about grabbing them by the p+%#y seems a lot more plausible.
Tommy Jones
The President of the United States shoukd have a little dignity, he is not "a lot of people" so should not act like that.
Crazy, clearly corrupt conservatives have already demonstrated their disdain for the constitution by supporting the republicans failing to vote on Garland for SCOTUS. You know, like the constitution directs the Senate to do.
Tommy Jones
Except his words and deeds.
Tommy Jones
I would explain it tomyou, but you'd need at least the first year of law school to fully understand.
Ah ok so basically the Constitution must just recommend something, otherwise there would be a punishment for not doing it. Got it, it really doesnt matter anyway.
Trump's pick will be there for the next 40 years or so unless Dems manage to make some collusion or harassment allegations against him too.
Tommy Jones
You clearly did not get it based on your response.
Do some research regarding what SCOTUS avoids.
If So, then Trump could claim reverse racism on the things said about him. It goes both ways or does racism affect only people of color.
They didn’t have to. When the Dems were in power Biden said this....
So there’s no difference. Both parties have the constitutional right to hold hearings on the candidate that they feel best serves their political interest and Garland was a bit of a chance taker. They learned their lesson from Justice Roberts, so this time they want to make sure and of course they were even more skeptical of any justice nominee Obama puts forward, I would too.
Tommy Jones
If So, then Trump could claim reverse racism on the things said about him.
No. What Biden said does not matter, the plain meaning of the constitution does.
Then hold a vote and withhold confirmation, as the constitution directs.
Why because you say so?
Sorry, not going to slide, both parties have the right to hear the nominee of their choice, they don’t have to go with the Presidents pick. There’s nothing in the constitution that says, they have to.
They didn’t want to, so if the Dems don’t like, too bad. Garland was a shady risk for the GOP, Trump outdid himself when he choose Gorsuch.
Brilliat move.
Great assessment, there definitely is a lack of morality in general, not just limited to politics.
It quite sad to see. Some of the things that many of society is openly embracing these days.
Then give the accused the benefit of a doubt before jumping into a river of piranhas. actually people need to first accept that not all women are liars
Trump supporters are in a different political spectrum.
Sanders (how does she sleep???) said "only those with minds "in the gutter""... which is right up Trump's alley. Every second Trump remains in power (did not say control...) is almost as demeaning to men as it is demeaning to women.