Japan Today

Trump's son admits meeting Russian to get dirt on Clinton

By Andrew BEATTY

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The plot thickens.

Gonna have to spin that one too...

Dirt about Russian financing the DNC and Clinton?

It started to spin alright.

Now, DT camps will demand investigation on Clinton and Dem relations with Russian.

This is a great distraction!

13 ( +14 / -1 )

June 2016: Donald Trump Jr. met with Russian lawyer/FSB operative Natalia Veselnitskaya.  

June 2016: Trump tweets about Hillary's "missing emails" and asks Russia to hack them.

That meeting wasn’t about adoption, for God’s sake. Who believes that cr**. That meeting was about emails. Period.  

Connect the dots- the meeting was about collusion with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary. This is not hard to see. Now ask: what did the trump campaign have to offer in return?

23 ( +26 / -3 )

I still don't think they'll find anything to really pin on Trump in terms of straight up collusion. The obstruction of justice and other crimes they might stumble upon are what I'm more interested in.

But it still doesn't explain why Trump wants to give "whomever" hacked us a free pass by just moving on. He's the President, he should be outraged and telling us he's going to get to the bottom of it, not telling the #1 suspect it was an honor to meet him. I think even Trump fans will (secretly) agree with that.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

OOps! Trump is in trouble... lets hope this is his downfall

12 ( +15 / -3 )

I still don't think they'll find anything to really pin on Trump in terms of straight up collusion.

It's pretty doubtful. If any collusion is provable, it will probably be from one of his inner circle, not Trump himself.

An obstruction charge for firing Comey in order to detract from the investigation is much more likely.

Not that it really matters though - even if they find he obstructed, the Republicans will still support him, as will his followers. But at least it will put that permanent black mark on his presidency.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

But it still doesn't explain why Trump wants to give "whomever" hacked us a free pass by just moving on

Correct, but what does explain Trump wanting to move o. Is the fact he won, and that's all he cares about. Not helping the country, helping himself.

Not that it really matters though - even if they find he obstructed, the Republicans will still support him, as will his followers.

Which is what we'll see when our resident "journalist" and his boy, Black, fire up their internet for the day.

But at least it will put that permanent black mark on his presidency.

Perhaps the darkest, but to be sure just one of of many black mark's on Trump's presidency.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

It's amazing how these Trump people can't remember details of meeting Russians until they're pushed into the corner. Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, Don Jr. Even the big cheese himself couldn't seem to remember whether or not he had ever met Putin.

And again, why is it that the president takes Putin's word over that of his own intelligence agencies? Is it merely that he can't stand the thought that he may have won the election because an American adversary wanted to help an idiot into the White House in order to sow political chaos? Or is there something else? Or both?

Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner, two of Trump's most trusted campaign officials, were also at the meeting last year.

Jared has a lot of explaining to do.

I think Manafort is the real lynchpin, though. He and his pal Roger Stone have been nihilistic political operatives for decades. Manafort worked on the election campaign for pro-Moscow candidate Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine. And (like Mike Flynn and his work for the dictator Erdogan in Turkey) Manafort failed to register this properly with the U.S. Justice Department. Yet another "oops I forgot" moment.

If this is all just a "nothing burger", it sure is pretty juicy.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

I still don't think they'll find anything to really pin on Trump in terms of straight up collusion.

Probably true - such a coordinated level of collusion presupposes a level of intelligence Trump lacks.

Still, remember that Nixon did not order his "plumbers" to break into that Watergate psychiatrist's office. He wasn't even aware of it until days later. As the now-proverb goes, "It's the coverup, not the crime."

12 ( +13 / -1 )

I don't understand the link between "I'm not sure it was the Russians" and "so let's just move past it." OK, so you don't think it was the Russians....but....you're still going to keep trying to find out who did it, right? It sounds like he's trying to wrap up the whole issue and bury it.

And I don't get why he said he thought it was the Russians in January and now doesn't think so.

Trump fans can only support him by attacking CNN, Clinton, Comey, Obama. I don't think they are really able to explain Trump's actions and are doing everything they can to not talk about it. It's pure tribalism.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

"The president was not aware of and did not attend the meeting," Mark Corallo, a spokesman for President Trump's private lawyer, told AFP. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump had only learned of the meeting "in the last couple of days."

Yeah, right.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Not being American, I can't really see what the issue is with this? He went to find dirt on his fathers opposition. Seems like a smart thing to do if there is potential for dirt to be found.

-10 ( +7 / -17 )

""make sure that Russia and nobody else interferes in any democratic elections" is an unfortunate turn of phrase!! Or is it??

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Not being American, I can't really see what the issue is with this? He went to find dirt on his fathers opposition. Seems like a smart thing to do if there is potential for dirt to be found.

I don't think the meeting itself is a problem either. The thing that gets to me is the constant denials that always end up being lies and the misdirection afterwards which prove to be attempts to distract from the issues they are facing.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

US intelligence agencies have concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a mass effort to tilt the election in Trump's favor, including hacking and leaking embarrassing emails from Democrats.

I believe those embarrassing emails were leaked from within the DNC, probably by Seth Rich.

Anyway, I'm glad they finally dropped the 17 intelligence agencies nonsense.

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

Not being American, I can't really see what the issue is with this? He went to find dirt on his fathers opposition. Seems like a smart thing to do if there is potential for dirt to be found.


Excellent point and why wouldn't he, both sides do it and digging dirt on a rival or a political opponent nothing new and has been down thousands of years.

-24 ( +4 / -28 )

Its going down like the Catalina Wine Mixer.


So, why were the Russians helping Trump? And why would DJT meet with the Russians knowing this? Hmmm

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Don't you have an endangered species you should be shooting at from a half mile away? 

-- Ronald Perlman

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds like Watergate? Someone secretly trying to listen in or get info on the opposing political member/party...........sounds like an early resignation is next.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Well done! not that you would need to look hard to find dirt on Clinton

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Its going down like the Catalina Wine Mixer.

The NYT or the Democratic Party?

So, why were the Russians helping Trump?

I could think of a dozen reasons, none of them that would satisfy the palate of the desperate left.

And why would DJT meet with the Russians knowing this? Hmmm

To get dirt on Hillary.

-15 ( +4 / -19 )

Not being American, I can't really see what the issue is with this? He went to find dirt on his fathers opposition. Seems like a smart thing to do if there is potential for dirt to be found.

The issue is whether or not that information was obtained illegally (like hacking).

Excellent point and why wouldn't he, both sides do it and digging dirt on a rival or a political opponent nothing new and has been down thousands of years.

Except that when that information is obtained by committing a crime, then that is a problem. Nixon was "digging dirt," too--how did that work out for him?

11 ( +15 / -4 )

The NYT or the Democratic Party?

Good one, very original. Hey, did you know despite Donny's unfounded claims, NYT's circulation and stock is actually up.

I could think of a dozen reasons, none of them that would satisfy the palate of the desperate left.

Oh, and I'm sure none of them have anything to do with Donny's 180 on Crimea, Russia etc.

To get dirt on Hillary.

Its good we're not even pretending there wasn't collusion. I sure do miss the good ol' days when the GOP actually cared about the US, or at least pretended too

13 ( +14 / -1 )

if he got dirt on clinton, then she smells of dirt. hate all this american politics though. the whole world suffers. she lost. we got him. lets deal with him, not some old angry lady. move on.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The issue is whether or not that information was obtained illegally (like hacking).

Don't worry, it probably won't amount to anything else the left hasn't already tried to do as far as digging up more unusable junk.

Except that when that information is obtained by committing a crime, then that is a problem. Nixon was "digging dirt," too--how did that work out for him?

Nixon never liked nor trusted the Democrats. Trump for the most part of his life was a loyal Democrat and has still a lot of liberal tendencies, Nixon was calculated and deliberate in damaging the DNP. Trump just wants the DNP to get ahold of themselves, calm down and relax for the next 4-8 years.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

 I can't really see what the issue is with this? He went to find dirt on his fathers opposition. Seems like a smart thing to do if there is potential for dirt to be found.


Excellent point and why wouldn't he, both sides do it and digging dirt on a rival or a political opponent nothing new and has been down thousands of years.

Agreed, Excellent point, but for a different reason, i.e., it is against the law, and another Trump dummy admitted breaking the law in another fit of self-importance.

Federal Election Commission Laws prohibit campaigns from receiving financing from foreigners. Financing can be in the form of in-kind contributions, and information has been determined under this law to be an in-kind contribution. The fact that he didn't receive the information does get him off the hook.

Trump Jr. acknowledged he knew she was a foreigner and meet with her with the intent to obtain information damaging to Clinton. Kushner and Manafort may be off the hook because Trump Jr. said they didn't know anything about the meeting in advance, but that depends on how reliable Trump Jr. (and Trump Sr.) is with telling the truth and what other information comes out, e.g., maybe Kushner, Manafort, a secretary, or an intelligence intercept has a different version of the events.

Then there is this minor problem:

"Donald Trump Jr. was told in an email that a meeting to obtain information damaging to presidential rival Hillary Clinton was connected to intelligence gathered by the Russian government to help elect his father, according to a report from The New York Times."

There is already at least one complaint filed with the FEC (and maybe two), and the complaint was forwarded to the special counsel. The legislative committees are also all over it.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Don't worry, it probably won't amount to anything else the left hasn't already tried to do as far as digging up more unusable junk.

I don't know which is more preposterous, your rabid hatred of the left or your sycophantic love of Donald Trump.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

I could think of a dozen reasons, none of them that would satisfy the palate of the desperate left.

Well put. That's why the Dems are in the wilderness eating with deers. I know. I used to be an journalist.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

So let me get this straight. T jr. tries to collude but fails to do so and instead the Russian lady

surprises him with adoption talk that Donny thought was supposed to be an invitation to bed?


Damn, it Fredo, you're not smaaaaat.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Good one, very original. Hey, did you know despite Donny's unfounded claims, NYT's circulation and stock is actually up.


Yes, It's the perfect paper for all the far left progressive whiners.

Oh, and I'm sure none of them have anything to do with Donny's 180 on Crimea, Russia etc.

Shovel broke, liberal discount 10% off today.

Its good we're not even pretending there wasn't collusion. I sure do miss the good ol' days when the GOP actually cared about the US, or at least pretended too.

They always cared, that's why they keep bailing the Dems out of the mess they make. By the way, where are the Democrats these days??

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

He is a very faithful son indeed.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

New Guardian headline:

Donald Trump Jr reportedly told in email of Russian government efforts to help campaign

As originally reported in the NYT, Jr was well aware before he entered the meeting what the topic would be (hint: not adoptions), and this explains the coterie of Trump's inner circle also attending.

Sure. Perhaps it is all innocent. But the lies keep piling up as quickly as the drip-drip-drip of leaks.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It's the perfect paper for all the far left progressive whiners.

Oh yeah? Well, even as a wimpy far left progressive whiner, I'm pretty good at pasting in Wikipedia articles. Here's one, and it's a lot longer than yours is:


By the way, where are the Democrats these days??


7 ( +9 / -2 )

Well put. That's why the Dems are in the wilderness eating with deers. I know. I used to be an journalist.

oh Ok then according to Trump your just a fake like Hillary is

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I get it all now. No evidence Trump Jr did anything illegal but it must be looked into and talked about until at least something supposedly inappropriate can be found.

same for the Russia investigation no evidence yet of collusion.

But let Comey have 7 memos, 4 of which are classified. No evidence he leaked one of the classified ones so we must immediately stop talking about it and no investigation required because no evidence exists now (not even yet, just right now). Got it.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Then on top of that the Dems and even the FBI can work with an ex foreign spy to get dirt on Trump. yes, I'm aware Jeb Bush supposedly used him too. But nothing to see about any of that. CNN lady said well....there is foreigners...and then there are Russians! when trying to cover it up.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Also last time I checked Ukraine was foreign.


-9 ( +1 / -10 )

No evidence Trump Jr did anything illegal

I don't know the legal definition of collusion, so you may very well be right. But meeting with a foreign nation, to get intel on a domestic opponent, definitely seems like collusion to me.

But maybe it's not in a legal sense.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Not being American, I can't really see what the issue is with this? He went to find dirt on his fathers opposition. Seems like a smart thing to do if there is potential for dirt to be found.

The issue is whether or not that information was obtained illegally (like hacking).

Ah, well that of course changes things.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh yeah? Well, even as a wimpy far left progressive whiner, I'm pretty good at pasting in Wikipedia articles. Here's one, and it's a lot longer than yours is:

Every news outlets has its shares of controverises, but it seems like for years the NYT has had a perpetual history of retracting them and now CNN is following in their footsteps. They'll get it, one day, maybe....probably not...smh.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Every news outlets has its shares of controverises, but it seems like for years the NYT has had a perpetual history of retracting them

Please explain how exactly you retract a controversy.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

So back to my statement. Ukraine isnt foreign? All we have on Don Jr is an article written by 4 people quoting 3 sources who don't have a copy of a more than year old email . can't quote from it cause they don't have it yet want to tell me not only exactly what it said but what it meant?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

That's not what I was talking about, I was talking about the NYT and now more recently CNN have been starting to retract stories at an alarming rate, that's not good and it undermines the papers and networks credibility or what little they have left.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Trumpy 2 was told that he would be hearing dirt on Clinton sourced from the Russian government. In exchange for this dirt, he was supposed to offer help in resolving the 'adoption' (i.e. sanctions) problem which was vexing the Kremlin. This man has a lot of explaining to do.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

By the way, where are the Democrats these days??

At home, washing their tights.

 All we have on Don Jr is an article written by 4 people quoting 3 sources who don't have a copy of a more than year old email.

That and his own admissions on twitter and in public statements.

Or, maybe the Russians or Dems hacked his twitter account and used the same spelling and grammar mistakes to make it more convincing? There is a conspiracy out there that answer this for sure.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

bass4funkToday  02:04 pm JST

That's not what I was talking about, I was talking about the NYT and now more recently CNN have been starting to retract stories at an alarming rate, that's not good and it undermines the papers and networks credibility or what little they have left.

This gets at the heart of what's different between people like you and people like us.

For people like us, a news agency retracting a story when they've made a mistake is a sign of their integrity. It shows the process of news-reporting is self-correcting. For you, however, it appears that ever admitting to being imperfect is proof of a news agency's untrustworthiness- at least when it reports things you don't want to hear.

Instead, you support Trump, a man who lies constantly, repeatedly, and without the slightest admission of his dishonesty. To you, it is a sign of his strength to never own up when he tells a complete whopper, and we see this behavior reflected in your own posting style. To the rest of us, it is the ultimate sign of untrustworthiness because a person being unwilling to admit when they were wrong is a sure sign that they intended to lie in the first place, that they don't value honesty so much as they value feeling like they've won arguments.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

I was talking about the NYT and now more recently CNN have been starting to retract stories at an alarming rate.

What is alarming?

One recently retracted article by CNN recently. One correction by NYT about the number of intelligence agencies that did not impact the article in the slightest.

What is alarming is the inability of Trump to retract his lies.

But, that would be a full time job since he lies with nearly everything he says or writes.

Or, the alt-rights inability to retract their lies?

Or, the ability of the alt-right to conflate facts and lies into alternative facts?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

That and his own admissions on twitter and in public statements.

Im talking about this supposed smoking gun that everyone losing their mind over, not his Twitter or public statements. That there is some email that supposedly told him he was meeting with a direct representative of the Kremlin who was going to help Trump win or some nonsense. Whole story written about it by NY Times, yet this time none of the 3 people can even read it over the phone because none of them actually have it.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

One correction by NYT about the number of intelligence agencies that did not impact the article in the slightest.

Uh....Sarah Palin? They are begging her that it was just an honest mistake(?) and that they are soooo sorry.


Also yes there is a huge difference between 17 agencies and 3 or 4. But yeah by now who cares, because the 3 or 4 cant even prove it, I just have to take their word for it I guess.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

For people like us, a news agency retracting a story when they've made a mistake is a sign of their integrity.

Not when they write the story using anonymous sources and without looking at any evidence that people say they have. Reading over the phone from a document that I havent seen and that they wont give me? Telling me the supposed contents of a year old email they dont even have and that they didnt send and that wasnt to them? Can I really say its showing integrity to print those stories with no actual proof?

Publishing something without knowing if it is fake or not with an intention to do damage to someone is wrong. They just put it all out there and hope that someone else cant disprove it, and if someone does, they remove it. Thats not integrity.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Whole story written about it by NY Times, yet this time none of the 3 people can even read it over the phone because none of them actually have it.

The NYT story doesn't impact the seriousness of Trump Jr's statements.

The WH knows the heat that this could cause. Instead of saying it didn't happen (which is the first thing this WH normally does and what Trump Jr. (and Kushner until the NYT article was published) did say initially), they are saying the campaign was immature and unsophisticated, and Trump Jr. was unaware of the implications and should not have invited Manafort in the meeting.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Actually Trump Jr. did say the meeting happened and Kushner reported it on his security forms. This is how the media knew the meeting even happened, someone leaked Kushner's confidential security clearance form. NY Times lost their mind initially when Trump Jr actually confirmed he had the meeting as they were expecting denial.

The NYT story doesn't impact the seriousness of Trump Jr's statements.

yes, but the follow on story with the 3 anonymous people who supposedly saw a mail is an attempt to make it look even worse than however bad people already think it is. (Personally, I dont see anything wrong with it seeing as DNC worked with Ukraine and Fusion GPS/ex MI6 spy for same thing.)

So who are these 3 people? Why cant they at least say the 3 people are WH staff or Trump employees or Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton? Media is so sloppy now that they can just say 3 people when they want to write a follow on to a hit piece. No copy of email, no transcript, no direct quotes from the mail, no description of the 3 people. This is journalism now?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

I was talking about the NYT and now more recently CNN have been starting to retract stories at an alarming rate, that's not good and it undermines the papers and networks credibility or what little they have left.

On the contrary, there has never been a reputable news organization ever that does not issue retractions when they find their stories to be incorrect.

Note: Fox "News" does not issue retractions.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Publishing something without knowing if it is fake or not with an intention to do damage to someone is wrong. 

Very True, but where is the intent to do damage?

In this case, they have corroboration from three independent sources.

I am OK with that. It is a newspaper, not a court of law.

Tough cookies for Trump and Trump Jr.

If they don't like it, they should move to a country without freedom of the press. I heard Trump Jr. likes to hunt in Czechoslovakia, but they also have freedom of the press. Darn... newspapers.

Maybe Jared can use his third rate newspaper for a hit piece. Or, maybe Trump can use his contacts at the superlative Enquirer for a hit piece.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The leader is always right.

Criticising or questioning the leader is seen as persecution and an attack on the leader.

Anything the leader does is justifiable, no matter how harmful.

Followers obsess over the leader and the group, resulting in the exclusion of all other considerations.

The leader, the group and all those they endorse, are the exclusive source of "truth", no other sources are acceptable or credible.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Yeah but unfortunately Hillary lost. So that has changed.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Ever get the feeling Trump won't make it 4 years? The establishment Republicans probably hope so, especially Pence who seems to have vanished after hiring that's lawyer.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

CNN was spinning circles around Conway on this and it got to the point where her fake smile began to twitch and she could only say, "You've got some moxy sitting under the CNN logo and talking about credibility."

The woman had no answer to even her own self-contradictions, and forget about Idiot Trump Jr.'s. Losers. Stupid Eric unfortunately for them can be quoted as saying exactly WHY he went to the meeting, so despite the pathetic attempts by those on the right to say, "It doesn't matter WHY he went, because he didn't get anything", they are struggling to deal with the fact that they can no longer deny it.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Yeah but unfortunately Hillary lost. So that has changed.

The cult is strong with this one.

I heard Trump Jr. likes to hunt in Czechoslovakia

I doubt it; Czechoslovakia ceased to exist 25 years or so back. But yeah; I get it. The family are like some kind of former iron curtain dictatorship or Tsara; laughing at the people and swanning around. Like the Ceausescus meets the Romanovs...

5 ( +7 / -2 )

That's not what I was talking about, I was talking about the NYT and now more recently CNN have been starting to retract stories at an alarming rate, that's not good and it undermines the papers and networks credibility

And so does this:

or what little they have left.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

At home, washing their tights.

Yup, seems befitting.

This gets at the heart of what's different between people like you and people like us. 

We love in reality as opposed to relegating ourselves to the wilderness?

For people like us, a news agency retracting a story when they've made a mistake is a sign of their integrity.

No, it's a sign of sloppiness and not following up on your source which in the old days you have a minimum of 3 at the very least. Nowadays, one is acceptable even without verification.

It shows the process of news-reporting is self-correcting. For you, however, it appears that ever admitting to being imperfect is proof of a news agency's untrustworthiness- at least when it reports things you don't want to hear.*

No, it shows in this case, they got caught with their pants down.

Instead, you support Trump, a man who lies constantly, repeatedly, and without the slightest admission of his dishonesty.

He's not perfect that's for sure, but I think he's on most occasions honest, now the last president....No.

To you, it is a sign of his strength to never own up when he tells a complete whopper, and we see this behavior reflected in your own posting style.

No, if he lies and it's an outrageous lie, I'll jump on that in a minute, I don't tow the partisan line.

To the rest of us, it is the ultimate sign of untrustworthiness because a person being unwilling to admit when they were wrong is a sure sign that they intended to lie in the first place, that they don't value honesty so much as they value feeling like they've won arguments.

I see. Ok, that's your personal opinion, I have a different one and I'm happy to have a president that will tell the media to take a hike.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

No, it's a sign of sloppiness and not following up on your source which in the old days you have a minimum of 3 at the very least.

Retractions are a sign of sloppiness?

And of course, in the golden olden times there were no retractions. Or sloppiness.

Trump's list of lies, so far (probably needs updating every 5 seconds)


I think he's on most occasions honest, now the last president....No.

You mean the PotUS who Trump claimed wasn't an American? Did you jump on that one?

You know - integrity and all...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I doubt it; Czechoslovakia ceased to exist 25 years or so back. But yeah; I get it. The family are like some kind of former iron curtain dictatorship or Tsara; laughing at the people and swanning around. Like the Ceausescus meets the Romanovs...

His grandfather was from then Czechoslovakia, and he learned Czech from his grandfather. They went hunting in his grandfather's home.

Yes, Czechoslovakia split into Czech Republic and Slovak Republic in '89, and they are descendants from an iron curtain country where dictators were the norm and the communists would put down free speech or democracy.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Rob Goldstone, who arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, sent an email to Don Jr. not only mentioning that he would be getting dirt on Clinton, but that this dirt was part of the Russian government's plan to help the Trump campaign.

If that's not collusion, I don't know what is.

I know that there are some Trump cult members on this thread who will say first off that the news is fake, and that anyway, all politicians try to dig up dirt on their opponents.

BUT . . .

Cooperating with a foreign government in their attempt to sway an election is unprecedented, and if not illegal, highly contemptuous of the sovereignty and integrity of one's own country's democratic processes.

We're getting closer and closer to the truth, and it's going to be more than Don Jr. who goes down.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

By the way, where are the Democrats these days??

At home, washing their tights.

Yup, seems befitting.

By the way, it was a quote from a villain, the Joker.

It is befitting since the villain, like Trump, is a self-obsessed psychopath.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Rob Goldstone, who arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, sent an email to Don Jr. not only mentioning that he would be getting dirt on Clinton, but that this dirt was part of the Russian government's plan to help the Trump campaign.

Yet Rob Goldstone said that didnt happen.

But Mr. Goldstone, who wrote the email over a year ago, denied any knowledge of involvement by the Russian government in the matter, saying that never dawned on him. “Never, never ever,” he said.

That is pretty clear.

Cooperating with a foreign government in their attempt to sway an election is unprecedented,

Yet DNC did it with Ukraine. It is documented.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

It is befitting since the villain, like Trump, is a self-obsessed psychopath.

Heh. I'd have reckoned Two Face, myself (not Jack) but thinking about it; the Ledger incarnation is given to obfuscation and false stories about his origins so you could be right...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I don't have an issue with meeting Russian lawyers as such, but Donald Trump Jnr sure looks pretty slimy to me.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

but I think he's on most occasions honest

That is certainly a 'creative' description of Trump, who has only ever been honest on occasion by accident. And Junior shares that creativity, as we are learning.

I don't tow the partisan line.

That may well be, but you certainly do toe it.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Even if it's to get possible dirt about your election opponent, why would ya even meet with a foreign operative of an adversary? That's like a brain fart right there

For Russia's part, it's to their advantage to help elect the politician who would be friendlier to them, so of course it would be remiss of them not to try

But as a Presidential campaign official, ya don't have to entertain their attempt - that's like painting a red bulls eye on the campaign

(And these are the times why ya shouldn't surround yourself with just yes-men - somebody has to say no that's not a good thing to do)

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Yet Rob Goldstone said that didnt happen.

You left out a bit. Goldstone has not yet responded to the latest Times report.

Also interesting that Goldstone posted on Instagram a photo of himself wearing a t-shirt prominently displaying the word "Russia" hours after Trump won the election. It was titled, "Hedging bets." Soon after being reported on Sunday, the photo was erased.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

If there is dirt on Clinton, I want to see it. But the media does not seem to be interested, instead they bash anybody who asks for it.


-9 ( +1 / -10 )


why would ya even meet with a foreign operative of an adversary?

Why would Hillary Clinton take massive donations from Saudi Arabia and Qatar? Oh wait, we are not supposed to ask that. Instead, we are supposed to lambast everybody who asks with some obscure references to "Russia".

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Instead, we are supposed to lambast everybody who asks with some obscure references to "Russia".

Makes sense when your President and his cabal have committed treason.

There's enough dirt with the Trump junta to create several swamps over.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

why would ya even meet with a foreign operative of an adversary?

Why would Hillary Clinton take massive donations from Saudi Arabia and Qatar? Oh wait, we are not supposed to ask that. Instead, we are supposed to lambast everybody who asks with some obscure references to "Russia".

Friendlies are one level; adversaries are a whole another level - they got to be geopolitically streetsmart about that and not streetdumb on the real streets that is politics

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The point is, liberals keep trying and trying and still nothing, it's starting to look so ridiculous and everyone can see what's going on and what's at play here. Keep the lure n the water and hope someone or something bites and takes the bait. The Dems have zero chance in every impeaching Trump, zero. They don't have the votes, they keep losing elections, if they did impeach him, the Senate which is the jury probably wouldn't convict him, even if there was a remote possibility, then we would have Pence and then the Dems in for a very rude awakening, the man is a true conservative down to the bone and good luck for the left getting anything done in congress.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

bass4funk: "The point is, liberals keep trying and trying and still nothing"

No, bass... the point is Trump Jr. himself admitted to meeting the Russians with the promise of skewing the election, and that's all there is to it. The argument that in the end he didn't get anything worthwhile so he is innocent of collusion is ridiculous, even for you guys.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

it's starting to look so ridiculous and everyone can see what's going on and what's at play here.

The whole world can see what's going on. That's for sure.

America's shame.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

it's a DNA thing, right?

Donald Not Accurate

3 ( +5 / -2 )

the point is Trump Jr. himself admitted to meeting the Russians with the promise of skewing the election, and that's all there is to it.

Yes and that's not a crime, he's not admitting to anything different from any other candidate or are you trying to tell me, the Clinton machine refused to dig up ANY information on Trump that could give them an edge? I seriously hope you don't think that. ROFL

At least DTJ was honest about his intentions. Kudos!

The argument that in the end he didn't get anything worthwhile so he is innocent of collusion is ridiculous, even for you guys.

From the looks of it, another bare hook. Through that line out again....

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

You guys loved that Russia dossier when you thought it was real. Where did it come from again? and what was its purpose? I thought so.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Junior always has that terrified look of someone who knows everyone he speaks to is so much more intelligent than him. Well he's going to look even more terrified now. Donald senior, on the other hand, doesn't even know that so all we see is dumb incomprehension.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

that's not a crime, he's not admitting to anything different from any other candidate or are you trying to tell me, the Clinton machine refused to dig up ANY information on Trump that could give them an edge? I seriously hope you don't think that. ROFL

Let's break that down without any of the snarky ROFLs. Because this is nothing to laugh at. Or do you think it is?

It may well be a crime. Some legal experts say that knowingly meeting a representative or agent of a foreign government with the deliberate intent of receiving information on a rival candidate may insinuate a quid pro quo (why else would a foreign government provide such info?), and thereby also constitute a political donation from a foreign entity. Which is illegal. Can you tell me when this has been done before?

Secondly, yes, candidates dig up dirt on each other. Duh. What matters is the source of this information, and by what means. It may signal, like burned toast, something amiss in the toaster. Usually these treasure hunts are conducted by people lower down the rung. It is highly unusual, if not unprecedented, for these kinds of meetings to involve (just after Trump's nomination, remember), the nominee's son, son-in-law, and campaign manager. That is downright suspicious. Come on!

Finally, if this is all so above board, why all the shifting explanations? Don Jr. changes his tune based on the news that comes out. And if this were all fake news, he wouldn't be. He's hiding something. Ditto for Flynn, Sessions, and Manafort. And who knows who else.

This is all terrible.

Waiting with baited breath for your retort.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

This is the question of the hour, is it not?


In response to a Times report published Saturday, Trump Jr. said the meeting was primarily about allowing Americans to adopt Russian children and “mentioned nothing about Mrs. Clinton.” Responding to the paper's Sunday report, Trump Jr. acknowledged that he was told Veselnitskaya "might have information helpful to the campaign."

Why lie?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

That put a whole new perspective on last meeting between DT and Putin where both agreed nothing happened and both were happy to agree on this...well, sounds more and more someone sold the US to the Russian in order to get a top job at the white house.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Let's break that down without any of the snarky ROFLs. Because this is nothing to laugh at. Or do you think it is?

Actually, I do.

It may well be a crime. Some legal experts say that knowingly meeting a representative or agent of a foreign government with the deliberate intent of receiving information on a rival candidate may insinuate a quid pro quo (why else would a foreign government provide such info?), and thereby also constitute a political donation from a foreign entity. Which is illegal. Can you tell me when this has been done before?

Well, we shall see, but from the way it looks, it's probably another let down for the left, now that doesn't mean, they'll milk every last drop of it, because they have to, what else do they have? Really?

No, can't say that I can. Also, can you ever think of a time where a president was so viciously attacked and that we now have a rouge no completely out of control media.

Secondly, yes, candidates dig up dirt on each other. Duh. What matters is the source of this information, and by what means.

Ahhhhhh....so if Dems get it from the Russians or do backdoor deals with them or the Iranians or the Cubans that's ok, that's acceptable and within the guidelines of honest source gathering. One thing about liberals, without them at a party, there'd be nothing to laugh at.

It may signal, like burned toast, something amiss in the toaster. Usually these treasure hunts are conducted by people lower down the rung. It is highly unusual, if not unprecedented, for these kinds of meetings to involve (just after Trump's nomination, remember), the nominee's sonson-in-law, and campaign manager. That is downright suspicious. Come on!

Hey, when Trump sneezes, you guys would ask, what tissue, which company and if the tissues were made in China, you would push for an investigation and have treasonous charges filed for not buying domestic Kleenex.

Finally, if this is all so above board, why all the shifting explanations? Don Jr. changes his tune based on the news that comes out. And if this were all fake news, he wouldn't be. He's hiding something. Ditto for Flynn, Sessions, and Manafort. And who knows who else.

This is all terrible.

Waiting with baited breath for your retort.

I think Dems are so worked up and beside themselves that they lost the election, they still can't get over it. Well, nothing that some warm milk and a nap or a timeout can't cure. Should take away all of the anger and resentment.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Attacking the media. Check!

bass: No, can't say that I can. Also, can you ever think of a time where a president was so viciously attacked and that we now have a rouge no completely out of control media.

Attacking Clinton. Check!

WilliB: Why would Hillary Clinton take massive donations from Saudi Arabia and Qatar?

Attacking "liberals". Check!

bass: Yes, It's the perfect paper for all the far left progressive whiners.

Attacking Comey. Check!

Blacklabel: But let Comey have 7 memos, 4 of which are classified.

Explaining why Trump Jr. lied in his first response about the meeting:


9 ( +11 / -2 )

Anyone read the village idiot's tweets?

Strangely silent about pretty Donny's meeting with the Russians, but he's got a lot else to say. Poor old man is getting desperate.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Attacking the media. Check

Attacking Clinton. Check!

Attacking "liberals". Check

Attacking Comey. Check

Yes, that's absolutely correct. Bingo!

Explaining why Trump Jr. lied in his first response about the meeting:

Because from what it seems like, lying is not necessarily an incriminating offense.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Because from what it seems like, lying is not necessarily an incriminating offense.

Is that from the Bluffers Guide to Journalism?

I'm curious and apologies for asking again but given the steadfast support for the pathological PotUS; does this mean that his supporters are liars as well?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Because from what it seems like, lying is not necessarily an incriminating offense.

That really disappoints me. Since Trump won power, his supporters reached a superior level of principles in the sense of demanding incontrovertible proof regarding accusations. Innocent until proven guilty became their very impressive rallying call. The years of trash and insanity thrown at previous presidents evaporated in the face of the Russia accusations.

It disapponts me because it seems lies, very suspicious lies, can be brushed off so nonchalantly. Sad.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Any bets on when Jr will fall on his sword?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Any bets on when Jr will fall on his sword?

Seeing as that reprehensible clan are not known for their honour; I'd hold your breath!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

US intelligence agencies have concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a mass effort to tilt the election in Trump's favor, including hacking and leaking embarrassing emails from Democrats.

The thing that most people seem to forget is that nobody is accusing the Russians of just making stuff up.

At best, this is all nonsense and the Russians did not hack anything.

At worst, the Russians hacked the DNC and exposed the DNC's real dirt.

So even assuming the Russian hacking nonsense is true, the election was tilted by the DNC's dirty behavior, period.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I'm curious and apologies for asking again but given the steadfast support for the pathological PotUS; does this mean that his supporters are liars as well?

....or are the left that are so desperately trying to find something, anything on this president liars?

That really disappoints me.

Im disappointed in the left......well, not really...

Since Trump won power, his supporters reached a superior level of principles in the sense of demanding incontrovertible proof regarding accusations. Innocent until proven guilty became their very impressive rallying call.

I recall the same exact opposite reaction about the last president and his lemming supporters.

The years of trash and insanity thrown at previous presidents evaporated in the face of the Russia accusations. 

Oh, I seriously doubt that.

It disapponts me because it seems lies, very suspicious lies, can be brushed off so nonchalantly. Sad.

But the real question is, who is really lying here? Trump, Kushner, Comey, Mueller? Who?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

"we now have a rouge no completely out of control media"

Are they completely out of control for wearing red powdered makeup on their faces?

Such a bunch of ROGUES

2 ( +2 / -0 )

bass, at 3:08 PM:

No, if he lies and it's an outrageous lie, I'll jump on that in a minute, I don't tow the partisan line.

bass, less than 8 hours later:

lying is not necessarily an incriminating offense.

Didn't take long to torpedo your credibility.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

That there is some email that supposedly told him he was meeting with a direct representative of the Kremlin who was going to help Trump win or some nonsense. 

Yet Rob Goldstone said that didnt happen.

*But Mr. Goldstone, who wrote the email over a year ago, denied any knowledge of involvement by the Russian government in the matter, saying that never dawned on him. *“Never, never ever,” he said.

What does it all mean...



Released by the jr.

*On June 3, 2016 at 10:36 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote**:*

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

*The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.*

*This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump—helped along by Aras and Emin.*

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The Russians went after the not-too-bright one and got a bite. Not only did he bite. Then he blabbed and blabbed. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I suspect the Russians pulled the trigger on this. Ironic.

“It is a crime to solicit or accept anything of value from a foreign national in a campaign."

Opponents research can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Republicans spent millions digging into Bill Clinton.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

And still none of you will speak about the DNC working with ex MI6 spy and also with Ukraine. Somehow those aren't foreigners and is perfectly fine huh?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Oh one more thing.... 4 of 7 Comey memos were classified. Comey friend said he was given 4 unclassified memos. yet math tells me if 4 were classified only 3 can be unclassified. Yet Comey's honey said he got 4?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

So, no comment then. Smarter play than Donnie jr.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Why would we speak of off topic items you are using to avoid the point that Trump Jr. lied?

Why would we encourage or enable a Trump supporter refusing to deal with this head on?

Makes no sense.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Well, now we know. Don Jr. was lying the whole time. And it appears that Kushner and Manafort have been, at the least, concealing evidence.

This is just the beginning.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Well, it looks like Donald Jr broke the law here. You cannot work with foreign agents to undermine or influence an election. He did just that. What's more, someone really has it in for Jr. They leaked this info in just the right way to get dummy to lie and then get caught lying.


But here is the salient point: we live in a very legalistic society these days. And even if it cannot be shown in a court of law that Jr, or anyone else close to Trump, or Trump himself, broke whatever law, the main point is all this is treason and continues to be treason with all the lying and the nothing-to-see-here crap. This we know:

Team Trump people, including Flynn, Jr, Jared and the Att Gerneral, all worked with Russians to get dirt on HRC. They did other stupid and treasonous things too, like try to set up a back line to Russia that even our guys wouldn't know. And they continue to do stupid and treasonous things, like invite unattended spies into the Oval Office and speak for an extra 1.5 hours alone with Putin just last week.

This is all a travesty. Trump is a treasonous POS.

And Republicans are silent.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Not to say the plot against Hillary Clinton (I don't care she lost) but in favoritism to his father is much fatal.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Drain the swamp!! Lock him up!!

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Imagine if the investigations that all you say haven't found anything had just ended after a month like you guys wanted. We wouldn't have gotten this juicy little email, now would we?

I love watching the resident "journalist" go apoplectic trying to downplay Donny Jr.'s email and the meeting between Donny Jr., the Kush, Pauli, and a Russia government lawyer. Keeping that journalistic integrity alive.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

"Given there is no hacking in the Russian hacking story, the charges have moved wider into a vague miasma of McCarthyite anti-Russian hysteria. Does anyone connected to Trump know any Russians? Do they have business links with Russian finance?

Of course they do. Trump is part of the worldwide oligarch class whose financial interests are woven into a vast worldwide network that enslaves pretty well the rest of us. As are the Clintons and the owners of the mainstream media who are stoking up the anti-Russian hysteria. It is all good for their armaments industry interests, in both Washington and Moscow".


Craig Murray nails it as usual. For those interested in more than the hysterical nonsense of the MSM the comments section on the blog post is well worth reading as well...since it's full of people who seem to really know their onions.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Hey Trumpophiles, aren't emails dandy? You know, the ones that appear to evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Uh-huh....this will lead to Nowhere once again, just watch....

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Humpty Trumpty had a big fall all right. What was that movie 'All the President's Men' about again?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Keep telling yourself that whilst utterly failing in your use of ellipses.

Yeah, swift.

Another rabbit hole in the making up and into the land of nowhere. Smh.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Isn't it amazing how politicians seem to universally think they are above the law? I mean, it's not like Trump needed the Russians to find dirt on Hillary. But they seem to have proven they're no better. Sheesh.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Surely Swift's observation is that generally those who have ever been employed by news media organisations tend to have an ability to write in their native language. Perhaps there are exceptions to this.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I think the left needs a serious nap and a timeout. LOL

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Another rabbit hole in the making up and into the land of nowhere. Smh.

All the denials and now the truth is coming out and still you protest?


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Another rabbit hole in the making up and into the land of nowhere. Smh.

Perfectly illustrates one of Trump's few true statements: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Surely Swift's observation is that generally those who have ever been employed by news media organisations tend to have an ability to write in their native language.

Spot on.

Perhaps there are exceptions to this.

Sure, especially with over 30 years of experience. It's like anybody with that much experience, as soon as they are off work, that experience turns off and doesn't bleed into any other parts of their lives.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

If you tell that to yourself long enough, you may just believe it. Nothing like journalistic integrity to keep someone focused on the facts, eh.

And if you tell yourself something will happen, you might set yourself for another fall...again. Why you guys never learn, it's beyond me, but that nature must be enthralling.

Given it's the right with the petulant leader flinging childish insults in twitter constantly, not to mention the lack of substantive arguments, belief they can just look away from facts and those facts will disappear, and lying to bolster their credibility coming from his supporters, I'd say the right needs some warm milk and a nap.

Dunno, DTJ willingly and openly gave up his email conversations for everyone to see, not exactly the attitude of someone that could be colluding with a foreign country. Dig that hole.

All the denials and now the truth is coming out and still you protest?


That it's once again, a lot of nothing...yes, astounding.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Dunno, DTJ willingly and openly gave up his email conversations for everyone to see, not exactly the attitude of someone that could be colluding with a foreign country. Dig that hole.

Willingly and openly after how many months? Another trick of journalists with integrity is omitting facts.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

not exactly the attitude of someone that could be colluding with a foreign country.

And yet the content is incontrovertible proof that he was doing exactly that. Did you not read the emails?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Sure, especially with over 30 years of experience. It's like anybody with that much experience, as soon as they are off work, that experience turns off and doesn't bleed into any other parts of their lives.

....or when people are purposely trying to protect their anonymity.

Willingly and openly after how many months? Another trick of journalists with integrity is omitting facts.

6 months of intense investigation and nothing but dirt, sweat towels ready, Dems growing antlers.

Washington establishment left and Democrats, keep the focus off important things and ramp up the ad Hominem attacks, looks like the left found a new home where the buffalo roam

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I thought there was no stupider Trump than big Don, but how wrong I was!

Now we have the evidence, and from the horse's mouth, how about we all stop pretending that there was no collusion and let Mueller continue his work in peace, to its logical conclusions.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

That it's once again, a lot of nothing...yes, astounding.

Wow. How big must the lies be before you cry "enough"?

From the BBC:

Publicist Rob Goldstone tells Donald Trump Jr that there is information that is "part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump".

Mr Trump Jr replies: "If it's what you say, I love it."

The emails led to a meeting in New York with a Russian lawyer.

It appears to be the first confirmation that a Trump associate attended a meeting in the expectation of being handed sensitive information from Russian officials.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

....or when people are purposely trying to protect their anonymity.

Sure, because correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling are key to discovering someone's identity.

6 months of intense investigation and nothing but dirt, sweat towels ready, Dems growing antlers.

6 months of denials and hiding emails. But, hey, if you want to deny facts . . .

6 ( +6 / -0 )

You know it's bad when FOX News has an editorial entitled, "The American People Deserve Answers."

This might be the opportunity we need to get that group of 35% who support Trump blindly to jump ship. We need it to be less than 30%. Some will stay on with Trump, but they will be conspiracy theory nutters or others who will swallow their pride and sell themselves out to protect the billionaire's son while Trump strips away their healthcare and cancels environmental cleanups in their area.

This has the potential to get very ugly.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

This has the potential to get very ugly.

Indeed. The golden age of Camelot is nothing but an ancient Kennedy myth. Now the US has the stolen age of Spamalot, with all the pratfalls one has come to expect from this administration.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

bass; Dunno, DTJ willingly and openly gave up his email conversations for everyone to see, not exactly the attitude of someone that could be colluding with a foreign country. Dig that hole.

ROFL the NYT was about to publish the emails. You got duped by the Trump team. But you'll lick their boots anyway.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Now we have the evidence, and from the horse's mouth, how about we all stop pretending that there was no collusion and let Mueller continue his work in peace, to its logical conclusions.

Which most likely will prove nothing and then what's next for the looney left? That's the million dollar question.

Wow. How big must the lies be before you cry "enough"?

Im surprised you were ok for the last 8 years. I cried everyday...almost.

Publicist Rob Goldstone tells Donald Trump Jr that there is information that is "part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump".

Ok, so we have a music producer trying to intermediate between Trump and a Russian Woman that works for the organization that made that bogus dossier of Trump allegedly being in a hotel with a bunch of prostitutes. Seriously?? If this doesn't smell like a bag of BS, then I don't know what does.

The lefts desperation is truly frightening.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Which most likely will prove nothing and then what's next for the looney left? That's the million dollar question.

If Mueller concludes that there is nothing untoward, then we will all be the wiser for it and thankful that the investigation has been carried out and concluded properly. Equally if he concludes that there is something untoward, we will be the wiser for it and thankful that the investigation has been carried out and concluded properly. Easy, really.

a music producer

a person well connected with top levels in the Kremlin.

a Russian Woman that works for the organization that made that bogus dossier 

a lawyer who has worked on behalf of persons closely related to the Kremlin, who by the way didn't make the dossier, the bogusness or otherwise of which is unknown.

And just so we understand: you see nothing wrong in any of Junior's actions related to that meeting?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trump could fall though a plate glass window and still not understand the meaning of transparency.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Im surprised you were ok for the last 8 years. I cried everyday...almost.

No but then I didn't inhabit the Bizarro World.

I do find myself moved by how Trump and his family have hoodwinked half of your country. And how you seem to celebrate that.

As you're a journalist; you should closer into what the looney left actually think of Trump. Certainly in the UK, many of them see Hillary as the greater of two evils and support Brexit (like Trump).

As you're a journalist, you do realise that there are no absolutes and that ideoogies often overlap?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Trump could fall though a plate glass window and still not understand the meaning of transparency.

This could happen on live TV and his supporters still wouldn't admit that he fell or that is was a plateglass window.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Clinton rigged the Obama glass.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

ROFL the NYT was about to publish the emails

So how did the NY Times get the personal emails of Donald Trump Jr, btw? This could get interesting and lead right back to the Obama admin unmasking, spying and leaking. Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy doesnt fit and definitely not treason. If they go after Trump Jr, there is no crime to prosecute. Plus, the other side is just going to keep bringing up Podesta and Hillary getting paid by Russia, uranium, Saudi Arabia donating to Hillary campaign, and the Ukraine helping the DNC get dirt on Manafort in particular. Its probably in their best interest to just let this go.

No crime was committed, so I think the results of this are going to be a lot of questions. Specifically about how those emails were obtained, who this lawyer lady was really working for, and why she was allowed in the USA suddenly after her request for a visa was denied. Basically the function of this whole mess was to cover Comey' memos again and the release of FBI documents showing Hillary's email investigation was botched which they have also slipped out while everyone screaming Russia Russia.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Here you go, explains the whole thought process:


Trump Jr. did, however, have full reason to suspect Clinton had operated nefariously in her dealings with Russia. Bill Clinton had given a $500,000 speech in Russia. Clinton had given her approval in handing one-fifth of U.S. uranium to Russia, after which her foundation received $2.35 million from the Russian-controlled company. Suspiciously, Clinton did not disclose the transaction.

Likewise, Clinton campaign chief John Podesta sat on the board of a company that received $35 million from the Russian government alongside fellow board members Anatoly Chubais, a senior Russian official, and Ruben Vardanyan, an oligarch. 

Given this context, why wouldn’t Trump Jr. be open to taking a meeting that offered evidence of incriminating Clinton dealings with Russia, particularly when most of the media refused to look into Clinton’s question-raising actions?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

. Clinton had given her approval in handing one-fifth of U.S. uranium to Russia, after which her foundation received

This is demonstrably false.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


Opinion pieces are not proper sources to cite when attempting to present facts.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

It wasnt presented as fact. I said here is the thought process.

Everything in there is true however, the Clinton foundation did receive contributions from Russia. Even NY Times says so:

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Collusion is not a crime. Conspiracy doesnt fit and definitely not treason. If they go after Trump Jr, there is no crime to prosecute.

The moon is made of cheese, elephants are pink and pigs fly.

the release of FBI documents showing Hillary's email investigation was botched which they have also slipped out while everyone screaming Russia Russia.

If Hillary is a wrong 'un, fine. She should be prosecuted.

But here's a thing - she's not running the country.

The Trump Clan is and they've been telling porkies since day one. It's too big and widespread to cover up now...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Everything in there is true however, the Clinton foundation did receive contributions from Russia. Even NY Times says so:

The article says the chairman of Uranium one and others connected to the company made donations. You are making the leap of logic that allows you to claim the money came from Russia. Nowhere in the article does it say Russia donated money to the Clinton Foundation.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Everything in there is true

1) There were nine people on the CFIUS that approved the deal. Clinton was only one. Where are the bribes for the others?

2) CFIUS did not have the power to approve nor veto the deal. They simply put together a recommendation for the president.

3) The supposed 20% of the uranium never actually left the USA

You guys need to learn to fact check yourself. A bunch of conspiracy theorists.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

You guys need to learn to fact check yourself. A bunch of conspiracy theorists.

But then they'd have to come into contact with facts, which would aggravate their allergies thereto. Come on, Stranger, these people are human beings.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Ivanka's new perfume:


8 ( +8 / -0 )

Nowhere in the article does it say Russia donated money to the Clinton Foundation.

Ah ok semantics. The chairman of a Russian controlled company that made a huge profit from the uranium deal made the donations. But of course you are ok with this because the actual chairman is Canadian. Doesnt seem to matter somehow that Rob Goldstone is British, not Russian though.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

If Mueller concludes that there is nothing untoward, then we will all be the wiser for it and thankful that the investigation has been carried out and concluded properly.

Now you know you don't believe that for second, right? ROFL

Equally if he concludes that there is something untoward, we will be the wiser for it and thankful that the investigation has been carried out and concluded properly. Easy, really.

I wish for the Democratic Party to stay right where they are dining with the squirrels and other forest critters.

This is demonstrably false.

Demonstrably true.


Funny, when the left site News, it's always true, when the right sites news, it all wrong or misunderstood or it just plain didn't happen.

Dear lord....Lol

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Ah conspiracy. Snopes.com happens to discuss this exact point.

It is also true that large donations to the foundation from the chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer, at around the time of the Russian purchase of the company and while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, were never disclosed to the public. The multimillion sums were channeled through a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation, CGSCI, which did not reveal its individual donors.

Such awkward collisions between Bill’s fundraising activities and Hillary’s public service have raised concerns not just among those who might be dismissed as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The chairman of a Russian controlled company that made a huge profit from the uranium deal made the donations.

So? Who cares? The donations were to 1/9 people, none of whom had approval or veto power.

Got any thing else you haven't bothered to fact check that you want to throw out there so you can look more foolish?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Ah conspiracy. Snopes.com happens to discuss this exact point.

You didn't bother to read the rest of that article though did you, or you would have seen how it disproved your theory, and declared the claim false.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

As the Russia behemoth rumbles on; the people get active. The looney left?

Fascinating article here


I wish for the Democratic Party to stay right where they are dining with the squirrels and other forest critters.

Whilst the GOP remains in the sewer. With all the other rats.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

You didn't bother to read the rest of that article though did you, or you would have seen how it disproved your theory, and declared the claim false.

yes, I read it and yes I know that. Snopes.com is useless as a fact checker anymore anyway. I was just using that quote to show that its not just right wing conspiracy people who have a problem with this. thats why I bolded that part.

Once again, depsite saying its false, they do say:

raised concerns not just among those who might be dismissed as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

So? Who cares? The donations were to 1/9 people, none of whom had approval or veto power.

Yeah donation only to the 1/9 people who was expected at the time to be the next President. But ok.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Kushner's facing five years.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The point is that the Donald Trump Jr thing took up 4 days of the news cycle and will soon be done and moving on. Was smart of him to just release the mail and go on TV for an interview, now the media has nothing else to slowly release every day for a week. All the facts are out there now, couple days more of speculations, then done.

Anything he might have been accused of criminally has already been done by the Dem side too. They cant do anything to him without doing something to one of thier own.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Russia stole US secrets, and then used it on the American public when it tried to influence the election.

Between those two events, there was the summer of last year. When Don Jr. and Kushner knowingly met with a Russian government operative in order to get US secretes.

And Republicans are silent.

They are sticking with Trump until they get their tax cut passed.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Another rabbit hole in the making up and into the land of nowhere. thats the thing with rabbit holes theres normally more than one avenue of escape, but eventually the exterminators (aka FBI) close off the exits until theres only one exit left, eventually those rabbits have to surface for survival , then bam! LOL

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Snopes.com is useless as a fact checker anymore anyway.

Yeah, with all their facts and citations, they are useless for the right because they deal in truth.

Once again, depsite saying its false, they do say:

raised concerns not just among those who might be dismissed as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.

Did you not realize that they weren't saying that about the uranium deal? Any more irrelevance you want to post?

Yeah donation only to the 1/9 people who was expected at the time to be the next President.

The claim was that the donations were made to approve the uranium deal, not for future favor if she became president. Any more irrelevance you want to post?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

As for anyone who pretends this isn't a BFD, they are either stupid, evil, crazy, or a combo of the above.

Republicans have no honor and no shame.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Anything he might have been accused of criminally has already been done by the Dem side too. They cant do anything to him without doing something to one of thier own.

The Democrats aren't running the country, are they?

Trump and his clan are. Running it right into the ground.

Is treason, lying and collusion all part of making America great again?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Donald Trump’s Presidency Is a cancer on the US.

8 ( +9 / -1 )


“Snopes is actually a pretty good at disproving “outlandish urban legends”, but when they deal with political ‘fact checking’ their bias is blatant.”

I agree with this article's comments. I never intended to make the focus about snopes anyway, was just using that to reply that its not a conspiracy theory to think something was wrong with the whole Uranium One deal. Lots of people have concerns about it, both what happened and the undeclared money (from a Russian controlled company) that came to the Clinton Foundation as a result.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Blacklabel: This could get interesting and lead right back to the Obama admin unmasking, spying and leaking.

And now we have an Obama sighting. Bingo!

So what do you think of Trump Jr. lying about his meeting?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

If Mueller concludes that there is nothing untoward, then we will all be the wiser for it and thankful that the investigation has been carried out and concluded properly.

Now you know you don't believe that for second, right? ROFL

Well, OK, I can't guarantee that there won't be some people not wiser or thankful. You for one, presumably. But my point is that the thing needs investigating and is being investigated and until that is concluded we don't know the full story. So let's wait.

Equally if he concludes that there is something untoward, we will be the wiser for it and thankful that the investigation has been carried out and concluded properly. Easy, really.

I wish for the Democratic Party to stay right where they are dining with the squirrels and other forest critters.

No idea what that means, if anything.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I agree with this article's comments.

Snopes may have bias, but they cite everything in their articles. If you have a problem with the article, show where their citations are wrong. When you simply try to discredit them for being them, it shows your argument to be baseless, since you can't actually counter the content.

was just using that to reply that its not a conspiracy theory to think something was wrong with the whole Uranium One deal.

Except that you quoted something as if it was saying there was a problem with the Uranium One deal, when it wasn't saying that.

Lots of people have concerns about it, both what happened and the undeclared money (from a Russian controlled company) that came to the Clinton Foundation as a result.

Which once again is blatantly wrong. The money cannot have come as a result, as Clinton wasn't in a position to be able to approve nor veto the deal, and was only one of 9 people who had a say. No money has been shown to have gone to any of the others.

You guys just love your zombie lies don't you. No matter how many times they are shown to be lies, you just keep repeating them in the hope that they will be true. You just look foolish for it though.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Grubby bunch of little buggers, aren't they? Running the ol' Show like a shady business.

It's funny watching American Conservative posters here defending the Trumps over and over again.

Now they are up to their elbows with the US's greatest rival, and they STILL reckon they are OK. Perfectly happy for them to be colluding with the enemy to win a US Presidential Election.


Where's your moral compass? Where are your standards? Do you have any?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

So what do you think of Trump Jr. lying about his meeting?

He said who he talked to, when, who else was there, and what was discussed. All others have corroborated his story. Then he even released the emails. Where is the lying part again?

And now we have an Obama sighting. Bingo!

Yep, Obama ADMINISTRATION. How did NY Times get the personal emails of a private citizen?

Anyway back to the main point. This is just desperation to prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. But collusion isnt even a crime, so whats the point even if it can somehow miraculously be proven?


Thats why they are trying to get something on this through campaign finance which is a yuuuuge stretch. Something of value was received but not paid for, is all they have. Yet, they cant even prove anything was received in the first place as everyone involved says it was a useless meeting.

They of course will also try to find any crimes in trying to cover up the unproven collusion and use that instead. The old favorites of lying to the FBI or not filling out forms correctly. The point is, none of this will ever get Trump impeached as most of you are hoping.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Whilst the GOP remains in the sewer. With all the other rats.

Strong, survivalists, I take that as a compliment, do. Democrats take spineless cowards the same way?

The Democrats aren't running the country, are they?

Thank Heavens for that!

Trump and his clan are. Running it right into the ground. 

Actually, it's in the ground, been in the ground and compacted for 9 years

Is treason, lying and collusion all part of making America great again?

So why isn't the previous president in chains and locked up?

Kushner's facing five years.

...or No prison time.

What, you cried almost every day, or you almost cried every day? And is that just dumb hyperbole or do you have... well, issues?

It's a joke, but seriously, waking up to that was killing me on the inside, so the only thing I could do is be patient and now I'm good. Actually, very good!

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

I just wonder if you guys will ever get that Russia didnt vote and that 62 million people voted for Trump and his policies. He won the election and is within his rights to do what he campaigned on, and he is fulfilling those promises one by one. Hey, a physical wall is being built and is in the funding bill, another thing you guys said would never happen.


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

He won the election and is within his rights to do what he campaigned on, and he is fulfilling those promises one by one. 



you mean like making Mexico pay for it?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

He said who he talked to, when, who else was there, and what was discussed. All others have corroborated his story. Then he even released the emails. Where is the lying part again?

You know; the bit about not meeting Russians about campaign related issues?

He denied that back in March when asked by the NYT.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I just wonder if you guys will ever get that Russia didnt vote and that 62 million people voted for Trump and his policies

And HRC had 65 million votes. What's your pointed?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

So desperate to deflect from the slime they post links to articles they haven't read past the title. I love it!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The point is, none of this will ever get Trump impeached as most of you are hoping.

Good. Some may be hoping. But the best scenario is for Trump to hang on through the drip drip of revelations and incompetence continually damaging the brand all through his term.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

So desperate to deflect from the slime they post links to articles they haven't read past the title. I love it!

It's the Trump Cult defense.

Deny, dismiss, dig, defend, display, dismay, d'oh!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

So the goal post for "collusion" has simply been moved to simply "talked to a Russian" because of months of nothing and embarrassed media. So now they find his son talked to a gasp Russian and possibly about dirt on the opponent. Yet the months leading up to this were based on fake dirt from the Kremlin. Which democrats and media where happy to use as source material for insinuations. So then by their own admission and definition of using this standard, the people touting the debunked dossier have "colluded" with Russia.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Blacklabel, does is not bother you that the Russians are meddling in your democratic elections? They hacked computers and revealed information that discredited one of the two parties. I'm not American so its no big deal to me but if I was American I would find this deeply disturbing. The US can't retaliate in the same way because Russia's elections are a sham. just step away from your partisan leanings for a few minutes and think about what this means. Any future US election can be seriously compromised.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

You know; the bit about not meeting Russians about campaign related issues?

The meeting was presented as dirt on Hillary, but the person had nothing. So thats not a meeting about campaign related issues, because the person they met with had none.

And HRC had 65 million votes. What's your pointed?

That you guys refuse to admit that the people who voted for and elected Trump have the right to see the candidate they elected do what they elected him to do. Russia didnt vote, people did.

Hillary had 65 million votes, whats your point? She's not President. The electoral college was good in 2012, but not so good in 2016 just because Trump won. Yet, no one has done anything to change it for 2020.



-6 ( +0 / -6 )

The meeting was presented as dirt on Hillary, but the person had nothing. So thats not a meeting about campaign related issues, because the person they met with had none.

You're kidding, right?

Are you checking the same story or have you wandered over from an Orwellian realm of doublespeak?

From the BBC:

Trump Jr received an email from an intermediary, British publicist Rob Goldstone, promising documents from Russia that would incriminate Hillary Clinton.

At that time, his father was the presumptive Republican nominee and heading towards an election fight against his Democratic rival, Mrs Clinton.

*One email from Mr Goldstone said the information they had been promised was "obviously very high-level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump".*

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Blacklabel, does is not bother you that the Russians are meddling in your democratic elections? They hacked computers and revealed information that discredited one of the two parties. 

No one has proven the hacking was Russian to my satisfaction. I want the DNC server turned over so someone other than Crowdstrike can confirm it happened and who did it. The CIA having tools that can turn any hacking into Russian hacking make the need for actual indisputable proof even more than usual. As far as the information that discredited one of the parties, it was real and true. I feel that the people had a right to know what kind of people they would have been electing. Not just Hillary but people around her like Huma Abedin and Podesta.

Any future US election can be seriously compromised.

yes by anyone, even people who are NOT Russians. So why isnt any effort being made to look into this hacking not as a partisan attack against Trump but as a who/what/how type scenario. The entire Russia narrative is to obstruct, embarrass and remove Trump himself now, nothing related to future elections.

Nothing is being done or pushed to harden any IT systems or to identify hacking tools and methods that were used. They are simply blaming Trump and his people for colluding and saying thats how it happened. But that explains nothing about HOW it happened from an IT perspective. Also, what if Trump people didnt help the hacking? How was it done then? That needs to be the focus or the next election can also be compromised, yes.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

One email from Mr Goldstone said the information they had been promised was "obviously very high-level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump".

Sure, yet no information was provided that was high level or sensitive, so that does not prove Russia and it government's support. If it had been provided then maybe that is proof, yes.

Based on the meeting the level of Russia's support for Mr Trump consisted of a lawyer not related to the government showing up and trying to talk about adoptions under false pretenses. That's not very good support from Russia.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

And HRC had 65 million votes. What's your pointed?

That Nobody wanted, not even the DNP. Thank God we dodged that bullet!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

That you guys refuse to admit that the people who voted for and elected Trump have the right to see the candidate they elected do what they elected him to do. Russia didnt vote, people did.

62 million did vote for Trump, I've never denied that. Likewise, 65 million people voted for yet. Trump lost the popular vote, but won because of the electoral college. It is absurd to claim that the minority of voters who voted for Trump deserve to have their voices heard, but the majority which voted for Cinton do not to deserve to have their voices heard.

The electoral college was good in 2012, but not so good in 2016 just because Trump won. 

Again, what is your point? Obama won both the EC and the popular vote? In nearly 150 years the EC and the popular vote have been different only two times. Both times the GOP won. That's why Dems don't like it. That and its not a particularly fair system.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

That Nobody wanted, not even the DNP. Thank God we dodged that bullet!

What's the DNP got to do with anything? Lol

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It is absurd to claim that the minority of voters who voted for Trump deserve to have their voices heard,

This is where we disagree. Trump is the President and Hillary is not. Trump should have to do what Hillary voters wanted just because she got more popular votes? Doesnt work like that. Dems had 8 years of their voices being heard, its someone else's turn.

But my main point is you guys act like NOBODY wants what Trump is trying to do and that he is somehow there illegitimately only due to Russia. No, people actually voted for exactly for the policies he is implementing and those people's votes deserve to be respected, as he won. Elections have consequences said Obama and the anyone who doesnt accept the results of elections must be respected, claimed Hillary. So here we are.

Just waiting for the next hit piece to come out, this topic nearly dead as no more to report or publish, everything is out there now.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

the anyone who doesnt accept the results of elections must be respected, claimed Hillary.

Autocorrect. Any who doesnt accept the results of elections are a threat to democracy, claimed Hillary.

Although if she knew she was gonna lose, she might have said what my computer autocorrected to. Because that is what the resistance is doing now, respecting people who dont accept the election results.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

62 million did vote for Trump, I've never denied that. Likewise, 65 million people voted for yet. Trump lost the popular vote, but won because of the electoral college. It is absurd to claim that the minority of voters who voted for Trump deserve to have their voices heard, but the majority which voted for Cinton do not to deserve to have their voices heard. 

Yeah, but wishing to be in the Bahamas doesn't cut it. He won it, Blacks and Hispanics weren't feeling the vibe and she was a lousy candidate and maybe if she hadn't meddled in the Russian 2011 election things may have or may not have been different. Her fault and No one else's.

What's the DNP got to do with anything?

You're right! ROFL

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

The intent to cooperate expecting Hillary dirt from a person they knew to be a Russia government representative is there in the emails that Donald Jr. has released.

("very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump")

The fact that person did not possess such official Russian documents does not change the fact that they were willing to be beholden to one who's a Russian government representative.


On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone (obscured) wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

*This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump** - helped along by Aras and Emin.*

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. (obscured) wrote:

*Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?*



Even Donald Trump Jr. now says he would had done things differently

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This just isn't gonna work because everything someone is charged with, a Clinton or the DNC already did it and wasn't charged. Money from China to the DNC back in the day?


oh and the Russian lawyer lady who supposed to be helping Trump? The internet found her old FB account and pics, one of which is of protesting in front of Trump Tower. Guess that's done now.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

But my main point is you guys act like NOBODY wants what Trump is trying to do and that he is somehow there illegitimately only due to Russia.

No one has said that. There will always be a few morons in the clown constituency, but the majority of people do not support Trump. Its not even close.

Trump is only president because of an antiquated system, so don't be upset at the majority of voters who didn't vote for Donny. We deserve to be heard too.

maybe if she hadn't meddled in the Russian 2011 election things may have or may not have been different

Classy as always, Bass. I don't care how we win, as long as we win.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

@wtf so how would Trump's votes be determined to have been obtained illegally or unfairly. Each voter made a choice and their votes were accurately recorded and tallied as far as we have been told.

Barack Obama himself declared that American elections cannot be rigged, claimed such allegations would divide the country and were just whining. This was in October even after he was told about Russia in August. Thanks Obama!

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

oh and the Russian lawyer lady who supposed to be helping Trump? The internet found her old FB account and pics, one of which is of protesting in front of Trump Tower. Guess that's done now.

She also didn't initiate the meeting. From the sounds of it she was only there because she was told to be.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

From the sounds of it she was only there because she was told to be.

Which is not a crime

Did I say it was? No... you imagined it like everything else.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

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