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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump speechwriter takes blame for Melania Trump's speech
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"For Mrs. Trump, 46, a Slovenian-born former model who is Donald Trump’s third wife and 24 years his junior, the controversy marred a moment in the spotlight that had been months in the making."
Will Trump deport her? Any political speech writer would know not to steal others work and present it as her own. Trump's staff sure has a lot of holes in it.
Why would Trump deport a legal immigrant? That's just absurd! It the illegals who need to be addressed.
Self imposed residency is vastly different than the immigrants who spent the time and effort with the application process to live in USA LEGALLY. How many of you expats in Japan are illegal? Or have you jumped through the hoops to retain LEGAL residency?
Black Sabbath
Now its too late, but Trump should have quickly id's it was she who was the culprit and proclaimed "You're fired!"
But he didn't.
'Cause he don't know what the hell is going on. Sloppy and ameturish.
More evidence to bolster my belief in my bet.
Any takers? So far, only one.
"Don't cry for me, Slovenia...."
"The speech required her to overcome her wariness about public speaking and the traditional role of the politician’s wife, as well as her heavily accented English, to present herself to the public as her husband’s partner, a poised mother and wife passionate about issues affecting women and children."
(Obviously Melania is in favor of Trump putting women in jail for having abortions.)
All anyone will remember is how nice Trump's daughter looked and wonder why her accent was so strong. Aren't the Trumps Americans? Where's Trump's Birth Certificate and Tax Returns?
The Real Loser? "“I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches. This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama,” McIver said. “No harm was meant.”
A direct lift from First Lady Obama's speech and the Campaign thought they would use it to have another fraud on innocent Americans.
There's lazy and then there's stupid. Americans will get both with Donald J. Trump.
Fred Wallace
Does the exercising of voting actually supercede the use of critical thinking in America? It's become so exhausting having the way we live in this world being in some way affected by the numb skullish decisions made once every every four years. Can anyone imagine if china assumed this role instead? Would it sit comfortably on your conscience? I don't mean to denigrate but if the only choice you're given is dog and cat excrement, why in this sane universe would you choose either? I'm desperate to understand this mindset.
I can't imagine how dysfunctional the government would be if it were run with this degree of sloppiness.
Liberals are such hypocrites. When Obama plagerized his speeches, not a word from liberals. And actually, it's very interesting, you guys make this a high priority, in the end, it's just a speech and if you guys want to make that a front and center issue, then that would mean, the only thing that liberals are good at is mocking and complaining and that's all we need, 4 more years of whiny complaining racist Democrats. No wonder the country is going down the drain.
Black Sabbath
Where are you from?
Mike L
Why does the rest of the world have to hear every detail about this dragged out farce? American politics is so infantile and boring. I'm not allowed to post it but South Park had it right. Giant ##### or #### sandwich?
Fred Wallace
Spot on!!
American politics is so infantile and boring.
Wrong. Trump is changing all that.
Tonight Trump gives his 'I Have a Dream' speech.
But as the saying goes, "when America sneezes, everyone else catches a cold." Infantile, tell that to over 87 countries that depend on us for a lot of things.
bass4funk: " "when America sneezes, everyone else catches a cold."
Not really. More like, "When America sneezes (which is a LOT these days, plus major hiccups), the world chuckles but still says 'bless you' (for fear the plague will spread)".
Anyway, no more denying the speech was plagiarized, my friend, and all those who defended her yesterday. What a total loser! hahaha. And she said she wrote it herself 'with some help' and that saying it was plagiarized was an insult to her and her children! HAHA. So now that it's proven, I guess she was just insulting herself and her own children. I'd say her intellect as well, but if she's with Trump she's clearly stupid to begin with.
This woman could be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Is that what Americans want?
And now... I think Melania said yesterday that she had composed the speech by herself.
Today, a ballet teacher who is also an English major admits she copied Michelle Obama's speech "just a little."
Aside from the fact that someone could show that they are both liars, one is left to ask bigger questions, such as How can anyone earn money from speech writing when everyone is stealing from everyone else? Is ANYBODY on Trump's team actually going to get paid for doing anything, or will Trump just keep throwing bones to amateurs willing to do it for "the experience"? If nobody really listens to speeches anyway, then why was this picked up so quickly? Is it likely that Melania not only copied Michelle's words, but used a video of Michelle's speech to rehearse? and Why can't Rocky and Bullwinkle put a stop to this Boris and Natasha plot?
I feel sorry for this English major, apparently trying to get out of that trap by getting a ballet teacher gig, now flung out of both career tracks by age, incompetence, and casual scrutiny. Just another washed up plagiarist flung onto the ash heap of history.
Melania, who is definitely much less competent, will land on her feet.
Mike L
bass4funk - sneezing and other countries catching a cold is a good analogy for the influence America has on the world for sure. Nicely put!
"The pushback from the Trump campaign was hard. At one point, campaign co-chairman Paul Manafort blamed Hillary Clinton for the controversy, though he offered no coherent theory on how she could have orchestrated it." - article
Paul Manafort offered no coherent theory on how she could have orchestrated it.
Remember kids, when living a lie, or multiple lies in Trump's case, there's no truth except you're right and everyone else is wrong.
The Trump Campaign has been based on that simple ideology since day one. No wonder why the GOP-tea understands Trump so well. He's a liar's liar.
Really? So the next time Europe or the rest of the world is in trouble with radical Jihadism or Russia, produce, technology, Good luck and please give us back all the windows and apple products that includes hardware and software. So that means Trump is right, let everyone take care of themselves. Notice how quickly world leaders were scrambling and running like ants and calling in John Kerry to shed some light and reinsurances that we have nothing to worry about. The US will always stand by Europe and why? "When America sneezes, everyone else catches a cold."
Yes, you are right. But did you feel the same when Obama did the same thing? Was that equally making you feel repulsed and sick to your stomach.
I think when Hillary lied to the country it was an insult to the nation as well as when she insulted us by lying that her helicopter under heavy fire when she was in Bosnia, talk about a major foot in mouth moment.
You know Hillary was stupid to believe that she could fool the FBI and the public. 62% untrustworthy.....ouch!
Louis Amsel
so the republicans had no problem getting preached by a woman with a strong eastern europe accent and a blatant plagerism, and her husband vows everyday to deport the arab and mexcian immigrants. lol, what a joke
Could she have chosen a more inappropriate section to plagiarise?
MO "that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect. " MT "that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect. "
I have a real problem with plagiarism ("copi-pe" copy pasting) at university and this is not going to help.
It was only a couple decades ago or so, that people around the world used to look up to America.
Kuya 808
Anybody remember that stirring passage from Michelle Obama's 2008 DNC speech, the one where she relates how Barack won her heart by talking about the "world as it is" and "the world as it should be"? At the time, she attributed those words to her husband but in reality those words were lifted verbatim from Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals". There was no attribution to Mr. Alinsky and interestingly no outcry about this blatant example of plagiarism.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
The Trumps are frauds, the GOP is nothing more than a organ pumping racism into the heart of white America. That Mrs. Trump plagiarized her speech is the least of anyone's worries, nothing but a distraction from just how horrible everything that party stands for truly is.
We heard this straw-clutching yesterday, too. Have any academics labelled this plagiarism?
Gonna need a bigger boat, Reps.
Kuya 808
Maybe nobody asked
"The Trumps are frauds"
Nah, but the Clintons are.
A fair response, Kuya 808. It is very generic and has a very low word count, so I doubt if plagiarism software would detect it.
So why didn't the campaign PR just say so from the beginning, instead of having others deny it for them? Sometimes, the actions after a deed is more telling than the deed itself.
After pretending it didn't exist and letting others do the battle for them, the Trump campaign finally acknowledged the issue and admitted that section of Melania Trump's speech was indeed lifted from Michelle Obama's speech. Took them long enough, but at least they didn't blame the media this time.
One thing I am sure is her home country has better method to teach English for second language. Japanese univ educated MLB baseball players need their speech translators when interviewed. She spoke on her own on stage. and she is smart enough that she is not talking pesky media interviewers.