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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump tests limits of gag order with post insulting 2 likely witnesses in criminal trial
He's trying everything he has to avoid the trial starting on Monday. This is an attempt to have the judge respond to this clear violation of the gag order, so that he can appeal it.
Bob Fosse
"two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly!”
That’s some hard projecting.
How has a porn star cost the country dearly? It’s not like his reputation was sterling before he tried to hush her up.
Needs a physical gag order.
This Moron has the self-control of a two-year old - the IQ level also...
Just as with the E. Jean Carroll case, he loses, can't control himself, and then does the same thing again...
I do agree that this is also his attempt to delay things by trying to provoke the judge who has been more than fair to him...
Have to say one thing in his favor though, when Trump talks about "sleazebags", there's no one more authoritative on that subject...just like when he talks about marital fidelity...
Maybe the reason Trump is melting down and lashing out is because he knows how incompetent his lawyers are...
There are multiple Jeremy Rosenbergs in New York City, as former President Donald Trump's attorneys found out Tuesday after they sent a subpoena to the wrong one.
Last month, Trump's attorneys in his criminal hush money case in Manhattan sought to subpoena the Jeremy Rosenberg who was a supervising investigator in the Manhattan district attorney's office.
Instead, according to court filings revealed Tuesday, the subpoena went to another Jeremy Rosenberg.
What brilliant legal minds...on the other hand, maybe they saw how Trump stiffed his best bud Giuliani of $2million in legal fees and are acting accordingly...
Welcome to "MAGA-I'm-Going-to Jail" World...
Question. Why was Trump associating with two sleaze bags? One who was his personal fixer for years.
Exactly. These two potential witnesses have not exactly been media shy recently. Trump has every right to respond to their public assertions. Nothingburger.
Bob Fosse
Why doesn’t he want to do it in court?
You know why.
Trump knows what’s coming. His attorney has the depositions and the witness list.
He’s trying to delay or to even force a mistrial because he knows he is screwed.
I don't believe in digital censorship, but if there is not a digital analogue to the Hannibal Lecter mask from Silence of the Lambs for adjudicated with an oversized megaphone then the whole legal system is called into question.
Of course DT is still benefiting form a two-tiered justice system for the propertied and privileged.
Sleazy…one might say the same about this judge and this Democrat attack get Trump fiasco, that’s the sleaze tactic that makes us wonder why?
Unable to control his gob.
Bob Fosse
You might, 45 can’t. He’s been gagged.
Looking forward to seeing him in court on Monday. Never surrender, right?
I think the Dems don’t know what’s coming.
I would too, knowing what the Dems plans are at trying to take this guy out of the election cycle. I would play every trick I could. I don’t blame him.
Bob Fosse
Well, he will now finally have to answer for his crimes, no more running, finally judgment will be met.
Then they lost them...
Guilty is as guilty does...
Cards fan
I think the right don't know what's coming.
Not okay.
lol Maybe Trump could, like, not break the law? Ever thought about that?
Hope he speaks out.
I think the left don’t know what’s coming
I disagree
What law was broken? More Dem clam digging…
Cards fan
I think the right don't know what's coming.
I disagree with you disagreeing.
Campaign finance laws. Really weird how the right suddenly doesn't care about election integrity now.
Bob Fosse
Alleged to have been broken Bass, wait until the trial.
But just to clarify for you; it’s in the article above. Falsifying business records. In case you were unaware that is a crime, whatever your political affiliations. It is a crime and has been throughout your entire lifetime.
Lock him up! Lock him up!
Election interference. That thing you guys claim to care about.
The Prosecutors do do E. Jean Carroll's lawyers...and Jack Smith...
Is it surrendering when you previously state unequivocally that life begins at conception, then later say a 15 week abortion is OK?
What despicable people, Trump supporters are, sending death threats to Stormy, who has done nothing wrong.
I think the left don’t know what’s about to come
You can, we agree to disagree.
Ok, so more clam digging.
Hearing that from the left is like Hillary saying she’s a licensed cardiologist.
If the arrest really occurs (unlikely) I can't wait to see what's in the indictment. I'm not sure where this guy went to law school, but it sounds like he needs some refresher courses. I don't think he is worried about winning or losing his case, so if he loses he will go a long way in helping President Trump in his reelection win.
Cards fan
I think the right don't know what's about to come.
I disgree.
lmao What are you even talking about? He's already been indicted.
Yes, we do, but what crime???
I did some research today: The alleged "crime" of violating campaign finance law was to have occurred in 2016, 7 years ago. However, New York State statutes of limitations on campaign finance law violations generally range from one year to 6 years. On the federal side, such cases have up to five years for charges to be filed. If the charge is Tax Fraud, then New York State Tax Law places a three-year statute of limitations. So either way, the DNC, DA Bragg, and the deranged radical Left don't even have a snowball's chance on a hot July noon. ROFL
Now imagine how we feel about Biden and his administration and multiple that times 12
The left did to Clarence Thomas, Rand Paul MTG, Matt Gaetz, Justice Kavanaugh, and Barrett
who have done nothing wrong.
Neither the left .
I don’t agree with you, you not with me, so we disagree.
Not going to jail though.
Cards fan
You better keep doing your research, friend. The falsification of business records took place in 2017. Trump and his maga morons don't even have a snowball's chance on a hot July noon. rofl
MAGA really have the minor talent of logical conflation that ensnares the less aware.
Conflating actual threats of violence and incitement online by former presidents, lawmakers et al in the context of legal proceedings.
To some conservatives getting threatened by randos on Xitter.
It is disingenuous and obviously deceptive and weak MAGAism. But so goes demagoguery.
Cards fan
Neither the right.
I disagree.
We were talking about Trump committing a crime, not the likely punishment for committing said crime. Keep moving the ball, friend.
The left trying to claim Trump can’t speak about Stormy and Cohen when they publicly trying to trash him daily is hilarious.
Bob Fosse
lol quick bass, is they any way you could contact 45’s legal team? You may just have cause to throw the whole case. Quick hurry now before it’s too late! lol
Neither side.
What crime?
Bob Fosse
Falsifying business records.
The very definition of a two tier justice system. They can say anything about you slander you and Trump just has to take it. What a joke these leftist are. Too funny.
Cards fan
I disagree.
I disagree.
What crime? Maybe the one I've already posted the link to?
The right trying to claim that the indicted have the same rights as everybody else is hilarious.
So they are trying to imprison him for mislabeling an expense in his financial records that most likely was entered by an accountant. This isn't a crime, it's a bookkeeping error fixed by an audit and payment of any additional taxes owed, but since Trump is running, we need to change the entire rule book.
Bob Fosse
It is. You don’t know more than the DA.
Cards fan
A swing and a miss. Nice try. It was multiple documents, and his signature is on all of them.
It is too a crime.
Yes, a series of "errors." Designed to hide the nature of the payouts and in excess of campaign contribution limits.
What specific statute was changed to "get" Trump? Be specific.
We do, we can look it up, his lawyers do, that’s why they are fighting this.
More swings and misses
Well, the Dems are trying to make it into a crime. Again, an error that could easily be made and fixed.,
Ok, so more clam digging….
2016, 7 years ago. However, New York State statutes of limitations on campaign finance law violations generally range from one year to 6 years.
Cards fan
Again, the crimes listed in the indictment. I've already posted a link directly from the Manhattan DA. It's less than 20 pages, and gives the specific statute and dates of the alleged crimes.
har. U2 aren't soccer players. Are you saying Cohen isn't a liar? What a terrible analogy.
Quick, a squirrel!
Cards fan
I've already addressed this. The alleged crime happened in 2017. He was charged in 2023. This is nonsense, and if it had any teeth, Trump's lawyers would have already used it to get the case tossed. Not wait until days before the trial. Pathetic.
Bob Fosse
And when you lose will you claim it was all fixed or will you accept that 45s legal team had no defense?
You already have your excuses, I suspect it will be the former.
Trump fired his female lawyer Alina Habba.
Which really are no crimes, so where is the crime??
I read them. So once again, nothing.
Exactly, now we are seeing eye to eye.
That thought goes both ways.
Yup! A shame what the left is doing!
So in other words, the Dems have nothing really.
Now here’s a Democrat liberal Constitutionalist who knows what he’s talking about.
Trump-Stormy Daniels settlement at heart of potential NY DA indictment didn't violate campaign law: FEC expert
And not doing a very good job given they are 0-3 getting it delayed, he's been gagged twice, and they subpoenaed the wrong person...
Well I was thinking hefty fine but you've already have him going behind may be right...
Who witnesses, emails, and records will prove it was at the direction of Trump...
Falsify your tax return and bank records this year - you have a couple more days to file...defend yourself by stating that isn't a crime...tell us how that goes for you...