Japan Today

Trump says there are only two genders, will end diversity programs

By Frankie Taggart and Gregory Walton

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I eagerly await this definition and whether it means that XY women with androgen insensitivity syndrome just have to acknowledge that they are written out of existence.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

XY women with androgen insensitivity syndrome just have to acknowledge that they are written out of existence.

And how many of them are there? This is NOT the reason for the vast majority of "trans" people and you very well know this. Not in anyway a Trump fan but he has this right. People should be free to wear what ever they like, change their name, even cut off body parts. But others should not have to go along with the delusion.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Mr KiplingToday 07:10 am JST

XY women with androgen insensitivity syndrome just have to acknowledge that they are written out of existence.

And how many of them are there?

If there is even one, why would you discriminate against them just to be hateful?

This is NOT the reason for the vast majority of "trans" people and you very well know this.

If nature can screw up, people should be free to modify nature.

Not in anyway a Trump fan but he has this right. People should be free to wear what ever they like, change their name, even cut off body parts. But others should not have to go along with the delusion.

The government is not a MAGA "independent thinker". At least not yet.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I eagerly await this definition and whether it means that XY women with androgen insensitivity syndrome just have to acknowledge that they are written out of existence.

I get it, but that wasn’t the issue. Biological born men cannot be and will never be allowed to compete with women will be allowed to be in the same room with them while they’re changing, so this is it for the books, if you go to any other country, no other country talks this craziness, there are only two sexes, generally speaking.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

bass4funkToday 07:23 am JST

Biological born men cannot be and will never be allowed to compete with women will be allowed to be in the same room with them while they’re changing, so this is it for the books,

You going to personally do the checking in the men's room?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

bass4funkToday 07:23 am JST

if you go to any other country, no other country talks this craziness,

Even Japan has transgender supporting laws.

there are only two sexes, generally speaking.

If your god can screw up, people should be free to correct his work.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

revolution of common sense.


0 ( +5 / -5 )

Even Japan has transgender supporting laws.

Japan and do whatever it wants, good for Japan.

If your god can screw up, people should be free to correct his work.

Trump is doing that, relax

0 ( +8 / -8 )

You going to personally do the checking in the men's room?

Sorry, but gender was never an issue until the last administration got into power, but now that’s finished and common sense prevailed in the end.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Nature decides gender at birth.

Either male or female.

Lets be clear intersex is an Intersex an umbrella term denotes those that are born with one or more traits in their chromosomes, genitals, hormones.

However not to be confused, weaponised in the toxic war of identity politics, that has undermined women children's safe spaces.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

It’ll all get reversed again in 4 years.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I get it, but that wasn’t the issue. Biological born men cannot be and will never be allowed to compete with women will be allowed to be in the same room with them while they’re changing, so this is it for the books, if you go to any other country, no other country talks this craziness, there are only two sexes, generally speaking.

You seem to lack knowledge about other countries that don't speak the same language as you. But as far as I know I believe Thailand is more advanced than America when it comes to that topic

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Just one of the many "deflect" culture-war issues Trump and his billionaire buds use to play and manipulate the MAGA-masses while they scheme to gibe themselves "huuuuge" tax breaks and give their jobs to lower-wage immigrants...

Trump knows how easy his supporters are to manipulate - just look at what he calls them - "basement dwellers"...

1 ( +4 / -3 )


Nature decides gender at birth.

Either male or female.

Incorrect. Gender is a social construct. Nature decides sex at birth, not gender.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I eagerly await this definition and whether it means that XY women with androgen insensitivity syndrome

Like any other objectively definable genetic deformity, the doctor will note it at birth and you'll be issued a certificate indicating that you are disabled and be rightfully granted special rights and privileges.

The key point is that this syndrome, like down syndrome is objectively confirmable with a genetic test.

A man saying he feels like a girl is not objectively confirmable with a genetic test.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

It’ll all get reversed again in 4 years.

If the Dems want to be sent back into the abyss of political irrelevancy, so be it, but with the planned laws in the works, that are on the table, the Dems won't get the chance.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

It’ll all get reversed again in 4 years.

If the Dems want to be sent back into the abyss of political irrelevancy, so be it, but with the planned laws in the works, that are on the table, the Dems won't get the chance.

Of course they will get the chance. That’s how it works.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

If there is even one, why would you discriminate against them just to be hateful?

The one should be treated with dignity and respect and not have their extremely rare condition used by others as an opportunity to piggy back on for attention and as a cudgel to force others to deny the reality of biology by weaponising law (as has been done in Canada where "misgendering" a guy with a swing between as a...well guy can get you charged with a crime).

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

A man saying he feels like a girl is not objectively confirmable with a genetic test.

And forcing anyone to say he is a girl by law is a true sign of dictatorship

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Just let people to be whatever they want..

0 ( +5 / -5 )

In gender it is very easy to identify two opposite sides in countries like the US, politicians and religious figures in one side and doctors and scientists on the other.

When you side yourself with politicians against doctors it becomes clear your interest is not what is objectively best, just impose a prejudice by force.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )


The key point is that this syndrome, like down syndrome is objectively confirmable with a genetic test.

A man saying he feels like a girl is not objectively confirmable with a genetic test.

Why does there need to be a test? Why not take their word for it?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Just let people to be whatever they want..

You can be a 13 year-old girl in your own head.

However, don't force the rest of society to obey your beliefs and allow you to enter a changing room with actual 13 year-old girls.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Gender is a social construct. Nature decides sex at birth, not gender.

That Underworld is the weaponization of toxic Identity politics at its poisonous rotten core, my friend.

It is divisive, in its tone, in its intention to bait goad and provoke.

To harass, create division within communities, to divide, to cause maximum fear of persecution.

I am not suggesting for a moment Underworld you would ever advocate such provocation.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

U.S. President Donald Trump will issue a series of executive orders targeting diversity programs and gender identity policies Monday, using his inauguration speech to signal a definitive break with what he decries as "woke" culture.

True, we are all born Males or Females and there is NOTHING in between.

Now what we choose to be afterwards is something else.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


Gender is a social construct. Nature decides sex at birth, not gender.

That Underworld is the weaponization of toxic Identity politics at its poisonous rotten core, my friend.

It’s basic definitions. Get a dictionary.

It is divisive, in its tone, in its intention to bait goad and provoke. 

Nope. Straight out of the dictionary.

To harass, create division within communities, to divide, to cause maximum fear of persecution. 

Definitions can’t harass.

I am not suggesting for a moment Underworld you would ever advocate such provocation.

It’s not a provocation. It’s what words mean.

5 ( +5 / -0 )



-4 ( +1 / -5 )


True, we are all born Males or Females and there is NOTHING in between. 

That’s called sex.

Now what we choose to be afterwards is something else.

That’s called gender.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Underworld, dictionaries' do not deliberately bait misconceptions of a particular "gender" identity.

Or the negative misrepresentations of exclusion, the need for exploitation, marginalization.

It is the harsh unrelenting political need, negativity, of spreading malicious discord belligerence, enacting laws that furnish discontent for accepted values, sneering contempt at communities chosen ways of life.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Nature decide your sex, your gender, from your first struggle for breath at birth.

What happens afterwards is the bitter twisted 21st century toxicity to troll society into believing otherwise.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Nature decide your sex, your gender, from your first struggle for breath at birth.

What happens afterwards is the bitter twisted 21st century toxicity to troll society into believing otherwise.

Any respected institution of human health, medical science, etc. that supports this claim? because just making an appeal to your personal authority to decide this is obviously invalid, specially from an anonymous account.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

No virusrex, in is society that will ultimately decide whether it is acceptable to blur the lines of natures decision.

The US people at the ballot box, in this case a second term of a Donald Trump presidency have stated a mandate to bring about change.

It is not yours or mine, "personal authority" to insist otherwise.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

There ARE only 2 genders.

shouldn’t be a controversial statement.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

@ virus rex

doctors and scientists

As if these figures were almighty infallible entities.

Not all world doctors and scientists agree. It is rather weird than prominently doctors in specific places in the US come up with defenses of what used to be psychiatric issues as now normal issues. These same pseudo scientist have yet to explain why would a full grown man claiming to be a girl be had to be believed or a teenage girl saying she wants to be a boy be believed and affirmed, and not someone black claiming to be white or a boy claiming to be turtle or an alien inside. How they differentiate delusion from non-delusion or outright lies is unfathomable.

Not to mention the fact that doctors and scientists can also be biased, bought, act on their own agendas and plain and simple be as evil as any politician.

The fact that there are 2 sexes and thus 2 genders, does not in itself discriminate against gender dysphoria people. These people indeed need some way to fit in society, it's got to be helpless when having to choose between one or the other and not truly fitting physically and biologically from birth in any of those. It is a true issue and one that still needs solution. Sadly their plea was lost for peddling those with only the mental delusion or disorder of feeling or rather wanting to be something other than they were born with. Their issue is a different one. But sadly they were straddled together.

Affirming that biologically there are only 2 sexes and thus genders, can on the contrary bring back to the table the topic of those that truly as @taiwanisnotchina said have been "screwed up" by nature and truly provide support, understanding for their condition and give them their place in society. Also gender definition should also and actually does not limit one gender it the other character. Men can be soft, kind, caring, nurturing and women can be strong, independent, decisive, etc, and vice versa, because they are both Human and all human can have all personality traits!!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

MoriahToday 08:45 am JST

The key point is that this syndrome, like down syndrome is objectively confirmable with a genetic test.

Actually it isn't: it's confirmed by the fact that you have XY chromosomes but are in all other ways female.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

No virusrex, in is society that will ultimately decide whether it is acceptable to blur the lines of natures decision.

You are talking about different things, if something can be objectively proved then society can decide in a correct or a mistaken way. If for example a society decides that one race is superior that will be "aceptable" in that society, but it will still be wrong. Currently societies aim to make correct decisions based on the best method we have to finding out what is actually real, but there will be always people that want to drag everybody to worse times and pretend that making a mistake popular will magically make it true.

It is not yours or mine, "personal authority" to insist otherwise.

It is when you can't make any argument or bring any reference that proves your claim. Appeal to popularity is a well known fallacy, where a person pretends that something popular is the same as something true. To a point is accepting defeat because a real argument can't be used.

As if these figures were almighty infallible entities.

Not at all, it is simply that claiming they (as in the whole community in the world) is wrong without being able to argue or present evidence of this being the case makes the claim worthless.

On one side you have the scientists and doctors of the world with their thousands of studies saying something, on the other hand you have one nameless person on the internet saying the opposite and supporting it with "just trust me, bro". It is not difficult to see which side is actually much more likely to be correct.

Not all world doctors and scientists agree

Not all doctors and scientists agree with the existence of microbes, there will be always inept, unprofessional, self serving people that are not really qualified to be professionals.

But when you can't find even one respected institution anywhere in the world that supports a claim, then the safe bet is to consider that claim as false. I mean, the alternative is that every single institution of the planet is wrong and the scientific method (which is the basis for the conclusions on those institutions) is actually worthless. That is not even remotely believable.

These same pseudo scientist have yet to explain why would a full grown man claiming to be a girl be had to be believed or a teenage girl saying she wants to be a boy be believed and affirmed, and not someone black claiming to be white or a boy claiming to be turtle or an alien inside. How they differentiate delusion from non-delusion or outright lies is unfathomable.

No they don't, all about gender and why is a construct and a personal matter is well explained, just because you refuse to accept the explanation that does not make it disappear, someone saying that scientists have never explained how the planet is not flat is trying to use the same fallacy.

Not to mention the fact that doctors and scientists can also be biased, bought, act on their own agendas and plain and simple be as evil as any politician.

Which obviously applies much more easily to those that contradict the consensus without offering any evidence or scientific arguments of their claims. Again, one side the full community of the world, on the other outliers that are unable to prove their beliefs.

The fact that there are 2 sexes and thus 2 genders

Not a fact, and again making personal appeals to your own authority is nonsensical from an anonymous account.

So, how about that reference where a respected institution, anywhere in the planet supports the original claim.

None? well, that clears the situation.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Finally science and sanity come together, as Trump states the obvious facts.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Finally science and sanity come together, as Trump states the obvious facts.

Wait, you think science and sanity is decided by political declarations? What makes you think this is something that scientists and doctors agree with?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

I have had the pleasure, the friendship of many Trans people, all have been an inspiration to my experience of life.

The queer gay lesbian trans communities in Brighton UK have brought inclusion, vibrancy, a world of exuberant texture and colour.

It is the harshness of political weaponization of "gender" that has marginalised isolated the trans community.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

virusrex, there is nothing to argue about here.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The queer gay lesbian trans communities in Brighton UK have brought inclusion, vibrancy, a world of exuberant texture and colour.

Brighton in the house!

(Studied, lived and worked there for ten years, and couldn't agree more with your comments. The language coming from the new US administration sounds like they've been borrowing talking points from the Taliban).

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Gender is not sex. Sex is a biological fact. A male is a male a female is a female. A male who thinks he's a female is deluded.

Hermaphrodites are extremely rare and have nothing to do with a guy putting on a dress thinking he's a woman...when he has a penis and 1X chromosome and 1 Y chromosome. Such a guy is deluded. The authority on that is nature and the science by which we understand nature.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I have had the pleasure, the friendship of many Trans people, all have been an inspiration to my experience of life.

The queer gay lesbian trans communities in Brighton UK have brought inclusion, vibrancy, a world of exuberant texture and colour.

Awesome! It would be extremely boring if everyone were the same. I fully support gay marriage, trans lifestyles and the "vibrancy and exuberant texture" some people add to society.

It is the harshness of political weaponization of "gender" that has marginalised isolated the trans community.

the "political weaponisation" of gender only has any teeth when forced upon others by law!

Misgendering Is a Human Rights Violation, Canadian Court Rules

A human rights tribunal ruled that pronouns are “a fundamental part of a person’s identity.”

This is compelled speech, meaning the government forcing you to use words. How is that not "political weaponisation"? It's literally a definition of it!


Be who you are. Be true to yourself. You have my blessings. Don't force me by law to say a man is a woman or say he or she.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Some dude, I wish politicians would refrain from focusing on venerable minorities to further there cynical agenda.

Brighton has been a mecca for open inclusion for decades, for as long as I can remember.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


There ARE only 2 genders.

shouldn’t be a controversial statement.

Gender is a social construct.

shouldn’t be a controversial statement.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )


Some dude, I wish politicians would refrain from focusing on venerable minorities to further there cynical agenda.

So Trump should have kept quiet?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

shouldn’t be a controversial statement.

no not all controversial- just false.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


shouldn’t be a controversial statement.

no not all controversial- just false.


Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Of course they will get the chance. That’s how it works.

At this current president and time and with the policies they are running as of now, they will fail miserably, that's how it is.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Transgenders are legal citizens with rights.

 The United Nations and other international organizations have affirmed the right of transgender people to legal recognition of their gender identity.

The Equality Act would prohibit discrimination based on gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, federally funded programs, credit, and jury service.

Under United States federal law, and in some states, surgery is not required to change legal sex, but a health professional must certify that their patient has undergone "necessary" medical or psychological treatment for transition.

There are problem areas. Bathrooms/toilets. Competing in sports teams. Being imprisoned.

The LGBTQ are more fearful about their future under the Trump presidency.

I hope it won't lead to an increased number of attacks against them.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

What’s the law now?

male or female. Pick one.

all done.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Underworld Identity politics was never going to simply fade away.

US elections 2024 has been accepted as one of the most toxic, the most negative in living memory.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is now front center, every facet of main stream politics.

So much so, policy agendas in this area can win or lose elections

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Just admit that you are wrong on this.

there are also two “sexes” then. Thanks for adding that.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

It is the harshness of political weaponization of "gender" that has marginalised isolated the trans community.

Which of course come completely from the side that insist on antiscientific claims about gender used for political gain, not the side that simply say people is people and should be accepted as such.

virusrex, there is nothing to argue about here.

Anybody that runs out of arguments is of course free to stop arguing.

Gender is not sex. Sex is a biological fact. A male is a male a female is a female. A male who thinks he's a female is deluded.

Still no according to the professionals in human health, they have the studies and scientific arguments to support their position, do you have at least the same? if not then they are the ones right.

The WHO?

yep we just left that nonsense too.

Nonsense according to which institution that deal with human health? I mean of course that just because someone on the internet says so it would not have any weight.

the "political weaponisation" of gender only has any teeth when forced upon others by law!

Are you forced to recognize the rights of other people? then the problem begins with this position. It happens every time a discriminated population is raised to equality, be it by race, sexual preference, etc. People will always complain because they are being forced to recognize something they don't want to agree for purely personal beliefs.

There are problem areas. Bathrooms/toilets. Competing in sports teams. Being imprisoned.

So the productive (and difficult thing to do) is to address the problem areas. The easy way out is to pretend something normal is a delusion and stop letting people be, then all the problems magically vanish since you can just ignore human rights as long as you don't want to do it.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


Not a fact, and again making personal appeals to your own authority is nonsensical from an anonymous account.

So, how about that reference where a respected institution, anywhere in the planet supports the original claim.

You really put yourself on the spot. The fact that there are transgender people is the proof that there are only 2 biological sexes. Otherwise, if there are no sexes, there are no transgender, simple. The fact that there are exceptions does not disprove the 'rule', it actually confirms it.

Biologically for centuries on 99.97% of world population have been biologically male or female by most accounts, the few sparse exceptions are what they are. They need their care and supper and proper humane treatment.

Sex and gender are the same and indivisible. Being male or female does not preclude one for having whatever personality traits. Shouldn't you be rather offended by the woke idea that because some male has soft character, or wants to be nurturing and caring, etc he most therefore be a female?? How ridiculous!! Or that because a girl wants to be physical, decisive or whatever, she then therefore must be a man?? Nonsense, men and women can be as they wish and are without any detriment to whatever sex they have. Personality is Not bound to the sex/gender. That is the true issue here. The other issue is about intimacy. And I suppose that is where the madness comes mostly from, if a man wants to be intimate with men, does that make him a woman? Or viceversa... Does that require a re-thinking of biological sex?? Just because some few want to be intimate with the same sex??

It is not for politicians, doctors or scientists to decide. We are all human. We are all part of the same experience.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Still no according to the professionals in human health, they have the studies and scientific arguments to support their position, do you have at least the same? if not then they are the ones right.

They have studies do they? Studies that confirm a person with a penis and XY chromosomes is female.

Please cite one...just one

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


You are disappearing down a "identity political" rabbit hole.

To debate argue in circles.

The realities are to marginalise the very communities who which to be left alone.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Sex and gender are the same and indivisible.

Not true. Sex is biological and gender is a social construct.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Are you forced to recognize the rights of other people? 

I'm not talking about renting an apartment or not hiring someone based on their "gender".

I'm talking about being charged with a crime for calling a man...a man, or referring to him as he.

He should be afforded every human right as I or you, or anyone else. His delusion that he is a she should not compel my right to not pretend otherwise by forcing me by law to play his pronoun game.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


US elections 2024 has been accepted as one of the most toxic, the most negative in living memory.

Maybe, but the Democratic side didn't run on gender identity politics. That was Trump.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I'm waiting for that citation...tik tok...pitter patter...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Transgenders are legal citizens with rights.

They have rights in the US, the difference is, that we cannot and will not change society to conform to them. If you are born with a penis you use the men's restroom, simple as that.

The United Nations and other international organizations have affirmed the right of transgender people to legal recognition of their gender identity.

We know

The Equality Act would prohibit discrimination based on gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, federally funded programs, credit, and jury service.

Under United States federal law, and in some states, surgery is not required to change legal sex, but a health professional must certify that their patient has undergone "necessary" medical or psychological treatment for transition.


There are problem areas. Bathrooms/toilets. Competing in sports teams. Being imprisoned.

Then don't violate those rules.

The LGBTQ are more fearful about their future under the Trump presidency.

Well, I am more fearful about women's rights in privacy and sports. Women should never have to live in fear that they might have to change their clothes in front of a man who thinks he is a woman.

I hope it won't lead to an increased number of attacks against them.

No one should be attacked, I agree.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

It seems the "scientific authority" which has determined that a human with a penis, 1 X chromosome and 1 Y chromosome is a female...doesn't exist after all. Whodathunk it!

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

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