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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2018. Click For Restrictions - to meet Queen Elizabeth next week despite chorus of discontent
By Michael Holden LONDON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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After all, she had quite a cozy relationship with home-grown war criminal Tony Blair.
Glad the Trump-with-tiny-hands-in-a-diaper blimp was okayed.
Dango bong
Have you checked Britain's travel ban list?
1) they are not migrants they are illegal aliens 2) This was also the policy under Obama 3) An executive order was already signed by Trump stopping this
Talk about fake news and fake outrage....
Black Sabbath
She'll earn her pay-check next week.
Should be an interesting visit. Remember, other countries can and are allowed to have tough immigration laws, only the US is not, it’s a bad thing.
Dango bong
yes and only other countries are allowed to tariff US goods, US can not. Britain's immigration and travel laws are much stricter than the US they have no room to say anything
Hopefully, he will cancel and complain because he couldn't get the gold carriage, and he thinks London is a dump!
Don't forget Pres. Obama got the full package! That should tick him off.
It must be excorciatingly painful for the adult leaders of the world to have to suffer meetings with Trump.
President Trump’s visit is another milestone in the dismantling of the globalist utopia.
Just about every political leader, or politician for that matter, is a spin, crook, hack, liar, authoritarian etc or some combination of any or al of these, and they get welcomed to the UK. A couple of exhibits from the chamber of horrors cited below:
So why are the media and their fellow travelers singling out Trump as anything out of the ordinary?
Just another example of TDS.
Alfie Noakes
She's tough. She's met Ceauscescu, Mugabe, the monsters of Saudi, mass murderers like Tony Blair and George W Bush and all kinds of evil scum.
I'm sure the clownish blowhard Trump won't give her any bother.
Regardless what they say in St. Petersburg, I think Trump's visit is a statement that his globalist bund is seizing (re-seizing?) global power.
David Varnes
Hey Donnie... Obama's visit was bigger.
Yeah he's a buffoon, so what, he's still the current US President. World leaders need to meet, whether the people like them or not. The world doesn't stop because you don't like an elected official.
I get the average citizen hating him and not wanting him to come to their country, but the politicians really need to stop acting so damn childish. You don't have to look forward to it, you can hope it ends quickly, but you do have to accept it. I'm pretty sure one of the duties of all politicians is meeting people that they really don't want to.
Doesn't say much for the Queen's character if she's willing meet these despots. Only serves to entrench their interests an international standing and erode her credibility.
Do you invite the bully on the block into your house for tea, or snub them and deny them the legitimacy they so desperately seek?
Alfie Noakes
Comedy gold! Thanks for providing such a great laugh to start the day with!
I think it’s more the opposite. I have deep, deep empathy for the President. Tissue stock for the left must be surging.
World leaders do need to meet even if the citizens hate a particular leader. The monarch of the U.K. has hosted other monsters. Most politicians are scum. None of this changes the fact that an adult being forced to treat an adult that acts like a child as an adult must be exorciatingly painful for the adult.
This will not end well at all. As you know trump has no class, small hands, small mouth and brain.
A very low I Q, no common sense or manners.
The United Kingdom will be insulted. Most other countries will be embarrassed by trumps anti social behavior.
All of which will not even put a dent in his arrogance. The one thing that will provoke a nasty response from trump is for a reporter to state that THE QUEEN has more cash than trumpy.
President Trump is very welcome.
The US has stringent immigration laws as anyone with a non-citizen spouse knows. Just because those laws aren't enforced in a draconian enough way for you doesn't mean they don't exist. Claiming so is ignorance at its finest.
The joke's on you, Alfie!
Everyone can see what an immature idiot the president is simply by reading his twitter feed. Everyone can see how mature the queen is. This means stating that the president is the one to pity without providing any reasoning for that statement demonstrates your lack of critical discourse skills.
So then why do these leaders not get their acts together?
But Obama didn't have a balloon! Donald will have the biggest, bestest balloon. One of a kind. So floaty. So visible. So full of hot air. So Trumpy.
Crowdfunding for the angry-baby blimp reached its target of £1000 in 24 hours and went on to reach nearly £18,000. After The Visit, the extra funding will be used to send the balloon on a world tour to haunt and taunt Trump 'wherever he goes'.
I don't imagine it will be allowed to grace the skies over the Land of the Free, though. No sense of humour.
Watching how Liberals have been coming unglued and having monumental meltdowns these last few weeks (and the list is long), I’m not sure if anyone could even remotely criticize the president of acting like a child.
One reason is probably the demonstrations that are expected during his visit. I think there is a real fear that it could get out of hand. I hope it doesn't.
The demonstrations won't get out of hand. It's Britain for pity's sake. The Queen can hold her own, she's proven that over the years. If there's a gaff it won't be from the Queen.
in all fairness, a person elected to run a country by its people about to meet a person whose birth in a certain family is all that mattered.
They will have a bloody good time!
Simon Foston
puregaijinToday 09:13 am JST
You can't mean Trump. Most people in America voted for Hillary Clinton. Trump got the job because of an archaic, broken electoral college system.
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 08:16 am JST
Semi-coherent, repetitive, rambling, infantile... what's not to like?
Watching liberals come unglued at Trump's idiocy doesn't change the fact that Trump constantly acts like a child. Remove the liberals from the equation and Trump still acts like a child.
Lets just hope Trump doesn't embarrass us.
I can only hope she gives him a good telling off.
"We are not amused."
At her age, 92, it would be very simple to 'call in sick' and 'regretfully' have to miss the meeting.
Hi BigYen,
I get your point, and do recognize the realities of her job. My issue with this whole furore about Trump's visit is that (many of, not all) his haters don't want him in the country, and by extension, for him to meet to meet the Queen. Yet they don't bat an eyelid when people with far worse records than Trump could ever hope to inflict, even if he wanted to, roll into London for an official reception.
That said, it's still pretty hard to morally defend her position of even acknowledging the legitimacy of leaders unelected either by letter or spirit by their citizens. So in her case, a bit part of the responsibility rests at the feet of the government of the day for allowing such people to enter the country. I could go on for days about that, but even I don't want to bore the socks off anyone who cares to read it.
gelendestrasseToday 08:59 am JST
Ha! She's married to her very own Gaffe-a-tron 95(™) so rest assured she won't have to say a thing.
What I'd love to see is Trump and Phil go head to head in a trash-talking gaffe rap.
Hahahaha. That's like expecting the sun to rise in the west.
Maybe she should get Japan's very own IHA to handle her appointment book from now on?
Hmmmm....... All the outrage but I think she has met far worse than Trump. Middle Eastern royalty anyone?
Seems to me that all this noise in the UK will have even less effect on him than the noise in the US. Probably bring out some derogatory tweets and cause him to infer that maybe UK is not the close friend he would like it to be.
I’m sure he’ll be fine. The left doesn’t have to worry about Trump getting too cozy with her majesty. Relax!
Sounds like the left, spot on. What’s not to dislike?
When I was covering state visits for the Post, I personally witnessed the queen receive many world leaders. My family in the FBI, CIA, and NSA have also told me about how gracious the queen is.
When I lived in Europe during my childhood - about half of it - I also witnessed heads of state receiving guests.
Baaed on my personal anecdotes, you can all rest assured that I know what I'm talking about when I say Trump's visit will be a smashing success.
The meeting could be considered elderly abuse by the self described stable genius ... quite a dangerous embarrasment to the world.
Activists have been given approval by london city to fly a huge inflatable baby trump, wearing a nappy might i add -
He can meet the queen but the whole world will be laughing at him
He will be too scared to appear in public. And for very good reason.
Who's we? Trump and his ultra-rightist bund haven't completely taken over the country - yet.
All US citizens legally eligible to vote are still allowed to vote.
It's clear that many in Trump's bund only want those in their demographic to be able to vote. They disdain participatory democracies and prefer an authoritarian system in which all are required to follow their political messiah.
The US allows them the freedoms to be anti-American.
Trump talked top-notch trash in the past about the royals on the Howard Stern Show, agreeing he could have “nailed” Princess Diana who reportedly found him creepy.
There is no woman in the world who does not find Trump creepy. Including and famously Stormy Daniels.
anything she says will be over his head and hair anyway
He’s had fun in the UK before. He caused a stir in Scotland after brexit. In typically ignorant style, he tweeted:
There were many replies. This was probably the most memorable:
Yeah, but it goes both ways, seems like he’s gettin the last laugh lately. Lol
Oh, please! The Brits Do the exact same about Trump, again, let’s be fair, you talk trash about me, I’m slinging it back.
Nobody messes with the Queen. I'd like to see the man-child try his dirty tricks on her. And the Duchess of Sussex is her new "best friend forever", and we all know what the Duchess thinks of the man-child.
The Queen will do what's required, no more, no less. She doesn't have the time of day for people with flabby necks.
" I’m not sure if anyone could even remotely criticize the president of acting like a child."
Even when wearing blinders the wearer shouldn't be blinded to what's right in front of them.
I'm sure the Queen's security has been increased due to donny dogdoo's habit of being handsy.
Poor Brenda. She's a professional though, but can snap him like a twig if she wishes to do so.
No. Trump said that before he was a politician. Nobody was slinging trash at him in the UK.
It was unprovoked trash.
I’m sure two of the the grandchildren of the queen, Diana’s sons, know of it. How would you feel if someone said that about your mother?
Fox Sora Winters
Oh dear. I don't see this going smoothly at all. Trump is going to make as many vile comments as possible, while also bragging about getting to meet the Queen (I wonder if she's legally allowed to execute him? Would solve a lot of problems). The protests could turn ugly as well, given the right provocation. There should be no reason to allow Trump to visit, but Theresa May doesn't have the spine for that. "Special relationship" my eye. There are some things more important than maintaining a "special relationship". Opposing tyranny, for example. Or standing up for your fellow Humans who are being hurt and betrayed by a stooge of Vladimir Putin.
He's ripped children away from their families and locked them in cages like they were feral animals. That's a severe abuse of Human rights. He's taking a leaf right out of Kim Jong-un's book, and no-one seems to have the guts to stop him.
No one messes with the US president. So what’s your point?
What tricks? Of course she’s going to be respect full, but if she disrespects him, don’t think for minute that he wants to say something towards her. Unless you want to repeat history again.
As if that matters.
Same for the President, let’s do this and get on with it, shall we?
No, that’s what the left wanted, but the laws on the books say otherwise, but now since another conservative will be appointed, that will get fixed as well.
Unlike the ultra-left that want to do everything to block the Presidents SC nominee.
Hogwash, no one is saying people are not allowed to vote, but you can’t say that the left wants to do the exact same thing, there is no difference and to add insult to injury, they are going around intimidating people and bullying people while they’re trying to finish the enchilada, because If you’re not a progressive, you are worthless.
The US allows them the freedoms to be anti-American
He has incited his supporters to punch protesters. He called for children to be separated from their parents. He has spoken in favor of bringing back waterboarding. He brags about grabbing women by the p****. Maybe not human rights violations per say but one disgusting human being. I would go as far as calling him an "sick animal".
And liberals actually punched protesters and destroyed property, but why? Did the building do something unspeakable?
No, that was Sessions that enforced a law that have already been on the books, but I’ve never seen people with families that have broken the law be allowed to stay with their kids.
Worked on KSM.
Look, no excuse for language like that, but compared to the mouth the left have on them, they really can’t say or claim the moral high ground.
They're probably upset about all the fake news being spread about Muslim no-go zones and anti-Muslim sentiments after a terrorist attack.
Trump really needs to stop stiff like that. Disinformation, especially one aimed at minorities, isn't something a President should be doing.
Comey who?
I don’t think the president has to worry about getting close to anywhere near those places.
Oh boy, here we go. Sigh, race again? Why is it that liberals think that intelligence agency doesn’t get out at all I would even know these things, why is it that liberals think that is the smartest tool in the shed. Lol
Trump failed at his zero policy. Now children cannot be connected to their parents as a result of it. Looks like lots of new greencards coming up. Reagan part 2. And no wall. Trump has failed with his zero tolerance policy and his wall. He is weak and it gives the signal for all those illegals the greenlight to cross the border because they know Trump is a wimp. Parents know that they won't have their kids snatched by Trump so they will dare him and it means many many many more illegals and it's Trump's fault.
This is not about Liberals vs. Conservatives. This is about Trump voters brainwashed into electing a disgusting man when there were better Republican choices. No one would care if it was Jeb Bush or Christie (but they would need extra food, well...) to visit the queen. Trump is a nasty orange old fat man. Hillary over Trump, yes, but there were some Republicans I would have liked over Hillary or Trump. Trump has failed in just about everything. And look at the ballooning debt. He said he would negotiate the debt. His zero tolerance totally 100% failed. Scott Pruitt has just quit. Trump can't do anything right.
If you are not familiar with story, I’ll give you a quick summary. Trump retweeted dodgy videos from a far-right group whose leader is now in jail. This tiny, very nasty group formed from members of the racist BNP, was little known until Trump gave them free publicity. The British PM rebuked Trump and Trump threw his potty at her. Well, he tried to throw his potty at her but sent his hissy tweet to the wrong Theresa May.
Yes, and it was thanks to Trump putting it in the headlines in this case.
A very ugly episode.
I am, but thanks anyway.
Anyway, you guys should settle down and relax it’ll all be OK.
I’m sure this is as painful for Trump as it is for the queen.
Why is it painful for Trump?
It is Trump that shouldn’t be meeting with HRM!
’Her’ family is related to the German SS through her husband and ancestry and the Royals are no strangers to bigotry and racism.
Who shook hands with the mass murderer Idi Amin, the one who clubbed his victims to death?
Trump is the fly in the web here.....
Can’t wait to see the Trump baby balloon flying over London! As with most everything else liberals try, it won’t have the intended impact.
who else but Trump could have a balloon of himself as a baby flying around as the center of attention. Somehow liberals would complain about this if it weren’t their own “great idea”.
Wonder if he’ll meet Nigel Farage...
Poor QEII. She didn't really have a say in the matter and now she has to meet the biggest doofus on the planet.
Well she stomached a meeting with Jerry Adams, so meeting with Donald Trump will be like a walk in the Park for her Majesty.
This is going to be glorious. Tens of thousands of Brits chanting "Go home you mango-faced, ferret-wearing cockwomble", while a blimp depicting Trump as a baby in diapers -- like Pink Floyd's pig -- floats overhead.
I'm glad that the Trump Baby has been given the green light to flew over London during his visit!
No one has to worry about getting close to anywhere near those places, because those places don't exist.
He might as well worry about getting close to the Mermaids' Lagoon in Neverland.
So you guys frothing at the mouth about Trump balloons and chanting realize that you are the ones giving Trump exactly what he wants right? Everywhere he goes, he gets non stop attention and ammo that he is being persecuted and it's all because of you.
He doesn't care if it's good or bad attention, it's all ammo for his next Tweet. So by all means, keep on feeding his ego, I'm sure he loves you for it.
Black Sabbath
Yeah, like that's not gonna happen. I'm taken bets. 2:1 odds.
The wage: I say "In next week's meeting with Lizzy, Trump will grossly violate not one, but two important protocols, AND say something snide."
You say otherwise,
The stakes, as always, weeks not posting here. IOW, if you take my bet, and I win, you don't post here for a week. If I lose, I don't post for two.
And I will take multiple bets.
So come on Trumpsters. Stand by your man.
Black Sabbath
will cost the British taxpayer £30million for the four day visit,
More than made up by the over 3 million Americans who will visit the UK this year alone, spending over £7.5 billion -- with a b -- while there. What's the tax rate on all that? I'm sure more that .004%, which is how much 30 million is divided by 7.7 billion, if my math is right. If it's wrong, it's a drop in the bucket no matter. And, did I mention the US is the UK's biggest trading partner? And runs a 10 billion pound surplus? And all the taxes gained on that hundred-billion bilateral trade? And, let's not forget, its the US navy that maintain the 'freedom of the seas" so the UK can trade with the whole world. To be fair, the Brits did that while we took over North America funded that project with world trade made possible only by Hail Britania! But that is kind of the point:
We have a special relationship. We are an extension of Britain. Some may even say an improvement...
To wit: that £30 million going towards taking care of Our National Embarrassment,
That's just about how much it directly costs the British taxpayer each year to support the monarchy. Which not quite balanced by the tourist revenue, even with the most charitable interpretation of the figures. And, of course, direct payment to your 'Royals' is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the real financial cost of the monarchy:
-- The Crown has a legal tax-exempt status because certain acts of parliament do not apply to it. So do Crown bodies, such as the The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall the Prince of Wales.
The queen's personal wealth, estimated to be £350 million. No taxes. The Crown estate: £211 . Charle's farm products: no taxes. All the Duchies, no taxes, but they do get extra support from the British Taxpayer: £4 million per year to keep up Buckingham Palace, The Royal Art Collection and the Crown Jewss and all that Pomp and Circumstance, operate in the red, and require an UNDISCLODED annual stipend brought to you by the British Taxpayer.
I think you get the point:
Of course they exist, but Trump doesn’t have to worry about it. Still wondering if he’s going to meet Nigel Farage....
Denmark is not on his schedule
Which places exist? The "no go" places with violent Muslims in the UK?
Scared of meeting the London mayor? (not that the mayor is in a rush to entertain a man-child).
Why would she subject herself to such a LOONY? Pity?
I suggest a meeting between Mr. Trump and the Lord Mayor of Sheffield - on neutral ground. As said above, the President thrives on publicity, “good” or “bad”. If you want him re-elected just keep feeding him.
Can't wait to see the Trump blimp balloon take flight!!
Alexandre T. Ishii
God save the Queen!
And God help the Donald! He's gonna need it, what with all the rotten eggs and tomatoes aimed at the man-child.
As if it would ever get close to him, they’ll be aiming in the distance, but if the Brits want to waste food, not my problem. Lol
Not at all. If it was that painful, I would stop posting here.
So then why do these leaders not get their acts together? so the majority of world leaders are immature adults and Trump is the only mature one. LMFAO oh man "small hand syndrome" is more contagious than anybody could have imagined
What an occasion, Republican meets the Queen who the former sort independence from, such an irony....
As with most everything else liberals try, it won’t have the intended impact. oh I dont know itll get a lot of laughs and selfies with the man-child POTUS, which is what its intended to do. You never know we may get an added bonus if Trump decides to make a comment about it on twitter, you know if he can control himself or not, that tantrum diaper baby does have small hands. lOL
Trump will manage to do or say something stupid that will completely embarrass everyone except himself and his base.
simon g
Wow a lot of Yanks playing the whataboutism, "unfair" and "US is a victim" cards that Trump plays all the time. I seriously hope there are mass strikes and London gets shut down while Trump is there. After his comments after the terrorist attacks last year the fat fool should have been "un-invited".
Why on earth would you be embarrassed by something a president says? I have heard plenty of stupid statements from plenty of presidents, but it never occurred to me to be personally embarrassed by them. I didn't say them. Neither did you. Take responsibility for yourself, and stop being embarrassed by strangers. Life is much better that way.
This visit will destroy all good will between the 2 countries. trump will embarrass himself and his country.
trump will humiliate the Queen and what she stands for. trump will create so much anguish while in the UK
because trump has no class, no manners, no sense of protocol.
You can guarantee he will break every rule on how to conduct himself with the Queen, trump will put his hand on her shoulder or place his hand in the lower back area. He will offend on every possible occasion to draw attention to himself.. Remember, trump is ALL ABOUT ME.
"And what do you do?"
The people here proud and giggling over blimps and throwing of tomatoes are like immature school kids.
The ones talking about breaking of protocol are either too young or just ignorant because they don’t realize Obama embarrassed himself when he was there. Google it. Michelle was criticized too. Google it.
The Queen and Trump and his wife will get on well.
If there’s a blimp for Trump there should be one did Kahn the incompetent who can’t stop the knifings and acid attacks.
When the UK gets the same low unemployment figures as Trump has in the US you can talk.
The very here continuing with the immature hate and vitriol were the same ones stating dogmatically the Trump wouldn’t win.
You were wrong. You lost. And if someone attacks the UK, Trump will be there to save your asses like America did in the past.
Grow up.
And show some respect.
The Queen will meet Trump who is looking forward to it and will show respect, as will Melania.
I predict they’ll get on well.
More hatred and negativity from left-wingers. It’s getting tired.
Trump isn’t the embarrassing one. It’s the fools wasting money on a blimp and threatening violence.
I just hope he isn’t assassinated by some idiot Brit stirred up by the irrational hate.
Christopher Bauer
Surely, at her age, humanity will understand if the world's grandmother is indisposed with the flu or something during the creep's visit.
Toasted Heretic
She met Martin McGuinness, not Adams. Oh, and it's Gerry.
Good luck on yer wee marches tomorrow. As for Trump, I'm sure her majesty can put up with yet another orange nightmare.