Japan Today

Trump told EU that U.S. would never help Europe under attack: EU official

By Andrew Gray and Charlotte Van Campenhout

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While hardly surprising, this makes it all the more important that Trump never gets back into the Whitehouse. His victory would be a gift to Putin and authoritarianism.

21 ( +25 / -4 )

One thing that I love about Trump is, he has a keen and natural sense as to understanding what gets the left riled up, he knows which buttons to press. Too funny!

Oh, I see. He was joking just to rile up "the left". Very funny!

Sounds like a great leader to have on the world stage.

20 ( +24 / -4 )

What do you think, MAGA friends? If true, do you agree with your lord 'n' savior on this one?

18 ( +22 / -4 )

We in Japan (and S. Korea) should be under no illusion, in the event of an attack, A Trump “administration” would abandon Japan and S.Korea (as well as Taiwan) to our fate.

He’s the ultimate NFT: everyone can see him but he’s owned by Putin and Xi.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

--I can't for the life of me figure out how allies dedicated to mutual self-defense is left wing.

Me neither, but that seems more like a very plausible reality.

MAGA is against supporting allies. Because it's left wing.


14 ( +15 / -1 )

Not surprising. Trump would’ve been making deals with Hitler had he been president during WWII.

Trump’s a traitor.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Trump absolutely said this. It reinforces what we already know; he has no intention of keeping America’s sacred NATO obligations and he is dumb as a rock because he doesn’t understand how funding works or America’s national interests (and he doesn’t care).

And now it will be a campaign issue.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

do I think he means it, I don’t,

bass doesn't think Trump means it,

but . . .

--And now it will be a campaign issue.

It absolutely will be, praying for it.

he supports Trump's alleged position

This is the usual MAGA route. First it's a joke to rile up "the left", then it morphs into serious doctrine.

BTW, I can't for the life of me figure out how allies dedicated to mutual self-defense is left wing.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Well at least he's consistent....consistently lying and reneging on his "promises"...

I imagine our European allies were not surprised by this at all - after listening to him promise 62 times to build the 'wall" and fail...and then grovel at Putin's feet at every meeting...

No wonder they openly laugh at him...

11 ( +11 / -0 )

A dangerous man.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Otherwise, it's not the American citizen's problem.

Amen brother. Nothing bad happened the last time the US did that.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

That's fine. Like I wouldn't help Trump if he was getting his ass beat. I might help his attackers

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Well, maybe it wouldn't be completely terrible if Trump kept the US out of European conflicts. They messed everything up after WW1 and WW2, and I can't imagine Trump handling things any better.

The screw ups by the Allies after WWI led to WWII, but I will challenge the claim that the US and Europe screwed up after WWII. The US and Europe did it right after WWII with the Marshall Plan, NATO, the European Common Market and eventually the EU, Bretton Woods and the promotion of international trade. All of these efforts aimed at tying the nations of Europe together in mutual commerce and economic growth were in fact wildly successful and have kept the peace in Europe with the exception of the conflicts in the Balkans and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Those who argue against trade, against NATO and against the EU have forgotten or chosen to ignore the lessons of the post WWI world and the horrors of WWII. I would argue that had there been something like NATO in Europe in the 1920a and 1930s with the US and Canadian forces in Europe alongside those of the UK, France, Netherlands, Poland and others there would not have been a WWII as Hitler would have been stopped before he could start that war.

10 ( +11 / -1 )


Sit out all foreign wars.

Otherwise, it's not the American citizen's problem.

That was the exact strategy that almost allowed Hitler to conquer all of Europe. We can thank the Japanese for getting the US into the war and stopping Hitler in his tracks.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Russia and China like to hear that. Once again, proof that Trump isn't fit for any office, not even Office Doggie Poop Cleaner.

We can never allow Trump to get into any public office again. It is a moral imperative for the free world.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Love how the left just decides by themselves that something was said.

This was reported by people in the know, not "the left".

If it wasn't said, fine. I'd be relieved.

Would you?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Love how the left just decides by themselves that something was said.

lol Do you have any proof she's lying? Her statements track with statements he's made publicly about NATO.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Trump refuses to meet America's commitments and obligations to our European Treaty allies...

But I bet he kept all the promises he made to Putin in those summits where there were no note takers and any notes that were taken were destroyed...

Or maybe they were found at Mar-A-Lago in the bathroom...

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Readers, please do not get fixated with this story. Obsessive posting is not good. If you have already posted here, then please take a break.

Based on his and others who have gone on the record. Do try to keep up.

As for credibility, let’s see…

One was a decorated Marine General with 4+ decades of service. The other was Trump, a compulsive liar with a record of smearing veterans.

Golly, whom to believe….

9 ( +11 / -2 )

It doesn't concern you that having an edgelord as your party representative makes your party untrustworthy?

To members of the cult, it’s reinforcing. To those outside the cult, it’s not concerning. It’s horrifying.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

And now it will be a campaign issue.

It absolutely will be, praying for it.

That’s not going to go how you planned among foreign policy conservatives, military members and anyone able to think ahead eg anyone not in the cult of Trump.

8 ( +9 / -1 )


@John What exactly is a sacred obligation? Now I do understand that it is a treaty (contract) but we all know what Trump thinks about contracts and other legal obligations.

Trump's own opinions on legal obligations are fine when it only affects him. If he is representing the American people, he has an obligation to treat them seriously. Unless, of course, he doesn't care about the American people.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Our MAGA friends are going through a bit of cognitive dissonance here. 1) Trump never said these words (it's just election interference by "the left" to make Trump look bad), AND 2) if Trump said these things it's brilliant foreign policy and Trump should campaign on it.


8 ( +9 / -1 )

All the pro Russian, pro invasion of Ukraine coming to Trumps defense. And yet they try to refute the Russian interference in the 2016 US election that got Trump elected. Trump who is "very good friends" with Putin, Xi and Kim. These pro Russians are positively Republicans. You cant tell them apart.

Trump selling out US allies is in line with taking over the US and killing its democracy. It would make the Democratic party illegal and ban all opposition parties effectively killing democracy, or he would imprison or assassinate popular opponents with seal team 6 and avoid prosecution as President. Plans for that are already being tested in the courts.

Trump would ensure Taiwan gets invaded, Ukraine falls to Russia and Europe would need to fight off Russia and its allies alone in Europe. Trump the destroyer. God help America and indeed the world if Trump ever gets in again.

It remains a mystery why he was not immediately imprisoned once he was no longer President, for his attempt to deny the American voters will, and circumvent the election results where he lost by a huge margin. The people spoke and he refused to listen. He still refuses to listen.

Perhaps Biden should consider that seal team 6 idea while he is still the president...

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Golly, whom to believe….

Yes, whom to believe….

Hint: Anyone not named Trump. Everyone with cognition knows this.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

bass4funkToday  07:24 am JST

One thing that I love about Trump is, he has a keen and natural sense as to understanding what gets the left riled up, he knows which buttons to press. Too funny!

It doesn't concern you that having an edgelord as your party representative makes your party untrustworthy?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

It doesn't concern you that having an edgelord as your party representative makes your party untrustworthy?

They think ‘edgelord’ is a compliment.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

understand that it is a treaty (contract) but we all know what Trump thinks about contracts and other legal obligations.

Article 5 is THE reason the Soviets and the Warsaw Pact never invaded Western Europe even though it kept most of its forces near the border.

The only time Article 5 was ever invoked was in service of the United States after 9/11, a fact Trump neglected to thank them for repeatedly.

So yes, a treaty obligation that saved Europe from a major war for 75 years and which was invoked for the defense of the United States is morally a sacred obligation.

But Putin’s NFT cares not one fig for morals and even less for mutual obligations.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Love how the left just decides by themselves that something was said. 

When the people it was supposedly said to won’t confirm it, it wasn’t said. That’s the rules.

Given what he’s said in the past including his own Chief of Staff going on the record confirming Trump saying that Americans who died for their country were “suckers”, nobody with a functioning brain thinks this isn’t what he actually said.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Thierry Breton, a French commissioner who is responsible for the European Union's internal market, said Trump made the remarks to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2020.

you were saying something about undisclosed sources? the undisclosed source is named in the first two words of the paragraph.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

America is a Republic, not an empire.

Agreed, but as long as there are still empires out there, we aren’t going to let them take top spot. Top spot has to be a relatively representative democracy.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Thuban and JJE - did the US join WWII too early, too late, or at just the right time? Or should they have not joined at all? Interested to hear your thoughts on this.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

"You need to understand that if Europe is under attack, we will never come to help you and to support you," Breton quoted Trump as saying during the Davos meeting.

In principle non-intervention in war is a good thing but Trump's sympathies are very suspect and I suspect he is a fan of Charles Lindbergh.


During a second term, he would likely install loyalists in key positions, allowing him more freedom to enact isolationist policies and whims, according to current and former aides and diplomats.

Isolationism is Trump's least worst tendency but with an expressed aim for autocracy nothing can be assured.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

in other words, it was never said. 

No. That’s speculation. But I can see why you have to do that.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

left of Bannon’s War Room does not equal far left, Kanagawa Expat.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Trump will not protect American business interests, which are huge, in Europe.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Perhaps Biden should consider that seal team 6 idea while he is still the president...

Hopefully this idea can stay in his back pocket.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

“All the pro Russian, pro invasion of Ukraine coming to Trumps defense.”

I Hate it when I’m right, BIngo words! lol

Fortunately this rarely happens.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Sounds legit. So much for defending the immigrants he does want. Maybe the idea is to trigger a mass migration from Europe.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

ThubanToday  07:41 am JST

Sit out all foreign wars.

If anybody threatens the US border, crush them.

Otherwise, it's not the American citizen's problem.

Doesn't work too well when supply chains and trading partners are global. We may have a lot of resources in the US, but not everything.

America is a Republic, not an empire.

And Russia is a Federation, not an empire.

5 ( +10 / -5 )


What many find odd is NATO does not recognize many democratic efforts by ethic Russian speaking effected regions in Ukraine to gain their independence from Ukraine for about a decade now.

Democratic efforts? Russia incited a civil war in the region and sent in troops and equipment! Russia instigated the whole thing.

Invasion is cause for war, NATO's clear preference, but seeking independence, that's hardly a cause for war.

So if New York state wanted to be break away from the US and be independent, you would have no problems with an invasion from Canada to allow them to do it?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

trump should never be trusted and, if the us justice does it work, he will be in jail soon.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Everyone knows Trump's views on Europe.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

@John What exactly is a sacred obligation? Now I do understand that it is a treaty (contract) but we all know what Trump thinks about contracts and other legal obligations.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Well, maybe it wouldn't be completely terrible if Trump kept the US out of European conflicts. They messed everything up after WW1 and WW2, and I can't imagine Trump handling things any better.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Barak Obama made the point crystal clear, however a tad more diplomatically.

Is Barack Obama right to criticise Nato's free riders? Of course he is

The US’s European allies have become comfortably well-off and lazy and neglected the basics of self-defence


-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Former President Trump opinion on a number NATO member states is and has always been frankly, brutally clear.

Trump never shied away delivering a harsh lesson to certain NATO/EU states countries refusing, failing to fully commit to agreed responsibilities.

It would not have surprised me if Trump had Thierry Breton, a French commissioner in a head lock to make sure the message was fully understood.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Those who argue against trade, against NATO and against the EU

meh, you're gaslighting everybody. Trump wasn't against NATO or the EU, he just wanted them to pay their fair share, which they haven't been in a long time.

As for trade, he also wanted them to play trade fairly. The EU's subsidies of Airbus has done nothing but make air travel unsafe for the entire world. Why does it take an unpopular president like Trump to finally end the subsidies dispute?


-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Based on his and others who have gone on the record. Do try to keep up. 

Not me, you. So basically, I HAVE TO TAKE THE SWAMPS WORD because they say so, they hate Trump but they have no reason to lie?

As for credibility, let’s see…


One was a decorated Marine General with 4+ decades of service.

And? So what? They’re incapable of lying? Because of their position and rank?

The other was Trump, a compulsive liar with a record of smearing veterans. 

And the system has a history of lying on him.

Golly, whom to believe….

Yes, whom to believe….

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

So if New York state wanted to be break away from the US and be independent, you would have no problems with an invasion from Canada to allow them to do it?

Great question. NONE at ALL, that's democracy, it's a necessary check and balance.

But you should have added, if peoples' property and citizenship rights were being taken away systematically in New York like they were in the dominant ethic Russian speaking affected areas in Ukraine, = Apples to Apples.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Talk of NATO and budget disputes with Trump are all fine and dandy but rather immaterial.

It's really a question of NATO policy. Is it truly a defensive alliance or on offensive alliance participating in non-stop wars all across the world?

An offensive alliance is active, engaged and relevant, and requires and huge $budget, while a truly defensive alliance, rather stale and boring without much relevance.

Trump's whole argument boils down to this, NATO you're not acting according to your founder charter, you're a war machine plain and simple.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Russia's economy is apparently only the size of Italy's.

The EU's population is about 3 to 4 times that of Russia's.

How can Russia possibly take over the EU?

Why is Russia made out to be some super invincible country that has some super equipped army that can roll over everybody else.

Chill out. They already lost 87% of their army, their men are all drunk and their economy is tiny.

Believe what you may. Russian economy has never been better relative to financial house of cards in the indebted west. It's a fortress economy with no debt and massive resources with BRICS inside lane to China, India and Muslim World, 3 best growth markets out there totally +5 billion, not to mention rest of global south.

IMF says Russian GDP in 2022, $35.4k per capita, more than Japan. NATO fears Russia their success, while for Trump it's great growth market for American business.

I'd encourage you all to read.


Why We Keep Getting It Wrong With Russia | Opinion

Story by Michael Gfoeller and David H. Rundell

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

It's a classic gotcha media attack on Trump, all based hearsay, rumor and undisclosed sources.

Anyone expect NATO to prefer Trump, who explicitly stated often his disdain for US NATO military industrial complex fueled wars mainly paid for by US taxpayers?

Of course, US led NATO war machine prefers any candidate eager to fuel their military budgets, war agenda, and public policy importance.

Ukraine war's the gift that keeps on giving to NATO, times are great! Only most of the world takes a dimmer view of this destructive NATO led geopolitical agenda.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

What many find odd is NATO does not recognize many democratic efforts by ethic Russian speaking effected regions in Ukraine to gain their independence from Ukraine for about a decade now.

All the local Ukrainian elections and UN resolutions in these affected regions, dating back to 2014 etc., none of it seems to matter. Certainly, it's never reported upon in western media.

Invasion is cause for war, NATO's clear preference, but seeking independence, that's hardly a cause for war.

Russia's legally permitted to support regions seeking independence if you believe UN charter. It's major source of tension between Trump and Brussels based NATO that clearly continues to this day.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

UchujinToday  11:49 am JST

trump should never be trusted and, if the us justice does it work, he will be in jail soon.

NATO article, try another JT link for Trump legal matters.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

I wouldn't vote for Trump, ever, but the fact is, without NATO there wouldn't be a Ukraine war, and there wouldn't be sufferings in Ukraine and massive inflation that causes all kinds of sufferings in developed and developing countries.

Blinken and Sullivan has a lot to answer for with their foreign policy which on the surface appears to be nothing but the opposite of Trump, regardless of the outcome. The least they could have done was to look at Obama's anti-American Exceptionalism, in which case NATO can exist for the EU but without American involvement.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Love how the left just decides by themselves that something was said.

When the people it was supposedly said to won’t confirm it, it wasn’t said. That’s the rules.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Given what he’s said in the past including his own Chief of Staff going on the record confirming Trump saying that Americans who died for their country were “suckers”, nobody with a functioning brain thinks this isn’t what he actually said.

So because his former Chief of Staff said so, it has to be true? Based on what? Evidence?

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

If it wasn't said, fine. I'd be relieved.

Would you?

yep I would. As long as NATO meets their financial obligations (they were not at this time), we have obligations as well.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

It doesn't concern you that having an edgelord as your party representative makes your party untrustworthy?

No, the opposite.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

That’s not going to go how you planned among foreign policy conservatives, military members and anyone able to think ahead eg anyone not in the cult of Trump.

Yeah, well no one elects the military to run the WH. They don’t like it, step down and run for office.

we are telling you, we don’t trust your party.

And even more don’t trust yours

Ain’t no ‘opposite’ about it. Your party, just like you personally, does not operate in good faith.

Hey, we all have our opinions, I think Rocky Road is the best Ice Cream, my kids think differently.

Because you don’t think anyone operates in good faith.

You do you, I’ll do me. Lol

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

bass doesn't think Trump means it,

but . . .

he supports Trump's alleged position

To certain extent.

This is the usual MAGA route. First it's a joke to rile up "the left", then it morphs into serious doctrine.

Funny, when the left make jokes (usually not funny) they could care less if the right is riled up, that’s their sweet spot for them. The right does the exact same thing, it’s the end of the world. I think it’s hilarious.

BTW, I can't for the life of me figure out how allies dedicated to mutual self-defense is left wing.

Me neither, but that seems more like a very plausible reality.

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

OK. This article makes clear no one can corroborate his version of events.

How odd.

-20 ( +4 / -24 )

Trump absolutely said this. It reinforces what we already know; he has no intention of keeping America’s sacred NATO obligations and he is dumb as a rock because he doesn’t understand how funding works or America’s national interests (and he doesn’t care).

Well, he’s definitely not a globalist and to expand on that, I think the future Republicans have a similar thinking, America first policy.

And now it will be a campaign issue.

It absolutely will be, praying for it.

-20 ( +2 / -22 )

Sounds like a great leader to have on the world stage.

I think so

-21 ( +1 / -22 )

Typical Eurocrat... and this is hearsay.

No substance. Not much of a news story really.

-23 ( +5 / -28 )

One thing that I love about Trump is, he has a keen and natural sense as to understanding what gets the left riled up, he knows which buttons to press. Too funny!

Now do I think he means it, I don’t, but having said that, they wouldn’t get a blank check, there will definitely be discernible limited amount of numbers on it, and that’s a good thing.

-27 ( +4 / -31 )

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