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© 2022 AFPTrump lunged at driver to try to join Capitol riot: aide
By Frankie TAGGART WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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All over a lie. I wonder what Ashli Babbitt's family thinks of all the evidence.
Police had visual evidence of armed supporters with guns in addition to their flagpole spears beyond the security perimeter (which I believe was a violation of DC law), but Trump demanded that the magnetometers be removed.
“They’re not here to hurt me, take the effing mags down. Let them March to the Capital from here.”
While lunging at the wheel of his car reveals Trump to be unhinged - bordering on insane, this is legally the most damning piece of today’s testimony.
It establishes that Trump knew the mob was armed, and that he didn’t care because he knew they were going to riot and then he encouraged them to do just that.
That, according to even some of his supporters is what’s known as a smoking gun.
Add in Pat’s demand that he do something or “blood will be on his effing hands” and Meadows saying “He doesn’t want to. He doesn’t think they did anything wrong.” and it was a very bad day for Don.
Oh, add in the witness intimidation of Ms. Hutchison while we are at it. The bumping up of her live testimony because of “credible threats to witnesses.”
The list goes on and on (and on and on...)
The Avenger
It's a shame. Trump lived up to my every expectation. A spoiled child with parents that told him from the second he was born that he was always right and could do no wrong. Gets $400M dropped in his lap and an army of the scummiest lawyers and accountants his dad collected and he's been swindling like he's king of the world ever since. His actions as president were perfectly consistent with his personality.
Time to start fitting Orange Man for Orange Jumpsuit.
Well today we got testimony from someone (under oath order let’s not forget) who saw trump holding the smoking gun. And this isn’t the end of the hearings, so you have to wonder what other bombshells they have waiting.
Bombshell, the walls are closing in, smoking gun, blah blah.
what crime was proven by this “shocking” testimony? Plate throwing? Hearsay about steering wheel grabbing?
Pretty incredible testimony. Remember, this is under oath. And Hutchinson is not "the left".
Will today be the day when we get to hear a defense of Trump from his supporters? A refutation of the evidence?
Inciting knowingly armed people to storm the captiol, and approving of their intent to hand pence, while physically needing to be restrained from participating in the violence.
Oh and let’s not forget the witness tampering bombshell they dropped at the end.
It’s all very “gossipy”.
someone else told him and then he told me something. Was she in the limo? No. Was the person who told her in the limo? No
he did “this” and I know it’s because he must have been angry about “that”.
I know that he knew something when he did something else.
bunch of drama and feelings and speculation of what other people “knew” and “felt” and guesses as to why.
what’s the crime? Let’s say he wanted to go the Capitol. Ok did he? Nope. Let’s say he didn’t mind the Pence chants. Was Pence hung? Nope.
on and on.
It's part of evidence that shows Trump had clear intent (mens rea) to disrupt the proceedings to certify the election. That is a crime. So is attempting to overturn the election. So is inciting a mob to violence and then facilitating that violence.
You're okay with that?
Except the testimony didn’t say anything like that.
trump was “physically restrained” (by who?) from “participating the violence”? There is no testimony supporting that statement.
This is like saying, "Big deal, though I tried, I didn't actually kill him." As PM says, it shows clear intent, and knowledge that violence was likely.
Also, her testimony was moved up, due to credible threats of violence. Her testimony also points to witness tampering.
No I wouldn’t be. Luckily nothing like that actually happened.
Frankly, both sides lie through their teeth - you don't know who to believe. Trump is what I call karma for all the evil things America has done to the world. America deserved Trump. It needs a wake up call, a call to get rid of these paid politicians, lobbyists and military complexes who think of nothing and nobody except their own wallets, causing misery to ordinary people in and out of the country.
That is exactly what the testimony says.
Just because Trump was "restrained" doesn't mean he supporters were. Clearly they were not. Clearly he knew they were armed.
And I've got to say, it looks pretty bad to try and defend a president who had to be "restrained." What does that say about one temperament?
Peter Neil
A toddler throwing tantrums. I’m glad more of his nutcase antics are coming out.
Peter Neil
Now it’s revealed he threw plates across the room and upended tablecloths, just like a 3 year old.
Also, her testimony was moved up, due to credible threats of violence. Her testimony also points to witness tampering.
No evidence of that was shown. Who threatened her and when??
she testified 3 times previously months ago and was already shown in video several times.
they created this narrative to push rather insignificant testimony as important. Anyone can testify under oath that someone else told them they saw or heard something.
that someone else told me something can be true while what they actually told me is a lie, right?
this Jan 6 stuff having zero impact on the election. CNN in a panic is saying Hillary needs to run again.
So now you're angry with Kevin McCarthy for pulling all of his nominees? Pelosi only objected to 2 names and that's because they are part of the investigation, like Gym Jordan. McCarthy decided to take his ball and go home.
I'd send him an email if I were you.
There are two Republicans on the committee. McCarthy didn't let anyone else join unless the committee included Jim Jordan, who was part of this whole coup attempt. Republicans had a chance but they walked away. And you know why? They know they have no defense.
And are you suggesting that these Republican witnesses are lying under oath?
Sure they will. Bring it on.
I'm sure the truth will finally come out that Trump wanted a peaceful transition of power and that he worked tirelessly to calm the situation down. Huh huh.
Olympic level mental gymnastics from the Trump crowd today. You gotta wonder when they're gonna cut their losses.
A Potus lunging angrily at his chauffeur to grab the steering wheel of the Prezmobile!? That's just the content of his character so, yes, 74,000,000 fans and 232 EC votes CAN be wrong. If the US political elite following the DOJ now fail to carry out their constitutional and legal duty and decline to arrest, prosecute and imprison Trump together with his co-conspirators in Congress and the Senate and the whole wrecking crew of venal enablers, then this sorry chapter of America's history will live in infamy as democracy circles the drain and the country plunges down to the murky depths of MAGA-style fascism.
“Jan 6 Committee Video Shows President Trump was in an SUV after the rally, not the Beast”
Infowars (yes, that Infowars) put this out like the exact same minute that Blacklabel posted this. Either he is Alex Jones or just a very big fan!
Who never participated in anything, but it's ok to stack this sham committee with 2 RINO Republicans Cheney and Kinzinger the two so-called Republicans that their own party hates are fair and impartial? Not a single person thinks or believes that.
No, they didn't have a chance because Nancy said, my way or no way.
Well, if you won't allow it in then you are right.
Who knows, we have a one-sided so-called committee without any counter-balance witnesses or cross examination of their evidence.
We already know what happened and yes, on TV its good drama, ratings a slump, but for the angry hungry Trump haters, more food for them. This thing is about to rap and then we can go back to the actual things that matter like crime, rising gas and food prices and this administration can stay focus on this this is wrapped up.
Readers, please do not get fixated on this story. Please make your point and then move on to other stories.
Most MAGA-warriors with a shred of dignity left have ripped up their MAGA cards - they've seen enough of the lies, violence and outright grifting....
The hearings have shown that Trump was told he had lost by almost all of HIS staff, including his right hand man Jason Miller, his handpicked AG Bill Barr, the guy that ran his campaign Bill Stepien, and even Ivanka...
So he turned to "Team Crazy", a bunch of kooks who floated an ILLEGAL plan to use fraudulent electors and phony certification lists to try to stage a coup....
And the key in terms of whether a crime was committed, is that THEY ALL KNEW IT WAS ILLEGAL - the author of the plan (Eastman) openly admitted it....
Even today you have Trump and Giuliani yelling "rigged" when they knew a yet ago that there was no fraud - Rudy stated that under oath in front of a judge - "This is not a fraud case" and said "We just don't have any evidence" to the Arizona Speaker....
Yet the grift and con-job continues - of the hard-core, truly blinded MAGA cultists - who have lost not only their self-respect but most of their money too....
Bob Fosse
That’s a rather odd thing to say. I know the top of Everest is cold, haven’t been there. Didn’t need a ‘liberal’ to tell me either.
Seth Majer
Hold up, the woman that closed all hair salons in her district during Covid but had one open just for her? Why do you keep putting her on a pedestal?
Theres an easy way around that. Depo the Secret Service detail. It happened for Bill. It can happen for Don.
But I certainly do understand how disinfo gets started on Twitter, and then reported as news by such outlets as Drudge, Infowars, and Gateway Pundit, which, if amplified enough, then sometimes gets picked up by more reputable outlets. This playbook works, but those disinfo folks need time to get their story straight. Time they didn't have today. That's why your story is not straight.
And deflection and whataboutism aside, Trump’s own supporters describing this as “jaw dropping”, “a smoking gun”, “shocking”…. Not good for the Donald.
And he’s gonnna pay for all those broken dishes, right? I mean destroying Federal property is a crime.
Bob Fosse
The ‘gossipy star witness’ under oath.
How do you know she’s the star? Far from done yet. It would be best to wait, wouldn’t you agree?
To sum up Trump supporters defense of their man today:
This testimony is all hearsay. The witnesses are probably lying under oath.
The committee is a sham. Because liberals.
So what if Trump tried to steal the election? What about inflation and Hunter's laptop?
Liberals are toast this fall.
He was in an SUV because if he’d been in the limo, he wouldn’t have had access to the steering wheel.
No where have any of the Secret Service disagreed or denied Hutchison’s sworn testimony.
The more they flail, the more it shows the desperation Don’s cultist supporters to grasp at anything to undercut the credible, factual evidence that Trump knew there was going to be violence, did nothing to discourage it - aided and abetted it in fact, and when called on to stop the riotous sedition, CHOSE to do nothing.
Yeah, he’s in deep trouble.
Readers, if you have already posted comments on this story, then please move on to other topics.
Seems that most Trump appointees and their staff have either turned on Trump or taken the 5th. Others have asked for pardons while saying they did nothing wrong, which is illogical.
She might not be telling the truth of course. After working as part of Donald Trump's team you would be most likely unemployable in most of the civilized world, so she is hoping to distance herself from the sniveling crook.
Or it is possible she is a woman of honor and backbone who wants to tell the truth.
Who knows, we have a one-sided so-called committee without any counter-balance witnesses or cross examination of their evidence.
because this isnt a trial, that comes later
"I'm the effing president, take me up to the Capitol now," Trump said, according to Hutchinson, who testified that the story was relayed to her by another administration official.
Makes good reading.
A story told to someone by another person.
And so what if he said "I'm the effing president, take me up to the Capitol now." At least he was aware of his position, and was not hiding in a basement.
Anyway, if this kind of story makes the far left feel better after the recent Roe v. Wade decision, let's let them have their time.
Bob Fosse
It’s a hearing not a trial. I’d recommend more hearing and less jumping to conclusions. There’s no rush.
Now we see even more of Trump closest confidants come out and say he's in serious trouble;
Mick Mulvaney, Trump's former Chief of Staff and OPM Director: "But it also may be that none of that will matter. Even if Donald Trump were as innocent as the virgin snow that Jan. 6, even if he didn't know about the guns, or didn’t assault his agent, or had absolutely no clue what the Proud Boys were up to, if he obstructed justice related to the Jan. 6 hearings, then he could well become just the next politician to learn the hard lesson that it usually isn't the crime. It's the cover-up."
Witness Tampering is a felony - and something the mob it any surprise we see the Trump Crime Family now engaging in it....
Not if they are subpoenaed and called to testify.
Shall we go there? Oh let’s!
Fun Fact: Neither agent has ever denied or corrected her testimony.
they already have denied it.
Joe Blow
"This will be the end of Trump", says increasingly nervous man for 10,000th time.
Nothing will happen to Don except him maybe losing the nomination to DeSantis, the latter of which will win the the presidency and start to heal this broken economy.
And nobody had the guts to say, “No, Mr. President!”, except for the Secret Service. The next major crime for Trump will be if he’s allowed to run for president again. That would be like a banana republic.
What stopped Trump from marching with everyone to the Capitol?
Both Bobby Engel and Tony Ornato have been interviewed by the committee. They are apparently free to come back and add more testimony.
The sad thing is that Trump actually had a chance to reshape American politics. Remember his meeting with Schumer and Pelosi? He could have taken some from column A and some from column B and made a new party. But...
I think this will be a big nothing like so many of the previous attempts to stop the Don. I see nothing that adds to the allegations that he tried to incite a rebellion or whatever.
I wager that this testimony will end up being refuted - it seems like a bunch of hearsay and fantasy.
The assault claims or lack thereof are the fun juicy bits (the image of Don flailing like a fully-frothed 2 year old in the back seat does bring a smile to one's face),
However the legally devastating parts had to do with his foreknowledge of planned violence, his insistence on allowing armed persons within the perimeter knowing that they were there for Congress not him. He then incited a riot and when told that the VP and Congress were under attack, chose to do nothing "because he thinks they are not doing anything wrong."
THAT is the smoking gun of knowledge, conection, intent and concious lack of action.
Will it result in his coviction and subsequent imprisonment? One can only hope. But When, not if - when all of the details come out, that will be the end of one Donald J Trump as a poltical entity.
He will have to go back to fleecing his rubes assuming that he gets to remain free, which is a pretty big assumption.
And still people will defend him with the " I know he's a bastard but he's our bastard".
Like ostriches with their head in the sand.
Under oath they haven't.
Besides, that isn't even the worst part of her testimony.
Far more incriminating is the fact that Trump knew there were armed protesters present, and he was fine with them being there, because they were his supporters.
Mark Meadows also knew there was the potential for violence on January 6th, and they did nothing to prevent it.
This isn’t about left or right, it is about a president who acted in a criminal manner and promoted traitor laden actions to the constitution.
People who don’t realize this are ignoring reality and the facts.
This just gets better and better.