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© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump tweets frustration with Republicans
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Democrats and Republicans came together and voted to put Trump on a leash in regards to lifting Russian sanctions, which is weird because I could've sworn our Trump Advocates (TAs) were just saying the collusion story is a "nothing burger." Teehee ;)
No, you go ahead Trump. Continue to alienate the only people with any incentive to protect you from the majority who didn't vote for you and the 65% who disapprove of the job you're doing. I'll wait.
One has to wonder why Trump would be so at odds with his own party on Russia sanctions. Hmmmm . . .
So weird, huh? Why could it be?;)
Another sign he has zero understanding of and zero regard for the notion of separation of powers. He thinks president = dictator.
Trump's long been as far inside the inner circle of power and wealth as any of the deepest insiders. His family fortune has been got through manipulating systems worldwide, which only an insider could do.
So far he's attempting to do what 'posters from a non-western oligarchy with a state controlled media' and extreme rightists have been asking for, which is to tear down US systems like the separation of power and a free press.
He’s an ‘outsider' only in his desire to set up a kleptocracy with him, his family and selected members of the ruling class running things for their benefit. He and his fellow insiders care jack nada for the ‘everyday, average American’. Or anyone else. After all, to Trump the everyday, average Americans are outsiders, or as he used to call them looooosers.
Republicans were like a pack of dogs chasing the car while Obama was President. Now they've caught the car and it's become apparent they had absolutely no idea what to do with it. After you *** on the tires, then what?
In his language, he means "they do very little to cover up and protect me and my family against investigations" but as long as he can pardon himself, he should not worry, should he ?
Simon Foston
Burning BushToday 07:21 am JST
Umm... an outsider who's also a man of the people? Isn't that just a bit of a contradiction in terms? Anyway, which people? It can't be the majority of Americans who didn't vote for him.
Well, when you are not really a republican, and hijack the republican party and become their presidential candidate against their will, you are not going to get a lot of support.
It's rater funny how many total Obamacare repeals (simple abolition) were passed by the republican house while Obama was president. They did this to buy votes and get compaign donations from their constituents, which kept them in office. They knew full well that these bills would never be signed into law.
Now they have control of every branch of government, at the federal level, and at the state level. Never in history has the republican party enjoyed the power that it has now. And now that the time has come for them to live up to their long-winded promises, and having the fully authority to do so, they do nothing at all.
In reality, republican politicians are politicians first, and republicans whenever they have to give a speech to their voters. Though the cry about high taxes, regulations, and big government, and promise to change these things, it seems they never do.
But should anyone be surprised? After all, high taxes, endless regulations, and big government mean more money and power for themselves. I said years ago that republicans would never repeal Obamacare, because when they eventually came to power (which they did), they could use the regulations and tax authority in Obamacare to their own benefit (which they are doing). America was spending more money on healthcare per person, than any country in the world even before Obamacare was passed. And as we all know, little of that reaches ordinary people. Most of it ends up in the pockets of the bureaucracy and the contractors (who in turn, donate much of that money to political campaigns and action committees). Now that Obamacare is the law, medical spending has skyrocketed to even greater heights, but America still has no universal coverage, and though you won't hear it mentioned, countless Americans remain uninsured.
Even if you hate Trump, at least he has not pulled the usual bait-and-switch used by both parties in politics. You might not agree with the policies he is trying to change or enact, but he at least is trying to do what he promised his supporters what he would do. Hillary would have done no such thing.
If you hate republicans, you should be more supportive of Trump. And if you hate republicans, you should equally hate democrats, because as we can see now, they are one and the same.
Able to see alternate realities are you? Care to teach the rest of us to do so, so we can all see this 'fact' you present?
Balakrishnan Gurumurti
why will Mr Trump, if you fail in your national commitments how do u expect republicans to support you for they need popular votes tomorrow not only a few votes of yours sir.
keep an arms length from danger is what i was taught.
Looking forward to Dodgy Donald's final tweet in the next few weeks or months which will be, 'I'M FIRED!'
Yes, that is correct.
There are a lot more supporters than you guys think. You guys first said, there aren't any, then when he started to win the working class and the States like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida.
How many supporters does he have and what's your evidence for saying this?
Is it more than the minority who voted for him in the election?
His approval ratings seem to be on the slide.
Who are these people?
Could you provide some examples of things Trump has done as president to show he's 'a man of the people'? (Not talk, show.) How's Trump's healthcare plan going to help 'the people'?
And by people, is your defintion the 35% who continue to support him? Perhaps by people do you mean the gun crowd whose primary concern is their handguns? I'm not sure which country you're from, but the US has a highly diverse population, and most Americans recognize those who are different from them qualify as people - and as Americans.
Trump thinks they are a "team" and wants them to push through deeply unpopular legislation so he can "win" at the cost of their own jobs. In the meantime he seems deeply confused as to what health insurance even is, doesn't seem to understand how our government works, and doesn't care that his Russia problems are going to destroy the party, and probably his family as well. The GOP rats are going to start leaving that sinking ship soon.
President Trump never learned to work with others who aren't forced to
listen. Being a politician is very different from being a CEO. It requires tact and charisma, both of which President Trump appears to have zero.
Other lawmakers aren't there to "protect the President" when he isn't showing sound leadership. Doesn't matter what party they are in.
Where are the Democrats again?
I friend of mine was physically assaulted at a bar last week in San Diego for wearing a "make it great" t-shirt, maybe for that reason it's more difficult to say it directly.
Polls also said the man would lose and guess what?
People that live in reality.
Besides appointing a conservative to the bench of the Supreme Court. Housing sales up, illegal immigration down 67% signed over 66 executive orders, dismantling the wretched Obama climate change junk, rebuilding the VA, the military, working on cutting the lifeline to sanctuary cities, placing a hiring freeze on Federal employees, just for starters.
I know the left completely forgot the middle class, so these voters would naturally gravitate to a candidate that would care as well as the forgotten Whites that the Democratic party completely left.
Yeah, the left in their desperation, dear lord.....
This is again another reason why Trump shouldn't stop tweeting, if he does, the left and the MSM can control the narrative and override this president, some of the tweets admiringly are a bit outlandish, but the majority of them, vital.
I also heard his properties in California were sucking wind. Plenty of open slots to play golf if you want to pay $300 for a round.
On the policy side, Trump hasn't done much, ending TPP was the most concrete. The Paris accord was voluntary, and many of the states that matter are going to keep to the accord. Ohh, he appointed a Supreme Court justice, after the GoP stole the appointment from Obama. Not an impressive track record of accomplishments.
Face it, the GoP are their worst enemy. They have built a political group based on saying no and refusing to negotiate. Now, they can't even negotiate with each other to pass legislation that their constituents don't even want. They can only consistently work together to say no.
Trump also wants tax reform. With only unrealistic concepts offered to date, tax reform will suffer a similar fate as the GoP's efforts to abolish ACA.
Trump is only lamenting about his Russia troubles because a new problem drops nearly every day. The latest is information that Sessions may have lied yet again about his contacts with Russia. Probably why he kept saying, I don't recall. The scurrilous liar jab now appears to be another lie from Sessions. There is also a very in depth article on his prior dealings with Russia mobsters and oligarchs to launder money, which Mueller is also looking at. Kushner and Manafort are negotiating the terms of their testimony. The truth is hard to come by with anyone associated with Trump.
Most Republican representatives hoped to bank on DT's popularity but constituents found that basically DT really isn't fit for the job (see approval rating for what it's worth), they prefer to run the ship into a sandbar.
But why would they negotiate on policies that go either against their beliefs or their constituents, that would be political suicide for them and the opposite would hold true for the Democrats.
Of course they can't, they won't get ANY help from the Democrats, so they have to do this on their own and unlike the Democrats that are in lockstep with whichever way the wind blows, the GOP are a mixed bag of nuts. The ones that hold seats in predominantly Democratic districts will vote for more government entitlements, the moderates like Rand Paul will say, absolutely not! Ultimately, it will be hard for them in the long run to get healthcare accomplished, they all have good ideas, that was never the issue, the problem was, you can't get the entire party to agree on one adequate system.
Not really, the GOP and the Democratic party were already despised. Both parties are completely clueless as to how they are so out of touch with the people.
Gee, who would have thought that Trump's governing style - "Take one for the team for a policy unpopular to your constituents before I publicly insult you and throw you under the bus" - would become unpopular, particularly given the complete lack of results?
Narcissists tend to alienate people, and they also seem unable to learn from their experiences. Congresspeople have their own priorities, now diverging greatly from Trump's. This will not get better for him.
Yeah bass, his tweets are 'vital' so we can all confirm what we already know - Trump is an absolute disaster. It boggle the mind that he somehow became POTUS and that does show that anyone can be POTUS. Luckily, however, the US has a system of checks and balances that will handle those like Trump who are nothing more than con artists. How long can he honestly last at the rate he's going?
Who has a history of supporting corporations, not 'people'.
Source? I've read they're up in states that voted for Clinton, states where the economy is strong.
Specifics - which of these helped people?
Which will hurt people and help the corporations.
"some of the tweets admiringly are a bit outlandish"
Donny's fanbase "admires" the "admittedly" outlandish tweets...LOL
He's gotta to watch what he says I think. He keeps blaming Repubs for the constant failures of his government, but it is him who has no knowledge or interest in the healthcare system. If he had any interest whatsoever, there might not be the pathetic chaos and mental breakdowns we are seeing here on a daily basis. There is no chance for Trump to recover his dignity or respect to most people now as it is
The GOP which gave the people jobs.
You are 100% correct very strong in fact, the über rich 1% Silicon IT geeks and the Hollywood loons aka: Democrats are making it very strong, so whatever happened to the people?
A lot....or do you see Democrats winning record elections in anger and opposition of those facts?
No, it will hurt the money hungry greedy climate change industry, the Earth has been here billions of years, we will be ok, changes are necessary, but it's not a do or die moment, but not getting tax reform done will definitely hurt the people.
Not as bad as the one that just left. Look, the tweets for the most part are to give Trump a platform where the MSM would never do. You may not like it, but 33 million and counting do.
That's a great thing is it's about time we had an outsider and although I would never vote for a person like Sanders, we have most definitely reached the age of the outsider and the people that voted for Trump are extremely happy about it. You may trust Washington and their cronies, but increasingly more and more people don't.
Yeah, but who keeps the people in check that check the president that have ulterior movies??
I'm surprised you're using Google translate when you seem to be so opposed to 'Silicon IT geeks', but recommend you try another translation service. Assuming you want to communicate clearly.
No, it was right, that's exactly what they are. LOL
The president should be the ultimate leader. He should be responsible first. The buck should stop with him. If he did, those with ulterior motives would fall away as being unimportant.
In his case, he is never to blame, always others are to blame. And he is the first to blame them.
If he can't keep it together, you can't start blaming people with ulterior motives.
What was the saying about people living in glass houses? There should be something similar in regards to living in the white houses.
Trump's new communications guy seemed to hint that Trump may start behaving better on Twitter.
Do you think a trash-lite Trump is preferable to pure, unrestrained trash and will this help him get along with other politicians in a civilized manner?
I cannot see Trump being restrained or civilized.
Now we know you're spoofing us!
Awwwwww.... poor Trumpy! He's sad that he has the lowest rating in presidential history, and he can't even call things "fake news" anymore when they come from his own favourite polls and sources, and when it's his son committing the treason. He's mad at himself, of course, but as usual takes everything out on others.
That Republicans are finally starting to not "protect" him is the only thing they are doing right. Still plenty of cowards and yes-men, though.
dmacleod: Precisely! the LOL things and such are just used by people with no valid reply.
Toasted Heretic
3 months before he quits in exasperation.
Obama and the Democrats passed their healthcare bill without any help from Republicans. Why do you think the GOP can't accomplish the same?
If he vetoes the sanctions bill then you might be on to something. If he signs it then what will you say? That sanctioning Russia proves he is colluding with them???
You are exactly right. The Republicans should be jamming Trumpcare through Congress just as Obama and the Dems did with Obamacare. The fact that they cannot is a failure by Trump and by at least 3 Republicans to do as they promised their constituents they would do. For Trump he has the excuse that he doesn't have a vote in the Senate - but when you are the quarterback you get credit for the wins and blame for the defeats. That's the way it goes. I hope Trump campaigns against Collins, Murkowsky, and Portman when they run for re-election next time. All of the Dems that lost because of their health care votes advanced the Lefts agenda. This three simply care more for holding onto power than for keeping the promises they made. Hope they lose next time anyway.
Penske Nievko
It still amazes me that "tweets" are international news. Get back to reality people.
"How dare you sit around doing nothing -- that's MY territory!"
Um, tried that, didn't work. They even tried to keep the whole deal secret from the public and even some of their members. Your words make it sound like the GOP just wouldn't go to some dark place that the Dems did. The fact is even with unprecededtent ramming, the GOP and their master "deal maker" couldn't get the job done.
It's over now, and tax reform most likely is as well. Looks like we'll have to wait for the Democrats to get back into power to get the job done.
Utter right-wing rubbish. "Obamacare" (the actual name is the Affordable Care Act) was not "jammed through" or enacted through imaginable measures. Legislation started in July of 2009 and didn't become law until March 23, 2010. Contrast this with the latest Republican "plan" that had no debates and was done in secret over a few weeks. The sad fact is, Republicans have had seven years to come up with something better, and they haven't. To make matters worse, Trump made the following promises:
In September of 2015, Trump vowed that everyone would be covered if he won. “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.” He also said, "People are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.”
In February of 2016, he said, "“You will end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that will take place immediately after we go in. Immediately! Fast! Quick!”
Well Republicans and Trump supporters, why hasn't this happened? You have the Presidency, the House, the Senate, and a majority on the Supreme Court, but despite having an overwhelming majority in government, you still cannot get anything done. Six months in, and you still haven't passed any significant legislation. Why is that?
The good news for Trump is that he can fail and his supporters wont hold it against him. He's their winner even when he's a loser.
True. The "deal maker" and Republicans failed bigly. But I do wish they would have gone to that "dark place" that the Dems went to in order to cut out a lot of the deficit spending added to the budget through Obamacare (no, it doesn't pay for itself either - another Obama lie to get it passed) and give people choices instead of mandates.
I think you are right about taxes as well. Democrats don't want a thriving economy - see Obama's historically bad "recovery". If people can get jobs and have increasing wages they wouldn't need Democrats to take money away from those horrible wealthy people in order to take care of them. I think Karl Marx was wrong. Socialism is the opiate of the masses. They get addicted to it and just can't kick the habit no matter how much it destroys their lives.
We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it. - Nancy Pelosi
I regret to say that Trump and Republican leaders are not able to get their party to march in lockstep like the Dems can. Big time Failure! They are going to get obliterated in next years elections.
Penske Nievko, Trump holds the office of President of the USA. What he writes is very important even though most of it is nonsense. Trump does make me happy to be a Japanese national.
Your entire post has nothing to do with the article. It's completely off the topic. This is not about posting all of the right-wing websites' talking points to try and discredit the Democrats and shift the focus away from Trump's problems. If I want to read the same garbage that you posted, I'd head over to "Redstate," "The American Conservative," "The American Thinker," and other right-wing rags, or I'd tune into Fox or listen to Rush Limbaugh parrot the same nonsense. Look at the title of this article and tell me that you are on point here.
I don't need to discredit the left, they're doing a great job without my help.
Ok, those are 3 in the print media and compared to the liberal garbage that's out, the liberals beat them 5 to 1 in the print media.
That's 1 for the cable news and 1 for the radio (but then again, libs don't do well in radio) either way, the echo chamber on the left is louder and bigger than anything the right could muster. So at this point, I think Trump shouldn't worry about the desperate left and if they try to smear him or over exaggerate a story, he should tweet and tell his side, the MSM won't do it, so tweet away, Mr. President.
That's the point, Super for some strange reason thinks I do this, I put cut and paste links like everyone else does, but other than that, no. But I will tell you this, you guys equally can't say anything disparaging about the right when you guys fall victim to the same pitfalls of your own hypocrisy. But as I said, the left will remain in the wilderness if they don't wake up and take a hard look within themselves. I just worry about you guys.
2018 elections are going to be a big eye opener for these Republicans who keep siding with Democrats.
Toasted Heretic
A purge? Night of the long knives?
Is he going to get them to swear loyalty to him over democracy and the right to follow their consciences?
Meanwhile, Trump traumatises a room full of kids:
“They [Democrats] say, death death — well, Obamacare is death,” Trump said, standing in front of a group of children he identified as victims of Obamacare, which he described as a “big, fat, ugly lie.”
The president also claimed that, “for the past 17 years Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives of innocent hardworking Americans,” even though Obamacare was signed into law in 2010.
No, the voters will be voting these people out and putting in people who are not just Republicans in name only.
Voters, remember, the people who made Trump President based on what he promised them to do?
They will elect people who support the President's agenda and who will move it forward between 2018 and the 2020 reelection.
People get tired or sometimes misspeak. Didnt Obama say he had travelled to 57 states? I of course didnt try to say he actually meant that, Im quite sure Obama knows the USA has 50 states. Same as Trump knows its SEVEN years not SEVEN-teen.
On the campaign trail in Beaverton, Oregon, in May 2008, an obviously tired Barack Obama mistakenly told a crowd that over the course of the long campaign he had been to fifty-seven states in the U.S., with one left to go.
See how nicely he is covered up by the media?
Let's face it...America has a lot of crooked people in power who WANT Trump to keep taking the spotlight for ridiculous, irrelevent, or controversial stuff because it shifts the media circus onto him and enables them to do their dirty work and not even make a blip on the radar. Most of them never liked him but they did realize that they could play him like a pawn in the media, and distract the democrats as well as the general public at the same time.
I'm no fan of Trump but he isn't half as bad as some of these other vampires lurking in the shadows.
I still think most Republicans want Trump to get frustrated and resign and put Pence into power. If that happens, then the real nightmare will begin...
IMO, it would be best for the nation if Dems and GOPers come together and tell the Idiot-in-Chief, "You're fired!" Pence is not ideal, but at least he didn't try to give the country to the Russians.
Toasted Heretic
I'm just worried he'll offer it up to a divinity, instead.
It might be good if we get Pence because unlike Trump, he's. Hardcore conservatives, so not only would he double down on Trump's policies, but he add to that and he's a committed Washington establishment guy, so if the left think they have a problem now with Trump's policies, they would really have a mental breakdown with Pence.
Be careful what you wish for.
It's a scary thought, but it doesn't change the fact that Trump needs to go.
Toasted Heretic
It's a horrific thought. The GOP is an odd mix of coves and canny operators. It's hard to believe that they were once a force for progress and change. Under Trump it's all gone to hell and as usual; it's the people who suffer. Not the mega rich, corporate pals of PotUS, of course. They're sorted.
Pence as PotUS? I guess some commentators would enjoy the schadenfreude but just remind yourselves of what kind of person is VP
Pence literally believes in the flying Jesus zombie. If you really want a president that literally believes in zombies that fly then it's a free world. But will Pence go after Hillary and have her arrested? Now it seems that Trump is berating Sessions because sessions is hesitant about having Hillary indicted. Hillary should be arrested, right? Now Trump really wants to have her arrested. Check his tweets: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes. At least Trump is dreaming of the Hillary arrest.
I heard he had extreme jetlag and was sleepy. So? And look at the clown act at the Boy Scouts National Jamboree. These are just boys and Trump was talking about a cocktail party with hot chicks here. Obama said one stupid thing at that one time due to being too tired and Trump talks about cocktail parties to boys and says stupid things all the time. Obama is normal and the white racist Republican Trump voters hated him and just said he was born in Kenya.
But he's not keeping any of them. No wall, no Muslim registry, no mass deportation, and no Hillary arrest (so far but he wants to- see above Tweet quote). And where's the permanent Muslim ban? Trump has broken all his promises.