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© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump tweets that Nordstrom treated Ivanka unfairly
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Oh my...
Ivanka Trump & Nordstrom - Opening Statement - Justice With Judge Jeanine Pirro - Fox News - 2/11/17
And now this:
"White House Aide Kellyanne Conway ‘Counseled’ After Plugging Ivanka Trump’s Products"
And it wasn't just a throw-away one-liner plug neither - oh, she didn't stop there - she even said it was a full-on plug, lol
But Federal Ethics Rule specifically states:
That's simply against Federal Law
They matter because they can actually afford to buy movie tickets. What's the point of catering to the Trump voter crowd since the only thing they spend their money on is pain killers and feel sorry for themselves all day long. Trump voters don't matter economically and are skilled out of the workforce- unlike smart Liberals. I think it's just jealously of the Trump voters since they are mattering less and less.
Simon Foston
It looks like you either didn't understand the comment or you've deliberately tried to change the topic in a laughably transparent attempt to avoid talking about why Trump's behaviour should be worrying conservatives - the smart ones, that is. I'm not sure which.
I'd like to hear what Ivanka says about this, NOT her father.
"The President of the United States just condemned a company for not enriching his family"
Wow,talk about twisting someone's words...
"t's terrible that someone pushes him to do the right thing?"
No, cleo, it's terrible that his duaghter has been unfairly treated.
Super:"I doubt even blind Trump fans can support him on this one."
Wrong! I guess it's just politically incorrect for a father to stand up for his daughter these days. Sigh...
"Like father like daughter. A very sick family don`t you think"
Cripes, even Hillary said she admires Trump's children at the end of the second debate in which she had received some of the moderator's questions beforehand.
Oh my...
Why retailers are dropping Ivanka Trump’s clothing line
Like father like daughter. A very sick family don`t you think
Kuya 808
Is that where you get your news? No wonder your posts are so laughable.
Chaffetz, the GOP ethics watchdog, has already come out and said Trump's pimping for his daughter's business via the White House Twitter account is "no big deal."
So the green light is there, and we can expect this to be the new normal.
actually you are applauding the torpedoing of family and the business and charities that they support. your anger is at Donald - yet you've shutdown a charity that donated 99% of the funds to a hospital and now is on the way to drive into bankruptcy one of the most progressive business that produced goods in America.
good going! when those people lose their job I bet they'll be thinking so favorably about you guys
Can't wait for SNL. It's going to be so funny.
Oh, but without a doubt. The Dems will try and it will fold just like it did with Clinton, the Dems should do something more constructive than making themselves look even more foolish than they already do.
No it won't.
Oh, it will, without a doubt. But then again, you guys said, he won't run, won't get elected, the House will gain Democrat seats, will take over the Senate will have a majority.....yawn, on everything wrong, lost over 1000 seats across the country. But hey, I like the tenacity of the left, it just keeps everything from falling into straight boredom. ROFL!
Obama last 8 years, we stomach that.
Hmmmm...seems like you're trying to pigeonhole Trump.
Well said. But I hope you're bracing yourself for the possibility that behaviour like this could well be the norm for Trump, rather than an exception.
Given how unhinged the far looney left have become, there was NO doubt in my mind they would act any other way. I probably would have gone into cardiac arrest if the left were calm, organized, focused and willing to work with this president, but the Dems and the left are known for civility and I expected that from the get go! But does it bother me? Not at all, on the contrary, it makes me smile.
No, Not at all! Actually, I want the left to further marginalized themselves and remain the party of the Coastal US.
Can't wait for Saturday Night Live for this one. Of course Trump voters think SNL is the worst show on earth since they love Trump and his family. They see Trump and his family like the Kennedys, but only better. In fact they think the Trump family makes the Kennedy family look bad (or any other family for that matter). But facts are facts. And SNL ratings are at record highs. If someone says SNL is not funny (1) They are Trump lovers (2) Why argue with them, I mean some people hate pizza, but it's still the No. 1 junk food meal. No point arguing. You hate pizza go ahead. You hate SNL go ahead. But they are both the most popular in what they offer.
Simon Foston
bass4funkFEB. 09, 2017 - 09:31AM JST
Well said. But I hope you're bracing yourself for the possibility that behaviour like this could well be the norm for Trump, rather than an exception. If I were a Republican, a conservative, or both, I'd be getting just a bit alarmed by now, personally.
Trump is the one breaking the rules, going against the constitution. George W. Bush looks like an angel if compared to the MAD KING. Definitely, not my president.
Show us your tax returns Don the CON!
LOOOOOOK CLEARLY, she is producing in 3rd world countries,using cheap labour so when it come to his own daughter, it is different ???.can anyone trust a person like that ???. BE FAIR trumpin, POOR NICE Americans. BUY more nordstorm products, atleast , they care.
And here could be the conflict of interest
Remember when I wrote this a month ago:
Heh, what insanity it is having this outrageous man elected to the Oval Office. He should be removed by any means available.
Her brand has been dropped because it doesn't sell.
And the online movement to boycott Trump products is getting into full swing.
So upset reading this I nearly crashed my Learjet.
No it won't.
Extremists suck no matter which side of the fence they sit on. But the majority are not extremists, even though you like to try to pigeonhole everyone into that category.
Yeah and it will end up the way it ended up for the GOP, personally, I hope they try, I could use the laugh and I mean it.
It will happen.
Weird that you would give this advice after you did the exact opposite for eight years.
Next thing, King Donald will write an exec' order saying it is compulsory for all stores to sell Ivankrap goods.
They should be honest : "As our holy president suggested, we are progressively stopping the retail of unpatriotic imported fashion... "
To be fair, Spicer has a difficult job as the defense attorney for Papa Doc Duvalier. He won't last a year even if his boss somehow manages to.
It'll never happen, ask the Republicans how that worked out for them last time. The best thing to do if you are a liberal is to just move on, stop whining, and stop hoping that there will be some revolt or revolution or uprising, Dems should focus on getting a leader, a person that will bring the Democratic back to their original roots with a real message, lower taxes, stop demonizing success, think about the middle class and drop the hatred and venom, focus on the people and not just winning elections and away from the clutches of the progressive looney wing of the party that is now regulated to the coastal areas of the Pacific West and North-East of the coastal Atlantic areas.
This bozo really does not understand anything about anything, does he. The only reason there is an Ivanka Trump brand in the first place is because of the second part of her name. So it's not surprising that customers are abandoning it in droves now, given the unprecedented unpopularity of the misogynistic old goat. Maybe a very small number are conversely attracted to the brand now but the net flow is outward, as this business decision by Nordstrom clearly shows.
Dre Hund
I thought Trumps daughter and her husband held some liberal views about some things and pushed back against some of Trump's team's intentions only about a week ago....or so. So, if true, Nordstrom kinda screwed the pooch on this one. ****
Chairman Mao had his little red book of sayings, so can we expect biznessman Trump to monetize his legacy, the presidential Trumptweets? They will be no doubt be collated, annotated and published in a fat, little,orange volume. A suitable title might be "Mein Drumpf".
Is anyone recording Trump's tweets? One day they'll come back to haunt him... such as this one, possibly trying to interfere with a business because they've stopped selling his daughter's clothing. Boo hoo. How long before certain gentlemen in suits pay them a visit?
"Nordstrom is so 1980. She wil just make her own TRUMPS department store."
If it fails, she has her father to turn to. Nobody knows more about bankruptcy and playing the system than her father.
From my understanding, he was supposed to be in a meeting when he tweeted this - which makes it worse.
Trump and his family need to go away. Her "I'm a regular mom" act is pretty pathetic and certainly isn't winning her any customers. How she gets up and looks at herself in the mirror while supporting her monster of a dad is beyond me. Glad it's starting to hurt her in the pocket book.
By the time the POTUS leaves office he will perhaps finally realize that the Trump brand has become as toxic as a rancid orange. Faux Versailles is not at all cool in our 21st century.
I will say politics aside, I think the way Ivanka presents herself, she could teach a thing or two to all the "sloppy American women that think clothes and fashion dont matter in the world and work place we live in. Americans are generally some of the sloppiest dressed people on earth. It is a delight to go to other countries and see how wonderful everybody is dressed...............
Do you think her brand would do well at GUM or Gostiny Dvor?
Nordsstrom is so 1980. She wil just make her own TRUMPS department store.
Re: Impeachment
Seriously? It'll be all he can do to avoid impeachment at this point and we aren't even a full month out of the gate.
Macy's employees DID NOT AGREE with their own employer. They said that MACY's should not speak publicly about political issues like Trump, because some of them supported Trump and/or their spouses do.
So lets say a republican run business was selling obamas daughters products and they decided when he became president they weren't going to sell their stuff anymore. We know full well people would call foul and probably call the company racist even if they said it was a business decision hide behind. Why should she be punished just because her dads a hated man. But i guess thats the new generation, no common sense, very crude and just down right hateful.
Nope, their true motive is money, and her brand wasn't making it for her.
That said, the reason for her brand not making money was probably due to her association with her father. Actions have consequences. His actions likely caused people to not want to support her brand.
Many women may not have even been aware of the Ivanka line at Nordstrom's. I would like to see it and I can AFFORD to buy her line.
Worrying.. Nordstrom said they dumped her brand because it wasn't selling well and I assume that means they were losing money on it. Is Trump implying that Nordstrom should swallow the loss because it's the President's daughter..? One of America's strongest quality, capitalism, is being severely undermined here
It will happen.
Maybe not just unethical.
Apparently, it is illegal under California's Unfair Competition Law. A former WH ethics attorney is offering to help Nordstrom sue Trump for his comments.
So, unethical and potentially illegal.
Maybe women would LIKE to see her line of clothing. I dropped my Macy's account when Macy's went political and criticized Trump. Apparently, 30,000 women also felt like I did and dropped their accounts. Since she already had the business agreement/contract and the Trumps are already wealthy, the accusations are ridiculous. Shouldn't we Americans be ashamed we are USING the wealthy for inspiration for capitalism? WE ARE. The wealthy are always used. Ask many poor women who they aspire to look like. It is RICH WOMEN, not other poor women. The wealthy have important roles in society. They also have more responsibility. just ask the children of the wealthy who cannot live up to their parent's images.
They have totally dropped her because of her association with her father. The sales issue is Nordstroms way of covering up their true motive. Typical. Thats ok because now thousands of women are cutting up their Nordtrom cards and are refusing to shop there.
Not to switch subjects, but sorry, but that just will never happen.
Kathleen Foster
Its an outrageous Trump Ban and they should plead their case to the courts to protect their rights.
Free publicity for his daughter's brand.
The brand name will be picked up by news outlet and discussed in forums.
Nothing illegal, just unethical and Donald doesn't care because he can. He is trolling everyone.
Hmm trump is complaining that Nordstrom's cut Ivanka's brand even though it wasn't selling well. Seems like he wants the other brands that do sell well to cover the difference in profits for her brand. Sounds kind of... socialist.
Ha! Yeah, that part stood out for me as well. So, Trump has to be pushed to do the right thing? Otherwise, he automatically defaults to the wrong approach? How uninspiring that a 70-year-old man has to rely on his 35-year-old daughter to guide his conscience.
In the meantime, not much else to add about the obvious inappropriateness of Trump's latest rant other than to say we told you so. Anyone who was actually paying paying attention knows that Trump always had his eye on using the presidency for personal enrichment. It should come as no surprise that he would be so brazen about it.
And the plod towards impeachment continues...
how about concentrating on what you were elected for Donald?? Or was the slogan "Make America Great Again" actually meaning "Make the Trumps Richer again"... pathetic....
According to Forbes, Nordstrom has 72,500 employees. Even though Nordstrom does a lot of online business, it's still a bricks and mortar store. Bricks and mortar stores everywhere are struggling. Is Trump trying to hurt them even more? I thought he was all about jobs.
All because his family can't make a decent product? (But then there's Trump steaks, airlines, vodka, the casinos, his towers, e.g. the one in Toronto that's going under even with Russian backing, and of course Trump U, too, so maybe her business is just another in a long line of those selling schlock.)
As an earlier poster asked, why doesn't he tell his family (himself) to make their products in the US? Again, I thought he was all about jobs!
Nordstrom sells to educated women with disposable income. The demographic that did not vote for Trump. So, no wonder Trump's tweet had a positive effect on the company and no wonder why the company dumped Ivanka's line, it became a liability and wasn't selling. I'm like real sad for Ivanka, oh and Donald too.
Trump should give up on tweeting. It doesn't do anything but expose his stupidity.
Sinister redefined.
It's terrible that someone pushes him to do the right thing?
Bass has seen the light, glory hallelujah!
Ok, even I have to say, Trump should just stay out of this one. Ivanka is a grown woman and has demonstrated she can take care of herself and her dad doesn't need to fight all of his kids battle. Sad to say, but Dumb move on Trump.
Ethics? Trump never had and never will have ethics. I really don't think he any understanding of moral or even business ethics.
Let me guess... a new executive order in the making ?
I doubt even blind Trump fans can support him on this one.
The most powerful man in America using his throne to hurt a US business for personal reasons?
How about Trump getting the federal government to pay HIM for office space? Isn't that yet another conflict of interest?
Trump's creating a Putin-ian kleptocracy and his followers, including those who decried a conflict of interest with Clinton, including those claiming Trump was a free-enterprise capitalist, are cheering him on.
Republicans: you own this mess.
The President of the United States just condemned a company for not enriching his family. Nobody is free to speak or do anything that Trump doesn't like without fear of attack or retribution. This is the hallmark of a dictator.