Japan Today

Trump faces blame from GOP as he moves forward with White House bid


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“I mean, we had a historic opportunity and Trump’s recruitment of unelectable candidates blew it for us,” said Scott Reed, a veteran Republican strategist. “Trump’s now lost three elections in a row for the Republican Party and it’s time to snap out of this foolishness."

Don't agree with the man's policies, but his analysis is correct.

Former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who now works for Fox News, advised on air that Trump should hold off on an announcement until after the Georgia Senate runoff.

“I think he needs to put it on pause,” she said. 

I agree. He should put off an announcement until about 10 min after he expires. But he won't. He cannot survive not being in the spotlight. So he will sink Walker in GA because he is functionally incapable of shutting his yap.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

“I mean, we had a historic opportunity and Trump’s recruitment of unelectable candidates blew it for us,” said Scott Reed, a veteran Republican strategist. “Trump’s now lost three elections in a row for the Republican Party and it’s time to snap out of this foolishness."

A RINO/MAGA confrontation would be good.

I wish the 2016 Democratic loss had led to more democratic socialist reps in the Democratic Party but the neo-liberal Biden/Pelosi/Schumer/Harris/Manchin wing remains supreme.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Oh, he can't help himself. If it is a contest in his head between me me me and self control then it's obvious who will win. He's a silly loser but it's quite disturbing how many cannot see through him.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

“Trump’s now lost three elections in a row for the Republican Party and it’s time to snap out of this foolishness.”

That’s pretty harsh. Foolishness is kind of his thing. How’s he going to raise more money if his supporters ‘snap out of it’ and rejoin reality.?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Trump showing anger and denying responsibility for his failures. The much younger Desantis is the new GOP poster boy.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

That’s pretty harsh. Foolishness is kind of his thing. How’s he going to raise more money if his supporters ‘snap out of it’ and rejoin reality.?

Here we go again, blowing this way out of proportion over what a few opinionated people said. There were a lot of reasons why we didn’t see the gains that should have been had, Trump made some mistakes, but it definitely wasn’t all him or even close to him being the sole reason for this lukewarm midterm.

Trump showing anger and denying responsibility for his failures. The much younger Desantis is the new GOP poster boy.

To some, but whatever happens, they’re of the same mind and policies, both are relentless, so it’s a win, win whichever one comes out ahead.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

I wish the 2016 Democratic loss had led to more democratic socialist reps in the Democratic Party

The constituency for what you call "democratic socialism" is infinitesimally small even among registered Democrats. They drive more voters to vote Repubelicken than they attract to Democratic candidates.

The Democrats need to figure out how to convince poor rural whites and whites working low wage jobs that Republican policies generally make their lot in life worse, not better. Example, raising the age for eligibility for Social Security and Medicare will do more harm to poor rural regions that have lower life expectancies than wealthier regions like California or Hawaii. The rural poor could end up like a lot of Russians who die before they can reach their nation's retirement age.

The Democrats also need to find a way to communicate the fact that racial justice is not a zero sum game. Helping African Americans succeed in school is not taking anything from whites. Your neighbors success is not necessarily your loss and more often is beneficial to everyone.

Bringing infrastructure, improvements in schools, greater opportunities for a college education and better health care to rural communities would probably do a great deal of good for those communities and the Democratic Party.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Lots of foreigners are ignorant of American politics,lots of American politican are only interested in the power and the glory and forever,lots of people do not vote for politicians to go to Washington and make friends with people that are hostile to their interest,lots of Democrats choose not to deal with criminal aspect of Trump behavior,but one prosecutor in Georgia,will seal his legal fate and boost her political standing too

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Oh, he can't help himself. If it is a contest in his head between me me me and self control then it's obvious who will win. He's a silly loser but it's quite disturbing how many cannot see through him.

That last sentence nails what vexes me most. Why can't people see him for the fast talking promise them anything to close the deal sales puke that he is? Donald Trump has been in the news for decades. How is it that so many people have not figured out he's a deeply immoral flim flam artist, a bs thrower with no regard for the truth, a glorified carnival barker? He is like all the sleazy door to door sales people you have ever encountered, any promise to get a foot in the door. It didn't take two elections and a miserable presidency for me to figure this out. Just what I saw in the three decades preceding his first run for the Presidency was enough to tell me he was full of something, besides being full of himself. How are so many so easily conned?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Here we go again, blowing this way out of proportion over what a few opinionated people said.

That he has lost the Republicans 3 elections in a row? Most of the GOP are saying that. The only thing blown out of proportion is 45’s popularity.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

A bad day for Trump is a good day for everyone. One day even his devotees will realize what a traitor he is.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

That last sentence nails what vexes me most. Why can't people see him for the fast talking promise them anything to close the deal sales puke that he is?

Well, that is your opinion, 70 million would disagree.

Donald Trump has been in the news for decades.

And will continue, why? Because as much as the mainstream media hates him they can’t stop covering him, that coverage always helps him.

How is it that so many people have not figured out he's a deeply immoral flim flam artist, a bs thrower with no regard for the truth, a glorified carnival barker?

You just repeated yourself, we just went over that.

He is like all the sleazy door to door sales people you have ever encountered, any promise to get a foot in the door. It didn't take two elections and a miserable presidency for me to figure this out.

Again, you don’t have to like him, millions don’t, millions do, we can’t persuade you and you definitely won’t persuade us.

Just what I saw in the three decades preceding his first run for the Presidency was enough to tell me he was full of something, besides being full of himself. How are so many so easily conned?

I think the people that are conned are the ones that voted for this nonsense that we are all living under now.


-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Trump is criminal insane,when you realize this no else need to be said,this account for all his actions,and the people that support are generally insane them self

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I would urge Narcissus J. Trumpnocchio, the former Insurrectionist-in-Chief, to stop ruining the United States of America effective immediately.

He’a done irreparable damage to the country and the most of the world.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

cant wait for the day liberals realize it can be Trump -and- DeSantis not either/or. thats gonna be some head exploding time.

Its not like their policies are much different, in some areas DeSantis is actually more "extreme" because he is not beholden to others he had personal relationships with and he does a lot more doing than talking. Is DeSantis seen as not MAGA?

I doubt anyone who wont vote for Trump will vote for DeSantis either. TDS will just become RDS and instead of post about Trump here people will just post about DeSantis. Until that shift happens, Trump is still all good to proceed with his 2024 run and DeSantis can have 2028 and 2032.

So the effort of the liberal media and the RINOs to use this election to force Trump out means little until that sentiment is shared within MAGA. even more so when the results are being slow walked. If Repubs win AZ/NV/GA and take the Senate too, the perception shifts, doesnt it?

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

How are so many so easily conned?

Yep, that's it. It's a mystery. Does anyone believe he has any integrity? Or can those who see the world in a simplistic binary way convince themselves he must have simply because he is not the opposition?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

It was supposed to be a red wave that former President Donald Trump could triumphantly ride to the Republican nomination as he prepares to launch another White House run.

And turned out tp be a Red Whimper and outright rejection of Trump and MAGA-world with most candidates that did win were from the hated RINO wing of the party... And the great unanswered question from yesterday, are these hated RINOs part of Team Red? Are they still "traitors"?

Indeed, some allies were calling on Trump to delay his planned announcement next week, saying the party's full focus needs to be on Georgia, where Trump-backed football great Herschel Walker's effort to unseat Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock is headed to a runoff that could determine control of the Senate once again.

But just like in 2020, his ego and bombast won't allow him to keep quiet - and he'll step all over the Georgia runoff, sealing Walker's fate, just like he did the two Repub Senate candidates in 2020...

But Trump lost some of the night's biggest prizes, particularly in Pennsylvania, where Dr. Mehmet Oz, who only narrowly won his Senate primary with Trump's backing, lost to Democrat John Fetterman. Trump-backed candidates also lost governors' races in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Maryland, and a Senate race in New Hampshire, though Trump seemed to celebrate the latter, bashing Republican Dan Bolduc for trying to moderate his stances by backing off his embrace of Trump's election lies.


“I mean, we had a historic opportunity and Trump’s recruitment of unelectable candidates blew it for us,” said Scott Reed, a veteran Republican strategist. “Trump’s now lost three elections in a row for the Republican Party and it’s time to snap out of this foolishness."

And he isn't even a Dem, it's a Repub strategist...

Don't worry Scott, the boat to Rikers Island will be sailing very soon as multiple indictments from both the DOJ and Georgia AG are announced...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

cant wait for the day liberals realize it can be Trump -and- DeSantis not either/or. thats gonna be some head exploding time.

Well well, the goalposts for an imagined future revenge have moved again. Nice to have a goal I suppose.

I think most people are smart enough to support policies rather than just names.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

And turned out tp be

until we have the actual results from AZ/CO/NV/WA/CA/GA run off- it hasnt "turned out" to be anything.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

cant wait for the day liberals realize it can be Trump -and- DeSantis not either/or. thats gonna be some head exploding time.

Not gonna happen. Trump won't share the stage with someone who's more on the ball than he is. His fragile ego always needs feeding, and DeSantis will be stealing a lot of attention from him. That's Trump's fatal flaw.

And if if does happen, the combo will sink both of them. Even Trump is smart enough to know that.

thats gonna be some head exploding time.

That's what's most important for the future of a better America. Bravo!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

It’s Thursday in the US right now isn’t it? Has Trump announced his really good news yet? There was gonna be some really good news from him on Thursday. I’m looking forward to it. Did I miss it already?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

until we have the actual results from AZ/CO/NV/WA/CA/GA run off- it hasnt "turned out" to be anything.

You mean Trump should calm down, take a tranquilizer pill, and stop fuming about his losses?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Joe Biden, like all presidents, passed a health check before taking office.


4 ( +4 / -0 )

And the bad news for Donald just keeps coming...all from fellow Repubs...

At least fourteen of Donald Trump's handpicked candidates are projected to have lost their election bids, according to an ABC News count — results that have some Trump aides concerned as the former president prepares for a "big announcement" regarding his potential 2024 presidential run.

Sources close to Trump described him as "fuming" at his Mar-a-Lago estate Tuesday night as GOP candidates he had backed started to lose or underperform.

"This is a sinking ship," one top Trump adviser told ABC News. "We're not going to beat that."

"This was the end of the Trump era and the dawn of the DeSantis era," a Republican operative close to the Trump orbit told ABC News. "Like every other Trump catastrophe, he did this to himself with stupid and reckless decisions."


Even Murdoch knows it....

The New York Post's Thursday issue will invoke a large question mark around Donald Trump's future in the Republican party — and it comes in the form of an old nursery rhyme.

"Don (who couldn't build a wall) had a great fall — can all the GOP's men put the party back together again?" Thursday's cover read, referencing "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall" by Mother Goose


Just wait until the multiple indictments are announced over the next several weeks...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Well, that is your opinion, 70 million would disagree.

Yeah this whole article is about how people are actually starting to see him for what he is. The point is if 70 million people disagreed with the opinion posted, Republicans would have been in a much better position.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I thought inflation and crime were important, apparently exploding liberal heads is what it’s all about. Okely dokely.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Ok, so you get DeSantis instead of Trump.

Are you happy?

in 2024 when DeSantis wins do you just try to claim your team won instead because "Trump isnt President again" moment?

Seems if Trump is as weakened as the media wants to claim, you would be begging him to run not trying to prevent it? You have to know that no one on your team can be DeSantis, right?

By the way, Republicans have received 6.5 million more votes than Dems in this House election. even more if they would actually count the rest.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

And if if does happen, the combo will sink both of them.

I doubt it

Even Trump is smart enough to know that.

Of course

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Anyone is better than another Trump term.

Well, that is your opinion, 70 million would disagree.

70 million do not read JT.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

BlacklabelToday  08:57 am JST

By the way, Republicans have received 6.5 million more votes than Dems in this House election.even more if they would actually count the rest.

Wow! Wasn't aware of that. What a whipping.

The Democrats got creamed.

I guess watching US money funnel off to Ukraine while seeing rising inflation and consumer prices even affects the far left.

It was supposed to be a red wave that former President Donald Trump could triumphantly ride to the Republican nomination as he prepares to launch another White House run.

It was red certainly. A bloodbath.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Ok, so you get DeSantis instead of Trump.

DeSantis better hope he doesn’t start getting Trump’s poisoned backing.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Ok, so you get DeSantis instead of Trump.

Are you happy? 

Me or ‘the libs’? I want him to run, because he won’t win and it’ll be fantastically entertaining.

in 2024 when DeSantis wins do you just try to claim your team won instead because "Trump isnt President again" moment?

I don’t have a team. Keep telling you that. But I do know what I don’t like.

Seems if Trump is as weakened as the media wants to claim, you would be begging him to run not trying to prevent it?

‘Your team’ are trying to prevent it. The embarrassment cringe level just became too high and most republicans have a strong survival instinct.

You have to know that no one on your team can be DeSantis, right?

I don’t understand this sentence, sorry.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Blubber head was hoping for a Big Red Wave to ride in n when he made his announcement, not the Little Red Trickle. Apparently people did care about other fundamental issues & rights such as a woman’s right to choose.

Having said that, it also looks like it’s time for a third party, one which is not extremely far to the left or extremely far to the right.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I doubt it. If its not Trump, then its obviously DeSantis.

Liberal media trying to hurt them both to get a Mike Pence or a Chris Christie type.

Not happening. DeSantis in many ways is just as MAGA as Trump.

So either/or but also both is fine.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Prosecute many Republicans that want to be prosecuted ,that will be an endless task the Trump Alex Jones wing of the party

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ok, so you get DeSantis instead of Trump.

Are you happy?

The real question is, is Donald happy?

Seems like from all the reporting he's "fuming" and "livid"...because "Desanctimonious" won and his picks didn't...


And signals are coming from Mar-A-Lago that Trump is ready to wage nuclear war on Ron...you know, all "his wife is ugly and his Daddy is a terrorist and assassin"....


What I'm sure you understand but just don't want to admit is Trump will never support anyone that challenges his control of the party...for one key reason....

You can't grift and scam the MAGA-masses of all their money unless you're the king....

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Election 2024

Trump will be 78 and Desantis 46.

Desantis will the GOP nomination.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Trump will be 78 and Desantis 46.

Desantis will the GOP nomination.

Maybe, maybe not. No one knows yet.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

A bad day for Trump is a good day for everyone.

He can handle it, he’s handled everything else the left shoved at him

One day even his devotees will realize what a traitor he is.

Yeah, if he were, hopefully the left will see what a charlatan This current administration is. At least we stopped the Biden spending spree.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

wallaceToday  09:10 am JST

Election 2024

Trump will be 78 and Desantis 46.

Desantis will the GOP nomination.

You won't be able to vote for anyone though. But will be interesting to see the Red Wave continue.

By the way, for other Non-US citizens who have never held a ballot for a US election---it is very easy to see how vote fraud can occur.

Take the ballot to city hall, hand it to some guy behind the counter who checks to see if the ballot is signed, and then---that's it. No one is watching him. Who knows what happens to the ballot after that.

Maybe this system worked in the 1950s, but it definitely gives the opportunity for voter fraud these days.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

McCarthy said, on day one of being sworn in he will repeal 80k IRS agents! Already starting to look good.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

. Until that shift happens, Trump is still all good to proceed with his 2024 run and DeSantis can have 2028 and 2032

But given your belief that the US is a banana republic with rampant fraud in elections, how could they possibly win? It sounds like you are suspecting massive fraud in this election already.

In my experience, people usually get better at things with practice. The 2032 election will be like Ocean’s Eleven.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Oh sure, Trump will just roll over and hand the party and grift ticket to Ron....you think?

 *Donald Trump groused that the “no longer great” New York Post and The Wall Street Journal are “all in” for Ron DeSantis, **his potential rival for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.*

Trump also bashed DeSantis, labeling him as “Ron DeSanctimonious” and as an “average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations.”

*“And now, Ron DeSanctimonious is playing games! **The Fake News asks him if he’s going to run if President Trump runs, and he says, ‘I’m only focused on the Governor’s race, I’m not looking into the future.’ Well, in terms of loyalty and class, that’s really not the right answer. This is just like 2015 and 2016, a Media Assault (Collusion!), when Fox News fought me to the end until I won, and then they couldn’t have been nicer or more supportive.”*


This after calling him "fat, whiny, and a phony"....


Welcome to MAGA-wars....and it's only going to get worse (better?)....ROFL...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Liberal media trying to hurt them both

Is that the "liberal media" like the New York Post that rather charmingly referred to Trump as Trumpty Dumpty? And said, "Don (who couldn’t build a wall) had a great fall – can all the GOP’s men put the party back together again?"

Or maybe the Wall Street Journal, that well-known leftie rag, which said, “Trump Is the Republican Party’s Biggest Loser”. Adding: “He has now flopped in 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022.”

7 ( +7 / -0 )

And another hated RINO wins re-election....even as Trump railed against him....

So Trump supporters, once again, is this a "win" for Team Red? Even when you said numerous times in the past that all these RINOs are "traitors", should be defeated, and thrown out of the party?

Neither South Dakota's “Curse of Karl” nor the invocations of former President Donald Trump weighed on Republican Sen. John Thune this week as he breezed to a historic fourth term that could see him ascend to lead the GOP's Senate caucus.

*The Republican senator, coming off a reelection victory in which he won 70% of the vote, told The Associated Press on Thursday that he wanted to stay “focused on solutions," especially on inflation, rather than bombastic political styles that “make a point over making a difference.” It's a conservative style that has been effective for Thune in deep-red South Dakota, which he has represented in the Senate since 2005.*


2 ( +2 / -0 )

You can't grift and scam the MAGA-masses of all their money unless you're the king....

he will always be the one and only great Ultra MAGA King.

desantis wont survive without the MAGA voters and he wont get them if he disrespects Trump.

So run in 2028 with full support and blessing is best for him.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

I still think it would be funny if his “big announcement” is that he expects to be nominated as Speaker of the House.

or something totally random like he just bought CNN. Or he will become a “professor” (like Biden supposedly was) at the reopened Trump University.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

The GOP is coming to the realisation that Trump and his brand of politics with its ragtag connection of fascist and evangelical hangers on are electoral poison.

They will ruthlessly knife him, just as the NY Post did today.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

We should be asking donald to check into psychiatric care at the earliest. His posts on the untruth network is either written by an angry middle school kid or someone who has lost total control of himself!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

or something totally random like he just bought CNN. Or he will become a “professor” (like Biden supposedly was) at the reopened Trump University.

That is beyond hilarious!

Talking about donald having money and brains is the funniest thing ever!!!

You sir are a comedy genius!!!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

he will always be the one and only great Ultra MAGA King. 

The king of fools, sure!

desantis wont survive without the MAGA voters and he wont get them if he disrespects Trump.

donald is the one throwing tantrums but this fight between stupid and stupider is the funniest things ever!!!

So run in 2028 with full support and blessing is best for him.

In 2028 donald will be bankrupt, probably just released from prison and his family will be jumping over each other to put him into the loony bin!!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

this, Bass is what the actual left thinks of Biden and company. Your chosen pundits are lying when they call Biden “radical left.”


-10 ( +0 / -10 )

he will always be the one and only great Ultra MAGA King.

Why does Trump want to be president in the first place? He ran the US as well as Elon is running Twitter.

Is DeSantis seen as not MAGA?

Trump won't allow DeSantis to run for the Trump party. It has to be Trump and only Trump. There can be no other for the Trump party except Trump. Who will Trump have as running mate? How about Stewart Rhodes? Rhodes is a Yale Law School graduate, and has political experience, so he is very qualified to run with Trump.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The GOP is coming to the realisation that Trump and his brand of politics with its ragtag connection of fascist and evangelical hangers on are electoral poison. 

Well, depends on who you ask, Washington doesn’t represent Trump voters despite what they splurge in the media and in print.

They will ruthlessly knife him, just as the NY Post did today.

They tried that already.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Since the election of Trump as the president the country has been divided and the politics bitter and sour. Too much hate.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

When the dust settles, democrats should send a thank you bouquet to donald. No one has done more for the democrats than donald.

This was an election the GOP should have done well easily but with the idiot donald and his even more idiotic followers turning people off the GOP , things aren’t looking rosy for these idiots.

And the donald and ronald war for 2024 nomination is going to be the funniest one ever. Get ready for a lot of laughter my friends, things are turning hilarious!!??

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I still think it would be funny if his “big announcement” is that he expects to be nominated as Speaker of the House.

That has about as much chance of happening as The Kraken reappearing....

Maybe speaker of Rikers Island cell block 4...

or something totally random like he just bought CNN.

Just another company to bankrupt...

Or he will become a “professor” (like Biden supposedly was) at the reopened Trump University.

Sure, because Trump U has such a great reputation...


Even the Trump supporters here now know he's finished...

The Ultra MAGA King has no clothes...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

He can handle it, he’s handled everything else the left shoved at him

Try to check him on his failed untruth network, his meltdown today would put a toddler to shame!


4 ( +4 / -0 )

I just saw someone was asking, but even from Ireland you can find out if someone is a registered voter, and if they are a property owner in the US. All that is required is a name.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Since the election of Trump as the president the country has been divided and the politics bitter and sour.

Joe hasn't done any better.

Too much hate.

I agree.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Joe hasn't done any better.

And even so, the people STILL didn't want the pubs.

Ouch. Turns out America isn't going as extremist right as you guys would like. But keep pushing your anti-choice agenda, mmkay?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

The wounded GOP does not know what to do and they are very confused, they are realizing the great damage that Trump did to the party, now Trump and DeSantis are going to attack each other, it will be very funny to see how they finish sinking..

It was supposed to be a red wave that former President Donald Trump could triumphantly ride to the Republican nomination as he prepares to launch another White House run.

Instead, Tuesday night’s disappointing results for the GOP are raising new questions about Trump's appeal and the future of a party that has fully embraced him, seemingly at its peril, while at the same time giving new momentum to his most potent potential rival.


5 ( +5 / -0 )

When the dust settles, democrats should send a thank you bouquet to donald. No one has done more for the democrats than donald.

Ok, but they lost the House, so go ahead, and celebrate being the minority with all the party poppers.

This was an election the GOP should have done well easily but with the idiot donald and his even more idiotic followers turning people off the GOP , things aren’t looking rosy for these idiots.

Well, the Democrats also didn't win by much, it's hard to unseat an incumbent, but other than that, and thanks to Trump's efforts even a slim win is a win and a power grab that the Dems now are regulated to the backseat where McCarthy and tell them to shhh...pipe down, grownups talking now, failure to do so, and a time-out will be given.

And the donald and ronald war for 2024 nomination is going to be the funniest one ever. Get ready for a lot of laughter my friends, things are turning hilarious!!?

Not so sure, the Dems were so sure they would retain the House, they were so sure that Trump was going to be impeached and removed, they were also sure about a lot of things and none of them materialized except for the 2020 election....hmmmm..

Investigations are around the corner....

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

The wounded GOP does not know what to do and they are very confused,

Now they know exactly what to do, call Zelenskyy and tell him, his money has dried up, maybe he can borrow some cash from Hunter...

they are realizing the great damage that Trump did to the party,

No one cares about what the elites think

now Trump and DeSantis are going to attack each other, it will be very funny to see how they finish sinking..

We don't know yet, and the left definitely doesn't know, what we do know is, NO MORE socialist spending on radical entitlements that are draining the country. On that one, the GOP was victorious!

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Here we go again, blowing this way out of proportion over what a few opinionated people said.

go over to FOX theyre all stating he should wait off, they know hes toxic, even Murdochs New York Post is calling him Trumpty Dumpty lol


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Democrats in Nevada are paying the price of ignoring a bunch of crazy Republicans,from the Governor to Secretary of State,who will administer the election in Nevada is Qanon crazy if vote do not follow their way,they are trailing ,only person winning statewide is the Black AG Google Qanon Nevada

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If Trump doesn't announce his bid for presidency next Wed, I will be sorely disappointed.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

A mentor of mine at college, stated to understand the what and the who pulls the strings of office you need to fully grasp the science of government, influencing policy winning and holding control over the race to office.

You need the skills to study politics, and build a like minded influential team of advisors, most importantly an ability to persuade people that have a proven ability to shape political participation to achieve a desired result.

Former President Donald Trump never pretended to be a politician.

I genuinely have respect for his term of office.

Time to move on, the 15 minutes are over.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I genuinely have respect for his term of office.

Time to move on, the 15 minutes are over.

But your respect for his time in office, is exactly why he will never give up on trying to get back that 15 minutes. You guys opened pandora's box with that one, he's not going away.

And now it's tearing you apart.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Well, the Democrats also didn't win by much, it's hard to unseat an incumbent, but other than that, and thanks to Trump's efforts even a slim win is a win and a power grab that the Dems now are regulated to the backseat where McCarthy and tell them to shhh...pipe down, grownups talking now, failure to do so, and a time-out will be given.

dems flipped 4 state governorships, which is huge. its an historical fact that the party holding the white house nearly always loses the house or senate, Republicans knew this had history on their side and didnt capitalise on it. 2024 its reversed, far more republican seats up for grabs. lol

Dems look like they will keep the senate. Even if they dont the Biden veto pen works just as well as Trumps.

Dems still havent equaled trumps record yet.

first 1 term president to lose the house senate and presidency in 90yrs, all within 2 yrs LOL

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yet the MAGA folk still love their Dear Leader. They think he's smart! Guffaw!

They also like Ben Carson because he operates on brains and thinks Ben Carson can run a government better than non brain surgeons. Maybe Ben Carson can run Apple better than Steve Jobs because Ben Carson is qualified to operate on brains and Jobs didn't even finish college.

New York Post targets 'Trumpty Dumpty' in scathing cover

(News Source)

The Murdocks have turned on Trump.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trumpty Dumpty. What's he going to announce at Mar a Lago on the 15th, that the buffet is open?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Stranger, I respect the office and the US system of government.

Donald Trump, so called second run in many respects brought Governor Ron DeSantis to the fore,


He is young and there is always a need to reflect that populists come and go.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Donald Trump, so called second run in many respects brought Governor Ron DeSantis to the fore,

I'm looking forward to watching them battle it out. It will be good for the Republican party, right?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trumpty Dumpty. What's he going to announce at Mar a Lago on the 15th, that the buffet is open?


If Trump doesn't announce his bid for presidency next Wed, I will be sorely disappointed.

Extra LOOOOOOOL !!!..

4 ( +4 / -0 )

We don't know yet, and the left definitely doesn't know, what we do know is, NO MORE socialist spending on radical entitlements that are draining the country. On that one, the GOP was victorious!

Another post about current political divide that is so divorced from reality that it may as well come from an alternate universe where Trump drained the swamp, kicked out the Wall Street leeches funding Hilary and won the 2020 election in a landlslide.

Do you mean the socialist spending radical entitlements Trump gave to his corporate cronies in the pandemic?


4 ( +4 / -0 )

Ron DeSantis and the Republicans need to offer a new style of politics, away from right wing stereotype.

The Democrats succeeded and may I say rightfully so.

However there is now an opportunity to for across aisle conscientious teamwork.

Both parties need to find common ground.

As a global perspective.......

Russian/China government is watching hoping for instability to reign.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Once again, nothing but silence from our Trump supporting friends on the "RINO wave" that happened on the 9th...

DeWine, Kemp, Ivey, Thune, Rubio....if it wasn't for the RINOs the Repubs would have been trounced....

So was this a "win" for Team Red? Are you going to accept and applaud all these RINO wins when you consistently said they all ought to be run out of the party - as "traitors"?

And how about Raffensberger's win in Georgia - he's a Repub - going to cheer that one?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Ok, but they lost the House, so go ahead, and celebrate being the minority with all the party poppers.

Don't count your chickens yet, whatever donald might tell you is likely to be false!

No one cares about what the elites think

That's the kind of thinking that is leading the GOP down the drain !!

They forget about women, the young and rely on old dinosaurs who are slowly fading out.

Not so sure, the Dems were so sure they would retain the House, they were so sure that Trump was going to be impeached and removed, they were also sure about a lot of things and none of them materialized except for the 2020 election....hmmmm..

ROFL, the only one going on about a GOP sweep was you, when it is clear there is no sweep for what would have been a really good performance, go ahead find excuses!!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

donald says he will dish out dirt on ronald, then ronald will kick donald out of Florida..........

The next 2 years are going to be the funniest yet!!!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

donald says he will dish out dirt on ronald, then ronald will kick donald out of Florida..........

The next 2 years are going to be the funniest yet!!!

Donald VS Ronald..

The two biggest clowns of USA fighting each other..

Two soooo funny two years coming.. LOOL !!..

And Oz defeat confirmed. WAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Hopefully one of the takeaways for the GOP is that getting a better brand reputation for the party is crucial. People agreed largely on issues that the GOP championed- economy, inflation, crime, yet they just couldn't pull the lever for GOP candidates in many areas. 


And I think we all know why. The looming presence of the Bad Orange Man. His presence as a disruptor worked in 2016 but does not work in 2022. Now he is just another former president who lost. I am sincerely hoping that GOP leadership can recognize this and do what is necessary before 2024. 


DeSantis, Kemp, and Abbot showed how it is done. Strong campaigns, stayed on message, delivered concrete results for their respective states. Easier for governors to do than senate/house candidates for sure. But hell, Pennsylvania voted for a radical socialist zombie over a world renowned heart surgeon with actually very moderate political positions. Only reason I can think of is branding.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

DT can really be pathetic. Clearly a liability.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Don't count your chickens yet,

Yes, it’s all about the math. The Dems won’t get the House

whatever donald might tell you is likely to be false!

As if the Dems are the virtues of truth, honesty and integrity. Lol

No one cares about what the elites think

That's the kind of thinking that is leading the GOP down the drain !!

And the Dems, will Nancy take that ambassadorship in Rome?

They forget about women, the young and rely on old dinosaurs who are slowly fading out.

Then we go to thee younger ones.

ROFL, the only one going on about a GOP sweep was you, when it is clear there is no sweep for what would have been a really good performance, go ahead find excuses!!

Yeah, but they swept up the house! Yippie!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Donald VS Ronald..

The two biggest clowns of USA fighting each other..

And? You had AOC and Pelosi duke it out, come on now! Lol

Two soooo funny two years coming.. LOOL !!..

And Oz defeat confirmed. WAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!...

Well, either way, one of the two will be President, so let’s see the fight! One will come out and winner.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

If Trump fails to get the 2024 GOP nomination he will run as an independent or form another new party dividing the GOP vote.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The is no need or requirement for a Donald VS Ronald.....

The Republicans have the opportunity to focus on there policies.

Also to bring into view the next generation of potential for high office.


1 ( +1 / -0 )

According to Trump, he was elected twice already. So maxed out.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trump running as an independent?

Just for the entertainment, that would be priceless.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

If Trump fails to get the 2024 GOP nomination he will run as an independent or form another new party dividing the GOP vote.

Now you have finally said something that makes sense, I agree!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Don't count your chickens yet,

Yes, it’s all about the math. The Dems won’t get the House

whatever donald might tell you is likely to be false!

As if the Dems are the virtues of truth, honesty and integrity. Lol

No one cares about what the elites think

That's the kind of thinking that is leading the GOP down the drain !!

And the Dems, will Nancy take that ambassadorship in Rome?

They forget about women, the young and rely on old dinosaurs who are slowly fading out.

Then we go to thee younger ones.

ROFL, the only one going on about a GOP sweep was you, when it is clear there is no sweep for what would have been a really good performance, go ahead find excuses!!

Yeah, but they swept up the house! Yippie!

Some "Yippie"..... There's only one way to view this Repub debacle....it was a clear MAGA wipeout.....

If you subtract all the RINO wins, the Repubs would have taken a huge shellacking...the Dems would have kept both the House and Senate....

So I guess you can yell "Yippie" that DeWine, Kemp, Ivey, Thune, Rubio, and all the other hated RINOs won re-election....after you posted numerous times that they are all "traitors" and were so looking forward to them all being defeated...and run out of the party....


3 ( +3 / -0 )

The extremes of political office have no place in modern day 21st century government.

Who shouts the loudest falls into the shadows/pit of his or her own rhetoric.

I sense the Republicans will seize this opportunity.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The US needs a max age limit for the president. 75 years at the end of a eight-year term.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Why didn't the Republicans expel him out of the party, stripping him all the honours and denouncing him in a partyconference. Like Khruschev done in 1956 of de-Stalinrization!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Why didn't the Republicans expel him out of the party, stripping him all the honours and denouncing him in a partyconference. Like Khruschev done in 1956 of de-Stalinrization!

Well sure, they could do that, and do that very easily, but then watch? No one would vote for anyone else in the party. The only other person would be Ron DeSantis and that’s it, so it’s either Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis as Republican front runners and the rest of the bunch are just as pathetic. As on the Democrat side, they couldn’t win anything.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

This could push the Overton Window on American politics even further right. 

you mean further, right then the left is further left?

DeSantis attacking Trump as a radical leftist crypto-socialist for his former support of the Clintons and for being the first president to put forward a universal basic income stimulus during the pandemic.


And kicking Trump for being soft on the transgender agenda for ridiculing Pence's gay conversion support and fundamentalism.

Not so sure about that one.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Trump is of course toxic and a criminal. But the GOP embraced extremism, so this is a mess of their own making. Let the infighting begin!

Young voters are overwhelmingly siding with the Dems. This will only increase in the coming years as the boomers decrease in numbers. It seems things like bodily autonomy and democracy actually do matter to folks...shocking!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

People forget that Trump did not have the support of the GOP the first time he was elected.

Fun to watch the mudslinging and read the tantrums though.

It looks like the Republicans get under a lot of people's skin.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Trump is of course toxic and a criminal.

How? He wasn’t convicted of anything.

But the GOP embraced extremism,

No, we embraced a Washington disruptor that would stop all the craziness that is going on, and that is what he has done, but I guess the left call stopping crime and supporting our police as radical.

so this is a mess of their own making. Let the infighting begin!

Then the Democrats would still control the House if that were true.

Young voters are overwhelmingly siding with the Dems.

It depends, when they are young and naïve little experience, then you’re correct, once I get out there and work, and make a paycheck and see how small that their salaries are, and they see the rate of inflation and gas, they quickly switch to Republicans, it always happens.

This will only increase in the coming years as the boomers decrease in numbers

Don’t be so sure. I’m not a boomer and I see right through this deception from the left.

*It seems things like bodily autonomy and democracy actually do matter to folks...shocking!*

As well as crime and inflation, seems we both got a little of what we wanted.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

rump is of course toxic and a criminal.

How? He wasn’t convicted of anything.

He hasn't been convicted YET. Patience, Silly B. The indictments (and convictions) are coming as surly as Don makes bad decsions and then blames everyone but himself.

And when he goes, NOBODY is going to bail him out. His own party will whistle past his prison cell and leave him twisting in the wind.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

He hasn't been convicted YET.

And never will be

Patience, Silly B. The indictments (and convictions) are coming as surly as Don makes bad decsions and then blames everyone but himself. 

Yeah, ok. Maybe this time after eight years it’s different. Lol

And when he goes, NOBODY is going to bail him out. His own party will whistle past his prison cell and leave him twisting in the wind.

Yeah, you keep those fantasy wishes in place.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

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