Japan Today

Trump warns China could face 'consequences' over pandemic

By Sarah Silbiger

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Typical Trump: Deflecting.

4 ( +18 / -14 )

Will Trump/Ivanka Inc sever the dozens of business relationships they have with members of the Chinese Communist Party over this. Or will they still have some of their clothing brands made there. Classic Trump, though. When the going gets rough, when he's caught out messing up, find enemies - real or imagined - and blame them. China deserves blame for starting off this catastrophe. So does Trump for playing golf and holding rallies instead of taking action mush earlier.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

Hmmmm.... I wonder if he's considering cancelling his clothing contract with his Chinese sweatshop factory that makes his "Trump collection" shirts and ties....


Nah, he'd never do that - he'd have to pay higher wage US textile workers then...

13 ( +17 / -4 )

"In either event they should have let us go in," he said. "We asked to go in early. And they didn't want us in. I think they knew it was something bad and they were embarrassed."

As if the US would let Chinese scientists go into the heartland to investigate anything.

99% of the time Donny opens his mouth he provides us further evidence of how much of a moron he is.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

I am absolutely no supporter of Trump but;

Trump also cast doubt on official Chinese figures showing the country has suffered just 0.33 deaths per 100,000 people.

"The number's impossible," he said. "It's an impossible number to hit."

Even if we adjust one order of magnitude to account for China's very large population I do agree that number does not seem credible.

I am in the camp that the virus emerged due to accidental spreading from a laboratory in Wuhan. The introduction of the virus into the human population was not a sinister nor intentional act but what transpired afterwards was.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Pestilence, war, famine and death. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are about to be unleashed again. Humanity seems incapable of learning from its mistakes.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

There were 7 deaths in Beijing, Supposedly.

But China good and the usual people already deflecting offtopic to neckties and golf and wars and Trumpbad.

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

If they dont let us in, and you seem to support their position, how are we then responsible for not knowing what is going on? we had to rely on the WHO, and were lied to by them in collaboration with China.

99% of the time Donny opens his mouth he provides us further evidence of how much of a moron he is.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

"In either event they should have let us go in," he said. "We asked to go in early. And they didn't want us in. I think they knew it was something bad and they were embarrassed."

Yet he expects the WHO to have forcefully gotten themselves into China and investigate.

can the WHO or any other international organization without the consent of the U.S just move into the U.S and carry out an investigation anywhere they like? The answer is obviously No.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

@blacklabeBut China good 

I haven't read anyone say that. But I've noticed some partisan extremists tend to see the world in odd binary ways, like 'those who criticize Trump say China is good'. It could be the intent of those posting oddly reasoned messages is to only appeal to the benighted.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Pointing fingers again... Mr. Trump ? Please explain first :

August 2019 the bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick was shut down because of safety concerns.....

October 2019, US military personnel participated in the International Military Games held in Wuhan...

Reports indicate that US military stationed in Afghanistan have had COVID-19-like symptoms

Nov. 18, 2019 a conference on preparations for a coronavirus pandemic (EVENT 201) was held in New York attended by private and public figures
5 ( +10 / -5 )

Schumer must be jumping with joy that Trump is punching China right in their faces.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Schumer must be jumping with joy that Trump is punching China right in their faces.

While he pulls out his wallet and pays them to make his shirts and ties...

"Here, take that (a punch), and that (a million dollar business contract)"...

Humiliating getting played, isn't it Trump supporters...

9 ( +13 / -4 )

WHO must warn China about their traditional medicine. They appreciate and use rare animals as materials for their medicine.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The demented carnival barker that is the US president is at it again.

Will the US ever be able to recover from his reign of terror and ineptitude?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

I missed the part in the article about Democrats. I also missed the part in the article that had quotes from Democrats. I missed these be said they aren’t in the article, which means democrats are completely irrelevant to this article.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

If they dont let us in, and you seem to support their position, how are we then responsible for not knowing what is going on?

I do not support any country not letting e Peet’s from other countries assist with identifying issues that affect humanity.

I never claimed the US was responsible for not knowing what was going on back in November/December. I have, however, called out Donny for refusing to acknowledge what was going on in January and February.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

WHO must warn China about their traditional medicine. 

Warn and then what ?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I think we all know the one person who lies the most in this world :-)

8 ( +10 / -2 )

'A mistake is a mistake' concept may not be familiar in China, imho.

Twice, I purchased an item on Ebay by mistake. When I contacted them, sellers in China, said I had bought that by mistake and asked cancellation, but they never cancelled nor refunded even though they had plenty of time. Their response were it was MY mistake and not theirs. You would not get favourable response from them if you say you have a genuine mistake, because again it was YOUR mistake not theirs and you should take any consequences from YOUR mistake, that is what I felt from Chinese sellers.

I might be wrong but this 'A mistake is a mistake' should not apply to China.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The possibility that COVID19 emanated from the Wuhan laboratory inadvertently is a freal possibility. It is something that behoves investigation, if China does not obstruct it. One thing is certain, it is not a conspiracy theory.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I don’t hold the President responsible for what happened, why would I? The medical professions got it wrong, so if they didn’t see the urgency, why would Trump? But once the ball started rolling, he was on it, but e everyone made mistakes going into this and China is the sole responsible party for unleashing this virus on the world. Hope Xi can write a big enough check for everyone.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

After Trump did his "It's China fault!" rant a question was asked of Dr Fauciti  (probably I spelt wrong) as to if it came from a lab.  He succinctly explained that they had mapped the development and spread of the genome and it clearly was a virus that jumped from bats, to other animals and then humans (who are also animals).  But don't let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy that allows Trump to blame others for his gross mismanagement of the spread of Covid 19 in America.

3 ( +6 / -3 )


I don’t hold the President responsible for what happened, why would I?

Yeah, why would you?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

But once the ball started rolling, he was on it

The ball started rolling in December. Anyone who had a brain could have watched the news on TV and realized something was going around in December. Trump's new henchman, Peter Navarro, even made a warning in early January. And Trump was still going on about hoaxes and 15 going onto zero as late as March.

Yeah, sure, once the ball started rolling........my eyes also started rolling.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Oh so Mr. “I take no responsibility at all” now wants people to be held to account for screwing up during the pandemic?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

oh, that was not taken out of context. Whatsoever.

Mr. “I take no responsibility at all”

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

If so, then Fauci missed it, NY city and state missed it, Dems in Congress misssed it, the media missed it. The first to mention it publicly as an type of concern publicly was Trump when he was mocked and attacked for the China travel ban. But nice history rewrite.

The ball started rolling in December. Anyone who had a brain could have watched the news on TV and realized something was going around in December.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Yeah, why would you?

Because I’m not just laser focused on the President seething with hate and just hoping for his demise.

The ball started rolling in December.

Yes and then we had this...

“There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take the bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant, and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday.” Barbot said during a Feb. 2 press conference addressing the pandemic.

Barbot was referring to a New York Chinatown parade, which celebrates China’s New Year and took place on Feb. 9. Barbot appeared to suggest Trump’s travel restrictions were racist in a Feb. 2 tweet to her followers.

“I want to be clear, this is about a virus, not a group of people. There is NO excuse for anyone to discriminate or stigmatize people of Asian heritage. We are here today to urge all New Yorkers to continue to live their lives as usual,” she said.

So even when the MEDICAL EXPERT says it’s ok to party, why would or should the President think she’s wrong? He’s not a licensed trained physician.

Anyone who had a brain could have watched the news on TV and realized something was going around in December.

Well, then the medical advisors all need to be fired because they screwed up majorly in NOT informing the country in a timely fashion.

Trump's new henchman, Peter Navarro, even made a warning in early January. 

So now which is it?! Listen to Trump’s people, don’t listen to him, please stop moving the goalposts. Smh.....

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Trump and his supporters hypocrisy and fecklessness over China can be summed up with one example - a Trump Rally....

Trump yells and thunders that China is an unfair trader, stealing US jobs, cheating in international markets, spreading Corona....all the while wearing a Chinese-made Trump tie...


His supporters cheer and scream their agreement and support; "China bad, China bad", waving Trump/Pence 2020 banners...made in China...


You can't make this stuff up...

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Trump and his supporters hypocrisy and fecklessness over China can be summed up with one example - a Trump Rally....

Trump yells and thunders that China is an unfair trader, stealing US jobs, cheating in international markets, spreading Corona....all the while wearing a Chinese-made Trump tie..

Putting China on notice is a fantastic thing, so now maybe all of us in America can demand that manufacturing comes back to the US, then we don’t have to deal with China and in the end we can tell them to fly off.

His supporters cheer and scream their agreement and support; "China bad, China bad",

The CCP is bad.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

The Trump administration has said it doesn't rule out that the novel coronavirus was spread -- accidentally -- from a laboratory researching bats in Wuhan.

US officials sounded alarm about Wuhan lab years before coronavirus outbreak


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trump and his supporters hypocrisy and fecklessness over China can be summed up with one example - a Trump Rally....

Trump yells and thunders that China is an unfair trader, stealing US jobs, cheating in international markets, spreading Corona....all the while wearing a Chinese-made Trump tie..

Putting China on notice is a fantastic thing, so now maybe all of us in America can demand that manufacturing comes back to the US, then we don’t have to deal with China and in the end we can tell them to fly off.

Hmmmm.....So you're demanding your President set the example first by bringing his clothing business back to US textile workers? What will you do if he refuses?

His supporters cheer and scream their agreement and support; "China bad, China bad",

The CCP is bad.

Then why are Trump supporters waving Trump/Pence 2020 banners made in China?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It was American companies who closed their American factories and took their business to China to increase profits and decrease consumer prices. 

Thank you, every American already knows this, which goes back supports my original point.

I agree that China needs to held to account, based on evidence. But bringing all production back to America isn't going to work.

I completely disagree, especially with what happened.

Are you willing to pay more than twice the current price for an iPhone, iPad, Macbook, for example?

Yes and I think many Americans will as well and if you can’t afford, save your money until you can buy it.

China announced the coronavirus on Dec 31st. Trump should have been in action during the first week of the new year. After he finished his golf.

Not necessarily, no one in the world got it right because China lied about the severity of this virus

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

oh, that was not taken out of context. Whatsoever.

nothing out of context downplaying the virus right up to early March.



3 ( +3 / -0 )

Schumer must be jumping with joy that Trump is punching China right in their faces.

So how is giving China millions of dollars in clothing contracts that could be done by US textile workers "punching China right in their faces"?

Why is Trump wearing a Trump brand item made in China while at the same time telling everyone else they're cheaters and not to do business in China?

Why are Trump/Pence 2020 banners made in China?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

He is recycling his attacks because nothing is sticking. Every time new numbers come out about American deaths and infections, the US president changes the subject by blaming everyone except his incompetent handling of this situation.

Repeat cycle: China, WHO, Democratic governors, and the media

Urged on by Conservatives and His Own Advisers, Trump Targeted the WHO


7 ( +8 / -1 )

The CCP is bad.

So is the Republican party since it was taken over by the Tea Party and Trump.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

If American corporations take manufacturing back to the US, the vast majority of Americans would not be able to afford to purchase those products. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of economics understands this.

Jan. 23 China quarantined Wuhan, a city of 11 million.

Jan. 30, the WHO declared a global health emergency.

Jan. 31, Donny cuts travel from China.

Feb. 14, more than 14,000 infections in Hubei Province.

Feb. 21, the virus appears in Iran from an unknown source.

Feb. 24, Donny asks Congress for $1.25 billion to ramp up preparation to tackle the virus.


It took Donny an entire month to do anything beyond banning travel from China after knowing the virus was so serious that China closed off a city of 11 million.

The experts clearly didn’t reference Donny enough or put enough pictures in their warnings to grab Donny’s attention. This is a hazard of having a president with the mentality of a spoiled 6 year old.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

He's deflecting. He is increasingly under pressure for being alseep at the wheel on COVID10 and the WHO and now China seem like convenient avenues to deflect from his ineptitude.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Look! Another unfair attack on Donny by the msm quoting his stupidity:

Trump made his outlandish billions claim at his press briefing Saturday. Based on some models, the COVID-19 death toll in the U.S. was predicted to reach 100,000 to 220,000, he noted. “I really believe it could have been billions of people [who died] had we not done what we did,” he added. “We made a lot of good decisions,” he claimed.


This imbecile doesn’t even know the population of the country he heads, which isn’t surprising given he doesn’t know where his own father was born.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Good luck with that. It's like pounding aeeica for it's DEMOCRACY which it brings to asia.africa etc.....and all those kids comes with it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Trump made his outlandish billions claim at his press briefing Saturday. Based on some models, the COVID-19 death toll in the U.S. was predicted to reach 100,000 to 220,000, he noted. “I really believe it could have been billions of people [who died] had we not done what we did,” he added. “We made a lot of good decisions,” he claimed.

He is constantly inflating numbers now, so if the numbers are less than he can claim, he will try to declare a victory (ie. "wartime president"). LOL!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

One more thing:

When the real numbers actually get close to the numbers that he claim then he tries to cast doubt.

Trump interrupts Dr Birx to question whether his administration is giving out accurate information


“Excuse me,” Trump said as he interrupted her presentation.

“Does anybody really believe this number?” Trump asked, about the information his own administration was giving the American people.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

oh, that was not taken out of context. Whatsoever.

Oh, I’m sorry, I must have been off of Earth on the day Trump ever took responsibility for any single one of the many many things he has screwed up over the course of his entire life. Please excuse me.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

oh, that was not taken out of context. Whatsoever.

nothing out of context downplaying the virus right up to early March.

Yeah, nothing like taking anything out of context, right?

“And so we know that this virus can be transmitted from one individual to another, but that it’s typically people who live together,” she said during the interview. “That there’s no risk at this point in time—we’re always learning more—about having it be transmitted in casual contact, right?”

-Dr. Barbot Feb. 7

“If you’re under 50 & you’re healthy, which is most NYers, there’s very little threat here. This disease, even if you were to get it, basically acts like a common cold or flu. And transmission is not that easy,”

*“Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives** + get out on the town despite Coronavirus,” de Blasio told his Twitter followers on March 3, no more than two weeks before likening the outbreak to a type of world war that required nationalizing industries*.

-Mayor DeBlasio Feb. 7

-7 ( +2 / -9 )


You are just listing people along with Trump who got it wrong. Other world leaders dealt with this far better. Competent leaders.

I know ’what about?’ is your reaction to pretty much everything, but here you are just saying all of these people are incompetent.

Incompetence is not good enough. The higher up you go, the more responsibility and blame you must shoulder. Stop making excuses for incompetence.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

So is the Republican party since it was taken over by the Tea Party and Trump.

Democrats were taken over when LBJ became President.

You are just listing people along with Trump who got it wrong.

That’s all that matters, the experts, right? Now No contradictions please.

Other world leaders dealt with this far better. Competent leaders. 

Good for them, I only care about the US.

Incompetence is not good enough.

Well, these doctors should step down including Fauci since so many got it wrong. They are the licensed experts after all.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

China should be held responsible for suppressing information about the virus resulting in its global spread.

Moving production out of China will be an effective punishment.

Donny should be held responsible for his lies and inaction which is resulting in the 30,000 plus deaths.

The right wing nutters should grow some brains and vote this clown out.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

So how is giving China millions of dollars in clothing contracts that could be done by US textile workers "punching China right in their faces"?

Why is Trump wearing a Trump brand item made in China while at the same time telling everyone else they're cheaters and not to do business in China?

Why are Trump/Pence 2020 banners made in China?

Come on Trump supporters, can't answer a couple simple questions?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Donny should be held responsible for his lies and inaction which is resulting in the 30,000 plus deaths.

That is just utter nonsense. You can blame Trump for slipping in the beginning, but have zero evidence whatsoever that can prove had the Chinese not lied or that the medical professionals who got got it wrong and done everything right that less lives would have been lost. Please stop with that liberal debunked talking point. Come on now....

Not with the travel ban you do.

I just got back a few weeks ago, so much for that argument.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

rainyday - Oh, I’m sorry, I must have been off of Earth on the day Trump ever took responsibility for any single one of the many many things he has screwed up over the course of his entire life. Please excuse me.

You're excused. And since you said you are sorry, good for you.

"It could have been stopped in China before it started and it wasn't," Trump told reporters at a White House briefing. "And now the whole world is suffering because of it."

China released another deadly virus. Questions need to be answered. Was the release accidental? Were the Chinese trying to find a cure for bats suffering from a deadly virus?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

You can blame Trump for slipping in the beginning

This isn’t about the beginning, he is screwing up right now. Literally today he was encouraging his supporters to rebel against public health measures his own administration recommends.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Trump warns China could face 'consequences' over pandemic

Notice a pattern here?

Trump rants against Mexican illegal immigrants, calls Mexico weak, says immigrants are bringing crime and disease....

Consequence? He hires illegal immigrant labor at his properties...

Trumps rails against China, calls them unfair traders, cheaters, spreaders of Corona...

Consequence? He gives them million dollar clothing contracts...

I hope someone can find where all the Russians are working...

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

You can blame Trump for slipping in the beginning, but have zero evidence whatsoever that can prove had the Chinese not lied

Anyone with brains know Chinese information cannot be trusted. If Donny’s playing down of the virus was because he believed the Chinese then he is far bigger idiot than what people think him to be.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

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