Japan Today

Trump wins White House; Clinton concedes defeat


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Not gonna lie, this is not only unexpected, but massively disappointing.

But no point in being bitter, congrats to the republicans. Hope he will make it a better country - though, after all this time, still unsure how.

10 ( +23 / -13 )

Thanks America :(

1 ( +20 / -19 )

Allow me to congratulate the American people for their newest president. You get what you deserve. Enjoy! And please stop crashing the Canadian Immigration website, Thanks.

21 ( +39 / -18 )

God help us all.

8 ( +27 / -19 )

No more currency manipulation Japan! 70yen to the dollar by March 1, 2017

-14 ( +12 / -26 )



0 ( +4 / -4 )

Hey Elon Musk, what is the status of that space ship to mars

15 ( +27 / -12 )

biggest MEDIA fail ever!!!!! from the beginning until the very last seconds, the media was nasty and nasty! "60% supporting Hillary" LOL This day surely teaches you a lesson.

16 ( +29 / -13 )

This does not bode well for Japan. Tragic. Terrifying.

8 ( +26 / -18 )

I am in shock.

13 ( +24 / -11 )

Trump was already giving his victory speech while the almighty >>> CNN <<< was still stuck with its "tight race" screen!! LOL even foreign media outlets were faster than CNN this time, you wonder why???? please...regardless of your candidate.... shame on these nasty brainwashing medias!!!!

20 ( +32 / -12 )

biggest MEDIA fail ever!!!!! from the beginning until the very last seconds,

Exactly, Mainstream media suffers third major consecutive defeat (Iraq: WMD. UK: Brexit and USA : Madam. Hillary) Anyway, i congratulate myself for being the first and foremost to predict Trump's victory from day1 !

5 ( +22 / -17 )

Donald Trump has proven once again to believe in your dreams, think big and never give up. The Clintons are toast, the Bushes are toast, Obama's Legacy is in jeopardy. Most of all the liberal and biased media that has fed the world so many lies for far too long has been seriously damaged. Power to the people! TRUMP/PENCE 2016!

4 ( +25 / -21 )

It shouldn't really come as a surprise. Given a choice between a middling to mediocre candidate and a jaw-droppingly awful one, American voters somehow always seem to go for the absolute worst option these days. Well, who knows, He might turn out to be half-competent, but then again I thought the same thing of George W Bush in 2000.

5 ( +21 / -16 )

There were people saying that Trump as president will behave differently to Trump the candidate.

I hope for everyone's sake they were right.

24 ( +28 / -4 )

How many boxes of tissue do you think Hillary has worked through so far?

6 ( +18 / -12 )

What now? Is America great again?

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Less than a million votes made a big difference. A heart-stopping race to the finish by a nose

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Basket of deplorable 3 (Presidency, House & Senate) Vs. Liberal elites 0. The Dems' platform "the stupidity of American people" has deal a big blow to the core of their foundation. Let's clean up the swamp. The deceptive of Obama's scheme will come into light. Trump's presidency will help to reduce the aggressiveness from many dictators across the globe. First Brexit, second Trump-et, and third check the Chinese.

3 ( +18 / -15 )

I am not a Republican, but this registered independent voter from the great state of Texas (which cast its support for the 45th POTUS) is very happy to know my vote was not wasted.

Congratulations, President-elect Donald J. Trump!!!!!

-4 ( +21 / -25 )

Hey I can't even vote, but if I could, I definitely would NOT vote for fake grin candidates, that appeals to pop stars concerts to gather more supporters (bread and circuses), and not being misogynist, wouldn't take any chances specially after Dilma Roussef, Merkel and Park!!!!

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

The arrogant and corrupt Clintonite Democratic Party that with its "Super Delegates" rigged the primaries and stole the nomination from the one man who truly and valiantly fought for the the welfare of the working people and who could have defeated the charlatan Trump, has been dealt an ignominious defeat. This is the sweet revenge of the American Working Class that since Nixon has been exploited, slighted and neglected by the moneyed elite and their lackeys from the mass media . Unfortunately, Trump will not be their savior, but this is the shake-up that the corrupt US political system has so richly deserved. Until the American people can rectify the horrific capitalist system that has betrayed their interests from time immemorial there will be no salvation. Next step: Dump President Trump and elect a young and vibrant socialist who will carry the torch of progress handed down by her precursor Bernie Sanders.

-9 ( +11 / -20 )

So what is first on the agenda? Fraud trial for Trump University scheduled for this month, then 4 years of using executive power to get revenge on everyone he holds a grudge against. And finding the time to build that wall sometime in between.

Markets are tanking, US dollar is tanking and its hard to see how anyone is going to be better off as a result of this. But anyway, you got what you wanted Trump, don`t break it.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

As a japanese, I am extremely shocked and very dissapointed with America.... But i also realized Trump won ony inland states, he lost in California and East coast. So America is very much split?

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

America has gone off the rails of the Crazy Train!

What is this world coming to!

Well TPP is surely dead now!!!

With Duterte in the Philippines, and now Trump ???

When will the sanity return!?

5 ( +18 / -13 )

Trump thanked to Dr. Ben Carson ac all his supplrter.s

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Basket of deplorable 3 (Presidency, House & Senate) Vs. Liberal elites 0

Soon to be 4-0 when GOP takes over the Supreme Court.

TV viewing was delicious tonight. Switching back and forth between the profuse tears flowing from the eyes of rachel maddow and the impotent whining of james carville ... so many choices for comedy.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Honestly, America is free to choose for POTUS whoever it wants but the one I feel really sorry for is Obama. Giving 8 years of his life and in that process very visibly aging only to see (most likely) the majority of those 8 years go to waste.

Still, good luck America. You'll need it.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

BRITAIN has woken up relieved to find its idiotic act of self-harm earlier this year is now a piffling historical footnote.

Across the UK, Britons are secretly delighted that when the great disasters of 2016 are remembered, Brexit will be completely overshadowed by America’s embrace of fascism.


As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. Thanks to the deplorables (and, it seems, to the sit-on-the-fence dears who voted 'Other', nearly 6 million of them who could have made all the difference), Brits are no longer the biggest plonkers of 2016.

9 ( +23 / -14 )

Regarding Thunderbird's point about the media, it felt like Trump was going to win very early today when the results started coming in. I had several main news websites open and BBC World on the tv, but you wouldn't have known from their reporting. They were simply saying the result could be close. At that time, markets were crashing and election betting was already at 75% for Trump.

Brexit was exactly the same. It was obviously going to win from early results, and the betting odds showed it long before the media deigned to start reporting it.

The (liberal) media was a major factor in Bernie Sanders not getting the nomination. The media has also constantly underestimated how unpopular Hillary Clinton is. They are clearly out of touch with many ordinary people.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Unbelievable. As some have said, Americans get what they deserve. But he has won and that's that for now. I have a feeling it's not going to be smooth sailing for him. Within the first few months, he'll either be impeached for sexual harassment or for hiding his illegal business dealings or something else!

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Now if we can just get all the celebrities that said they would leave the country if Trump became President........

Just blame Hillarys defeat on Katy Perry. UUUUUGHH

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Within the first few months, he'll either be impeached for sexual harassment or for hiding his illegal business dealings or something else!

It's ok, hillary is officially a relic that won't rear its head ever again. Good riddance!! If the person replacing him is not crooked, why not?

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

That is unbelievable.. What exactly comes next I wonder

2 ( +5 / -3 )

What happens to Abe's trip to see Clinton now?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Apparently, populism is spreading around the globe. As we are moving further away from WWII, people tend to underestimate where that might lead to.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Thought it was a good acceptance speech. Bit of humour, humility, a few words for the many doubters/ naysayers in the us and abroad, a few words for HC, reckon he said what a newly elected president is supposed to say and added his "am one of you folks' own DT touch that probably won him the election.

Not the result I wanted nor expected but he's won fair and square and ppl have to accept that, he deseves a shot. The usa are a great nation with plenty of hard working ppl who haven't been given the opportunities they deserve for a long time.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

How many boxes of tissue do you think Hillary has worked through so far?


Heh, the bigger question is how fifths of vodka did she go through tonight after being told the wheels fell off the Scooby Van.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

"Meet the new boss....same as the old boss!"

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

They are clearly out of touch with many ordinary people.

Fair enough. But evidently, many ordinary voters are out of touch with reality. Trump will not make America great. He's a step back in progress. Climate change, arguably one of the biggest problems facing the world, is a fabrication invented by the Chinese according to him. His answer to corporate corruption (and in turn corruption in the media)? Regulate them less.

Clinton may not have been the best candidate, but she has good people in her party she has to answer to. Trump may not turn out to be so bad, but right now I'm not hopeful.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

What was a deeply compromised health care law that did marginally improve the nation's will be no more, thanks to Trump and the Republicans. It feels especially good to be in Japan where even the dumbest LDP politician would not go as low as Trump. I am sure of this. In four years time Trump will be the most hated person in the U.S.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

I don't want to blow my own trumpet but back in July I posted:

Trump will win this.

...and I'm not even American.

It was obvious Hillary could never win.

She's a crook, she's boring and she's fake.

Anyway, awesome news!!!

Well done The Donald.

1 ( +19 / -18 )

Obama was often criticized for golfing. Guess who else loves golf...

Wonder how the slick socialites from NYC are going to fit in with the DC crowd. Do the Trumps have any friends or supporters there? I can't imagine Don living and working there full time.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

This is disturbing and worrying news. But mostly it's hilarious :)

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

That is unbelievable.. What exactly comes next I wonder

We get up. We go to work. Our children go to school, etc. What did you expect? That Hillary would come and take care of you?

9 ( +14 / -5 )


Do the Trumps have any friends or supporters there?

this is what the MEDIA wants you to believe! It really looked like 90% of all Hollywood + American media were against him.... and he wins anyway!! This guy is a phenomenon!!

1 ( +10 / -9 )

who cares ? corporate banks and finance conglomerates run that country anyway..Trump will just be a puppet like Kim jon-boy

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Now Trump is going to have to surprise me. He's going to have to toss his personality, egotism, and arrogance in the back seat (hopefully out the window) and show us actions instead of words.

I'm not shocked at the utter lack of wisdom in our society. People just have no brains. Now Trump's going to have to face the "how" to make his promises to the so called "rural" voters that he's going to keep jobs growing (in increasingly outdated sectors).

Now as the stock market starts to slow down now (the world just doesn't trust this situation) cos as usual folks don't seem to want to think things through anymore. Every action has consequences.... and some consequences aren't usually the ones we expect to happen.

Now Trump has currently 4 years in office. Let's see where the ball lies in a few more years. And I'm sticking to my words, "We're going to get every piece of crap we worked for.". I'm only going to be amazed if somehow things become better. But with Senate and Congressional majority Republicans are going to find wonderful ways to control Trump.

Prepare to taste what you have wrought.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Choiwaruoji, amen!

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

To all my liberal homies on JT. All the bravado, all the boasting, ad hominem attacks, I'll say this as I have deeply predicted, the silent majority came out and it was without a doubt 1980 all over again. The Democrats have lied, schemed, took advantage of their power and the system itself to circumvent the laws of our nation. The people DID reject Hillary overwhelmingly, the people DID think she was a criminal and untrustworthy, the people DID think the Democrats were too corrupt and Hilary was part of something so dark and dirty. To Yabits, Jim, Smith, Strange, Laguna and the rest of the liberals, its over, no hate, no gloating, I was holding back until I was sure, but maybe now the liberals can finally see Obama for what he really is and that's a disaster and utter failure.

The people could see right through the Dems tactics and they weren't swayed by it in the least. As bad as the Dems and libs have been throughout this process, the GOP are not at all immune to sharp criticism as well. I despise them just as much and as Trump said, now it's time to drain the swamp of Washington and get these elites out and give the country back to the people.

No more race baiting or PC talk, we can finally work on bringing the people of our great nation together. We tried the far lefts crazy way and it almost tanked the country and turned us into Sweden, not anymore. Obama is officially responsible for the outcome of this election, the people rejected everything that Obama stood for and decided not to take the chances with a lying crook, but to go with and take a chance on the inexperienced politician. I will say this, it must be killing Obama to know he has to sit in the Limo next to Trump and show him around the White House, this must be so emotionally painful for him.


7 ( +30 / -23 )

Trump will never win the GOP nomination. He's a joke. I'm sure of this. Well uh, Trump has no chance to win a national election. I'm sure of this. Well uh,

I am sure of this. In four years time Trump will be the most hated person in the U.S.

1 ( +9 / -8 )


all the downvotes weren't in vain!!!! thank you for always speaking the truth!!

2 ( +12 / -10 )

Well, I'm gonna watch my regular Conan O'Brien. The late shows and SNL are going to be on fire. Literally.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Bass, excellent thoughts.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

Well I don't really care about Detroit, that's a lost cause but hopefully Trump can do something about CNN...they are 3 days behind everyone else

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Was waiting to see when you'd post. A tip o' the hat to you. It's been great reading your posts these past few most and proving to the globalists at this site that they wound up on the wrong side of history.

You are correct about Obama; he tainted everything he has touched (both foreign and domestic). Fortunately, Americans will not have to endure a far worse fate of a HC presidency (aka, Obama 3.0). . . .

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Congrats to Trump. I'm sad that we elected a bigot for President, and I'll have a hard time forgiving the GOP for creating this, but the people have spoken and I accept the results.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

Congratulations USA!

Only in America can anyone's dream come true!

7 ( +15 / -8 )

i guess he'll win to be the worse american president in history. he will be kicked out of the white house after a mth in office

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

I'm so disappointed, frustrated, sad and angry that I feel like it's the end of the world. Is there any way to stop Trump from becoming the next President or kick him out of the White House when he does become President?

-11 ( +9 / -20 )

Trump said many many times that the election is rigged. That means that the real winner must be Clinton.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

I hope the Democratic Party has learned its lesson. Allowing a flawed candidate to champion them will be a memorable mistake. Polls in the spring even suggested that Bernie Sanders had a better chance against Trump, but we know how the "girls" handled Bernie. I hope to one day read an account of exactly how she shouldered aside other would be candidates. There was a real hunger for change within the Democratic Party and among those who voted for Trump, but all that was on offer was a highly processed and self-preservation filled woman. Very unsavory.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!


They elected who?




Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha!

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

Thank God! WWIII has been averted. Considering the heavy media bias against him, I am shocked (in a good way) he still managed to win. I worry that the powers that be will find a way to give away their power. Congratulations Donald! And don't forget your Kevlar undies...

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

No more currency manipulation Japan! 70yen to the dollar by March 1, 2017 LOL for that to happen then Trump will also have to label China in the same boat, US doesnt want to start a trade war with Asia and especially China, World markets today have shown what they think of Trumps economic policies, and this is nothing compared to what wil happen if he goes down that road. Just remember much of made in China is sold in the US but many of those made in China goods are American companies. China has shown that there fully prepared to take out their frustrations on J companies in China, and theyll happly do so against American companies if it comes to that. Trump will find the political elite and big corporations wont bend under his will so easily. But congratulations to Trump and the American people, you have spoken , for good or bad theyll have to live with the decision now.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

this must be so emotionally painful for him. Good.

Exactly the kind of vitriol I'd expect from a Trump fan. I don't remember liberals talking that way when Obama took office. Him winning was enough for us.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

But thank god, House of Representatives is majority opposition.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What's going on with English speaking countries? First Brexit, now Trump. What's next? Australia winning the World Cup in Russia? I feel ashamed for Americans, they've elected their Duterte. But I congratulate their new President, I hope Trump surprises us and become an excelent leader.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Bill Murphy, well said.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

PeaceWarrior: "And please stop crashing the Canadian Immigration website, Thanks."

hahaha! It'd be funny if it weren't so true. I think how to immigrate is the number 1 Google at the moment.

MrBum: "this must be so emotionally painful for him. Good."

Precisely. When Obama won and a lot of people, including some posters on here who have since switched handles, were upset, the Democrats said it is a time to try and heal and bring together, and people should not be upset but see an opportunity. Instead, in the lead up to this election you had certain posters saying if Hillary won they would "be harping on you every single day!" and "I'm looking forward to shutting down every piece of legislation she brings forward", etc. Very, very bitter and petty things to say. Now that Trump has unexpectedly won you would think some of the bitter enmity would have subsided -- might be expected in a lot of people against Trump, still, of course -- but no, they continue to show their true colours and the fact that they are all about petty revenge despite winning. Shame on them.

Now, the funny part -- and I use the word funny meaning sad -- will be Trump's plans for everything, most of which he said, "I'll tell you AFTER I'm elected president", because I honestly think even he didn't believe he'd win and he has no plans. So, going to be fun! I just wish it weren't going to effect the rest of the world. I can see now more than ever why Russia at least wanted Trump to win -- people are going to be looking more to Russia for partnership and stability, which will in turn drive that economy, as well as that of China, while in all likelihood, and as we are seeing already, the American economy will end up like Trump University and Trump Steaks.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

America to Donald J. Trump: "You're hired". . . .

9 ( +17 / -8 )

Why so many upset people ?? Do you really believe it makes any difference who wins ? All the lies we are continually told by countless politicians yet so many continue to believe & vote for these Psychopaths. It's all a charade people. This guys sums US/World politics up best .

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07w9K2XR3f0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dY4WlxO6i0

RIP George Carlin.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

We tried the far lefts crazy way and it almost tanked the country and turned us into Sweden, not anymore.

Funny, how that works. Turns out Sweden is constantly ranked in the top 10 or top 20 in the world when it comes to quality of life, friendliness, safety, economically stable, fantastic education system, public health, equality.

I suppose... none of those things are interesting or things that matter.

Well, okay, lets do it the way of the republicans for four years, not that we have any choice now. You have the president, the senate, the house and very soon, the supreme court. Virtually, if not literally, nothing you want to do, we can stop. So, if in 4 years, this country is not what it ought to be, what Trump right now promises it to be, where do you think the fault lies? And don`t for one second blame the Democrats, we have zero to do with the next 4 years!

Good luck. You`ll need a lot of it.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Clinton News Network: "Trump Delivers Stunning Rebuke To Political Elites".

0 ( +6 / -6 )

I supported Trump. I could not be happier that Hillary lost.

Having said that I am also willing to reach across the aisle and shake hands and begin working with whoever is willing to work with us on solving the myriad of problems we face as a nation.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

I think it came down to people hating Hillary slightly more than they fear Trump.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

24 hours ago I wouldn't have believed it. Obamacare is dead, the Supreme Court is safe, the IRS will stop targeting people for their political views, Washington will have less control of our lives.

It's morning in America again!

0 ( +9 / -9 )

TravelingSales: "Obamacare is dead"

I guarantee they more or less keep it as it is, but just add more benefits to the rich and call it something else. Already a lot of Republicans admit subscribing to it and that it contains some ideas championed by the Republicans of yesteryear, which is true. Trump will just say it'll take longer than he thought, call it dead eventually, put it back as it is now (plus said benefits for the rich and cuts for the poor), and rename it.

"the IRS will stop targeting people for their political views"

Hahaha. yeah right. It'll start giving people favors based on political views, and be protected by those people.

"Washington will have less control of our lives."

Funniest statement yet.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Some would say this thing is rigged

2 ( +4 / -2 )

HOORAY! Victory! President Donald J TRUMP!

An Awesome day for America and Americans!

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Hence the term DEMO-CRACY, that is, the true "demonstration of crazy behaviour", Trump nor Clinton were capable candidates to begin with anyway, it all came down to choosing the least of the worst and better the "frank" man and the "lying" woman.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The American white working class voted for a billionaire to pull them out of the huge gaping hole left by the hollowed out US manufacturing sector. Would sheep ever vote for a wolf to protect them? You couldn't make it up! They had better go back to school and open the old history books they never read to see how American workers of former times fought for their rights and asserted their dignity against the depredations of the exploiting capitalist class. Casting a vote for a snake-oil salesman will not be enough to put food on their tables or restore their wounded pride. It'll cost them blood, sweat and tears to make up for the lost decades stolen by America's corrupt plutocracy. Ganbatte!

0 ( +7 / -7 )

America just gave the big middle finger to the disgusting elites of the world.

1 ( +14 / -13 )

The most important question is: Does he know what to do?

2 ( +8 / -6 )

I can hear all the teeth sucking in Tokyo and I'm in Osaka!

5 ( +10 / -5 )

I hope the Democratic Party has learned its lesson. Allowing a flawed candidate to champion them will be a memorable mistake but your assuming that Trump isnt flawed, he still has to navigate the mine field of sexual harassment child molestation charges, then there the Trump university scam and the IRS audit. Whether he gets a reprieve from it as president or when his term is over, its still there and the outcome of those cases will reflect on him as a good president or not. Clinton is just a footnote in history now, whether shes found guilty or not she doesn't have to contest it as POTUS or a former president.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


The people DID reject Hillary overwhelmingly, the people DID think she was a criminal and untrustworthy, the people DID think the Democrats were too corrupt and Hilary was part of something so dark and dirty.

I agree, the massive (and sad) irony though is that in return the American people have elected an even more corrupt, untrustworthy (remember he lied way more than Clinton according to Politico, and for that matter, any intelligent person) and someone WAY more dark and dirty.

So it's a dumb jump out of the frying pan into the fire. Well done America - you are the joke of the world.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

America just gave the big middle finger to the disgusting elites of the world. LOL do you think the elites will take any notice? do you think the elites will allow a Trump presidency to change the status quo? do you think things will change because Trump is now president.? If you answered yes to any of these questions then im afraid you may have been drinking a little too much Kool-Aid

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Trump was my preferred choice of the two, but if there was a third choice, I would have chosen Crusty the clown over both of them. Personally, I can't see him lasting a full term. He's bound to do something stupid and get canned in the next few months.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

he was just too real to her fake- a- bake smile. Dirty Harry is on BS tv tonight. fitting movie. Feels like the good old days Reagan already...whoppie! ( and there's one Goldberg that's now leaving the US. Ha ) For you pups, Dirty Harry is Eastwood's best non-western

2 ( +6 / -4 )

kabukideath at Nov. 09, 2016 - 07:49PM JST America just gave the big middle finger to the disgusting elites of the world ... ... ... Not surprising as a bird IS a symbol of the USA.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

America just gave the big middle finger to the disgusting elites of the world.

And in the process gave a big middle finger to ourselves as well. You know what they say about double edged swords....

While I agree this election boiled down to, "who do you you hate more to vote for the other person", the consequences of voting in ignorance and speculation will always have dues to be paid. The next question Trump will have to be asked is, "What kind of person are you going to be as president?"

Already the US economy is starting to drop.... that's not a vote of confidence in America and what happens globally will affect us too. I wonder how long I'm going to have my decent paying job before they'll start cutting back.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Rana Sodhi at Nov. 09, 2016 - 06:59PM JST But thank god, House of Representatives is majority opposition. ... ... ... Sorry, friend. Both chambers are controlled by Republicans. I swear I had read that the projected Clinton "landslide" would sweep Republicans out of the House and win back the Senate. Another reason to thank Secretary Clinton. How could it go so wrong? Look at who planned it.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I also believe the Social Justice Warrior aspect made the angry disenfranchised white voter come out in droves, and Clinton never campaigned to blue collar whites in rural America.

She kept her campaign focused on showing minorities she was their voice while Trump appealed to majority of the population, Whites.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

in fact Trump is not going to be very tough though he is basically foul mouthed man every one in the USA knows yet they supported him including Rayan once trump is elected to office is a clear indication, American whites obviously did not want to lose jobs under outsourcing thanks to globalization he might trim the globalization like the British did in UK by going for Brexit, that means National approaches will reset is obvious ; once immigrant do not want new immigrants from their own country from which they immigrated!

that way selfishness may surface that is obvious is proved again by this election.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

America just gave the big middle finger to the disgusting elites of the world

You've just elected a disgusting elite as president .

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Trump Wins. What's next?

I am still in chock and cannot get over it but I am ready to fight like hell for the next election that is just beginning.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

You and the globalist billionaires. The Leftist establishment pulled out all stops to sway this election. False news, false scandals, ignoring corruption, biasing the 'trends' on Facebook, Yahoo, Google, on and on. The only shock is how close it was.

Wall Street elite stunned at Trump triumph


1 ( +5 / -4 )

Next what is going to be happen in usa? there may be change in lot of policies which may effect directly or indirectly to other countries.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Wow just wow I did not think Trump would win I am seriously shocked oh well

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Congratulations, America. You know what they say, you deserve the leader you vote for. I bet China and Russia are pleased, if you know what I mean. Foul-mouthed Duerte has nothing on Trump. Listening to Trump's after speech, I already feel the flip-flopping - bringing everyone together, you know all Americans (what? including Muslim Americans). The white rednecks aren't going to like this. I wonder what else he's going to backtrack on? The next four years are going to involve a big sofa and a lot of popcorn!

Oh, and waiting for the wall to be built across the border. Don't tell me, that was a joke?

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Enough with the globalists and progressives, so proud of the USA today. God Bless America! And God bless Japan too

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

The only comment I'll make is the same one I made in November of 1999... The country has made their choice and now they'll have to live with it for four years. I pray that this time our decision doesn't result in a country being invaded for phantom "weapons of mass destruction".

3 ( +6 / -3 )

@bass4funk, A very elegant and well stated post. I fully agree with you! God bless America!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Hillary conceded but the media is in mourning and says it's not over yet.

The news anchors are apoplectic.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Watching this unfold today felt very similar to watching 9/11 happen, only in slow motion. I had similar feelings of disbelief and horror as it became apparent what was really transpiring. I really don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I totally understand the vote against the establishment. I understand the Middle class discontent. But....really?

I am also left suspecting that the cult of the celebrity, the tech age worship of the characters that spill cheap one liners designed to capture 5 seconds of attention has won out over a more considered, polished, and tired approach.

But Donald has done something I never, ever thought he could. So perhaps I need to rethink him as well. I dunno. Things have got weird.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Trump will be tough on trade. Tension with other countries will be more economic and not military. Trump will have to face with US interest rates trending higher from historic low cycle. A first since the Volcker days. Expect higher inflation, more spending in infrastructure and slower world trade. Net off in longer term. Bond yields higher. Stock market adjustment from highs to lower range. More industrial jobs for Americans. Wall Street on the sideline as the focus of stimulus will be Main street.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The Season Fenale of AMERICA was interesting.

AMERICA never disappoints when it comes to entertainment .

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

If the US and UK economies perform decently in the next couple of years, then watch the global order fall apart. Goodbye globalization and "free trade." LOL.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Last time I looked, Hillary was beating Trump in total votes, but Trump won on electoral votes. The second time in 16 years that the popular vote winner loses the American election.

Meanwhile, the USA will have a "First Lady" who was illegally paid for posing nude while here on a tourist visa, back in the 1990s. And that is the least of our embarrassments.

The people of Japan and Korea had better start learning Chinese.

The people of Europe had better get ready for war with Russia.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The rabid Clinton supporters are busy blocking their Trump supporting friends, slandering, etc. etc. Eating crow seems like something more appropriate.

Congrats to Trump.

The USA did just fine with domestic industry before the 70's and 80's. I think Trump is going to get manufacturing up in the US and reduce immigration from countries that don't benefit the US.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

This election can also be viewed as a memorandum to the Mainstream Media. Who has always presented itself as the holder of truth. Reality shows that it has been engaged in a war with truth, and MSM has lost this war.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Trump = lots of new SNL content. Good business for the comedians. Does he have the thick skin that Obama and Clinton did? You know all those times Trump said that Obama was born in Kenya? And that Clinton sold US secrets to ISIS? Obama didn't care. Can Trump take the same verbal abuse? Hope he doesn't confuse the twitter Tweet button and the nuke button. What say you Trump fans? Maybe his staff will have to separate the nuke button from Trump like they did with his Twitter account? Like a child eating too much candy. He did say he would nuke ISIS. Is he aware of catastrophic consequences from just nuking a bunch of terrorists?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

US MNCs will be facing much greater scrutiny under Trump. Outsourcing as a trend from the US will be checked and reverse a fair bit. Apple, GM, Ford, etc will be checked. Tension between Police and Blacks may go either way. However, bigger business opportunities for brick and mortar local companies in infrastructure work.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Not sure why everyone is so shocked about the results. Did the recent previous presidents do better during their terms?

No!! Indigenous people are continuing to being oppressed ( North Dakota Oil pipeline still going strong). Black people still being shot ( Black lives matter )

And what about World Peace?

No!! ( invading of countries, especially in the middle east and Northern Africa.) So...America is still America. Nothing will change, but instead, trump will continue with the agenda of making America the world's superpower while bombing the hell out of other countries and killing its leaders.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

"Trump was my preferred choice of the two, but if there was a third choice, I would have chosen Crusty the clown over both of them"

There were third, fourth & fifth choices. More than 5 million people voted for Johnson, Stein or McMullin.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

What worries me is people of color who might feel that he villified them in order to get other voters. They probably feel pretty left out right about now. I'm not sure how he can repair that but I hope Trump and the GOP does right by those Americans and treats them equally, with dignity.

As for Trump himself....who knows what will happen. He will have to navigate through an odd relationship with the establiment Republicans, a group I have no love for. Maybe their creation can slap them down. Or maybe he will be a rubber stamp. Who knows.

Republicans will have to lead instead of obstruct so we will see if they are up to the task. I hope they don't touch Obamacare unless they have a replacement. My sister is stage 4 breast cancer and simply cannot lose coverage right now. Trump and the GOP need to make statements to calm some of the fear that will go around.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The two things I despise the most are bigots and misogynists. We elected both in a revolting package. Today I have shame.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

At the end of the day Trump took on the world's media and outsmarted all the naysayers. That son of a bitch has a hell of a will and sees things through to the end even with everyone trying to trip him up. Love him or hate him, this guy has some balls and character.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Reserve your judgments until Trump starts making appointments. Then we'll have a clearer picture of how things will go.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The USA did just fine with domestic industry before the 70's and 80's. I think Trump is going to get manufacturing up in the US and reduce immigration from countries that don't benefit the US. reduced immigration isn't always a bad thing, getting domestic industry up? how is he going to do that, give huge subsidies to them or put large tariffs on imports from China Mexico etc. Both will be against WTO rules and the later will most likely start a trade war with China, remembering many American companies manufacturer in China. The cost to American business as a whole will outweigh the gains of jobs that most likely won't last anyways. US & World markets just today told Trump what they thought of his policies and he hasn't even taken office yet!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It will be interesting to see how Duterte responds to Trump's win.... and if he does not change his tune... how Trump responds to Duterte.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Bringing back manufacturing jobs with see some face-off with China and Japan. Tariffs in some form can be expected. Trump has no choice as blue collar workers voted strongly for him. Expect trade tension though military tension with Russia and China (if any) will ease off.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Honestly, I just don't know what these angry white voters saw in Trump's whole history that made them think He cares about us, the little guy.

He lost a billion dollars! In one year. He uses Chinese steel, he's scammed the lower-income students at his university, he's exploited low wage labor...

I can't , I just don't want to imagine this man in the white house, his finger on butt-ons and representing America. This serious, it's not a joke, and a lot can happen in 4 years. A lot. This isn't just one in the loss column, it's a big victory for those with hate in their heart and that scares me.

So angry.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Trump has won -- (and whom we voted for). It will be remembered, President Obama leaves a legacy for people of his background.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Well. Congratulations to Donald Trump and his supporters. I can't say I'm particularly pleased with the result, but it is what it is; like it or not, Trump speaks - at least in part - for roughly half of the nation. Like many Trump detractors, I never really believed he had a chance at victory. There is a lot I could say here... I continue to have serious reservations about Trump's competence and his agenda. Instead, of Mr. Trump and his supporters I will make one simple request: You've proven me wrong. Now do me one better: prove me wrong again and actually go and "make America great again" like you promised. Just remember, we - the other 50% - are still here, and we are Americans, too.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

America is still America. Nothing will change,

America will change a lot. First change is no more Obamacare. Trump will let patients to fund for health by themselves. They should migrate to other nations if they can not afford for health. Seconly Trump is vengeful about all women who ruined his reputation with multi millions law suit. Thirdly GOP will select high court judges whoever they wished,. Trump can fire Paul Ryan as house speaker with others backing.

Unlike other presidents, Trump will be very powerful with winning more than 280 electoral college votes. In fact US of A has no longer has an opposition for balancing extreme measures of president. USA is one party rule with undemocratic government.

As high court is under his control, Trump Critics should be careful about not offending him. Although US political system is not perfect, President, Congress and High Cour used to share the power.Sadly it is no longer true.

For better or worse, US of A will change a lot including dumping old free trade agreements with other nations.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Note to the DNC: Next time you may not want to nominate a candidate who is under multiple FBI investigations.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

So America votes in a sexest, rascist and morally defunct man.....god bless America (sarcasm)

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I have visions of Charlton Heston when seeing the Statue of Liberty at the end of Planet of the Apes.

"You finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up!"

As someone said about a Trump victory, civilisation had a decent run.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Bad news for Japan, remember Trump holds grudges.

No poltician alive today holds grudges like Hillary, and a great many people, including some of her own, are sighing with relief today. Payback is a bitch, and if the king of all bitches is doling it out, well, you get the idea. I would hate to be in Huma's shoes now. And now that Hillary is not going to be president, those she squashed on her ascent will be looking for a little payback of their own. A new president means a new AG and justice department, and probably renewed interest in the Clinton Foundation

As for Trump winning, I hate to say "I told you so"! But I did. And now that I think about it, I don't hate saying it at all. As soon as the likes of Scott Adams predicted a Trump victory (even before he became the final candidate) I knew Trump would win. I can't say I am happy for it, but I am more happy than I would have been if Hillary had won.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

now you youngn's will see how to run a country. The government isn't here to cater to your exact needs and feelings...its not the internet. The most sexist, racist and morally defunct candidate was Hillary. but when you become an adult, youll learn that you cant get everything you want. okay, go ahead and lay on the floor and throw a tantrum...thank God Trump won.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

What such arrogance she didn't even come out and thank her supporters. Basically she said "f "her supporters, this is the same exact arrogance she would have said the same people who voted for her had she won the office. I was looking at the map of the US out of the 50 states she won 10. California gave her 55 electoral votes, but looking at the rest of the map it was all red which means California is so out of touch with the rest of the country!!! This state is the same state where she and Obama raked in millions no wonder its a welfare entitlement state. All of the states she won were just that ENTITLEMENT states!! Time to clean slate!!! Also OLDER Hispanics voted for Trump 29% that is 21% more than Mitt Romney received when he ran against Obama. African Americans who only gave Mitt Romney 1% of their voted gave Trump 8%, Asians gave Trump 29% what does this say people? It says the old way of campaigning is done. Making promises and not keeping this is over. I like what Trump said to the African American community which woke them up "what have the democrats done for you in the last 30 years" it is the same old promises and nothing. Surprisingly many changed their votes. Hilary didn't get the Hispanic and black vote that she had expected. Many people say Mexico or Mexicans are the problem in the country this is not true it is the illegals coming from El Salvador, Honduras, Guadalajara which is part of Mexico and Columbia these are the poorest of poorest who are coming and causing trouble and demanding entitlements. Its sad that the US election got so dirty even the President encourage ILLEGALS to vote!!! Now thats democratic desporation, now the republicans control the house and the senate and get to pick a new Supreme Court Justice. As Trump said he will be for the people AMERICAN citizens, I hope all of the people who are here who claim they can't understand English understand that. All we want is for those people to leave and come back the right way like real Legal Immigrants have come in.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It's not surprising or unbelievable. Astute observers aren't surprised. The only thing suprising is that political pundits get paid lots of money and don't know what they are talking about. Most of the commenters here are in shock but that's because they rely on CNN and Huffington Post for their information.

There were people who predicted that Trump would not only win the nomination, but win the election. We were laughed at, mocked, derided and scorned.

But we were right. And Trump did what he said he would.

So what now? Trump's speech was a good start. Conciliatory. Most of Trump's critics simply don't understand the way he operates. Just as he was a ferociously tough campaigner in the primaries but reached out after he won the nomination, he fought to win. ANd he did.

But - and many of the Trump supporters will be disappointed - he is not going to try to put HIllary in jail. He'll try to be the best President he can. He's smarter than most people realize.

If you dispute that, you need to realize that a guy who can beat 16 others, then take on HIllary, Bill, Barack, Michelle, most of the media, and most of the entertainment world, even though he is completely outspent and out organized, is smarter than most of his critics put together.

For those who lost - don't worry, the sun will shine, and he won't be putting Hillary in jail.

And for his supporters, don't be mad if he doesn't get a wall built as fast as you think or deport all the people you think he will.

I predict he will be a great President.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

bass4funkNOV. 09, 2016 - 06:34PM JST

To all my liberal homies on JT. All the bravado, all the boasting, ad hominem attacks, I'll say this as I have deeply predicted, the silent majority came out and it was without a doubt 1980 all over again.

The difference being that it looks as if Hillary Clinton narrowly won the popular vote, so it's not really a silent majority, is it. Of course that hardly matters, not with that stupid winner take all electoral college system the US has.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

The problem was the liberals got rich. They became fat cats. They used to care about the working man, now they want nothing to do with him. Sure, Dems may dominate Silicon Valley, creating the products that those in the red states utilize, but they want nothing to do with their users. Not only is there no tech support, these guys, and it is mostly guys, fly private and live in an alternative universe, and you think the underclass doesn't know?

The underclass knows you can't afford rent even if you do graduate from college, you're living with your parents.

The underclass knows that the fortunate have contempt for them.

So the underclass decided to give the fortunate the middle finger.

First they came for your union, then they came for your welfare, are you really gonna believe in the spineless Democrats who refused to stand up for you?

I don't think so. The result is Donald Trump!

9 ( +10 / -1 )

He'll try to be the best President he can. He's smarter than most people realize.

I hope so. But he ran on a campaign of fear and exclusion. If his presidency continues in that vein, bad days are ahead. Hopefully it was all just a show - he's flip-flopped on so much other stuff in the past, all we can do now is hope he'll flip in a better direction.

For those who lost - don't worry, the sun will shine, and he won't be putting Hillary in jail.

He can go ahead and put her in for all I care. For me it was always about not him, rather than about her. I was a bernie guy from the get-go.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

This was such a surprise, but I think a co-worker of mine predicted it a few months back. He commented that he believed there were a lot more people than you would expect who supported Trump but would not admit it out off fear of being ridiculed or of what others' would think.

I am "hopeful" that his behavior and comments will be different when he is in office than on the campaign trail, and that he will surround himself with good people. Putting political views aside, it is exciting to have someone elected who is not a career politician.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I really think part of Hillary's problem has been that she is so fake.

She just says what she thinks people want to hear.

She obviously doesn't believe in what she is saying.

She thinks that the people are stupid like they used to be.

I think the Internet has smartened people up.

They don't need the biased mass media any more.

By that I mean the biased major news sources that present the news as they think it should be presented.

People can get the news the way they like these days.

One big thing from this election is that the mainstream media is weakened, ineffectual, biased and in decline.

It is increasingly becoming irrelevant.

These days, people can access a wide range of much freer media and make up their own minds.

Just look at this website!

People often skip the story and go straight to the comments to get a range of opinions and make up their own minds, not be brainwashed by the journalist writing the story..

This is where the brainwashing Clintons and their ilk are failing.

The world has moved on.

But, for me, above all, Hillary Clinton is boring.

She has no personality or pastimes or foibles that might be interesting.

She is just a boring cardboard cutout elite.

That is why she lost IMHO.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Donald Trump himself has indicated that he wants to give the Treasury secretary job to his finance chairman, Steven Mnuchin, a 17-year-veteran of Goldman Sachs who now works as the chairman and chief executive of the private investment firm, Dune Capital Management. Mnuchin has also worked for OneWest Bank, which was later sold to CIT Group in 2015.

(news source)

OK, so then why did Hillary haters say she is a Wall Street Bank elitist. Look at who trump wants to hire (above).

...Wall Street on the sideline...

??? Again, see above

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Nationalism is coming, I'm sure Trump will be a good president for America and fairer with all over the world.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

OK, so then why did Hillary haters say she is a Wall Street Bank elitist. Look at who trump wants to hire (above).

Who should he hire? You?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

No more Bushes, no more Obamas, and ABSOLUTELY NO MORE CLINTONS!!!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Choiwaroyai. Mainstream media show news how their viewers want. CNN viewers differ from foxnews viewers thats why people at fox were laughing all night

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The media isn't even defending her on the facts anymore. They are only concerned that Trump doesn't appoint a special prosecutor too soon because it wouldn't look conciliatory. lol

0 ( +1 / -1 )

hachikou at Nov. 09, 2016 - 05:39PM JST As a japanese, I am extremely shocked and very dissapointed with America.... But i also realized Trump won ony inland states, he lost in California and East coast. So America is very much split? ... ... ... Good question hachikou. Split? To some degree, but the popular vote in most states was rather close. So, geography - inland vs. West Coast & Northeast (not "East Coast") - does not explain the division. Having just said that, here's the monkey wrench - spanner if you prefer - I think regional identity is involved to some degree. Ask a New Yorker what he thinks of the cities between the Northeast and the West Coast he's likely to say "cow towns". When I was in high school, it was "cultural wasteland". On the other hand, someone from the inland West or Midwest might refer to New Yorkers as elitist snobs and people on the West Coast (mainly California) as lazy potheads. In my experience both are truly inaccurate. Sure, there are such people, but there's also a great communality throughout the US. Call it shared experiences and values. The campaign was about finding and exploiting differences in the population - isolating real or imagined groups in order to customize your pitch for their vote. To make them feel special or superior. I worry that the work of this cynical "slicing and dicing vote processor" will make the search for common ground extremely difficult no matter the winner. Trump wanted the job. Now he must face this problem. I didn't vote for him but he deserves a chance.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

My guess is that Trump got in because the powers that be just couldn't trust the Hillster not to screw it up. Trump can be controlled and he will be. In any case, if he steps out of line, he'll have a nasty accident, they'll dig up some dirt and impeach him or do a JFK.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Bertiewooster. Last night when he was giving the soeech and shaking hands I through that the stablishment could kill him butbthey werent prepared for that

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Sorry to be late - I've been out celebrating, hee hee!

All I can really say here is, Whew! What a relief! Damn pollsters had me worried for awhile there!

Even with the president of the United States and his wife supporting her, Hillary still lost!

Will Whoopi Goldberg and these other celeb Hillary supporters now make good on their promises and leave the country, or in Cher's case, leave the planet (for Jupiter, ha ha ! )

Nah, as Trump said in his magnanimous acceptance speech, it's time for all Americans to unite to tackle the enormous problems we have.

Nighty night.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Bernie was right...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I understand UK media are reporting HRC will be delivering a concessional speech in New York 10:30 am local time.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Who's ready for impeachment? I am

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The only thing that America needs to fear is its self. Congrats to Trump on his win!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@ Bill Murphy

A small correction for you. Florida is an east coast state. And Trump won Florida. I agree with what you said, let's give him a chance.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Well, the WORKERS have their President! The COMMON MEN AND WOMEN who BUILD the BUILDINGS for the often condescending college graduates. The people who are routinely IGNORED HAVE THEIR PRESIDENT - just as HILLARY IGNORED the "common" people because she managed to pass a bar exam (she also failed one). AND THE INTERNET WINS - FOR SHOWING US WIKILEAKS AND SO MUCH HISTORY THAT IS HIDDEN ABOUT THE CLINTONS.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Tariffs in some form can be expected. and so can China respond with its own tarriffs on American companies and goods sold in China. last I checked China was the country were companies forsee the best growth potential in the next 10~20yrs. America doesnt want to get into a trade war with China the damage to its business interests in the country will far exceed any manufacturing jobs it thinks it can gain from new tariff/subsidies. America trade deficits aren't Asias / Mexicos fault, its Americans addiction to cheap imports , government over spending and inadequate tax revenues to cover that spending.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The people DID reject Hillary overwhelmingly

Still not strong on the maths heh, bass?

Trump got 47.5% of the national vote.

Clinton got 47.7% of the national vote.

There's nothing overwhelming about that.

I hope we don't all get overwhelmed in the next 4 years.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Well, the rednecks have their president, as do the NRA, KKK, militias and border-based brickies

Or you could say it is the first time in decades the Democratic nominee hasn't received 90% of the black vote. Also, interestingly enough the first time in 35 years that a Bush or Clinton hasn't either been president, running for president or in a major leadership position (and we still survived !).

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Or you could say it is the first time in decades the Democratic nominee hasn't received 90% of the black vote

You could say that but you'd be wrong. Kerry in 2004 received 88%, just as Hillary did this year (according to latest figures).

Also, interestingly enough the first time in 35 years that a Bush or Clinton hasn't either been president,

Well, you're wrong again. Barack Obama wasn't adopted by either family.

Such ignorance is the hot air beneath Trump's flea-infested wings.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Also, interestingly enough the first time in 35 years that a Bush or Clinton hasn't either been president, running for president or in a major leadership position

Well, you're wrong again. Barack Obama wasn't adopted by either family.

Such ignorance is the hot air beneath Trump's flea-infested wings.

Clinton supports could benefit from remedial reading classes. Clinton was secretary of state under Obama. Selective ignorance serves the democrats well....or it did until yesterday.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I'm glad it's over. This election unfortunately ended up being all about gender, more specifically (straight) white men versus white women. The women tried to win without solid support from the men and lost, Tim Kaine being a big reason why. Some of the men, as evidenced by the comments here, are now gloating: you can't win without us! Either way, I think it's good for the US over the long term: Trump will surely look to promote himself and line his pockets becoming one of the more entertaining and corrupt presidents we've had a while. In doing so, he'll discredit the more radical men supporting him. If Clinton would have won, these men would have only become more radical. Hopefully next time, we'll work together a little bit better.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So it's a dumb jump out of the frying pan into the fire. Well done America - you are the joke of the world.

I think we just gave the middle finger to the world as well as Washington thinking they are a joke for us. I never liked Michael Moore, but he was so right this time around. I think at this point we could care less what the world thinks of us.


Shhhh, LOL, whatever. it's over! He won. That's it and that's all.

The difference being that it looks as if Hillary Clinton narrowly won the popular vote, so it's not really a silent majority, is it.

Apparently, you didn't see the map, it looked like a giant red tomato. Of course it was the silent majority that came out and pushed Trump to win even a state like PA?? That State is so corrupt and so Blue and he pulled it off.

Of course that hardly matters, not with that stupid winner take all electoral college system the US has.

He may be stupid to you, but as long as Hillary doesn't get in, I can live with that, happily.

You've just elected a disgusting elite as president .

To you perhaps, but as long as the people are happy with their choice, that's all that matters.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Well, you're wrong again. Barack Obama wasn't adopted by either family.

I said in a major leadership position, which would include Secretary of State. Although I suppose between 2013-2015 she wasn't technically running for president, just the presumptive nominee.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Seriously... I just want to ask... do any democrats here really think think that Hillary was a genuine, real-deal, sincere person?

When she gave her speeches, did you think... now here is a really genuine and believable person?

Did you get that impression?

I couldn't think of a more fake person than Hillary if I tried.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

America has made it's bed, now it's got to lie in it for the next four years.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

acknowledge move on...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This is a man who referred to Japanese in a derogatory manner back in 1990 or so.

Don't be fooled by his speech that seemed to be open towards other countries. He holds grudges.

I'll feel your pain Japan.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

After 4 years or so Americans will realize what a big blunder they made! @ Northernlife ... Japan will not be fine! The impact that Americas foreign policies will have can crush the economy of Japan. Already the pension scheme in Japan is on the path of destruction and here you are saying that Japan is fine!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I hope for the best, but I fear we will see the worst. If there is anything I can be glad about, it is that I have already lived most of my life, and even if the world blows up tomorrow, I have had a good time. I do feel sad for my descendants.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I remember when I got down voted for showing my support for Trump. I remember being laughed at. Who's laughing now?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

An interesting tidbit - recent US Presidential popular votes:


2008: McCain - 59.9 million

2012: Romney - 60.9 million

2016: Trump - 59.4 million


2008: Obama - 69.4 million

2012: Obama - 65.9 million

2016: Clinton - 59.6 million

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"it looks as if Hillary Clinton narrowly won the popular vote"

They haven't counted all the absentee ballots, the majority of which are likely for Trump.

But even though there is some evidence of voter fraud favoring Clinton, if Clinton ends up winning the popular vote even by one vote,technically she should be the next president.

It looks like she got about 207,000 more votes nationwide, we can thank California for that, with Clinton getting about 5.4 million votes to Trump's 2.9 million. What's fair about Trump getting almost 3 million votes in California and Hillary getting all its 55 electoral college votes? Or Trump getting all of Pa.'s and Florida's electoral college votes when Clinton got nearly half the votes in those states?

We need to get rid of the Electoral College system. But it did save us from a HRC presidency which would have been a total disaster.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

To Yabits, Jim, Smith, Strange, Laguna and the rest of the liberals, its over, no hate, no gloating, I was holding back until I was sure, but maybe now the liberals can finally see Obama for what he really is and that's a disaster and utter failure. Bassfunk : Winner are grinners and lesser can please themselves .I have too admit I am a loser Bass Funk and Hills is a crook. I hope PT does go after Hills. I really feel like kicking the shite out her for losing the unlossable election. Those named above can acknowledge BassFunk but are in denial and are founding excuse and have buried there head in the sand. It reminds me of what Trump said about losing the election, but I won,t Trump on.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The final nail in that coffin for Clinton was the Lady Gaga speech. That had to be the catalyst for a good Trumping!

And here we are.....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Music video ...



0 ( +0 / -0 )

The chants of "Not my president!" have already started, this time from the other side

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This has to be one of the most humiliating defeats in American political history. I still can't believe the Democrats screwed up such a golden opportunity by nominating the only person so ethically challenged and inept as to lose to a buffoon like Trump. Hilarious!

If he is able to put in place 2 or 3 young conservative Supreme Court justices it just might be worth the risk of having such an impulsive person as president.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And the Democrats have now gather around the camp fires and are singing "coom-by-ya my lord" Ha, HA

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Well look at one good thing about this...marijuana is legal in California!!!!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Just read about all of snowflakes having meltdowns on college campuses. Hillary-ous! I imagine the safe spaces are packed to the gills with panicked social justice warriors. They are probably trying to figure out whose going to pay the exhorbatent tuition bills they ran up figuring that they would have Hillary to bail them out.

You got to wonder why the Left let the Dem party rig their nomination process against Bernie?

Oh and Trump will probably lose the popular vote. That's twice in the last four elections the Dems mismanaged their presidential election turnout. Blew it again.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well it was close and Trump won.

I supported neither candidate and was vehemently against Mr. Trump. Well he has won and he will soon be President Trump. Is this the end of the world? Probably not however I remain concerned. The Republican Party now has the presidency as well as the Congress and Senate so it will be interesting to see how things move forward.

The Democrats could have won this election easily with a different candidate. Ms. Clinton has too many shortcomings and there are too many questions about her ethics. Also the prime accomplishment by President Obama (the ACA) is on life support and will fail (and I am a proponent of a single payer system). However this may be repealed first.

Trump's acceptance speech was surprisingly graceful. I hope he maintains this demeanor. Only time will tell.

I was disappointed Ms. Clinton did not appear in front of her supporters Tuesday night (Wed. morning) however it was late. She did give a gracious speech as well. I would imagine she was pretty shocked at the results as I do think she expected to win.

Well the election is over now. The campaign is over and it is now time to judge Mr. Trump on what he does (or does not do).

Personally I am torn. Although I was very much against Trump it is nice to see the "establishment" get a well needed wake up call, on the other hand a Mr. Trump Presidency is definitely walking into the high risk territory.

Time will tell how this works out for the U.S. and the rest of the world. In the end the best result would be Trump actually can do something good to reverse the decimation of the middle class and the so called "global elite" pause for a while to think about the direction they have been taking the world and perhaps re-think the evolving New World Order.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Bill Clinton must be laughing hard.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I never liked Michael Moore, but he was so right this time around.

Heh, you obviously didn't read his full quote. We'll know in a couple of months if he was right, we don't know yet.

The difference being that it looks as if Hillary Clinton narrowly won the popular vote, so it's not really a silent majority, is it.

Apparently, you didn't see the map, it looked like a giant red tomato.

The map shows the electoral college. She won the popular vote.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

bass4funkNOV. 10, 2016 - 02:05AM JST Apparently, you didn't see the map, it looked like a giant red tomato.

Your failure to grasp logic is astounding. If there are a grand total of 10 people living in Hokkaido and they all vote one way, and all ten million people in Tokyo-to vote the other way, did Hokkaido win because it is much larger on the map?

Number of voters count, not land area.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It was the democrat party who elected Trump, not the republican party (few of whom are fans of Trump). After 8 years of so-called "recovery", America's working class still finds itself unemployed or underemployed. Washington has deficit-spent trillions of dollars, none of which seems to have made it to working people, it seems all the money went to the libera fat cats who live in Washington's suburbs and Silicon Valley. The people see that after 8 years of "change we can believe in" that their government is in gridlock, that racial tensions are higher than at anytime since the 60's, and that things have nowhere to go but downhill.

Then you have the democrat party choosing Hillary as their candidate. I said before that Hillary was one of the most unlikable women in America. She was not liked even when she was first lady, and this dislike was why she failed in her task of reforming healthcare at the time. Her disapproval ratings have always been very high, and it was stupid of her party to think that they could make a candidate out of someone most Americans dislike on sight. Even her supporters were not fans of her personality, overlooking it because they thought her experience as more important. As I thought back in 2008 when I caucused for Hillary, "she is the boss you love to hate, but is still a good boss."

it is funny to read Podesta's emails, and how her own people were concerned with what an unlikable candidate she was. And it is also coming out that the Clinton machine was maneuvering the system to insure that Trump became the republican candidate, thinking that he would be the easiest opponent to defeat. Trump won, but he didn't defeat Hillary, she defeated herself.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

So what does this say about the USA? That the racism that Trump started with the birther movement and continued throughout his campaign is not appealing to just the racist republican party, it appeals to half of Americans. Hatred of others powered Trump to his win. It was not economics as Trump votes are well off, the poor voted for HRC, and is not policy as Trump does not have a policy. Make America Great Again means get the people we do not like out of the USA or back to where they were before when no one cared about them. That is the lesson of the election. Also the value of women in the USA just took a huge step backwards. Many woman unfortunately voted for more distress in their lives over the next 4-8 years. Already reports of harassment of women is spiking post election. The KKK who supported Trump from day one is the most happy today. As they should be. Their man won.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

now he should declare himself a king, so his won becomes lifetime, american democracy is a joke anyway.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So now we can look forward to years of watching him wag his disproportionate fingers on TV?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

american democracy is a joke anyway.

People are great believers in democracy, that is, they believe in it when their candidate wins. When their candidate loses, they claim it was a failure of democracy, and, like you, call it a joke.

Now we will have people chiming in about how Hillary won the popular vote, and that the electoral college system is unfair. This has been said countless times by people of all parties, and no part of the election system has been challenged more than the electoral college. But when the rules were created, the states were still considered sovereign to a degree, and it was realized that a popular vote would give populous states (like California) great power to elect a president, and sparsely populated states (which make up most of the rest) little power to elect a president. The writers of the constitution were well aware that the majority is not always right, and that majority rule can lead to tyranny. As a result, popular rule is somewhat restricted, and there exist rights and rules which cannot be easily changed by a majority vote. The United States is made up of 50 nominally independent states which all have an equal voice in national elections.

Consider for a moment how the vote would have turned out if the media and pollsters were not universally incorrect in their polls and predictions. What was an electoral college victory for Trump would likely have been a popular landslide.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The writers of the constitution were well aware that the majority is not always right

Democracy - where the majority is right, except the majority is not always right.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

After 4 years or so Americans will realize what a big blunder they made! @ Northernlife ... Japan will not be fine! The impact that Americas foreign policies will have can crush the economy of Japan. Already the pension scheme in Japan is on the path of destruction and here you are saying that Japan is fine!

But what if you're wrong?

Heh, you obviously didn't read his full quote. We'll know in a couple of months if he was right, we don't know yet.

I did and I'm sure, Trump gets it. Anyway, the election is over suck it up you guys.

So what does this say about the USA? That the racism that Trump started with the birther movement and continued throughout his campaign is not appealing to just the racist republican party, it appeals to half of Americans.

Actually, the birther debacle started in the Hilary camp, but go on...

Hatred of others powered Trump to his win.

No. the reason why Trump won is because the majority of Americans are sick and tired of the looney left trying to push its progressive atheistic agenda and marginalizing the religious community, threatening to take our guns, forcing us to believe the ONLY way to enjoying life is to embrace Obama and his radical distorts policies and create a division of racism by injecting in in every facet of American life. The silent majority rose up and showed like in 1980 their discontent with Washington. The Democrats felt emboldened, felt that because Hillary is a woman, she was entitled to the presidency, the woman wasn't humble, the people saw this and said, enough is enough.

It was not economics as Trump votes are well off, the poor voted for HRC, and is not policy as Trump does not have a policy. Make America Great Again means get the people we do not like out of the USA or back to where they were before when no one cared about them.

It means, get rid of sanctuary cities, get rid of Obamacare, stop illegal immigration, get rid of common core and uplift the poor by strengthening the private sector for everyone, the racist card played out.

That is the lesson of the election. Also the value of women in the USA just took a huge step backwards. Many woman unfortunately voted for more distress in their lives over the next 4-8 years. Already reports of harassment of women is spiking post election.

That has nothing to do with Trump.

The KKK who supported Trump from day one is the most happy today. As they should be. Their man won.

Because they supported Trump that makes him a racist even though he denounced them? Obama didn't denounce the BLM thugs.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

bass4funkNOV. 10, 2016 - 02:05AM JST

Apparently, you didn't see the map, it looked like a giant red tomato.

The map shows electoral college results, not the popular vote.

He may be stupid to you, but as long as Hillary doesn't get in, I can live with that, happily.

No, I said the system was stupid. The system. The electoral college system. Not Donald Trump. Clear now?

SerranoNOV. 10, 2016 - 05:14AM JST

But even though there is some evidence of voter fraud favoring Clinton, if Clinton ends up winning the popular vote even by one vote,technically she should be the next president.

It looks like she got about 207,000 more votes nationwide, we can thank California for that, with Clinton getting about 5.4 million votes to Trump's 2.9 million. What's fair about Trump getting almost 3 million votes in California and Hillary getting all its 55 electoral college votes? Or Trump getting all of Pa.'s and Florida's electoral college votes when Clinton got nearly half the votes in those states?

We need to get rid of the Electoral College system. But it did save us from a HRC presidency which would have been a total disaster.

There. Someone gets it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

A white guy defeated a white woman in an election and the reason is.... racism? Please.

The electoral college system may be flawed, but to change it would require a constitutional amendment I think. So, the Democrats would need to win back enough state legislatures first. Then, once they had control of so many state legislatures, they would suddenly find that the system as it is isn't actually so bad.... so nothing will change.

Both sides knew the rules when they went in, so the result is fair. The GOP was able to spread their support more widely and capture more states. The Democrats were basically held to urban areas, which are concentrated in only a few states. So, they lost.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The GOP was able to spread their support more widely and capture more states. The Democrats were basically held to urban areas, which are concentrated in only a few states. So, they lost.

It's not as easy as the # of states because the electoral votes are still based on the population of each state.

A candidate can win 40 states + DC, while the other candidate can win only 10 states and be US president (the Top 10 electoral college states give 272 electoral votes - only need 270 to become president). The electoral college votes are concentrated in those Top 10 states.

It's the distribution of those electoral college votes that matters. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but where she needed them the most in the battle ground states, she lost. The math can be a little complicated because of fractions: about 220,000 votes equal 1 electoral vote. Win by a small fraction of that 220k, ya win win 1 electoral vote. Lose by a big fraction of that 220k, ya still just lose 1 electoral vote. Depends on how the electoral votes are distributed in a state. That's how a candidate can win the popular vote yet lose the electoral votes - depends on where the fractions are won or lost.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The electoral college is flawed? How is that??? Please explain that statement. I'd so love to be enlightened.

How is the system stupid? Cause it don't go with the popular vote... which would mean that the country would do what the city people want... leave the majority of the suburbs, country out? Yeah.. if you a city folk, concrete jungle living liberal troglodyte, the popular vote would serve you.

To prevent that is the reason for the electoral college!! Go back to 7th grade where they taught the constitution... well, at least in my day.

Most of these comments prove humanity is hopeless..

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Actually, the Electoral College system was instituted because the US Founding Fathers didn't completely trust the masses to do the right thing. It was their way to keep the "mob" from getting too out of hand.

So in a sense, the Founding Fathers were already kinda elitists way back when, lol

2 ( +3 / -1 )

San_DieganNOV. 11, 2016 - 01:07AM JST

The electoral college is flawed? How is that??? Please explain that statement. I'd so love to be enlightened.

Any sort of election that ends up with the person who got the most votes losing is flawed. Incidentally, it's not just the USA. The UK electoral system is deeply flawed as well but in different ways.

How is the system stupid? Cause it don't go with the popular vote... which would mean that the country would do what the city people want... leave the majority of the suburbs, country out? Yeah.. if you a city folk, concrete jungle living liberal troglodyte, the popular vote would serve you.

To prevent that is the reason for the electoral college!! Go back to 7th grade where they taught the constitution... well, at least in my day.

Rural and suburban voters have the Senate and the House to stand up for them if the President is pandering to city folk. That's the whole point of the system of checks and balances.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

For all of those who think that Trump will dismantle the Washington system, I think bitter disappointment lies ahead. It won't take long to see that you have elected an entirely unqualified and unsuitable person to be president - if you haven't worked that out already. Trump gives less of a toss about the poor working and middle class in the Midwest than any previous President. He's in this game for the benefit of one person and one person only...Donald J Trump.

Trump voters are useful idiots who've been royally duped. You'll get what you deserve.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Good news. After 8 years of Obama destroying America, maybe a bit can be salvaged, but surely too late.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Trump voters are useful idiots who've been royally duped. You'll get what you deserve.

All Americans were idiots for allowing themselves such flawed presidential candidates. Even the 3rd party candidates were loony. It's sad that the people had to settle for Trump given his big mouth and lack of experience in politics. Democrats are in shock and still trying to sort out their anger (see the continued rioting and the extreme emotional overreactions being posted all over social media).

What Trump has going for him is the desire to succeed and a lot of management experience of a large international business. He knows failure and the ability to scrap his way back to success. The one obvious good thing to me is his rejection of political correctness. The Left uses it to shut down debate in order to win debates without arguing substance.

The "diversity" police should be happy about one thing. Trump will become the first Orange-American president in history. That's quite an achievement.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

She came, she saw, she lost.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Told you all he would win :)

I had it completely wrong. Trump spent only around 60% of what Clinton did. The Washington establishment and the media were clearly on her side. The Left is much more vocal and the media amplified their politically correct message which always resonated when Obama was running. She had everything going for her and still lost. From that standpoint I can understand how completely flabbergasted the snowflakes are by the election outcome. For them the results just don't compute. They have always been told that they are winners and do not know how to handle losing.

The three things Trump had going for him were; 1) Hillary's baggage, 2) Dem's sellout of the working class for Wall Street and Tech money, 3) and exasperation with political correctness which brands all white people as innately racist. How was Hillary supposed to get a down and out white person in Wisconsin to vote for her when she was a supporter of the trade policies that cost them their jobs, was taking cash from the very people she blamed for the 2008 crash, and was telling them they were guilty of implicit racism without so much as a fair trial. They should have picked Bernie.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I'll be honest, I didn't care for either candidate, but I love seeing leftists eating crow. Thanks, Trump victory.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hilary to prison 2016...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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