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© 2025 AFPTrump would have been convicted if he wasn't elected: special counsel report
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© 2025 AFP
Wick's pencil
Yeah, because if Trump had lost, Smith could have gotten away with it. But since Trump won, Smith realizes that he would be held accountable.
The only reason felon Trump didn’t steal the 2020 election is that GOP state legislators didn’t comply with Trump’s criminal conduct.
That America’s democracy is dependent on people acting decently is scary.
Wick's pencil
Gotten away with upholding justice. You make it sound like a bad thing.
They should have locked him up
Peter Neil
not the sharpest pencil in the box.
Well unfortunately for Dems, they chose a lousy candidate to run followed by their lousy choice for President. All downvotes given to me will show how much they agree with me.
Trump is insecure,he nevered man his life,it do not stop the civil proceeding against him Google Trump Jan 6 Lawsuit
Yeah, he would, in a politicized justice system. He also would have been hounded into bankruptcy, basically for the crime against going against the the uniparty swamp.
Sadly for the swamp, democracy got in the way, which this guy in his parting shot is now complaining about...
Too bad for Trump haters, it did not happen. Just wishful thinking.
Escaping conviction was the primary reason this narcissistic sociopath ran for re-election.
Here,facing multiple lawsuits, Trump has to pay millions out of his pockets
Well, Smith was right, he couldn’t prove that Trump conspired in an insurrection act. Anyway, it’s over, Trump won and people read it and do with it whatever. 5 more days left.
Trump belongs in Jail. The biggest con man (and luckiest) the world has ever seen. His role on Jan 6th makes him a traitor to the United States. Yet the idiots voted him in again. FP.
Trump has legal dementia,he cannot remember the last crime,he committed
Then Smith should have charged him with insurrection, but he couldn’t
So you’re saying we should have on the same disastrous socialist woke path because a few people in the higher ups got their feelings hurt and wanted to change how Americans view gender, liberalism and overall outlook on life according to progressive worldview? Yeah, that experiment failed miserably, people got tired and wanted to get back to normalcy. If that’s idiotic, I’m good with that all day.
Bob Fosse
For the 7th time. Who ‘hounded’ him the first 6?
The USA must be so proud of their next felon and criminal president. What happen to this country to go so low?
Tokyo Guy
If I were Jack, I'd head back to The Hague, where I could do my job in a culture which actually respects the concepts of law and order.
He's too good for the USA in its current state.
Who cares about justice. Winning is everything.
That's the only argument MAGA has. Along with the utterly counterfactual "weaponized DOJ" nonsense.
Welcome our new billionaire overlords!
Naw, he can get a job a some local family lawyer.
“would have been”?
Awwww….but he wasn’t.
moving on.
Bass4,Jack Smith service will be long sought after,not like Trump fail lawyers
Nothing but wishful thinking going on here.
Hurray for injustice!
Our team wins!
The American people gave a just verdict. At the ballot box.
as Joe said he “could have” won. Kamala “could have” won too.
I’m results oriented and outcome driven. “Could have” means nothing.
is this the new coping phrase to pretend you didn’t lose?
Blacklabel,the only verdict was rendered was against Trump,I gonna see how people he deport on day one,put up or shut up
Of course he's guilty - of multiple felonies....
His OWN LAWYER admitted it - Eastman told Pence's counsel that the "fake electors" scheme VIOLATED FEDERAL LAW...
Greg Jacob, Vice President Mike Pence’s counsel, recounted a White House meeting on Jan. 4, 2021, in which Eastman said he told Trump that his plan to thwart the counting of the Electoral College violated federal statute.
Then the Moron stole classified, had his lawyer lie in writing saying he turned it all back in, directed his aides to hide the rest, and then destroy evidence of that crime by wiping the security tapes....and that's just his classified case....
His crooked judge Cannon has been the only thing keeping him from a far...
Potus Feloneus
A matter for judiciary, the essential importance right of the individual to face the process of open fair justice.
Certainly not for special counsel Jack Smith to to arbitrarily make his own judgment.
the judge that….released the report so you could read it?
THAT judge?
Oh, you think?
Well time to focus on what is going to happen, that 50billion lawsuit by the J6 defendants against the justice dept will go live in 5 days, real facts will come out now, and that's just for starters..
This whole ghastly charade, an attempt to exploit weaponize the US justice system to prevent Donald Trump from running for office is an outrage.
Justice was served when the US electorate overwhelmingly rejected Kamala Harris at the ballot box
Trump is a coward, insecure and suffer from a inferiority complex
Yes, but DOJ won’t try an acting president, which most people would agree is a stupid rule.
Jack Smith is correct, Trump would have been convicted, the evidence is so strong.
Biden and Garland "saved" the institution of the presidency by their transparent unwillingness to jail the serial felon, but by doing so damaged American democracy and then left it to Trump's handpicked Scotus helpers to legislate from the bench ringfencing Trump's immunity from prosecution with the result of raising the power of the office to unconstitutional heights. Once a felon always a felon is the American way and there is no reason to suppose that guy can change his stripes. The only comfort is that for a variety of reasons the old scofflaw will unlikely be offending for the full four years of his term.
The US justice system certainly was not weaponized. To suggest otherwise is pure cope.
No Sir, You Can't Convict The BOSS.
That narcissistic criminal clown will kill democracy in Jan 20..
Mark my words..
No way! The report couldn't possibly have anything bad to say about Trump. He's a pillar of society and has never, ever, ever, broken any law, anywhere ... er ... according to him.
Just refile all the charges on Jan 21, 2029, if he's still alive. He is old. Too old to hold office.
Anyone else find it funny when a Pro-CCP poster says that Trump will "kill democracy"? That's really funny.
Trump is a loser and weak. I know how much he loves those terms, especially for someone who can't tell what's fact and what's fiction.
Sounds like 100% pure speculation.
Juries can see through political persecutions.
Also noteworthy another special counsel blasted the Biden administration for a very controversial pardon.
Shouldn't it read "sitting President"?
At least that's what I got looking at this whole scenario!
And Donald wasn't the sitting president.
So, she should have been found guilty and charged accordingly
But - my trust in the US legal system as well as the US is gone.
Biased Supreme Court judges, bought by the right.
Nepotism in the making.
Inciting, instigating, dividing, insulting, cheating ... the list continues for the upcoming "administration"!
Behaviours, the equal application of law and order.
The Smith "witch hunt" is a deceitful discriminatory discredited use of the judicial system to remove a official candidate running for office.
Right and wrong in the same sentence. Yes he would have been convicted by the current corrupted system, but not because the concocted "evidence" is "strong". I hope there will be some house cleaning in the DOJ.
Peter Neil
BlacklabelToday 09:08 am JST
a statement used a lot.
americans throw out democracy as the best political system.
and the worst is fascism, where you only have one choice.
but in american democracy, you only have one more choice.
the difference between the best and the worst is one choice or two?
You don't need top agree or support Trump, even be a republican to question Smiths political motivation, to suggest Smith obsessive pursuit of Trump is fuelled by loathing blind bitter hostility.
Smith twisted logic.