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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump's campaign reeling after crude comments on women aired
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Don't give me that BS - "if anyone was offended" - don't pretend it was so long ago - I'm 51, and Trump was older than I when he made those remarks - and don't disguise it as "locker room banter" - any acquaintance of mine who had made similar remarks would have found themselves completely cut off from me. And don't try to pretend that the remarks do not fit into a very disturbing pattern.
It is over for Trump. He is toxic; every day he remains on the GOP ticket is another day more downticket votes move to the Dems. The only reason the GOP hasn't reacted more strongly is precedent: How do you remove a candidate in October?
There is zero way Trump will get out of this. There is little chance he'll even make it to November. Heck, I wonder if he'll survive until Sunday's debate - though I hope he doea. He has a lot to answer for, and Hillary is just right to question him.
This perfectly sums up Trump's attitude. It should be his new campaign slogan.
Simple, he supports sexually assaulting women, etc. Probably goes down quite well with many, many if not all of his supporters which is no surprise. He is only sorry he got caught out, nothing else. Utterly repulsive man.
The only escape for Trump now that I can imagine would be the Steve Martin defense: "Oh, c'mon! I was I was talking about her cat!"
The guy is a pig and a grub - just like his brainless supporters. I hope they are preparing all their excuses/conspiracy theories, it will be hilarious to read them all in just over a month!
Simon Foston
Here he is trying to spin it:
Pretty much what you'd expect but then...
I imagine the usual Trump groupies will be along soon with a stream of "what about Bill and Hillary" comments so I think it's worth reflecting on some more of The Donald's wisdom, from 2008:
It wasn't important back then but now Trump's trying to get out of a mega hole he's dug for himself and jumped in it clearly is. Something for his adoring fans to ponder on, maybe.
" I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" Gee I wonder who said that? Crooked Hillary and Kermit the frog 2017
If this doesn't sufficiently derail the Trump campaign, I'll bet there are many more, equally vulgar, tapes that will be released. The only thing that surprises me is that we have not seen this type of thing sooner. How many Republicans are kicking themselves now, for not supporting Rubio, Bush, or Cruz during the primaries.
Many Republicans (Trump's own party) do NOT want him elected. They fear he would end the Republican party: bombastic comments, reactionary policies, shoot-from-the-him diplomacy, while everyone associates his actions with the Republican party. They don't want him as president.
PS--Sensational and negative news about both Clinton and Trump will be told in the next three weeks--it's an election, and somebody, somewhere has been waiting for the right moment to splatter their secret.
Simon Foston
yakyakOCT. 08, 2016 - 01:54PM JST
Trump himself said that was totally unimportant, remember?
The start of the "October Surprises" for this disgrace of a human being. A disgraceful leader of a disgraceful party. This is what the Republican party have become.
And. They. Did. It. To. THEMSELVES...
Get ready for him bowing out obscenely in a screaming orange ball of flames in the next debate.
May we name it the Trump Infamy? Shame on you Trump and your hired defenders who remind me of the Communist "diplomats" and "dictators." Let's hope that the Republican Party will replace him as soon as possible.
Leader of the party of "family values" talking about his affair with a married woman. Fantastic. The Christian right must be so proud. Let's see their defense of the adulterous scumbag cheating on wife number three... in five, four , three, two one...
Basically saying the same as what Kanye won the Grammy for. And as far as that goes, the press ate it up when Bill Clinton made his 'astroturf' remark. I don't remember the NYT calling for him to resign (he was already President so disqualification from election wasn't an issue):
'Gold Digger' lyrics:
Make America grope again.
NCIS Reruns
Hail to the Sleazebag.
Bubba has done far worse! Hillary approved.
Translation - we like our sleazy perv more than theirs. Problem is, Bill's not running for president.
Problem was he lied to the world regarding his sleaze ball lifestyle while he WAS President and it was all approved by his wife. Hmmmmm wonder what she was up to ?
Not a single comment from the Trump supporters on what Trump actually said.
Should we take this as tacit approval?
Bill had a couple of affairs. Trump had many. Hillary forgave Bill. Trump's ex-wives didn't. Bill is not running. Trump is. And now there's audio evidence of Trump's sleaziness. This is probably the last nail in the women-vote coffin for him, and I don't see how he can win without them. You better hope those Hillary speech leaks are a doozy. So far they seem to only echo her previous support of TPP.
They'll still support Pence because of his stance on abortion and his hateful attitude of those in the LGBT community.
And some of Trump's biggest supporters, the gun hobbyists and the gun industry, couldn't care less about what he says about women (and non-whites of either gender for that matter). As long as they think they'll be able to buy as many guns and as much ammo as they want, and as long as they can remain hopeful he'll push to let them have even more powerful weapons - think fully automatic .50 caliber assault weapons- they'll back Trump.
Both candidates deserve each other.
Saving the best for last!
"Look over there Bill Clinton!!"
The apologists are already out in full Denial. Hehe, good luck defending Dear Leader against the meanie biased media waaaaaa.....
It didn't work when they tried to impeach him, and it won't work now. I know Bill is an adulterer, but that's not going to win Trump the election. His supporters are already disavowing him, and his financial donations are about to dry up. The election is all but a formality now. I look forward to seeing your comments on November 9th.
in the words of JT, which should be applied to the trumpet:
It's going to be interesting to see Trump's campaign manager Conway put her usual cringing spin on this. Her credibility is gone forever I hope she actually gets paid by Trump. Actually, no I don't...
Was this tidbit held in preparation to counter Wikileaks first October Surprise release, also made today?
Because Trump's comments are the top item on the Google News home page, and today's Wikileaks release is the fourth item down the page.
Fwwt-fwwt-fwwt catch the squirrel!!!
If you're immune to squirrel whistles:
You seem uneducated or disseminating. Bill C has rape accusations, pedophilia accusations (orgying with underage girls on Jeffrey Epstein's island), and a reputed love child with a African-American prostitute. Are you sure Hillary forgave him, or just stuck with him because he was the only way forward and she didn't have a choice?
It's kind of funny that their best chance at winning the election lies in their opponents faulty behaviour. I think if it were Rubio v. Clinton or Biden v. Trump, neither would have a wiff of the White House. America, you did this to yourself.
Right-clicking the Google News items to see the "Number of sources covering this story" for each of the items, for Trump's comments it hit 750 news sources and is still climbing, and for the highly-anticipated Wikileaks October Surprise 1st tranche, the graph peaks at 140 news sources and then dropped to 25.
Dems playing hardball!!! Media compliantly chasing squirrel!!!
I'd say Hillary's collusion with Russian uranium magnates (who operate by the grace and consent of his majesty V. Putin) has a lot more to do with fitness for the presidency than Trump loudmouthing in a locker room.
Trump is probably being covered more because there is an actual controversy there.
You know, there is a really easy way for him to stop being top of the media: Stop saying dumb ass shit and being a general sleazebag.
Does this mean that Donald is taken off the board and Pence is moved forward to a black square?
I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Pretty smart strategy.
All that would be terrible if it were true. But even your link says there's no real evidence for it. I'll hold my judgement until I see some. There's evidence for Trump though.
She always has a choice. And does it really matter why she chose to stay? It's her decision and she's the one who'll live with it.
"You seem uneducated or disseminating. Bill C has rape accusations, pedophilia accusations (orgying with underage girls on Jeffrey Epstein's island), and a reputed love child with a African-American prostitute. Are you sure Hillary forgave him, or just stuck with him because he was the only way forward and she didn't have a choice?"
Thank you Turbostat
@ turbotsat How much does it bother you that the mainstream media doesn't cover the obscure articles you reference? It must irk you to no end. Also, just out of curiosity, which is greater, your support for Trump or are you a anybody but Hillary type of person?
Simon Foston
onedragonOCT. 08, 2016 - 02:44PM JST
There we are - right on cue, saying exactly what you might expect.
turbotsatOCT. 08, 2016 - 03:14PM JST
Has it occurred to you that this might be because the new Clinton stuff from WikiLeaks isn't really all that incendiary?
Near the end of the article, easily overlooked due to the stunning effect of the main topic, is a gem that I look forward to the trumpeters justifying away. Not easy to deflect by pointing at Bill for this:
Diplomats also told the AP that Russia had lodged a formal complaint with the United Nations over a U.N. official’s condemnations of Trump.
Isn't looking good for Trumputin at this point!
Berlusconi did/said much worse and we all know what happened. Plus who's surprised by those 'revelations' anyway?
I guess with Trumps blessings the fairy tale of Hillary and Huma can now live happily ever after.
Still not a single comment from the Trump supporters on what Trump actually said.
Should we take this as tacit approval?
I think if you listen carefully he admitted to SEXUAL ASSAULT. And, remember, he said it at 59-60 years old, not in a ha or college locker room situation.
Hardly equates with overthrowing legit governments and killing thousands of people, approving the sale of weapons of death to evil nations, wouldn't you say? You lefties will never address this and just thumb it down. It's OK, I understand, But back at-cha; should we take this as tacit approval?
This is entirely indicative of who the real Trump was and is. Enough of this "nobody respects women more" b.s.
Certainly gives the lie to Trump's vehement denials of the AP story of his inappropriate behavior on The Apprentice
"Hitting on married women? Condoning assault? Such vile degradations demean our wives and daughters and corrupt America's face to the world," Mitt Romney
Vote for this misogynistic clown and whether he's elected or not you will be held accountable.
An outtake hidden in the archives of 'Access Hollywood' for 11 years magically makes its appearance within a few hours of Wikileaks' exposé of Hillary's uranium dealings and Wall Street speeches. Uh huh.
Collusion for profit with Russians on matters impinging on US national security isn't incendiary?
He's clearly not talking about unwilling participants.
Remember, reactionary rightists hate PC. I'm sure many are proud that his words sound just like the ones they use down at the local gun club and at monster truck races.
Having said that, it is a bit surprising that the trumpeters aren't defending their messiah. All they can do, as usual, is deflect and change the subject. Maybe after this their wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and daughters have let them know how deplorable they think Trump and those who still support him actually are.
"Hardly equates with overthrowing legit governments and killing thousands of people, approving the sale of weapons of death to evil nations, wouldn't you say? You lefties will never address this and just thumb it down. It's OK, I understand, But back at-cha; should we take this as tacit approval?"
I'm with you on these things. Can you tell us why Trump wants to expand an already grotesquely bloated military?
So, do you think what Trump said was disgusting? A yes/no will suffice.
Why is this so difficult?
Simon Foston
turbotsatOCT. 08, 2016 - 04:31PM JST
It doesn't seem to have done Donald Trump much harm.
An "anybody but Hillary type of person". Every chance she gets on any role of responsibility she turns in such a negative performance she shouldn't even be under consideration, but the media gives her a pass every time.
It doesn't irk me, how could I not be used to it, after the last ten years? More like a SNL skit with media falling all over themselves not seeing the elephant in the room.
But look at JT: re JT's top page and World page right now. No mention of "Wikileak" on either. So the only mention by JT must be the bit that's buried in the second half of the article we are looking at right now: "Trump's campaign reeling after crude comments on women aired". After months of speculation in the media on what Wikileaks' October Surprise would be.
Yeah! TRUMP/PENCE 2017
The old white racist hateful republicans think it's OK. They just hate Hillary because it's in their DNA. They hate Hillary the way a dog hates a cat. It's just in their DNA. They were born with the genetic disposition of hating Hillary. They see Hillary and they begin to hate no matter what.
Really? Hotels have aught to do with US security? Are they hotels full of uranium?
Do you think we should offer a free night out to a strip dive where you are allowed to grab the women by the p____ to the first Trump supporter who can comment on what Trump actually said?
You seem to be trying to say there is some sort of scandal here. Spit it out - what exactly is the scandal about releasing it at an opportune time? Are you new to the idea of politics or something?
@ turbotsat Thanks for your response. I respect your answer. I wish the Democrats would have chosen someone else. Heck, I wish there had been more than 3 people running in the Democratic Primaries. I don't know where Trump surrogates find the energy to go on. Every morning, they must wake and and wonder how Trump is going to sabotage his own campaign. I don't think today's news would have been so damaging if he didn't have all those self-inflicted wounds leading up to today, starting with Megyn Kelly, Rosie O'donnell, the Gold-star family, and the beauty queen.
Can the Republicans change their candidate at this late stage? I was reading some comments from many Republican bigwigs and they don't seem too happy with him.
Just as defended B Clinton (I don't identify with either party) with "it's none of our business about his marital relationship and affairs" from the Ken Starr BS, I will say the same of D Trump. None of our business.
Odd how the tables have turned when most lefties agreed with me then, I now have 6 thumbs down and counting.
heh I understand nowhere else to go eh? Billy's not running for president.
Goes to character... a very poor one. Goes to temperament. He can't help himself. Goes to honesty. Obviously lied about his behavior on The Apprentice and about respecting women more than anyone. Goes to intelligence.. Not that bright to get caught on a hot mic that way when you're a misognyistic douche. and much more to be said.
Funny the contortions that Trump supporters have to go through to continue supporting this guy. Pretty pathetic.
The most amusing thing about all of this is watching Republican supporters try to defend or deflect away from their number 1 guy.
Because, I wanna know if he Is the worst US Presidential candidate in history?
Tax cheat, xenophobe, racist, misogynist, bully, loudmouth, etc, etc.
That's the closest we've got to a Trump supporter commenting on what Trump said. A bit slippery and very wishy-washy but thumbs up for the attempt.
Mr. Trump needs to be fired from his job. Comments have repercussions. He isn't fit to be President.
Vote: None of the Above.
Donald Trump and Bill Clinton seem to be in the same boat ... except one talks about it and the other actually does it. Where oh where are the "good guys" in the U.S. political world?
People shouldn't really be surprised. Guys who are rich and powerful and who'd had many women, especially younger women or even married women, often suffer from such affluenza syndrome. If you've lived long enough, ya folks have certainly encountered such persons. This isn't limited to Donald Trump. It just means that Trump is the same old, same old as those rich and powerful guys. He's no different.
Trump is done.
Do not assume anything. If you do not vote, you are voting Trump.
Be very careful Trump supporters are setting up violence on November 8th.
Yeah, ummmm....what's the word I'm looking for..ummmm...that's it!...double standard.
I noticed many didn't address my other comment....
Probably just thumbed it down and moved on without taking a nanosecond to realize it's true. Sick-n-tired of the warmongers, the banksters, the MIC, CIA, the Economic Hit Men, the Moderate Rebels (lie), etc. Are you Hillary supporters going to tell me that this will not continue with Queen Hillary?
Oh please try to tell me how open minded and liberal you are while supporting this murderer. Can't wait for that.
I agree, Global. He's finished.
More reports are surfacing now not just of victims being groped but of more serious serial assault by Donald Trump. And they're going to keep on coming.
I remember some of our current Trump Beliebers preaching 4 years ago about Obama having "no moral compass". Remember that insanity anyone ? Now the party of "family values" elected this disgraceful, elitist, pampered, sexist, racist excuse of a human being as their leader....
Oh yes. The Meltdown is here. He will try to cause civil unrest when the sheer gargantuan size of his upcoming defeat becomes clear.
Trump's "apology":
Yeah, Donald. Kinda like cheating on your wife and then going to court to enforce a very restrictive prenup - actions. (Where did that leak re your taxes come from, Don? Chickens have a way of coming home to roost.) It's cute that you still think you'll make it to Sunday. Way to be optimistic! But taking it to Hillary in this way is absolutely disgusting. Don't take my word for it - go ahead, knock yourself out! Please, continue speaking: your mouth is a shovel with every syllable deepening the hole you're in, a hole too deep for you ever to escape from but still widening to topple in a growing number of downticket candidates.
It is over. Whether you step aside now or cling on to the bitter end, you have lost, and lost badly. The only succor for you is that you will go down in history as the absolute worst choice for presidential candidate ever made, ever - and a symbol of the last breath of the "Tea Party" - i.e., the deplorables. But, please, in the meantime, keep speaking. It's just too much fun.
2 words for you....
nuff said.
...let's also not forget the timing: He made these remarks a few months after he married his third wife, who was pregnant then with their first child.
Think I'll move Utah into the blue column. How embarrassing now it would be for a state to admit they're so backwards that a majority of their citizens would support this cretin.
Near the end of the article, easily overlooked due to the stunning effect of the main topic, is a gem that I look forward to the trumpeters justifying away. Not easy to deflect by pointing at Bill for this:
jDid anyone actually watch the tape ? He and his friends were joking around and he was having fun scandalizing them, saying that when you’re famous, you can do this. They were roaring with laughter.The reaction I’ve heard lends me to believe that more men may back him. Most have been in conversations just as bad if not worse. And I know a few women who would give them a run for their money.
What a repulsive man.
Disgusting that this is a person that is that close to the presidency, and shows how low things have gone. Equally disgusting are those who seek to minimize this man's past misdeeds..
God help the U.S.
Utah blue? Historic! and yet...
Yup put me down for a beer.
As the son of a mom, the brother of a sister, the uncle of a niece, the grandfather of a granddaughter, and the husband of a wife, this sickens me. The remarks are repulsive, repugnant, and reprehensible. I can not fathom why ANY female in the U.S. would vote for him after these remarks. Bye, bye, Don the Con. GO HILLARY ! ! ! C'mon guys, let's make history together. I'm with her ! 1/20/17 - "Madame President."
Doesn't work that way, Lizz. This is not the famously chaste Carter admitting that he'd "lusted in my heart"; this is a man buried in accusations that have heretofore been "he said, she said" controversies suddenly recorded in the act of vocalizing what for him is normal behavior. Even without his sordid reputation and history, those comments cannot be called "joking around." Such comments would get a college student suspended; for a 59-year old, they are simply way, way beyond the pale. Simply, inexcusable, and disqualifying as a leader of America.
More will come out in the next few days; many women who felt their accusations would not be taken seriously will be emboldened, and the majority of Americans will now lend credence to their stories. Trump seems to think a weak non-apology will suffice. What a fool.
I still doubt he'll last until Sunday's debate. It's 7:00 AM, Saturday, in New York now and guess what will consume the news for the next 48 hours.
Wow, Trump says rude stuff when he is in a "with the lads" moment. Big surprise......not. Honestly people, haven't any of you ever said something nasty in a moment of alcoholic haze, when bantering with friends, etc.?
I prefer a rude candidate to a corrupt one. It's not a pretty choice, but it is what it is.
Just shows how bankrupt the Democrats are of real ideas if all they can do is character assassination. BTW, whatever happened to last week's flavor, Miss Universe? Kinda faded away, didn't it? As this will.
It's one thing to make comments like that when you're with your closest friends. But he was making those comments to some guy who was just out there for the day (the guy sounded like way more of a tool than Trump).
Do you think it's not going to continue under King Don?
I now live back in the states and I am embarrassed for a portion of my fellow citizens. It is astounding how many people I speak with who shrug off these comments and continue to support this buffoon. And many of them are self-proclaimed Christians.
I am thankful that it appears he will not get elected, but it worries me that this should even be close. Granted Clinton is flawed, but she is not dangerous. Trump is unhinged, more like someone you would expect to be leading a insignificant nation.
I am mostly surprised at how many of my fellow veterans support this loose cannon. Why would you want someone leading you that is more likely to chase an unnecessary international conflict?
Trump is in the running because he has fomented anger and brought the angry bigots out from the shadows. Not all Trump supporters fall into that category, but they are numerous enough that they make what should be a blowout, a close race.
I fear the direction the US is going. I hope we do the right thing.
Not just you.
When Trump first put himself up for nomination, I figured he'd never get past the primaries. I thought even Republicans were sensible enough not to nominate this fool.
Then he wont he primaries, and I figured the American people were sensible enough for him to not even have a chance.
Yet here we are a month out from the election, and he's doing fairly well, with lots of support, even after weekly controversies that would have sunk any other candidate in any other election up until now.
It's a condemnation on the people of America. Sure, they are likely to still be a minority (after all, his strong poll numbers are only those of registered voters). But the fact that there are even that many of them living in America is an absolute disgrace.
America once stood for strong ideals. Now it stands behind a bigoted tax-cheat womanizer. It's sad.
badman: "And many of them are self-proclaimed Christians."
And no doubt ALL of whom would say "The Clintons are immoral because Bill cheated on his wife!" then would go cow-eyed and shrug when you pointed out Trump's on his third wife for cheating, and many of whom have probably done the same thing.
Trump is done. Like others on here, I doubt he'll last until election time. I hope he does, though... I want to see just how much of a landslide against him it will be, and how badly he will destroy the party if he stays on. He already has Republicans fighting each other in every corner, and even has FOX correspondents like Dumpy screeching and preaching at others.
Bill Clinton was more of a panty grabber.
They only have themselves to blame. They have fostered an environment of hatred, following Fox "News" like sheep, for decades. Now they have the candidate of hate. They deserve what they got.
As far as Trump being gone, I don't see it. He'll push through until the bitter end.
There are some guys you banter with, and some guys you tag in your mind as, "don't let him date my sister." Trump was describing sexual assault. I've never in my life, and I'm guessing most guys here are the same, engaged in a banter session where we bragged about grabbing women by the crotch. That's a special kind of scumbag.
Smith- You are right. They HATE the Clintons. Its astonishing.
I also wonder how many votes Obama would have received if he had 5 kids with 3 different women. If anyone claims there is no white privilege then ask them that.
I think Slick Willy went up in approval after his cigar ordeal. Trump should now be at least 10 points up!
If Hollywood had written a film script for this presidential election, I would have called BS on it for being too unreal. and as comedian Jim Jefferies quoted about electing Trump, " theres a little bit of me that says, frack it! let do it, let do it and see how crazy shite can get!! "
My fellow liberals, as I said before, Trump could KILL someone and these loyal right-wingers would still follow him as this man represents to the core WHO these people truly are. And you all know that word. They are in such a need to have someone so evil, so racist, so abusive, that only Donald has risen high enough on their obnoxious meters and they know it will be a long time before another idiot will come along with these horrible traits. Enough said.
Hey, guys, I don't know what year you think it is, but those paying attention have noticed that Bill Clinton is not running for president. Shall we garner faults from any or all of Trump's wives and lay them at his feet?
He's definitely trying too hard to be a guy. Makes me wonder if he's trying to cover something up.
Also, he tried to open the bus door by knocking on it. "You might be a rich guy if..."
My comment on what Trump said:
Nothing that a large percentage of guys dont talk about in private when women arent around, boasting and talking about who they did or wanna get with. Unfortunately for him he was recorded and now everyone's wives and gfs are telling them how offended they should be. I cant believe how many holier that thou people are around all of a sudden. Trump talked about it but Clinton actually did it. Big difference.
Trump actually did it too. Have you been ignoring the news? He was cheating on his first wife with the woman who was eventually his second wife.
But if you're looking for big differences, Trump is running for president, Bill isn't. Big difference.
This story should do a good job of showing us who is an anti-Hillary bot and who actually supports Trump.
The bots will continue attacking Hillary. This story doesn't change much of anything for them since Trump's name is rarely mentioned.
The people who actually support Trump will take steps to try to defend him.
Others will default to, "Both are horrible." Those will be the former Trump supporters who aren't anti-Hillary bots who have jumped ship.
The racists and bigots don't care. They will probably enjoy stirring the pot a bit. Expect some trolling.
The bots and bigots will always give Trump 30% of the vote. That's my guess as to where his floor is.
Simon Foston
BlacklabelOCT. 08, 2016 - 09:19PM JST
No, Trump talked about what he did.
Trying to put that kind of "Trump's all talk" spin on this really isn't going to work.
Well guys the media is calling it "P****"gate". @Simon 9:53 PM JST - Exactly ! GO HILLARY ! 1/20/17 - "Madame President" ! FOR SURE !
Funny thing is, John F. Kennedy, one of our greatest leaders, wouldn't stand a chance of getting elected today with all you open minded lefties.
This is just so much fun watching liberals get their undies tied in a knot about this. How many presidents had affairs in the past, how many times has Bill Clinton said inappropriate words to women? Why the double-standard and why are we so concerned with what Trump said a decade ago as a celeb, unlike Clinton, he wasn't a politician, if it's Bill or Hillary, I understand their past counts, but Trump is new at this, so from the time he started until now, whatever he has said, counts and not the past, or should we bring up Jennifer Flowers or Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick or Monica Lewinsky, if you libs don't mind and want to be fair, then let's dig in everyone else's past and use it to their political advantage. Personally, I could give a rats...what Trump did or Clinton for that matter, as long as you can govern the country properly, it's none of my business what you do privately. In France, this wouldn't even be an issue.
Could be, but at lest she will be greeted by a GOP House and Senate. Oh, well, here goes unity out the window and prepare for more gridlock.
David Howell
I have never been in a locker room and I have never said the kind of things Trump said. He should withdraw and leave it to Pence. Poor old Pence has to keep making excuses for the scumbag.
this is not news this is paid propaganda by the clinton campaign.they are using any useless info to cover up their crimes.
Its definitely ironic that the republicans who have been going on for years about the sanctity of marriage are suddenly reduced to defending their adulterous leader and defending his actions. The level of hypocrisy in the party is telling of just how far the party has sunk. I guess it never was really about the sanctity of marriage with them, it was about taking a holier-than-thou attitude.
Anyways, I guess the rightist press has finally released the spin on this, since we are starting to see the rightists spinning it. And the spin is that 'it's no big deal', 'Bill did it too', and 'it was a decade ago'.
As far as spin goes, those were about the only options they had.
Looks like our buddy bass4funk is starting to come around ! You're certainly right about the House and Senate. But President-almost-elect Clinton will probably be appointing two judges to the land's highest Court. Oh, yeah, they will have to be approved by those aforementioned legislators. Maybe we'll get a trickle-down effect and take the House and the Senate, you never know ! 1/20/17 - "Madame President" ! Get used to it guys ! To borrow a phrase from McD's, "I'm loving it" !
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 08, 2016 - 10:37PM JST
Liberals? Who's saying anything about liberals except the likes of you?
Just who is it coming out with some of this stuff?
"Personally, I could give a rats...what Trump did or Clinton for that matter, as long as you can govern the country properly, it's none of my business what you do privately. In France, this wouldn't even be an issue."
Can you look at yourself in the mirror and claim that you never used Bill Clinton's sexual behaviour as ammunition to attack the Dems? Be honest.
Now the US rightists are holding up the French as a model of how the US should be more enlightened and progressive as a society when dealing with sexual matters.
This is incredible. Trump has forced the US right to admire the French.
A Trump presidency would be the end of the GOP. Every stupid thing he did would be associated with Republicans.
"President-almost-elect Clinton"
She did give us quite a scare, leading most of the polls, but with her scandals continuing to unfold almost on a daily basis, plus after she gets creamed by Trump on Sunday, she won't be able to be elected dog catcher.
Simon Foston
JimizoOCT. 08, 2016 - 11:29PM JST
Quite. And let's not forget who was all set to start laying into Hillary Clinton over her husband's behaviour at the upcoming debate.
They're all liberals and socialists in France, aren't they? Except for the neo-nazis?
Trump was never a true Republican and doesn't even act like one, he's populace that's running on the Republican ticket and No one is really defending his actions and the ones that are, so let them, liberals defend Obama and Hillary on everything, so if conservatives do so with Trunk, let them. Who cares? Only Hillary supporters care or the people that NEVER wanted to vote for Trump anyway, but by now, we are all used to Trump and his mouth, so pardon me if I find this story a sleeper.
If anything scares me about this woman, it's exactly that, but this is the reason why I think liberals for all their BS talk are hidden socialists. They don't want a fair and down the middle Supreme Court like what we had before, 4 conservative and 4 liberal and a tie-breaker, they want just all liberal progressive judges and damn the people, who care if they want balance, it's all about what liberals want and **** everyone else. I'm just waiting for us to adopt the Old Hammer and Sickle emblem on our old glory.
"...and so I face the final curtain..."
I'm not a big fan of Obama, but never has he stooped to such consistently low levels as Trump.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité and HillarybenghaziemailsROFL.
We know you hate hypocrisy. Can you tell us you've never used Bill Clinton's sexual behaviour as an excuse to attack the Dems?
Funny, so does Trump. You have more in common than you think. :)
Robert DeNiro had some choice words for Herr Gropenfeuhrer.
So Trump tried to get laid (but failed), made some comments about a woman's body and mentioned that most women let famous dudes do anything they want (more true than false).
I really wonder about men who could be mad at a guy trying to get laid? Didnt all you righteous people ever try to do that?
Apparently not the lefty JT crowd. They all married the first girl they dated. Upstanding gentlemen who never cheat on their wife and never cuss either. Stay home and watch Japanese variety shows or reruns of Little House on the Prairie. I'm sure their one friend is probably a drunk just to give them some life back into their b#lls.
"I really wonder about men who could be mad at a guy trying to get laid? Didnt all you righteous people ever try to do that?"
I tried to do that before I was settled with my partner. I'm not famous and so I never tried grabbing women by the genitals as a way to get laid. I tried talking to them and making them laugh.
Come to think of it, even if I had been famous, I don't think I'd have grabbed women by the genitals.
It isn't what civilised people do and my friends with would have thought I was a piece of s###.
I look forward to a positive Clinton presidency, but my concern is both houses. How do we get to get a majority blue and make a lot more positive changes to America. More and more republicans are in danger of losing their seat, which is outstanding news, but is it enough? Any ideas?
Seeing the reaction to this, I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to release it a couple of days before the election.
But then I wonder if they don't maybe have something even more juicy saved up for that!
Come to think of it, even if I had been famous, I don't think I'd have grabbed women by the genitals.
Did you watch it ? Trump said he couldn’t get anywhere with the woman. When she wasn’t willing to have sex with him, he didn’t have sex with her.
If Trump wins, he will have grabbed the White House by the Pency.
Yes, I watched it. Trump said you can grab women by the genitals when you're famous.
I think that's wrong. Am I prudish?
Bass, Serrano, Lizz
Better quit while you're behind! Like it or not, there is no defending Trump anymore. He is gone.
Mike Pence and even Giuliani should get away from the campaign. Trump is fatally hazardous venom to any politicians.
How broken of a human being do you have to be to STILL be a supporter?
Trump was married to cure t wife when the video was taken. Poor. Girl finally commntt Ed to nosy reporters. Brief but you can bear she said UNACCEPTABLE
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 08, 2016 - 11:51PM JST
Except that conservatives aren't defending him - not decent ones, that is. John McCain has just withdrawn his support.
It amazes me that anyone's shocked - what he said privately is exactly in keeping with his boorish, nasty, sexist public persona.
I always thought Trump was a candidate planted by others to destroy the Republicans. Now I'm sure.
Only to highlight the hypocrisy of liberals that's all.
Yeah and liberals defend Hillary, so what about it? Oh, and by the way, the Washington elites (or the Great Oz) never liked Trump to begin with, so they never wanted to support an outsider in the first place and then did so begrudgingly, now some are bailing, they're worried about their own political futures-Not surprising at all.
"If Trump wins, he will have grabbed the White House by the Pency."
Har! But in fact, he will have been propelled into the White House by the people's refusal to put Hillary Above The Law Wall Street Clinton into the White House.
"How broken of a human being do you have to be to STILL be a supporter?"
Incredible how many JT posters still support Hillary Above The Law Wall Street Clinton...
Even the GOP wants the idiot to step aside. Could Pence take over the campaign? Either way Hillary will win by a mile.
He's basically admitting to crimes. Can't wait to see him get trounced again in the debate tomorrow.
Other than crude bitter white men who post Trump - make America great again signs in their front yard who actually supports Trump now? What were Conservatives thinking choosing Trump? i guess Conservatives are having buyer's remorse?
And no matter what they still trash Hillary for the simple reason that they hate her. They just hate Hillary because she's Hillary. But she is really a very competent person. I mean did she say grab his d@@k?
You want someone sane? Vote Hillary. And just think that Obama's approval is at a high. Too bad because he would make a third term president and continue to have the Republican party implode since they all think he was born in Kenya.
And now (News quote)...
Donald Trump to Howard Stern: It's okay to call my daughter a 'piece of ass'
Hillary says thank you. It's been nice knowing you Republican party. Really? What were Conservatives thinking choosing this crude person?
What hypocrisy would that be?
Simon: "Right,,, okay, well... you see, there's fantasy, which is stuff that only happens inside your head, and then there's reality, which is all the stuff that happens everywhere else except maybe other people's heads."
We'll see on Nov.9, won't we.
serendipitous: "He's basically admitting to crimes."
No, he's admitting to guy to guy banter.
nishikat: "What were Conservatives thinking choosing this crude person?"
We have a choice: Political correctness, or fix America's problems. We'll choose the latter. Big League.
The GOP better not force him out. He was democratically elected by Republicans and that's that. No second chances just because you made a mistake.
One of America's best political writers, Jamelle Bouie:
I guess it took Trump insulting white women to get the GOP to react.
Simon Foston
SerranoOCT. 09, 2016 - 10:50AM JST
I'm not so sure in your case. I mean, you seem to be of the impression that everything is going absurdly well for Donald Trump. It may be hard to convince you he's lost even if Hillary Clinton wins every single State.
With DT?
@Lizz "When she wasn’t willing to have sex with him, he didn’t have sex with her.”
Are you sure you know what you are saying? You demand an woman to have sex with him and she said "No". and it happens in business situation. That's called at least "sexual harassment", In plain words that's "sexual assault" in the modern world.
@serrano - are you still defending p*&%y-grabber Donald?
Doesn't bother you that he thinks that folks who were for the War in Iraq are losers? (you know, like anyone else who disagrees with him) Hmmm?
Trump said. "It all started with her bad judgment in supporting the War in Iraq in the first place.
"Though I was not in government service, I was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war, and yes, even before the war ever started," Trump said.
The bias media have made this into a entertainment election vs the real meaning and symbolism behind be a leader of a country. This kind of garbage and what remarks one made 10 yrs ago is out of line even for the media. Rather than have both candidates get behind what is really important issues and address those, then be fair and bring up the what Hillary has said about her own party and was released by Wikileaks and posted but the media moguls behind Clinton blocked the site and instead one could not read the actual articles and the media remains silent. Too bias in my opinion. I would rather see what both candidates have in mind for Russia placing nukes on Polish borders, yet the mass media ignores this. The Philippines are about to break ties and yet more important is junk garbage news from 2005 remarks. Please bias media cut the pony show and get to what is really important for both the US and the world.
Because the person whose viewpoint is under question is not Bill, who is old news, but Hillary, who's been reputed by multiple Clinton insiders to have used the N-word in private on more than one occasion, at least back in her Arkansas days.
To any normal person it wouldn't have mattered if the prostitute was black, white, or green, but not to a closet racist. She should have cut him off when hard evidence turned up that he'd been having unprotected sex with prostitutes. But that would have ended his plan for a presidential bid, and hers as well. Anyway, she overcame her (reputed) racist propensities and stuck with him.
I have read some comments and Trump's supporters' point of view are incredible. "If Bill Clinton did that, then Trump can do equal or worse". Clinton maculated the image of Presidency. That stain will always be there, in his biographies. However, the President of any nation is supposed to be the apex of morality and right-doings - he's the reflex of his country. Clinton should have been impeached. His wrongdoings are no excuse for Trump to excuse his own ones. I do hope he's not elected.
Hmmm .... Bacchus, vs Beelzebub ... what to do, what to do? ...
If I am American voter, I do not concern much about Trump or Bill Cliton womanizing activities. What will they reform the sluggish Economy, sky rocketing foreign debt, high unemployment, inequality, reconciliation between black lives matter and cow boy policemen and excessive gun crimes are real important matters for voters.
Hilary has been senators for three decades. All of the problems are getting worse under her watch. She talks a lot about the solutions however she concerns more about highly paid speech rather than fixing problems. She is not the solution.
Trump may not pay tax for a long time. He might has fresh and new idea for fixing the problems. Let' give him a chance for something new and different way of solutions.
Now he says that he didn't do the things he says he did to women. So he admits he was lying and is a lier. What else is he lying about? Being a billionaire? (so he does not release his taxes?)
That the Democrat party and their media sycophants now try to play the morality card is rich. How times have changed!
Listen, and understand! Trump and Trump supporters are out there! They can't be bargained with. they can't be reasoned with. they don't feel pity, or remorse! And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until the USA is dead!
Dear sf s2k, luv u 2:
(Fixed): "Listen, and understand! Hillary and Hillary supporters are out there! They can't be bargained with. they can't be reasoned with. they don't feel pity, or remorse! And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until the USA is dead!"
Proof positive:
'The most transparent administration in history ...'
I am in no way a supporter of Trump and think his presidency would border on dangerous. However, the bias in the 2nd debate was beyond anything I have every seen. Both the moderators and Clinton went after him right out of the gate. Both moderators are extremely partisan.
Trumps's words (over a decade ago) were crude and disgusting. However, if those in favor of a Clinton presidency (which would seem to be the entire media based on recent Wikileaks releases) wanted to open the closet door and release the skeletons then they should be prepared for some type of retaliation. It is a fact that President Clinton was serviced by an intern. Also there is a reason he paid Paula Jones over 800K. Finally Ms. Clinton has said some pretty bad things about these women (contradicting her correct statement that any woman who is a victim of a sexual crime or harassment has a right to be heard).
The 2nd debate became a farce as right out of the gate the moderators chose to set the state by making the first topic of discussion the tape of Trump's disgusting conversation. In this case Trump was left with no other chance than to point out the hypocrisy of this. There are few things I agree with relative to Trump but this is one of them.
I agree - President Clinton is not running for President, but his wife is, who laughed after getting the rapist of a 12 year old girl off based on technicalities.
In Korea on business it was interesting to hear the Korean perspective on our election. They unanimously have the same feeling I think many Americans have that Americans are left with a choice between two very poor candidates. They see Trump as dangerous and Clinton as corrupt as the day is long.
The farce that the debate further strengthens my belief that the American public would be much better served allowing the non major party candidates to participate.
If I had a gun to my head and I had to choose one of the two I would choose Clinton. However I would realized that what I am choosing is corruption and a continuation of policies which will decimate the middle class, increase corporatism, and eventually likely lead to a one world government and loss of sovereignty for the U.S.
I believe Clinton will win the election. TPP will be enacted (as she has said she has a public and private position on issues), race relations will continue to deteriorate in the U.S., and real wages for the middle and lower class will continue to decline while corporate profits continue to increase (as has happened over the past couple of decades).
Sioux Chef
Correct. So stop bringing him up.
This is an outright lie.
Don't see any lie in it. And, posting Washington Post as an unbiased fact checker? Next you'll be posting snopes.
Sioux Chef
It is a lie. Unless you actually have evidence (other than the Orange Clown saying it, of course) . . .
You're right:
Regarding the laughing:
Link to audio:
Regarding getting the guy off based on technicalities:
The whole thing has been debunked with all the relevant supporting evidence, but as reality won't let the smear campaign continue, the alt-right just keeps on ignoring reality and repeating the lies.
Fortunately others of us live in reality.
Strangerland - I am quite well settled in reality and have been for quite some time. As stated if forced I would vote for Clinton over Trump and I like neither. However Clinton's treatment of the victim was not good and her laughing while stating she lost confidence in the polygraph as a result of what happened with her client is pretty bad.
I feel the U.S. (and maybe others - I think you are not American?) have become so polarized in this election (for whatever reason) that people are unwilling to see fault in "their candidate". This applies to staunch Trump supporters as well.
It seems there are those that seem Trump can do no wrong (although students of Trump U would have something to say about that) and those that seem to think the Clinton family can do no wrong (however Haiti would have something to say about that).
The Wikileaks stuff coming out about Clinton is damning. However this is certainly not unique to Ms. Clinton (would love to see similar leaks related to Rumsfeld and Cheney).
The U.S. is on a fast downhill slide to the lowest common denominator (not in the top 20 in any worthwhile metric - infant mortality, education, etc.) and while the political parties and their supporters point fingers at each other things continue to slide downhill and may approach the point of no return.
This election seems no different.
Where exactly is the lie in the phrase you called 'lie' on: "but his wife is, who laughed after getting the rapist of a 12 year old girl off based on technicalities"?
"Until this weekend" in "Clinton had, until this weekend, never previously suggested that she actively sought to be removed as counsel" is relative to the July 7, 2014, a month after the Free Beacon reopened the issue when they found the Reed tapes.
She's laughing about how she bamboozled the judge into letting her client off with a very light sentence, 1 year minus 2 months time served, vs. the 30 year sentence he was looking at. On at least four different points.
Or what do you think she's laughing about?
Hillary in an affidavit blamed the victim, with no evidence presented, with claims she sought out older men and made prior false accusations (which the victim recently refuted).
Re the plea bargain:
Really? But Hillary also said that she herself obtained the plea bargain, in her autobiography, mentioning nothing but the technicality of the evidence the lab lost:
Typical to point to a few questionable items that aren't even debunked, ignore what can't be addressed, and claim 'debunked!'
Interesting to see you get down votes with no rebuttal. I am certainly no Trump supporter however it seems on these boards you need to be 100% in for Clinton or your opinion does not matter.
Thanks for elaborating on my insufficient explanation on this issue and providing further clarification of what went down with Ms. Clinton in this case.
In my humble opinion this is much worse than Trumps comments about grabbing crotch as it related to a real rape, real destruction of a woman's life, and real release of a dirtbag back into society
You're welcome. It's good there is the audio to refute the revised hagiography. Re the 2008 Newsday article, the author said the editor buried it:
Newsday put the 2008 article online a few days ago, maybe they have a different editor now or he had a change of heart:
yak yak: You really don,t understand attraction. Ms L was attracted to Bill. Bill was quite handsome and has a full head of hair and his own teeth. Where Trump. What can I say! he is so unattractive, plan dumb, has a comb over since he was 7years old and small hands.
Dre Hund
Did I just hear the Donald say, "Comb this"? Think about it. Every Trump hotel room has a tv. Every tv has porn available on it. Every single room. Do you really think Trump hasn't invested in it?
Bassyfunky boy, we HAD that under the guy that YOU VOTED, remember he Patriot act and unlimited spying.
Queue deflection, and some comment about how Liberals are the worst thing that ever lived, and even anything that didn't, while entirely ignoring the patriot act and unlimited spying.
So George Bush was a liberal? Who KNEW? You repigs have some serious twisted logic. The liberals, true ones, opposed the patriot act, and unfortunately not enough had enough backbone to say no to it, including Clinton.