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© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Turkey-Dutch relations worsen after Turkish visit banned
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The Netherlands far-right don't want the Muslims coming into their country, while the far-left don't want authoritarian Erdogan envoys in their country.
It's a perfect storm that they both don't want the Turkey FM.
Erdogan is aggressive and has a foul mouth. Looks more like he is the fascist here.
Having seen some of the photos coming out Rotterdam showing Turkish rioters kicking Dutch police while on the ground, I'd say this entire episode has been a huge gift from Turkey to Geert Wilders. No prizes for guessing what his next campaign ads will feature.
Dutch voters will enter the polling booths on Wednesday March 15, Erdogan could well have swung the vote in Wilder favour.
Erdogan acting like a real Turkey, but his supporters lap it up.
Turkey was offered any opportunity to hold a small scale meeting in their consulate or embassy, but the government of the Netherlands made it clear, that a political campaign by a foreign power on Dutch soil, in public no less, was undesirable, especially since it concerns a referendum to take away power from the Turkish people and give it to one person, Erdogan, a wannebe dictator, something that is unheard of and cannot be supported by an open, democratic society like the Netherlands. Turkey replied with threats of sanctions and insults, later followed by an appeal to Dutch-Turkish citizens to come out into the streets, with mayhem as a result. One has to wonder about the sanity of these Turkish double passport holders, coming out into the streets clamoring for democracy, human rights and freedom of expression, something they fully enjoy in the Netherlands, but is taken away from them in the country where their priorities seem to lie. You want to be a Dutch citizen? Then your priorities lie with the Netherlands and you don’t need a Turkish passport. If your priorities are with Turkey, then by all means go there.
There are very real security concerns that justify banning these sorts of Turkish political rallies. In Japan, I wonder if there will be another massive brawl at the Turkish embassy on April 16th? The Kurds will undoubtedly show up to vote against Erdogan and his supporters. It's probably best to avoid the area on that day.
Now that's chutzpah.
Erdogan wants to control other countries as he controls his own.
A small update; the Turkish Minister Betul Sayan Kaya, as mentioned in this article, has been marked as an "undesirable alien" and thus has been forced to return to the country she entered from, Germany in this case, from which she took a plane and returned to Turkey. Being marked as such means she isn't allowed to enter any of the Schengen countries until she successfully disputes this.
If they go back to Turkey we can see that nothing of value was lost I doubt most have the guts to move back anyway.
Geert Wilders is inflaming the situation, Erdogan response is making matters worse.
Erdogan talking like a Dutch uncle.
For a Turkish PM (sided with the axis powers in WW2) to call the Dutch (who suffered under Nazi occupation) Nazis beggars belief. That the Dutch don't want the Turks to fight their battles in Holland seems reasonable. Or am I missing something?