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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Turkey won't apologize to Russia over warplane downing
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Bravo. Unlike Obama, it is nice to actually see a national leader draw a line and stick to it.
Obama has stuck to his line, which is what is bothering the Republicans so much.
In Paris yesterday, Putin said:
"At the moment we have received additional information confirming that that oil from the deposits controlled by Islamic State militants enters Turkish territory on industrial scale.”
“We have every reason to believe that the decision to down our plane was guided by a desire to ensure security of this oil’s delivery routes to ports where they are shipped in tankers.”
The downing of the bomber has nothing to do with territorial integrity.
the refugee
So how come the rest of us have not seen this evidence?
Nor should they. It has to be accepted that when you explode bombs and missiles on foreign borders that mistakes are going to occur on both sides. If Putin wanted an apology, he should have been much more mindful of that, and much more thoughtful as a response. Instead he balled up his little fists and acted like a spoiled child.
Isn't it nice that they could operate with such impunity before that they didn't even need air-to-air missiles? Then they belly-ache about chivalry when their parachuting pilot gets killed! Reminds me of the knights of yore. They though dying on the battlefield was the job of peasants of both sides. Knights would slice them down in droves while arrows went "klink" and axes went "thunk" off their armor. Then came the crossbow and any peasant could take down a knight. So they appeal to the Pope to ban that "evil" weapon. Ridiculous! And cowardice and hypocrisy still go hand in hand today!
And they also belly-ache about the rules of combat while they blow up a market place in Ariha full of non-combatants from their comfort of their jets.
Perhaps if Russia wants an apology, it should first set the tone by apologizing and stop attacking non-combatants?
Until this incident, Russia was very open about its operations. They had special communications set up with Turkey to avoid these problems and they informed NATO forces of the bombers' flight paths. So they assumed (wrongly) that they did not need air-to-air missiles. They learned the hard way that NATO can't be trusted and that they must themselves ensure the safety of their military.
@jerseyboy"it's nice to actually see a national leader draw a line and stick to it".
Some westerners always praise any anti Russian actions even in case if the mentioned actions are done by terror group or terror sympathizers . We can see it all the time, here and there. It seems those westerners, mostly from anglosphere, are driven by personal cowardice, in particular and inferiority complex, in general.
@the refugee"if Russia wants an apology".
I think Russia is going to find an effective way for revenge, not apology from Turkey.
the refugee
You are looking at this completely wrong. The primary reason they felt they did not need the missiles is because they know the people they are bombing have no aircraft of their own to challenge the Russians with.
I think you meant "intended" flight paths, cause in war, things often don't go as planned. If I start blowing up stuff on the street outside your house, do you think you are going be totally calm and relaxed just because I hand you a daily report of my "intentions" every morning? Or do you think you are still going to be on edge? You do know explosions sometimes go wrong right?
For Pete's sake, you are exercising the same faulty logic that thinks as long as one says "collateral damage" that people will just excuse the killing of their friends, neighbors and family by errant bombs or even those right on target. It DOES NOT work that way.
Why would you think those degenerates would apologize for any of their wrongdoings? Have we heard any remorse for the Armenian genocide the Turkish people committed? Yesterday a Russian warplane entered Israeli airspace. Israel communicated with Russia, the plane left Israeli airspace and no one was hurt. Why didn't Turkey do the same?> Because they wanted an incident with NATO covering their back. They can terrorize anyone with impunity. Kick Turkey out of NATO and apply strict sanctions if not just for the steeply discounted oil they buy from ISIS that allows that group to exist.
Of course they (turks) aint' going to apologize. Here are people who couldn't even recognize "a moment of silence" for the 11/13 victims in Paris before a friendly soccer match vs. Greece.
Instead of a moment of silence for those victims, they had the nerve shout (the notorious battle cry), "Allahu Akbar" or "God is Great." What nerve.
Turkey has been a major player in arming, training, and supporting the terrorists. They (especially Erdogan's son) are making huge profits from the illegal sale of IS oil. Turkey is very much to blame for the civilian deaths.
And I am still not convinced that the bomber crossed the Turkish border.
. . . and if it did, it is reported that the russian aircraft had only been in violation of Turkey's airspace for only several seconds.
The Turks used very bad judgement shooting it down. Worse, obama said that was a consequence for Putin's involvement in Syria. And if it were an american pilot shot to swiss-cheese by Ak47 gunfire as he parachuted down, the president would've thrown him under the bus too.
the refugee
I think what actually happened is that it was REPORTED yesterday that Russian jets had penetrated Israel airspace several times, including one that went as much as a mile inside. But you have to remember, that Israel is totally on board with Russian aims, and Turkey is not. Having your friend do something dangerous in or near your territory is completely different from having and trusting a rival to do the same. The Russians knew well they could relax with Israel, and so they did. And they knew they were walking a fine line with Turkey, and so they did.....until somebody screwed up. I am still not 100 percent sure who, but, if Russian jets could make the error of flying a mile into Israeli airspace it sure seems they could penetrate Turkish airspace easily while bombing just off the border doesn't it?
Seriously guys, I don't like the Turkish government anymore than you do. But seriously, just try to put yourself in their shoes for a minute. They are not friendly to Russia. As a NATO member basically opposed to Russia, they are like a NATO finger in Russia's face. Right there on the front line, they are sensitive. Russia has zero wiggle room, yet, knowing that, Russia toed the line.
Has Putn apologized to the Dutch yet?
Nor are they friendly to Americans.
Originally, there were 15 countries in the USSR. Add in Crimea - that makes 16. Add in Syria and that makes one of the biggest empires in many years. How does the USSR get to Syria - though Turkey. Putin knows he can out bluff NATO and any other alliance. President Obama was elected to keep the USA troops out of the mess. Let the neighbors and Europe handle the situation. The USA is busy defending Asia, forever.
Indeed, the Russian jet was at most in Turkey for a few seconds, but I would also add that it was hit in Syria while it was moving away from Turkey. And Turkey knew the jet was not a threat.
Jeff Ogrisseg
Why would Putin need to apologize to the Dutch?
Jay Wilson
Russia got what it deserved; it violated Turkey's airspace despite warnings not to do so
And regarding the intrusion of the Russian jet into Israeli-controlled space (lot actually part of Israel), Israel stated that:
"Russian planes do not intend to attack us, which is why we must not automatically react and shoot them down when an error occurs."
Now this is the normal sane approach that Turkey should have followed, but did not because they wanted to punish Russia for taking away their illegal oil profits.
Sorry - Turkey suddenly attacked Russian bomber without war declaration. It's crazy
Expect more reactions from Russia against Turkey. Now there are thousands of Turkish trucks with perishable foods that are rotting on the Russian border. No more Russian tourists or Turkish people employed in Russia. Expect the ones there to be deported soon. What a great victory for Turkey! Now Russia has its bombers protected from NATO fighters. Russia will take ISIS and Turkey out of the illegal oil business.
@JeffLee"They were easy meat for the Turkish pilot flying an American-made plane".
Yeah, that's what I am talking about. A rather imbecile sort of fun and excitement when anybody, even pure terror group makes some problems for Russians. There weren't high combat skills of Turkish pilots or technical superiority of "US-made hardware" when heavy bomber was suddenly attacked from rear hemisphere by fighter interceptor. Besides, that SU24 had no air-to-air missiles.
seems to me that the russians are becoming the heroes in this war against ISIS while the US keeps backing countries that keeps funding ISIS like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Seem like NATO is well on its way to becoming ancient history since the EU is planning to fuse its milltary by doing so it would not need NATO anymore in the world wich in part scares the pants of the US because it would lose its influence on the EU and they would no longer be able to invade countries that won't bend its knee to US Imperialism oh excuse me its manifest destiny.
The su-24 is not a "heavy bomber." It's quite small for a bomber and supposedly flies at supersonic speeds. The crew and radar should have been able to detect the f-16s and their missile lock-on. They should have taken countermeasures, like releasing chaff, and tried to evade the f-16.
They appeared to have done none of these things. The Russians simply lack the proper skills, knowledge and technology to be operating in Syria, which makes them easy targets. It's time for them to go home.
I don't mind Russia contributing in Syria. I wish they would spend more time bombing ISIS, tho.
But...if US warplanes were bombing ethnic Russians near the Russian border and habitually invading Russian airspace in the process you'd be pretty daft to think Russia wouldn't respond. That doesn't excuse Turkey but Russia should shoulder some of the blame as well.
JeffLee the Russian pilots were not expecting to be attacked by their "friends" the Turks. Now of course they expect to be attacked and are covered by fighters and ground to air missiles. This is the core of the problem. Russia use to regard the Turkish people as friends and since being stabbed in the back are now enemies. Turkey is saying "We have the right to kill your pilots and lets be friends" and from Russia "NYET"!
@JeffLee"The su-24 is not a "heavy bomber". It's quite small for a bomber and supposedly flies at supersonic speeds".
The maximum take off weight of SU24 is around 44 tons. It's bigger than MTOW 34 tons of SU30, the fighter interceptor. Also many heavy bombers are able to flight on super sonic speeds. Even a huge TU160 can fly on super sonic speeds.
"The crew and radar should have been able to detect f16s and their missiles lock-on. They should have taken countermeasures".
Russians knew that Turkey was an official member of CJTF-OIR, a coalition of foreign countries against ISIS. So, Russians shouldn't have taken countermeasures against jets of supposed ally in fighting ISIL.
"The Russians simply lack the proper skills, knowledge and technology".
Lol. The opinion of some arm chair commando in regard to military skills and technology of Russians is really priceless !